THE GAZETTE. LEWISTOWN, BA. FBI DA r EVENING APRIL, 56. ISSO. TERMS : OAC DOLLAR ITR AA.MAI, IN* ADVANCE. For sis months, 75 cents. ?E3=All NEW subscriptions must be paid in advance. If the paper is continued, and not paid within the tirst month, §1.05 will be charg ed ; if not paid in three months, §1.50; if not , iid in six months, §l-75; and if not paid in nine months. §2.00. ' Renew your Subscription*. The present issue of the Gazette closes the year for a larsre number of subscribers. Those who wish to take advantage of the advance teims, hail better send on their money, as A DOLLAR will now pay tor a vear—a fact worth remembering. JOHN A. STERETT offers strong inducements to the public to give him a call. SAM HOPPER is again ready to supply bis cool ing nostrum to our citizens. Mr. FELIX manufactures a patent bottom for bedsteads which is highly spoken of by those w ho have them in use. JOSEPH TICE has a notice respecting some personal property left on his farm. Persons who desire to preserve money, papers, and other articles of value, arc referred to the advertisement of JOHN L. PIPER, Agent for the sale of Gavier's Salamander Safes. HP*The High Constable was engaged yesterday morning in selling a number of Hogs which had been taken up on the streets. We are sorry for the owners, but at the same time believe that ordinances of this kind ought to be strictly enforced.— We have suffered some ourselves by swine getting into our garden. CF The Juniata Sentinel says that should Col. A. G. CI'RTIN of Bellefonte, consent to the use of his name for the of fice of Auditor General or Surveyor Gen- i eral, both of which are now elective, his \ nomination and election would certainly be within the range of probability. A better selection in our opinion could not be made. GPJudge EPHRAIM BANKS, of this place, has been named as a proper candidate for Auditor General on the locofoco ticket. WILI.IAM ROSS, Esq.,of this place, has been appointed Mail Agent on the Central Railroad—a post which he will no doubt fill in a manner satisfactory to the Department and the public. TREATY WITH ENGLAND.—A letter from Washington, says that the Treaty just concluded between Sir Henry Bulwer and our Government was transmitted to the Senate on Monday by the President, ac companied with the correspondence be tween the contracting parties. Great Brit ain stipulates not to settle, occupy, fortify, or exercise any right of domain in Central America or the Mosquito coast; in other words, she agrees to surrender the territo rial acquisitions made by virtue of an al leged protectorate to the King of Mosquito. This is a re-establishment of the policy laid down by Monroe—one that the Cnited .States is pledged by principle and interest to adhere to. Military Encampment. The annual Military Encampment of the 3d Brigade, 15th Division, Pennsylva nia Uniformed .Militia, will be held at Pe tersburg, Perry county, commencing on the 21st and ending on the 21 th day of May next. Notices. GRAHAM'* MAGAZINE contains contributions from Geo. D. Prentice, J. M. Legare, Henry W. Herbert, Mrs. E. J. Karnes and other dis tinguished writers, and is embellished with four original engravings. The July number will be one of the richest ever issued, and Graham promises that the succeeding ones will not be j far inferior to that, so that we may look for a j rare volume from July to December. The July number will contain a splendid portrait of Jen- ! jy Lind. GODET'S LADV'S BOOK for May contains no less than twenty-two distinct embellishments, and the literary articles are from pens of some of his best contributors. Godey is rich in re sources and fertile in imagination, and hence. ,ve shall not be surprised if in the coming half year he should furnish his readers with some thing new and unique. SARTAIN'S USIOS MAGAZINE for this month numbers among its contributors, Kamartinc, Harriet Martineau, and frcderika Bremer, and is embellished with several fine engravings. Hartain promises in the June number, a beauti ful portrait of Jenny Lind, printed in tints ; ac companied with a biographical notice. HOLBROOR'S United States Railroad Ouidc and Steamboat Journal, containing official tables, with hours ofdeparture of trains, station", miles, fares, tune, &.C., on ail the railroads arid principal eteamboat lines in the United States, and other valuable matter for the travelling public, with a Map of New York Gity—for a copy of which we are indebted to the publisher, is a work that ought to find its way into the hands of every traveller. It contains upwards of 100 pages, and will be reviewed on the first Monday of each month. Price 12 cents. Geo. R Hol hrowk ACo pub fibers, 4't Ann street New i >tx. Tin: G ALPHIN CLAIM. —We last week drew the attention of the Democrat to I some erroneous statements relative to this claim, anil referred the editors to a Ut ter in the Washington Union over the signature of Mr. Montague, a clerk under Mr. Polk's administration, for information respecting it. This reference for informa tion certainly was plain enough, yet the Democrat of yesterday gravely informs its readers that we relerred it to the JUash inst/on Union , and after quoting a para graph of Ritchie's slang, avers that we " cannot, after calling a witness on the stand, repudiate his testimony !" With all due deference to the far-seeing author of this grandiloquent specimen of fair dealing, we humbly submit whether there is not some difference between a letter over a proper signature in the Washing ton Union, and the Washington Union i.self I We have seen nothing as yet to change the opinion expressed last week, that if the claim was just, interest would be equally so. Mr. Polk's administration allowed the principal, and as will be seen by the following reply to the Union's ar ticle paraded in the Democrat, the interest was reserved for further consideration by Mr. Polk's Secretary of the Treasury ; From the National Intelligencer. " We are enabled to state, for the information of the 44 Union," that the several claims cited by that print yesterday were all left undecided by the late Administration, so far as appears by the records of the several Departments ; the only vehicles through which their successors could be advised of their official acts. What the heads of the several Departments may have thought of any or all pf those claims; whether they formed opinions upon them, and, if they did, what those opinions were, we have no means of knowing, except in one case, namely, the Ga/phin claim, which was in express terms reserved for further consideration on the question of interest." THE CABINET. —The National Intelli gencer, in noticing the many rumors that have been circulated in relation to a disso lution of the Cabinet, says:— 44 It is not true that the enemies of the Cabinet 4 have won the President over to them nor is it true that 4 the President has intimated a strong disposition' to 4 form a new Cabi net.' There exists, we have reason to know, entire concord between him and his Cabinet; and there is not, we verily be lieve, a single member of the Cabinet who would not retire from his station instanta neously on discovering that his presence in the Council Chamber was not desired by the President. There is not, we are persuaded, one of them who is not affec tionately and deeply attached to the Pres ident, and proud that he enjoys the esteem and confidence of that eminent inan. Nor is there in fact any division, or any want of harmony, between the President and the members of the Cabinet." UNIVERSAL PEACE. —Another Congress or Convention has been called to meet at Frankfort on the Maine, in Germany, in the month of August next, to do what is possible towards abolishing the barbarous custom or institution of war, and thus do away those potent instruments of tyrants, the bloody sword and ruthless bayonet, as well as standing armies, national debts, and grinding taxes. There is no limit as to the number of Delegates, and the Peace Congress Committee for the United States recommend each congressional district, towns, or other bodies, religious or litera ry, to choose a delegate—also, State con ventions, meetings in towns or other loca tions, to further the cause. If there is any one in our county who wishes to take a trip to Europe next summer, and see the good and wise men of the old world, we move that lie he appointed Delegate. The following is a classification of the Committee of Thirteen elected by the U. S. Senate, who are to report on California, territories, slavery, g Chain, one Grubbing Hoe, one Pick, one Shovel Plough, one Canal Spade, one Sf?t of Vagon Gear-, two Cows, one Heifer, and three Calves, Of which ail persons will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. ap26-3t* JOSEPH TICK. ICE! ICE!! BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH! TIIIRTV-FIRST CONGRESS COM I' P.O. MISED, and have transmitted about GDD tone Greenland to the Lewistown Ice House, over the wires, in the short space of four day-, which will be distributed to coo! your parched tongues, keep your meat from spoiling, and put pleasant countenances on your boarders. Philadelphia Prices are 5 pounds per dtv, , 50 cents per week; 10 " " 70 20 " " SI.OO " The above prices are the fixed standard Lr Lewistown, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE—MIND THAT. Those purchasing by the bushel can have it at 40 cents per 80 pounds. The VVAGON will running on SATURDAY, MAY 18lh, 1856. You will find, as some of the legal profession would say, a gentleman who will attend punc tually to the business, spoken of by the vulgar as named SAM. HOPPER. P- S.—lnform me when you wish to com mence. ' * (ap26 2t. GREAT EXCITEMENT ABOUT Ilecijamin Iliiik!e> ? s Paten! Fla§tic Spring Bottom : -y MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY A. FELIX, At the Lewistown Cheap Cabinet Ware Rooms, WHERE the article can be seen at any time among his large stock of other FURNI TURE of ell descriptions. The fol lowing testimonials from those who purchased and have now in use, or had the bottom put into their old bedsteads, will speak for themselves; CERTIFICATES : This is to certify that 1 purciiased twenty pair of new bedsteads with Hinkley's patent elastic spring bottom in, am well pleased with them, consider them a good article, and would buy no others. I would recommend them to all persons, as they are easily screwed together, and can be kept cleaner than any hitherto made. JAMES ALLISON. 1 concur with the above and consider it a good article for tavern keepers and others THOMAS MAYES. We certify that we got A. Feli\ to put B. Hinkleys patent bottom into onrold bedstead?, and that they answer the purpose exceedingly well. We consider it a bedstead that can be kept much cleaner from insects, screwed up firmer than any others, and recommend them to the public. DAYD BLOOM, JOHN CLARK, JKRMAN JACOB, D. SUNDERLAND. Lew into WD, April 20,1850 —if JOO\ A. STERETTS CHEAP CASH STORE CAN'T BE BEAT! O I \\ ITHSTA.NOI.VG all the puffiugar.d A.a blowing, printing and boring of others, it has been candidly acknowledged, bv the best o'l judges, that JOHN A. STERETT, take his stock all through, Sells his Goods CHEAPER than anif Store ever did in Mifflin County, And why Because he is a first rate judge of goods, with long experience, and buys strictly for cask, at the rate of one hundred cents to the dollar, with five per cent. of. He is just : now opening a very large stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Of the Newest Styles and Lowest Prices. For the LADIES, he has the best of MTO m hMMMia From 12 ; to 25 Cents per Yard. And, by the way, the handsomest levy LAWNS ever before offered. , GINGHAMS at 12£ cents and upwards that : can't be equalled. .MOUSELINES DE LAINE in endless variety and very cheap. Superior Tissue SIEKS and BAREGES from 51 to 37J cents that can't be beat. Cords and Stacks of CALICOES from 4 cents to 121, His tip Calicoes are the handsomest and best ever sold in Lewistown. ! LINEN LUSTRES at 124 to 18$ cents —and in short every kind of DRY&S G OODS of liif Cheapest and ltcst. For the GENTLEMEN he has a very large and fresh stock ot CLOTIIS, CASSimERES. Testings, Cravats, stocks, Ac. which for variety, style ar.d cheapness, DOOM will attempt to surpass. He has also a large and varied assortment of MADE UP C 1,0 Til I NC> consisting of every variety ol COATS for m?a and boya, with PANTS aiid VESTS to suit. | Coats from !!l to §7; Pants from 50 cents to i No other dealer shall undersell him in th * lf any other article. MOOTS & SHOES He will sell as cheap as the cheapest for < ,"ot every kiu(l boat quality, at the lowest price? i Call aud see, and then judge tor your?en< - What is "aid here i? meant, as you will find- I evytslpwn, April 26, 1650—1t N. B—A very handsome CAR RI AG K.nt >u toy one