Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 31, 1850, Image 3

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    11.i~ |. t or supplied br, and the nme arc
hereby repealed so lar as tin y effect the county
of Mifflin.
SECTION- IT. That the sheriff of Use said
county shall in due time notify the said commis
sioners of their appointment, and when arid
where tiicy shall meet for entering up >n the du
ti<s assigned them by this art, whicti place of
meeting shall be as near the centre of the coun
ts as possible.
SECTION Id. It is hereby enjoined and made
the duly of the sheriff of the county of .Mifflin,
to cause this act to be published in all the pa
pers of Mifflin county for three successive
weeks immediately after its passage.
SECTION Id. The poor house farm now owned
by the borough of Lewistown shall be sold by
tlie Burgess and Town Council of said borough
as soon alter the erection of the county poor
house as the same can be conveniently done, and
upon the contract for the saie being approved
by a resolution ol the Rurgpss and Town Ooun
the Chief Burgess is hereby authorized and
r .-quired to make a deed to the purchaser thereof,
attested by the corporate seal of said borough,
and the proceeds arising from the sale of said
f rm. and the personal property belonging to the
s line, shall be paid into the borough treasury
t >c the. general purposes of said borough.
Approved the twenty-second day of April,
one thousand eight hundred and fifty.
I do certify that the within and
foregoing is a true and correct copy
!of Sections Nos. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6, 7,
'B, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18 and 19 of the original Act of the General
Assembly entitled " An Act for the erection of a
House lor the Support of the Poor in the County
01 Mifflin : authorising the Overseers of the Poor
of Lycoming county to sell certain property tie
longing to Waller Potts, an insane pauper ; rela
tive to the Boundary Lines between the States
of Pennsylvania and Delaware ; to Elections in
Philadelphia county ; and to holding Courts in
J iniata county ; and to taking Excessive Interest
from the Bank of Lewistown," approved April
2M, 1850, as the same remains on file in this
Witness my hand and the Seal of the Secre
tary's Offlcc. at Ilarrisbug, this twenty-fifth day
of April A. D. one thousand eight hundred and
fifty. ' A. W. BENEDICT,
Deputv Secretary of the Common wealth.
Crcat ISargains at Thomas'
Cheap Cash More!!
"1 AM now seiSing off my stock at LESS THAN" PHILA
-L DELPHI A PRICES, and to all who want bargains
will say that now's your time I DRV GOODS will be re
tailed at prices sueh as follows :
LINENS for Pantaloons at n, 10 and cento per yd
CALICO that cost la cents will now be sold at 10cent9.
BOOTS and SHOES, of superior manuftM'tre, are nf.
fered below city price*, besides a thousand articles t< o
tedious to metiti--:i selling after the same fashion.
I have also a fine assortment of choice LIQUORS,
among which is some of the best Monongahela Whiskey
ever offered. Patent Scythe Sneil.s ; CHEESE. HAM,
SHOULDER, and DRIED BEEF ; Also, a fine stock of
Cooking, Nine Piate, and other STOVES, lower, tnuth
lower, than Philadelphiajirires. Alsc,
Salt. Filt and Planter.
Fishing Tackle, suih as Trout Rods, and Cane Rods at $ I
per hundred.
The \ews fVom California
By ihe last steamer are so encouraging as to have induced
i„e to sell off, pull up stakes and make tracks for Ihe F.I
Dorado. Hence 1 am determined to sell out, /to to Cali
fornia, and try wiy skill in gathering yellow gold. The
Iraseof the room 1 occupy has still two years to run, and
the BEST STAND IN TOWN* for the business,o thai
greater inducements for any one having a mii.d loeniburk
in the mercantile business is rarely offered.
Two Carpenter* Wanted*
The undersigned being a enrpe titer by trade, wishes to em
ploy tw o carpenters, young nten, to accompany him to Cal
ifornia He will pay their passage and give them a chance
to work it out None but sober, steady men need apply.
If the good# are not sold out within two months, they
w ill be sold at auction. As good bargains as were ever
offered are now to be bail. Come and see for yourselves
Remember o few doors west of the Black Bear Tavern.
All in Lewistown. For further particulars apply to
Lewistown, May 31, 15>->0 —tf
BY virtue of a writ of Pltuits Venditioni Ex
ponas issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Perry county, Pennsylvania, and to me
directed, wilfbe sold on the premises on
TUESDAY, JTiiwe 25th, I*so.
it 30 o'clock A. M.,the following described pro
perty seized and taken in execution as the pro
perty of R. C. Craig—viz :
A Lot of Ground fronting sixty feet on Main
street, in the borough of Newton Hamilton,
hounded on the north and east by Samuel Drake,
on the south-west by John C. M'Kinstry, and on
the south-east by ttie Pennsylvania canal —part
of said lot lying on each side of said street
Also—His Interest in a Lot of Ground front
ing sixtv feet on Main street on the north-west,
or; the north-east by bridge street, on the south
east by the Pennsylvania canal, and on the south
west by George VV. Askins, with a large Irame
ware and store house. &c., thereon erected. ;
Aiso A Lot No 4, in Newton Hamilton, six- ,
t* feet front on Main street, more or less, and
140 feet deep to an alley, with a three story brick
house, a stable, and other improvements thereon,
bounded bv J. J. Cunningham, William Allen, ■
and others.
Also—One other Lot of Ground sihiate be
tween Main street and the Pennsylvania canal,
in the borough of Newton Hamilton, being sixty
feet in front on said street and Pennsylvania ca- •
<M, more or less, and 24 feet in width or depth,
with a large three story frame warehouse thereon
• rected, bounded on the north-east by J. J. Cun- i
mnehain and on the south-west by Wm. Alien.
Ixiwistown. May 31, 1830. S
N. 11.—Purchasers at the above She r it: seaie
are hereby notified thut the amount ol tii*? f-i! <*
will be required to be paid immediately on the
properly being knocked down,or it will be forth
with resold to the highest bidder.
8 jt V virtue of <in Alias Order ol Sale to me
I> directed from tiio Orphans' Court of Mit
?! n county. I will expose to Hnle ut the Court
House, ir the borough of I.ewistown, on
llOM)AV, July I
it o /<■ !'tf-k 'n the af'ernnon the following de-
H-nbfd JtHAI. ESTATE. I*' ( ' KOKOE
•■v irwAK i/, deceased, to w t:
On" tin it" lot of ground situate on tne north
• !•> of 'i'hird street, in Lewistown, being .It)
' more or less on raid street, and extending'
'*• ; same v. idth to public al'ey. adjoining h'<
' if'.'v. J. Rosenberg on the east, aim tot o
H. Iloiiimin on the west, having thereon
* "•!<• ami „ |,a)f story fiaine dwelling house,
- id o'hi-r improvements.
ii.U Ms. —-One half of the purchase money
,j i'Sh! on confirmation <•( llit* .*>••• and the
,;, 'r f.alf to ho paid in on* 1 thereafter,
■' i iu'ereat, to be seenred hv bond and mort
■''•uaiiie property, if M. Ci)N 1
'vwit, may y4, InV.I-dt irus'.cti.
Lewistown, May 31, 1850.
ni f'atit by Dealeri. Retail.
NT? .. * $4 s<) s:> oo
>\ heat, white - 108 1 10
r> rc ' (l - 103 1 05
, R / e * - 50 00
* - 51* 37$
;? rn ' * - 50 50
Cloversced old, 3 00
Do new, 3 00
Flaxseed - - 1 (to i 25
I Timothyseed - - 2 00 *2 50
Butter, good - . JQ JOJ.
Dggs 8 8'
Lard (j g
Tallow - 8 iQ
Potatoes - . 60 62$
I'HIL* DEt.rHiA, May 30, ISSO.
Fcorn—Shipping brands are held ai *5 Extra Flour
jsiso a Jli. Rye Flour—l'enna. is held at $0 91 n£3
Penna. • orn Meal is held ai $ ' 00. Wheat is now in ac-
I live demand—red is sclline freely at SI 25, and prime
white ai $1 30. Corn is in demand at 0k for good round
yellow ; white ii worth 59e. Pennsylvania rye is held
at 01c p*r bushel. O its are still very scarce ; prime
| Pennsylvania, from store, sells at !3e; Southern is
! worth 38 a 39c.
I* oocr. The news by the steamer Asia, showing a
further advance, has unsettled the market for Howard
street Flour. Sales of 3PO bbis. w ,r- made at .s,'>.3l], and
i r>! ' hbls. at sh.3~ j. Some holders refused to take less
j than 371
" PRUNES, &C., at A. A. BANKS'
my3l Diamond Drug and Variety store.
RI DISII. has added a fine assortment of
SUMMER HATS and CAPS to his stock
• —embracing fine PANAMAS, and all the inter
mediate qualities down to STRAW and CIIIP.
j Call and see them.
Operations on the Tcetli.
T¥7" OULD inform the public that he has re-
T T turned to Lewistown with the view of
j making it his perminent place of ■residence,
and is now ready to be consulted on the busi
ness of his profession. 11 is Office is in the front
{ room of the second story of the Rank [my2ltt
PERSONS wishing to purchase any of the
interesting and instructive publications of
i for Sabbath Schoo's or families, can he
at the residence of JOSEPH MILI.IKKN, op
posite the Town llali, Lewistown.
1 have now on hand a variety of Libraries.
" The Sunday School and Family Library" con
j sists of ItM? select volumes, from 72 t0252 p. gos,
lßmo., substantially bound with inu-din backs
and marbled paper sides. Only $lO f or t| te
Library. Also,
The \ iilage and Fatni'y Library, at $3 00
The Child's Cabinet " 2 50
The Juvenile •• 5.00
The Youth's " 0.25
The Infant's M o 12$
Biblical Antiquities,
" Dictionary,
Way of Life,
Cottage Lectures,
Bunyan's Holy War, Ate. &c. Sir.
Hymn Books, Spelling Books, &c.
This Depository will he kept in this place
until about the middle of August.
It will be seen by examining these books,
together with a catalogue of the publications
of the American Sunday School Union, that
they are sold as cheap as they can be had fur
j in the Philadelphia depository.
Agent for the Am. Sun. Sch. Vniem.
N. B.—lt is my intention to visit during the
| summer, Huntingdon and Mifflin counties, for
the purpose of establishing Sabbath Schools,
and supplying with books those schools a!ready
established. The first several weeks will be
spent in Huntingdon county.
May 24. 150—3t S. J. M.
J <nxrl E asl Kishacoejuillus Turnpike Cow
puny, That there will be an election held nt
the house of WAI. BROTHERS, in lteds
ville, Mifflin county, on THURSDAY, 20th of
June, 1850, to elect one President, five Mana-
S gers, and one Treasurer, to conduct the affairs
of sßid R->ad til! the first Monday of November,
1850. By order of the Commissioners.
M, BUOY, ( secretaries. may 24 td
Audit o r'w Not ice.
It HE undersigned having been appointed
, Auditor to distribute the balance remain
ing in the hands of JOHN CEPPI.ES, Esq., ad
ministrator of the estate of JOHN MARTIN,
late of Oliver township, dee'd, to those legally
entitled to receive it, will attend at his office in
Lewistown, on WEDNESDAY, June 2Gili,
IKK), for that purpose, where those interested
can attend, W. J. JACOB.
May 21, 1*50—41
Auditor'** Notice.
TfflllE undersigned having been appointed an
sl Auditor to report on exceptions filed, and
to re-state account if necesarv, of THOMAS 1
WATTSOS, administrator de bonis non of
township, dee'd, will attend at his office in
Lewistown, on MONDAY, June 24th, 1850.
for that purpose, where all persons interested
mnv attend if they think' proper.
May 24, 1850-4t J AS. DICKSON.
Auditor's Notice.
fill IE undersigned having been appointed an
Auditor to make distribution of the bal
ance in the hands of MICHAEL MILLER, admin
istrator of HENRY MILLER, lute of the
State of Ohio, doe'd. will attend at his office in
Lewistown, on TUESDAY, June 25th, 1850,
for that purpose, where all interested may at
tend if they see proper.
May 24.'18504t J AS. DICKSON.
Auditor 7 * Notice.
Robert M'Manigil, Esq., 1 ) In the Common
Sheriff of Mifflin county, I Pleas of Mifflin
now for the county, vend. e.rj,. ;
UnitedSutcuofAmerica, ]> No. 80, April 'J' .
I 1850. Property sold ,
j March 30th, 1850,
James Potter. J for .$2520.
ejrtllE subscriber appointed auditor by tlie
1 Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin county
to distribute the above proceeds of stile, ap
points TU ES DA Y, the 18ih day of JUNE next,
at his office, in Lewistown, to hear the parties
interested, when and where they are hereby ;
notified to attend. WM. M. HALL.
Lewistown. may 10, 1850 —U
j rrHE following is a copy of an Agreement pro-
I _L posed to bo entered into by the late Borough
j authorities and Water Company, but which not
having been signed, the present Burgess and
Town Council refer to a vote of the people, and
will govern themselves according to that decis
ion :
AGREEMENT made and concluded this 4th
day ol March, A. 1). 1850, between the Lewis
town \\ ater Company ot the first part, and the
Burgess arid Town Commit of the Borough of
Lewistown of the second part, witnesseth that
the said Lewistown Water Company agrees to
erect not less than eight, and not exceeding
twelve Fire Plugs, in addition to those already
erected, in such places in the Borough of Lew
istown as may be selected by the Burgess and
I own Council of the Borough, of Lewistown.
The said fire plugs, as well a3 those already
erected, are to be under the control and care of
the said Water Company, who are to keep the
same in good repair, except where the same may
be broken or injured in any way for the purpose
of getting water to extinguish fires, in which
case all necessary repairs are to he made at the
expense of said Borough of Lewistown.
In consideration whereof the said Borough of
Lewistown agrees to pay the said Lewistown
Water Company tin annual rent of three dollars
for each fireplug by them erected in the Borough
of Lewistown, as well as for alt those already
erected as for those now agreed to he erected";
which said sum of three dollars is hereby agreed
upon by said parties as the water rent to he
charged and paid for the water used out of each
fire plug for the extinguishing of fires in said
borough, be the same more or less.
Witness the hand of the President of said
Lewistown V\ ater Company and the Seal of said
Company—Also the hand of the Chief Burgess
of said Borough and the Seal of said Borough,
the day and year aforesaid. This contract to
continue for the term of ten years from the first
day of April, 1850—at which time a new con
tract is to he entered into in regard to the said wa
ter rent.
Id 3 * The Election will he held at the Town
Hall on Saturday, June 15, between the hours
ot 9 A. M. and 6 P. M., and it is understood that
those who vote "FOR FIRE PLUGS" are in
favor of paying rent to the Water Company as
provided in the Agreement, and that those who
vote "AGAINST FIRE I'l.l CS" are opposed
to the payment of such rent as is provided for in
said Agreement. DAVID BLOOM,
Lewistown, May 17, 1850-te Committee.
BCiiasiic ISottoii:
~ - m ~ r j sg tjJ o-j x - r j
At litf Lewistown Cheap Cabinet Ware Kuoms,
'ft *7 II ERE the article can bo seen at any
▼ V time among his large etock of other
FURNITURE ot all descriptions. 'J',he fol
lowing testimonials from those who purchased
nnd have now in use,or had the bottom put into
their old bedsteads, will speak for themselves:
This is to certify that 1 purchased twenty
pair of new bedsteads with Hinklev's p tent
elastic spring bottom in, am well ple.-ts-i! with
them, consider them a good article, and would
buy no others. I would recommend them to
all persons, as they arc easily screwed togetln r,
and can be kent cleaner than any hitherto made
I concur with the above and consider it a
good article for tavern keepers and others
We certify that we got A. Felix to D'it B.
Hinkley's patent bottom into ourold bedsteads,
and that tfiey answer the purpose exceedingly
vveil. We consider it it bedstead that can be
kept much cleaner from insects, screwed up
firmer than any others, and recommend them
to the public.
Lewistown, April 20, 1850—if
\N ENGINE of fourteen horse power, has
. only in use one year. The boiler is
33 inches diameter and 'J- feet long. Tin re
is a si) :et iron chimney Ifi feet high belong
to it. The saw has a twenty-eight inch stroke.
The engine and miii is all in complete order,
and will be sold verv cheap.
Inquire of KFISShGR & BRO.,
Mill Creek, Iluutingdou co., Pa.
Vay 10, 1850—lm*
.1 ati i: s a . t. i j. s. s-: v
HKSPF.CTFI'LLY informs the public that he
i Las taken the shop recently occupied b>
WILLIAM MI FA DP F.N, in MARK FT street, 01.1
door north of Alfred Marks 1 Drug store, up
stairs, Lewistown, where he will continue the
above business, in all its various branches. lie
solicits a share of public custom, and promises
to devote all his time and attention to his busi
ness, and hopes by so doing to merit encourage
ment. He will be in the regular receipt of the
fashions of each season, and prepared to make
his garments to please all who may favor him
with a call. [inarch 29, 1850—3 in
.5. W. SVUUtKR,
A(Io r:i c y a I La w .
OFFICE on Market street, two door east i f
the Bank. [April 12,1850 -tf
w. 22. SR>VI\,
| AS resumed the practice of his profession
JL ■. in this and the adjoining counties.
Office at the Ranking House of Longenecb
er, Grubb A. Co. Jan. 20, 1848—tf.
Lewistown, Mitllin County, Pn.
OFFICE two doors west of ttie True Demo
crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 25, 1849—tf.
w. a;© tf j
Attorney at Law,
WILL attend promptly to business entrust
ed to Ins care in this and adjoining
counties. Office one door west of the Post
.Office. June 10, '49-ly.
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. He
can always he found at his office, in his drug
store, or at. the house of Gen. Irwin, unless pro
fessionally engaged. [March 15, 1850,
SLEW J E MOULDS, 16 to 25 lb*., I>r sal cT v
nialTtf F. G. I RANCISCUX.
A O T I c i: •
j T RESPECTFUL!,Y invite all persons deal
* '"g in or using HARDWARE, &c., to.iny
large and well selected stock, which will be
sold for cash at lowest prices.
mal7tf p. G. FRANCISCUS.
merchants are informed that
assorted bills of Hard ware may be bought
or cash at Phladelphia price?. Come and see.
rnal7tf F- G. FRANCISCUS.
I" > LANES of all kinds lower than the lowest
rmlTtf by F. G. FRANCISCUS.
STOVES low for cub by
IVTILLWRIGHT TttOLS ot all kinds for
1™ 3 ma 17tf sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Q set BootTrees,Bpr Crimping Boards, for sale
O ml7tf by F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Doggy English Boxes from
T I\ to 6}, for sale by F. G. FRANCISCCH.
J I'B, K tiles, rr\ ing Pans, A* 7., fc:r a a!e bv
tnal7f| F. G. FRANCISCUS.
2 -J Gun and Rifle Barrels, Castings, Tubes,
Yc., for sale by F G FKANCISCIS,
\f A RNI Sll.(Coach and Cabine\)G!ue, Paint
and \ armsii Brushes always on hand by
maldt F. G FRANCISCU*.
| |"L>EKEEPI.\G articJeqof all kinds con
stantly on hand by F. G. FRASCISCI'S.
ihs. Btieet /ink, UK) Block do, for
sale hy F. G. FRANCISCUS.
2 Boxes Tin Plates, Iron Wire, Block Tut,
m M*t Pig Lead, &c., for sale bv
\ S ''''' ! °LE Anvils,from 100 to2oo b*.
i.T.S. ! ower \ ices, 30 t0.150 lbs., for sale by
ma 17 tf F. G. FRxNCISCUS.
PA DES, Shovels, Manure Forks. I lay Forks
) y from .Tit cents to sl, best, for sale by
int!7tf F. (i. FRANCISCUS.
•> -TJ pair B >ck and Brig! t Springs, from 3 to
j** (i plates, I i to 2j wide, nt
oal7if F. G. FRANCISCUS.
q y\'L'4 y nks Carriage Lace for Trim-
tilings, <fcc . for sale bv
i>RASS, S 'vor and Iron Nut I'atent Axles,
.9 Plated Stump Joints, for sale by
ri n ll'f-,^—Enamelled, Chaise, Plain, Patent
E a i.".itli< r, vVc., 'or sale by
(' 'RKI4<iE Maker's Trimmings and nu
tenuis of ail kinds for sale by
nialTtf F. G. FRAsciscra.
•jO " Vei.et rs. Butt vSc Column,
/ / Bed Screws, G. fi.l, 7 and 8 in. long; Bed
Castors, for sale ny F. G. FRANCISCUS.
0 1 / pa:r Wood Hames,si!ver&braes plated
{ y 2 do Iron do do do
malTif for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS.
f i AMPHINK, Ethereal Oil and
Wicks, Siiudes, (.'liirnneys. Globes, &c..
mal7lf t>r sale hy F. G. FRANCISCUS.
af ' S■ 1 BELLS from 20 to3olbs^for fitrm
er's use. Cow, Sheep and Hand Bells for
nal7tf sale hy F. G. FRANCISCUS.
I. LL sizes, round and oval, Tire Iron from
e\ 1\ to 4in, at F. G FRANCISCUS'*.
EA'l I'Y'S, Rose's. Underbill's, and the
9 most celebrated English Edge Tool Man
ufacturers' gixnis, always on hsnd by
inaiTif E". G. FRANCISCUS.
Keg of.Nai's, Spikes & Brads,nts42s
*• Pure White Lead, at $-24K) per kg
JO gals Flaxseed Oil. ot $1 00 gallon, by
1)111 DEBS uf houses will find 'he latest
L' ji ty:.'- if laicks, IjT.tches, A.C., of superior
quality and fin'sh. for sale by
intlTii F. (i. FRANCISCUS.
rf" 10Pl'J.it KE'i l'l .E' B to 30 ga I lons,
Brass do by
iiuliTf F. G. FR XNCISCUS.
f A d< z. Saddle Trees, 300 lbs. Deer'* Hair,
111 I'2o gross Buckles, 300 yds. (lotion Girth
loir. 200 yds. Strainirg Webb, for sale by
myl7if F. G. FRANCISCUS.
SHOE THREAD. Boot Lace re. Kitt Files.
Shoe Hammers. Pincers, oto .*>; all kinds
of R 4 and Shoe Kitt for men and indies wear
fir sale : t ail times by F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Cast Steel.
SANDERSON, Bros &.Co 's Shear, Spring,
Country and English, at lowest prices, by
ma!7tf F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Saws. Chisels. &c,
> r Kit's ('ross cut and Panel, a 1 ways on hand by
I W A variis Plain and Figured Patent Canvass.
: ||l 50 yds. Gum Cloth, 15 yds. Pearl Drab
l'/U (•]„",;, t i72y ( ; s Head Lining t:nd Cur
tain StiilF. averted quniitit s and widths, for sale
rim 17t!" by F. G. FRANCISCO*.
To raitiU'rs nJEtI Glazifi's.
n £ lbs. rutty, 330 lbs. Whiting, Chrome
.fi \J\ f Green, Cbionie Yellow, Litherage,
Terra Sierra, Red Lend, VertmPion, (English.)
AT , always on hand by F. G FRANCISCUS.
Looliiti; GI.tNSfK
1 $5.50 —the cheapest Frames and Glass
offered to the public by
SIor B'iiKlin^.
S" OLE LATHER, at corns nett cash. 1
Men's Morocco, Lining vY Binding Skins,
Peg T Lasts, d:c., for sale hy
ma 17tf F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Broken Handles.
I sell at astonishingly low prices,
Socket-Chisel Handles.
Auger do
Firmer do
Brad Awl do
I) Handle, f>r long handled Shovel.
Jack and Fore Plane handles.
Saw do
Bru-h do alwayson hand by
ma I?if F. G. FRANCISCUS. ' ,
I °f Foreign and Domestic Goods, Ware**, Merchandize, &0., v. ifin the cnun'v - !'
i ~r '9 r the year 1850, as prepared liv the undersigned, Appraiser of Mercantile i ,:\t ,
| of said county, viz:
i Sanuß of Ltlailer*. Voice if Residence Annua! Sites. Class J.iqurrs. Am ■■ t
Wattson & Jacob, I.ewistown, $40,(<00 No 8 " jjlt) M>
Samuel Frank. <Gi 15.000 ?-■>. 11 15 to
1 Samuel Frank, do K.OoO Ks IJ I.i-ncra, H I <>
i Nusbaum, Brother. do 10,000 No l i 12 50
! Kennedy <t Porter, do 10.000 No 12 Liquors. IS
Alfred Marks, do 10.000 No. 12 Liquor., 1* 75
George Blymyer, do 18.000 No. li 15 CO
, John A. Sterett, do 7,(0u N\, ).{ 10 00
:A. Sigler &. Co,, do 1"> .000 Noll Liquor:, 21 50
j r rank & Stinehci er. do 5,"00 N"' 14 lo 00
i Martin Webb. do 9 000 No 14 Liquors, 10 SO
j F. G. Franciscus, do fi.GOO No. 13 # 10 <<o
Johnston Thomas, do out o \ (> . J;J Liquors. 1:5 00
■ Charles Ritz, do 5,000 No. 1.1 ji)
! Frederick Schwartz, do 10.000 No li 12 50
Kdwin Allen. co 4.C00 No It 7 oo
j George Davis. do 1.000 No 14 7 <x)
Michael Buoy, tl> 2,000 No. ! I 7 00
Francis M'Coy do 0,000 No. 13 lu oo
, A. A. Banks, do 2,000 No. 11 7 00
J. P. Schlosser. do 1,000 No. 1 I 7 00
A. Stewart & Co.. do 10,000 No. 12 12 50
A. W. Graff &. Co., do 0,000 No. 13 Liquor*, 15 00
I J. B. Mitchell, do 2,000 No. 11 7 00
F. J. Hoffman, do B, COO No. 13 10 00
William J. Sterrett, do 5,000 No. 13 10 0(1
G. W. Rich wine, do 1,000 No. 1 1 Liquors, 10 50
John A. W right & Co, Derry township. 5,000 No. 13 10 00
Geo. Burnbaugh, do 1,000 No. 11 Liquors, 10 50
John Hoopes, do 2,000 No. 14 Liquois, 10 50*
S. Sultzbaugh. Decatur township. 2,000 No. 11 700
| Michael Horning, Oliver townshiip. 5,000 No. 13 Liquors, 15 00
J. L. lekes, do 2,000 No. 14 7 00
G. & W. Macklin McVeytown. 0,000 No. 13 10 00
Hardy L Hartzler. do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
N. B. Bratton, do 3,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
G. W. Brehman, do 3,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
John Bogle, do 1,000 No. 14 7 00
Jacob Lex & Sons, do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
George Ard & Co., do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
Jacob Correll, do 1,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
.1. \V. Smith, JVewton Hamilton. 8,000 „Vo. 13 1 10 00
John Purcell, do 5,(K0 No. 13 10 00
Morrison & Balsbaugh do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
W. P. Vanzant, Wayne township 2,000 No. 11 Liquors, 10 50
George McLlaughiin, do 2,000 No. 14 * 7 00
Johnston Temple, do 1,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
Henry &Mc Williams, do 4,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
Elisha Fields, do 1,000 No. 11 7 00
John Dysart, do 2,000 Wo. 14 Liquors, 10 50
Overholtzer & Stirk, Union township 8,000 No. 13 Liquors. 15 00
i M. Steely & Co., do 4,000 No. J1 ' 7 00
Hoar & McNabb, do 10,000 No. 12 Liquors, IS 75
Everhart & ContDer, Menno township, 5,000 No. 13 10 00
George Blymyer, do 4,000 No. 11 7 00
K. M. Kinsloe, Armagh township, 7,01X1 No. 13 10 00
Heed & Cottle, do 5,000 No. 13 ' 10 00
Landis & Barefoot, do 7,000 No. 13 10 00
Henry Kohler, do 1,000 No. 11 7 03
Wm. J. Glass, Crown township, 6,000 No. 13 Liquors, 15 Ot)
John Albright, do 3,000 No. 14 7 00
VDDITIONAL persons returned for License, under the Act of Assembly passed tiie 11th
- day of April, 1841), entitled an Act to create a sinking fund, and to provide for the gradual
and certain extinguishment of the deb: of the Commonwealth, to wit:
Xames and Residence. Xo. of gain, distilled Annual Sales. Class. Amounnt of
Iter Annum. License.
i E. E. Lock & Co,, Armagh tp.,
Distillers of Alcohol, 13,000 _ $5,100 No. 8 sl2 50
James M'Donald, Menno tp.. Distiller
of Spirituous Liquors, 1,800 450 No. 10 5 00
Christian Smith, I.ewistown, Brewer
of Beer, 4,800 1.05G No. 10 5 00
IlcfailfTS. Residence. Annual Sales. Class. License.
Charles Ritz, I.ewistown, S2OO No. 4 $5 00
Edwin Allen, do 200 4 5 00
V. A. Banks, do 100 4 5 00
J. B. Mitchell, do 100 4 5 00
F. J. Hoffman, do 200 4 5 00
John Albright, Brown township, 100 4 5 00
Landis Barefoot, Armagh township, 100 4 500
Overholtzer & Stirk, Union township. 100 4 5 00
G. W. Brehman, M'Veytown, 100 4 5 00
Charles Shell, I.ewistown, SSOO No. 8 $5 CO
Mrs. Hart. do 500 8 5 00
Ezra Britton. do 500 8 5 00
i George Siegrist, do 500 8 5 00
Jacob Vandaniker, do 500 8 5 00
Joseph Vandaniker, do 500 8 5 00
Frederick Grimminger, do 500 8 5 00
Xy' AN APPEAL will 'or held at the Treasurer's Office, in LEWISTOWN, on SATUR
DAY, the 22d day of JUNE, 1850, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for all those
who may feci themselves aggrieved by the foregoing appraisement and classification.
W. R. McCAY,
I.ewistown, May 23, 1850. Mercantile .Appraiser for Mifflin County.
rnilK CORNER STONE of the new Eu
a. thoran Church will belaid on WEDNES
DAY, the sth day of June next. The services
will commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Several
Clergymen from a distance are expected to be
m attendance. The usual collection wiil be
taken up to aid lite congrt gation in the ererlii n
of the edifice. The public are respectfully in
vited to be present on the occasion.
Lewistown, may 17, I -50.
American Saws cf ail Kinds,
PA NEL and Cross Cat SAYVS.
Mill do 51j, G&. 7 ft.
Hoe & Co.'s Circular do 14 to 510 in.
Veneering do by
res 17tJ* P- G FRANCISCI 3.
Revolving, Well and Cistern Pumps.—
An assortment of these highly celebrated and
cheap pumps daily expected. All information
in regard to capacity and service of these
pumps v. ill be given by
Sole Agent for Mifflin county.
HIGH I,Y recommended as a counter-irritant
in the cure and relief of Pulmonary and
Rheumatic affections: also, local pains in Neu
ralgic diseases of the body, weakness of the
chest, back, &c. For sale only bv
mavlO J. 15. MITCHELL.
Looking Glasses.
IARGE and small sizes, of beautiful pai
-J terns, at unusually low prices for cash, by
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Tin, Sheet Iron, Wire, &c,
ON hand,always,at very low prices for cash,
apl2 Hardwire Store.
VI. WAYS an extensive assortment on hand.!
Salt at $1.50 per sack, or 42 cents p:rj
bushel, by the quantity.
ap 12 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Pure Cider Vinegar.
riOßsalc at the Diamond Drug 1 Store of
*- apo a.a. banks.
Tobacco. Snuff and Segars
OF every description at t!ie Diamond Drug
and Variety Store of
p5 A. A. BANKS.
\N elegant, safe, and efficacious remedy for
- tlie various affections of the lungs and
j throat.
Cuslar Oil Caf&nles—M'Allister's Oininifiit,
fmjlOj For sale by J.B.MITCHELL.
Hains and Bacon.
THE subscriber has &::J in
'T - tends keeping on hand a large
feHf stock of 11 AM S, SHOUL
and FLITCH, of prune
quality, to sell low for cash.
•*pl'2 F. J. FIOFFM AN.
the core of Pulmonary consumption,
bronchitis, asthma, influenza, obstinate
coughs. spitting of biood, liver complaint,
whooping cough, croup, A c.
EVANS' Sugar Coateil Pills—German Pills
[inylO] For sale by J. B. MITCHELL.
GOODS.—Port Monnaies, Pocket
. Books, Cigar Gases. Shaving Boxes, Note
Paper, superior Sealing Wax, Steel Pens, Pen
Holders. Stamps, superior Percussion Caps,
Snufl* Boxes, Motto Wafers, superior white
Envelopes, do. brown do., redding and pocket
Combs, superior Shaving Brushes,do. Hairdo .
Tooth and Nail do., &c.. &c., for sale by
Levvistown, march 22, ISSO.
IP WILL CURE.—When you have a cough
or breast complaint, got a bottle of i)r S.
F. Green's Sarsaparilla, Tar and Cherry
Pectoral. It has cured persons in Lewistown
and vicinity, which can be testified to. I? d<s
not nauseate the stomach.and is pleasant to fake.
Price only 50 cts. per bottle. For sale at
op 13 Diamond Drug Store.