Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 26, 1850, Image 3

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    POKE toy NEWS. I
EMH.AND —Since the sailing of the previous j
steamer. Parliament has done little more than ;
vote the supplies and transact other business of j
a local and uninteresting character.
In addition to the Eird Lieutenancy of Ire
land, it is stated that the government have it \
in conteropl turn to abolish the Irish courts of i
law, and transfer the whole machinery for :
government to London. Both measures are
violently opposed by the Irish press.
Agricultural operations, both in England I
and Ireland, are being carried on tins year on ■
ti must extensive scale.
The repeal agitatienhas been partially rp- !
newed in Ireland, under the auspices of John 1
O'Connel, but there is a lack of' its former spirit.
The trade in the woollen districts has sensi
bly improved of late.
Frightful Shipwrecks. —The English const
was visited by a severe hurricane on the 30th
ot March, causing much destruction of pro- j
perty and a frightful loss of life. Amongst
other vessels lost, was the John K. Skiddy, i
which wa3 driven ashore on the const ol Wex
tord, and totally wrecked Capt. Shipley, the j
passengers and crew, were saved. The How- !
ard, from New Orleans, was also wrecked at
the entrance of the Mersey.
The steamer Adelaide, from Dublin to Lon
don was lost near the moutfi~of the Thames,
and every soul on board, numbering 200, was 1
The coast everywhere is strewn with por
tions of corpses that have fallen a prey to the
Smith O'Brien and his Companions.—Ad
vices from Hobart's Town, Van Dieman's
land, have been received, announcing the ar
lival there of Smith O'Brien, and his associates
in the Irish rebellion of 1849. The felons
were granted tickets of leave on condition of
their engaging that their liberty should not be
used as a means to effect their escape. All
except O'Brien, accepted the boon. He has
been sent, under surveilance, to Maria Island.
FRANCE. —At Patis, although there is in
creased excitement and greater bitterness be
tween conflicting parties, the only marked
events of the fortnight have been: First—The
revolt of one of the regiments, which the gov
ernment has not succeeded in quelling. {Sec
ond—A popular demonstration, in a small way
against Louis Napoleon as he passed through
the streets.
Perhaps the most significant event in the
Legislative Assembly was the proposition by
M. de La Rochejaquelin, a friend of the Pres
ident's, to the effect that cn the first Sunday in
June, the nation should be called upon to pro
nounce definitely on the form of government
which it should choose to select —that every
elector should be called upon to inscribe on his
ballot, monarchy or republic —that if a repub
lic should acquire the majority, it should be
proclaimed in the Chamber by the President of
the Republic; and if the monarchy obtained
the majority, it should be proclaimed by the
President of the Assembly. This remarkable
proposal was received in solemn silence by the
majority, and by derisive sneers from the Moun
tain; but at length the proposal was negatived,
jt having fallen to the ground in consequence
of not being seconded, and the previous ques
tion was immediately voted unanimously.
The members of the Mountain received the
announcement with a cry ol " Viva la Repub
lique." It is said that the President of the
Republic is so mnch in debt, that nothing but
the possession of the imperial crown can ex
tricate him, and that he is at present engaged
in negotiations with Russia for the purpose of
possessing that, to him, now necessary protec
tion. The government arc perseveringly em
ployed in intioducing their measure* of coer
cion, in which Ihe majority of the Assembly
support them.
GREECE Advices from Athens are to the
19th of March, but they furnish only a confirm
ation of previous reports. Eleven of the cap
tured vessels had been given up by Sir William
Parker. A courier arrived with despatches
from Ixmdon on the 18th.
ROME. —A tecent number of the Roman
Observer says that the return of the Pope to
Rome has been definitely fixed for the 6th inet.
The speedy return of his Holiness appears to
give genera] satisfaction.
Advices from Lisbon state that Com. Martin
was concentrating his squadron at the 'I lgris
in anticipation of a hostile visit from the Amer
ican naval forces to enforce a settlement of the
long standing claim of the American govern
TUSCANY. —The Tuscan government hae re
fused to accede to Lord Palmerston's demand
of indemnity for losses sustained by their sub
jects at Leghorn la6t year. The difficulty has
been submitted to the arbitration of the Sardin
ian government.
RUSSIA. —An imperious note has been ad
dressed by the Russian government to that of
Prussia, on the subject of the Sehleswig Hol
fetein dispute. After enumerating all the
points at issue the note says there are so many
tacts which the Emperor cannot regard with
indifference, and from which he cannot in con
science release the Prussian Cabinet from.
The note concludes by distinctly intimating
the determination of the Emperor to empioy
decisive measures, if neceasaty, in support of
the Danish side of the controversy.
PRUSSIA. —A serious ruplHre has occurred
between the Governments of Prussia and Wur
ternberg in consequence of the tone assumed
by the King of the Utter country in opening the
The Prussian Ambassador lias been recalled.
GERMANY. — Berlin, it is said, is to be sur
rounded with fortified barracks, which have al
ready been commenced near one of the gates
of the city.
The German parliament assembled at Erfurt
on the 20th of March.
It is said that negotiations hove been opened
by the Central Power of Germany, with the
Lnkted States, for the purchase of American
vessels of war, completely equipped for service.
SPAIN. —The report from Madrid of a speedy
reconciliation between the English and Span
ish Governments is confirmed.
The Stale ot Cuba causes the greatest fioli
citude to be felt on the part of the Spanish
TURKEY. —Recent advices from Constantino
ple state that the preparations were being made
to conduct Kossuth and the other Hungarian
refugees to Kutahia, in Asia Miner, where
'hey are to bo confined, it is said, five years.
A telegraph despatch of the29th of March
i/trn Trieste, states that the insurrection in
Jbornoa, is extending its range, and is increas
ing m strength. About 2,(KM) Turkish troops
ere'defeated by the insurgents, and compel let.
io evacuate the fortress of Bajalaka.
SWEDES.— -letters from Stockholm announce
that by general order, the Swedish navy is to
oe put on a war footing. The object of the
measure if not known.
There were six deaths from cholera in
•m< iujiati for i}e yyr-fk ending the I/ih
That will do it!
I rer Trade in Kngland is giving so much
prospentv to manufacturers in that country,
that something must be clone for our own manu
facturers, to enable them to maintain their po
sition. Y\ ewc uld suggest the same thing which
nae acccomplished so much for the manufac
tures ol England."— Journal of Commerce.
Precisely so ! Give our manufacturers
an abundance of skilled labor at 15 to 45
cents per day, and they can do without
Protection. It is that, mainly, which ena
bles their British rivals to undersell them.
And the Journal has always been favora
ble to the mode of cherishing American
Manufacturers here indicated—by screw
ing down the wages of Labor. It has
ever been a consistent advocate of the Low
M ages policy. It goes on to say :
" It must be remembered that not the United
States only, but the world is the market to be
competed for. If we cannot make goods as
cheaply as England, or about as cheap, she will
underbid us in foreign markets. We ought not
to be satisfied with merely the home market."
M ell, let her " underbid us in foreign
markets," as long as her laborers are com
pelled to work lor an average of twenty
live cents per day, while wc, " satisfied
with merely the home markets," secure to
our own workmen an average of one dol
lar per day. Give us adequate Protection
to secure our Home Market, nnd we will
wrest plenty, comfort and competence out
of our own soil, although we never sell a
hale of goods abroad. Last year we
bought over three limes as much British
Calico as we did under the tariff of 'l2,
and got in debt to Europe (by sending
Storks abroad and selling them) to the ex
tent of many millions of dollars. In
other words, wc kept our own would-be
Iron workers and Cloth makers unwilling
ly idle and run in debt to Europe for the
fabrics they ought to have produced, be
cause the Foreign were cheap ! If that
is true economy, then we are grossly igno
rant of its A B C's.— X. J'. Tribune.
The steamer Belle of the West, (laptain
James, was burned one mile below War
saw, Kentucky, at 1 o'clock this morning.
She was bound from this city to St. Louis,
with California Emigrants. She was im
mediately run ashore near Warsaw, made
fast, and the stage plank run out. L'p to
this moment, the llames had not burst
The after hatch was then raised, for the
purpose of letting water into the hold, but
such was the pressure of the llames that
all efforts to quell them were entirely fruit
less, and in a few moments ihe whole boat
was wrapped in flames.
The total number of passengers on
board is estimated at 100—among whom
were two companies of California emi
grants, and about twenty families removing
West. From flic register it is ascertained
that over sixty have perished, and the
probability is that many have been lost
whose names are not enrolled.
Such was the progress of the fire that
before the passengers could get out of their
state rooms, after the first alarm of fire,
all communication between the after cabin
and forward part of the boat was cut off,
and either all were compelled to jump
overboard, or perish in the llames.
The scene is described as heart-rending.
At the time of the deck in, a lady
and gentleman, with a child in his arms,
who were standing between the chimnies,
were precipitated into the flames.
A large number of horses on hoard
were either burnt to death, or so badly in
jured, that they had to he killed to put
them out of their misery.
NAVAL EXECUTION. — It LS said that as
the U. S. sloop of war Germantown was
recently passing out of the harbor at St.
Thomas, a man was run up tr the yard
arm. It will be remembered that a sori- 1
ous mutiny occurred on board this vessel
while lying in Hampton Roads, just pre-,
vious to her sailing on her present cruise. >
The actors in that mutiny were thought
to have been too leniently dealt with.
These facts taken in connection with the j
circumstances mentioned above, arc pain
fully suggestive of an opinion that on this,
as on another memorable occasion, a sum
mary execution has been deemed necessa
ry.—Jioston Journal.
A magnificent steamer, the St. Louis,
left that city on the 12th instant on her
first trip to New Orleans, with a cargo of
fifteen hundred tons of produce. She is
said to be the largest steamer of the West
cm waters, her entire length on deck being
317 feet, iler cabin is 268 feet long, fit
ted and furnished with everything that can
conduce to the comfort of passengers. A j
nursery and servants' apartment, baths
with hot and cold water, and various
other appliances are provided.
dall, in one of his late letters from Paris,
: says there is a large house in the city,
fitted up for the reception of cats, dogs,
birds, <fec., when attacked by disease, and
where they are nursed and physicked ac
cording to rule. They have a class of
practitioners who confine themselves exclu
sively to the cure of these animals, and
fortunes are made in the way of business,
by members of the profession.
ounce of alum in a quart of warm water ;
when cold, add as much flour as will make
it the consistence of cream ; then strew in
to it as much powdered rosin as will stand
on a shilling, and two or three cloves ; boil
it to a consistence, stirring all the time. It
will keep for twelve months, and when dry
may he softened with water.
Charles Gearhart, who is charged with
robbing the mail at Danville, and who was
recently arrested in Ohio, escaped from
the Marshal of Western Pennsylvania on
the 12th inst., at Howardville, Centre
county, but was afterwards retaken.
'fur MISSING MAX FOT ND. —It seems
! '' iat Mr. Thomas Johnson, whose absence
■ Jrorn his home has been the occasion of so
much painful anxiety on the part of his
j friends, has written to them within the last
| few days, stating that he was alive and
| well at Baltimore, Md. Of the causes
j which induced him to take this strange
step we have not been advised. lie cer
, tainly owes an explanation to the commu
! nity and to his friends in regard to it. —
Lancaster Tribune.
'flic Jury at Pittsburgh, in the puddler
| and boiler case, found Patrick McDermott,
James Bratt, Ann McDermott, Eliza Mor
gan, Margaret Graham, and Catharine
! Reeves, guilty. Each of the men were
sentenced to eighteen months imprison
ment and costs of prosecution. Each of
the women to pay a fine of SSO, and un
j dergo thirty days imprisonment in the
; common jail.
MAJ. JOHN CI MMINGS of Union county
has been appointed Cargo Inspector at
Mr. Baldwin, who some time ago mur
dered his own brother-in-law, at St. Bonis,
, and was acquitted upon trial, on the plea
; of insanity, has since murdered his father.
MINRSOTA. —As this newly organized territory
is but imperfectly known to many of our read
ers, a few particulars of its leading features
will doubtles prove acceptable. Miresota is
about four times the extent of Ohio, and reach
es 675 miles from S. E. to N. W., and lies be
tween IV. lat. 42 d'eg. 30 min. and 49 deg. The
centre of the territory is about 1200 miles in a
direct line from either ocean, 1000 from the Gulf
of Mexico, and 800 from Hudson's Hay. It is
chiefly a rolling country, well watered with riv
ers and lakes, and the highest hill does not ex
ceed 2000 feet above the sea, and 1000 feet
above the surrounding country. The Capital,
fit. Paul, is 15 miles by water and nine miles by
land, below the Falls of St. Anthony, and the
river is navigable to the Falls for steamers of
considerable burthen. St. Paul contains about
1200 inhabitants, and several large hotels, and
the new town of St. Anthony at the Falls, about
990. There is also a town named Stillwater,
on the St. Croix River, 18 miles from St. Paul,
with 900 people, hotels and saw mills. The
Marine Mills, Point Douglass, Mendota or St.
Peter's, and the Falls of St. Croix, arc flourish
ing villages. Day laborers obtain S2O a month,
ar.d mechanics $1,75 to $2 per day. The public
lands may be taken up at $1.25 per acre. The
total number of Indians is 27,000, and there is a
strong military post at Fort Snelling, on the
Mississippi. The whole number of white in
habitants in the territory is about 5000. The
distance from New Fork to St. Paul, by Buffalo,
Detroit, Chicago and Galena, is 1537 miies—by
the Ohio and Mississippi, St. Louis, &c. 2229
miies. The land of Minesota is very produc
tive. One hundred and seventy miies of the
Norlhem boundary, is along the shore of Lake
Superior.—.Vcirorfc .frlcoeale.
On the 19th February, by Rev. J. P. Shindel,
Jr., Mr. ABSALOM FRIES, of West Beaver, Union
county, and Miss SUSAN MorF.R.of Mifflin co.
On the 10th instant, at her residence in Johns
town, Juniata count}', Mrs. SARAII ANN, wife of
David A Doughman, aged 23 years.
On Tuesday, 2d instant, at the residence of
Samuel Edrniston, jr., in Centre county, Mr.
JAMES EDMISTON, of Derry township, Mifflin
county, in the 51st year of his age.
On Tuesday night, 23d inst.. at Locke's Mills,
LAURA AMANDA, daughter of R. M. and S. M.
Kinsloe, aged 5 weeks.
I<cwistown. April 26, I*so.
Patd by Duiltrt. flttaiK
Flour * $4
WliWlt, white - 100 1 10
rod - 95 1 05
Rye - - 50 60
Oats 28 35
Torn, - - 45 56
Cloverseetl old, 300
Do new, 3 00
Flaxseed - • 1 (Ml 1 25
Timotbydccd - 2 00 2 50
Butter, good - - 15 15
Eggs - - 10 10
li rd - - 6 8
Tallow - - 8 10
Potatoes - - 50 02J
PHILADELPHIA. April 25, 1850.
The demand for FLOUR seems limited for
shipment, and only a few hundred barrels com
mon brands have been taken, at $5 12$ per
barrel. Holders are firm at this price, as the
receipts continue very small. Sales to the
City dealers at .#5 12$ a $5 37$ for common
and choice lots, and $. r 5(1 a .$5 62$ for extra.
RYE FLOUR —Sales of 900 barrels, at #2,875.
CORN MEAL—A smaii sale at $2 G2s per
GRAlN —Wheat continues scarce, and is
wanted. Sales of good Red at $1 14, and
White at #1 20 per bushel.
RYE we quote at 60 a 61 cents per bushel.
CORN continues to come in slowly, and meets
a quick sale at 58 cents, and some at 09 cents.
GATS —Sales ot prune Pennsylvania at 40
cents per bushel.
BALTIMORE, April, 24, 1350.
FLOUR —The market opened this morning at
.#5 per bbl. for Howard, and closed at ,#5 06$
a 5 12. The transactions, with an active de
mand, reached 1300 bhls., mostly for export.
City Mills is held at #5 25. Wheat—The
supply being limited, holders are firm at #1 20
for Pennsylvania prime white, and $1 15 for
Maryland "red. RYE —Sales of Pennsylvania
at G5 cents.
The Baltimore American, in its weekly re
view of the market, says :
COFFEE. —There is some little disposition
manifested on the part of buyers to operate. —
The aggregate sales, however, do not foot up
more than 2000 bags, of all descriptions, viz:
,800 hagß Rio, of fair quality to fancy lots, at
9salos cents; 300 bags Rio at 9n9s cents;
about 200 bags common quality do. Nt cents;
and 700 bags Laguayra at 9 cents. The im
ports of the week are223o bags from Laguayra
and 100 bbls. from Porto Rico.
FISH. —The unfavorable weather has so ma
terially affected the produce of the Fisheries
that the accounts from there are quite discour
aging. The quantities of both Herrings and
Shad caught thus far are below the average.
We note sales of Herrings at #5u5.25 for No. 1;
and of North Carolina Shad at $7.50a8, for
trimmed No. 1, according to the size of the
barrel. Mackerel are in limited request at
$ 12.50a 13 for No. 1; 89 for No.'2: and 80 25
aO.TG for No. 3,
On Saturday last snow fell to the depth
of two feet on the Catskill mountains, j
New York.
\KJT #5 counterfeits on the Wilmington and
Brandywine Bank, Wilmington, Del., are in
circulation. The impression is much iighter •
than the genuine bill, and appears to have been j
printed with paler ink. The signature of the
President is bad, but that of the Cashier very •
fair. But the main points of detection is in the
interior paper of the counterfeit, it being one
sixteenth of an inch shorter, and in tr.e vignette,
the figures being badly executed. The woman
at the top of the note, representing Liberty, has
her left foot turned, as if her large toe was
where the sinal I one ought to'be. The shading
lines on the faces at the sides of the note are
all turned in opposite directions to those on the
genuine note.
WE have just received a lot of verv supe
also a lot of best WESTERN FEATHERS,
which we will sell low and for cash only.
apl2-3t WATTSON & JACOB.
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. He j
can always be found at his office, in his drug j
store, or at tiie house of Gen. Irwin, unless pro
fessionally engaged. [March 15. 1850.
Operations on She Teeth.
\TTOULD inform the public that he will be
\ V absent from Lew istown, for a short period, !
for the purpose of bringing his family to the
place. He experts to return about the middle t
of MAY next, and give attention to the duties j
of his profession.
Lewistown, April 19, 1850.
Auditor'* Police.
FBYIIE subscriber nppointed Auditor by tho
-I. Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to make
distribution of the proceeds of real estate in the
hands of JOHN BKAIF, Administrator de / tints
rinn of WILLIAM BEA LE, dee'd, appoints
MOXDA Y. the 20th of May next, at his office
m Lewistown, to hear the parties interested,
when and where they are hereby notified to
attend. WM. Al. HALL, Aud't.
Lewistown, April if), 1850.
Auditor's Holier.
undersigned having been appointed an
JL auditor by the Court of Common I'ieas of
Mifflin county, to decide and report on the ex
ceptions filed to the account of WILLIAM M'-
KINNEY and JOHN M'DOWKLI.. assignees of
THOMAS JACOBS, Jr., will meet all per
sons interested at his office in the borough of
Lewistown, on FRIDAY, May 17th, 1850,
where they may attend if they see proper.
•pl2-4t JAMES DICKSON, Aud't
t'oiiipomifl Myrup of .Spigelia
or Vegetable Vermifuge,
The most effectual, the safest, pleasantest
and most convenient Worm Medicine
ever offered to the public.
rpiin BPIGELIA, says a work of highest authority, j
itaml* at the he <ui of th< list of .Ivtktlmintict or ilurui :
Midmnr.'. It is adapted to a wider range of cases,and
to a greater variety of constitutions and states of the
constitution, than any other. But prepared HB it com- |
inonly if, in the form of tea, it can seldom he given to j
children in sufficient doses. In Harris, Turner & Hale's ;
Compound Syrup, it is so concentrated that rtie dose is ;
v 'ry small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera- j
tion, and so palatable as to he taken, not only with ease, ■
hut with positive pleasure.
The prerise composition of this syrup art? the m .it of
pr-psrin? it, are tlie result of a series of experiment*
continued for years. Before offering it for sale, i' was
subjected to the test of experience in the hands of emi
nent physicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who hive
recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it
in their practice. In addition to this evidence of its mer
its, we oif.-r the following, selected from a number of un
solicited testimonials.
Ist. A distinguished physician of Virginia, of murli
experience, writes'if it thus:
"1 nle.nli! have written before this, but felt disposed
first to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. I have used
more Than half the quantity received,and the experiment
has been most successful, t really believe that if p<user
aee advintagts ertr iny ather Virmifugt I have ercr uttil.
Independent of the smallness of the dose, and the plea
santness of the syrup (creat advantages in dosing chil
dren) the advantage of administering it tinder a variety
of circumstances, enhances it* value; indeed there is
scarcely a condition of the system in which it may not
tie administered. Yours, Ac."
\ respectable physician of I ebanon county, in th
state, writes
" I have been In the habit of prescribing your f'ompnued
Syrup of Spigella for some time past, and have found it
an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children. —
Please forward per bearer 2 iloz. bottles.—Yours,Ac."
3d.—An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we
had previously sold the syrup, writes:
"Since my return home, I find that your Syrup of Spi
eelia has come into general use in this neighborhood. We
have sold what we bad on hand, and it gave such sati*-
faction that it is now called forevey day. You will please
pul us up 5 or fisior.cn in a small package, and send to the
care of VV. Anderson A Co., Richmond, as soon as possi
ble, and forward the bill per mail.—Yours, Ac."
•iih.— A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to
Philadelphia, stated, that some tune since lie had been ap
plied to by a customer for a vial of "e Ver
mifuge for his son. Not having the article asked for. he
advised a 'rial of Harris, Turner A. Hale's Compound
Pyrupof -Spigeiia and gave him a part f n Wife which
was all l i.i' remained in the store. A day or two after
this the gentleman returning to the store, expressed his
surprise and delight at the effect of the Syrup, declaring
it had expelled 200 worms and entirely relieved his son.
The merchant added an expression of his great regret that
lie had not had on hands a bottle of the Syrup at the time
when his own little daughter died, as he confidently be
lieved it would have saved her life.
sth—A gentleman of Hudson, N. Y., having sent a hot
tie of Harris, Turner & Hale's Compound SyriipofSpi
gelin, to a young friend who had tried in vain a great num
ber of worm medicines, writes, that his friend was imme
diately relieved ; the words of the patient were : "It took
every worm out my body."
Wholesale Druggists, No. 201 Market street,
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. Patent Medicines, Surgical
ami Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win
dow-glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumeries, Ac.,&<•.,and
exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner A Hale's
Sugar-Coated Pills, Iluxham's Liniment for the Piles,the
Ranhridge Hair Tonic, Eberle s Eye Water,Mrs.'Madi
aon's Unrivalled Inrfelliblc Ink, Pewees' Celebrated Nerve
and Bone Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mrs. Khars
wood'* Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla,for flavoring Pud
dines, Ice Creams, Ac., Ac.
For sale by dealers in Drugs generally in
Centre, Mifflin and Juniata counties. [au5 —tf
For Washing Clothes, Paint
ed Surfaces,
The agents for the sale of FAMILY and
COUNTY RIGHTS in this State are HENRY
JOHNS; and iu PhiladelphiaC. D. KNIGHT,
39 North Sixth street.
THE subscribers have in store and offer on nccoinnioda .
ting terms,
2150 gallons bleached winter and spring SPI'RM OH.
1830 do bleached SOI.AR OIL
3843 do bleached winter and spring WHALE OH.
130(1 do superior LARD OIL, " Kjtra."
9222 do racked X. \V. Coast WHALE OIL
This Oii is very liehi in color, and entirely tV-e from dirt
138 Boxes sperm and adamantine CANDLES
470 do mould and dipt CANDLES, assorted size*
300 do yellow and brown SOAPS
420 bids. good quality TANNER'S OIL
113 do extra BANK OH,
81 do pure STRAITS OIL
210 do low priced TANNER'S OIL
2000 gals. COMMON OIL for grea-ing, Ac
31 North Wharves, 3d store above Arch street,
April 5,1830—1 in Philadelphia
Pure Wines and Liquors.
rpHE attention of Dealers and Hotel Keepers is request- \
-L ed to my fine assortment of Wines are! Liquors se
lected with great care from stocks in Europe and this
country, and from sources which enable m* to (U/ARAXTEE
their pvritij.
H it A iN DI ES of every description from -f 1 to s."i per
W III S KE\ , fine Irish, Scotch and Monongahela.
AI Ij I) J A.! AI(J ARI 31, Holland Gin, ami Peach
of every variety and grade, from 73 cts. to $5 per gallon i
CHAMPAGNE of all celebrated brands, s'.> !>i) to SH6. i
Claret—Fine Table Claret at and higher grades.
Also, Lifbon, Teneriffe, Malaga, Tiluscat, &c Wild
Cherry Brandy, Raspberry, Blackberry and Lavender
Brandy, &c. &c.
'8 he Country Trade
supplied at wholesale prices.—A complete assortment of
\V iocs and Liquors, very cheap, for culinary purposes.
(7-Ordere promptly attended to. Goods carefully pack
ed and forwarded by "Express." Samples sent to any
part HI the country free of charge, by addressing, post paid,
;il2.3m] Wine Merchant, 30 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
>. ■■■in nil l
J JVV 32 South Second St., near Chesnul, Philadelphia.
A BE now receiving their spring importations, and
■"*- would respectfully invite the attention of all CASH
' buyers, either wholesale or retail, to their large stock of
! j.Tloiiriiing Exclusively.
! H LACK Bareges, Marquise, Clialy, Bombazines. J
I i Bombazine finish Alpacas, Canton Cloths, Silks, dou
j b!e width Mousseline de I.aines, Grenadines, Canton
Crapes, Barege Laines, Thibet long & square Shawls,
Barege Shawls, Crape, Love, and Crape I.isse Veils,
I ' patent English trimming and veil Crapes, &.c. &c. &c
SECOND 3IOIJKNING I.a w is, Ginghams. |
Bareges, Mousse, de Laines, Gingham Lawns, Chintz
es, Acier Cloth, Linen Lustres, moifrning bordered
Handkerchiefs, Collars and Culls, black and lead Kid
Gloves, Neapolitan Gloves, Sec &ec.
I 1 " They are largely provided with Mourning Goods,
and those wishing fn purchase, will find ample oppor
tunity to do so with them."— .Yorth American.
i i "No advantage taken of domestic distress, for ex
; tortion or imposition."— Saturday Courier.
" Our citizens can, at any moment, call at this store,
! and obtain every material for ladies' attire, that is ne
] cessary in the season of mourning, confident at once
of obtaining good goods, and at fair prices."— lnquirer
\ Philadelphia, April 12, 1850—4t
rpm: MAI.E DEPARTMENT of this Institu
! Jf Tion will be opened on
71 OX DAY, April 8, 1850.
Every attention will be given by the Principal
I to the improvement, both morally and mentally,
: of those intrusted to his care.
Persons sending from a distance, by applica
tion to the Principal, can have suitable boarding
i provided, where strict attention will be paid to
i their morals.
J Jr.KMs per quarter ol eleven weeks, for
Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Geogra
phy and Arithmetic, $3.1)0; for the Classics,
Mathematics, &c., $6.00.
Eor further information he would refer to the
following letter from the Rev. C. T. WORRELL,
Monmouth county, N. J.:
"Mr. W. 11. Woors having boarded in my A
house for a length of time, while engaged in
teaching a school at which my son attended. I
take pleasure in thus testifying to his kind, gen
tlemanly, and christian deportment, while a
member of ray family, and to his faithful and
entire success in the education of my son, as
well as that of all other pupils intrusted to his
c harge, and to his having given general satisfac
tion as a teacher to the supporters of the school.''
W. 11. WOODS, Principal j
I.ewistown, April 5, 1650—Ira.
Pennsylvania Railroad,
ON nnd alter MONDAY, April 1, 1850,
for the East at 3 o'clock 47 m. and 10 o'clock
10 m . A. M., and Westward at 12 o'clock 20 m.
and 5 o'clock 45 m., P. M.
Fare to Philadelphia. $5 00.
FREIGHT TRAINS tiailv, (except Sun
Freight in all cuse?, payable on delivery
of goods at the warehouse.
Lewiatowa, Aprils,lßso—if
npHH ROOKS of the Milheim tind East
.*L A ish acoqu illas Turnpike Road Company
will ho opened at the house of Jared Irvin, in
Milheim, Wm. Bear, Madisonburg, in Centre
county; W. F. Moyer, liewistown, Wm.
Brothers, Reedaville, Isaiah Coplin, near Per
rvsville,and Locke's Mills,in Mifflin county,on
YSO.MMY, tSlhof Hay next,
tor subscription ot stock to said Company, and
continue open until SATURDAY, the 18th.
Michael Buoy, Daniel Kramer,
Jerman Jacob, Henry Fiddler,
C. S. M'Coy, Henry Bower,
Joseph Reed, John Smith,
Win, M'Kinney, W. C. Duncan,
John Albright, Jared Irvin,
E. E. Locke, Wm. Bear,
W. Reed, Adam Hosterman, j
Jas. M. Brdwn. Michael Gephart.
April 12, 1850—tmav20
Paper & Blank Books.
HE subscriber has always on j
hand a fine stock of Printing, Cap,
Letter, Wrapping, Window and i
Wall Papers and Blank Books.
Writing Papers very low by the Ream.
npl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
New Hardware Store.
WE have always on hand
very large assortment of all |( )|
fij|fcY*-r*s3|;in ( ] s of Hardware, Saddlery U
and Coachware, which being purchased strictly
tor cash, we are prepared to sell wholesale or
retail at low prices.
c ^ r -n^y>v
HAYING taken several additional r*>msfcr
the esc of otir store, w" 3ie enabled this
pring to increase our stock <-f g..iodt> very much,
sod we now offer our friends H very Istge and
desirable assortment of
Uis 1 HDD 3) 3,
Hardware :u<l
and think we can't be undersold in any of them.
A great part ot our stock lias been purchased
at auction, at regular catalogue sales, where
nothing but (resii and warranted goods are ot
tered, and by which we save from
15 to 20 par coat.,
and we feel confident that we can sell a great
many articles LOWER than those v.ho buy
only ot the jobbers, as for instance—
We invite our iriends, and the public gener
ally, to call and look at our goods, and it they
afterwardsthink theycanbuy for less elsewhere,
we will charge them nothing f>r showing.
Lowistown. April 12, 1950.
.? A M K S A . Ij 1 IJ f J G Y
1A KSPECTFULLY informs the public that he
IX has taken the shop recently occupied by
door north of Alfred Marks' Drug store, up
stairs, Lewistown, where he will continue the
above business, in all its various branches. He
solicits a share of public custom, and promises
to devote all his time and attention to his busi
ness, and hopes by so doing to merit encourage
ment. He will be in the regular receipt of the
fashions of each season, and prepared to make
his garments to please all who may favor him
with a.calJ. [march 29, Jcso—3m
Opposite Lcwistow ia, IV una
JVjg THE undersigned informs his
' iV friends and the public, that he h3S
J I Jig! oponed the above house, located
*-■ the Central Railroad, opposite
4 . Lewistown, and will now be hap
py to attend to all who may favor him with their
custom. The location is such as to make it ad
vantageous to travellers to make it a stopping
place. The house is large, convenient, and well
furnished with eveiything necessary to make the
traveller comfortabje.
Will be always furnished with the best the mar
ket affords, and his BAR with the BEST and
Attached to this establishment is extensive, and
the conveniences about are of such a nature as
to commend themselves.
In taking charge of this commodious house, it
is the intention of the undersigned that it shall
not be surpassed by any in the country,
j Persons visiting Lewistown, either on business
or pleasure, will find the RAILROAD HOTEL,
an agreeable and convenient house, and during
their stay, may rely upon every attention to se
cure their comfort. JAMES ALLISON.
Granville tp., march 29, 1550.—6t
Attorney at L n w,
OFFICE on MAIN street, two doors east of
the Bank. [Aprii 12,1950-tf
J TTAS resumed the practice of his professioi
11 in this and the adjoining counties.
Office at the Banking House of Longeneck
or, Grubb &. Co. Jan. 20, 1849—tf.
Lcwistov.D, Mifflin Connlj', Pa.
0 — FFICE two doors west of the True Demo
crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 25, 1849—tf.
Wo dJo
Attorney at Law,
"V*[7"ILL attend promptly to business entrust-
T T ed to his care in this and adjoining
counties. Office one door west of the Tost
Office. June 10, '49-ly.
Good News for Blacksmiths.
Iv on!
mHE subscriber has just received a large lot of
JL Irvin & Co.'s Centre county Iron on com
mission, and shall continue to keep a heavy stork
which he will warrant, and sell at the following
prices, for cash, on delivery :
Regular assorted Iron, 3. cents.
Horse shoe do 4 do
Nail rods, 4; do
I/ewistown, March 29, 1850.
N. B.—On band, also, a arge assortment o
'THE subscriber has
always on bond an as
snrtment of (looking,
it— fn —-Vine Plate, and other
flpj!a 11 of which lie will sell
very !uW ' ant * W!irra,lt
to give entire satisUc
apl'd F.^'VIOFFMAN.
ESoot & Shoe itlaiiufaitna e&*
CONTINUES to manufacture, to order,
every description of BOOTS AND
SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in his employ and
j using good stock, his customers,as well Hsail
others, may rely upon getting a good urtieio,
• well made and neatly finished.
January '2' i.