Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 26, 1850, Image 2

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For sis months, 75 cents.
?E3=All NEW subscriptions must be paid in
advance. If the paper is continued, and not
paid within the tirst month, §1.05 will be charg
ed ; if not paid in three months, §1.50; if not
, iid in six months, §l-75; and if not paid in
nine months. §2.00.
' Renew your Subscription*.
The present issue of the Gazette closes
the year for a larsre number of subscribers.
Those who wish to take advantage of the
advance teims, hail better send on their
money, as A DOLLAR will now pay tor a
vear—a fact worth remembering.
JOHN A. STERETT offers strong inducements to
the public to give him a call.
SAM HOPPER is again ready to supply bis cool
ing nostrum to our citizens.
Mr. FELIX manufactures a patent bottom for
bedsteads which is highly spoken of by those
w ho have them in use.
JOSEPH TICE has a notice respecting some
personal property left on his farm.
Persons who desire to preserve money, papers,
and other articles of value, arc referred to the
advertisement of JOHN L. PIPER, Agent for the
sale of Gavier's Salamander Safes.
HP*The High Constable was engaged
yesterday morning in selling a number of
Hogs which had been taken up on the
streets. We are sorry for the owners, but
at the same time believe that ordinances of
this kind ought to be strictly enforced.—
We have suffered some ourselves by swine
getting into our garden.
CF The Juniata Sentinel says that
should Col. A. G. CI'RTIN of Bellefonte,
consent to the use of his name for the of
fice of Auditor General or Surveyor Gen- i
eral, both of which are now elective, his \
nomination and election would certainly
be within the range of probability. A
better selection in our opinion could not be
GPJudge EPHRAIM BANKS, of this place,
has been named as a proper candidate for
Auditor General on the locofoco ticket.
WILI.IAM ROSS, Esq.,of this place,
has been appointed Mail Agent on the
Central Railroad—a post which he will no
doubt fill in a manner satisfactory to the
Department and the public.
Washington, says that the Treaty just
concluded between Sir Henry Bulwer and
our Government was transmitted to the
Senate on Monday by the President, ac
companied with the correspondence be
tween the contracting parties. Great Brit
ain stipulates not to settle, occupy, fortify,
or exercise any right of domain in Central
America or the Mosquito coast; in other
words, she agrees to surrender the territo
rial acquisitions made by virtue of an al
leged protectorate to the King of Mosquito.
This is a re-establishment of the policy
laid down by Monroe—one that the Cnited
.States is pledged by principle and interest
to adhere to.
Military Encampment.
The annual Military Encampment of
the 3d Brigade, 15th Division, Pennsylva
nia Uniformed .Militia, will be held at Pe
tersburg, Perry county, commencing on
the 21st and ending on the 21 th day of
May next.
GRAHAM'* MAGAZINE contains contributions
from Geo. D. Prentice, J. M. Legare, Henry
W. Herbert, Mrs. E. J. Karnes and other dis
tinguished writers, and is embellished with four
original engravings. The July number will be
one of the richest ever issued, and Graham
promises that the succeeding ones will not be j
far inferior to that, so that we may look for a j
rare volume from July to December. The July
number will contain a splendid portrait of Jen- !
jy Lind.
GODET'S LADV'S BOOK for May contains no
less than twenty-two distinct embellishments,
and the literary articles are from pens of some
of his best contributors. Godey is rich in re
sources and fertile in imagination, and hence.
,ve shall not be surprised if in the coming half
year he should furnish his readers with some
thing new and unique.
numbers among its contributors, Kamartinc,
Harriet Martineau, and frcderika Bremer, and
is embellished with several fine engravings.
Hartain promises in the June number, a beauti
ful portrait of Jenny Lind, printed in tints ; ac
companied with a biographical notice.
HOLBROOR'S United States Railroad Ouidc and
Steamboat Journal, containing official tables, with
hours ofdeparture of trains, station", miles, fares,
tune, &.C., on ail the railroads arid principal
eteamboat lines in the United States, and other
valuable matter for the travelling public, with a
Map of New York Gity—for a copy of which
we are indebted to the publisher, is a work that
ought to find its way into the hands of every
traveller. It contains upwards of 100 pages,
and will be reviewed on the first Monday of
each month. Price 12 cents. Geo. R Hol
hrowk ACo pub fibers, 4't Ann street New
i >tx.
Tin: G ALPHIN CLAIM. —We last week
drew the attention of the Democrat to
I some erroneous statements relative to this
claim, anil referred the editors to a Ut
ter in the Washington Union over the
signature of Mr. Montague, a clerk under
Mr. Polk's administration, for information
respecting it. This reference for informa
tion certainly was plain enough, yet the
Democrat of yesterday gravely informs its
readers that we relerred it to the JUash
inst/on Union , and after quoting a para
graph of Ritchie's slang, avers that we
" cannot, after calling a witness on the
stand, repudiate his testimony !" With
all due deference to the far-seeing author
of this grandiloquent specimen of fair
dealing, we humbly submit whether there
is not some difference between a letter
over a proper signature in the Washing
ton Union, and the Washington Union
i.self I We have seen nothing as yet to
change the opinion expressed last week,
that if the claim was just, interest would
be equally so. Mr. Polk's administration
allowed the principal, and as will be seen
by the following reply to the Union's ar
ticle paraded in the Democrat, the interest
was reserved for further consideration by
Mr. Polk's Secretary of the Treasury ;
From the National Intelligencer.
" We are enabled to state, for the information
of the 44 Union," that the several claims cited
by that print yesterday were all left undecided by
the late Administration, so far as appears by the
records of the several Departments ; the only
vehicles through which their successors could
be advised of their official acts. What the
heads of the several Departments may have
thought of any or all pf those claims; whether
they formed opinions upon them, and, if they
did, what those opinions were, we have no
means of knowing, except in one case, namely,
the Ga/phin claim, which was in express terms
reserved for further consideration on the question
of interest."
THE CABINET. —The National Intelli
gencer, in noticing the many rumors that
have been circulated in relation to a disso
lution of the Cabinet, says:— 44 It is not
true that the enemies of the Cabinet 4 have
won the President over to them nor is
it true that 4 the President has intimated a
strong disposition' to 4 form a new Cabi
net.' There exists, we have reason to
know, entire concord between him and his
Cabinet; and there is not, we verily be
lieve, a single member of the Cabinet who
would not retire from his station instanta
neously on discovering that his presence
in the Council Chamber was not desired
by the President. There is not, we are
persuaded, one of them who is not affec
tionately and deeply attached to the Pres
ident, and proud that he enjoys the esteem
and confidence of that eminent inan. Nor
is there in fact any division, or any want
of harmony, between the President and
the members of the Cabinet."
UNIVERSAL PEACE. —Another Congress
or Convention has been called to meet at
Frankfort on the Maine, in Germany, in
the month of August next, to do what is
possible towards abolishing the barbarous
custom or institution of war, and thus do
away those potent instruments of tyrants,
the bloody sword and ruthless bayonet,
as well as standing armies, national debts,
and grinding taxes. There is no limit as
to the number of Delegates, and the Peace
Congress Committee for the United States
recommend each congressional district,
towns, or other bodies, religious or litera
ry, to choose a delegate—also, State con
ventions, meetings in towns or other loca
tions, to further the cause. If there is any
one in our county who wishes to take a
trip to Europe next summer, and see the
good and wise men of the old world, we
move that lie he appointed Delegate.
The following is a classification of the
Committee of Thirteen elected by the U.
S. Senate, who are to report on California,
territories, slavery, <tc. :
Mr. CLAY, of Kentucky, Chairman.
" Mangum, of North Carolina.
" Bell, of Tennessee.
" Berrien, of Georgia.
" Webster, of Massachusetts
" Phelps, of Vermont.
" Cooper, of Pennsylvania.
Mr. King, of Alabama.
'• Mason, of Virginia.
" Downs, of Louisiana.
" f 'ass, of Michigan.
" Dickinson, of New York
" Bright, of Indiana.
AN EXHIBITION. —Prof. Webster's Lab
oratory is now exhibited as a public show,
at 12i cents admission. Mr. Littlefield,
it is said, is the gainer by this questiona
bly decent operation, for he pockets the
A GOOD PROVISION. —One of the provi
sions of the Constitution of California is
as follows :—<" Every law enacted by the
legislature shall contain but one object ;
and that shall be expressed in the title
This is an excellent provision anil was in
tended to guard against Legislative log rul
ing, which seeks to combine several ob
jects in one Oninibus bill, so called.
Were this salutary principle adopted in
Pennsylvania, an end would at once be
put to sniugglin ,r md log rolling.
Pennsylvania Legislature*
The apportionment bill noticed last week
as having passed the House, was amended
in the Senate in the most objectionable
: manner, and with the aid of Best's vote
passed a second reading and was ordered
to be prepared for a third, but the locofocos
of the House not having fulfilled their part
of the bargain by passing the Montour
county bill, the Speaker suddenly flew the
track on Saturday last and refused to vote,
by which this new gerrymander was etfect
ually killed, for the time being at least.—
The locofoeo letter writers who had been
soft-soaping him for a week or two, have
j again let loose their wrath and now de
nounce him as " reckless in his course,"
j " disgraced in character," and " lost to all
decency and honesty,"—see Democrat of
I yesterday.
The appropriation bill was read a third
time in the House on Monday afternoon
and passed on Tuesday. It contains an
appropriation of $250,000 to the North
Branch Canal, but under restrictions that
may render it inoperative.
In the Senate, on motion of Mr. Cun
ningham, the hill to incorporate the Evan
gelical Lutheran Congregation of the bo
rough of Lewistown and vicinity, was taken
up, amended, and passed a second and final
The bill providing for the election of
prosecuting attorneys has passed both
houses, and is now in the hands of the
New apportionment bills have been re
ported in both houses, but it is impossible
to tell what shape they will assume when
they come up for consideration.
The Montour county bill Iras at last
passed the house, with amendments re
stricting the new county to part of Colum
bia, and leaving the matter to a vote of the
The Legislature has passed a General
Banking Act, regulating the Banks of the
State that shall hereafter be chartered and
re-chartered. By this law the liability
principle is extended to all issues of Banks
—all foreign notes, or the notes of other
States under the denomination of ten dol
lars, arc excluded from circulation in this
Common weal ill—the Directors are made
personally liable for the depositcs and
other debts, in ease of the Iraudulent in
solvency of banks—cashiers arc required
to give bond to the amount of one-iifth of
the capital, when it is $200,000 and un
der ; in one-eighth when it is between
$200,000 and $500,000 ; and in one-tenth,
where it is over $500,000 and not exceed
ing $1,000,000. The extent of the term
for which each bank shall be chartered, is
fifteen years. Banks can be chartered for
a less period, but none for a greater, in the
aggregate. The bill also contains a pro
vision requiring the country hanks, east of
the mountains, to keep their bills at par in
Philadelphia, and those west of the moun
tains at par in the city of Pittsburgh. It
has been signed by the Governor.
We have looked over the above act, and
tind some provisions that may be an im
provement on the old charters, but in the
main nothing that will make noteholders
safer than they were before. By this law
a single section of a dozen lines will suf
fice to create a new Bank, and considering
that but little scruple exists among our
bank-hating " democratic" legislators to
smuggle " monopolies" into existence, we
sliouid not be surprised to see a \Y ild Cat,
Fox Tail, or Crow Scalp Bank chartered
in some stronghold of loeofocoism by at
taching such a section to an important bill
under the head of " other purposes."
Sonic months since Messrs. M'Clurkan
<!k Co. brought suit in the Court of Alle
gheny county, I'a., for the recovery of
about *4OOO of the City Scrip of Alle
gheny, together with the penal interest of
20 per cent, upon the same. On Tuesday
of last week the ease was tried, when
judgment went against the city for the
amount sued for, and the penal interest
was allowed.
gor (Maine) Whig states that in the valley
of the Blaekstone river from Pawtucket to
Milburv. a distance of 30 miles, there are
115 Cotton and Woollen Factories, besides
: six large Machine Shops, two large Axe
Factories, and three extensive Scythe
1 Works, giving a total of 126 manufactories.
Many of these arc very extensive, the
, largest Woollen Cotton Mill in the United
; States being among the number.
great Industrial Exhibition of 1851 occu
pies much public attention ; meetings are
being held respecting it in nearly every
part of the United Kingdom. France,
Belgium, Holland, Prussia, and Austria
have responded very warmly to the invi
tation. Even Spain has aroused herself
from her usual lethargy, and has issued a
circular to the Governors of Provinces
respecting the great usefulness of the in
tended exhibition, and appealing to the
Spanish people to take part in it.
In the House, the locofocos are bringing
all manner of covert charges against the
administration, the intention evidently be
ing to convey to the minds of the people
tiro idea that there is something wrong.—
The tool selected in the House for this
dirty work is a fellow from Illinois named
Richardson, who took occasion the other
day to offer a resolution calling for the ap
pointment of a committee to inquire into
the course of action pursued by Mr. EWINO
in certain matters designated ; and this res
olution, with these insinuated allegations
against the Secretary of the Interior, was
offered at a time when, as the mover well
knew, it could not be entertained except by
the unanimous consent of the llouse.—
Some one having objected, Mr. Stanly
moved a suspension of the rules for the
purpose of having the resolution acted upon
at once, with the view to the appointment
of the committee and the institution of the
proposed inquiry. But it did not suit those
who started the movement to have the res
olution acted upon. Their purpose was
gained by imputing charges and leaving the
implied calumny to go forth. On the fol
lowing day the matter was pressed in anoth
er form, until the locofocos felt compelled to
pass it; and we shall now see whether the
slanderer who made the reckless charges
can substantiate them.
During a debate on a biil for the relief
of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad
Company, by advancing money for mail
service to pay duty on railroad iron im
ported by that Company—
Mr. STEVENS, of Pennsylvania, expressed a
hope that before this bill was allowed to pass,
tiie House would take time to look at it. It
was a proposition to bring the Government into
a connection with the system of interna! improve
ment, by advancing money for the relief of this
railroad company, for that was the true import
of the bill. It was a bill to authorize an exten
sion ot the time for the payment of the duties on
imported iron, until such time as the Govern
ment might pay itself out of the moneys due to
the company under a contract for the transpor
tation of the Mail. Now, if the company had
entered into a contract with the Government,
let them fulfil their contract, and if the Govern
ment has made such contract with the company,
let them pay what they have contracted to pay
whenever the terms of the contract are com
plied with. He beiieved this road runs through
i wo States, and if so, the Government has juris
diction over it.
Several voices: Three.
Mr. Stevens. Three States: then it does
come under our jurisdiction. He was opposed
to this system ot encouraging the foreign manu
facturer to send his iron here, fir the construc
tion of our railroads, and to the manifest injury
of our domestic manufacturers.
Mr. Porter, (Mr. Stevens yieiding at his rc
! quest,) desired to ask the gentleman from Penn
-1 aylvania, whether '.hat Stute had ever paid duties
| on the iron imported bv her in the construction
of her railroads 1 Had she not obtained a re
mission of the duties on all the imported iron
used in the erection of all her public woftsl
Mr. Stevens resumed. The State or Penn
sylvania was at this moment buying British iron.
He admitted that there was a time when Penn
j sylvama, in the construction of her railroads.
• imported a considerable quantity of iron from
abroad, and by some arrangement.she had only
partly paid the duties on that iron. But latter
j ly, neither Pennsylvania nor any of the eastern
i States, had asked for a remission of the duties
on their imported iron,
j Before the act of 1842, when Pennsylvania
j first embarked in the business of manufacturing
railroad iron, she paid seventy dollars per ton on
all the iron she imported ; but since the year
i 1812, when the law of l*+42 went into operation,
railroad iron had been purchased at the rate of
! fifty-six dollars the ton; and now this foreign
iron can be purchased in Bostou at thirty-nine
dollars the ton, duties, freight, and all other ex
penses included. And although this is the state
of things with our competitors, and this is the
j way in which the domestic article is depressed,
we are now called on to give new privileges in
favor of the imported iron, by extending the time
in which this railroad company shall be required
to pay the duties on the iron imported by them.
The domestic manufacture is thus to have the
disadvantage! of a foreign valuation of the import
ed article, and the credit system instead of a
home valuation and cash duty. These duties are
j thus in part to be made payable, not by the rail
road company, but by the United States Govern
i mpnt; because they are not to be paid until the
Government ahail have in its hands enough of
I the money due to the company under their mail
contract to pay them.
I le called on all those who had any regard for
the iron interest of our own country, or who
were disposed to sustain our home labor, to
pause and reflect before they consented to pass
this law, which would prove but an entering
wedge to a eystem, the tendency of which is to
break down nil our domestic interests. There
was never so much iron imported into any coun
try as is now imported from Kngland into the
United States, Pig metal can now be brought
into this country from (Jlasgow, at a less cost
than the bare expenses of carrying the same ar
ticle fifty miles by internal transportation, and is
delivered here at a price which is absolutely ru
inous to our own establishments. The efiectsof
this destructive polity are nlready visible in the
dilapidatedconditionofthe I'ennsylvftnia works.
The establishments in Clarion county are, for the
most part, idle; and even coal is imported from
Europe and brought into the Pennsylvania coal
region. And as if this was not enough done tor
the injury of our domestic industry, railroad com
panies must come here and ask for nn extension
of time before they are to be called on to pay
thoirdutieeon the iron imported for their benefit.
And in this way all the great interests of the
country are to be disconnected and frittered
away by piecemeal, until the whole shall be
thrown down and destroyed.
Mr. Stanly was very sorry tliat the gentle
man frctn Pennsylvania [Mr. Stevens] could
never speak on any subject without throwing
out some reflection against the South.
Mr. Stevens (Mr. Stanly yielding for ex
planation) said he had thrown out no re ec ion
on the South. Ho should have made the same
observations if the bill had been for the bonctit
of the North. But the North wouid not come
here to ask for tuch a measure.
Mr. Stanly (resuming) said he had heretofore
voted in favor of the protection of our domes
tic industry, and lie would he gratified to do so
again. Whatever protection may be required
to place the iron-works in Pennsylvania on a
prosperous tooling, he would be always ready
lo vote for, in spite of the remarks which had
been made by the gentleman from Pennsylva
nia. This is a very small matter. It istne'e
|y a bill for the extension of the time for the
payment of duties. The contract existing be
tween th;s company and the Post Office De
partment is to the amount ot nearly §100,1)00
a year. And this alone was ample secarity to
the Government. On 90 simple a matter he
was surprised that such an opposition should be
Mr. Casey was understood to put an inquiry,
whether the iron had been ail imported, or
there was yet a quantity to be imported.
Mr. Stanly was understood to say, that the
iron had been imported.
Mr. Hackett asked it there would be any in
cumbrance on the road which would diminish
the security held by the Government 1
Mr. Stanly replied in the negative, and
moved the previous question. The biil was
then passed.
twenty-seven days, showing the number ofstock
holders voting, and tie shares represented,
gives the following totals:
For. Against. For. Against.
27 day's vote, 785 511 13,889 10,189
511 10,4*9
Majorities, 27-1 3,400
Appointments by the Adjutant General.
the borough of Harrisburg, to be Assistants Ad
jutants General, with the rank of Captain.
examination of Thomas S. Hough, late a
clerk in the Philadelphia Post Office,
charged with purloining money from let
ters, the fact was stated by the Postmaster
that within the last three years about fif
teen thousand dollars have been stolen
from letters passing through that office.
Hough has since beeu discharged.
MAIL LETTINGS. —The great annual
letting of mail contracts for the South,
West and Northwest sections, commenced
at the General Post-office on the 17th.
There are probably not less than ten thou
sand bids to be opened, marked, by the
Postmaster General, or two assistants,
read, endorsed, examined, registered and
decided upon in about eighteen working
DROWNED. —(in Friday night last at the
head of the Leechburg Dam—Capt. Wes
ley Martin, of the Section boat Thomas
Kier, in attempting to pass the line over
the lower gates of the oudet Lock, was,
by some mishap, precipitated into the wa
ter beneath, andjierished before assistance
could reach him.— Johnstown Echo.
Romance in Real Life.
The Le wisburg Chronicle announces the
marriage on the 14th inst., in that place, of
of Chillisquaque township, Northumber
land county, and tells the following ro
mantic story respecting the happy pair:—
The groom, who now works in the boat
yard here, was formerly a sea-faring man.
The bride is from South Carolina ; and
her father, and former husband, both of
whom have been dead many years, were
wealthy planters. Some live years ago the
young widow made a visit to England, in
company with her brother, a southern gen
tleman of fortune, and on the return voyage
they embarked in a vessel in which the
groom was serving as a common sailor.—
By some accident she was knocked over
board in the harbor of Liverpool, sunk to
the bottom, and was given up for lost. Our
hero, however, did not abandon the search.
A slight change in the position of the ves
sel discovered her, the water being remark
ably clear, lying on the ground, twenty feet
below the surface, and apparently dead,
lie instanlv plunged to the bottom, seized
her by the hair, and brought her to the top.
A large lock of hair was pulled out in the
attempt which is still preserved. After
some hours of persevering exertion, she
was finally brought to and fully,restored.
She was deeply grateful to the preserver
of her life, and during the voyage she
formed a strong attachment for him, and a
union for life was resolved upon. Their
plans were, however, frustrated, and for
several years they never met. In the mean
time her fortune became impaired. Some
three or four months ago she heard of his
location here, and immediately came on
from Charleston to see him. Her uncle,
however, overtook her and carried her back.
She came on again some three weeks ago,
but was confined to bed for some time bv
sickness. Recovering, on last Sabbath
evening the long deferred nuptial knot was
lied, and the rescuer and rescued are now
united in a life-partnership, 44 for better or
for worse."
K* —jpaay trwia #r sg_-
Warranted Fir 4c Thief Proof,
TIII'sF. HAKE* possess every qualification lu r '"" ,,< r
them proof against Die action of fire or thieve., and of
sufficient sfrrnglh to endure a fall from any story of a
burning budding. They are made of wrought iron, hem*
kneed, tivited and welded together, ami lined with a per
fect nonconducting fitc proof mineral composition, no
wood being used in their construction as in the majority of
safes sold by other makers. The doors of Gayler's Safe*
are secured with his THIEF DETECTOR and ANTI
GEN POWDER LOCK, which preclude* the possibility of
picking or blow ing them open with gunpowder, over
TWO HUNDRED of these Safe, have been exposed in
accidental tire to the most intense heat, in many instances
remaining in the burning ruins for several days, and at
no time have they ever been known to fail in preserving
their contents.
The public are invited tor .11 at the BRANT II DEPOT,
Dock street, and examine the numerous testimonials in
favor of Gayler's Safes, also the large assortment on
hand for sale at manufacturers' prices, by
I*. S.- Also fur .ale low, new and second hand cafes of
other makers, which have been tak-'n in part pay lot-nt for
Gayler's Salamanders. a,c;o Jm
steamer Mr. Vernon reached Louisville,
Ky., on the 17th, with 150 Mormons from
the neighborhood of Philadelphia, who are
I emigrating to the •* Salt Lake," in Dcseret.
i She also had some 00 or 70 emigrants to
I lowa, from eastern Pennsylvania.
rpHAT I have left the following specified
JL articles, farming utensils,&c., with Jacob
Sieinberger, to be used by him upon my farm,
in Oliver township, Mifflin county, during my
pleasure :
One Cutting Box,one Dearborn VVagon. two
Ploughs, one Harrow, one lx>g Chain, one
Grubbing Hoe, one Pick, one Shovel Plough,
one Canal Spade, one Sf?t of Vagon Gear-,
two Cows, one Heifer, and three Calves,
Of which ail persons will please take notice
and govern themselves accordingly.
ap26-3t* JOSEPH TICK.
MISED, and have transmitted about GDD
tone Greenland to the Lewistown Ice House,
over the wires, in the short space of four day-,
which will be distributed to coo! your parched
tongues, keep your meat from spoiling, and put
pleasant countenances on your boarders.
Philadelphia Prices are
5 pounds per dtv, , 50 cents per week;
10 " " 70
20 " " SI.OO "
The above prices are the fixed standard Lr
Those purchasing by the bushel can have it
at 40 cents per 80 pounds.
The VVAGON will comnser.ee running on
SATURDAY, MAY 18lh, 1856.
You will find, as some of the legal profession
would say, a gentleman who will attend punc
tually to the business, spoken of by the vulgar
as named SAM. HOPPER.
P- S.—lnform me when you wish to com
mence. ' * (ap26 2t.
Ilecijamin Iliiik!e> ? s Paten!
Fla§tic Spring Bottom
: -y
At the Lewistown Cheap Cabinet Ware Rooms,
WHERE the article can be seen at any
time among his large stock of other
FURNI TURE of ell descriptions. The fol
lowing testimonials from those who purchased
and have now in use, or had the bottom put into
their old bedsteads, will speak for themselves;
This is to certify that 1 purciiased twenty
pair of new bedsteads with Hinkley's patent
elastic spring bottom in, am well pleased with
them, consider them a good article, and would
buy no others. I would recommend them to
all persons, as they are easily screwed together,
and can be kept cleaner than any hitherto made.
1 concur with the above and consider it a
good article for tavern keepers and others
We certify that we got A. Feli\ to put B.
Hinkleys patent bottom into onrold bedstead?,
and that they answer the purpose exceedingly
well. We consider it a bedstead that can be
kept much cleaner from insects, screwed up
firmer than any others, and recommend them
to the public.
Lew into WD, April 20,1850 —if
O I \\ ITHSTA.NOI.VG all the puffiugar.d
A.a blowing, printing and boring of others, it
has been candidly acknowledged, bv the best o'l
judges, that JOHN A. STERETT, take his
stock all through,
Sells his Goods CHEAPER
than anif Store ever did in
Mifflin County,
And why Because he is a first rate judge of
goods, with long experience, and buys strictly
for cask, at the rate of one hundred cents to
the dollar, with five per cent. of. He is just
: now opening a very large stock of
Of the Newest Styles and Lowest Prices.
For the LADIES, he has the best of
MTO m hMMMia
From 12 ; to 25 Cents per Yard.
And, by the way, the handsomest levy LAWNS
ever before offered.
, GINGHAMS at 12£ cents and upwards that
: can't be equalled.
.MOUSELINES DE LAINE in endless variety
and very cheap.
Superior Tissue SIEKS and BAREGES from
51 to 37J cents that can't be beat.
Cords and Stacks of CALICOES from 4 cents
to 121, His tip Calicoes are the handsomest
and best ever sold in Lewistown.
! LINEN LUSTRES at 124 to 18$ cents —and in
short every kind of DRY&S G OODS of liif
Cheapest and ltcst.
For the GENTLEMEN he has a very large
and fresh stock ot
Testings, Cravats, stocks, Ac.
which for variety, style ar.d cheapness, DOOM
will attempt to surpass. He has also a large
and varied assortment of
MADE UP C 1,0 Til I NC>
consisting of every variety ol COATS for m?a
and boya, with PANTS aiid VESTS to suit.
| Coats from !!l to §7; Pants from 50 cents to
i No other dealer shall undersell him in th * lf
any other article.
He will sell as cheap as the cheapest for <
,"ot every kiu(l boat quality, at the lowest price?
i Call aud see, and then judge tor your?en< -
What is "aid here i? meant, as you will find-
I evytslpwn, April 26, 1650—1t
N. B—A very handsome CAR RI AG K.nt >u
toy one <r ivyo horses. wdl be sold a bargain