Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 03, 1850, Image 2

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    brand from tfit.* hearth, ami issuing forth,
waved it above fiis head.
The horseman was now close to the cot
tage, and the savages were not far behind.
With unerring haho, Richard plunged the
brand into the crass, and'trailed the lire in
a long line across the horseman's path.—
There was a strong wind blowing towards
the savages, and the drv grass of the prairie
caught lite llantes like powder. The li ving
horseman leaped his stead over them at
the moment they started up, and sank with
the exhausted animal to the ground.
In an instant, a broad sheet of flame
shot upward and swept across the prairie,
growing fiercer and larger as it flew ca
reering over the earth. The savages saw
their danger and wheeling their horses
suddenly about struck out in a broad cir
cle to avoid the raging flames.
Half an hour afterwards, all that broad
*£ tpanse of prairie was seen either black
and bare or burning, and far away to the
right, at a distance the eye could scarcely
attain, might have been seen two dark
specks moving slowly along the earth.
These were the two who had barely es
oaped the fire.
But to return to the horseman.
At the moment his horse overleaped the
flames, both fell, .a3 said before, to the
ground. In a• moment Richard was by
his side, and to avoid the flames that be
gan to creep through th * crackling grass
against the wind, dragged him to a space
of furrowed ground that surrounded the
squatter's hut.
At the moment Ford and his compan
ions catne up, Richard was assisting the
tallen man to arise ; and notwithstanding
the exciting scene they had just witnessed
they had not forgotten to seize their es
caped prisoner.
4 Murderer !' exclaimed Ford, grasping
him by the throat, 4 I have you now !'
He had scarcely spoken when a sir on*
hand dashed him aside.
4 Hands ori'!' cried a well-known voice,
4 for he is not a murderer but my de!i\ t-rer!'
The astonished lynchers looked at the
man who had now recovered from the
shock of his fall.
It was George Moxon.
Mary was awaiting in terrible suspense
the return of the lynchers. She had a
taint hop:- that her lover might by some
interposition of providence, escape—nay.
it was mther the dim shadow of a hope.
At the moment she was expecting the
awful intelligence that Richard was dead,
who should bound into the cottage but her
brother George ! In an instant she was in
his arms ; but the joy of seeing him again
was turned to bitterness bv the reflection
that Richard had probably suffered for his
supposed murder.
The next instant, however, her fears
were at an end—Richard was before her !
With a shriek of delight she sank from her
brother's arms upon the bosom of her lover.
We need not attempt a description of the
joy occasioned by this meeting—the joy of
the two young men who had been enemies,
but now were friends—of Mary, and of
the stern old man, her father.
George corroborated all Richard had said
concerning their last interview in the woods
and their quarrel, and gave a full explana
tion of his disappearance. He had been
captured by a band of savages, which had
been prowling about the neighborhood for
several days, anil from whom he had
escaped by breaking Lis bands and mount
ing one of their horses when they were
least expecting such a bold attempt.
When he had finished his narration, he
placed the hand of Mary within that of
Richard, declaring that nothing would
please him so well aa to see his friend his
Get the reader imagine the rest.
Latest Foreign News,
The steamship Cambria, ( apt. Leitch,
arrived at Halifax on Mondav at 2 P. M.
She brings intelligence from Liverpool to
the 13th of April.
1 he English Ministry having been de
feated in Parliament on one or two minor
questions, gives credence to the general
belie! that the ministry will be forced to
li Israeli, the leader of the opposition,
having recovered his health, has been rc
insptred with renewed courage.
1 he Greek question has not been ad
justed, and in the event of the failure of
the friendly ofnees of Prance, there is every
reason to apprehend serious difficulty be- '
tween England and Russia, as the former, 1
in the event stated, has given Admiral j
Parker express orders to enforce a com
plete blockade of the coast of Greece, and
should he do so, the Emperor of Russia
bar, given positive assurances of his inten
tion to advance to the assistance of King
Account® from thg manufacturing dis
tricts exhibit but littl: improvement The
prices of manufactured goods do not keep
pace with the advance of the raw mat-rial.
Short time has been resorted to.
o'rorn the continent, the political n ws
on the surface is unusually quiet.
Order reigns throughout Prance. The
violence of action, and the near approach
of the election give rise to fear- for the
■ continuance of the present calm.
The Jf'a&kinirtoa f'nioa as- its, in the
most direct and emphatic style, tfiat " We
have been uold to the British." If the
" we" is used editorially, the British will j
have the worst of the bargain.
learn from Jiavre ile Grace, U.r.t all the
fishermen at the head of the Chesapeake
Bay, except one or two, have been for
several days catching unusual quantities of
the finny tribe. Prom fifty tofivchun
d red bar ml.a of herring are frequently
caught a f a haul.
For six months, 75 cents.
NEW subscriptions must be paid in
advance, if the paper is continued, and not
paid within the first month, $1.25 will be charg
ed ; if not paid in three months, $1.50; if not
paid in six months, $1.75; and if not paid in
nine months, $2.00.
' Renew your Subscription*.
The present issue of the Gazette closes
the \ ear for a large number of subscribers.
Those who wish to take advantage of the
advance te:m. had better send on their
money, as A COLLAR will now pay for a
year—a fact worth remembering.
A. SIGLER &. Co. having purchased the exten
sive stock, of C. L. Jones, at a heavy discount
from first cost, are now selling it out at Phila
delphia wholesale prices—a rare chance for
A. W. GRAFF & Co., at Parker's old stand,
have opened a new and elegant assortment of
goods which are otl'ered very low.
J.THOMAS has replenished his stock with a
new supply, which will be run off lower than
ever, and no mistake.
FOSTER & RCTTER, who are erecting anew
Tannery at Perrysvilie, want a supply of Bark.
WATTSON it JACOB have received a supply of
Shad, Mackerel, and Herring.
THE WEATHER still continues changing
from warm to cold—in fact sometimes too
cold for comfort at this season. Fruit has
thus far we think sustained but little injury,
and if not nipped by frost, will yield well.
The GRAIN iu this and adjoining counties
looks remarkably well, and promises a
more abundant Wheat crop than we have
had for years.
THE G.VM'HIN CLAIM. —We learn from
Washington that the evidence in this case
has been closed, and a report will soon be
made, when we shall see whether those
who were so industrious in circulating-idle
rumors, got up by unprincipled political
opponents or disappointed office-seekers,
will bp as ready to give their readers the
from a correspondence in the Blair County
W hig that R. R. BRYAN, Ksq., is about to
organize a Bank of Discount and Deposite
at that place, and that fifty -nine individuals
and firms pledge themselves to support it.
Mr. Bryan was Cashier of the Agencv of
the Farmer's Bank of Lancaster, recently
established at that place, but some individ- i
uals thinking they had a right to do all the
business of that kind themselves, procured
the insertion of a section into the general ,
bank bill prohibiting any Bank from hnv- :
ing an agency at any place. From the '
turn things have taken, we should think
there has been a good deal of labor lost.
tion of Sunday travel on the Pennsylvania
Railroad, which 1 v resolution was submit
ted to a vote of the stockholders, has been
determined, after a fall and fair expression
of opinion, in favor of daily lines, by a
majority of 421 stockholders, and 3,159
shares. The vote for the thirty-one days,
showing the number of stockholders voting, '
and the shares represented, gives the fol
lowing total:
For. Against. For. Against.
Total vote, 1.125 701 17,822 12663
701 12.063
Majorities, 421 5,15b
A number of German Moravians, froni
near Lancaster, Pa., were on board the
Belle of the West, recently destroyed by
fire on the Ohio river, and many of these
lost children, and other relatives*.
An official statement of the loss of this
boat gives the following list of
J' remiah Bamberger, Dauphin county, Fa.
John Anders ami wife, from Marietta, Ohio,
(in care of son.)
trederiok Bretze, wife and three children, I
'two children, aged 5 and 2 years, saved,) Pan- j
rfi-.trr county. Fa.
Mr. Keller, (wife saved,) Fa
Mr. Dewey, wife and three children, Fa
Amos Yordy, Lancaster, Fa
l.ady, cabin passenger, name not known.
M.in, wife and six children, name not known, j
St. Mary's Landing, Va.
I hree children ot Mr. Waggoner, Fa.
Two Germans, deck passengers, names not |
known, took passage at Cincinnati.
A family, consisting of two rneri, two women,
and four children, names not known, Cincinnati.
liI;AWED SEVERELY. —John Bumberger, Dau
phin co., Fa.; Levi Yordy, Lancaster co., Fa. ;
hopes are entertained that both will recover.
BUP.NBD SLIGHTI.Y.—Miss Yordy, Lancaster
co., Pa. Borne three or four others very slightly
j turned—not reported.
SAVED.—Among the names of the saved are
these : George Geyer and family, (7) Fa ; Jacob
I Tollman, do ; Henry Gyger, do ; Hiram Steven
son, do ; ferry Stevenson, do ; John Shugar, do ;
Win. Bond and lady, do; A. J. Bond, Spring
field. do ; Charles Fide, do ; Daniel Ueubles and
family, (6) do ; Mrs. Kellor, do ; Fred. Blessing
•and family, (8) do; Jonathan Mothers, do;
VVm liuusucker, do; Wni. Green and lady,
Juniata co., do; Abraham Funk and family,
Dauphin co., do ; Feter Yordy and Hn, Lebanon
co., do; Jacob Hikes, Cumberland co., do; Mrs.
Phelps, Hoiqdayshurg, do; Edward llorscv,
Pittsburgh, do; George Rupard and fan.ilv. d- ;
J iVai: a do; n and lady do."
I lav. W>b(fr, Ib< " Mfholson
The opposition press has been crowing
considerably of late because, as thev al
lege, the doctrine advanced by Gen. Cass
in his Nicholson letter was adopted by
Clav, Webster, and other prominent whigs.
The New Castle Gazette calls attention to
this matter, and clearly shows that the
locofoco press is leading its readers into
error as to the views advanced by Gen.
Cass in that letter, which in reality con
ceded c\ erything that the slavery propa
gandists desired, viz : the extension of that
peculiar institution into the new territories.
The first reason advanced bv Gen. Cass
against the Wilmot Proviso, (or rather
Jefferson, for Thomas Jefferson was in
reality the author of the ordinance of 1787,
prohibiting slavery in the territories of the
United States,) is that it is unconstitutional.
The second is, that no treaty could he
ratified in the Senate, making an acquisi
tion of Mexican territory, with such a re
striction, because such a principle would
he viewed " as an exclusion of the citizens
of slave-holding States from a participation
in the benefits acquired by the treasure of
all, and which should he common to all.''
The last reason we w ill quote in full:
" Hut there is another important consideration,
which ought riot to be lost sight of, in the inves
tigation of this subject. The question that pre
sents itself is not the question of the increase,
but of the diffusion of Slavery. Whether its sphere
be ftationcry or progrissive, irs AMOUNT WILL ut
THE SAM*. The rejection of this restriction
will not add one to the class of servitude, nor
will its adoption give freedom to a single being
who is now placed therein. The same numbers
will be spread over greater territory ; and so far
as compression, with less abundance of the ne
cessaries of life, is an evil, so far will that evil
be mitigated by transporting slaves to a new
country, and going them a larger space to oc
Here, then, is what the locofoco press
calls 44 the very sheet anchor of our coun
try," and is as far from the views enter
tained by Messrs. Clay and Webster as
can well be.
Fi?* The correspondent of the North
American charges that the editors of die
Washington I'nion—the principal organ
of locofocoism—lately rendered a bill of
£ 10,000 for printing 10,000 copies of the
Decision of the Supreme Court in the
Passenger Cases, a pamphlet containing
181 pages. Objection being ntade to this
enormous charge, Ritchie finally agreed to
take $12,500, which sum was actually
paid him by a locofoco oiTice holder. At
the old congressional prices this work ought
not to have cost more than £3OOO, yet this
brawler against General Taylor's adminis
tration makes no scruple to take four times
that amount. Our readers can judge for
themselves respecting this matter by call
ing at any book store, where they will tind
a large number of books containing from
two to three hundred pages, any one of
which can be bought at retail for 25 cents.
It seems to us that men who are so ready
to charge the whigs with dishonesty in
paying just claims, ought first to clear their
own skirts of peculation, Ac.
Effects of (allfornia Emigration,
The immense emigration to California
from the interior and Western States, be
gins to be seriously felt by the merchants
of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Ac.
A very large proportion of the money
which under other circumstances would
come Fast to pa \ for goods, to be consumed
at the West, now is expended on the
Western frontier in purchasing mules, pro
visions, wagons, ivc., for persons on their
way to California. The amountof money !
thus diverted from its channels, says the
York Courier, can only he roughly com
puted at; hut even such an estimate bhows
that it must he very large. All accounts
concur in stating that at least 100,000 per
sons will leave the Western States for Cal
ifornia during the coming season. .No one
can go without an outfit worth, at least,
$250, and this gives an aggregate of $25,-
000,000 to be expended in this way. 11is
true this money docs not go to California.
But it goes to the xtremu Western fron
tier of the country, to Independence and
other frontier towns, and comes back onlv
I after a long time, and by a eurruitous
route. Those who formerly sta', cd at
! home, and consumed goods bought in
i Fastern Markets, now go West, and their
! places are not supplied. Trade here,
j therefore, suffers to that extent, and it is
: larger than it would at first appear. Many
at the West are selling their farms, which
they have brought into a slate of partial cul
tivation, at very low prices,, to raise the
i means of going to California. The coun
| "T h as never before seen any event which
! affected business in the same way, or
to tihe same extent with the emigration to
California. And its effects are justmaking
themselves apparent.
The Blair County Whig is now pub
, lished by G BOUGH RAYMOND, Esq., Mr.
WILSON having retired from the business,
( nr.d appears in an enlarged and improved
• forrn. It deserves sivcces.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
In looking over the proceedings of our
■wiseacres at Harrisburg during the past
week, we find hut little of interest to the
people—the 6<mA>hating loeofocos being
engaged in passing hank bills as fast as
they can. In the House, on Saturday last,
when the bill to re-charter the Easton
Bank was up on second reading, Dr. Bur
den gave his reasons at length, why he
would vote against further prolonging the
life of this Bank, and in doing so, he took
a retrospective view of hanking in this
State, and enumerated the evils which had
always characterized it. He contended that
there was not banking capital enough in
Pennsylvania—that in consequence there
of, the little Yankee State of Rhode Island,
and others East of New York, by reason
of their great banking facilities, had con
stantly kept good old Pennsylvania flooded
with their paper. He next expressed his
views of free hanking, which system he
extolled, and regretted that it did not meet
the favor of this Legislature, whilst, he at
the same time, hoped it would meet the
approval of the people of the Common
wealth. The present system was a bas
tard Locofoco system, and the Locofoco
party would turn around and deny their
own offspring in less than a twelve-month.
Notwithstanding the unanimity with which
Locofoco members were sustaining all
these Banks, we should have the same
blazing hand-bills posted up at the corners
of the streets and at the road-crossings,
that have always been brought into requi
sition heretofore on the eve of election,
telling how a few " recreant democrats,"
for that's the term, " united with the Fed
eralists to carry these monopolies and
special privileges, through the Legisla
For himself he was tired of this mon
strous humbug, and he should therefore
vote against the re-charter of all these
banks. This rotten corporation system
was hound to explode. As he said before,
it was a bastard Locofoco system, and
lie would have nothing to do with it.
He was in favor of the system of Bank
ing on State and United States Slocks.
This was the only safe system—a system
which not only required dollar for dollar,
hut put the capital in the hands of the
State Treasurer, where it could neither de
preciate nor diminish, for the eventual re
demption of the notes.
Mr. Beaumont. a full blooded locofoco,
sceins to think no more of the measure
than Dr. Burden, and lately pronounced
the celebrated bank bill perfected and
passed by Mr. Laird as an abortion ; of
no effect, and not important as changing
the fundamental principles of banking.
He seemed to hold to what Mr. Sankey
pronounced it in the Senate, a 4 bill to fur
nish an excuse to Locofoco radicals for
voting to charter and re-charter banks.'
The only bill of importance that has
been under consideration, is the Revenue
Bill, levying a tax upon Billiard and Bowl
ing Saloons, Theatres, Brokers, Ac., Ac.
Tlie Financial Committee in the Senate
amended the bill by the addition ot several
new sections, authorising the Governor to
contract a loan of $3,300,000 at a rate of
interest not exceeding four percent per an
uni, and conferring upon the holders of
such loan the privilege of hanking, upon
the principles ol what is commonly known
as- the Free Banking System.
Upon the final passage of the bill, the
yeas were 18, nays It.
>. In the Senate, on Wednesday, the ap
portionment bill passed second and was
prepared for a third reading. Juniata,
Mitllin, and Union form a Senatorial dis
trict, and Union and Juniata a representa
In the House, the Lebanon Bank bill,
which had been voted down the day before
by a large majority, was reconsidered on
motion oj / 'other Xla A*, ol t enlre count,
and passed!! Whether this result was
brought about by a night of prayer, or a
conviction that all the reverend gentleman's
previous opinions about the rascality of
banks were wrong, we cannot tell, llis
constituents w ill probably call him to ac
count, when we suppose the modus ope
randi will be explained.
Among the acts passed by tne Legisla
ture and signed by the Governor, arc the
following :
Relative to (J round Rents.
That from and alter the passage of this act,
whenever a ueed or other instrument of wri
ting shall contain a reservation of ground rent
to become perpetual upon tiie failure ot the
purchaser to comply with the couditiona therein
contained, no such covenant or condition shall
be so construed as to make the said ground rent
perpetual incumbrance upon the said ileal
Lstate, but it shall and muy lie lawful for the
purchaser thereof, at any time lifter the said
ground rent shall have fallen due, to pay the
'"" amount of the same, and such payment
shall be a complete discharge of such Real
instate from the incumbrance aforesaid.
The Rights of Married Women.
I hat the true intent and meaning of the act
of Assembly, to secure ihe rights ot married
women, passeu the Uth day of April, A. I).
" aaJ hereafter shall be, that the real
estaie of any married woman in 'his Common
wealth, shall not bo subject to execution for
uriy d< bt against her husband, on account of
any interest be may have, or may have had
therein, as tenant by the courtesy, but the same
shall be exempt from levy and sale for such
debt during the life of said wife.
Service of PrQC.es* Against Sheriffs.
That in all suits which may hereafter be in
stituted in any Court of ihia Common wealth in
which the Sheriff of any county may be a oarty,
where there is no Coroner in corn mission to
serve process, it "shall be lawful for arty Con
stable in the county where the process has been
issur-d, to serve the same, and perform the duties
in relation thereto, which Coroners are author
ized to do under the lawsof this Commonwealth.
Relative to Aldermen and Justices of the
That every aiderman and justice of the peace,
and every person exercising or hoidißg any
office of public trust, who shall be guilty of
wilful end malicious oppression, partiality, mis
conduct, or abuse of authority in his official ca
pac.ly, or under color of his office, shall, on
conviction thereof in any Court of Quarter
Sessions in this Commonwealth, be adjudged
guiity of a misdemeanor in office, and be pun
ched by imprisonment in the county jail for a
term not exceeding one year, and a fine not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars.
A correspondent of the Charrxbersburg
Whig furnishes some items of interest,
from which we extract the following :
U j-RRisBCRo, April 20, 1850.
1 have been looking over some off the Omni
buses, and have abstracted several of their pro
visions, which may perhaps be of interest to
your readers. Sonic of them are laws, and
others are not, but I think they will be ere long.
Among thoie which have become laws, is one
relative to short measure and short weight in the
sale of dry goods and groceries. It was made to
prevent frauds in wholesaling those articles,
but it applies equally to the retailing business;
and any person who shall hereafter sell dry
goods which proves to be short in measure, or
groceries short in weight, if sued shall forfeit
double the value of the deficiency, and suit may
be brought before any Justice of the Peace.
Amongst those which have not yet become
laws, but which I think will be approved, are
several very important matters, which in their
effect w ill greatly change the present law on the
subjects to which they relate.
Of these is that requring the Clerks of the
Orphan's Courts of the State to record in books
to be procured for that purpose ail the accounts
of Executors, Administrators and Guardians
hereafter filed, together with the Auditor's He
ports thereon, for which he is to receive one-half
the fees now allowed for similar services.—
Another section of the same bill requires the
Prothonotaries of the Courts of Common Pleas
and District Courts to record in like manner all
Assignee's, Trustee's, Legislator's and Com
mittee's accounts hereafter tiled, and also all
Auditor's Reports thereon, and all reports of
distributions made by sherifl*. He is also al
lowed only one-half the usual fees. I think this
is a salutary change, as permanent records will
thus be made of matters and things which are
frequently of great importance to suitors, and
the originals of which arc now frequently mis
laid or lost because of their being carried awav
from the public offices. The fees are, however,
in my opinion, too small, but still 1 suppose the
officers will each year have time enough to enter
arid record these matters, when they would
otherwise have nothing to do, and it is an old
saying that " half a bite is better than none."
Another section provides that it shall hereaf
ter be unlawful for any Prothonotary to demand
or receive any " continuance fee" in any cause,
" unless the cause shall have been put down up
on the trial list, and an actual continuance, is
agreed to by the parties or directed by the
Court." Another provides that in case any
Justice's docket shall be destroyed, defaced,
mislaid or lost, he may issue a srire facias upon
any case that might have been in it. and proceed
to hear testimony in regard to what had been
the determination of the case arid may himself
give testimony, in order to supply the lost
l'hc \ irgiuia Election has resulted, as
usual, in the locofocos obtaining a majority
in the State Legislature.
'i'he argument in relation to the writ of
error in the Webster case, for the murder
ot l>r. Parkman, is to he argued before the j
Supreme Court of Massachusetts to-mor
RKPLV TO WEBSTER. —The htirnorous
Washington correspondent of the Com
monwealth, published at Washington, in
tltis JStaie. and who glories in the name of
Teddy O'Neile, says in a late letter :
" Mr. Sinathur Sturgeon has jist sint me
word, that be intinds answiring Mr. Webster's
great spaehe, on the fifth Friday of . Jpril."
citizens of Richmond had a meeting on
Friday evening to take into consideration
the expediency of appointing delegates
to the proposed convention at Nashville.
The result was the adoption of resolutions,
by a vote of 211 to 105, against the ex
pediency of the contemplated convention.
re-" It is stated that the Locofoco mem
bers of our Legislature who voted against
a modification of the TaritFof 1816, are in
high favor with Sir Henry Bulwer, the
British Minister, and it is supposed that
Queen Victoria will shortly honor the in
with sortie memorial, as a token of appro
bation for the support they have rendered
British interests to the detriment of the
interests of Pennsylvania.
MR. BUCHANAN arrived at Harrisburgcn
Wednesday week, and it is reported that
thereon succeeded secret and solemn cau
; cusing for several days, doubtless for some
highly patriotic purpose connected with
the affairs of 1850. The Telegraph, in
noticing his advent, says :
" It is said that Mr. Buchanan has had great
trouble in preparing a letter on the slavery ques
tion, which should be agreeable to all parties,
and that the missive in question has passed sev
eral times already around the circuit of Lan
caster York, Washington, Baltimore, and I'hil
-1 adelphia, for the purpose of revision, but with
: out yet receiving the finishing touoh. The
thing proves an unruly cub, and very hard to
lake the proper shape. It may he that this visit
is intended to give tin* important production its
j last and final revision before it i delivered to
1 the faithful
gret to learn of the death by cholera, at
Indianula, Texas, on the 2nd ult., of the
gallant Major J. P. J. O'Brien. Major
O'Brien was the officer who distinguished
himself so highly at Bttena Vista, in com
mand of the artillery.
Counterfeit ten dollar bills on the Farm
ers and Drover's Bank at Waynesburg,
Pa., are in circulation.
fish." ~
tvF 40 Half Barrels No. 2 MACKEREL,
20 Barrels .
10 Barrels HERRINGS, just received ami
for sale by WATTSON & JACOB.
Ijewibtown, may 0, 1850—3t
THE subscribers are now puftirg UD a
STEAM TANNERY at I'errysviile,
i Mifflin county, and are desirous of obtaining a
; sufficient quantity of BARK, for which tiiev
for all kinds of Bark used in Tannin".
Perrysville, may 3, 1850—3t*
fBIHE public will be glad to hear that our
A stock of goods has been again replenished,
embracing a supply of
2)21 51)03)3,
Groceries A: Qurcnsn arc.
of Urn latent styles and best qualities. The
tame attention to the wants of all will be given,
and the reputation we t.ave obtained for
will be maintained. A personal inspection of
°'ir stock by buyers is solicited, ar.d satisfaction
warranted. If our goods are not what we re
. present, don't buy them—that's all.
Lrwistown may 3, 1850—tf
VV7"OULD respectfully announce to the citi
f V zens of Lewis-town and vicinity, that
they ere IIUW receiving and offering for sale oo
The Vash System.
At the Store Room formerly
occupied by James Parker,
Their stock consists in part of
Cloths, Cassiineres, Satinolx,
I AMI mm 5®53)3,
Calicoes, Jaconetts,
lfleachedand liroten dlusliits,
The subscribers respectfully invite the pub
lic generally to give them a call before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Itewistown, may 3,1850—3 i
rpiHE subscribers having purchased the stock
A of goods lately owned by C. L. JONES
at n heavy discount on their first cost, now of
fer thern at the same stand, at
m order to close them out. This stock has
nearly all been recently bought, and is we'i
•elected, and as it is the desire of the present
owners to run it off in the shortest possible time,
rash Buyers
will have such an opportunity lor
aa rarely occurs. The assortment of
is very fin", embracing a SPLENDID LOT or
llaiidttoine Bareges, French
littivnM. Ginghams, Prints,
Fringes, Gimps, tVc, Ace.
The stock also of
is large and deßirabie, and can he had at
* y- r
Fnglisli & French
mm imm oMiim
B3YS3L ""VtN CB>Er
can ail be bought at first cost.
AIEHCII ANTS wishing to replenish
find they can do better by buying from thio stock
; than by going to Philadelphia.
(CX* Apply soon, as the store will be
open but a short tiuie.
v SIGIJTv i F°-
J iM.own, mar 3. 1-"( V