ft CM? IS to Ml It JmA, 0 rt jCtt C. Vol XIXV.-Whole IVo. 1878. Rates of Advertising. One square, 13 lines, 1 time 50 " 2 times 75 3 44 1.00 " 1 mo. 1.25 3 44 Q. 50 6 " 4.00 " 1 year 6.00 2 squares, 3 times 2.00 " 3 mos. 3.50 Communications recommending persons for office, must be paid in advance at the rate of 25 cents per square. w. 11. iu>vi.\, ATTORN E Y AT LAW, HAS resumed the practice ofhis profession in this and the adjoining counties. Office at the Banking House of Ijongeneck er, Grubb & Co. Jan. 20, 1848— tf. GEO. W. ELDER, ATT O R NE Y AT LAW, Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pa. OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any business in the Courts of Centre country. August 25, 1849—tf. c7o Attorney at Law, WILL attend promptly to business entrust ed to his care in this and adjoining counties. Office one door west ot the Post Office. June 18, '49-ly. 11. MONTGOMERY, Boot A Shoe Manufacturer MARKET STREET LKWIBTOWB. CONTINUES to manufacture, to order, every description of BOOTS AND SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.— Having competent workmen in hie employ and using good stock, his customers, as well as all others, may rely upon getting a good article, well made and neatly finished. January 22,1849 —tf. DR. JAVNE'S EXPECTORANT, " " Hair Tonic, " 44 Carminative, for sale by J. B. MITCHELL. Lewistown, march 22, 1850. FANCY SOAPS.—Almond soap,• Marsh Mallow soap, Amandine soap, Transpa rent soap, Military soap, Tooth Balls, Almond Shaving Cream, Rose do. do., Amandine for chapped hands, &c., &c., for 6ale by J. B. MITCHELL. Lewistown, march 22, 1850. V~OTICE.— In the Circuit Court of the United J_\ States, in and for the Eastern District of Penn sylvania, in the Third Circuit of .Ipril Session, 1850, VO. 3. The United States of America j Writ of Scire vi. ( Facias, return- William B. Norris, et al. [ able 11th April J 1850. And now, December2o,lß49, on motion of John W. Ashmead, Esquire, District Attorney U. S for the plaintiff, the Court order and direct, that notice be given by the Marshal, of the issue of , the above writ, by publication thereof, once a week, until the return day thereof, in two daily ; newspapers published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the " Legal Intelligencer," and in one of ! the newspapers published in Mifflin county, in tliis State. [l. .] A true copy, certified from the record. GEORGE PLITT, Clerk C. C. UKITED STATES, I S3 Eastern District of Pennsylvania, J ' [L. .] The President of the United States to the Marsha) of the Eastern District of Penn sylvania, Greeting;: WHEREAS, the L'nited States of America, lately, in the Circuit Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to wit:—ln October Session, A. D. 1643, recov ered against William B. Norris, John Norris, sr.d James C. Norris, executors of the last Will and Testament of John Norris, deceased, late of your district, as well a certain debt of Twenty Thousand Two Hundred and Three Dollars and TiftyC'ents; which to the said the United Slates of America, in the said Court, was in like man ner adjudged for their damages which they had fru-tained, as well by occasion of the detention of that debt as for their costs and charges by them, about their suit in that behalf expended : Whereof the said William 8., John and James C, executors as aforesaid, are convict, as ap pears of record. And whereas, we have receiv ed information, that although judgment be ren dered as aforesaid, yet execution thereof still remains to be made: Whereupon tho said the 'Tiled States of America, have besought us to provide for them a proper remedy in this behalf, and we, being willing that those things which in the said Court are rightly done by due execu ♦ion, should be demanded, do command you, that by good and lawful men of your district, you make known to the said William 8., John ar.d James C., executors as aforesaid ; and heirs and devisees of the said John Norris, deceased; and also Trustees under the will of the said John Norris, deceased ; Mary B. Patton ; Eliza, formerly Eliza Norris, intermarried with Wil liam Miller; Harriet, formerly Harriet Norris, intermarried with the Honorable Abraham S. Wilson ; Nancy, formerly Nancy Norris, inter married with Albert G. Chew ; Martha G. Nor ris, Horatio Norris, and Alexander B. Norris, heirs and devisees of the said John Norris, de ceased, and Nancy Norris, widow and devisee of the said John Norris, deceased, with notice to the said William Miller, Abraham 9. Wilson, and Albert G. Chew, intermarried as aforesaid, that they be arid appear before the Judges of the Court, at a session of the same Court, to he (•olden at Philadelphia, on the eleventh day of April next, to show, if anything they have or know, to say, why the said United States of America execution of the judgment aforesaid, ought not to have, if to thrra it shall seem expe dient; arid have you then nnd there the names of those by whom you shall so make known to ,; ' f persons aforenamed and this writ. Witness the Honorable Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, at Philadelphia, this thirteenth day of November, A, I). 1849, and in the seven ty-fourth year of the Independence of the said L'nited States. GEORGE PUTT. Clerk Circuit Court. A true copy. Attest: A.E.ROBERTS, U. S. Marshal E. D. of I'onti. Marshal's Office, / January 9, 3050. $ march 15.4t 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00 " 1 year 8.00 A column, 3 mos. 6.00 6 " 10.00 " 1 year 15.00 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 6 " 15.00 " 1 year 25.00 Notices before mar riages, &c. sl2. HATS AND CAPS, K)R MEN AND BOWS, which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, on as fair terras as can be obtained here or elsewhere. Ilis Ornish friends will also find him pre pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled BROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care and attention which he has always bestowed upon them. Don't forget the old stand, whe.e you may depend upon not being disappointed. N. J. R. feels grateful for the generous pa tronage he has thus far received, and assures all that he will spare no pains to give the gen eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed ed in affording all who have dealt with him. Lewistown, march 29,1859 —tf. A NEW MEDICINE Z BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, AVERY valuable preparation for persons recovering ftotn fever, or other diseases, a few drops imparling to the stomach a glow and vigor equal to a glassful of brandy, or other stimulants, without any of the debilitating ef fects which are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind ; and it is therefore especially ap plicable to children and females. To (he aged it will prove a great comfort; to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to gout nnd rheumatic affections, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate, who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the nox ious liquor, it is invaluable—giving tone to the digestive organs, and strength to resist tempta tion, and is consequently a great agent in the cause of temperance. For sale by J. B. MITCHELL. Lewistown, March 22, 16.00. Indemnity. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, OFFICE, No. 1631 Chesr.ut street, near Fifth streut. DIRECTORB. Charles N. Rancher, George W. Richards, Tbornne Hart, Mordecal J). Lewi*, Tobia* Wagner, Adolph.- F.. Boris, Batnuel Grant, David Ft Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morn* Faitsrson Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, o;i every description of property in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fond, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, affords ample protection to the assured The assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1848, as published agreeably to an Art of Assembly, were aa fol lows, viz: Mortgages, #890,558 65 Ileal Estate, 108,358 90 Temporary Loans, 12-1,4.'>9 00 Htocks, 61,663 26' (lash, ttc. 45,157 87 #1,520,097 67 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen t ears, tliey have paid upwards of ont million two kundrrd thou sand dollar? losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages f Insurance, as well as the ability and Imposition to meet with promptness nil liabilities. CHARLES N. RANCHER, Prendtnl. CHABI.KS G. RANCHER, Srcretary. For terms apply lo R. C. HALE, Lewis town. ap!4—ly. ipamsygiaiß) ivsjrs) ©n©iß©ig 3 , iß , 2 , S2Sff new HATS or CAPS with an arti cle, neat, durable and well finished, comprising every style manufactured for this market. The care and attention he has ever given to the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred by his numerous Ornish customers, will be continued; and he fee's warranted in giving the assurance that they will not be disop poieted. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it decidedly to their advantage to give him a call, for his arrangements are now such, as to enable him to furnish any quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful for the encouragement he has thus far received, he will continue to deserve it, by continued assiduity to the wants of his friends, and strict attention to his business. Lewistown, march 29, tf & CAP j[^ IT. J. •S.-JDISILL, At his Old Stand in Market street, HAS just received the Becbe & Coetar and latest Philadelphia and New York Spring Fashion of Hats and (Jape, and is now prepared to furnish both old and new customers with an article, which he will warrant good, and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a large and general assortment of FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL , ig 3 . AJortvg. For tht Gazette. SEREVADE IIYMV. j AIR—" Come gaze on us note by the Moon, love.'" Pilgrim, join us singing— Hark! glad voices ringing! What rapture's in us springing, When Heaven is smiling there! Light, like the rainbow o'er us, The heayenly's bright before us— -1 he joy of the heart is glorious, When Heaven is smiling there ! Life's battle-scenes around us, . Earth's chains—they have not bound us Can hate, can sorrow wound us, When Heaven is smiling there? The voice of Song shall charm us, Love and Virtue arm us— No power on earth can harm us, When lleaven is smiling there. Our walk of faith is lowly, Our trust is in the Holy, Then away with melancholy, When Heaven is smiling'thcre ; Though lore may end in madness, And life have hours of sadness. Still glows the heart with gladness, When Heaven is smiling there. ORALOOSA. LEWISTOWN, April 1850. From The Home Journal. THE FLAG OF OCR IYIOV. BY GEORGE P. MORRIS. " A song for our banner?"—the watchword recall Which gave the Republic her station ; " Lnited we stand—divided we fall!" It made and preserved us a nation ! The union of lakes—the union of lands— I he union of States none can sever— The union of hearts—the union of hands— And the Flag of the Union for ever And ever! The Flag of our Un ion for ever ! What God in his Infinite Wisdom designed, And armed with Republican thunder, ot all the earth's despots and factions combined, Have the power to conquer or sunder! •The union of lakes—the union of lands— T ho union of States none can sever 1 he union of hearts—the union of hands- Arid the Flag of our Union for ever And ever! The Flag of our Union for ever ! JH (Stf UilUfOttß, rosi i:\timouim\iiiv discovery. A lie is worse than criminal if it is a ' poor weak invention. When it proves a j ready wit, there is a redeeming feature in it. j A Scotchman defined a lie to be '• the rnees representation of a fact wi' intent to do- 1 reive." The definition will hardly applv j to the following narrative of an 44 extraor dinary discovery— Professor Von Grosselback, of Stock* ■ holm, lias very lately brought to a slate of perlection the art ol producing a torpor in the whole system by the application of cold of different degrees of intensity, pro ceeding from a lesser or a greater, so as to cause the human body to become perfectly ; torpid without premature injury to any j organ or tissue of the frame. In this state ■ they remain one hundred or a thousand I } cars, and again, after a sleep of ages, he awakened to existence as fresh and bloom ing as they were when they lirst sunk into this frigonc slumber. The attention of the learned Professor was first led to the sub ject by finding a toad enclosed in a solid fragment of calcareous rock, ten feet in diameter, which, when taken out, showed unequivocal signs of life; but it is supposed that the concussion caused by blasting die rock occasioned its death in a few hours after, ihe opiiHon ol liaron Gruithizen, who is at present a geologist to the Kin" - of Sweden, was, that it must have in that situation lor at least seven thousand years and his calculations were drawn from the different layers of strata by which it was surrounded. From this hint the Professor proceeded to make experiments, and after a painful and laborious course for the last twenty years of his life, lie at last succeeded in perfecting the great discovery. Not less than sixty thousand reptiles, shell fish.