Vol XXXV -Whole \o. I 874, Kates cf Advertising. One square, 18 lines, I 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00 t time 50 " 1 year 8.00 2 times 75 .J column, 3 mos. fi.oo 3 44 1.00 " 6 44 10.00 1 mo. 1.25 44 ] year 15.00 3 44 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 6 44 4.00 6 44 15.00 44 1 year 6.00 " ] year2s.oo 2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before mar -44 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. >\ hat! you mean to say that you do j ,; ' JI know this great robber, with whose every child in Prussia is familiar 4 1 mean to say so.' \nd vet \ ou are a Prussian IV true. I am a Prussian.' sini jjia , 2rsiisj(SM3]B a ! 4 Then you are a mystery,' replied the inn-keeper, sarcastically, j 4 So be it,' replied the other, with a laugh, j 4 nevertheless, 1 am anxious to learn the name of this great highwayman, whose i crimes are so well known in Prussia, that they strike terror to the hearts of all ages and sexes, and for whose head the scaffolds | ol Frederick are so impatiently waiting.' 4 1 lis name—you wish to know his name?' 4 Have I not said so ?' 4 \ on wish ine to pronounce it here, be fore tins gentleman, your companion ?' continued the inn-keeper, maliciously. 4 Certainly. My friend here has stout nerves, of which f have had good proof, within the last few hours, and will not faint on hearing it. lie is no woman, and can listen to the most frightful things without shuddering. Give us the name of this ter rible highway man, by all means.' 4 The name, then, gentlemen, of this man of a thousand crimes—the name of this great criminal, held in such horror and detestation throughout all Prussia—the name of this terrible man, whose infamous history is in the mouths of all—the name of this monstrous being, whom the laws have long since prejudged, and for whose capture there is a standing offer of three thousand thaler?, to any man or bodv of men who will deliver him into the hands ot a magistrate—the name of this man, for whom the prison yawns and the scaffold halts, is—' 4 Under , r interrupted mv travelling com panion, with a laugh, as he emptied his glass. 4 That is capital beer.' 4 Ha ! you know his name at last,' said the inn-keeper, with a sneering smile. 4 Certainly,' returned the other coolly. 4 You dragged in the detail?—details that I have heard so often—so eloquently, I could not help recalling it. No, you think there is now hope that Prussia will soon he rid ol Ruder—Ruder, for whose capture and arrest there is a standing reward of three thousand thalers ?' 4 ()1 course, lie is the greatest rogue in die country, and now the King has re solved to put the laws, relative to criminals, in force, Ruder being the greatest, of course cannot escape.' 4 0, indeed ! But how comes it that lie is so likely to be caught now / 1 thought, and report will sustain the idea, that Ruder has not been seen in Prussia for the last seven years ?' 4 It is true,' returned the inn-keeper. 4 but I have good authority for supposing that he has been seen in Prussia within the last ten days.' 4 Ila ! exclaimed inv travelling compan-' ion, with a slight start. 4 ls uso ?\\ hence came the news V 4 I read it, as you came in, in the paper.* 4 The name of the paper ?' 4 The Anhalt Courier.* 4 So, so. On learning his arrival, why did they not arrest linn V 4 They learned it not till he had made his way out ol the town in which he was recognized.' 4 Ha ! he was recognized, then ? By whom V 4 A former comrade.' 4 Humph ! Then the authorities are, it is to he inferred, by this time,on his track V 4 Doubtless. The reward is great, and the highwayman without money, arms, or friends,' and the innkeeper bent his eves upon my companion with what seemed to me a malignantly triumphant smile. The latter, however, having his eves down in thought, did not perceive it. At length, raising his head, and gazing steadi ly at the inn-keeper, he observed : 4 it would be a rare sight if one prison should receive mine host of the Inn of Sauvergne and Ruder the highwayman. Rarer still, ifone scaffold should hang them.' 4 \ cry—very rare !' returned the inn keeper, with a smile so ghastly that i trem bled while 1 looked at hirn. 4 if 1 remember,' continued my travel ling companion, with a strange light in his eye, • five thousand thalers, and a free par don to any criminal, are offered for his head, dead or alive. Am I not rigiu V 4 There is a report to that effect,' mut tered the ion-keeper, with a dry cough. 4 Together with a thousand thalers in addition, for each of his infamous family. Am 1 right V 4 I believe so.' 4 There are six persons in his family.' 4 Nay, only five—his wife is dead.' 4 \\ (;11, say there are five. Shall I name them ?' 4 Nay, that is your affair, not mine.' 4 Perhaps so. There are five, then—the inn-keeper, two daughters and two sons. Have 1 named them right?' 4 Granting that you have, what then V 4 Here, then, are two parties, for whom the King offers an aggregate of thirteen thousand thalers—three thousand for the highwayman and ten thousand for the criminals of the Traveller's Last Inn. Now, then, here are two parties, whose mutual interest it is to sustain and defend each other; for both stand within the grasp of law, and both will, if arrested, be swung from the scaffold.' 4 But how can they assist each other V asked the inn-keeper, eagerly. 4 Both have talent, courage, and power -—qualities, which, if united, effectually keep at bay all tbe power of the police.' 4 Nav, von mistake. Ruder is without money or arms—he is just arrived in the ; country, and is, therefore, without power , or comrades. It seetns to me, then, that • , all the talent, courage, and power, lie on ' one side.' i j 4 \ ou know nothing of his power or his ; plans, and, therefore, can form no opinion • in the matter. At all events, come what may, of the two parties, Ruder is the safest. The danger, if the king carries his threat* into effect, is to the parties of the Sauvergne Inn, and not to the highwayman.' The inn-keeper laughed. 4 \\ ell,' said lie, 4 we'll not argue the • i question. Lot the people of the inn, as , i well as the highwayman, settle iheir own business with the king. They'll be brought i together soon enough. "Who can tell what : a day may bring forth ?' 4 Precisely,' said the other, rising. 4 Rut j come, the hour grows lute, and I must rise with the dawn. My comrade and I will retire. Xhow us to our chamber.' 4 Stay,' said the inn-keeper, 4 you forget your purses and your valuables.' 4 W hat of them ?' said my comrade. 4 You know it is customary for travellers, on retiring lor the night, to leave their money and their valuables at the bar. My daugh ters will give you a receipt for them. In the morning you will return the receipts, and again receive vour deposits.' 4 faith, said my companion, winking at me slily, ' I have nothing to leave. In coining through the forest, the wolves made for us, and we were compelled to throw awav everything that stood in the way of our flight.' 4 But you have pistols, knives—' 4 No, by my faith, nor any thing else. The wolves made us part with every thing, save change enough to pay our lodgings, and a meal or two. Good night." 4 hood night,' returned the inn-keeper, in a tone of disappointment. We followed tip a young man, who pre ceded us with a lamp, up three flights of stairs, to a chamber, having in it a large double bed and a small dressing table, that stood between two chairs. 1 he young man set the lamp upon the table, and asked it we had any further or ders. 4 None," said my companion. The attendant then vanished, after care lessly closing the door. CHAPTER 111. My companion pointed me to a chair, and then threw himself upon the other. • Your name V said lie, in a low, cau tious tone. 4 Louis \ erginand. And yours ?' • Herman (trail*. Remember it, as I shall remember \onrs.' 4 But whv—' 4 You will ifnderstand it in a moment. Do you know where we are ?' • Of course.' 4 \\ here are we, then ?' 4 it Berse.' 4 Hush ! 1 think I hear footsteps.' He rose softly ami put iiis ear to the key-hole. • Did you hear anything?' said I as he returned to his chair. 4 es—but no matter. Things will go on as they will. 1 asked you if you knew where we were.' 4 You did, and I replied at Berse.* Herman laughed ; but never before had I heard a laugh so much resemble the hoarse wail ol one in agony, and the blood rushed coldly through my heart. 4 What if I tell you that I discovered the character of the town, and recognized the features of our entertainers, immediately on entering the inn ?* 4 What then ?' said I, somewhat confused and frightened by his manner. Herman groaned impatiently. 4 Man ! man !' lie exclaimed, 4 will you not understand me ? \\ e are not at Berse !" 4 Not at Hcrse V I responded fearfully. 4 Tor heaven's sake \v here are we then V 4 At Sauvergne.' 4 Great God ! and this is— * 4 I he FravellerV Last Inn,' he replied, mournfully. 4 Let us fly,* I cried, starting up in wild alarm. 4 M e are not sufficiently armed— let us fly.' 1 made a movement for the door, but lie laid one hand upon my arm to arrest my steps, and the other on my lips, to warn me to silence. 4 Hush—not so loud. Thev are five— we are only two. The odds are against us, lor the girls are as strong, keen, anil active as the lather ami sons. Besides, all chance of egress is, and has been, from the moment we entered, cm off. They stand between us and the door, armed like assas- i sins, as they are, to the teeth. We may j yet escape, but it must be b\ stratagem, not by force.' 4 Try the window, then. O, heavens! ; must 1 die, and yet so young !' J | 4 Hush—be a man!' cried Herman, j throwing aside the curtains of the window. 4 Look !'he exclaimed, holding up the lamp. ! I looked and shuddered. The windows ! were nailed down, and through the panes a heavy range of iron bars, like those front- j ing the cells of a prison, ran up and across , the frame. 4 The door!' I exclaimed, staggering hack at the sight. Herman flew to the door. It was fast. SATURDAY, MARCH 'J, 1830. ; and all his activity or strength could not make it give or budge a hair. 4 \V e are lost!' 1 cried, falling into a chair. 4 Not yet,' said Herman calmly. 4 The i crisis, however, is certainly approaching. But till it shall have come and left us corses, we must not despair. We must think— we must collect all our energies and our faculties and think. Yes, we must keep ; cool and think.' lie was himself far from calm. His line, manly features were as pale as a shroud ; his dark hair hung ropilv about his brow ; heads of cold sweat were visible at every pore ; his nerves shook painfully. He dropped for a few moments on the side ol the bed facing the door, and covered his eyes with his hands. My own agitation passed away in look ing upon him. In a lew moments he removed his hands and raised his head ; and then, to my amazement, all traces ol his agitation had passed away. His features were pale— indeed more so than before—but his nerves were calm and stern as iron, and the beads ot cold sweat had vanished. 4 Let u? prepare for the crisis,' said he, rising and seating himself on a chair. 4 Get ready your pistols and your knife.' 1 made no reply, but proceeded to fol low his suggestion. Jn a few moments, as far as defending i ourselves with our arms was concerned, we were ready, i 4 V e must make up our minds to pass the night without sleep, said my compan ion, • or else run the chance of sleeping for • c 1 ,r ' 4 I am prcpnn d." said I, resignedly. 4 And I. said Herman. 4 Now listen. It it be rn\ fate, in the conflict that is com ing. to fall, and yours to escape, I have a favor to ask of you.' 4 Name if.' 4 In the town of Picardy, France, 1 have an estate, valued at two hundred thousand francs. By using my name, anv citizen of that ton n will point it out to vou.' 4 Well.' 4 At Bcrse. by careful inquiry, you will find a poor, lone widow by the name of Ruder—-tie is my mother. Do not start, for I gup - your thought and pardon it.— \ ou m ill seek out this poor widow—tell her ol my end—convey her with what despatch you can to Picardv, and after paying yourself freely for vour own time and. trouble, put her in possession of mv property. Do vou limit rstauA me ?' 4 Yes: 4 W ill vou do this V 4 Yc?.'" 4 Thank you—thank you.' He took my hand and grasping it warm ly, turned away his head and wept. 4 And you." he said, at length ; 4 have vou nothing to say. nothing that I can do lor vou, tl you should fall, and 1 live ?' 4 Nothing,' said 1. 4 Nothing !' he exclaimed, looking at me, , m surprise. * Nothing.' ! replied. 4 1 am a mere clerk, tra\i llin; from town to town, and j village to ullage, to extend the country com-.tpondi-nct o! my employer. 1 haw no kindred living, nor friends that rare for me. 1 owe no man, and nil the trouble my death would create would be the bur ial of my body, and the necessity, on the part of my employer, of appointing another in my stead. If you will write to him the fuel of my death, "lis ail that will be necessary.' 4 His address V 4 M. Leseois, Paris." 4 Enough. Ii shall be done : Farewell.' We fell on each other's breasts, shook each other warmly by the hand, and sep arated. As we parted, Herman, pointed silently io the bed. It was sinking 1 slowly through the floor. \\ e Linked at each other. 4 The work of blood lias begun,' said Herman, in a fearful whisper. 4 Heath is here, as well as on yon couch. Deliver ance is not here, and it may he where that conch will lead us. Dare you trv it ?' 4 1 dare.' 4 Enough. Follow me.' Wc threw ourselves carefully upon the bed. in tin 4 attitude of men in a profound slumber, with our armed hands concealed between us and the coverlid. The couch continued to descend very gently, noiselessly and slowly—down— down—down. It seemed to me an age. I would have given worlds, were it in my power, to have had our descent accelerated, and our fate hastened. But it was not to be. We were to suffer the agony of uncertainty ■ and protracted doom. \\ e continued to descend slowly as be fore, and as noiselessly—with r.othing to meet us on the way—no light, no execu tioner, to break the monotony of our ago nv. j I at length resigned myself silently to the terrible torture, and threw out my hand. It struck against a wall. By the feeling in my knuckles, 1 yvas suddenly rejoiced to find that we had begun to descend faster than before. 4 Thank God, I involuntarily exclaimed aloud, 4 wc are nearing our journey's end.' 4 Hush," whispered my companion ; 'wc are nearing a vault. I know it by the pe euliaritv of the air. Bo ready for a spring.' My mind was made up, my first trust put in my destiny, and I felt no longer the j length of time consumed by the descension of the lied. | In a few minutes the air came sweeping all about us. 4 We are in the vault,' whispered my companion. 4 Spring, in God's name.' j He passed over nte and left; and I im mediately followed in his wav. 4 \ our hand, and tread cautiously,' whispered Herman. We had scarcely passed on twenty paces, in the darkness, when the faint rays of a torch loomed like the first rays of die moon through the vault. 4 Nloop,' and crawl forward, whispered my companion. We fell upon our knees, and, side bv side, crawled forward; 4 Our victims are in the toils,' said a voice behind us. Fnconsciously 1 turned my head and beheld five persons descending a flight of stairs immediately behipd the bed. They descended slowly and approached the bed. One of the parties raised a torch on high, while the others raised their hands. 4 Now.* cried a voire. And five hands, each armed with a poign ard. immediately fell upon the couch. No groan followed ; and discovering the state of things, everything was, in a moment, in a state of wild contusion. 4 Furies !' cried a voice, 4 they have es caped. They must be here—spread through the vault.' In a moment we heard steps behind, beside, and ahead of us. There was but one torch, however, to guide them, and they made hut slight progress. 4 Run,' cried a voice which I immediate ly recognised as that of the inn-keeper; 4 run for more lights.' Meanwhile we crept toward the right side of the vault and crept into a niche that was made in the wall. Leaning back we felt a dead weight upon our backs, and we stooped forward gently to shake it off. The next moment a fall, like that of two solid bodies, fell to the earth. The effusion that immediately after saluted our nostrils, warned us of the terrible fact that it was two corpses that we had so uncere moniously disturbed. I nablc to endure the terrible stench be fore us, we stole simultaneously from the niche, and passing u the left, dropped upon our knees. At this moment another light appeared on the* staircase, together with a form, which, despite the long robe enveloping n from neck to heel, we were assured was that of a female. In a few moments the woman passed us, to assist her companions. Still creeping through the gloom, we continued to crawl forward toward the staircase. • ilo. come forth, or expect no mercy,' suddenly cried the voice of the inn-keeper. A short pause succeeded. Meanwhile, we continued our course, till we had reached the earth immediately under the couch. 4 Wo must smoke them out,' continued the inn-keeper. 4 Ho, Hans, run up and bring the sulphur: we'll give them a fore taste of ' A light glanced in the gloom ; it ap proached. and in a few moments a voutig man, bearing a torch, came near us : a mo ment more, and he ascended the stairs. Herman laid his iiand significantly upon my arm. Meanwhile the voice of the inn keeper broke through the gloom, com manding ns to come forth. We crawled from our hiding place, and got under the staircase. ' Before us the vault stretched far awav, till the light looked like a star in the inidst <>l a vast room, and the asassins had dwindled into dwarfs. Suddenly we heard footsteps on the staircase. It was one of the assassins bringing down the sul phur. 4 for the last time,' cried the inn-keep er, 4 will ye come forth V A dead silence followed. 4 Bring the sulphur,* continued the inn keeper. • we'll strangle them.' The young man approached them with a pail in one hand and a torch in the other. At tills moment we crept from under the stairs and slowly ascended the steps. 4 They want it, and they shall have it, 1 cried the inn-keeper, with an oath. And lie begun slowly to drop the sul phur in a line, backing meanwhile toward the stairs, followed bv his companions, whose arms were lifted ready for a blow, and whose eyes wandered uneasily around them, in search of the victims who were now beyond their reach. The parties reached the stairs, with the long sulphurous train marking the course he had pursued. 4 For the last time,' again cried the voice of the inn-keeper, throwing down the pail, and seizing a torch, 4 will ye come forth, ere I set fire to the train ?' No voice responded to his appeal, and the torch fell upon the yellow track. The assassins sprang up the staircase ; hut at that moment the door above was closed and bolted upon them with a loud noise. 4 Trapped—snared !' fell faintly on our eat>, and then all was silent. I\ew srri(— Vol. 4—l\'o. 20. CHAPTER IV. We listened a moment at the crevices of the door, but save a few low groans, like those of persons in the last stage of human agony, we heard nothing, i ' Thev are caught in their own snare,' muttered my companion. 4 For the pre sent we are safe. W e have now but one difficulty.' 4 And that is—' 4 To reach the traveller's room. It we find a light there, all is well.' We groped our way along the wall till we came to an opening. Turning this, we soon reached an entry, faintly lighted by a lamp from a contiguous apartment. Following the light we soon found our selves in the traveller's room. Save ourselves it was devoid of human beings. A clock hung over the bar, and the hour hand was on the point of two. 4 We are up early,' said Herman, with a strange smile. And early rising de serves to be rewarded—what will you drink V 4 Brandy," I replied with a faint smile ; i , 4 my nerves want something.' He placed a bottle before me, together with a glass. 1 filled a bumper, and drank. He followed suit, then returned the bottle ■ and glasses to their places. We now seated ourselves to converse, ; and arrange our plans. 4 He have escaped,'said Herman, grasp ing my hand. 4 Let us congratulate each other.' 4 Bui we are not yet out of Sauvergne,' said I warningly. 4 "Lis true. But shall we quit it imme diately, or wait for the earliest hour of dawn to assist us V i 4 Can we then quit the inn without be ing seen ?' 4 I think so. It will be light enough at four, and the people in this section never rise till five. We shall therefore have the friendly aid of daylight, and be a good long way out of the town before the wak ing of the people.' 4 So be it. then. We'll wait to the opening of the dawn.' We passed the intervening time in rc ; viewing the events of the night, and ia ' dwelling on our plans. Ere we are aware , of it, the first grey streaks of morning , came stealing through the panes above the door. We hurried forth, and locking the doors behind us, took the road to Anhalt. It was hard on to noon when we en tered the town. The clock was just ut tering the hour, as we crossed the thresh old of the chief magistrate's office, in which we found assembled a crowd of ; some thirty or forty persons. A man was making a deposition before the magistrate, who was listening intent!v to every word, while a clerk was busilv | engaged in transferring it to paper. My companion elbowed his wav through the crowd, to the desk, and with his ha: in his hand, took his position beside that ot the man who was making the deposi tion. Herman east his eyes incidentallv upon the latter, and then colored to tiie temples. Determined to understand the cause of this, I worked around the erowd till I was in a line with them ; and then in the stranger, making' the deposition. I recog nised the face ol thp miller, whom we had i passed the day before, in the forest. At this moment, he had deposed to all he had to say, and he turned casually, and iiis eyes fell on Herman. In a moment, his features became suf j fused with a death-like paleness, his eves dropped as ii they had encountered some terrible enemy, and his limbs were seized I with a deep trembling'. ' My (rod !" he exclaimed, in a low, trembling voice, 'tis lie—'tis Ruder !' • Ruder !' exclaimed the magistrate, starl ing up. and staggering back. 'Where?* 4 There,' exclaimed the miller, pointing to Herman. In an instant, the court was in a state of the wildest contusion. All started back from where Herman stood, as if a shell had fallen among them. Some lied : but in another moment at a sign from the ma gistrate, live men, whose official badge proclaimed their character, suddenly pre cipitated themselves upon my late com panion, and bore him to the floor. lie made no resistance, and thov forced him into an adjoining room, where lie was immediately chained, hand and foot, an i all power of defence, even if he felt so inclined, taken away from him. All this passed so suddenly, that it seemed to me like a dream. So sudden had been the discoverv, ac tion, and arrest, and the consequent excite ment attending it, that, when the door was locked upon the highwayman, every faee in the court was as pale as ashes. Having collected my wits, 1 now ad vanced toward the desk, and bending over, whispered a few words in the magistrate's ear. 4 A few words in private, sir ?' said I. ' Any business of importance ?' 4 Certainly, sir.' 4 Follow me. 1 He turned to a room toward the left, into which we entered. We seated our selves, and I gave him a detailed hi;tory ol the events that had transpired, from the Er iAST pioe.