Vol XXX Vl. Whole No. 1881. Rates of Advertising. tine square, 18 lines, 1 time 50 " 2 times 75 3 1.00 " 1 mo. 1.25 " 3 " 2.50 6 4.00 " 1 year 6.00 2 squares, 3 times 2.00 " 3 mos. 3.50 ('OmmuDioations recommending persons for .ace, must be paid in advance at the rate of ~5 cents per square. Grindstones. sale, a good stock, by F. J. HOFFMAN. Cedar Ware. BUcKETb, 1 übbs, Churns, Ac., for sale by apl2_ F. J. HOFFMAN. Steel Springs. 4 LARGE STOCK of first rate quality for sale at F. J. HOFFMAN'S apl2 Hardware Store. Tobacco. Snuff and Segars OF every description at the Diamond Drug and Variety Store of aps * A. A. BANKS. PLAIN and Fancy Envelopes, Note Paper, Letter and Writing Paper, Quills, Steel I'ens. Ac., dec., for sale at the Diamond Drug nid Variety Store of A. A. BANKS. Confectionariesj \'UTS, Crackers, Raisins, &c., at the Dia mond Drug and Variety Store of aps A. A. BANKS. Nails. A LARGE STOCK low for cash at -X F. J. HOFFMAN'S ap!2 Hardware Store. Salt and Fish. 4 GOOD STOCK on hand at very light .X profits for cash, by apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN. Looking Glasses. LARGE and small sizes, of beautifuTpal terns, at unusually low prices for cash, by ap!2 F. J. HOFFMAN. j Tin, Sheet Iron, Wire, &c. ON hand, always, at very low prices for cash, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S apl2 Hardware Store. Groceries. A LWAYS an extensive asaortmenton hand. * Salt at g1.50 per sack, or 42 cents per bushel, by the quantity. ap!2 F. J. HOFFMAN. Leather and Shoe Findings. ill SOLE and UPPER LEATHER, Mo v|j roccos, Lining Skins. Boot Trees, Shoe Kit, &c., &c., for sale by apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN. GREEN'S Celebrated Vermifuge. —This Vermifuge, so justly celebrated, is too well known to publish anything in its praise. For sale at A. A. BANKS' apl2 Diamond Drug Store. DR. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, " " Hair Tonic, " " Carminative, for sale by J. B. MITCHELL. march 22, 1850. DR. GREEN'S LINIMENT, for Rheuinat ism. Swellings, Bruises, &c., &c.—one • i the best remedies now in use for beast as •.ell as man. Price 37J cts. per bottle. For sale at A. A. BANKS' apl2 Diamond Drug Store. FANCY SOAPS.—Almond soap, Marsh Mallow soap, Amandine soap. Transpa rent soap, Military soap, Tooth Balls, Almond Cream, Rose do. do., Amandine for chapped hands, &c., &c„ for sale by J. B. MITCHELL, i I>ewietown, march 22, 1850. |7k ANCY GOODS.—Port Monnaies, Pocket t I- Books, Cigar Cases, Shaving Boxes, Note i'aper, superior Sealing Wax, Steel Pens, Pen Holders. Stamps, superior Percussion Caps, Snuff Boxes, Motto Wafers, superior white Envelopes, do. brown do., redding and pocket '"ornbe, t. perior Shaving Brushes,do. Hairdo , Tooth and Nail do., &.C., &.C., for sale by J. B. MITCHELL, j Lewistown, march 22, 1850. tf T WILL CURE.—When you havea cough j I. or breast complaint, get a bottle of Dr. S. Green's Sartaparilla, T□□. C>S5, (being aM that we have room for at present) to give u a call, and if we don't please ninety* nine out of every hundred in Beauty, Quality and Frier, there is no longer any virtue iu Cheap and Elegant Good*. There is no need of recapitulating what we have, either in the Dry Goods, Grocery, or any other Liuc, a9 it is well known that wc have everything anybody else has, and a considerable sprink ling of neat, useful and pretty matters that Others have not. So let there be no delay among those who want the first pick—we are ARMED AND EQUIPPED with an elegant yardstick, which measures true, and in conjunction with our clerks, are ready to wait on all the ladies and gentlemen, whether old or young, ugly or handsome, and make them look better than they ever did be fore after being rigged out in the splendid goojs we have provided for their gratification, i Lewistown, March 29, 1850. 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00 " 1 year 8.00 A column, 3 mos. 6.00 6 " 10.00 " 1 year 15.00 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 6 " 15.00 " 1 year 25.00 Notices before mar riages, Ac. sl2. _ IT IS EVIDENT To all discerning minds thai BLY IHYEiR has the most splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS f Will AT has been brought to Lawiitown this X season, and withal so cheap that he who would undersell it must wake up a little earlier than he ever did before. The Block comprises in great variety, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Vestings, Croton Cloths, Cashmeres, and Cash merette; Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings, Velvet Cords, French Cassimeres, IJ-c Skin do., white and fancy Marseilles, &c. A splen did assortment of ILa&tcjef 73vcm (Goofc.s. Grode Naps, Satin du Chenes, an elegant as sortment of striped, figured and plain Silks, Bareges, Challey, Muslin dc Alpacas, Lustres, Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls, Jaconets, Bombazines, striped and plaid Muslins, scc. tie has also an extensive variety of the CIIE A PEST CA K PET! \ miz iFm^r^nsr®l^XB 3 ssnnKKEaESJ p &o FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 26, 1850. For the Gazette. LIFE HAS ITS EARTHLY ILL. A MELODY. AIR—" Oft in the stilly night." Life has its earthly ill, And there are hearts now weeping Hopes spring as joy-like still As smiles of infants sleeping ! If shadows track our early way, To dim the spirit's brightness, Heaven can clothe the darkest day In evening's golden brightness. Swift pass the woes we feel, Like winds above the billow— Hopes, like our dreams, will steal Around the hardest pillow. Youth hangs a wither'd stem Of budding llow'is now perish'd Or, lies a broken gem, Whose light is all that's cherish'd. Lite has some sweets not born to die, Some charms lie wreck'd forever, ' And there are joys which never fly, Till love's last smile we sever. One hour we ne'er forget The hopes of first-love faded ; These 1 remember yet, Like rainbows clouds have shaded. What's sweetest is first to fall, The brightest sinks in sadness; Love, which so gladdens all, May darklj turn to madness ! The fairest dies in its own light, Its eetness death discloses ; Still round its form our thoughts glow bright Like gems on withered roses. Life has its earthly ill. And there are hearts now weeping— Hopes spring as joy-like still As smiles of infants sleeping. OKALOOSA. JHtacfiiaucoua. THIYCS I LIRE TO SEE AID HEAR. I like to see a man and his wife quar reling, because it looks well. I like to hear a woman tell the faults of her husband to strangers. It looks as if she respected herself, as well as him. I like to see a man, in some public place, assail women iu general. It looks as if lie would like to pay his wife a compliment without naming her. I like to see a woman, after she gets married, dispense with combing her head and brushing her teeth, only on Sunday. It looks as if she thought as much of her husband and herself as she did before. I like to see a man, after he gets a wife, wear his wedding coat only on particular occasions, that it may do him for a dress coat as long as he lives. I also like to see him wear his beard a week, go to meeting with his boots covered with mud, and his head all in a lriz, because ii looks as if he was determined to be as particular of his personal appearance as he used to be, even though he has a wife. I like to see the house unswept, the beds unmade, the floor covered over with up turned chairs, brooms, hammers, tongs, shovel, Ac., &c. It looks as if the house keeper was entirely acquainted with the duties of her profession. 1 like to hear a family quarreling and fighting in so high a tone that all that is said may be heard any distance from the house. It looks like keeping household feuds from strangers. 1 like to see the street filled with chil dren with dirty faces, uncombed heads, ragged, ami withal impudent. It looks as ii society will be improved when they grow up. I like to see hoys out at night till a late hour, annoying everybody in the vicinity with their loud hallooing, cursing, smoking cigars, igniting squibs, &.C., etc. It looks as if their parents were afraid that the morals of their offspring might he vitiated by exposure in such a contaminating at mosphere. I like to see a drunken man, because his superiority over the brute creation is then more evident. I like to see a swearing woman ; and if drunkeness be added, the sight is still more desirable. (The latter sight, though very rare, may still be witnessed.) I like to see a man sedulously avoiding the presence of his creditors. It looks like an intention to pay his contracts as soon as he can. 1 like to see persons travelling from one public place to another, that they may get a peep at the papers. It looks as if they wanted to inform themselves at their own expense. F like, to see a person meet another with friendship, and when his back is turned say hard things of him, and join others in making fun of him, because it is consist ent with profession. I like to see our shops and stores filled with men from dark till ten or eleven o'clock, expectorating the essence of the V irginia weed, while they arc busily en gaged talking, (not in the most respectful manner, either,) about their absent neigh bors—some being too proud, others too lazy, some are indebted, others extrava gant. &c., &c.—in fine anything that can in any way elevate an absent brother's reputation or character being before the meeting, is fully discussed. I like to see it, because it looks as if married men pre fer the company of their wives to that of loungers, and that all are doing as they wish to bo done to. I like to hear persons, when assembled in the church yard on Sunday morning, talking about the prices of grain, the pros- pects for a prop, the latest commercial news, a new bonnet, a part-, weddings, Ac. It looks as if their mind were in a proper j state to receive instruction. | I like to see young men and young la dies, when at church, engaged in talking and laughing while the minister is address ing them or the throne of grace. It looks as it they had been taught to pay respect not only to the house of God, but to him who ministers in holy things. I like to see people, after returning from church on Sunday, spend the remainder of the day talking about the different persons that attended—that strange gentleman, that singular lady and more singular equipage. Where did lie come from ? Who is she ? I hat coat, that old bonnet, that scandalous old fashioned dress, that extravagant plume, that cross baby, that ugly old man, Ac., Ac. It looks as il the spiritual seed sown was taking root, the soil being good. In short, 1 like to see anarchy and eon fusion in Church and State—the Church arrayed against the Statm the State against the Church—the seeds of discord widely sown—communities in a broil—law set at defiance—places of amusement crowded, and the sanctuary empty —the Sabbath desecrated—drunkenness revived—religion getting into disrepute, while the bold blas phemer, with impunity, startles the ear with awful imprecations. It looks like the near approximation of that day spoken of by prophets and holy men of old, when all the nations of the earth shall be blessed with righteousness. OMINOUS. THE TIMELY WORD. I wo men had entered into an agreement to rob one of their neighbors. Everything was planned. They were to enter the house at midnight, break open his chests and drawers, and carry off all the gold and silver they could find. " He is rich and we are poor," said they to each other, byway of encouragement in the evil they were about to perform.— " lie will never miss a little gold, while its possession will make us happier. Besides, what right has one man to all of this world's goods ?" Thus they talked together. One of these men had a wife and children, but the other had none in the world to care for but himself. ihe man who had children went home and joined his family, after agreeing upon a place of meeting with the other at the darkest hour of the coming night. 41 Dear father," said one of the children, climbing upon his knee, l - I'm so glrui you've come." Ihe presence ot the child troubled the man, and he tried to push him away ; but his nrm clung tighter about his neck, and he laid his face against Iris cheek, and said in a sweet and gentle voice— -44 1 love you. father." Involuntarily the man drew the innocent and loving one to his bosom, and kissed him. There were two elder children in the man s dwelling, a hoy and a girl. They were poor, and these children worked dailv, to k< ep up the supply of bread made de ficient. more through idleness in their father than from lack of employment. These children came in soon after their father's return, and brought him their earnings for the day. 44 Oh. father !" said the bow 44 such a dreadful thing has happened, Henry l.ee's father was arrested to-day for robbing.— They took him out of our shop, when llenry was there, and carried him off to prison. 1 was so sad when 1 seen Henry weeping. And he hung his head for shame—for shame of his own father 1— Only think of that." The man did not reply to the words of his soil, hut lie turned his face partly away to conceal its expression. 44 Ashamed of his father !" thought he. " And will my children hang their heads, also, in shame Mo, no. That shall never he 1" At the late hour of midnight the man who had no children to throw around him a sphere of hotter influence, was waiting at the place of rendezvous for him whose children had saved him. I Jut he waited long in vain. Then he said— " I will do the deed myself, and take the j entire reward." And he did according to his word.— When the other man went forth to his la bor on tiic next day, he learned that his accomplice had been taken in the act of robbery, and was already in prison. " Thank Heaven for virtuous children !" said he with fervor. 44 They have saved inc. Never will I do any act that will cause them to blush for their father !" ADVERTISEMENT. —Professor Plato Cis co, a colored pusson of respekability, in spector of walls and whitewashing respek ably informs the public, his white fellow citizens and abolishun Sicty, will attend to orders in line of his profeshun with care fulness and despatch. Professor Cisco being well acquainted with carpet shaking tictacs, solicits a share of patronage. His son Jupiter Amnion, will open oysters at a moment's warning, attend to parties, eall de figures, and play the violin. N. B.—Jupiter Amnion blacks as good a hoot as any colored gem'an in Lew is*.own. LEGEYDS OF THE R 111 YE. THE DRAGOJi's ROCK. The tradition giving the origin of the name of I) ruche tiffin or Dragon's Kock, states that once upon a time the mountain j was inhabited by a dragon, whose den still exists. To this monster tho people paid divine honors, and pampered his ra pacious appetite with human victims, who were usually selected from the enemies | taken during their predatory wars. It chanced that, among other captives, a lovely virgin of high birth, who had be come a Christian, fell into their hands. Her surpassing beauty excited ardent feel ings of love in two of the younger chiefs, who disputed possession of her charms. 'J'he elders of the Assembly, fearing that an object of so much loveliness might en gender discord and animosity, doomed the hapless maiden as an offering to their dreadful idol. Clothed in white—meet emblem of her purity—and crowned with a roseate wreath, she was conducted be fore the morning's dawn to the mountain, and her fair and delicate form bound to the lata) oak, before which was a stone that served for an ala•. As soon as the rising sun had gilded the lofty crags of Drachcnlif Is. and emitted a faint ray of light info the monster's cavern, with sinu- I on? and scaly body, and wide-extended mouth, he writhed towards his prey. A large concourse of people had flocked from the surrounding country to witness the trajric spectacle ; and lew hearts were found unmoved with compassion at the fate of the innocent and unhappy victim. .She, the source of their commiseration, with beaming eyes "fixed on the heavens, and her hand devoutly upraised, seemed to await, with silent.and pious resignation, her impending destruction. As her dire enemy approached, feeling already the baneful influence of his pestilential breath, 1 she drew from her bosom a small crucifix, and held with firm yet humble confidence the image of the Saviour opposed to the attack of her sanguinary destroyer. In a moment the dragon's advance was arrested: recoiling with horror and affright, and sending forth dreadful hissings and hide ou- yells, he precipitated himself into the profound abyss of the neighboring forests, and was never seen or heard of more. It was owing to this pious maiden, thus mi raculously saved, that the Drachenfels be came changed from a mountain of idolatry to a stronghold of Christianity, where those who had been converted by the mir acle worshipped. TIIF. WHITE MAIDEN. The legend of the " White Maiden" is connected with Thurnberg. A young no bleman of St. Goar, while hunting one day, pursued a stag to the ruin, where it disappeared. lie sought it in vain, and as it \yas mid-dav, an August mid-day at that, he sought shelter in the shade of a ruined staircase, saying, as he stretched himself out on die ground, •' I wish some kind fairy would bring me a beaker of the Khenish wine that the old women say has been buried for ages in the cellars of this , old castle." Scarce had he spoken the words, when a beautiful maiden snipped irom a crevice with a large beaker flowing to the brim ; she was arrayed in white, • lair was she as a lily in June," and her loving eyes made the blood course last through the hunter's heart. 44 Drink and he satisfied," said she, and soon his passions were inflamed by love and wine —-hut just at that moment the maiden dis- ; appeared. In vain did lie search for her —he only disturbed the owls and the bats, j and from that day he was a changed man. A\ herevcr he was, but the one thought of her haunted his mind, and his only pleas ure consisted in ransacking the ruins. The sun scorched him—the rain drenched him— nimporlc! At length a deadly fe ver seized him, and in his delirium lie sought the spot where he had seen the ob- ; jeet of his adoration, that he might there j give up the ghost. Hut life would not forsake him, and while in great torment, the white maiden re-appeared. She came and bent over him—with a convulsive ef fort he raised his head—she kissed his lips—and with a smile of happiness he fell back and died. No one has seen her since. THE RIEE OF THE IIOFSK. —At a very excellent Hotel, not a hundred miles from our parts, (says the New York Era.) thev were one day short of a waiter, when a ' newly arrived Hibernian was hastily made to supply the place of a more expert hand, i •• Now, Barney,'" says mine host, "mind you serve every man with soup anv how." '• Be dad I'll do that same," said the ; alert Barney. Soup came on the start, and Barney, after helping all but one guest, { came upon the last one. " Soup, sir !" said Barney. " No soup for me," said the gent. " But you must have it," said Barney ; " it is the rules of the house." " Confound the house," exclaimed the , guest highly exasperated ; " when 1 don't want soup I won't eat it—jjet alon