Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 10, 1850, Image 1

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    Voi \X\'Vl.—Whole A 1 88JJ.
Rales of Advertising.
One square, 13 lines,
1 time 50
" 2 times 75
3 44 1.00
44 1 mo. 1.25
4< 3 44 2to
G 44 4.00
44 1 year 6.00
2 squares, 3 times 2.00
44 3 mos. 3.50
Communications recommending persons for
office, must be paid in advance at the rate of
25 cents per square.
< 4 I LOVE YOl !"
I love you! 'Tis the simplest way
The thing 1 feet to tell ?
Yet, if I told it all the day,
You'd never guess how well.
You are my comfort and my light,
My very life you seem ;
t think of you all day—all night
'Tis but of you I dream.
There's pleasure in the lightest word
That you may speak to me ;
My soul is like the rEolian chord,
And vibrates still to thee.
1 never read the love-song yet,
So thrilling, fond or true,
But in mv own heart I've met
Some kinder thought for you.
I bless the shadows on thy face,
The light upon your hair ;
1 like for hours to sit and trace
The passing changes thete;
1 love to hear your voice's tone.
Although you should not say
A single word to dream upon,
When that has died away.
Oh, you are kindly as the beam
That warms where'er it plays,
Aod you are gentle as a dream
Of happy future days ;
And you are strong to do the right,
And swift the wrong to flee ;
And if you were not half so bright,
You're all the world to me !
When you lie down at night, compose
your spirits as if you were not to wake till
the heavens be no more. And when you
awake in the morning, consider that new
day as your last, and live accordingly.—
Surely that night cometh, of which you
will never see tire morning, or the morning
•of which you will never see the night; but
which of your mornings or nights will be
such you know not. Let the mantle of
worldly enjoyments hang loose about you,
that it may ire easily dropped when death
"omes to carry you into another world.—
When the com is forsaking the ground, it
is ready for the sickle ; -when the fruit is
ripe, it fails off the tree easily. So when
a christian heart is truly weaned from the
world, he is prepared for death, and it will
be the more easy for him. A heart disen
gaged from the world is a heavenly one,
;ind then we are ready for a heaven, when
our heart is there before us.
IJnppv thoughts come stealing upon ns
as we look upon the faces of those we
loved in other days, those we have been
separated from for years, aad who return
again with all the changes of time and
thought upon their brow. The joyous
feeling that arises upon meeting with old
familiar faces, cordial shaking of hands, and
the hearty congratulations that follow—
who does not remember them ? Rut when
those we love and cherish leave us forever
—-when their spirits fly away from earth
to heaven, who would not give all on earth
tor a picture, even a faint resemblance, of
features once so animated and beautiful !
How many bright eyes grow dim, how
many cheeks grow pale, how many ioveJy
forms fade away into the tomb, leaving
not a shadow of their loveliness behind '
And the evening is beautiful ! and the
heavens are full ol stars, mirroring their
silvery faces in the snow ; and the still
M oods are jeweled with ice-diamonds and
waiting waveless the rising moon. And
the Northern Lights like zephyrs zoned
with rainbows, arc waltzing on the pearly
pavements of the polar sky. And the
mountains like waves of a silver sea, rising
heavenward to greet the stars ; and the sky
like a sea of molten sapphire, with its
golden tresses dropping fondly on the brow
of the mountains. It is beautiful; too
beautiful to shut out of our sight. Let us
ail go out doors and read a few paragraphs
in the album of the heavens. For this
firmament above is the great album of the
Freator, and the suns are the syllables and
stars arc the letters, with which he re- j
i-ten d his handiworks. And the first
aian, on the first evening of this new crea
tion, looked up into this sky-record, and
! :e.i to read the illumined manuscript ol
be- Maker. And the generations bclore
flood gazed at these same stars; and
"an that saw the evenings of nearly a
thousand years on the earth, looked up at
'he'se ante golden eves of heaven, which
now look down on us; and they called
r 'a m by name, and by their light they j
-•'eve their flocks to new pastures in the
'id world. And when the fountains of the
■ '•>! deep were broken up, and the win
! heaven were opened, and tl'.® .
2 squares, G mos. $5.00
44 1 year 8.00
column, 3 mos. 6.00
6 44 1 0.00
44 1 year 15.00
1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
6 44 15.00
44 1 year 25.00
Notices before mar
riages, &c. g!2.
Now, my young friends, a deluge will
never come again to burv out of sight this
green, peopled world ; but storms will
come, and winds will come, and vou mav
drift far away from the home of vour
childhood. And what makes that home
If all your relations and friends should go
with you to far-off-lands, and live with you
there, would you not have left behind a
great deal of your home ? Yes ; vou
could not take with you the old homestead,
the elms and the oaks under which you
played, the hills you climbed in summer
to see the sun go down in the west, or in
the winter with your sled ; the brook that
purled through the meadows ; the moun
tains looming up in the distance, like huge
cushions of green velvet for the sky ; the
fields of alternate green and yellow, and
the far-off-woods. Hut begin now to look
up into this blue world above ; to make
these star fields a part of your home ; to
hring these glorious constellations into the
circle of vour acquaintance ; to call them
by name, to associate them with all the
objects to which your home affections
ding, and you may carry our home with
you the world over, t )rion, A returns,
jjootes, Virgo, the celestial companions of
Job, Noah and David, will be yours, in
every place and every condition ; acquaint
ances, neighbors to vour paternal homes,
it may be your lot to see hut little space
of the earth's surface ; and to know but
little more of the geography of the earth
than what you learn from your map. Hut
here you may study the geography of the
heavens, and see every celestial territory
it describes. Without going a mile from
your father's door, your eye may travel
over worlds that arithmetic cannot com
pute nor geometry measure. Your eyes
can do this, and when yon have reached
the extreme limit of their vision your
thoughts may go on forever into 'worlds
bevond. Young friends, suppose you
spend a half hour every bright evening out
in the open air ; in appropriating these
brilliant constellations; in bringing them
within the home-circle of your acquaint
4 Oh, pa, I jist seed one of the worstest
dog fights as ever was seen or heard tell
on in the world.'
4 Well, L'imon, my hoy, how was it ?'
4 Well, there was one great big black dog
with white ears and a brass collar, and one
little black green dog, what hadn't no man
wilii him, and as 1
4 < ,'onifi, come, Ciinon, don't talk so fast;
you get everything all mixed up ; stop and
take breath a moment, and not blow so like
a porpoise,'
4 Well, I want to teli yon how one dog
with the white ears, got on one side of the
meeting-house, and the other meeting-house
with the yaller dog—no, no ! I mean one
meeting-house with the yaller green ears
got one side of the dog and the other he—
no, no ! the white dog with yaller ears, he
gin a yelp at the other meeting-house, and i
the other, the other dog, dog—Oh dad, I'm
gin eout; there wasn't no dog at all !'
4 John, how many seas are there in Amer
ica ?'
4 One—Tennes-sec.'
• Good—how many are there in Italy V
4 The same number prezacdy—the Papal
Woman — A Mistress of Arts, who robs
the bachelor of his degree, and forces him
to study philosophy by mean 4 of 4 curiam
ipibiejim&id X.SJ!® sP3nßßflsaßffliE> ws <s3B®jß®a jKs-srsiisT®!Bs a nwmsmtms? seemkkßj e&mswi-j a>£.
floods cam# and a long night of darkness,
the good man in the dark remembered the
stars that studded the firmament in his
boyhood's time, and the names they were
called by among the fathers of the human
race. And when tire deep, black clouds
rolled away, they shone out of their old
places upon him, and he felt at home again,
though floating over the shoreless waste of
waters, without compass, chart, or helm.
There they were, just as they were set in
the sky in the morning of creation. The
waters that had washed from the earth
every trace of man's existence, had not
quenched one of the 4 lesser lights' of
heaven, or moved it a hair from its place.
The splendid Orion had not lost a jewel
from his belt; neither the deluge nor the
darkness had 4 loosed his bands.' fie
walked the same king, and wielded the
same sceptre among the same stars this
evening, as in the tirst evening that man
tled the earth. Theiiery Betelguese -hone
with the same red brilliancy, and the sharp
eyed Rigel glowed in the left foot, a celes
tial diamond of the first water. There
were the little Pleiades, and the great Dog
star. and the long Scorpion, trailing its gems
along the southern sky ; and the eleven
stars that tlie young Joseph saw in his
dream ; and the seven stars which the first
born child of Adam saw in his infancy.
These were home stars to Noah ; they
were all that was left of the drowned
world, that he had seen and loved in his
youth. He knew not whither the saiiless,
unruddered ark had borne him ; the tallest
mountain on the earth was buried deep
beneath the waters ; everything bad been
swept away but the stars which he had
learned by name, perhaps in the tent of
his grandfather, Methusaleh, who remem
bered Adam. And he felt himselfat home.
FRIDAY KVEAI.\, Jlli 10, 1850.
41 He sits, and will forever sit."
There is belonging to the raec of human
bipeds a sort of troublesome beings, who,
setting no value on their own time, care
very little how much they trespass upon
that of their more industrious neighbors.
They are a sort of stay-forever persons,
who, having talked over the whole world
at one sitting, commence and talk it over
anew from beginning to end, before they
are ready to take their leave ; in a word,
they sit, and sit, and sit, long enough to
justify the motto we have just quoted, lie
side their disposition to hang on, there is
generally about these' persons a wonderful
habitude, a slowness in taking a hint, un
paralleled with the rest of the human race.
To give a single instance of this sitting
propensity, we will introduce the story of
a plain spoken old lady from the land of
steady habits.
44 I never seed the beat of that ere Cap
tain bpinout, said she ; 44 would vou be
lieve it, he called at our house last night
just as 1 was done milking, and wanted to
borrow my brass kettle for his wife to make
apple sauce in. 4 Ob, yes,' savs 1. 4 she
may have it and welcome, Captain Spin
out,' and I went directly and fetched it out
of the back room and set it down before
him. \\ (11, presently our tea was ready,
and I couldn't do no more than ax him to
take a cup with us. 4 Oil, no,' he said,
lie 4 couldn't stay a minit;' but, however,
he concluded he'd take a drink of cider
wit'ii my husband ; and so he did. Well,
alter I d done tea, I took my knitting work,
and sat down till I rather thought all honest
people should be abed. But Captain Spin
out had forgot bis hurry, and there he was
sitin and talk in' with my husband as fast
as ever. I hate, above all things, to be
rude, but 1 couldn't help of hinlin' to the
Captain that it was growin'late, and maybe
his wife was waitin' for the kettle. But
he didn't seem to take the hint at all—there
he sot, and sot, and sot.
44 Finding that words wouldn't have any
effect, I next rolled up my knitting work,
sot back the chairs, and told the garls it
was time to go to bed. Hut the Captain
didn't nnnd it no more than if it had been
the bite of a Ilea—but there lie sot. and sot.
44 W ell, next 1 pulled oil' my shoes, roast
ed in v feet, as 1 commonly do jist afore
goin to bed ; hut the Captain didn't mind
it no more than nothin' at all—there he sot,
and sot, and sot.
44 1 then kivcred up the lire, and thought
he couldn't then help takin' the hint ; but
la me ! he didn t take no notice on't at all
—not the least grain in tin- world—but
there he sot, and sot, and sot.
44 Thinks I, you're pretty slow at takin'
a hint, Captain Spinout; so 1 sed, sort o'
plainly, that 1 thought it was bed lime—
speakin' always to my husband—but |ist
so as I thought the Captain couldn't help
takin' it to himsell, hut la ! it did no good
at all—lor there he sot, and sot. and sot.
44 Sfeiu* there warm no likelihood of his
goin' home, I axed him to stay all night.
4 1 Mi, no,' lie sed, he 4 couldn't possibly
stop a minitso seeing there warn't no
use in sav in' anything, I went to bed. Hut
la me ! would you think it, when 1 got up
in the mornin', as sure as you're alive,
there he was a sotteu vet !"
W c give the following from 4 Notes and
Queries," where it appears as extracted
front Carr s 4 Remarks ol the Government
ol the .several Parts of Germanic, Denmark.
&e. Amsterdani, ICRS:' 44 And now
give me leave to tell you a story I met
with when 1 lived in Koine. Going with
a Kotriane to see some antiquityes, he
showed me a chapll dedicated to one St.
Kvona. a lawyer of IJrittainne, who he said
came to Rome to entreat the Pope to give
the lawyers of Krittainne a patron; to
which the Rope replied that he knew of
no saint hut what was disposed of to other
professions. At which Kvona was very
sad, and earnestly begged of the i'ope to
think of one for.him. At last the Pope
proposed to Kvona that he should go round
the church of St. John de Latcra blindfold,
and, after he had said so many Ave Marias,
that the first saint he laid hold of should
be his patron, which the good lawyer wil
lingly undertook ; and at the end of his
Ave Marye, he stopt at St. Michael's altar,
where he laid hold of the Divell under St.
Michael's lech and cried out, 4 This is our
saint—let him he our patron.' So, our
lawyer being unhlindfoldcd and seeing what
a patron he had chosen, he went to his
lodgings so dejected, that in a few months
after lie died."
Apvantaof.s of Eaki.y Tkaixino. —
I he following dialogue is reported to have
passed at the Queen's County Assizes be
tween a medical witness and a barrister :
Mr. Hayes (the barrister) : 4 If a person
lying on wet straw were deprived of all
the comforts or necessaries of life, would
it not hasten death ."
Dr. Kdge : 4 That would greatly depend
on whether they have been accustomed to
Mr. 11 ayes : 4 Do you mean to tell us
that il a person lived in a hnrsepond, it
Would not he injurious to him ?'
Dr. Kdge : 4 | think not, if he had lived
lor sixty or sevnitv years in it."
A few years since, a Dutch vessel landed
at Mobile, a goodly number of the 4 Sour
krout'-dom, one of whom found his way
tip the Tombigbee, and seeing on its banks
an opening for an enterprising Dutchman,
landed and built himself a warehouse.
A while alter this naturalization, the Sheriff
summoned the aforesaid Dutchman to serve
on the jury. Dutch was very anxious to
be excused, as the cotton bales were com
ing in very rapidly, and a rival warehouse
was becoming very troublesome.
W bile the jury therefore, was being
empannelled, be went to Mr. L , a
distinguished lawyer, in order to have hjm
excused. Mr. L informed him thai
the Judge would not excuse him on the
plea of attending to his warehouse.
Never iniiul,' says Dutch, 4 you tell the
Judge 1 vnntto be excused, and I'll tell him
de reason.'
So when the court convened, Mr. 1.
rose and said— 4 May it please vour honor,
a juror wishes to be excused.'
4 On what ground, Mr. L ?' says
the Judge.
4 There he is.' said .Mr. 1. , ♦ he will
present his excuse.'
\\ hile this conversation was taking place,
up rose the Dutchman.
4 \V hat, sir, is your "excuse ?' savs the
Dutchman— 4 Snax Snoorks.'
Judge— 4 \\ hit did vou sav, sir
Dutchman— 4 Snax Snoorks.'
Judge— 4 Come nearer, sir; 1 cannot
hear what vou sav.'
Dutchman—• Snax Snoorks !'
Judge (in great anger)—• Mr. Sheriff,
what did you summons this Dutchman for
lie can neither speak nor understand a
word of English.'
Dutchman— * Snax Snoorks ?'
Judge—• \ou can leave, sir."
Dutchman— 4 Snax Snoorks !'
Judge (overflowing with ire) — 4 Mr.
Sheriff take that Dutchman out of
the court ; attd sir, I shall have vou fined
for a neglect of duty, in summoning a man
who can say nothing hut 4 Snax Snoorks !"
Dutch permitted himself to he carried out
of Court muttering Dutch as he went.
After getting out of the court house,
some one \\ ho had witnessed the scene,
asked him why he did not go when the
Judge told him ?
4 Oh,' says Dutch, 4 I vos afraid if I
understand 4 you niav go,' de pulee vould
think I speak English.—.V. Spirit of
the Time,.
" Now. girls," said our friend Mrs.
Bigelow to her daughters, the other dav,
" you must get husbands as soon as pos
sible. or they'll be all murdered."
Why, so, ma?" inquired one.
" \\ hy, I see by the paper that we've
got almost fifteen thousand post-ofiiees.
and nearly all on 'em dispatches a mail
every day—the Lord have merev on us
poor widows and orphans 1" and the old
lady stepped briskly to tin looking glass
to put on her new cap.
' Alt, tlortaw, does the cholemvv* awfect
the higltaw avvtlu ?' asked an • exquisite' of
a celebrated physician in New Orleans.
' No.' replied the M. !>.. ' but it's death
on d d fools, and you'd better leave the
city immediately.' The ' fellaw* sloped.
* I his is really the smallest horse I ever
saw, said a countrv man, on view inn- a
Shetland pony.
" Indatle, now,' replied his Irish com
panion. • but I've seen one as small as two
of him.'
A pedlar, named Ilvde, going to visit a
tanner in a neighboring town, fell into a
pit and cried for help. " Oh," said the i
tanner, " I never pull out a ffi/tle until it
is well tanned."
The Arabs allow a man to divorce him
self front a wile who does not make good
broad. W ere such a law in our country,
half ihe young married ladies, we fear,
would be in danger of single-blessedness.
- tnr , lw ,„ mm mm
Leather and Shoe Findings,
fit roccos. Lining Skins, Lasts, Boot Trees,
Pegs, Shoe Kit, &c., &.C., tor sale by
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
CT REEN'S Celebrated Vermifuge. —This
M Vermifuge, so justly celebrated, is too
well known to publish anything in its praise.
For sale at A. A. BANKS'
apl2 Diamond Drug Store.
" " Hair Tonic,
" " Carminative, fir sale by
I.ewistovvn, march 22, 1850.
ism, Swellings, Bruises, .tc., &,c.—one
ot the best remedies now ui use for beast as
well as man. Price cts. per bottle. For
Kile at * A. A. BANKS'
apl2 Diamond Drug Store.
IAANCY SOAPS.—Almond soap, Marsh
1 Mallow soap, Amandine vp. Transpa
rent soan, Military soap. Tooth Balls, Almond
Shaving Cream, Rose do. do., Amandine for
chapped hands, Arc., &.C., for sale hy
Levvistown, march 22, 1650.
A now their Interests, a ael I: no ic
ing icill maintain than ;
Hence when tney want goods at
filiform Prices,
and as low as can be bought in the Stale, they
because every man, woman and child in the six
counties by this time knows that no one can
sell lower and live. They have, with (heir
usual enterprise, brought up a large lot of
illilf DUB# uDOJjL
and opened them to the gaze ot admiring thou
sands while most of their competitors were
sleeping over the piles of Calicoes, Gingham?,
and a hundred oilier articles remaining unsold
from last year's purchases. These goods were
all selected with an eye to
Ilcauly, Fineness, and Di.ra
and bought at prices that throw twenty per
cent, men into the shades of oblivion. We
therefore invite our old costomers and about
(being nU that we have room for at present) to
give ns a call, and if we don't please ninety
nine out of every hundred in
Branty, Quality ami Frier,
there is no. longer any virtue in
Cheap aiiS Roods.
There is no need of recapitulating what we
have, either in the
Dry Cools, Grocery, or any oilier Line,
as it is well known that we have everything
anybody else has, and a considerable sprink
ling of neat, useful and pretty matters that
Others have not.
So le there be no delay among those who
want the first pick—we are
with an elegant yardstick, which measures
true, and in conjunction with our clerks, are
ready to wait on all the ladies and gentlemen,
whether old or young, ugly or handsome, and
make them iook better than they ever did be
fore after being ringed out in the splendid
goods provided for their gratification.
Lewistown, March 29, 137)0.
To all discerning minds that
BLYDIYKR has the nn.st
splendid assart mad of
r BlllAT has been brought to Levvijtown this
JL season, and withal so cheap that he who
would undersell it must wake up a little earlier
than he ever did before. The stock comprises
in great variety.
Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Satinets,
Vestings, Croton Cloths, Cashmeres, and Cash
meretts; Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings,
Velvet Cotds, French Cassimeres, Doe Skin
do., white and fancy Marseilles,&c. A splen
did assortment of
fLa&ir.o' Dr tm (Sootre.
Grode Naps, Satin du Chenes, an elegant as
sortment of striped, figured and plain Silks,
Bareges, Challey, Muslin de Fairies, Alpacas,
Lustres. Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls. Jaconets,
Bombazines, striped and plaid Muslins, &c.
tie has also an extensive variety of'the
that has yet been brought, to this place; to
gether with a never-ending assortment of
which will he sold at prices to suit purchasers.
Besides this, he has
iiccii *vs :i re. €*! ass w a re,
and an unparalleled supoly of
u u c a ii s i: S.
Ladies and gentlemen who wish to clothe
themselves in a becoming tires*, such as is
called for in the course of human events by
fashion and public opinion, are invited to take j
a look at his stock before purchasing at other .
places. His clerks are ever ready end willing
to exhibit to all, and if price and quality don't
suit, there vviil be no grumbling.
Levvistown, April 12. 1350.
THE F.raskun Fiio: txst mviE CoMrANvof Philadcl
phi.i OFFICE !'•'!. Chcsnul street, near Fifth street.
Charles N. Ranckrr, O-o R. Richards,
Thomas Hurt, Mordecai I). Lewis,
Tohias Wasiier, Aitnlphf E. Rone,
Samuel Grant, David S Rrnwn,
Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson.
Continue to inn!. 1 insurance, perpetual <<r limited, on
every description of property in TOWN COUNTRY,
at rates as low as are rotoistcnt with security.
The Company have reseiv.-d a larpe Contingent Fund. '
which, with their Capital and Premiums safely invested, I
affords ample protection to ilie assured.
The assets of the Company, <>„ January Ist, as
pnldished ngre.-ahH to ati Act of Assembly. were a- fol
lows, viz t
Mortgages, f1.P17.13S it
Real Estate, 91,72-1 S3
Temporary I mans, 90,001 85
Stocks, 51,58.1 35
Cash, &c , 38,804 37
ft 1.338,492 71
Since tit. ir incorporation, a period of eighteen years,
they have paid upwards of Onr .Vilhhour Hundred
Thousand Uullurs. losses !>>' fire,therein affording an evi
dence of the advantages of Insurance,as w i llas the abil
ity and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.
CHAUI.ES n RAN'CKER, President.
CtiAßt.ns (7. HjNCKtia, Secretary
AGENT fur Mi (Ilia county, It. (?. IIAI E,
Esq., Levvistown. * [nnl2-lv
Piifo Cider Vinegar.
a; the Diamond Drug Store of
h i ,# A. A! BANKS.
rvew Serlv*i— Vol. *2ii.
HA\ IN(J taken several additional rooms for
the use of our store, we are enabled tins
i spring to increase our stock of gofxls very rnucfi,
and we now offer our friends a very large and
desirable assortment of
J) a I 1 ODD 3,
Carpeting;*, Hardware and
and think we can't be undersold inanv of tiicm.
A great part or our stock lias been purchased
at auction, at regular catalogue sales, wiiere
nothing but fresh and warranted goods are ol
fered, and by which we save from
3L5 to 20 per cent.,
ami we feel confident that we can sell a great
many articles LOW ER tharl those who buy
only of the jobbers, as for instance—
We invite our triends, and the public gener
ally, to call and look at our goods, and it tiiev
afterwardsthink they can buy for less elsewhere,
we will charge them nothing for showing.
Lewistown, April 12, 1650.
J. IS. SM.il I,Hi i;i{,
4 T hisold stand,on MARKET street, I.ew-
XJL istown, six doors east of the public square,
south side, informs the public generally, that
thev will always find at his establishment, a
Jlea'.y Stock of Made Up
of almost every variety, and offering great in
ducements to purchasers.
wish to lay in a stock for sale, he will make
such reduction in price as will prove advanta
geous to them.
Thankful for the encouragement he has thus
far received, he will endeavor to deserve and
hopes to receive a contini ance of the same.—
A good practical knowledge of his business,
and all work being made under his own per
sonal superintendence, warrants him in assur
ing the public that they will nowhere find bet
: ter or cheaper. [mrrch 22, 1650 -tf
VVERY valuable preparation for persona
recovering ftom fever, or other diseases,
a few drops imparttng to the stomach a glow
and vigor equal to a glassful of brandy, or other
stimulants, without any of the debilitating ef
fects which are sure to follow the use of liquor
of any kind ; and it is therefore especially ap
plicable to children and females. To the aged
it will prove a great comfort; to the dyspeptic,
and to those who are predisposed to gout and
rheumatic affections, it gives great relief; and
to the inebriate, who wishes to rethrm, but
whose stomach is constantly craving the nox
ious liquor, it is invaluable—giving tone to the
digestive organs, and strength to resist temota
tion, and is consequently a great agent in the
cause of temperance. For sale by
Lewistovvn, March 22, 1650.
Looking Glasses.
LARGE and small 6izes, of beautiful pat
terns, at unusually low prices for cash, by
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Tin, Sheet Iron. Wire, &c.
OX hand, always, at very low prices for cash,
apl2 Hardware future.
VLW AY£> an extensive assortment on bend.
. Salt at SI ~0 per sack, or 42 cents pir
bushel, by the quantity.
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
GOODS.—Port Monnaies, Pocket
Books, Cigar Cases, Shaving Boxes, Note
Paper, superior Sealmg Wax, Steel Pens, Pen
Holders, Stamps, superior Percussion Caps.
Snufi Boxes, Motto Wafers, superior while
Envelopes, do. brown do., redding arid pocket
Combs, superior Shaving Brushes,do. Hairdo ,
Tooth and Nail do., &LC.. &LC., for sale bv
Lewistown, march 22, lN">0.
IT WILL CURE.—When you have a cough
or breast complaint, gel a bottle of Dr.'s.
F. Green's SarsapartUa, Tur and CI err./
Pectoral. It has cured persons in Lewistovvn
and vicinity, which can be testified to. It don
not nauseate the stomach, and is pleasant to take.
Price only 50 cts. per bottle.- For sale at
ap!2 Diamond Drug St.>re.
Drugs, &c.
DRUGS, Medi-ines, Oils, i'aints,<S,c.. vvc ,
can be had low at
a pl2 Drug Store.
Pure White Lead at $2.00 per keg.
Fine Copal Varnish at $2.00 per gallon.
Good N. J. Glass, Bxlo $2.12£ per Halt Box.
Hams and Bacon.
THE subscriber lies end in
•l - keeping on hand a hinm
~ stock of H A M S, KfiOUL
nnd FLITCH. o" prune
quality, to sell low fo r cash.