Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 12, 1850, Image 2

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T F. RM S:
For six months, 75 cents.
NEW subscriptions must be paid in
advance. If the paper is continued, and not
paid within jibe first month. §1.25 will be charg
ed ; if not paid in three months, $1.50; if not
paid in six months, $1.75; and if not paid in
nine montli3, $2.00.
Notices of Advertisements.
Besson Son invite the attention of persons
•visiting the city to their extensive stock of
mourning goods.
A. 11. McCalla has a fine assortment of Li
quors, a catalogue of which can be seen at this
F. J. Hoffman advertises a variety of articles.
Wattson & Jacob have enlarged their estab
lishment, and added a large, elegant and cheap
lot of nov goods to their former stock.
J. W. Parker has opened a law office next
door to Wattson & Jacob's store.
The Commissioners of the new Turnpike Co.
will open their books next month.
The Frhnklin Fire Insurance Company have
a notice in another column.
J. Dickson publishes an auditor's notice.
The Apportionment Bill Vetoed.
The infamous hill passed by the loco
toeo majority at Harrisburg—so infamous
that we cannot see how any man making
pretensions to honesty could vote for it—
has received its quietus at the hands of
Governor Johnston. We regret that we
did not receive a copy of the message in
time lor to-day's paper, (it having only
come to hand last evening,) but a svnopsis
of its contents in another column will sat
isfy any man, whether whig or locofoeo.
that a more villainous and unprincipled ef
fort to disfranchise a large portion of the j
voters of Pennsylvania was never made.
We trust Governor Johnston will freely j
use the SLEDGE HAMMER to demolish all ;
fabrics of this kind erected by the old j
party hacks in the Legislature, until a fair i
bill is passed. We care not what majority •
locofocoism may obtain under a bill in 1
which some regard is paid to the ratio of
representation, but until they do pav some .
regard to that, as they have sworn to do.
let there be no hesitation in the Executive
:o use the power vested in him.
By-a letter receiv ed from JAMES K.
KEI.LV, Esq., we are pleased to learn that
"VY ILLIAM SCOTT, ol the Juniata Conipanv,
who was reported dead bv previous ac
counts, is alive and well.
1 HE WEATHER. —We have had rain,
hail and snow this week, and on several
mornings ice was formed an eighth of an
inch thick. The Almanacs call this weather
spring, but there has been thus far so deci
ded a feeling of winter about it, that some
persons think the almanac makers have
made a mistake of a month or two in their
calculations. To-day is pleasant enough,
but will it continue so ? is asked on all
sides. We don't know, but nous verrons.
rr The Democrat suggests that provi
sion be made for publishing the amendment
to the Constitution in papers of both par
ties. This would be no more than right,
and we would like to see ample provision
made to carry out the measure. The Con
stitution limits the Secretary of State to
one paper in each county, but of course
the legislature could appropriate funds to
liave it published in two or three.
What SIOO,OOO nay Do.
The Montpelier (Vt.) Journal, in allud
ing to the proposed Cotton Factory in Al
bany, savs:
' J
" A capital of SIOO,OOO is to give direct labor
to 200 people. On the average, each one of
those persons will support at least one more—as
wife or child ; and so this moderate amount of
capital is to add 400 to the population of Albany.
Nor is this all : to hare a population of 400,
buildings must he had—to build and furnish
these houses and clothe the inmates, mechanics
must be had ; to feed them, doctor them, educate
them, and defend them, a new demand is made
for farmers, traders, doctors, teachers, lawyers
and so forth artd so on ; all adding still more
to the population and the business of the place
where such a factory is located."
It is this cumulative influence of do
mestic manufactures, says a cotcmporary .
which gives thern their national importance.
There are hundreds of thriving cities ami
villages in this country which owe their
existence to manufactures. Is it not bet
ter for the country that our people should
contribute to the support of these localities,
and the hundreds of thousands who inhabit
them, than tiiat they should support a like
number of towns and operatives in foreign
countries ? An honest answer to this
question is all that is required to secure an
admission of the wisdom and utility of the
Whig doctrine of protection.
Mr. Carl vie, in his latest publication, con
demsthat "general morbid sympathy,"
of hearty hatred for scoundrels, which is threat
ening to drown human society as in deluges, it
may truly be questioned if the interference of
what is ealied " humanitarianism" with the
course of justice, wa ever productive of much
f.otofoto Office Holder*.
To read the locofoeo papers, every one
would suppose that none of that kith or
kin held olfice under Cien. Taylor. Tru
man Smith of Connecticut has made some
inquiry into the matter, and in a recent
speech in the United States Senate showed
j that the number of clerks in the several
Departments on the 4th March, 1849. were
; thus distributed :
In the State Department, 22 3
" Navy Department, 34 15
" War Department, 2] 09
" Interior Department, 93 34
" Treasury Department, 259 76
44 P. O. Department, 47 2
476 156
I.oeofoco preponderance, 320
On the Ist of January, 1850, ten months
afterwards, the following is the table :
In the State Department, 11 15
44 Navy Department, 25 23
" War Department, 19 30
44 Interior Department, 58 80
44 Treasury Department, 202 132
41 P. O. Department, 35 14
350 294
Locofoco preponderance, 56
Or two hundred and sixty-four removals in
the Departments at Washington since the
fourth of March, 1849, when Gen. Taylor
took the Presidential chair. In reply to a
question by Mr. Dodge, of lowa, Mr.
Smith said that he had obtained his infor
mation from persons intimately acquainted
in the Departments ; and 110 doubt the
statement approximates the truth. This
statement has also been made in the House,
and thus far not a member of Congress
has attempted to refute it.
The Democrat is congratulating it
self on the progress " democracy" is ma
king. and cites Connecticut, Ohio, and
Kentucky as instances in which the people
reposed confidence in locofocoism as exhib
ited in the recent elections. In Connecti
cut and Ohio the locofocos have for some
years intrigued with the fag-ends of all
factions from Mormonism down to ultra
abolitionism, while in Kentucky it is closely
allied to slavery. At Washington, too,
Borland and Foote and Benton and Foote,
<kc., have been exhibiting specimens of
union and harmony which show much good
feeling and a remarkable similarity of dis
position to plant fists between each other's
sky-lights. If our neighbor calls these
coalitions and brawls the triumphs of de
mocracy, he will some day wake up and
find the party on a 44 bust."
The Stir York Tribune,
This ab!jr-conducted and probably most inde
pendent Journal on the seaboard, has been en
larged to very nearly double the recent size,
and is now printed in the quarto form adopted
by nearly alt the great London Journals. A
larger type is used for editorial and other mat
ter generally read, BO that about one-third of
an increase in quantity is obtained. The Daily
is furnished to mail subscribers at per an
num; the Semi-Weekly at $3, or two copies
tor s•>; and the Weekly at $2 for a single copy,
8 copies tor $lO, or 20 copies to one address for
S2O. Address Greeley & il'Elrath, New York.
( the fifteerf days, showing the number of stock
holders voting, and the shares represented
gives the following totals:—
For Against For Again*/
Fifteen dava' vote, 585 256 11.503 5,861
256 5,861
Majorities, 329 5,642
gratifying to the friends of the Pennsylvania
Railroad to learn, says the Daily News, that the
passenger traffic alone has already exceeded the
estimates. The income on that portion of the
work which is open for use, during the last ten
days, exceeds $10,000; being over SI,OOO per
day; with every prospect of an immense in
crease, when the connection with the inclined
plane at IfoJlidaysburg is completed. We un
derstand it is in contemplation to open the road
to Huntingdon in the course of a few weeks, !
which will not only add to the receipts, but
shorten the time some hours.
THE COMET O 1264 —The attention of astro
nomers i now, and for some time has been,
directed to the return of the great Comet of f
1264, which is supposed to have returned in
1556, and which is expected to re-appear about
this time.
'1 he bill introduced in the House by Mr.
\\ rn. J. Brown, regulating the rates of post
tige, provides that newspapers, pamphlets,
magazines, periodicals, or other printed mat
ter, shall be charged at the rate of one cent
for every ounce and a half, or fraction of an
ounce , all newspapers, &c., not sent to regu
lar subscribers, must be prepaid ; no postage
in to be charged on newspapers by mail, within
the county where they are published; any per
son may agree tc carry newspapers for hire
outside the mail; handbills and circulars
charged two cents if not wjf'ered ; letters sent
ahioud, charged fifteen cents sea postage in
the United States mail lines; the postmaster
general may increase these rates; the frank
j ing privilege to be continued, but restricted to
ounce letters, ami members may not frsnk for
; a ft tend under $lO penalty
Court of Quarter Sessions of Jllffliu County.
The entire, week was taken up with Sessions
I business. In the case of the Commonwealth vs.
! Rarick and Marks for burning ShulPs ten-pin
' alley, (noticed in our last,) the prisoners were
sentenced to seven months imprisonment in the
Eastern Penitentiary, and.to pay a fine of five
dollars and costs of prosecution. Marks made
a statement in Court of the whole transaction,
acknowledging that he had set fire to the build
ing, but implicated the principal witness against
j them as the instigator of the act.
| Commonwealth vs. Michael T. M'Ennis, Samuel
, Marks, Geo. Rarick, J no. Spiece SfJat. MWtal.
i These parties were indicted, under different
! counts, for riot and malicious mischief. M'En
i nis plead guilty, and the others, with the excep
tion of Spiece, found guilty as indicted. 'I he
latter was found guilty of riot. Rarick and
Marks were sentenced to pay a fine of §5 —
M'Ennis and M'Neal to be imprisoned in the
county jail for 40 days, pay a fine of $5, and
costs of prosecution —and Spiece 20 days im
| prisonment, $5 fine, and costs of prosecution.
! A. P. JACOB, Prosecuting Attorney, and S. S.
1 WOODS for the Comtnonweath, and A. PARKER
and G. W. ELDER for the defence.
ROBERT A. ROBISON, indicted for an assault
| and battery upon the Commonwealth in the per
| son of SAMUEL IIOPI ER, was found guilty upon
one indictment, and sentenced to pay a fine of
I S2O and costs of prosecution. A. P. JACOB, W.
H. IRWIK, and E. L. BEXEDICT for the Common
wealth, and A. PARKER and S. S. WOODS for the
j defence. On a second indictment Robison was
found not guilty—Hopper to pay costs. Across
action, brought by Robison against Hopper, was
ignored by the Grand Jury, as was also another
' bill by Hopper against Robison.
MILLER, tried for an assault on J. DAVIS,
plead guilty, and was fined $3 and costs.
Commonwealth vs. James Cupples, Jr.
The prisoner, a boy but 13 years old, was in
dicted for feloniously breaking into the store of
JOHN 11001 ES, and taking therefrom sundry pen
kives and other articles. The case was rather
j clearly made out, it having been shown that
considerable tact and ingenuity had been exhib
ited in effecting an entrance, the shutters having
been bored in the most approved style ; but in
consideration of his youth and probably a doubt
as to the felonious intentions of the boy, the
Jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty. A P.
JACOB for Commonwealth— J. ALEXANDER and
J. W. PARKER for defence.
Commonwealth vs. Martin Ilanley.
Hanley was indicted for stealing a lot of dry
goods from the store at Freedom Forge. Drs.
Ard and Hoover pronounced the man insane,and
the prosecuting attorney having satisfied himself
of the fact, did not ask for a conviction. His
case will be disposed of at an adjourned Court
to be held shortly.
Commonwealth vs. John Wagner.
The defendant was indicted for fornication v>d
bastardy—Margaret llouts complainant—and
found guilty. The usual sentence in such cases
was given. JACOB for Commonwealth, WOODS
for defence.
The following is a list of Tavern Licenses
granted at April Term, 1(300:
W. F. Moyer, Lewistown.
Jacob Bearley, •*
Joseph Sourbeck, "
John R. M'Dowell, "
Daniel Eiaenbise, "
Thomas Mayes, "
Thos. F. M'Coy, M'Veytown.
Elijah Davis, ••
Charles Caughling, Newton Hamilton.
Eliza Butler, •
John Robieon, Belleville.
William Brothers, Reedsville.
S. W. Stewart, "
Abraham Muttherabaugh, Decatur.
Jesse Wingate, Armagh.
Isaiah Coplin, "
Abraham Lewis, Wayne.
John liOWther, **
C. C. Hemphill, Allenville.
At adjourned court in March, license was
granted to James Allison, Granville township.
Two or three applications for new stands were
rejected, and the application of Coller VVix
laid over to next Court.
for delegates to the Nashville convention, was
held in Georgia on the 2d inst. It excited so
little attention in Savannah, that the papers of
the succeeding day failed to notice it altogether.
The vote polled was 439, where it usually ran
ges about 1,600. In Augusta, but 116 votes
were polled ; in Burke county, 47 ; in Columbia
no election was held. Surely this whole move
ment is a most ridiculous farce.
Tm CHOLERA.—The cholera is prevailing to
a considerable extent in New Orleans, and the
board of health have issued a proclamation urg
ing upon the citizens caution in dress and diet,
although the disease has not yet assumed an ep
idemic character. The whole number of inter
ments in the, various cemeteries for the week
ending the 23d ult., was 224, of which 149 were
from cholera. The number of deaths from i
cholera on the 26th was ten.
Maysville, Ky., states that the number of cattle \
shipped eastward from thatplace, by w ay of the
Ohio river arid Pittsburgh, has gradually in- j
creased from 1,000, in 1847, to f>,ooo, in 1849,
and that the number shipped thence this year
will probably be 20,000.
The Alexandria Gazette says that market is
supplied with some fine new potatoes from the
Bermuda islands.
For the Gazette.
MR. EDITOR —Please call the attention of
those gentlemen who lately hold a meeting at
the Town Hall and resolved to resist the dese
cration of the Sabbath in our woods and by
places, to the fact that the Court of Quarter
Sessions, including sundry Judges, county offi
cers, lawyers, jurors, Ac., were in session on
Sunday morning last between two and three
o'clock, transacting common week-day business.
Now here's a fair chance in our midst for show
ing a proper zeal for the fourth commandment,
without leaving the limits of our borough, and
a respectable number of whom suitable exam
ples may be made. Come, gentlemen, no back
ing out now.
hut itf>t an t 'ltraht. j
In the Senate on the 9th, nearly the whole of
the morning session was consumed in the consid
eration of an " Omnibus" bill from the House.
It is very long, containing fifty-eight sections,
treating on a variety of subjects. Its passage
will create most important changes in a number
of laws, of which the people will know nothing
until they are passed.
In the House, a message was received from
Governor Johnston, returning with his objec
tions, the bill apportioning the State into Sena
torial and Representative Districts.
His first objection is made by comparing the
apportionment of Fayette with that of Dauphin
county, the latter having but one representative,
with a larger number of taxables than Fayette,
which has two. The second objection is that
Allegheny, with 28,547 taxables has but five
members, while Westmoreland, with only 11,-
618, has three. The third is, that Schuylkill,
with 12,867 taxables, has but two representa
tives, while Berks, with 16,262, has four.
The fourth objection is, that Berks, with some
sixteen thousand taxables, has the same repre
sentation as Westmoreland, Schuylkill, Butler,
and Luzerne, with some 24,000 taxables. The
fifth objection is made by comparing Crawford
with Erie. The sixth objection is, that by the
representation allowed to Allegheny, Butler,
Lawrence, Dauphin, Eric and Schuylkill, which
are altogether allowed 11 members, 26,406 tax
able inhabitants are left unrepresented, accord
ing to the ratio fixed in the bill.
The seventh is that the counties of Adams,
Allegheny, Butler, Lawrence, Beaver, Dauphin,
Delaware, Erie, Indiana, Lebanon, Philadelphia
City, Somerset, Union and Lancaster, with 140,-
222 taxables, are allowed 25 members, whilst
the counties of Columbia, Sullivan, Crawford,
Fayette, Monroe, Wayne, Pike, Mercer, Venan
go, Warren, Mitllin, Montgomery, Susquehanna,
Wyoming, Westmoreland, York, Tioga, Elk,
McKean, and Clearfield, with only 105,000 tax
ables, are given the same number.
He refers to the representative district of
Clearfield, Elk and McKean, as having been
erected since the adoption of the Constitution,
and given a separate representation, whilst they
have a less numbe| of taxables than the ratio
fixed in the bill; consequently it is unconstitu
tional. He denounces the formation of double
districts as calculated to prevent an equal rep
resentation and as an anti-republican feature
which ought to be avoided.
He refers to the district composed of the
counties of Amrstrong, Jefferson, and Clarion,
where Clarion has 5067 taxables, which entitles
her to one member, with a small excess. Arm
strong and Jefferson have 8708 taxables, being a
much larger number than is required for two
members in Fayette, Westmoreland, Berks, and
Crawford. He thinks this might have been
avoided, as well as making a district of Cnm
bcrland, Perry, and Juniata counties, and one of
Mercer, Venango, and Warren.
The message goes on to point out the different
inequalities in the bill generally, and closes with
an expression of regret that the passage of the
bill should have been delayed until so nearly
tbe close of the session.
In the Senate,on the 10th,an apportionment
bill was reported, which makes the following
alterations from the one vetoed by the Governor:
Lancaster is made the 7th district, with two
Senators ; Northumberland, Columbia and Un
ion are made the 13th district, with one Sena
tor; Lycoming, Centre, Clinton and Sullivan
the 14th district, with one Semtor; Luzerne
and Wyoming the 10th district, with one Sen
ator; Bradford and Susquehanna the lfi'h dis
trict, with one Senator; Tioga, Hotter, M'Kean,
Elk ana Warren the 17th district, with one
Senator; Clarion, Venango. Mercer, Crawford
and Erie the lS:h district, with two Senators;
Armstrong, Indiana, Jefferson and Clearfield
the 24tb district, with one Senator; MifHin,
Huntingdon, Biair and Cambria the 25th dis
trict, with one Senator.
In the House of Representatives : Allegheny
is given six members, Armstrong one member,
Clearfield and Jefferson one member, Clarion
and Venango two members, Dauphin and Leb
anon three members, Fayette and Westmore
land four members, Lancaster four members,
Mercer and Crawford three members, Warreu,
M'Kean and Elk one member.
The House refused to consider the bill erect
ing the new county " Montour."
The resolution calling on the Canal Com
missioners to advance their opinion as to the
merits ot the Lill incorporating the Lebanon
Valley Railroad Company was defeated by a
majority of two votes.
The bill providing lor the regulation and con
tinuance of a system of education by common
schools came up in order, and passed second
reading. The Forest divorce bill also passed,
so amended as to give any Court of Common
Pleas in the Commonwealth cognizance of
the case—yeas 40, nays 28.
Mr. Campbell, the Clerk of the House of
Representatives, is moat dangerously ill. He
is not expected to recover.
stand that .Mr. Thomas Johnston, of Martic
township, has been missing from his home
since the Ist inst., under circumstances
which are calculated to induce the belief
that he has been foully dealt with. He
left his residence on that day for the pur
pose of collecting money and making set
tlements with some of his neighbors. The
last person with whom he settled recollects
seeing a large sum of money in his pos
session. lie was afterwards seen by a
neighbor within a mile of his own dwel
ling, in which direction he was then riding
through a lane or path, which was secured
at both ends by bars and gates. His horse
was found in this enclosure on the follow
ing morning. The whole neighborhood
has been carefully searched since, but
no traces have been discovered of the
missing man. It is feared that he has been
waylaid and murdered by soinc one having
a knowledge that lie had a large sum ol
money in his possession, and his body
concealed in some way from discovery.
He was a man of industrious and temper
ate habits, and his circumstances were such
as to leave no motive for a voluntary ab
sence from his family and home.— /MU
CUS/er lit ion.
Riiodi; Isi.asd. —The full rote for Governor
of Rhode Island is :—Anthony (Whig) 3,384 ;
Harris (Free Soil) 710. The Senate stands 17
Wbigs ; 11 locos ; House, 42 Whigs, 24 locos.
Cyrus Rutherford, of Upper Swatara, Dau- i
phin county, was killed on Tuesday of last
week, by the falling of a limb of a tree which
he was felling.
Pure Wines and Liquors.
THE attrition of Healers and Hotel Keepers is request
ed to .*iy fine assortment of Wines and Liquors se
lected with great care from stocks in Europe and this
country, and from murces uhich enable me to OCAttsa ita
their purity
11 ft A IS JDI ES of every description from §1 to 45 per
WHISKEY , fine Irinh, Beotch and Monongahela.
oiiU Jamaica hum, Holland Gin, and Peach
of every variety arid pradp, from "5 cts. to 45 per gallon.
CHAMPAGNE of all celebrated brands, 49 50 to 415.
' Claret — Fine Table Claret at 43, and higher grade..
Also, Lisbon, Tenerifle, Malaga, Muscat, Ac. Wild
Cherry Brandy, Raspberry, Blackberry and Lavender
Brandy, Ac. Ac
1 lie Country Trade
supplied at wholesale prices. — A complete assortment of
\\ iue. and Liquors, very cheap, for culinary purposes.
OOrdi rs promptly attended to. Goods carefully pack
i ed arid forwarded by "Express." Samples sent to any
part afthe country fiee ofr.barge,bv addressing, post paid,
al'2.3m] W ine Merchaat, 30 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
—— a——i————
rsounaiiisiQ store,
•VI/. 52 South Second St., near Chesnut, Philadelphia
RUSSOA A: sor\
4 RE now receiving their spring importations, and
-si- would respectfully invite the attention of all CASH
buyers, either wholesale or retail, to their large stock of
?lotiriiing Goods Exclusively.
| Uf.Af KB i eges, Marquise. Chaly, Bombazines, {
Bombaaiae finish Alpacas, Canton Cloths, Silks, dou
ble width Mousxeline de Lainea, Grenadines, Canton
Crapes, Barege Latncs, Thibet long St. square Bhawls,
Barege Bhawis, Crape, Love, and Crape j.isse Veils,
patent English trimming and veil Crapes, Ac. Ac. Ac
SECOND MOURNING La wns, Ginghams, J
Bareges, Mousse de Laines, Gingham Lawns, Chintz
es, Acier Cloth, Linen Lustres, mourning bordered
Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuffs, black and lead Kid
Gloves, Neapolitan Gloves, Ac Ac.
" They are largely provided with Mourning Goods,
and those wishing to purchase, will find ample oppor
tunity to do so with them " — .Yorth American.
"No advantage taken of domestic distress, for ex
tortion or imposition." — Saturday Courier.
" Our citizens can, at any moment, call at this store,
and obtain every material for ladies' attire, that is ne
cessary in the season of mourning, confident at once
of obtaining good goods, and at fair prices." — lnquirer.
Philadelphia, April 12, 1850 —it
■ gr
Attorney at Law ,
OFFICE on MAIN street, two door? es6t ot
the Bank. [April 12,1650-tf
miis i liiiri
WJ F have just received a lot of verv supe
ai?o a lot of beet WESTERN FEATHERS,
which we will sell low and tor cash only.
npl2-3t WATTSON &. JACOB.
rpiHE BOOKS of the Milheim and Katt
A Kishacoquillas 7 urnpike Road Company
will be opened at the house of Jared Irvin, in :
Milheim, Win. Bear. Madisonburg, in Centre
eountv; W. F. Mover, Lewietown, Wm. 1
Brothers, Reedeville, leaiah Coplin, near Per
rysville, and Locke's Mills,in Mifflin county,on
loth of Hayncxt,
for subscription of Btock to said Company, and
continue open until SATURDAY, the 20th.
Michael Buov, Daniel Kramer,
Jerman Jacob, Henry Fiddler,
C. S. M'Coy, Henry Bower,
Joseph Reed, John Smith,
Wm. M'Kinney, W. C. Duncan,
John Albright, Jared Irvin,
E. E. lx>cke, Wm. Bear,
W. Reed, Adam Hosterinan, ;
Jas. M. Brown. Michael Gephart.
April 12, 1850—tinuy20
-*■ pbia— OFFICE 163; Chesnut street, near Fifth (tract.
Charles N.Bancker, Geo. R. Richard*,
Thotnas Mart, Mordecai D Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Borie,
Samuel Grant, David S. Brown,
Jacob R Smith, Morris Patterson.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited,on
every description of property in TOWN & COUNTRY,
at rates as low as are consistent with security
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which, with their Capital and Premiums safely invested,
atTords ample protection to the assured
The assets of the Company, on January Ist, H49, as
published agretabl) to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
low s, viz :
Mortgages, #1,047,436 41
Real Estate, 01,721 83
Temporary Loans, 06,001 65
Stocks, „ 51,523 25
Cash, &r , 38.504 37
#1,328,492 71
Since th-ir incorporation, a period of eighteen years,
they have paid upwards of Out Million Four Huudrrd
Thousand Dollars, losses by tire, thereby affording an evi
dence of the advantages of Insurance.as well as the abil
ity and disposition to meet with promptness ail liabilities.
AGENT for Mifflin county, R. C. 11AI E,
Esq., Lewistown. [pl2-lv
C 1 KEEN'S Celt brute J Vermifuge. —This
f Vermifuge, so justly celebrated, is too
well kno vn to publish anything in its praise.
For sale at A A. BANKS'
apP2 Diamond Drug Store.
PLAIN and Fancy Envelopes, Note Paper,
Letter and Writing Paper, Quills, Steel
Pen?, SLC.., &.c. , f>r sale at the Diamond Drug
and Variety Storo of A. A. BANKS.
IT WILL CURE.—When you have a cough
or breast complaint, pet a bottle of Dr. S.
F. Green's Sarsaparilla, Tur and Cherry
Pectoral. It has cured persons in Lewistown
and vicinity, which can be testified to. It does
not nauseate the stomach, and is pleasant to take.
Price only 00 cts. per bottle. For sale at
apl2 Diamond Drug Store.
Auditor's Notice.
r ixIIE undersigned having been appointed an
JL auditor by the Court of Coxmon Plea 9of
Mifflin county, to decide and report on the ex
ceptions filed to the account of WILLIAM M'-
KINNFY and JOHN M'DOWELL. assignees of
THOMAS JACOBS, Jr., will meet all per
aons interested nt his office in the borough of
Lewietown, on FRIDAY, May 17th, 1800,
where thev tuny attend if they see proper.
HAVING taken several additional roomf or *
the use of our store, we are enabled thia
spring to increase our stock of goods very much
and we now offer our friends a very , a
desirable assortment of
3)111 11 0 03)3,
Carpelinen. Hardware ami
and think we can't be undersold in any of them
A great part of our stock has been purchased
at auction, at regular catalogue sale? where
nothing but fresh and warranted goods are of
fered, and by which we save from
15 to 20 per cent.,
and we feel contident that we can sell a great
many articles LOWER than those who buy
only of the jobbers, as for instance
We invite our friends, and the public gener
ally, to call and look at our goods, and ll they
afterwards think they canbuy for less elsewhere
we will charge them nothing for showing
Lewietown, April 12, 1850^
f"lOR sale, a good stock, by apl2
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Cedar Ware.
1) L'CKETS, Tubbs, Churns, &.c.. for sale by
&p!2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Steel Springs.
4 LARGE STOCK of first rate quality for
- V sale at F. J. HOFFMAN'S
apl2 Hardware Store.
A LARGE STOCK low for cash at
Bpl2 Hardware Store.
Salt and Fish.
A GOOD STOCK on baud at very light
2m. profits for cash, by
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Looking Glasses.
LARGE and small 6izee, of beautiful pat
terns, at unusually low prices for cash, by
Tin, Sheet Iron, Wire, &c.
ON hand, always, at verv low prices for cash,
®pl2 Hardware Store.
A L\V A\ S an extensive assortmenton hind.
.A Salt at §1.50 per sack, or 42 cents per
bushel, by the quantity.
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Leather and Shoe Findings.
f RJ roccos. Lining Skins, Lasts. Boot Trees,
Shoe Kit, &.c., Arc., for sale by
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Saddlers and Coachmakers!
LOOK to your interests—call upon
subscriber and purchase your ware
® low for cash at
apl2 Hardware Store.
Hams and Bacon,
THE subscriber has and in
g ~ tends keeping- on hand a large
stock of H A M s ' SHOUL
'■ and FLITCH, of prime
qualitv, to sell low for cash.
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Paper & Blank Books.
/*" B'stfl. THE subscriber has always on
hand a fine stock of Printing. Cap,
Letter, Wrapping, Window and
Wail Papers and Blank Books.
CO" Writing Papers very iow bv the Ream.
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
New Hardware Store.
WE have always on hand
very large assortment of ail '( '
SStLirtSH kinds of Hardware, Saddlery v
and Coachicare, which l>eing purchased strictly
tor cash, we are prepared to eejl wholesale or
retail at low prices.
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Drugs, &c.
DRUGS, Medicines, Oils, Paints, die., Ac.
can be had low at
an 12 Drug Store.
Pure White Lead at $2.00 per keg. v
Fine Copal Varnish at $2.00 per gallon.
Good N. J. Glass, Bxlo $2.12£ per Ha it Box.
THE subscriber has
always on hand an as
sortment of Cooking,
ft -Vine Plate, andotlur
A- . kinds of STOVES,
F'''}'l!f^rPljiii' l HiM he will sell
vef y ' ow ' am * warrni 1
1° give entire sansfac
~ prove.' Hathaway Lr
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
ism, Swellings, Bruises, &c., &c.—one
ot the best remedies now in use tor lieast as
well as man. Price 87£ cts. per bottle. For
sale at A. A. BANKS'
apl2 Diamond Drug Store.
I NOR THE 1. A DIES Lily White, VioUt
toilet Powder, Tooth Powder, Tooth and
Hair Brushes. Hair Oil, Perfumery, Musk Bags.
Lipsalve and Fancy soaps, for sale at
' A. A. BANKS'
up! 2 Diamond Dnif Store.