; The iron business iu Lebanon county, sa ys the Courier, is in a frightfully de- , pressed condition. Neither of the five North Lebanon furnaces is now in opera- j tion ; and the two splendid new furnaces which were recently erected at Cornwall, * near the Ore Hanks, will not be blown in. It is feared the blowing of them into oper- ; a tion might 44 have a bad effect on public ■. opinion in England." JAMBS C. TAYLOR, of Atlantic, N. J., writes to the American Agriculturalist as ■ follows respecting the planting of Corn : 44 I had the benefit of soaking corn in saltpetre, to plant, well tested last year, on a small piece of ground, planted late. I had not enough soaked to plant all the piece. Where it was not soaked, the black birds pulled about one-third ; where it was soaked they seldom touched a hill. But what was most peculiar, there happened to be one row planted with dry corn be- • tween two rows that were soaked ; of the i dry they took several hills clean, and, al together, about one-third of the row, while i they did not take more than one hill of the 1 two saltpetre rows. DROWNED. —We learn from the Bellc fonte "\\ hig, that Jacob Roush, a young man of eighteen years, was drowned in the Big Mashannon, a sliort distance above the saw mill of James Antes, on Friday afternoon last. He had been engaged in iloating logs to the Mill, and for the pur pose had constructed a small float or raft, upon which he was observed a short time before his disappearance. It is supposed that the logs of the raft parted and that he fell through, and thus got under it. From the same paper, we learn that an interesting child, between five and six years of age, a daughter of Jacob Lilley, of that borough, was accidentally drowned in the mill-race of Wrn.A. Thomas, on Satur day morning last. She had, it is supposed, attempted to cross the race on a foot bridge, and fell in. The Episcopal church at York, Ha , is under going a thorough course of repair and alteration. Upwards of 30,000 shad are said to have been taken in one day last week, by the fishermen m Newark Bay, New Jersey. A Lot of " fellows" went on a deer hunt the other day, in Arkansas, and in less than four hoars captured five girls and a woman. A man named Maiehorn, woe found dead in a lime-kiln, near York, Pa., on Friday of laat week. It is supposed that he fell into the kiln whilst in a state of intoxication. The extensive tannery of Messrs. Conant it Bro., at Panducah, Ky., was eptirely destroyed by fire a few days since. J/s s2o,ooo—half covered by insurance. The Connecticut river was very high on Tuesday last, all the low lands in the valley being submerged The water passed over the dam at flolycoke eight feet anil a half thick. Counterfeit Mexican doubloons have been found in the possession of two rogues arrested at Augusta, (Ja. They are said to be of full weight, and well calculated to deceive. A lawyer on his death bed, willed all his property to the Lunatic Asylum, saying as a reason for so doing that he wished his property to return to the liberal class of people who patronized him. The extensive tannery of Messrs. Conant Bro., at Panducah, Ky., was eplirely destroyed by fire a few days since. J/s $20,0011 —half covered by insurance. o^7"The Hon. Joseph Casey, who now so ably and efficiently represents the 13th District of this State in Congress, we regret to learn by a letter published in the Union Star, de clines to be a candidate for re-election. Job's question, in the 33J chapter 35th verse, •'Can'st thou send lightnings that they ina/go end say unto thee here we are!" is no longer a problem. The telegraph lightning says a great deal more. The iron for the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Railroad has been contracted for in England, end 2000 tons have been shipped. The iron will reach Cleveland byway of Quebec, and the work is to be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. Mr. John Doyle, an Irishman, employed on the York and Harrisburg Railroad, was injured last week by the blowing up of akegof powder, so seriously as to cause his death. He was re moved to this borough on Saturday evening, where be lingered in great pain until yesterday morning, when he died.— Har. Int. MELANCHOLY. —Miss ELIZA MCDOWELL, of Allegheny township, in this county, committed suicide, on Tuesday evening last, by cutting her throat with a penknife. She had been laboring under an attack of sickness for some months previous, and was no doubt mentally deranged when she done the unfortunate deed.— Blair Co. Whig. ACCIDENT.—A serious, if not fatal accident happened to one of the Uaion Line carmen, named Shaw on Monday last. The unfortunate man was standing beside his train of cars as the Express was descending, the baggage car of which jumped off the track when opposite him, catching him between the cars and injuring him so severely that but little hope is entertained of liis recovery.— Hollidaysburg Standard. The New Pavement which it being laid in the streets of Now York is to Co6t four dollars and fifty cents per square yard. It has three eeveral layers of sand and the top stones being large granite blocks. A line of cobble rtones will be laid between t:,e granite blocks, so as to form a pavement for the horses to travel over, which is intended to obviate the complaint about horses slipping. MILL BURKT. —We re sorry to learn that the valuable Flouring Mill of Francis Gibson, Erq , siiua'fil on Sherman's creek, in Spring township, wns totally consumed by fire on I iitireday or Friday r.ight last. The mill was in exreli. Nt repjir, and was not insured. The ''.use of th- fire is unknown to us.— Perry Freeman, THIS PTURLFTION or M ACHINHRV —A ggn --' f Bloom hammer, the largest evei made in England, an t weighing fix tons, is being man ufactured in Liverpool for an establishment 111 New York. The machinery by which it will be worked is brought to such perfection, that a thick fixi of Irou can be sundered by one blow I I the hammer, or an egg placed in a wine a* can b" chip?*"? at the to?, v. ithott? brral:- ■ / \ ;V Another Htramtau Dlsaste r—Thlrtv to Forty LUfg Lout. On the 2lst of April, the steamboM Anthony „ vn stopped at Sandusky, with 10 steerage nd J cabin passengers. She tot>k from the r IS, Paasenoera, which, including her crew of 20, made in all 84 souls on board. On Su a&y ntornmg, when nearly opposite Vermillion, oin boilers blew up, making a complete wreck of t ie hoat, and hurrying from th : rhr-f,v to forty human souls into eternity R HARRISBURG, May I—P. M. Our borough was thrown into great excite ment this afternoon, by the cry of " Fire." The Exchange or Masonic Hall, in Walnut street, next to Prince's Hotel, was discovered to be on fire. The firemen were soon on the spot, and in the course o 1 an hour, succeeded in subduing the flames. A man named William Paxson, was killed this morning, on the railroad, near Middletown, in attempting to detach a car, while the train was in motion. He fell between the cars, and the train passed over his body, killing him in stantly. The Rev. Pe'.er McEoally,of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, died very suddenly on the 18h ult., near Philipsburg, Pa., on the mountain. He' bad alighted from his carriage to adjust some thing that was wrong, and complained of a stitch in his side, remarking that in a few mo ment s he would be a dead man, when he almost instantly expired. SINGULAR ENACTING IT THE CRUCIFIXION.— ; A Berlin paper states that there is in Russia a place called Anerdale, where a rr.o.-t singular custom exists. Every ten years the awlul scenes of the crucifixion are enacted by the villagers, home are dressed to represent so!- I diers and Jews, some as Pharisees, and many ' men, women and children stand around as the crowd of spectators, while on the three crosses are nailed figures in wax, and at the feet kneei women who represent the Marys. The whole scene is gone through with in all the details, and lasts all day. This very singular perform ance, which has been kept up since the middle ages, is announced to take place again in the month of June of this year, and strangers arc ! invited to witness it MARRIED. In Carlisle, on the 9th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Morris, Lieut. CARROLL TEYIS, U. S. Mounted | Rifles, and Miss LACRA WATTS, daughter of the Hon. Frederick Watts. D I ED. On the 23d ult., at her residence, on Duncan's island, Mrs. REBECCA H. DUNCAN, aged 64 years. Her disease was pneumonia. On Sunday evening last, in M'Veytown, HENRY DOAX, aged about 30 years. THE MARKETS. lewistown. May 3, 1850. fild by Dtaltri Httail. Flour - £4 37ja4 50 *'> 0U Wheat, white - 100 1 lo red - 05 l 05 Kye 50 GO Oats - . 28 35 Corn, . . 45 56 | Cloverseed oid. 3 00 Do new, 3 00 Flaxseed - - 1 00 1 25 Timothyseed - - 2 00 2 50 Butter, good - - 15 15 Egga rt 8 ; Lard 6 8 Tallow - - 8 10 Potato® s - . 50 02J PHILADELPHIA. May 2, 1850. The Flour market has undergone no change. Holders are firm, at $5 25 for standard brands ; but the sales tor export are moderate. Sales to the city dealers and bakers at $5 25a5.75 per barrel for common and extra brands. Rve flour sold at B*2 87}, but holders now ask !$3. Corn Meal firm at $2.75. GEAl.X. —There is a fair inquiry for Wheat, but the receipts continue small. Sales of good red at 81.17 and white at fl 22a 1.23. Rye 13 selling at 61 cents. Corn is in steady demand at 60 cents for yellow. Gats meets ready sale st 40 cents. BALTIMORE, April 30, 1850. Sales of Fiour at $5. 5 12a5 25—prime red Wheat is quoted at 116al21c—white worth a few cents more. The steamer's advices have unsettled the market, and the above rites will hardly be sustained. HAMS 4 MHIII®. Iff E have just received a lot of verv supe- TT rior CINCINNATI CURED HAMS; also a lot of best WESTERN FEATHERS, which we will sell low and for cash only. apl23t WATTSON & JACOB. DK. J. IT MITCHELL OFFERS his professional Bervices to the j citizens of Lewistown and vicinitv. Me can always be found at hie office, in his drug store, or at the house of Gen Irwin, unless pro feseionally engaged. [March 15, 1850. Operation* 011 the Teeth. J. N. SUMNER, DENTIST TTTOULD inform the public that he will be \ V absentfrom Lewistown, for a short period, for the purpose of bringing his family to the j place. He expects to return about the middle of MAY next, and give attention to the duties of his profession. Lewistown, April 19, 1850. Auditor's Aof ice. rpIIK undersigned having been appointed an A auditor by the Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin county, to decide and report on the ex j eeptions filed to the account of WILLIAM M'- | KINNKY and JOHN M' DO WELL, assignees of THOMAS JACOBS, Jr.. will meet all per sons interested at his office in the borough of Lewistown, on FRIDAY, May 17th, 1850, where they may attend if they see proper. ~ opl2-4t ' JAMF.N DICKSON, And't Paper & Blank Books. /itftfft. 'EHE subscriber has always on ] hand a fine slock of Printing, Cap, Letter, Wrapping, Window and Wall Papers and Blank Books. CO" Writing Papers very low hy the Ream. apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN. New Hardware Store. WE heve always on hand fr~\ a very large assortment of all *( jn SSSfcSM 'dndjii 0 f Hardware, Saddlery * and Coarhware, which being purchased strictly for cash, we re prepared to ee.'J wholesale or retail at low prices. AP 12 P. J.HOFFMAN. I ICE! ICE!! BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH! 'P H1RT V- FIRBT CONGRESS COM PRO- A MISED. and have transmitted about 000 j ! tone Greenland to the Lewistown Ice House, I over the wires, in the short space of fuiir days, which will be distributed to cool your parched j tongues, keep your meat from spoiling, and put ; pleasant countenances on your boarders. i'liiiadelphift Prices* arc ,) pounds per day, 50 cents per week. , 10 <• 70 „ 20 44 44 SI.OO The above prices are the fixed standard"for Lewistown, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE —MIND THAT. i Those purchasing by the bushel can have it ; at 40 cents per 80 pounds. I The WAGON will commence runninc on ■ SATURDAY, MAY 18th. 1850. j \ou will find, us some of the legal profession would sHy, n gentleman who wili attend punc tually to the business, spoken of by the vulgar I as named SAM. HOPPER. ! P. S.—lnform me when you wish to coiu j mece. [ ap 26 2t. GREAT EXCITEMENT" ABOUT Benjamin llinliln't* Patent Silastic.Spring Bottom L=32_2iOD^3 , ajraß \ * 9 MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY A. FELIX, At ibe Lewistown Cheap Cabinet Ware Itooms, WHERE the article can be seen at any time among his large stock of other i FURNITURE of all descriptions. The fo!- i lowing testimonials from those who purchased and have now in use, or had the b it torn put into their old bedsteads, will speak for themselves: | CERTIFICATES : This is to certify that 1 purchased twenty pair of new bedsteads with Hinkley's patent elastic spring bottom in, am well pleased with them, consider them a good article, and would buy no others. I would recommend them to ail persona, as they arc easily screwed together, and can be kept cleaner than any hitherto made. JAMES ALLISON. i I concur with the above and consider it a good article for tavern keepers and others THOMAS MAYES. We certify that we got A. Felix to put B. Hinkley's patent bottom into our old bedsteads, and that they answer the purpose exceedingly well. We consider it a bedstead that can be t kept much cleaner from inserts, screwed up firmer than any others, and recommend them to the public. DAVD BLOOM, JOHN CLARK, JTRMAN JAC >B. D. SUNDKBLAMD Lewistown, April 20,1850—tf JOIIX A. STERETT'S CHEAP CASH STORE I CANT BE BEAT! iVTG I WIT H STANDING all the puffing am! -L Y blowing, printing and boring of others, it I has been candidly acknowledged, hv ihe best of j mdges, that JOHN A. STKRETT, take h:s stock all through, Sells his Goods CHEAP EH | than any Store rrcr did in M'Jflin County, And why ? Because lie is a first rate pnlga of goods, with long experience, and buy ß strictly for cash, at the rate of one hundred cents to ' the dollar, with five per cent, off |Jc is just i now opening a very large stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Of the Newest Slyles and Lowest Prices. For the LADIES, he has the beat of MTO 1118 DJIMSRMA From 12} to 25 Cents per i'ard. And, by the way, the handsomest low LA WNS ever before offered. GINGHAMS at 12} cents and upwards that can't be equalled. MOUSELINES DK LAINK in endles* variety and very cheap. Superior Tissue SILKS and BAREGES from 31 to 37} cents that can't he beat. Cords and Stacks of CALICOES from 4 cents to 12}. His ftp Calicoes are the handsomest and be9t ever sold in Lewistown. I F NEN LUSTRES at 12} to I*3 cents —and in short every kind of DJthSS HOODS of the t)lie.l|>et ami IICMI. For the GENTLEMEN lie has a very large and fresh stock of CLOTHS, CA SSI HE RES, Vesting*, Cravat*, stork*, Ac., which for variety, style and cheapness, no one will attempt to surpass, lie has also a large and varied assortment of MADE UP CLOTHING, consisting of every variety of COATS for men and boys, with PANTS and VESTS to suit.— Coats from $1 to $7; Pants from 50 cents to $5. No other dealer shall undersell him in this or any other article. BOOTS & SIIOF.S He will sell as cheap a3 the cheapest for CASH CGLr Li- 1 CE> £3 ot every kind, beet quality, at the lowest prices Call and see, and then judge for yourselves. What 19 said here is meant, as you will find. Lewistown, April 20, 1850—It N. 11.—Avery handsome CARRIAGE, new, fur one or two horses, will be sold a bargain. TIN WARE! TIN WARE!! J. 11. *l:M||;|U|;K. A T fiisokl stand,on MARKET street, Lew- J\. ihtown. six doors east of the public square, south tide, informs the public generally, that they will always find at his establishment, a Jleaty Stork of Made Up T1 X XV AliK, of almost every variety, an'd offering great in ducements to purchasers. To COUNTRY MERCHAN TS, who may wish to lay in a stock for sale, he will make such reduction in price as will prove advanta geous to them. Thankful for the encouragement he has thus far received, lie will endeavor to deserve and hopes to receive a contimance of the same.— A good practical knowledge of his business, and all work being made under his own per sona! superintendence, warrants him in assur ing the public that they will nowhere find bet ter or cheaper. * [rorrch 22, l s so -rtf s%i,.a.ua>\di:r sates, Warranted Fire A Thicf Proof, .fJVD FREE FROM D.IMP.YESB. rpflF.rSE SAFES [looses, every qualifies) inn to rentier them proof against the action of fire or thieves,and of sufficient strength to endure a fall from any story of a burning building They are made ~f wrought iron, being kneed, rivited ami welded together, arid lined with a per fect nonconducting fire proof mineral composition, no wood being used in their construction as in the majority of safes sold by other makers. The doors of Gayler's Safes are secured with his THIEF DETECTOR and ANTI - LOCK, which precludes the possibility of picking or blowing them open with gunpowder. Over ■ TWO HUNDRED of these Safes have been exposed in ' accidental fire to the most intense heat, in many instances remaining in the burning ruins for several days, and at no time have they ever been known to fail in preserving their contents. The public are invited to call r.tthe BRANCH DF.POT, No. 10 EXCHANGE PLACE, PHILADELPHIA, near Dock street, and examine the numerous testimonials in favor of Gayler's tfnfes, a!? the large assortment on hand for sale at manufacturers' prices, bv JOHN L. PIPER, A SCENT. P. 8.- Also for sale lotv, new and second-hand Safes of other makers, which have Ireeu taken in part payment for Clavier's Salamanders. ap2t>.lin Pure Wines and Liquors. tpilE attention of Dealers and Hotel Keepers is request- J- IT' to my fine assortment of Wines and Liquors re jected with great care from storks in Europe and ih:s country, and from sources u >'.-icA euahlt tm to 01 akn ieo their purity. BIIA NPIES of every description fr. ru .$1 to A.', per gallon \l MICKEY, fine Irirh. Scotch ami Moriongahe':i. OLI) JAM AICA It I, M, I(oHriiid Got, and IYi H Brandy. MAD F.I It \, Ml EKPY A PORT \VIM>, of every variety and grade, from T5 lis. to s.l per gallon. CHAMPAGNE of all celebrated brands, to slfi. Claret—Fine Table Claret n> arid higher grader. Also, Lisbon, Tent-ride, Malaga, Muscat, Sec. Wild Cherry- Brandy, Raspberry, Blackberry a.id Lavender Brandy, Ac. Ac. Tlie Country Trade supplied a! wholesale price,—A complete assert incut of Wines and Liquors, very cheap, for culmary purpose*. 4>Orders promptly attended to. Goods rarcfulli park ed arid forwarded by "Express." Samples sent to any part of tiie country free ofcharge. bv addressing, post paid, A. H. M'GAELA. ali So.] Wine Merchant, 20 Walnut St., Philadelphia. TURNPIKE NOTICE. BOOKS of the Mtlheim etntl r.asl JL hishacoquillan 'I urvpik e Road Company will be opened at the house of Jared Irvin. in Miiheini, Wm. Bear, Madisonburg, in Centre county ; \V. F. Mover, Lewistown, Wni. Brothers, Reedsvilie, Isaiah Cophn, near I'er rysviiie, and J,ocke's Mil.s, in Mifilin county.on MONDAY, llii of May ie\l, for subscription of slock to said Company, arid continue open until SATURDAY. i!.e 16th. MITFLIN COUNTV. CENTRE C t'NTV. Michael Buoy, Daniel Kramer, Jerman Jacob, Henrv Fiddler. C. S. M'Coy, Henry Bower, Joseph Reed. John Smith, Win. M'Kinney, i W. C. Duncan, John Albright, j Jared Irvin, E. E. Locke, j Win. Bear, W. Reed, j Adam Hopterman, Jas. M. Brown. j Michael Gephart. April 12, lb%yo—tmay2o TAKE NOTICE. I have left the following speciiied A article#", farming utensils, 4.C., with Jacob Stcinherger. to he used by him upon tny farm, in ''liver township, Miffltti county, during in? pleasure: One Cutting Box,one Deaiboru vVagon, two Ploughs, one Harrow, one l/jg Cham, one Grubbing I loe, one l'ick, one Shove! Plough, one Canal Spade, one Sot of Vagon Gears two < owa, one Heifer, and three Calves, Of which ail persons will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. ap26-3t* JOSKPH TICK. Pennsylvania Railroad. ON and after MONDAY, April 1, 1850, PASSEXGER TRMXS leave daily tor the East at 0 o'clock IT m. and 10 o'clock 10 m.. A. M ,and Westward at 12 o'clock 20m. fittd 5 o'clock 4") m„ I'. M. Fare to Philadelphia, !?(."(H). FREIGHT THAI A day.) • \* Freight in aii cuses. unable on delivery of goods at the warehouse. SAM Ml I.LI K FN, Jr., Ag't. Levvis'.own, April 5, 1-50—tf A NEW nEWICI!NK ! BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, VVERY valuable preparation lor persons recovering fiom fever, or other diseases, u few drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor equal to a glassful of brandv, or other stimulants, without any of the debilitating ef fects which are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind ; and it is there-tore especially ap plicable to children and females. To lite aged it will prove a great comfort; to the dyspeptic, and to those who arc predisposed to gout ami rheumatic affections, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate, who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the nox ious liquor, it is invaluable—giving tone to the digestive organs, and strength to resist tempta tioii, and is consequently a great agent in the cause ot temperance. For sale bv .1. B. MITCH KM,. Lewis'own, March 22, 1-50. Indemnity. FPHE FRANKLIN FIKK INMITANCK FI.HPA.NV of Philadi-L phis— OFFICE 1031 Cltesnul street, near Fjfih street l I It E C T O R S . Charles N.Bancker. Geo. 11. Richards, | Thomas Hart, Mordecai I) Lewis, Tobias Wagner, A.lolphe E. Borie, Samuel Grant, lMvid 3 Brown, ' Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson. Continue to make insurant e, perpetual or limited, on j every description of properly in TOWN A. COUNTRY, ! al rates as low as are consistent with security. The ( ompany havr reserved a large Contingent Fund, j which, with their Capital and Premiums safely invested, j affords ample protection to ihe assured, j The assets of the Company, on January Igt, 1819, as ; published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were at fal lows, viz: Mortgages, *;,047,43S 41 Real Estate, 94,72-1 N3 Temporary Loans, 96,(4)1 >5.1 Stocks, 51,523 25 Cash, Ac , 38,804 37 *1.328.492 71 Since Iheir incorporation, a period of eighteen years, j they have paid upwards of One Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, losses by tire, thereby atforttlng an t\ i , denceof the advantages of Insurance,as well as the abil ity anil disposition .—On hand, also, a large assortment o SMALL IRON. F J. H. COOKING STOVES! THF. subscriber has •' B,W3 .V Bon hand an as fe " sr Ttnieiit of Cooking, tp -ft- JSine Plate, and other 1 j per cent, on the cost —e that the present exor ! | bitant prices can be greatly reduced, and yet a good profit be realized. The adulteration of ; drugs the most valuable, (Opium, CaiomeJ, Quinitje, &c.,) is a most dangerous and destrnc j live, but very common, fraud, and cannot be delected without a careful chemical analysis, i My s'ock has been selected with great care, , and I will sell drugs warranted free from all impurity, CHEAPER THAN TIIE ADULTERATED ARTICLE HAS BEEN SOLD. AI! proscriptions will be m?.Je up after the most approved method, and medical advice given to purchasers WITHGCT CHARGE. Physicians anu druggists in the country or neighboring towns, will be supplied on the most liberal terms. All orders promptly filled, and boxes and packages cf drugs, &c, carefully put up and forwarded. J. B. MITCHELL, Market street, south side, three doors east of F. G. Franciscus. Lewistown, Pa. l.ewistown, March 15, I^o. Sprius Fashions Received. W. G. ZOiJJ^GKR'S Il\T MANUFACTORY. Market street, Lewistoicn, adjoining Ken nedy df Porter's Store. Y|R. Z. informs the citizens of Mifflin j if. l and the adjoining counties, that he has Sjust received the spring to furnish all in want new 11.ATS or CAPS with an arti cle, neat, durable and well finished, comprising every style manufactured for this market. The care and attention be has ever given to I the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred by fits numerous Ornish customers, will be continued; and he feels warranted in giving the assurance that they will not be disap pointed. COUNTRY 2VII3RCHAKrTS will find it decidedly to their advantage to give him a call, for his arrangements are now such, as to enable him to furnish any quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful for the encouragement he has thus far received, he will continue to deserve it, by continued assiduity to the wants of his friends, and strict attention to his business. Lewistown, march 29,1850 —tf 11 AT & > XT. J. R-JDISILL, At his Old Stand in .Market street, HAS just received the Beetle & Costar and latest Philadelphia and Xew York Spring Fashion of ilats and Caps, and is row prepared to furnish both old and new customers with an article, which he will warrant good, and nothing shorter . lie has now on hand a large and general assortment of HATS AM) CAPS, f OR .IfK.V AM) HOYS, which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtaiucd here or elsewhere. His Ornish friends will also find htm pre pared to suit their tastes. ths unrivalled BROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care and attention which he has always bestowed upon them. Don't tor get the old stand, where vou may depend upon not being disappointed. N. J. R. feels grateful for the generous pa tronage he has thus far received, and assures ail that be will spare no pains to give the gen eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed ed in affording all who have dealt with him. Lewistown, march 29, l^.bO—tf. Auditor's A o tier. fFIHE subscriber appointed Auditor by the Jl Orphans' Court of Mitilm county, to make distribution of the proceeds of real estate in the hands of JOHN BEAI R, Administrator de bonis non o? WILLIAM BEALE, dee'd, appoints MOXI) AY, the 20 th of May next, at his office in Lewistown. to hear the parties interested, when and where they sre hereby notified t< n::end. Wtl, JM. HAI.L, Autft. Jew lstown, April 10. !SSO.