Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 19, 1850, Image 1

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    Ccwistouni -dsiitei #a?ettc.
Vol XXX VI Whole Vo. 1880.
Rates of Advertising.
One square, 18 lines,
1 time 50
44 2 times 75
3 " 1.00
44 1 mo. 1.25
3 44 2.50
6 41 4.00
44 1 year 6.00
2 squares, 3 times 2.00
44 3 mos. 3.50
Communications recommending persons for
office, must be paid in advance at the rate of
25 cents per square.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
Office in Lewistown, April 1, 1850:
Adams Thomas Lutz Christian, 2
Ayels miss Sarah Leason Ceo.
Alexander Tailor Long J. W.
Brown mrs. Mary Ann Long Levtriia T.
Boass Michael Lawn C. W.
Butler miss Malinda Mertz Philip
Burton George Murry Pat.
Boush Catharine Miller John
Boyd S. J. W. Mutuma Jacob
Bear Chas. Mottan John J.
Bamagan Francis Mourer Henry
Bentet Frederick Martin miss Eliza
Beuck Emanuel Major Mrs. Mary
Bouche miss Elizabeth Manly Thos.
Brown mrs. Morrison Elizabeth
Blessing Jno. Mourer Marg't
Baker Mary A. Mires Ann
Conner Dan'l Mier John
Cooper John Matter Dan'l
Chiids John P. Michael Chas. W.
Connelison Chas. Matter Cyrus
Crowner Sam'l Miller William
Carney W. R. W. Muller Mise
Curtis Martha Mills miss Mary
Conover John Miller Sam'l
Cooper Wm. My res Abraham
Carr Michael Muiler mrs. Paulia
Carpenter Jacob Muiphy Jas. K.
Chtrry James Maxwell Mr.
Carr Jas. Mansfield Michael
Camerling John M'Kenney Patrick
Desler Valentine M'Clane Hugh
Dunn Susanna M'Clasky Edward
Dubbs John M'Courte James
Dunklebarge Joseph M'Kira Maria
Dabson M. M'Cauly Geo.
Don Henry M'Loughlin Pat.
Depple John M'Colough Solomon
Ettmger John M'Curty miss Sarah
Fedigan Thos. M'Mutrie Wm.
Fmkibin Jacob M'Miliin Jos.
Frandt Christ. M'Mollen Nancy Ann
Foy Wm. M'Allister miss Ann
Fisher M'Clintick Mathew
From James Nighter miss Ann
Fuller Jno. M. Nobody Jas.
Gorden Wm. O'Donnel Edward
Gallaher Wm. Orr Geo.
Gelz Chas. Power Pat.
Gail John Pattison John
Gillespie Jno. Patterson Elizabeth
Gipney Jno. Remley Elizabeth
Hink Henry Riden Sophia
Henderson Joseph 8., 2 Robertstein John
Hort miss Ellen Riddle miss Mary E.,2
Harwood miss Helen Rigie John
Haines Jos. Richard Reuben
Huoser Jacob Rin Adam
Haynes S. Hepburn Robinson Francis
Houble Sarah Robb Jas.
Huldeness William Soherhamer Nicholas
Hopkins Dennis Smith Wm., 2
Hardy John Smith Isaac
llildebran David Seibert Jno. F.
Higgins Lawrence, 2 Sholl Julian
Humphries James Spiece Franklin
Hoafuz J. A. Scott Rachel B.
Herron Dennis, 2 Strong Sarah
Irvine J. B. Simpkins Chas.
Irvin Geo. Strong E. D.
irvin Rosatina Skimp Sarah M.
Jackson miss M. A. Shade G. A.
Jones Aubhery G. Soni miss A. F.
Joseph J. H. Spichen Elizabeth
Jackson Jas. Skiles Wm.
Jackson Geo. VV. Shnabig Anthony
Kline T no. Vanoma John N.
Kerr Sophia Walter Daniel
Krowes Michael Whitman Geo.
Kyes Warr Wilson mrs. Elizabeth i
Kesslet Hyraim Wild Robt. A.
Kimer Sophia Wilson miss Elizabeth
Kalev Chas. Weidman Joel
Kmkaid L. Thoi. Wright G.
Kelley Lewis Wirick Margaret
Katherman miss Mary Walter William
Kreps Simon Walsh John
Lambert Lytle Wertz Elizabeth, 2
Lucas Edwin Williams Ann 11.
Lehman Robt. T. Womer Michael
Long Abraham
Persons enquiring for letters on the above
list will please say that they are advertised.
For Waliing Clollit**, I'aiiit
ed siirf.tce,
And every article or thing which may require
cleansing hy washing.
IT is made into a solid SOAP or in LIQUID
form. The soap will doubtless supercede
every other, and the process of washing now
introduced, drive out of use every wash board
and machine in the land. No injury is done to
clothe*, ?nd time, labor,and expense are saved.
The agents for the sale of FAMILY and
COUNTY BIGHTS in thiß State are HENRY
JOHNS; am) in PhiladelphiaC. I>. KNIGHT,
38 North Sixih street.
Those editors who have not yet published my
first advertisement wiil please omit that, and
publish this in its place, on the same terms, say
three times for one family right. Such as have
advertised and not received a right will please
inform ine.
The public are again cautioned against un
authorised venders of rights, who live by pira
ting on others. D. M'VOY,
March 15, 1650—€t Baltimore.
Mallow soap, Amandine soap. Transpa
rent sap, Military soap, Tooth Bails, Almond
Cream, Rose do. do , Amandine for
chapped hands, L.C., dtc., for sale by
Lcwiwtown, march 22, 1850.
V UTS, Crickets, Raisins, dtc., at the Dia-
* mono Drug and Variety Store of
>ps A A. BANKS.
2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
" 1 year 8.00
$ column, 3 mos. 6.00
6 44 1 0.00
44 1 year 15.00
1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
6 44 15.00
44 1 year 25.00
Notices before mar
riages, &c. sl2.
Ct L. JONES has received n very lar>;e
' assortment of Bonnets, embracing a!! the
New Fashions, to which he asks the particular
attention of the ladies. The stock consists of
ve* 200 Itoinit- f*.
Florence Braid (!ot tapes, fin<* corn col'd Lace do
English Tulip Braid;
Misses fine tinted Peddle; col'd English Alboni;
Exlra French Colts;
Fluted Straw ; Alboni Straw;
Colore ! Z'-phyr Patne'a; Brilliant &. Colts
Satin Colts,
Excelsior l,ace ; Rice Pearl ; coi'd llair Lacc;
Chip Cottages ; White Chips ;
Florence Braid ;
Col'd Swiss Straws; tine white Face;
American Cinip; fineei'lc trimmed ; Pearland
Jenny Find;
Fine Pearl and Coburg; Misses col'd Lawns.
fps New Cheap Cash Store.
H . II- lltVtIV,
HAS resumed the practice ofhis profession
in this and the adjoining countiee.
Office at the Banking House of Ixingeneck
er, Grubb & Co. Jan. 20, IS-H—if.
A T 7 O It N E Y A T LA W,
Lewistown, MitHin County, Pa.
OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo
crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 25, lb4D—tf.
Wo <L'o
Attorney at Law,
WILL attend promptly to business entrust
ed to his care in this and adjoining
counties. Office one door west ot the Post
Office. June lfi,'49-ly.
Root A iVlaniiftictiirei* iVlaniiftictiirei*
CONTINUES to manufacture, to order,
every description of BOOTS AND
SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in hieemployand
using good stock, his customers,as well asall
others, may rely upon getting a good article,
well made arid neatly finished.
January 22,1848 —tf.
PALMER'S Business Men's Almanac, for
sale at this Office.
3Kansy ® E ® ASI2> IBS ®EB@ai®23 jKßTsasysaffij mamas mwsawss, IM*
Bank of Discount and Deposite.
Ca*li Capital Paid in 970,000.
tablished at l.ewistoun, Pennsylvania, an
Otti *e of Discount and D posite, for the trans
action of the regular I usi .ess of banki.
Drafts and ISotes payable in the commercial
cities will be discounted at all times, and depos
ites of current money will be paid, or. demand,
in par fund 3. Every facility will be afforded to
business men in their negotiations with the
Eastern and Western cities.
Notes offered for discount must lie over one
The aggregate Capital of the establishment
exceeds half a million of dollars.
W.H.IRWIN, W ' RUSSELI - Ci "'""-'
Solicitor and Confidential Agent.
Lewistown, August 25, 1849—tf.
RESPEC I'FULLY announces to his old
friends, and as many new ones as can
make It convenient to call, that he has just re
ceived his
Fall and Winter Stock of Goods,
which he is prepared to dispose of at as reason
able prices as Mr Johnston Thomas, and he
sells about wenty per cent, lower than any
Store in the La-1 Ward. My stock consists of
a general assortment of SEASON A B L E
GOODS, viz:
Queensware, Glassware nn<l
Hard u are,
3DD } J3 m 311 DM,
TOHAUI'IH %M> M.l.liiN.
and Spies of tht purest kind,
Together with all the articles usually found in
a country store. As we do not feel able to oc
cupy the newspapers with an advertisement ot
two or three columns, we josl say to our friends
to call and see us, arid it you don't purchase
from us we will not griimb e.
Lewistown. Dec. *22. I*Q{) rf
can be supplied at C L. Junes ' llis as
sortment of Fine Brandies, Wins, never
was equaled in th 13 place.
Fine French Dark Brandy, at *1 fWI per qt.
do. do. do. do. at 75 els. per qt.
do. do. Pale do. at fl (N)per qt.
do. do do. do. at 62$ cts per qt.
Common Brandy 12$. 25, and 37$ cts per qt.
Old Monongahela Whiskey, (30 ys. 01d)62$
cts. per qt.
do do do 31 cts per qt.
Superior Irish Whiskey, 75 cts perqt.
Superior Holland Gin, 50 cts. per qt.
do do do. 37$ cts per qt.
Blackberry Brandv, a very SOD* rior article
and extensively used in Philadelphia, for com
plaint ot the bowels, &c. The ablest Physi
cians recommend good Liquors in ail such
Superior Port Wine, 75 cts. per qt.
Superior Maderia Wine 75 cts. perqt.
do do. do. 37$ cts. p. r qt.
Sweet Malaga Mountain WHIP, and Lisbon
Wine at C. L. JONES'
aps. celebrated nnn cheap cash store.
Cheap Cabinet Wareroom,
J A car J. 11. McDowells'it tavern, Valley st.
wim at
HPTfE SI; IBHR inviten those about going to
( - 1 - housekecjMiiif and toothers that wish to purchase
Cheap Furiiif m*e,
j to call at the a hove mentioned Wareroom and examine
his large siock of Hell JHade and Useful Fumituvc of all
kiitdft too iitjinernuH to mention here. Among bin aluck
they will find an assortment of
GA N K SE A T C ri A I RS,
w hicti sr.* sr.!,! f".r I ASH CIIEAPF.R than ihey have ever
I.FFT. M in this PLNCE. J would draw attention to a [Mi-
tUtijifie Sprinf-Bottom Bedstead, which can be fO'cit
in my W .reroom :.t any time. It can be put upaud taken
down in les time than the old pi in.and without 1 acrew
ilrivcr. and tlie creal matter ie that it forma a SCIIINO BOT
-1 TOM without a cord or sacking, thus saving the purchaser
the cost of those articles.
d> COFFINf? made lo order and funerals attended at
the shortest notice. Enher Mahogany, Cherry or Wal
' nut can be had al moderate term*.
Lewistown, December I, 1549.
Spring Fuhin<* ll>Ci 4 i vori.
w. c;. zoi i.i
HIT MIM rcnmi.
Market street, Leicistou-n, adjoining Ken
nedy 4* Barter's Store.
MR. Z informs tlie citizens of Mifflin
and the adj miing counties, that h<< has
> just received the spring h iiijf I' I'ML
s||S I shions, and is now jre tin roil
to furnish all in want r "™"
IIA l'S or CAPS wnh an arti
cle, neat, durable and well ffni>hed,
comprising every style manufactured for this
I he care and attention he lias ever given to
the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred
by his numerous Ornish customers, will be
continued; and he feels warranted in giving
the assurance that they will nut be disap
will find it decidedly to their advantage to give
hi n a call, for his arrangements are now surh.
as to enable bun to furnish any quantity that
may be desired on the shortest notice.
Grateful for the encouragement lie has thus
far received, he will continue to deserve it bv
continued assiduity to the wants ot his friends,
and strict attention to his business.
Lewistown, march 29, WJO— tf
HAT & CAl'g^
At his (Jld Stand in Market street,
HAS just received the Beebe & Costar
and latest Philadelphia and New York-
Spring Fashion of Hats and Caps, and is now
prepared to furnish both old and new customers
with an article, which he will warrant gi-oJ.
and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a
large and general assortment of
which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or
RETAIL, on 89 fair terms as can be obtained
Itere or elsewhere.
Ilis Ornish friends will also find him pre
pared to suit their tastes. 11 is unrivalled
BROAD-Hlil US will receive the same care
ami attention which lie lias always bestowed
upon them. Don't forget the old stand, whe.e
yon may depend upon not b- mg disappointed.
N. J. R. fools grateful for the generous pa
tronage he has thus far received, and assures
all that he will spare no pains to give the gen
eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed
ed in affording all who have dealt with him.
Lewistown, march 29, ISso—tf.
-*■ phia—OFFICE 163; Cheanut street, near Fifth street.
Charles N. B.mcker, Ceo R. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Mordeeai I>. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Boric,
Samuel Grant, I) tvid S Brown, *
Jacob It Smith, Morris Patterson.
Continue to make insurant e, perpetual or limited, on
every description of property in TOWN &. COUNTUV,
at rales as low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Continirent Fund,
which, with their Capital and Premiums safely invested,
atf rd ample protection to the assured.
Tile assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1819, as
published Agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
lows. viz :
Mortgages, #!,017,<f38 41
Real E-tate, 91,721 83
Temporary Loans, 96,001 si
Stocks, 51,523 25
Cash, SLC , 38 801 37
#1,328.192 71
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years,
they have pan) upwards of One JMillton Four llundrid
Thousand Dollars , tosses hy lire, thereby affording an evi
deuce of tlia advantages of Insurance,as well as the aliil•
ity and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.
AG EN I' for Mifflin county, R. C. HAI E,
Estj., Lewistown. [npl2Ty
A safe and effectual remedy tor Rheu
matism, Gout, Lumbago, Palsy, Sprains, Bruises.
Chilibains, Numbness, &.c.; Judkin's Specific
Ointment, I)ewee's Celebrated Rheumatic
Nerve and Bone Liniment, or Pain Extractor;
Heyle'a Embrocation for horses; Indian Hair
Dye, itc., tor sale by
Lewistown, march 22, 1850.
GOODS.—Port Monnaics, Pocket
Books, Cigar Cases, Shaving Boxes, Note
Paper, superior Sealing Wax, Steel Pens, Pen
Holders. Stamps, superior Percussion Caps,
Snuff Boxes, Motto Wafers, superior white
Envelopes, do. brown do., redding and pocket
Combs, superior Shaving Brushes,do. Hairdo,
Tooth and Nail do., &.C., &c., for sale by
Lewistown, march 22, 1650-
From the Episcopal Recorder.
In Memory of ELLEN M. WOODWARD, Miss HESNER, and
j Miss BUTLER, who were drowned together, January
lUlli, IliO, near Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania
'Tis sad to weep and wake
Beside the severing tie,
To woo in vain the shadows back
That dim the loving eye ;
But sadder far to see the blight
Of undeparted bloom,
That lelt no track from day lo night—
From spring-time to the tomb.
j Thus to this gentle trio came
I be angel ol the grave—
Quenched with a look the vital flame,
And chilled the purple wave ;
And drinking quick the precious breath,
He lelt his ta>k abroad,
i To bear th' unfading wreath of Death,
And precious gems to God.
1 his is the bairn of bleeding love,
In tile's dear purpose cross'd,
J he shrouded here are winged above—
'l he loved, BUT NOT THE LOST !
1 he smile o! Heaven had early won
Each heart Irom earth awav ;
And death was but the sudden dawn
Ol" evetiasting day.
Thou, Lllen, in thy childhood bright.
The way but little trod,
Jladsl turned from earth's delusive light,
1 o yield thy heart to God.
An opening ilower, that caught the hue
Ol Heaven's refulgent dyes,
And dripping with the morning dew,
Was gathered to the skies.
'I were sweet to have thee bloom in time,
But sweeter far to thee
To pout - thy lragratice in the clime
Of immortality.
Where blossoms close not for the night,
Nor dread the storm to come—
I he noon-day heat and evening blithe
Are far beneath thy home.
This tale o'er many a soul will hang
In shadows for a dav ;
Bui there are hearts from which the pang
Will pass no more away—
Hearts that in after years w ill beat,
Ev'n as to-night, m pain,
And hear in dreams the coming feet
That ne'er shall come again.
God help the mother iri her grief,
I'he lather in his wo!
The hand alone can give relief
That measured out the blow.
Thy blessing on each lonely hearth,
And grant the spirits riven,
That loved and severed here on earth
May meet and love in Heaven!
JH tsc rll nuro us. j
A Sketch of the American Revolution.
translated Ir m the (J-rnißn f. r the Pittsburgh Post, by
There are, we presume, but few of our
readers who have not heard of the beauti
ful Wyoming Valley, that rich and fertile
tract of land, situated in the State of Penn
sylvania, and which has often been cele
brated by poets and writers. This valley
wa> tirsi ::;ul oiiieflv set'led bv Germans.
It contains rich laruis, fields and meadows,
together with valuable limber land, and
was visited with lire and sword, by a party
of American Tories, British, and Indians,
in the \ 1 ar 1 <7B, at a time when the male
population ol the settlement, which num
ber amounted to about 350 souls, had
joined tii" arinj of the great and immortal
Washington, at a distance of several days
journey, where they expected to encounter
the main army of the enemv.
i he ( olonel of these \\ yoming Ger
mans was HOI.LEN UACH, a justice of the
peace. He was an intimate friend nf
Washington, who knew how to appreciate
his distinguished qualities, as well as his
rare intelligence; although as to matters
regarding religion, their views and opin
ions differed widely from each other, as it
is well known that Washington was a
strict believer in the Bible ; whereas Ilol
lenbaeh did adhere to the doctrines of
Thus. I'aine, who was a philosopher and
The heart-rending call in distress, of
their parents, wives and children, which
they had left at home, soon reached the
cars of I lit? Wyoming Volunteers, and in
an instant llolleuhach found himself sur
rounded by his men, who urged him to
meet the enemy, whose force consisted of
more than 2,000 men.
In vain were the representations of
Washington, who, being aware of the su
perior numerical strength of these barba
rous and plundering hordes, had prognos
ticated to all a sure death.
Terror and agony moved the heart of
every one at the thought of the dear ones
which they had left behind and unprotect
ed, and clinched their lists in eagerness for
combat and vengeance at the gloomy pros
pects of their ruined happiness ; and it
was now no longer possible for them to
remain with the army.
At the sound of the trumpet, and headed
by their Colonel, they began to return I
homeward in great haste, marching day
and night, until they arrived at their settle
ment, where, instead of meeting again
their peaceable abodes, they beheld the
smoking ruins of destroyed dwellings, near
to which the enemies had comfortably
erected their tents, their morning lire blaz
ing triumphantly in the air, intermingled
with their huzzas.
They soon recognised the red hordes of .
Brant, the notorious spoiler of the 44 Ger
man Flat," who had joined the rapacious
and blood-thirsty Tories and British, which
but a short time ago in Cherry Valley, had
given such terrible proofs of their cruelties.
\ ith dolelul looks Hollenbach regarded
his gallant little band, who gnashed their
teeth for rage and vengeance, stood near
the place of destruction, and the looks of
his men announced to him the inmost
thoughts of their hearts.
There was none who would have trem
bled at an assault on these hordes of mur
41 Brothers !" exclaimed Ilollenbach,
• 4 against such cowards, who watch for our
absence, and who now rejoice in victory
over women and children only, every one
ol us can stand the ground against eight of
them. Let us send these brutes to h—l in
such a manner that even the d—l himself
must have respect for the Germans of
\V yonting \ alley," and raising himself
trom his saddle he waived his sword in the
air, and spurred his horse onward.
J hundering hurras followed his words,
antl his men rushed forward, eager for the
ensuing combat. At the tirst volley, more
than one hundred of these red-skins, (who
formed the advance guard ol the enemy,)
were weltering in their blood. The ene
my were quietly reposing in their camp,
but in an instant the whole army was ap
prised of tfte assault, and from all sides
they rushed upon the gallant little corps.
The sun rose, spreading its animating
beams upon the exhausted Germans, who
in a moment made arrangements to take
the stand behind a row of ruins, and to
watt tor the approaah of their enemies.—
I he first assault of the enemy was re
pulsed, and many kissed the earth in death,
caused by the dense drift of bullets sent
forth Irom behind the entrenchments.
I he mockery about this powerful resist
ance and bravery, which the appearance of
the little band so openly demonstrated to
wards the enemy, soon engaged its whole
army in a furious combat, but they were
not able to stand their ground against the
discharge of the pieces of the little band, I
which rattling, cleared their ranks. Re
pulsed repeatedly, and again hurrying into
the fight, the enemy couid not gain a foot !
of ground, although their guns began to
clear the ranks of their powerful antagonists.
During twelve long hours, these German
Spartans manfully resisted the superior
force of tlte enemy.
finally, and with the last glowing of the
-etting sun, the fate ol the day was decided ;
300 Germans had fallen in defence of their
adopted country, and 50 more lay badly
wounded, who would not seek for quar
ters, and still striving to make a last effort
against the enemy, who seeing their deter
mination, had almost been driven to mad
ness on account of their bravery.
W hat a noble military achievement!
W hat persevering heroism ! Had these
men been Americans, thei/ would, up to
this dot/, have been remembered by the na
tion as the 44 Immortal If yoming Boys
but they "were only Germans, and their
memory, which is as worthv of immortal
ity as that ot the Helens of Thermopylae,
remains silently recorded in the book of
History of two Pennsvivania counties !
use 1 to raise particular purgatory about
Mtddlebury College, had taken a fancv to
the daughter of a staid old deacon, who
frequently invited him to dinner. The
deacon called upon him one diy to ask
the customary blessing, and wishing it to
lie understood that there was nothing he
could not do. made the attempt. Hastily
recollecting all lie could of the usual form,
lie made an excellent start, but for his life
could not tell how to close. It was easier
to go 011 than stop. Finally, making a
desperate dash alter a period, he finished
thus : " In conclusion, my dear sir, I re
main very respectfully and truly your obe
dient servant!"
CHURCH FUEL. —An ex-governor, whcsa
name we suppress out of regard for his
family, relates a good storv of a man
whose life had not been entirely unspotted,
who applied to a worthy deacon lor ad
mission into his church. Unwilling to of
fend him, and yet not inclined to receive
him, the deacon replied, '• The church is
full just now, when there is a vacancy I
will notify you !"
A lady making inquiries of a boy about
his father, an intemperate man, who had
been sick for some time, asked whether
he had regained his appetite. U No
ma am, says the boy, "not exactly ; his
appetite is very poor, but his drinketite is
as good as ever."
CONUNDRUMS. —Why is an unwelcome
visiter like a shade tree ? \\ e are glad
when he fcavis.
Why is a lawyer like a tailor ? He is
always ready to commence a suit.
Whv are two t's like hops ? They
make beer better.
A suit has been commenced, in New
port, R. 1., against a man for stealing a
house. That comes close upon the per
formance of the man down east, who
stole a saw-mill and got caught when he
went back to steal the dam.
\ew Series—Vol. -T—!\'o. 26.
We cannot understand how it is that
, delicate young ladies, too delicate to run
up and down stairs in their own houses,
are able to dance down the strongest
men in a ball room. 'Tis a phenomenon
of nature of which no one seems capable
iof giving an explanation. What young
girl ever refused a handsome partner at
five o'clock in the morning on die score
of being 4 so tired !'
To THE LADIES.—Kid gloves maybe
i cleaned with milk. Husbands may be
subdued by the use of the broomstick.
Paint of adhesive quality may be removed
from the cheeks by washing in strong: ley,
and to prevent the skin from becoming
rough anoint it afterwards with lamp oil.
Monkey jackets, it is said, will not be the
fashion this summer.
In sickness there is no hand like a
woman's hand—no heart like a woman's
heart—no eye so untiring, no hope so fer
vent. Woman by a sick man's couch is
divinity impersonated.
There is no religion like that of the
heart, no charity like that which does not
blow its own trumpet.
In Cork, a short time ago, the crier en
deavored to dispersethecrowd by exclaim
ing, 44 All ye blackguards that isn't law
yers, quit the court."
" -
I> € , J . EC. 11l T: II LI, li,
UE-SPFb I I L LI.Y informs his friends and
the public generally that he is now open
ing in the new and splendid storeroom lately
occupied by W. J. Sterretl, in Market street,
Lewistown. south side, a few doors above the
Hardware store if F. <i. Franciscus, the best
selected, purest and cheapest assortment ever
offered for saie in this place, of
Fresli UritgM and Medicines,
French and English CHEMICALS;
Faints. Oils and Dije Stuffs ;
Varnishes, Fa'ent Medicines. Townsend's
Sarsaparilla. Concentrated Sarsuparilla,
Wis tar's Balsam of It ild Cherry,
l)r. Juyne s tumily Medicines,
4rc., 4 c . cjrc.
Paint and Varnish Brushes ;
Native and Foreign Herbs and Extracts;
Surgical Instruments, warranted;
Sash i wis, \\ i:i<lm w (jliass. Spices, ic.;
Kousseli's Perfumery. &c., &c.
A great variety of DLiowr FANCY GOODS.
HIS drugs have BEEN pun-has-d turn hum,
Smith &. Co., Market i-tre, t, Philadelphia,
one ot the mnsi •. and reputable estab-
Itshinenta m that city, and eviry article is war
ranted to b> p-.re and of the first quality.
I he profits (in the ra e of dregs are well
known to he very great—oft. n exceeding 3uo
P j r cent, on the o>si—soiliat the present exor
bitant prires can he great y reduced, and jet a
good pr. fit be realized. "'l'he adtilieration of
drugs the mo-t valuable, (Opium. Calomel,
Quinine, &c .) is a most dangerous and ue-iruc
tive, but wry common, fraud, and cam.of he
delected without a careful chemical analysts
My s'ock has been ?e ected with great c,re,
and I will sell drugs warranted free tr. m a:|
All prescriptions will be made up aft. r the
most approved method, and medical acvice
given to purchasers WITH IT CHARGE
Physicians and druggists m if,.. coonirv or
neighboring towns, will be stii-piied on Ihe most
liberal terms. Ail orders promptly fi led. and
boxes and packages cf drugs, &c , carefu !y
put up and forwarded.
Market street, south three doors east of
"■ U. Franciscus. I ewis'nwn, Pa.
l.ewisoiwn. March 15. 1-50
11l the Viniunnrt. L uil<xvi>.
A A. bA\Kb hid jjsl ope tied a general
• assortment of
Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Oils
and Dye-stuffs,
with SPIC ES ot a!! kinos, fresh and genuine.
Also, a great variety of
Conficlionaries, Nuts, fraekers aud Raisins.
Foolscap and Letter Paper, Quills, Stee! Pens.
Slates. Pencils, Envelopes,
Copy Books, Blink Books,
English Bibles and Testaments,
with several kinds of schooi books.
Tob;ct*o, Snuft and Sugars,
of the best quality, Segar Cases, Snutf Boxes,
Pen Knivpo, Razor Strops, Shaving Cream,
Hair Oil, Perfumery of different kin-is. Tooth
Powder.Motfo VVafers.Gold and Dufch Leaf.&c.
All of the above articles will he sold at the
at the ARCADE, East side of the Diamond.
Lewiatowu, April 5, 1850—if
I* mbr ell as.
SILK, Cotton, and Gingham, a large assort
ment for sale very low. bv the piece or
dozen—so cpnts, 6(1 cts., 70 cts . 90 cts . 90
ts.. $1 00, $1.1*24. $1.25 *1.30. $1.75, $2 00,
$225, Silk at $2.50, $8 (HI, $4.00 and $4.50.
a ps New Cheap Cash Store.
Silks ! Silks! I Silks!!!
A MOST super* and extensive assortment
of silks of every description, selling at
greatly reduced prices at the Celebrated New
Cheap Cash Store of
aps. C. L. JONES.