For the Gazette. ItiTlOf ID IT lOS 8. So. T . , BY TIMOTHY TYPO. NOVEL REA I) I X (i. MR. EDITOR Notwithstanding'it is almost ; universally conceded that no essential advun lage can' be realized from novel reading, few are willing to admit that such employment is I really pernicious to the weltaie and happiness i ct ihose who indulge in it. Entertaining, as : 1 beiieve, views somewhat adverse to the gen- ! eral impression, and being extremely solicit- j otis for the welfare of the fair sex especially, (who, it any, are the greatest sufferers,) I have c.included to give you the result of my obser vations and cogitations on the subject. The chief objection I have to novels is. thev fill the mmd with too much of ideal and too little of real life. Their heroines are gener- i ally described as combining personal charms, which outvie the fairest nymphs of Circassia! with extraordinary intellectual, moral, and I social accomplishments. And what is the consequence 1 YY hy, our young men grow up with their brains filled with livid pictures ol imaginary bliss, to be enjoyed and shared with one ot fairy paragons of loveliness and perfection. I tie youth, when he arrives to maturity, looks vainly around among the circle o! his female acquaintances for one in whom are concentrated all the varied characteristics of perfection. He resolves to travel, in the ' fond hope of yet realizing his cherished dream of felicity. A few years thus spent, and he returns again without having accomplished his object—he finds that woman, like man, is a frail being, and " perfection is not in her." i He can discover none who will b>ar sem blance to his mind's idol, and therefore re fo.ves to spend his days in the undisturbed enjoyment of" single blessedness." So, too, with the opposite sex. Females whose education has always been confined to novel reading', are sure to inculcate erroneous and p-ejudiciai ideas of the character of men. A young lady, for instance, is addressed by a worthy and reputable young man, whose in tentions are fixed upon marriage. But she toon discovers tnal Ins manner of wooing does nut accord with those high wrought scenes drawn by her favorite authors. * Perhaps he does not. like a valiant Troubadour, bend his knee in humble deprecation at her feet—may hap he forgets to press her hand at every part ing—or neglects some other token of romantic iove, which novels have taught her to regard as indispensable. She accordingly looks upon him as unht to lead her to the altar. He is dismissed—and another, and another, in quick succession, and ,'rora similar frivolous pretexts, meet a like fate. Suddenly a change takes pace. The beaux become less attentive — they look upon her as a vain coquette—soon she is entirely forsaken, and suffered to ptne away her days in the unhailoweJ and unfeli citous enjoyments of an " old maid " .Such, I iV-ar, is too often the unhappy result ot novel reading. But, it does not end here. I,et us suppose, for example, that a courtship is carried on with the usuai and expected "cooing and billing," and the Jovers arc eventually married. Soon, however, the thrilling enthusiasm of love is over. The husband's business engrosses a large portion of his tune, and his attentions are Loth less frequent and leas passionate than dur ing the days of wooing. The apt eye of the wife delects this, and she instantly charges him with a waut of affection. He, on the other hand, alleges that she too has lost much of the ardor and fervor of her former love. A mutual coldness of demeanor towards each other follows; each fancying the fault to lie in the other. Thus matters progress—in time their feelings become more and more estrang ed : and finally open bickerings and loud quar rels ensue, with all their manifold sources of misery and sorrow to both. This, too, 13 no vam illusion. Thousands, no doubt, can recog nize in this short picture their own unfortunate experience. And to what but the detrimental influence of novel reading can ail this be attri buted 1 Had those persons been educated in iri a proper manner—had they been taught to view life as it really is, instead of being per mitted to inculcate the fallacious sentiments breathed by novels, wretchedness and sorrow would have been as far from entering their hearts as happiness is now. Such, Mr. Editor, are my humble views reiatiw to novel reading. But I have merely presented the evils resulting from novels in their most unexceptionable shape; and when it is a notorious fact that one half of the publi cations now issued, are gross and vulgar, end v.tcriy unfit to be read by any one who has the least claim to the virtue of modesty, [ ask, should not all be ejected from every family centre table. Trial of Dr. J. W. Webster for the Harder of Dr. Parkman. The excitement along the seaboard respecting this trial at Boston, appears to increase as the proceedings progress, and public opinion to di vide as to the guilt or innocence of the accused. The medical witnesses that been examined ■ y no means agree in their testimony, and when doctors disagree, who shall decide The evi dence as to the identity of the body found (given below) is almost conclusive, but thus far nothing has been elicited to prove that Dr. Webster committed the deed. Appearances are against hicn, and it will now depend on subsequent tes timony whether they can be strengthened or w cakened. Examination of Dr. .V C htrp. Have practiced dentistry nearly thirty years; a neighbor of l>r. Lewis; have known Dr. Leorge Parkman since 1522; acquaintance he- Tan when 1 was a student of Dr. Jonn Randal; bave been his family dentist since 1825 ; 1 had a block of teeth shown me. I did recognise them k s a set of teeth that I had made for Dr. Park -an in 1846—the teeth were handed to the wit ness—these are the same blocks which were shown to rne, and I recognised. State how Dr. Parkman's mouth was. \ ery regular in one respect; in relation of the upper to the lower jaw it was so peculiar that it made an impression on my mind. 1 remember the pe njiiarities with great exactness. The circum stances connected with these two models were •omewhat peculiar. The first question asked me by Dr. rarkinan, when the teeth were about to be ordered, was how long will it take ; ar,d the reason why, he said, was the Med ial college going to be opened on a certain day *hn he should want new teeth, and he did not • ant to order them unless he could have them by that day. That time was rather short. The peculiarities of the mouth made it a dificult case, f *nuiring as much skill as could be procured. • began as soon as possible, and paid a large part of my attention to it from day to day ; I him frequently while it was in progress, '"■ d in consequence of the shortness of time and ">e cloas attention to it; I remember that more "Stinrtly than in ordinary rases. I proceeded to take the ordinary impressions : f ' first step was to get an exact fac simile of jaw, or an impression, which is the same ; ln S; it is done with soft wax retained in metal, Vch' d to the jaw, and when the wax is cold it is "•su; out and liquid plaster poured in, which '•"He an exapt copy of the jaw. Witness showed 1 placer cast of Dr. P.'s lower jaw, then four natural teeth in this jaw, and three roots or TT&r'r 1 were cut ofi - The next stc i' olasLerr i<3XDCD (being a'l that we have room for at present) to give us a cail, and if we don't please ninety rune out of every hundred in Beanty, Quality and I'rier, there is no lunger any virtue in Cheap anil Klegant ftoods. There is no nerd of recapitulating what wc have, either in the Dry Goods, Grocery, or any other Line, as it is well known that we have everything anybody else has, and a considerable sprink ling of neat, useful and pretty matters that Others have.not. So le there be no delay among those who want the first pick—we are ARIVIED AMD EQUIPPED i with an elegant yardstick, which measures true, and in conjunction with our clerks, are ready to wait on all the Indies and gentlemen, whether old or young, ugly or handsome, and make them look better than they ever Hid be fore after being rigged out in the splendid good* we have provided for their gratification. Lowiito vp, March 1350. I I & CAI EMPORIUM.®^ IT. J. R7DISUI,- At his Old Stand in .Market street, HAS just received the Beebe &. Costar and latest Philadelphia and New York j Spring Fashion of Huts and Caps, Hnd is now prepared to furnish both old and new customers with an article, which he will warrant good, and nothing shorter, lie has now on hand a large and general assortment of HATS AND CAPS, I OR AfE.V AA'D BOYS, which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or I RE I'AIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained here or elsewhere, i Ilis Ornish liiends will also find him pre pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled BROAD-BRIM S will receive the same oare and attention which he has always bestowed upon thein. Don't torget the old stand, where you may depend upon not being disappointed. N. J. R. feels grateful for the generous pa | tronage he has thus far received, and assures | all that he will spare no pains to give the gen eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed ed in affording all who have dealt with him. Lewistown, march 29, 1850—tf. Spring Fashions Received. W. G. ZOLI.IA'G Kit'S HAT MANUFACTORY. Market street, Lewistown, adjoining Ken nedy Porter s Store. Z. informs the citizens of Mifflin Iv.l and the adjoining counties, that he has Kjust received the spring shions, and is now i. re on red to furnish all in want new HATS or CAPS wiihanarti- cle, neat, durable and well finished, 1 comprising every style manufactured lor this market. The care and attention he lias ever given to , the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred by his numerous Ornish customers, will be continued; and he feels warranted in giving i the assurance that they will not be disnp : poicted. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it decidedly to their advantage to give hi ii a call, for his arrangements are now such, as to enable him to furnish any quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful for the encouragement he has thus i far received, he will continue to deserve it, by continued assiduity to the wants of bis friends, and. strict attention to his business. Lewistown, march 29,1850—tf ~ WM _ HOUSE, d Ur-'_2A riAflE undersigned has again leased this well Ji known Houee, on the southwest corner of j the public square, and contemplates refitting, painting, and otherwise improving the interior 'of the building. During the many years ithas been under his supervision, he has been favored with a "very extensive share of the local and travelling patronages, and takes this occasion to return his sincere thanks for the kindness j thus bestowed, and at the same time assures ! the public that the same care and attention to | the wants and comfort of his friends will be continued. The improvements he contemplates will odd much to the convenience and comfort i of travellers and strangers, who make his house a temporary residence,and every arrangement i will be made tosecure that end. He therefore respectfully solicits a continuance of the custom of his friends, which he will strive to merit at their bauds. JAMES TURNER. Lewistown, March 22, 1350—21* • FOR PITTSBURGH. _i 11 ijr i ffIHE regular Lewistown and Pittsburgh JL PACKET BOAT, W. C. POUTER, will leave Lewistown for Pittsburgh the FIRST WEEK IN APRIL. For passage apply to KENNED V & FOR PER. Lewistown, march 22, 1550 —3t SELLING OFF AT COST! rplIK STOCK OF GOODS of the subseri- J. hers will he SOLD AT COST, from this to the first of June next, consisting of Fancy Dry (ooc!s, BOOTS & SHOES, together with a large assortment of ladies' Spring Sc Summer Wear, I in which purchasers may rest assured thev will get BARGAINS! These goods we are of i fering 2 per cent, lower than they have ever been sold for before for CASH. Let those who doubt examine for themselves at the store of KENNEDY &. PORTER. Lewistown, march 22, 1850. N. 11.—Those who are indebted to us will please call and settle during the month of ! April, as after that time cost will be added on every unsettled account, either of friend or foe. NO JOKING, NOW ! K. &. P. Pennsylvania Railroad. ON and afier MONDAY, 24th December, FREIGHT TRAINS will run three times a week between Lewistown and Phila ' delphia, as follows:—Leaving Lewistown. eas'- : ward, on Mondays, Wednesdays,and Fridays, ; at 7 O'CIOCK, A. AL, and arriving from Philadel phia on Tuesdays, Thursdays,and Saturdays, 1 at 5 10, P. M. (O" All freight goingeast, MUST BE DE LIVERED BY THREE O'CLOCK, P. M„ on tho days previous. %* Freight in all cuses, payable on delivery j : of goods at the warehouse, PASSENGER TRAINS, east, will leave at 15 minutes past 9, A. M., daily. Fare to Philadelphia, #5 00. SAM. MI LI.I KEN, Jr., Ag't. Lewistown, Dec. 22, 1849—1t [Dem. copy. ELECTION. TVTOTICE is hereby given to all those i. x stockholders who have paid five dol- ( lars, that an election for the usual number of j Trustees of the Lewistown Academy, will he held on tbeIFIRST MONDAY IN APRIL. E. RANKS, Secretary. Lewistown, March 15, l^no. MACKEREL. SHAD. CoiiKtantly on hand and ; n'p ow* ,ijr aale o,m} INGS j - PALMER & Co.. !..i\ o Market street Wharf, '■ I'lll LA DEI. PHI A. I SHOULDERS, I LARD & CHEESE, j March 22,1950-3 m. j I SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE &. SONS. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IV SILKS, RIBBONS, AND MILLINERY GOODS, •Vo. 45 South Second street, Philadelphia, I "WOULD call the attention of merchants and milliners I " visiting the city to their large and rich assortment of SP RI XG M I LLIXERY GOODS, received by late arrivals from France, such as | Glace Silks for casing Bonnets, Fancy-Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Plain Mantua arid 9atin Ribbons, from No. 1 to No. 12, French and American Artilicial Flowers, White and colored Crapes, French Chip Hats, | Fancy Net? and Laces, Fancy Trimmings, Quilling, Crowns, Tips, Covered Whalebones, Buckrams, Cane, &c. Together with every article appertaining to the milli j n "ry trade. [march 22—lm FEATHERS! FEATHERS!! 020 POUNDS of Feathers, comprising all WW qualities, for sale, wholesale ami retail, at the lowest cash prices, by HARTLEY & KNIGHT, 118 Smith Second street, five doors above Sprure. Our customers and the public in general wi I please AXD REMEMBERJt# that since the alterations recently made in our store, the IS EI)I) IX G DEI' ARTM EX T of our business is in the second story, where We now have, ready made, or will make to order, on short notice, BEDS, BOLSTERS, PILLOWS, MATTRESSES, and CUSIIIOXS of all kinds. We also keep constantly on hand, a good assortment of Tukiugt, Blankets, Marseilles Quilts, Comfortables, Sack ing Bottoms, Spc. Tile first floor and basement have been appropriated to the sale of Carpelmgs, among which are Brussels Carpelmgs, "i Tapestry do Imperial Three Ply, CARPETINGS, Ingram Car pet in us, * from 25 cents to SI .OO, Stair Carpetings, o |. ff-I nT i¥S from 10 cents to $1 00, 1- "*■-* "I.WIIIS, Entry Carpentings, j from 2< cents to AND EVERY VARIETY OF [-CARPETS! ingrain and venitian) And till, < LOTUS from 2to 24 feet wide, to cut for Rooms, Halls, Ac., with a sreat vatietv of low jirh erl In erain f arpeis, from 25 to . 0 cents, anj Entry and Stair i irpets from 10 to .">0 cents per yard. Also, Mattings, H>-urih Rugs, Tabic Covers, Floor Baize, Cotton and Rag Carpet, At , Ac. 11. II- ELDRIDGE, I i ?tr:iw brrr\ sti , one above Che* nut, near tSeeond direct, l'2iiiii I Mink, Raccoon, Muskrat, and Rabbit Skina, | for which the highest price in cash wilt be paid on delivery, at the " Juniati Jiat Store." N. J. RUDIBILL. 1 Lewistowa, March 8, 1350—3t TIN WARE! TIN WARE!! J. B. SELIIEIITIER, AT his old stand, on MARKET street, L:w istown, six doors east of the public square, 30uth side, informs the public generally, that ! : they will always find at his establishment, a Hcai y Stock of Made Bp TIN* WAR R , of almost every variety, and offering great in ducements to purchasers, j To COUNTRY MERCHANTS, who may wish to lay in a stock for sale, he will make ' such reduction in price as will prove advunta- j geous to them. Thankful for the encouragement he has tiius far received, lie will endeavor to deserve and hopes to receive a contini ance of the same.— | A good practical knowledge of his business, and all work being made under his own per- j 1 sonal superintendence, warrants him in sssur j ing the public that they wit! nowhere find bet- • j ter or cheaper. [rat rch 22,1950 -tf WALTER LIE LEY RESPECTFULLY announces to his old friends, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to call, that he has just re ceived his | Fall and Winter Stock of Goods. which he is prepared to dispose of at as reason able prices as Mr Johnston Thomas, and he | soils about twenty per cent, lower than any Store in the East Ward. My stock consists of a general assortment of SEASONAB L E GOODS, viz: DRY GOODS. GROOEBIE3, Qiieenswai'P, Glassware and Hardware, MttM m 311 DM* TOBACCOS A.\l) SECiAKS, and Spicks of the purest kind, ' Together with all the articles usually found in a country store. As we do not feel able to oc cupy the newspapers with an advertisement of two or three columns, we just say to our friends to call and see us, and if you don't purchase from us we will not grumbie. Lewistown, Dec. 22, 1849 —tf THREE PLY CARPETS! ITEST quality three-ply Carpets warranted -S3 —selling at $1.12£ per yard, such as is sold at other stores for $1.37£ and .$1.50. Al so, a splendid assortment of other Carpeting, Rugs, &p., at C. L. JONES. November 17,1649. Carpets! Carpets! At Jones' Carpet Hall AN be seen the most splendid assortment /of every grade ana quality—Rag, Venitian, Ingram, and Imperial; RUGS &c. These Car pets are direct from the celebrated manufac tory of A. B. Culton & Co., in Chester county, and warranted good—no auction trash. Call and see. C. L. JONES' 0c27. A" etc Cheap Cash Store. I AT JONES' NEW CHEAP CASH STORE! rjIHE attention of Country Dealers, Ped- JL lars, and others buying goods in large quantities, is requested to the immense stock and varied assortment of goods at thie estab lishment, selling at Philadelphia wholesale prices. Terms cash and prices low. C. L. JONES, nov3. yew Cheap Cash Store. TO THE LADIES. CL. JONES respectfully informs the la" • dies that he made a large purchase o' Cashmeres when last in the city, at greatly re duced prices, and is now able to sell a genuine article of Cashmere at the extremely low price of 25 cts. per yard, equal to ar.y to be had at 50 cts at other places. Call soon, as they are selling like hot cakes. —Also, a splendid assort ment of sack Flannels and many other new goods just received and arriving at the cele brated new cheap cash store. N0v.17. C. L. JONES. BASKETS and CEDAR-WARE. OF the above goods a very extensive assort ment just open ng\ consisting ol Market Baskets, ail sizes Clothes do do Travelling do do Dinner do do Knife do do Ciiurns, Tubs, Buckets, &.C.,&c., &c., Sic. C. L. JONES, nov3. New Cheap Cash Store. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! AT JONES' NEW CHEAP CASH STOKE ! 8-4 Silk Plaid Wool Shawls, $2 50 8-4 Cassimere do 4 00 8-4 super, plaid wool do 500 16-4 do do long do 375 i 16-4 do Bnv State do do 12 00 16-4 do black Thibet long do 10 00 10-4 do Bay State long do 6 50 Plain and Embroidered high colored Thibet Merino Shawls. The above list with m9ny others are just opening this week at the celebrated New Cheap Cash Store. nov3. C. L. JONES. THE PATENT COMPOUND WASH MIXTURE, j For Washing Clothes, Faint ed Surfaces, And every article or thing which may require cleansing by washing. IT is mode into a solid SOAP or in LIQUID form. The aonp will doubtless supercede every other, and the process of washing now introduced, drive out of use every wash board and machine in the land. No injury is done to clothes, ?nd time, labor, and expense are saved. The agents for the sale of FAMILY and COUNTY BIGHTS in this State arc HENRY FRYSINGER, DANIEL WISE, MAR PIN JOHNS; and in PhiladelphiaC. D. KNIGHT, 38 North Sixth street. Those editors who have not yet published my first advertisement will please omit that, and publish this in its place, on the same terms, say i three times for one family right. Such as have advertised and not received & right will please ; inform uie. The public are agsin cautioned against un authorised venders of rights, who live by pira- i ting on others. D. M'VOY, March 15, 1850—6t Baltimore. DR, J . 15. IIITCSi LLL, eg WHOLESALE AND RETAIL /jf DRUGGIST &. CHEIVEI3T,}jf j RESPECTFULLY informs hid friends and ! JLI/ the public generally that he is now open ing in the new and splendid storeroom lately ; occupied by W. J. Sterreti, ii. Market slree', j Lewistown, south side, a few doors above the ' Hardware store of I*. (I Francl.-Ciis, the it si selected, purest ami cheap*st a aortment ever offered for sale isi tins place, of Pre*lt Drug* ami Ilcdiciiies, French and English CHEMICALS; Paints, Oils and Di/e Stuffs ; Varnishes, Patent Medicines, 'PownsenXs Sarsaparilla. Concentrated Sarsopurilla, Wis taps lialsom of Wild Cherry, Dr. Jayne's tamily Medicines, r.d Varnish Brushes ; .Native and Foreign Herbs and Cxtracts: Surgical Instruments, wanaiued; I Sash Tools, Window Glass, Spices, &c.; Roussell's Perfumery, &c., &c. A great variety of ELEGANT FANCY GOOD J . His drugs have been purchase. from L'nn, Smith &. Co., .Market street, Philadelphia, one of the most extensive and reputable estab lishments in that city, and every article is war | ranted to be pure and of the first quality. The profits on the sale of drugs are well known to be very great —often exceeding 3DU ; per cent, on the cost—so that the present exor bitant prices can be greatly reduced, and yet a good profit be realized. The adulteration of drugs the most valuable. (Opium, Calomel, Quinine, &c ,) is a most dangerous and destruc ; live, but very common, fraud, and cannot be detected without a careful chemical analysis. My stock has been selected with great care, i and I will sell drugs warranted free from all 1 impurity, CHEAPER THAN THE ADULTERATED ARTICLE HAS BEEN SOLD. All prescriptions will be made up after the most approved method, and medical advice given to purchasers WITHOUT CHARGE. , Physicians and druggists in the country or . neighboring towns, will be supplied on the most f liberal terms. Ail orders promptly filled, and 3 boxes and packages cf drugs, &c., carefully 2 ! put up and forwarded. J. B. MITCHELL, Market street, south side, three doors east of F. Lewistown, March 8,1550. £ OCrThe Register deems it proper to state, for the information of ail concerned, that ac counts must be filed in his office and published previous to the first day of ensuing Courts—otherwise ihoy will bo retained until the succeeding term. HOSIERY AND TRIMMINGS. mHE fullest and most complete assortment A of Hosiery and Trimmings ever opeucd before in I owlstcwn will bo found at C\ L. JONES' nov3. New Cah C..: .