~• } I CO tlV!'£l> ! ROM PAHr.. tuomeut that I picked up my companion at the Lcrjruc Inn, '' 10 e I had entered the court, a few minutes be- j fore. The magistrate listened attentively, ant! i when 1 had finished. said : k \\ hat then, was your object in coming j hither V * 'i n obtain a posse of soldiers, to go j back in Saurernne, and arrest the infamous J inn-keeper and his family.' j * And this was liuder's sole object ." j ' .No. He wished also to take ad van- ! tage ol' the pardon offered, for the capture and arrest of the infamous inn-keeper, to release himself from the penalty due his former crimes. He is now, and has been ever since ho left Prussia, seven years ago. j a reformed man. His object, in returning ! to Berse, at the risk of discovery, arrest and punishment, was to see his aged mother, and carry her with him to his es t ite in Picardv, where lie could atone, by love and gentleness in the luturc for the heart burnings and miseries he had caused Iter in the past. He cares nothing for the high reward offered by the king, for the capture of the infamous host of the S:;uvergne Inn ; and if he should receive it, would, I feci persuaded, turn it all back, as a free gift, into the hands of the magis trate by w hose sagacity and assistance he was enabled to capture the assassins.' This explanation and appeal, particular- ; iy the closing clause of the latter, had the desired effect; for while one touched the heart, the other touched the pocket , of the worthy oilicial, and ail promised weli. ' The troops shall be ready immediate ly." said t lie magistrate rising to leave the j room, and uive the order ; ' and 1 will ac company you myself to the scene, that I 1 may be enabled to certify to the facts you | have so clearly laid before me. But you I are certain, you say,' he added, in a wliis- i per, (the room was dimly lighted, and thus enabled the worthy official to hide his blushes,) • that if everything turns out well for him, Under will, on receiving the pardon and reward, be satisfied to receive j the first and make me a present of the lat- j ter V ' 1 will guaranty it to you.' * Enough. We'll attend to it immedi- : atefy. Meanwhile, while I am engaged : in summoning the troops, and preparing i for our departure, you may go into Ruder's j room and have a chat with him. If vou ; feel so disposed, you may mention to him i the arrangement you have entered into, in j his name, with me, and if he fully agrees, j you will, on coming out, re-enter the ! court, with your hat under your left arm. j 1 will understand the sign, and depend up- j on it. every thing shall turn out satisfacto- i rily.' We quitted the room, and, on re-enter- j ing the court, 1 passed immediately into j the chamber in which Herman was con- I lined. 1 told him of my proposition and ar rangement with the magistrate, and of the j latter's promise that everything should j turn out well. Ruder was very much affected, and ex- I pressed his gratification by silently wring- > ing my hand. After a few moments further converse, 1 li fi him, to finish the object of our jour- i ney. 1 I gave the magistrate—whose enquiring eye anxiously met mine, and who was ready and equipped for our march to Sau vergne—the sign agreed upon, and a smile ' lit up his fat, rosv features. We started immediately, on horseback, with a mounted posse of fifty well armed men. and arrived at our destination about ; five in the afternoon. Thirty men were immediately placed i on duty round the building, while the I worthy magistrate and myself hacked by j twenty more, entered the inn, whose infa mous character invested it with so much interest. We started immediately for the lauit; ! and provided with torches, cautiously de- j scended. Y\ e found the assassins stretched upon the earth, near the base of the stairs. ! Though insensible, they still lived, and I wa re immediately lifted and borne up to 1 the traveller's room, and temporarily laid upon the table, while the magistrate, tnv self, and half a dozen soldiers, proceeded to make a hasty examination of the vault. This done, we hastened up stairs, and while a cart was being got ready to con vey the prisoners to Anhalt, the magis trate busied himself in placing seals upon , the door. In a few minutes everything was in readiness, and we again put ourselves in motion and hurried back to Anhalt. In a few days the assassins of the Sau vergne Inn, paid on the scaffold, in the ! presence ol assembled thousands, the pen alty of their runny crimes. As the magistrate promised, i e*.er\ tiling went well.' Ruder was pardoned ; and 1* is in his house, at Picardy, where, since the above events, I have been enjoy ing ail the felicity that wealth aru. the grauticri '.lon ot every desire can give to life, that 1 tmw pen the closing line# of this narrative. l/EAGISTHATH'S GZT.ICZd iltlil*T 3A A 2! OO Vlils . .1 iifttit-c withe kVace, AN he found ut iiia office, in the room re- J *•!,<,y occupied by Require Kuip, where ne will umid lo H ji entrusted to his 1 care with he ?r ,. at , C;ire , i|K , ( ] ohpatch> Lewiftown, Jufy i t >io.vrc;o>i louv, Hoot A. Shoe 11 auiif'acliirer MAftCET BTKEET LKWIRTOWN. CION I 1 UIIS to iiianiifactnre, to order, J f\-;ry description of BOOTS AN'I) SHOJv-', on t. resumed the practice of his profession iu this and the adjoining counties. I Office at the Banking House of Longeneck | er, Grubb & Co. lan. 20, 1848— tf. GEO. W. ELDER. .1 T T O li NE Y A T L .4 IV, Lcwistown, Milflin County, Pa. OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo crat Office. Mr. Eider will attend to any i business in the Courts of Centre country. August 25, 184!)—tf. Wo <370 JJAGK&fIBSk Attorney at Law, f|7ILL1LL attend promptly to business entrust- I v T ed to his care in this and adjoining f counties. Office one door west of the Post Office. June 10, '49-ly. Ll:wistow\ Cheap Cabinet Wareroom, A ear J. li. McDowells's tavern, f 'alley st. THE invites those nhout going to -*• housekeeping and toother* that with to purchase (heap I-'(irnil 11 re, to call at the above mentioned Wareroom ami examine his large slock of hell .Made and Useful Furniture of all kinds too numerous to mention here. Among his slock they will find an assortment of CA N E SE A T C II A IRS, which are sold for CASH curt PER than they have ever been sold in this place. 1 would draw attention to a pa tent Klastu Spring-Bottom Bedstead, which ran be seen in my Wareroom nt any time It can be put upandtaken down in less time than the old plan, and without a screw driver, and the great matter is thai it forms a srruso B.>T roM without a cord or sacking, thus saving the purchaser j the cost of those articles. St- COFFINS made to order and funerals attended at ; the shortest notice. Either Mahogany, Cherry or Wat , nut can be. had at moderate terms. ANTHONY FELIX. I I.ewistown, December 1, 1849. Bank of Discount and Deposite. LONGE.N'EIIER, GRIBB, k CO. Casit Capital in 870,000. LOXGEXECh'ER, GRUBB & CO. have es tablished at Lewis town, Pennsylvania, an j Office of Discount and Deposite, for the trans action of the regular business of banking. ' Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial ; cities will be discounted at ail times, and depos ; ites of current money will be paid, on demand, in pmr funds. Every facility will be afforded to business men in their negotiations with the Eastern and Western cities. Notes offered for discount must lie over one day. The aggregate Capital of the establishment exceeds half a million of dollars. DAVID LONGENECKER, JOHN MILLER, M. D. A. BATES GRIPE, CHRISTIAN BACHMAN, JOHN CHRIST, 11. FREELAND, BENJAMIN ES HELM AN W. RUSSELL, Cashier. W. H. IRWIN, Solicitor and Confidential Agent. LewistowD, August 25, 1.-49—tf. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. STATEMENT of the Assets of the Company on January Ist, 1850, published in conformi ty with the provisions of the sixth section of the Act of Assembly of April sth. 1842. MORTGAGES. 1 Being first mortgages well secured on real estate, free of ground rent, and are ali in the city arid oounty of Philadelphia, except $40,500 in Bucks, Schuylkill and Allegheny counties, Pa. Also, $7,500 in Ohio, amply secured by real estate in Philadelphia. $055,053 62 REAL ESTATE. | Purchased at sheriff"> sales under mortgage claims, viz : Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150 feet, on the southwest corner Chesnut and Schuylkill Sixth streets A house and lot, 33-3 by 100 feet.Xo. ; 4G7 Chesnut street A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet, on north side of Spruce street, west of Eleventh street A house and lot, 21-7 by 100 feet, on west side of Perm square, south side of High street I Two houses and lots, each 16 by 80 j feet, on south side of Spruce st., near Schuylkill Seventh street Five houses and lots, each 17-9 by 90 feet, Nos. 131, 133, 135, 137, and 139 Dilwyn street At Cost. ! Three hou s es and lot, 49 by 54 feet, 90,077 78 on cast side of Schuylkill Sixth • street, south of Pine street A lot of ground, 17 by 57 ft., on the northeast corner Schuylkill Front and Spruce streets ' A house and lot, 18 by 106 feet, on south side of Filbert street, west of t Schuylkill Seventh street Hotel and lot, 50 by 81 feet, on the southeast corner of Chesnut and Beach streets Five bouses and lot, 42 by 86 feet, on the north side of George street, west of Ashton street Seven houses and lot, 26 by 117 feet, on the east side of Beach street, south of Chesnut street , A house and lot, 16 by 80 ft., No. 96 i Fitzwater street, east of Ninth st. LOANS. Temporary loans, on collateral secu- i -- rities, amply secured '' STOCKS. SIO,OOO Alms House Loan, 5 percent' j (int. on) , 200 share;; Bank of Kentucky 17 do. Northern Bk. of Kentucky !0U do. t iiion Bank of Tennessee 13 do. Insurance Comp'y of the • State of i 200 do. Southwark railroad C 0.,.; 1 Cost 37 do. Commercial & Bank of Virksburg ~ 300 do. pa. Railroad Co. J. 91 do. Franklin Fire Ins. Co. Jj 10 do. Mercantile Library C 0."3."3 6 do. Union Canal Company J* 90 do. North Am. Coal Co. SSOO North American Coal Loan ' rs. Miles Iloke, William Blackson, and James D. Brown, of the same place, lliey say—'lJav ! ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with j out success, we at last purchased some of your.Y ational Tumc, which has completely cured us. \\ e, therefore, ' cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all iiersons af flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet discovered." See the Pamphlets, which you can get from one of our j Agents gratis • Also, Pr Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use, ; in all case* where a purgative is needed. -> Prepared and sold by MARTIN A. VVIIITELEV, Wholesale Drug Wore, N" is S Calvert st , Baltimore. For sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and V\ A I T SON & JACOB, Lewistown ; and by Alex ander Rutledoe, Wiliiamflburg, Huntingdon county. June 39, 1849—1y. HARRIS. TURNER <>rsi>itfelia or Vegetable Vermifuge, The most ejfectual, the safest, plea sunt est I and most conrenient Worm Medicine ever offered 'o (he public. 'TMtK SPIOEI.I.V, say* a work of highest authority, -1 utandt at th( head of tit It aof Anthelmintic* cr Worm Medicines. It is adapted to a wider range of cases, and t-i a greater variety of constitutions and states of the constitution, th in any other. Hut prepared a* it enw j monly is, in th ■ form of tea, it can seldom lie given to [ children tn sufficient do*, s In Harris, Turner All lie's I Coii-iM.imi Syrup, it is so concentrated that the dose is very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera ' tion, and so palatable as to be taken, not only with ease, t but with poitivp pleasure. The precise composition of this syrup and the mode of | preparing it, ' f 'ri eents 1 rout in d fur years Before ~|fricgit for sale, it wn subjected to the test of c* • rience in the hands f euii ! nent physicians, in Phi: id, dna t.d el sou here, wno h v. i recommend. ; it j-: the highest fern,*, and still emj 'uy it in tin ir practice In .iddith nto this evident >■ < ,!h H consumption of the iungs: and deponent believing that to ivy the case, went to Mr. John lYuif's store, in the village of SfU'tom Spa, topmrliaar cloth for a shroud, and other ricccssarii - to prepare hi* wife for burial afrcr she should die. Deponent further say*, that while he was in said U'uj/'j afore, he V as pcr-uaded I>V the Proprietor of - BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM," who was then present, to take a bottie of said Medicine —he remark ing, that if the dyng woman be ie w past recovery, yet. if she be much oppressed and distressed, the said medicine would sooiite and rr'iev- ht r. and mr.ke the pillow of death more eh y. De: >n ;.t lie k the snid medicine home with linn, t <■< eider * the c!o!i ho had purchased pre paratory to th :iati . : d di mof his wife. Deponent cause J a port > - •• It to lie administered to his wife, ni .1 to hit •> touishm nt it soon relieved her .-he coutiliu- i : ■ nlif no until she recov ered from j'.-r do and been able since (it being now more t rv • y • e •'< and attend to i .i .. . .10 ::t verily believe* that, thv igh t'-.v ' " ' ii'-for.ifion to health •:t . v. p. v..- I.HHVC and healing effi cacy of l!i ant's Lilian . - ,-y MM* /.:BA DYKE MAN. ■ c .. ... . 1 - hh day of April, lelf. THOF D Yi : ' ■ ! Jusuce of the Peace. T< nof - ■. ,V V— ss. This is to cer-ify 1 , ' i.-m ;■ .i . h. ee ' r mariv y-ars well and into- 1■ iy m-. nrit i ,v. '■ • i> : - t /. : 1 ltykeman, ' who i.- one 01 vin t-t w ■■. ar ! ri-ajw* tabic citizens,and ] who-e si- teinciii ' ' cntil' dl. ill en .sit and belief Tilt'-, (j. 1 (JUNG, Justice of the Peace. April 20, 16-5- T> inof Ri n, V tg-r 01 i /*• Q /> —j? : Thlf in to j rurtji'y, tit at the . cum'.inc * i.ud Wr* fetiitcd above by 7,bykemn trr to my k:wwVdt?p strifthr true, anl tliat j he Una l'requeni v sir.ee stated mc that Braut s Indian Ka!sa?r. *hV( i the life of Mr*. D\r.-iiun. Apr') '♦.**. I-1-. JOHN WAIT. ! BfLANT'S PULMONARY BALSAM cures CitSsiVP TIOS, Coughs, Colds, Spitting of Flood. Weeding at the Lungs, Cam in the H /art and S: de, J\%ght -S i rats * Scrvous t 'rimyl iui*\ Pal}- tat aof the Hea't, b\tnaif Weaknesses and Co+>p!mnts f Cholera In/an 4 -** Due ntsry, and Summer Com i utaxnts PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF. DOCT. J. W. FRENTH. of Hillsdale. HiU'dale Co . Mich wrote to us. Dec. 8. UMk 1 : " I have been in the -rgu/ar prac tice of medicine in this place for JViiif Years : but wax obliged to quit the practice of my profession in conse quence of ill health 1 was SQ severely inflicted with a chronic disease of the Ims-ir, as to convince me that I had the i 'nnrumpticn past . I roughed almost incessantly night and day, and bad severe pains and soreness in my chest, side, and breast. 1 tried the remedies reoommendeJ by the most skiltii! of my profession, all to uo effect, excepting the nausea and debility caused by theru 1 was prejudiced against Patent Medicines, and have no faith now in thetn, generally. But 1 was induced, a* an experiment, mora than through faith, to try a bottle ot BRUNT'S INDIAX PPL- M"n**y Bai.sam. I do here acknowledge, for the ben efit of the afflicted or whom it may serve, that the effect of its use on me. was the most pi ompt and salutary of any med icinea I ever witnessed the effect of in ail my practice. My co I'OH was IMMEPUTK!.Y RKUKVKD. and in alxniteight or ten days. 1 was free from cough, sorenes* of the chest, and pain, and now consider and pronounce myself a well man." Port. French is now a respectable druggist and merchant at Hillsdale. ANOTHER IMPORTANT VICTORY: Messrs. Holtstander ,V Co.. respectable merchants of Ohoriin, Lorain Co.. Ohio, wrote December 19. lfild : " Af t-r allowins th- Brent's Medicines Which yon sent to us. to remain at Cleveland aiio.it three months, we sent for them j We have been so oftw deceived by such medicines rot proving to be equal to their recommendations, and therefore would not sell, when their want of efficacy was known, that we considered It unprofitable to keep such, and were there!"• re prejudiced against .S'aut's, supposing it to be no better thnn many others wo have on ssie. W4 5* ' received Brant's. I, (A. Holtstander) was persuaded from reading the pamphlet to take a bottle of the Pulmonary Bab sum home. My wife had been afflicted with a severe cough for about ten months, and our frtcvids were alarmed and leartul Unit she would find nothing to relieve or cure her. Hut notwithstanding our prejudice* to patent medicines, we are oUigtd to say. and cheerfully confess, that BSANT'S BALSAM and Ponirvixu E\ rn A< r, can be depended on in preference to any or nil of the many kinds that have been left with us for sale. My wife was immediately relieved in her cough, and before she had finished using the first bottle, began to gain strength and health, and only three bottleu effected A perfect cure. The PUI*TINO EXTRACT 1 have personally used for a general debility of the system, and I have no hesitaney in saying that it is the best medi cine to restore and the system, that 1 have ever found In every instance where we have sold these medi cines they have proved their offlcacy, anil given the beet satisfaction " FOR SALE BY .lI.FRF.D M.IRKS, I.nrhlnrn, B Hit EH ALLY. MrVrytoirn, M. STEELY Sy CO., Belleville, JOILY ALBRIGHT, Rettlsvillr, And by Agents in all parts of the State. All letters and orders must be addressed to WAI.I ATF. A TO., 106 Broadway, New Yoik. November 17, 1849—colv. Ladle*' A LARGH stock of the latest style, - coarse ami fine shoes for Ladies' wear, now arranped in the Indies' Shoe Room, at C. I. JONES' oc'il. Xt w Cti(tt[) Cu*h Start. ( At i o„\ I:M uA A man by the name of f l..tl'P hi* e> ?-g-d won • young man of ttie name of ?. P Townsenri arid p , name to put up a Sarawparilla, * hich they call Rr. n send's Sarsaparilla. denominating i* Gf.Yt i.Yh 0ne.,,-,' ■ at. Tim Tnwnaend is no doctor, and never was ; but w formerly a worker on railroad*, canals, and he like. V, , . assumes the title of !>r.. lor the purpose of in irony rc, d,- • r what he is not. This is to mutton the publr ~0; j deceived, and purchase none hut the (1 F.Yfl.Yi Ofl/r I .V.4/, Ol.I) Itr. Jacob Townsend's b.irsspariilh, h unr , it the Old Dr'. likeness, his Ciuiily coat of arm- ami I- > • signature across the coat of arms. Principal Office, 102 Xatttu ft., .Vei c York City ; OLD UK. JACOB TOW \ "l.\ i>. TIIK ORIGINAL DISC tVEUER OF THE Genuine Townseud Sarsaparliia. Old IJr. Tovt nsend is now about 70 years of nee. and l.as long been known as the .9 VTMOH and OISCOt'EHf. n t the (i E.YI LYE ORIGI-Y.ll. " TO H.Vs f„Yh > , „ I S.erience. dey lied an article w h i h wottl i | of incalculable mlvautace to mankind when the means would he furnished to bring it into Universal notice, when J iu inestimable virtues would oe know n at.d appreciated. This time bar come, the means are supplied : this OHJXII .IXII UXy.Cil.U.f.EIi Pit Eli R.I T/QX is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called t r throughout the length and hrearith of the land, e-jieciaily as it is found incupuble of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike young 3. P Townsend's. it improves with age and | never changes, hot for the lietter : because it is prepared o* eeienttfic principles by a scrnttffc win. The highest know edge of Ohem -try. and the latest discoveries of the art. have ail been brought into requisition in the manufacture of the Old Lfr's farsaparilla. The Sarsnparilla root, it ts well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro perties. aud soine properties which are inert or useless, ana others, which if retained in preteirtng it for Use, produce fermentation and acid, which is injurious to the system Some of the properties of Sfarsaparilla are so relatile. thai they ent retv evaluate and are iot in the prejiaralion. .{ they are not preserved by a tcicno/ie jin-cess, known only i to those experienced ; Q lts manufacture Moreover. theie volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or as an exhala tion, under heat, are the very essential medical properties ef the root, which give to it ail iu vaine. ! SOURING. EERMEN iIN ... .vl'ilJ " COM POUND" OF S. P. TO WN SEND. tnd yet he would fain have it undrr-tooil tout < >ld in. Jamb rownsefid's Genuine * trigt n-ti ■>a r parti.a. is nr. IMITA -11 ON of his Inferior pre pa rut.on " Heaven forbid that < should d*sl in an art.cie which would bear the uioat ilistuut re-.iiibuieo- to s. P. Town tend'* article.' and which should Price Outvn upon the Ud Itr. such a moan tain load of complaints and eriut.nations front Agents w r.o have sold, and purchasers v b., hi.ve n-ed i P. Townsend's PERM E.VITNCJ f ?#• H'Mi We wish it understood, because .i - the z.-raiute 'ran. that S. P. Townsend's nrlicie and Old Dr. J.ncrt- Town •end's fSarsnparUla are rrti- serve avert. and infinite y dts similar ; that they are uitl.ke tn every pan e u.j, n.rv.ug not one single thing in common. As 8. T. Townsend is no doct tr. and never was, is no chemist, no pharmaceutist— know - no more of medicine or j disease than any other common, un*rirminc. nnprofejiocsl ■inn, hat guarantee can the public have thai ihey ate re ceiving a genuine scientific inrtiicine. contn'ning all :hs virtues of the articles used in prepar-c it and w huh are .a capable of changes v, ivrli mlghs rer.der ihein the AGKNTd , 0! Disease instead of health. But what ei-e should l exivected from one who knows nothing comparatively of medicine r disease ' It rc r.rfi a person at some exjierience Ui coos at.d serve tip even s somnuin decent meal. How much more important is it that the persc-ns who nuictifacirire Birdicine, tor WEAK STOM ACHS AND KNf EEBT.ED SYSTEMS, should know well the medical properties of plants, the best manner ot securing .nd concentrating tiieir healing t virtues, a' -o an eitc mve know ledge of the van uu diseases which affect the human system and how to adapt remedict to the-e diseases : it is to srre-t frauds upon the unfortunate to ptur balm into tvt.nmieil humanity. t< kindle boyte in the drspatring t bosom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor .ntu the erushod and broken, ami to banish infirmity that Ol.li RE. JACOB TOVI'JS'SENU hiu StifOHT and POI NRtheoy portunity and means to bring his Grand Universal Concentrated Ilemedy within the reach. ami t • Ue knowledge of all wb" nrH i* that they may c;trti anil know by joyful experience its Transcendent Power to Ileal Any person can boil or slew the root till they ret a darl eolr.red liquid, which i more from the coloring matter la the root than fr*u any thing else they can thee strain this Insipid r vnoid f.qnxl, *\*ce:in v\.th onr m and then r-l| ii SARS\PA RIM.A EXTH A.T or SY- Rrp." Rut such is not the article known cs the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWN SEN D'S SAHSAPARILLA. This . "o prepared. that alt the inert properties f tht r : ire first removed. thing rapnb'e f becoming acid r of fermentation, is ex tree led end injected; then every lotrucie of medic .1 virtue is secured in a pure and conceit'rated form : and thus it i> rendered nc®paWe o iosing any of us v.iiuaw e and healing properties. Prepares tn this way. it is tu.ult the most powerful agent in the ('me of innumerable diseases. Hence the reason why we he .r rommeiirinionj on every tide In its f.ivor tiv me.-, women, and children. Wc find it doins wonders in the cure of COJVSCMI'THKV, I> YSPKPSt.4. nnd IJVF.H CUM Pr.II.VT, Knd ill nHF.tHITtS.V. SCHOrr/,.1. PI I,MS, < 'is Tit f- .Vt> N". nis C it J .i.VFUI S HU P Tit .VS. ri.VPJ. K>. liJ.uCTUTS, and all atiectina* arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possc?>e* a inirve h-us efficacy iu o oin{> : int ar sine from inUtgrmtian. -friHSt .4ctJfy •/ the SU'mack. from ti eq iai circiil.Httou. detenu>nation of tie vithe bead. pn'.p nation of the he At. cold feet rind hands cold chills and hot ft .xhet over ihe body, it has not us equal in Ctd** ami a? d promotes easy e.vjw*ct<>ruioo and gentle per.-r.r ; on, i relaxing *uicti*re •! the Inuev mrwit, and every By removing obstruction*. and regulating the genera* system, it ;* ie tong and strength to ilie he laxly, no** til us cures all forms of Xei"on- *Jt>eaos and debility. • nit thus prevent* or relievo :i pn-at variety of other •'"* * die*, e, Spiu : trritaiian. .W'lr- St. /'ifis iMltc* Swhtninjf, /./**>/.• bi.-\ fJvnruis>un*i &f. j It cleanses the iO-tnl. excite- the liver t- healthy acitac. • Unes the stomach, and gives good digestion, relieves t**® ! bowels of torpor -nd constipation, allays inflammation, i purifies the skin, eqaahxs toe circulation f the producing gesitie warmth equally all over the bdy the uisensibie perspiration : rci.xc* •* ! strictures and h* nes>, amoves nil obstructions, a d invigorates thecnhi® nervous system, la not tins then Thr medicine you pre-eminently nce '■ Ifut run any of t hr.i- thini!< !' *mul of S. f*. Town* * iuftr or article t 'l'h.s vonns iun"> liquid i not to t. COMPARED WITH THE OLD DIUS. hcraiic ot one K tl T, that thv "lie is IM'.tPA BLK of t'Ui KKiOH Vfl'iY. ami NEVF.K M'OHwB. t'jiiiv (lit I'ther J)' /<>•<< r.t'Hf, and bin-i nf (ir J utt.rt e..ntininii it ini<> iV: t'"< "t- . the sour, n.-ic liquid exploit.nir and d imaemc other pin .1* : Must not this horri ble roiiipouod l>e jroisonotl* to the system'?—M "ut' fut tctA tnif t sj'r already Jm .ami tr.'\ n< id What c*it*es lly*|ie|>si.- hut acid 1 l>o i not ail kno\\ that wh< n l>- -1 .ours in our stomachs, whit iiusthicfs it produce* ? tJv.-t --lcnce. hearthurti. paijotiitiisn l the heart, liver r.-no; la nt, diarrhiva, dyser.tery, roiic, ar.d corruption of the loo**'' \V hat is Scrofula hut an arni liumor in the body 7 W !; t prmluce. all the humors which tiring un lirupta a* of t!l9 Skin, Scald lloaii. Sail Kheum. Krysijwias, White Swell lti)f*, I'ever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and cvteru o It in nothing Under heal en. but an acid suhstance. ivticU sours, and thus (ul* Uie xluids of the body, niorr or less. What causes Uhcutuatisui out h soar or *cui 1 which Insinuates itseu betiveou the piinl* and cisewhere. urilntHis ami InUaniiiie the deiicalo t:s\ies upon which l acts? So of neitou* liiseiuu .[ uupurity of the M • daranfed ciri iilatuios, and nearly all the aiitnents wnnn afllict huuxan nature. _ , how- is it not horrible to u:.*k. and sell, and in^* 1 -''*' ter< to use tin* sale in Lewistown by F*. .\LLE-V who is sole asjenl for Mifll'.n county. | may 20,1549 —lv. i Superior Sugar-house Molasses. AI.SO. NKW Orleans and the real ? enuino Golden Syrup for sale at the former low prate, which is at least 'dO per cent, under the r lar country prices. A large supplv on its'' l - a 1., JONF.S nov'J. New ('heap Cash S'.otc.