Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 31, 1850, Image 1

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    €cint %10 in n 0 noetic*
Vol WW I-—Whole \o I SBC.
Rates of Advertising.
One square, IS lines,
1 time 50
" 2 times 7a
" 3 •' 1.(10
44 1 mo. 1.25
" 3 44 2.50
44 6 " 4.00
44 1 year C.Ol)
3 squares, 3 times 2.00
41 3 mos. 3.50
( ommunications recommending persons for
i ffice, must be paid in advance at the rate of
25 cents per square.
HA \ ING taken several additional rooms for
the use of our store, we are enabled this
. pring to increase our stock of goods very much,
nail we now oiler our friends a lery large and
desirable assortment of
Carpeliiiffs, Hardware and
and think we can't be undersold in any of them.
A great part of our stock lias been purchased
i,t auction, at regular catalogue sales, where
nothing but fresh and warranted goods are of
rered, and by which we save from
15 to 20 per cent.,
and we feel confident that we can sell a great
many articles LOWER than those who buy
only ot the jobbers, as tor instance—
We invite our triends, and the public gener
ally, to call and look at our good?, and it they
alter wards think they can buy for less elsewhere,
we will charge them notfling for showing.
I.ewiatown, April 12, 1650.
To all discerning minds that
BLYMYER has the most
splendid assortment of
rpHAT has been brought to Lewiitown this
A season, and withal so cheap that he who
would undersell it must wake up a little earlier
than he ever did before. The stock comprises
m great variety,
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets,
Veatings, Croton Cloths, Caehmeres, and Cash
meretts; Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings,
Velvet Cords, French Cassitneres, Doe Skin
do., white and fancy Marseilles, &c. A splen
did assortment of
Xaßifs' jDi tsse (Goons.
Grode Naps, Satin du Chenes, an elegant as
sortment of striped, figured and plain Silks,
Bareges, Challey, Muslin de Alpacas,
Lustres, Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls, Jaconets,
Bombazines, striped and plaid Muslins, &.C.
lie has also an extensive variety of the
'hat has yet been brought to this place; to
gether with a never-ending assortment of
which will be sold at prices to suit purchasers.
B'-rides this, he has
it ii ee us ware, Wlaww arc,
and an unparalleled supply of
g it o € i: k i i: s.
[.adies and gentlemen who with to clothe
themselves, in a becoming dress, such as is
r aiied for in the course of human events by
fish ion aud public opinion, are invited to take
a lock at his airjck before purchaiing at other
places. His clerks are ever ready and willing
to exhibit to all, and if price nnd quality don't
suit, there will be no grumbling.
LeWigtown, April 12, 18o(J.
VT his old stand, on MARKET street, Lew
. istown, six doors east of the public square,
; nil side, informs the public generally, that
they will always find at his establishment, a
Hraty Slock of Made I p
T B \ W A H K ,
of almost every variety, and offering great m
ducementa to purchasers.
wish to lay in a stock for sale, he will make
such reduction in price is wiil prove advanta
geous to them.
Thankful for the encouragement he lias thus
tur received, he will endeavor to deserve and
n.pea to receive a conlint ance of the sums. —
A good practical knowledge of lna business,
ami ail work being made under his own per
sonal superintendence, warrants him in assur
ing the public that they will nowhere find bet
ter or cheaper. [mircli 22, ~tf
| v k GREEN'S IJNIMENT, for Rheonut-
I * im,. Hwell;ng-. Ilruiee--, Ac. ir.-onc
I the U-gt remedies now in use for beisl us
ad man. Price 371 cts. per bottle, for
.leat A. A. BANKS'
apl2 Diamond Drug Store^
I" y \N('Y SOARS.—Almond o'P. Marsh
Mallow soap, Amandine soap, 1 rsnspa
• *iit cup, Military oap, Tooth Hull**, Almond
-hiiviug <iream, Koe do. do., Amandine fur
; pp*o! hand-, Ac , &<•.. for sale bv
.1. B. M!T< IIMf.L
•vv, • ! V ilj Ui'lfLlt l~ t a7oU
2 squares, G mos. §5.00
" 1 year 8.00
A column, 3 mos. 6.00
6 44 10.00
44 1 year 15.00
1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
G 44 15.00
44 1 year 25.00
Notices before mar
riages, Ac. sl2.
spsßsgpgaiß) &SJE> jPOTKLseisiais) <&n@iE(g-ig iPiEnsnsycss-asis) aaswnsws^3-1100^22^
Selling off at Cost
INTENDING to relinquish the Dry Goods
business in this [dace and engaging in other
| pursuits, the splendid stock of Goods now on
the shelves and counters of
comprising, in great variety, all the leading
articles usually found in a carefully selected
stock, and a considerable quantity of
not always tube had, will be sold oft AT COST.
As is well known, we have always sold CHEAP,
and as the stock was purchased RIOIIT —we mat
say without boasting, as low as any one could
have bought it—it will be SUI.D RIGHT. The
selection consists of
Fancy A: Maple Dry fooJs,
Such as Fancy Prints at all prices. Ginghams,
Checks, Alpacas, De Laines, Merinoes,
Silks of all kiHds, and a general assort
ment of Ladies' Dress Goods.
Cloths, Cassimeres & Satinetts,
Jeans, Tweeds, Kerseys, Flannels, &c.
lilcncltcil <V Broun Tlimliu*,
Ticking, Shawls, Ribbons, taces, Cape tails,
t ringes, Gimps, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspen
ders, Combs, &c. &.c.
JiDD'ia Ait J) 3JIDM,
Together with a good and general assortment of
CCtT Should any one be desirous of purchas
ing the whole stock, it will be sold a bargain.
T he stand is a good one, and in such case pos
session would be given in a short time.
P. S.—All persons indebted on the books are
earnestly requested to call and make settle
ment on or before the FIRST DAY OF
J USE XEXT, as after that date they will bi
placed in the hands of an officer for collection.
fIIHK subscribers having purchased the stock
JL of goods lately owned by C. 1,. JONES
at a heavy discount on their first cost, now of
fer them at the same stand, at
in order to close them out. This stock has
nearly all been recently bought, and is well
selected, and as it is the desire of the present
owners to run it off in the shortest possible time,
C ash B
will have such an opportunity tor
as rarely occurs. The u6ortmcnt of
is very fine, embracing a SPLENDID LOT OF
SIL it* S,
liamUoiiic Itarcgr*, French
l>un us Ginghams, Prints,
Fringe*, Crimps, £:<% Vc.
The slock also of
is large and desirable, and enn be had at
r <_L J ' .>" • * t r y-) 4 -. a i
Fngli*li A. French
can all be bought, at lirst cost.
MERCHANTS wishing to replcnifcli will
find they can do better by buying from this stock
than by going to Philadelphia.
(jCr Apply soon, as the store will be kept
open but u short time.
Lewistown, may 3, lbuO.
A \I; \\ iEmcIKE !
VVERY valuable preparation tor persons
recovering fiorn fever, or other diseases,
a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow
und vigor equal to a glassful of brandy, or other
stimulants, without any of the debilitating ef
fects which are sure to follow the use of liquor
of any kind ; and it is therefore especially ap
plicable to children and females. To the aged
it will prove a great comfort; to the dyspeptic,
arid to those who are predisposed to gout und
rheumatic affections, it gives great relief; and
to the inebriate, who wishes to reform, but
whose stomach is constantly craving the nox
ious liquor, it is invaluable—giving tone to the
digestive organs, and str< ngtli to resist tempta
tion, and is consequently a great agent in the
cause of temperance. For sale bv
Lew;stown, March Icou.
Till: Ll\D OF GOLD.
I Tlie Land of Gold! And what beside is Oiere
Round which the tendrils of the heart nray twine 1
Are there bright cottage homes where children fair
Peep through the lattice thick u'erlaid with vine ?
Are there broad fields of waving grass and grain,
And herds that homeward roam at hush 1" eve,
And clear, cool atreums that wander through the plain,
And birds that love near man their nests to weave i
Are there no clouds but such as beauty lend.
To softest skies with stars intensely bright *
\\ ith its wild airs do richest perfumes blend
To form a second Eden of delight ?
Are altars there whereon the soul may lay
The burden of its loneliness and care 1
Doth deep-toned bell upon the Holy Day,
Call weak and tempted hearts to fervent prayer I
What: none of these in that fair Land of Gold,
Nor love, tior friendship, yet thou must depart 1
God comfort thee w hen burning hope grows cold.
And disappointment goads or breaks thy heart:
I \n old story, if pood, is always better
than a new one that is indifferent. The
other day, in looking over the 1 Pickwick
Papers,' we caine upon the scene where
Sam Weller writes a \ alentine to Marv ;
and fort with we gave it out as copy. Here
it is ! The younger and elder Weller, it
will be recollected, are seated in the parlor
of the Blue Boar, and the latter, mollified
by the softening influence of tobacco, re
quests his son to 4 lire away,' and w rite
his Valentine.]
Sain dipped his pen into tiie ink, to be '
ready for any corrections, and began, with
a very theatrical air—
-4 Lovely ' 1
4 Stop.' said Mr. Weller. ringing the bell.
• A double glass o' tiie inwuriahle, my
' \ cry well, sir,' replied the girl, who
with great quickness appeared, vanished. 1
returned, and disappeared.
4 i hey seem to know ydur way here,*
observed Sam.
4 N os, replied his lather, 4 1 been here
before in my time, Go on, Sammy.'
• Lovely creetur,' repeated Sam.
4 'Taint in poetry, is it V interposed the
4 No, no,' replied Sam.
4 W erry glad to hear tt,* said Mr. Wel
le r.
4 Poetry's unnat'ral; no man ever talked
in poetry, cept a beadle on boxin' dav, or
Warren's Blackin,' or Rowland's oil, or
some o them low fellows? never let your
self down to talk poetry, mv bov. Ilegin
agaiti, Sammv.'
Mr. Weller resumed his pipe with criti
cal solemnity, and Sam once more com
menced, and read as follows :
44 Lovely ereetur, f feel myself a dam
med '
4 That ain't proper,' said .Mr. Weller,
taking his pipe from Itis month.
4 No ; it 2;n't dammed,*' observed Sam,
holding the letter to the light, 4 it's shamed,
there's a blot there—l feel mvself asham
4 \\ erry good,' said Mr. W eller, 4 go on.'
• I eel myself ashamed, and completely
cir—J forget what this word is,' said Sain,
scratching liis head with the pen, in vain
attempting to remember.
4 Why don't you look at it, then V in
quired Mr. Weller.
4 So 1 am a looking at it,' replied Sam,
• hut there's another Idol ; here's a 4 - c."
and a 44 i," and a 4 d.' "
4 Circumwented, p'raps,' suggested Mr.
4 No, it ain't that,* said Sain, 4 eireum
cribed, that's it.'
4 That ain't so good a word as eireum
wented, Sammy, said Mr. Wcller.gravt Iv.
4 Think not ?' said Sain.
' Niothin' like it,' saiil his father.
4 lint don't you think it means more ?'
inquired Sam.
4 \ el, p'raps it is a more tenderer word,'
said Mr. Weller, after a moment's rcllec
tion. 4 ('o on, Sammy.'
4 Feel myself ashamed and completely
circumscribed in a dressin' of von, for you
are a nice gal, and nothin' but it.'
4 That's a worry pretty sentiment,' said
the elder Mr. Weller, removing his pipe
to make way for IHs remark.
4 N es, I think it is rather good,' oh- ■
served Sam, highly flattered.
4 Wot 1 like in that 'ere style of wri
ing,' said the elder Mr. Weller, • is, that
there ain't no eallin' names in it—no We
nuscs, nor nothin' of that kind ; wot's the
good in calling a young 'oonian, a We
nus, or an angel, Sammy V
4 All ! what, indeed ?' replied Sam.
4 Drive on, Sammy,' said Mr. Weller.
Sam complied with the request, and
proceeded as follows, with a mixed ex
pression of complacency, which was par
ticularly edifying.
4 Afore 1 see you, 1 thought ail women
were alike.'
4 So they are,' observed the elder Mr.
Weller, parenthetically.
4 Hut now,' continued Sain. 4 now 1 find
what a reg'lar soft-headed, ink-red'lons
turnip 1 must ha' been, for there ain't no
body like you, though I like you better
than nothing at all. 1 thought it heal lu
; make that rather strong,' said Sain, looking
! up.
Mr. Weller nodded approvingly, and
I Sam resumed—
4So I take the privilege of the day,
| Mary my dear—as the gen'lm'n in diffi
culties did, ven he valked out of a Sun
day—to tell you that the lirst and only
time I seed you, your likeness was took
on my heart in much quicker time than
ever a likeness was took by the profeel
machine (wich, p'raps, you may have
heered on, .Mary, mv dear,) altho' it does
finish a portait and put the frame and glass
on complete, with a hook at the end, to
hang it up by, and all in two minutes and
a quarter.
4 i am afeerd that werges on the poeti
cal, Sammy, said Mr. Weller, dubiously.
4 No, it don t, replied Sam reading on
very quickly, to avoid contesting the point.
4 Except ot me, Mary, my dear, as
your wallentine, and think over what I
have said. My deer Marv, I will now
conclude. That's all,' said Sain.
4 That's rather a sudden pull up, ain't
it, Sammy U inquired Mr. Weller.
4 Not a bit on it,' said Sant ; 4 she'll vish
there wos more, and that's the great art of
Well,' said Mr. Weller, 4 there's some
thin in that; and i wish your mother-in
law ud only conduct her conversation on
the same gen-teel principle. Ain't you j
goin' to sign it ."
4 That s the diflieultv,' said Sam ; 4 I
don't know what to sign it.'
4 it—V idler," said the oldest surviv
ing proprietor oi that name.
44 Won t do, said Sam. * Never sign
a wallentineTvith your own name.'
'Sign it " Pickvick," then,' said Mr.
Weller, 4 it's a wery good name, and a j
ea?\ one to snell.'
4 Ibe wery thing," said Sam. 4 I could
end u ith a worse ; what do vou think ?'
4 1 don't like it. Sam,' rejoined Mr.
\V eller— 4 I never know'd a respectable
coachman as u rote poetrv. Cept one. as
made an aflt ctiu copv o' werses the night
afore he was hung for a liighwav robberv ;
and he was only a fambervell man, so
even that's no rule.'
But Sam was not to be dissuaded from
the poetical idea that occurred to iiim. so
he signed the letter—
" \ our love-sick
And, having folded it in a verv intricate
manner, squeezed a down-lull direction in
one corner:—'To Mary, Housemaid, at
.Mr. Xupkin's Mayor's Ipswich. Suffolk
and put it in his pocket, wale red, and
ready for the (Uneral Post.
letter lrom llolt county, Missouri, says—
•• The emigrants are rolling on by hundreds
towards California, from evorv quarter of
the world, each striving to be foremost in
the race. All modes of travelling are
adopted. Yesterday we saw a sturdy
Scotchman pushing a hundred pounds of
baggage ahead on something which had
the appearance of a wheel-harrow ; and.
indeed, he passed up the hills with rapid
stridfcs, far out-striping the ox and mule
teams. It was, perhaps, two o'clock when
he passed hen. and he s iid he had left St.
Joseph that morning, a distance of twenty
six miles well laid on, and two davs drive
for the teams, in the present state of the
The cultivation of the pine apple has
been cominenceil in Florida ; and, with a
little protection occasionally in winter, it is
believed this delicious fruit can be raised
in that State in abundance. The banana,
guava, fig, date, plum, orange, and in fact
all tropical fruits, are now successfully
cultivated in the neighborhood ol St. Au
gustine. and the Ancient City, a paper pub
lished at that place, savs that with a mod
erate degree of attention Florida can be
tnade to be not only the land of flowers
but the land of fruits.
LAW. —A publication has been made,
giving, as far as can be ascertained, the
name, residence, and post ollice of every
practising lawyer in the Lnited States.
The entire list shows that there are 7itne
tren thorn anil Jive humlrvil.
A Western paper announces the sitting
of the Court of Common F/ras. We sup
pose dial of course the big hags are also
in attendance at the hotels.
The liunlsville (Ala ) Star, of the -Ith inst.,
gives accounts of a calamitous freshet 0:1 the
Hast Fork of Stone river, which was higher
than it has been for fifty years. Every mill
and bridge from Woodbury to Jcflerson (except
brown's mill) lias been swept away.
The ceremony of ordaining Dr. Basconi as
bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, took place 011 Sunday afternoon, 12th
inst., at Centenary Church, St. Louis, before n
congregation of about 2,000 persons.
Ki.v TR*r.—A patent was granted at Wash
ington last week, to a man in Massachusetts,
for a trap for catching flies.
The Crand Jury of a tow n in Ohio, has pre
sented 1 th sewing society ol that place as a
S I* E E f H
OT Pennsylvania,
1 On the reference of the Fresident's Message,
and the Correspondence of Sir Henry Lyt
ton Bulwer accompanying the sume,
on the subject of the Tariff of 1846,
Mr. CALVIN rose anil said : 1 regard, sir, the
British Government as aiming a blow in this
correspondence at the great industrial interests
of this country generally, but more particularly
at the great iron and coal interests of Pennsyl
vania. And, sir, as 1 have the honor to repre
sent on this floor what has been justly called
the 44 Iron District" of my native State, I will
ask the indulgence of the House, whilst 1 sub- ■
mit a few remarks upon these two subjects, in
connection with this extraordinary correspon
It is well known, sir,to you, and to this House,
that Pennsylvania is rich in mineral resources;
that iier mountains are fuli of iron and coal ,
that she has great water power ; that a large
portion of her immense capital is invested in
the mining of coal and in tlie manufacture of
.ron ; and that a still larger portion of iier hardy,
industrious, and intelligent pop ula ton depend
upon these two great interests for support, and
for the education and maintenance of their
tamiliee. It is also well known that, for the
purpose of carrying her coal and iron, and other
productions to market, she has nearly completed
the most stupendous system of internal improve
ments to be found on this continent. In the
construction of canals and railroads, sue, and
the incorporated companies within her limits,
have expended between one and two hundred
millions of dollars.
In view of tins state of facts, I presume it
will not be deemed extraordinary that this cor
respondence lias attracted the attention, and ex- ;
cited, the indignation of her people.
Under the influence of the protective policy
—a policy coeval with the earliest legislation
under the Constitution, but the foundations of
which were not fully laid till the passage of
the act of lrslO—these two great interests
were, generally epeauing, prosperous, until,
under the operation of the compromise tirifl
if ISJ2, by which the duties were gradually let j
down lower and lower till they reached a hori
zontal level o 1 twenty per cent, ad valorem,
thev were utterly prostra'ed and overwhelmed
by the lids of competition of foreign labor.—
Tins great State, with her mighty resources
and energies was smitten as by paralysis—lav
prostrate like the huge giant, bound, manacled.
Bankruptcy and ruin covered the whole State
as with a pall. Individuals, companies, corpo
rations, the State herself, all were bankrupt.
To use the expressive language of my venera
ble friend from Ohio, (Mr Corwin.) " we were
insolvent generally."' Such was the condition j
of Pennsylvania at the date of the tariff act of j
1842. But, under the benign influence of that
law, these great interests awoke as from the
dead, and sprang forth with the freshness and
vigor of life. Manufactures, commerce, agri
culture, revived ; this great State was again i
upon her feet, and again entered upon her proud
career of prosperity and power.
But thia state of things was destined to be of
short continuance. The Presidential campaign
of 1944 was approaching. The Baltimore Con
vention met, and Mr. Van Buren, for the only
honest act of his political lite perhaps, was de- i
capitated, and James K Polk, o/ Tennessee,
was selected as the candidate of the Demo
cratic party. It is not necessary that I should
name his illustrious competitor, it was well 1
known that Pennsylvania had always been at
tached, without ditt.nction of party, to the pro- j
tective policy, and that she was especially !
friendly to the tarif!" of 1-42, which had just ,
lifted her np from general bankruptcy and ruin
to u state of prosperity and happiness. '1 lien, j
as now, it was generally believed that no can
didate could reach the Chief Magistracy of this |
great country against whom Pennsylvania might
cast her electoral vote. It was thcrefor€
deemed important by the Democratic party, to
secure that vote; and, sir, how was this ac- j
comphshed ? Why, sir, we were assured by
ail the leading journals, and by all the small
journals—by all the great politicians, including
Air. Buchanan and Mr. Dallas, and by all the
little politicians of the modern Democratic
party, from one end of the State to the other,
that Mr. Polk was a " belter tariff man than
Mr. Clay," and that "the Democratic Tariff'
of 1642" would be safer in the hands of Mr.
Polk than in those of the great author of the
American system. We were also assured in a
certuin K.ane letter, that .Mr. Polk was m favor
of protecting all the great industrial interests
ot the country, including commerce, agricul
ture, and manufactures. And we were still
further assured, as all w ill remember, by " Mr.
Polk's near neighbor," that he was " the espe
cial friend of the great coal and iron interests
of Pennsylvania " And, as if this were not
enough," Polk. Dallas Shurik,and the Demo
eratic Tariff of 1542,'" was spread out in large
letters U[>on the Democratic banners, and car
ried at the head of the Democratic processions.
Well, sir, Pennsylvania believed these repre
sentations; she cast her vote for James K. Polk
undtJeorge M. Dalia?, and the iliustriousslales
tuan of the We.,t was defeated.
Among the first acts of the newly elected
President wus the selection of James Buchanan,
of Pennsylvania, as his Secretary of State, and
Hubert J. Walker, a native of Pennsylvania,
us his Secretary of the Treasury. Did not this
look like an earnest of the redemption ot the
pledges which had been given to us !
W ell, sir, Mr. Walker entered upon the du
ties of his office—upon his great task of reform
—u|ion his great labor of love; and we were
assured, you will remember, that ho labored
bard ; that so violent wus the action of his
powerful intellect upon a weak frame, that he
was frequently known to taint in the niidstol
his toils. We are told, sir, that all things
earthly must have an end, and these labors
were at last brought to a conclusion. And
what was their result 1 Although not a single
petition, I believe, had beet, sent up troni any
part of this great country, asking for any
cliunga m the revenue policy ot the Govern
ment, " and least ot ail such change us he gave
us," this oreat financier resolved to vl,aise that '
\<*w S<riw—Vol. il'2
whole policy. Diirega-ding the 6-*anp!o >;
this (Jovernment truin f-ar;history, ami
the example of a1 i civilized governments;
pouring' contempt upon the v\ it-dom find experi
ence of the past, he repudiated the great prin
ciple of specific duties —rejected it as unworthy
a place in his wonderful plan of financial re
form—and substituted the ad valor* m principle,
and with a foreign valuation. In a word, sir,
we had, as the offspring of these extreordinary
labors, the Tariff act of lß4G.and the profound
ly learned report upon finance and revenue
which accompanied it.
This, sir, is not the proper time for the dis
cussion, at any length, cf the merits, or rather
demerits, of this act of ISIG. ! trust I may
have another opportunity, before Congress shall
adjourn, of* entering more extensively upon tbia
subject. Suffice it to say, at this time,that this
act has three prominent characteristics. In the
first place, it destroys American shipping and
American commerce, and builds up and pro
motes British shipping and British commerce.
Its second characteristic is, that it offers pre
miums, holds out rewards to perjury, and every
species of fraud and villainy upon the revenue
of the country. lis third, not Jess distinguish
ing that it gives protection to
American industry when it is not needed, and
withdraws from it all protection at the very
moment when it is needed; at the very mo
ment when, about to be overwhelmed by the
competition of foreign labor, it is extending its
supplicating hands to the (jovernment for relief,
to save it from utter ruin.
The consequences of this measure were dis
tinctly foreseen and foretold at the time of its
passage ; and although, in consequence of the
extraordinary state of things existing in Europe
at that time, and for seine time afterwards, the
evil day came not so soon as was expected, the
■light is now upon us, with all its darkness.—
The railroad mania, which prevailed all over
the continent of Europe, and the famine, which
was not less prevalent in that same region of
the world, postponed for a season the pernicious
consequences of thi3 measure, but now they
are upon us in all their blighting power. I con
fine my remarks to the iron and coal interests
of Pennsylvania, leaving to other and abler
hands to show the condition of the other great
industrial .interests of ihe'country. The coal
mines of the State, in which millions of capital
have been invested, have been rendered unpro
ductive, unprofitable. Some have been sold by
the sheriff, others abandoned to dilapidation and
ruin. lam informed that the sheriff is the only
men that makes money in the great coal fields
of Schuylkill county ; and that the population
of that county has been reduced about four
thousand within the last twelve or fourteen
nioiitns. A large portion of our numerous
iron establishments throughout the State—l
would say the larger portion of them— have
been broken op, sold by the sheriff, or have sus
pended ; and the little remnant are now send
ing up the daily petitions to us to save theai
from the ruin that must speedily overwhelm
them also. Our great agricultural interests
must soon also feel the shock, and share in the
common rum. They must soon be deprived of
a home market, and they will look in vain for
a foreign one. The consumers must become
producers and competitors with the present
farmers for a market already overstocked. The
immense importations of foreign manufactures
and productions, beyond all precedent, now
Hooding the country under the present tariff, is
a just subject of anxiety and alarm. The debt
incurred this year, it is estimated, must reaeji
the enormous stun of §40,000,000, if it do not
exceed it. ISol all the gold of California will
enable us to meet the drafts that will soon be
made upon us. The utter prostration of all the
industrial interests of the country—revulsions,
suspensions, universal bankruptcy—all are per
ceptible in the distance. They will soon be
upon us like a tempest, as they were brought
upon us by the Compromise Tariff of 1833.
Will we take tiie proper measures to prevent
these cilamities to the country ?
Much, sir, lias been said in this House about
Northern aggressions, and about the great
amount of loss sustained Ly the South, in con
sequence of the escape of their slaves into the
free States, and their inability to recover then:.
Now, 1 venture to affirm, without wishing to
underrate or understate the amount of this loss,
that Pennsylvania alone has lost more within
the last eighteen months, under the ruinous
operation of the Tariff of 1846, than would
pay for all the runaway slaves from all the slave
States for the last halt century.
I presume all remember the extraordinary
favor with which this Tariff act of 1*? 16, and
the very learned report accompanying it, were
received in England. Whv, sir, the statesmen
of her Britannic Majesty's Government were
smitten with astonishment at the wonderful
wisdom of this prodigy of learning in financial
science which Brother Jonathan had produced ;
and they paid him the unprecedented compli
ment of a publication of his learned report by
order of Parliament. 1 presume it will also he
remembered, as a part of the history of this
bill, that in a discussion which took place in the
House of Commons, sometime after it had gone
into operation, upon the then condition and
futuio destiny of the Canadas—upon their pro
bable independence and future annexation to
the United States—that Sir Wrn. Molesworth,
a distinguished member of the lower House,
argued, that they were then a tax, a burden,
upon the revenuesot the Government; and that
their annexation to the United Slates would
not only relieve the treasury of a great burden,
but would add greatly to the commercial pros
perity of the kingdom. He exclaimed that
"our commerce with our American colonies
(meaning the United Slates, and he said he
would insist on calling them their colonies) is
twice as profitable as all our other commerce
with all our other colonies upon the face of the
globe." And the interesting feature of this
profitable commerce, as he said, was, that it
cost the mother country not one cent, not one
farthing, for standing armies, for fortifications,
harbors, lighthouses, Ac. All these expenses
were paid by the dutiful colonies themselves.
And now, sir, when under the operations of
this tariff our coal mines have been rendered
unproductive, some sold by the sheriff, others
abandoned to dilapidation and ruin; when a
large portion of our numerous iron establish
ments, our furnaces, our forges, and rolling
mills have become silent, their fire- put out .
when our canals and raiiroads have also been
rendered, to suae extent, imfuv:''ab! ei,J