Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 12, 1850, Image 1

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    t cwislotun Js&ksL 0a jcHc.
loi XXXVI — Whole No 1879.
Rates of Advertising
One square, 18 lines,
1 time 50
2 times 75
3 " 1.00
'• 1 mo. 1.25
3 " 2.50
6 " 4.00
" 1 year 6.00
2 g lares, 3 times 2.00
" 3 mos. 3.50
< ommunications recommending persons for
office, must be paid in advance at the rate of
25 cents per square.
The Juvenile portion of our community
were much delighted some time ago with
the songs taught them by Mr. MARVIN, a
gentleman who appeared to possess the
happy faculty of gaining the good will of
all classes. A few weeks since we gave a
favorite song called " We'll not ffive up the
Bible" —this week we give another which
is occasionally sung on the streets with
much gusto by the youngsters :
When early morning's ruddy light
Bids man to labor go,
We haste with scythes both sharp and bright
The meadow grass to mow ;
We mowers, dal de ral day,
We cut the lilies and ha ha ha, ha ha ha,
Hey dey dey, yes, hey dey dey
We cut the lilies and hay.
The cheerful lark sings sweet and clear,
The black bird chirps away,
And all is lively, sprightly here,
Like merry, merry May.
We mowers, dal de ral dey,
We roll the swaths of green ha ha ha, ha ha ha.
Hey dey dey, yes, hey dey dey,
We roll the swaths of green hay.
The maidens come in gladsome train,
And skip along their way,
Rejoiced to tread the grassy plain,
And toss the new mown hay.
The maidens, dal de ral dey,
They rake the lilies and ha ha ha, ha ha ha,
Hey dey dey. yes, hey dey dey,
They rake the lilies and hay.
How softly the tear of sympathy falls
on the heart bruised and broken with sor
row ! It assures the sad and weeping soul
that it is not alone in a wilderness of cold
hearts ; that there are those who can feel
for the troubles of others ; and oh ! what
is more cheering to an aching heart than
such a thought ? The desire to be loved
is human nature in its purity. It is the
hrst impulse of the opening heart—and it
lues and breathes in the bosom of all until
the hour of death. A look of love, a word
of kindness, a tear of sympathy costs no
thing—why then withhold them from those
who would prize them as blessings winged
with the fragrant dews of heaven? To
give them costs -us nothing; but it often
costs us an effort—a silent pang at the
heart, did we but confess it—to withhold
them ; for he must indeed be a misanthrope
whose heart does not delight in going forth
to bless and be blessed.
The tear of sympathy never falls in vain.
It waters and fertilises the soil of the most
sterile heart, and causes it to flourish with
the beautiful flowers of gratitude and love ;
and as the summer clouds weep refresh
ment on the parched earth and leave the
.-ivies more beautiful than before, yvith the
rain-bow of promise arching in the cerulean
dome, so the tear%f sympathy not only
refreshes the heart on which it drops, but
it elevates and beautifies the nature of him
from whom it springs. A sympathising
heart is a spring of pure water bursting
forth from the mountain side. Ever pure
and sweet in itself, it carries gladness and
joy on every ripple of its sparkling current.
—ft'illis Geist.
JV f•t rll xe• *#.
Dark and dreadful was the night of the
25th of November, 1(589, and heavily fell
the snow flakes; but darker were the
prospects, and heavier was the heart of
the poor Livonian, as he reached the skirts
of the dense forest surrounding the town
os Marienburg. Misfortune had compelled
the indigent peasant to sever the endearing
relations that bound him to his favorite
haunts of sacred memory, and seek among
strangers that which was denied him in
the midst of his friends.
Accompanied by his first born, a spright
ly youth of fourteen, and bearing in his
weary urjns a tender infant, the express
image of her whom he had lately con
igned to the silent tomb, he had well nigh
completed a faithful journey throngh a
J lack and inhospitable region. A violent
storm of snow and wind (peculiar to that
tire.try country,) fiercely raged, bearing de
struction -and desolation in its progress, and
producing terror in the minds of the un
sheltered wanderers. Overcome by the
'■•-verity of the cold, and unable longer to
sustain his precious charge, he carefully
deposited jt upon a bed of snow, and went
i" quest of assistance ami a kind retreat
from the howling of the storm. But he
returned not again* The early (lawn liad
discovered a frozen corps to the astonished
'•* Hants of au obscure cottage in the out
skirts ot the quiet village,
2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
1 year 8.00
$ column, 3 mos. 6.00
6 " 10.00
" 1 year 15.00
1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
6 " 15.00
" 1 year 25.00
Notices before mar
riages, &c. sl2.
\ ears passed away, and, under the af- 1
fectionate care and protection of the good
pastor and his benevolent ctfmpanion,
Katharine, (for such she was named by
her foster-parents) increased not only in
personal beauty and loveliness, but as she
grew in years, developed those peculiar
graces and dispositions which become an
amiable and grateful daughter. And soon
she was enabled, by assiduous attention to i
the wants of their declining years, to tes
tify her appreciation of their self-sacririe
ing devotion to her infant days.
The Czar of Russia, not content with
his widely extended dominions, and desi- '
rous of the conquest and annexation of the
province of Livonia—had already marched
his forces upon its chief city. Katharine
had attained her sixteenth year when his '
formidable cannon announced to the inof
fensive inhabitants the bombardment of '
their quiet town. With a view to her
safety, she was separated from the aged
pastor and sent to his sister, Alexia. The
patriotic Skovrouski remained to assist in
the defence of his native city. But the ef
forts of the besieged proved fruitless, and j
they were compelled to surrender captives 1
of war and subjects of the Emperor of i
The humiliating news spread like light
ning, and no sooner did it reach the eager
ears of Katharine than she determined to
return and share the fate of her benefactor.
The dusky shades of evening were just
closing in as a horse, reeking with foam,
and almost ready to sink from exhaustion,
reached the border of the wood nearest
the gates of Marienburg. Emerging from
the shade of the trees, its progress was
suddenly arrested by a soldier seizing the
bridle, and rudely demanding—
-44 Where are you going ?"
" What is that to you ?" was the pe
remptory reply. 44 lam in haste, and pray
you allow rne to pass unmolested."
44 Impossible!" replied the sentinel,
44 thou art a Livonian, and now Livonia be
longs this day to Peter I. of Russia. You
are, therefore, my prisoner, and must be
conducted before our general."
Arrived at the general's tent, she threw
herself at his feet, and demanded the priv
ilege of seeking her protector among the
slain. Moved at the sight of her youth,
and astonished at her courage, the general
granted her request on condition of her re
turning to him when she had completed
her search.
The night was dismal, and the under
taking a fearful one, but the difficulties
daunted not the resolute Katharine. She
soon came upon a field covered with dead
by the unequal contest, while the groans
and cries of anguish told that many still
survived the slaughter.
Intent alone upon discovering her more
than father, she did not discover the pres
ence of a young Cossack officer, who,
struck with her charms, and admiring her
boldness, had accompanied her to the gory
44 The evening air is chilling,'and this
is no place for woman ; pray return, and
leave me to seek your wounded kinsman."
Astonished at the sound of a human
voice, she turned and recognised in the
stranger the sentinel who had impeded her
progress without the city walls. Refusing
iiis generous offer, she permitted him to
aid in her errand of mercy and love.
Long and tedious was the search, hut
unavailing, and at an early dawn they re
turned to the city, having failed to find the
remains of the good old minister.
Katharine religiously kept her word,
JKBnsmss) iisjs tpmß&nsHn®© nrs? im'2'SHSj(&aiR 3 aawssTsws?) ttmmwMTg <s®OTnrsj
" Great God ! what do I hear ?" ejacu
lated the pious minister, Skovrouski, as its
subdued cries of distress, falling upon his
eager ear, during a temporary cessation of
the storm, attracted his attention to the fro
zen embankment upon which rested the
deserted infant. lie hesitated not to re
flect upon the cruel misfortune that had be
reft the infant of paternal protection ; nor
did he waste time in the fruitless endeavor
of discovering those who had abandoned
their offspring to the peltingsof the strtrm.
Hut, content to acknowledge the mysteri
ous agency of Him whodoeth all things
well," and " heareth the young ravens
when they cry," he fled with winged foot
steps to the rescue. Wrapping it in his
ample cloak, he hastened to reach his
humble home, that he might minister to its
relief ere the spirit had fled to that undis
covered country from whose bourne no
traveller returns. Arrived at the peaceful
cot, he consigned his tender charge to the
care ol his kind-hearted housekeeper, and
and again sallied forth in search of other
objects for his benevolence. He had not
proceeded far before his attention was
called to the melancholy scene before no
Papers were found upon the unfortunate
stranger which induced the good minister
to believe that he was the parent of the in
fant which he had rescued from the ruth
less elements ol the night before ; and no
sooner was he impressed with the idea
than the resolution was taken to adopt the
tender babe as his own daughter, and to
bring it up in the path of duty, and in the
nurture and admonition of the Lord. Or
dering that the last tribute of respect be
paid to the remains, according to the rites
ol the Greek Church, he took charge of
its effects lor the benefit of his youthful
and, surrendering herself a prisoner of
war, demanded the protection of the noble
Bereft of her preserver and benefactor,
| she was now alone in the world, and
i young, with promise of long life, there
were no ties to bind her to earth, and she
| longed to join her pious and devoted guar
dian. A prisoner, she was treated with
marked courtesy and respect by the gen
eral-in-chief, who ordered her" well fur
nished apartments and every attention to
i her comfort and pleasure. She also re
! ceived many kindnesses from the youthful
Cossack, who at length became enamored
J of her charms, and proved the strength of
j his attachment by procuring her release
from confinement, upon parole of honor,
and personal security for her safety. His
assiduous attention to her wants, and ear
nest efforts in her behalf, were not with
out reward ; tor she soon came to regard
him as her hope, her refuge, and lord of
her affections.
The general and the young officer, who
appeared from his dress to be but a 44 sim
ple lieutenant," were the only occupants
of the tent, and Katharine was employed
in superintending their domestic affairs.
One day as she was engaged in servine
their customary ineai, their conversation
turned upon the merits of their fair maid,
and the young officer addressed the former
in tones laudatory of her courage and
beauty, and concluded with the inquiry—
-44 General, will you sell your prisoner ?"
44 And what will you do with Iter ?"
44 Marry her," replied the Cossack.
44 What say you, Katharine ?" said the
general turning to the blushing damsel.
Her hesitating response was, 44 I would
rather be the wife of a soldier than the
servant of a great general."
44 Bravely spoken !—from this moment
you are mine," he rejoined ; 44 but we must
obtain the permission of the Czar. 1 will
immediately go to the Emperor's tent, and
receive his sanction to our union. Remain
here, while I seek an audience of his ma
In a few moments a \ ounir lieutenant
advanced to the general's tent, and said—
-44 The Czar, Peter, commands the pres
ence ot Madainoiselle Katharine."
With a quick, though trembling step,
she followed, and, on entering the innirni
licent tent, discovered a throng of officers
surrounding one who was seated, and
whom she recognised as her affianced
44 W here is the Emperor ?" demanded
Katharine of her conductor.
44 There !" replied he, pointing to the
soldier w ho was seated.
44 That is my husband."
44 He is thy husband, and Czar of Rus
sia likewise," broke out the Emperor, (for
it was lie,) and presenting her to his offi
cers, bade them acknowledge the humble
Katharine as the future Empress of Rus
Nut many years ago, an Irishman, whose
finances did not keep pace with flic de
mand made on his pocket, and whose scorn
of honest labor was immensely* unfavora
ble to their being legitimately filled, bor
rowed an old pistol one day, when poverty
had driven him to an extremity, and took
to the highway, determined to rob the first
man he could most conveniently, who was
likely to have a heavy purse.
A jolly old farmer came jogging along,
and Pat put him down instantly as a party 1
who possessed those requisites he so much
stood m need of himself. Presenting the
pistol, he ordered the agriculturalist to
4 stand and deliver.'
The poor fellow forked over some fiftv
dollars ; but finding Pat somewhat of a
greenhorn, begged a five to take him home ,
—a distance of about half a mile, by the
way. The request was complied with,
accompanied with the most patronizing air.
Old Acres and Roods was a knowing one. j
Eveing the pistol, he asked Pat if he would
sell it.
44 Is it to sell the pistol ? Sow], an' it's
that same thing I'll he afther doin'. What
will ye be afther givin' for it ?"
44 I'll give you this five dollar bill for it."
44 Done ! an" done's enough bet wane two
gintlemen. Down with the dust, and
here's the tool for yer."
. The bargain was made by immediate
transfer. The moment the farmer got the
petronel, he ordered Pat to shell ottt; and
pointing the pistol, threatened to blow his
brains out if lie refused.
Pat looked at him with comical leer, and
buttoning bis breeches pockets, sung out:
44 Blow* away, ould boy ! d—l take the
bit of powder's in it."
We believe the old man never told the
last part of the story only once, and that !
was by tha purest accident. Pat moved :
off, and * 4 once away, forever away," has
since motto.
The iron safe which was lost from on
board the steamer Orline St. John, at the
time she was burned, has been recovered,
and all the valuable papers and a large
amount of money contained in it, found to
lie safe. A package of gold dust belong- j
ing to a gentleman of Petersburg, Va., '
valued at $8.4 (JO. was also recovered in
the safe.
This is an article of domestic food, more
of which is consumed in the United States
than in any other country on the face of
the globe. Good sweet butter, oh how
delicious ! It very often happens among
families in our towns, that they will pur
chase good sweet butter at stores, and
which in a day or two becomes vitiated in
taste. This is owing either to the manner
in which it is salted and packed, or the
manner in which it is kept after it is pur
chased. Much butter is spoiled from using
salt containing lime and other substances
which hasten its decomposition. Salt can
easily be purified by pouring upon it a lit
tle warm water and allowing it to drain ;
it dissolves and takes out the lime and other
extraneous substances, and leaves the suit
nearly pure. The quantity usually added
to butter is one ounce to the pound. After
butter has become rancid, it can be restored
and made nearly sweet by a very simple
process. This is, to wash it well in cold
water, often changed, and after pressing out
the water, salt it anew and add a little su
gar, say half an ounce to the pound. This
will be found to render it much more pala
table, although it may not entirely restore
that delicate flavor peculiar to new and
sweet butter, which once lost can never be
Transcript of Saturday has die following
in reference to the Webster case :
Ivi MORS. —Our readers will not be dis
appointed, we trust, that we have not no
ticed the rumors afloat, in regard to the
student who broke in upon Prof. Webster
at the moment of the supposed murder.—
The story seems to be founded upon a
hypothetical case which some clergyman
saw fit to put to the Attorney General.—
We doubt if there is anything in it worthy
of notice; and we may say the same of
tlie thousand and one rumors afloat in re
gard to the unhappy convict. Thev are
many of thein mere idle fabrications, got
up*to minister to a morbid appetite for the
horrible, which every person of sound
mind should subdue as he would any viti
ated taste. The report that Prof. Webster
has selected the Rev. Mr. Albro, of the
Shepard Congregational Society, Cam
bridge, for his spiritual guide, and that he
declined receiving the visits of a Unitarian
clergyman, is, we believe, true. With re
gard to the reports, that he has written an
anonymous letter to his counsel about the
Civis letter : that he lias made a confession
of his guilt, &.c.j they are not entitled to
POWDER EXPLOSION. —The power mag
azine at Audover Mine, in Sussex, New
Jersey, exploded on Tuesday of last week,
in consequence of the ignition of powder,
at the mouth of the magazine, from a eigar
in the hands of some careless bovs. Two
boys, son- of .Air. \\ ni. S. Johnston, one
12 and the other 1 1. were instantly killed,
being blown to atoms. The building con
taining the powder was entirely scattered
over the surrounding country ; not a stone
of it is left upon the spot w here it stood.
The trees in the vicinity show the violence
of the shock : some are rent in twain, one
or two uprooted, and numerous limbs torn
oil in all directions, near and remote.—
About 300 dollars worth of powder, or
120 kegs, were in the magazine at the
rune of the explosion.
- tTThe Philadelphia Board of Trade,
at a stated meeting on Monday evening,
adopted a memorial to Congress in favor of
a reduction in the present rate of letter pos
tage to two cents each, for all inland pos
tage, to be pre-paid, and recommended a
free circulation of similar petitions among
the citizens, to be sent to their Represen
tatives in the State Legislature. The
Board expressed the opinion that the pro
posed reduction is for the interest of all,
rich and poor, old and young, in every
section of our country, in a commercial,
social, moral, literary and political point of
WHAT IS YOUR NAME ?—Three wild
mudlarks were recently captured by a
young divine, and brought into Sunday
School in New York.
" What is your name, my boy V
44 Dan," replied the untaught one who
was first interrogated.
44 < Hi, no, your name is Daniel; say it
" Daniel."
44 Yes ; well Daniel, take that seat."
44 And what is your name V was inter
rogated of number two.
44 Sam," ejaculated the urchin.
44 Oh dear, no, it is Samuel! sit down,
Samuel, and now let us hoar what your
name is, my bright little fellow ?" said he,
turning to the third.
With a grin of self-satisfaction, and a
shake of the head that would have done
honor to Lord Burleigh, the young rate
chuman boldly replied: "Jim-uel, your
honor."— Spirit of the Times.
44 You have broken the Sabbath, John
ny." saiil a good man to his son. " Yes,"
said ins little sister, 44 and mother's long
comb, too, right in three pieces •'
The New York canals are expected to
be in good navigable order by the 17th.
The farmer's daughters of Massachu
setts sold straw hats and bonnets last vear
of the value of $1,646,596.
'The wife of Senator Dawson, of
Georgia, died at the United States Hotel,
\Y ashingtou, on Saturday last.
The Amesbury manufacturing company
have purchased a library of six hundred
volumes of valuable books, for the use of
their operatives.
A FATAL DOSE.—A few days ago an
Irishman came to his death in ilarrisburg,
Pa., from the effects of drinking one quart
of brandy, which he had been recom
mended to take for the ague and fever.
A child of John Turner, of Camden, of
7 years, fell from a fence a day or two ago
on a sharp stick, which penetrated to his
bowels and caused his death after some
hours of excruciating pain.
Hon. Abbott Lawrence minister of the
L nited States at the Court of London, has
taken the house of Lord Cadagan, at $lO,-
000 per annum, just SI,OOO more than his
The family of Dr. Parkman paid on
Saturday last, voluntarily to Litlleiield, the
sum of S3OOO, offered by them for the dis
covery of the remains of the late Dr.
The past winter has been more than
usually severe in Berkshire county, Mass.
The sleighing, which commenced on the
3d of December, was continued without
intermission, for one hundred and nineteen
HEAVY FAILURE. —The failure of Messrs.
Richmond Carr, Calico Printers, Provi
dence, R. 1., is announced. They com
menced business three years ago, with a
capital of between one and two hundred
thousand dollars.
The shower of flesh and blood lately in
North Carolina, the Wilmington Courier
solves by the supposition that some turkey
buzard, having overloaded its stomach
from a carcass, found it necessary to dis
gorge on mounting into the air.
Two members of the late House of
Representatives of Louisiana, Mr. Mc-
Cranie, of Jackson, and Mr. Livingston,
of Morehouse, were seized with cholera
on their way home after the adjournment
01 that body, and both died before they
reached their residences.
The gaming law of Kentucky makes it
a penitentiary offence to play at cards.
The severity of the punishment has here
tofore rendered the statute wholly nugatory,
and in consequence gambling has been
since practised with perfect impunity.
Elr* Sadder Son's Jewelry Store, in
Baltimore street. Baltimore, was entered
on Saturday evening, and robbed of #6OOO
worth of jewelry and fancy goods. Among
the property stolen were 100 gold watches.
The thieves are supposed to be from New
£ Eleven Camels were imported into
Baltimore last week from the Cdftary Isl
ands. They are intended for the Far
W est. to test whether they can be raised
and acclimated. Some persons entertain
the idea that the camel would be a valua
ble beast of burden for the Western plains
and deserts, and, with the true Yankee en
terprise. no sooner is the idea broached
than we find individuals preparing to test
the matter by practical experiments.
SINGULAR TRIAL.—A trial is now before
the Supreme Court of Massachusetts which
involves the question whether a clergyman
has the right from the pulpit to charge with
crime any one of the congregation, even
! though the church directs to do so in the
! administration of the church discipline.—
The case was a woman who was read out
i of church because suspected of a violation
iof the seventh commandment. The action
is for damage for libel.
i ner's Journal learns that the Reading Rail-
I road Company are actually supplying their
! workshops in that city with Newcastle or
British Coal, for the very good reason that j
they can purchase it, delivered , from four
! to Jive cents cheaper than the American
| article (I) Here is a new demonstration
! of the beauties of the Loco British Tariff
of 1816. In the early history of this
country, paying: tribute to Great Britain
was stoutly resisted by all but the Tories.
Now a party claiming to be the especial
friends of the ,4 working classes" are not
only willing, but 44 dead set" in their detor
; ruination to uphold British at the expense
|of American interest. Then a ship load
i of tea, upon which we were asked to pav
tribute, aroused the youug nation to resist
ance. Sow every port is filled with ves
sels loaded to the gunwale with iron and
coal, and other great American staples, and
Locofocoisin looks on, and commends the
; policy which has brought about this state
! of affairs.
FSANCY SOAPS.—Almond soap, Marsh
Mallow soap, Amandine soap, Transpa
; rent soap, Military soap, Tooth Balls, Almond
I Shaving Cream, Rose do. do . Amandine for
! c, PH hand *< e., Ave., for sale by
j Lew .-town, march 22, 1850.
.\ew Series—Vol. 4-Ko, 23.
Bank of Discount and Deposite.
€a*li Capital Paid in $70,000.
Jj tablished at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an
Oilice of Discount and Deposite, for the trans
action of the regular business of banking.
Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial
cities will be discounted at all times, and depos
ites of current money will be paid, on demand,
in par funds. Every facility will be afforded to
business men in their negotiations with the
Eastern and Western cities.
Notes offered for discount must lie over one
The aggregate Capital of the establishment
exceeds half a million of dollars.
W. RUSSELL, Cashier.
Solicitor and Confidential Agent.
Lew istown, August 25, 1849—tf.
ESPECTFULLY announces to his old
h, friends, and as many new ones as can
make it convenient to call, that he has just re
ceived his
Fall and Winter Stock of Goods,
which he is prepared to dispose of at as reason
j able prices as Mr Johnston Thomas, and he
sells about twenty per cent, lower than any
I Store in the East Ward. My stock consists of
a general assortment of SEASON ABLE
GOODS, viz:
Queens ware, C-lassware and
Hard ware,
iIDD'jQ m 311023,
and Spies of the purest kind,
Together with all the articles usually found in
a country store. As we do not feel able to oc
cupy the newspapers with an advertisement of
two or three columns, we just say to our friends
to call and see us, and if you don't purchase
from us we will not grumble.
Lewistown, Dec. 22, 1849—tf
can be supplied at C. L. Jones.' His as
sortment of Fine Brandies, Wines, <s-c., never
was equaled in this place.
Fine French Dark Brandy, at §I.OO per qt.
do. do. do. do. at 75 cts, per qt.
do. do. Pale do. at §I.OO per qt.
do. do. do. do. at 62$ ctß. per qt.
Common Brandy 12$, 25, and 37$ cts. per qt.
Old Monongahela \Vhiskey, (30 ys. old) 62$
cts. per qt.
do do 31 cts perqt.
Superior Irish Whiskey, 75 cts. perqt.
Superior Holland Gin, 50 cts. per qt.
do do da. 37$ cts. per qt.
Blackberry Brandy, a very superior article
and extensively used in Philadelphia, for com
plaint ot the bowels, &c. The ablest Physi
cians recommend good Liquors in alt such
Superior Port Wine. 75 cts. per qt.
Superior Maderia Wine 75 cts. per qt.
do. do. do. 37$ cts. per qt.
Sweet Malaga Mountain Wine, and Lisbon
Wine at C. L. JONES'
apo. celebrated new cheap cash store.
jft L. JONES has received a very ]are
V 7* assortment of Bonnets, embracing 1 all the
New Fashions, to which he asks th# particular
attention of the ladies. The stock consists of
over 200 Bonnets.
Florence Braid (kjttages, fine corn col'd Lace do
English Tulip Braid;
Misses fine fluted Peddle; col'd English Alboni;
Extra French Colts;
Fluted Straw ; Alboni Straw;
Colored Zephyr Pamela; Brilliant & Lace Colts
Straw and Satin Colts,
Excelsior Lace ; Rice Pearl; col'd Hair
Chip Cottages ; White Chips ;
Florence Braid ;
Col'd Swiss Straws; fine white Lace;
American Gimp; fine silk trimmed ; Pearl and
Jenny Lind;
Fine Pearl and Coburg; Misses col'd Lawns.
nps New Cheap Cash Store.
>v it. unvtv,
HAS resumed the practice of his profession
in this and the adjoining counties.
Office at the Banking House of Ixmgeneek
er, Grubb & Co. Jan. 20, 184S—tf.
Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pa.
OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo
crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 35, IS49—tf.
Attorney at Law,
IVTILL attend promptly to business entrust
* V ed to his care in this and adjoining
counties. Office one door west ot the Post
Office. June 16, '49-ly.
800 l Jk Shoe Manufacturer
CON L'INUES to manufacture, to order,
every description of BOOTS AND
SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in hisemploy and
i using good stock, his customers,as well as all
others, may rely upon getting a good article,
well made and neatly finished,
j Janu*-y 22,1545-tf f
i ALMER S Business Men's .-Almanac, tur
j 8 saie e: this Office.