Vol XXXV.—Whole Xo- 1873. Rates of Advertising. .in.- -tinarc, 18 lines, ! 2 squares, 6 mos. 85.00 I time 50 | " 1 year 8.00 " 2 times 75 I k column, 3 mos. 6.00 3 44 1.00 I 6 " 10.00 I mo. 1.25 | " 1 year 15.00 •* 3 " 2.50 I column, 3 nios. 10.00 6 " 4.00 I 44 6 44 15.00 1 year 6.00 j 44 1 year 25.00 •2 squares, 3 tunes 2.00 j Notices before inar ' 3 mos. 3.50 j riages, Ac. (§l2. Communications recommending persons for office, must be paid in advance at the rate of 25 cents per square. WALTER LILLET RESPECTFULLY announces to his old It friends, and as many new one 3 as can make it convenient to call, that he has just re ceived his Fall and Winter Stock of Goods, which he is prepared to dispose of at as reason able prices as Mr Johnston Thomas, and he sells about twenty per cent, lower than any Store in the East Ward. My stock consists of a general assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, viz: DRY GOODS, GROCERIES Queeiisware, Glassware anl Hardware, JIDDIM itli) 3111)33* TOBACCOS VXD SEGARS, and Spies of the purest kind. Together with all the articles usually found in a country store. As we do not feel able to oc upy the newspapers with an advertisement of two"or three columns, we just say to our friends to call and see us, and if you don't purchase from us we will not grumble. Lewistown, Dec. 22, IS49 — tf PALMER'S Business Men's Almanac, for saie at this Office. * FEW pieces Turk Satin Du Chene, 28 jY. inches wide, selling at only $1.25 per rard. Call and see 0ct.20. NUSBAUM, BROTHERS. I FRENCH and English Merinoesand Mouse 'l line de Laines, a large assortment ot ev -ry shade and quality, at JONES' nov3. New Cheap Cah Store. FRESH TEAS, QUOD AND CHEAP. "tirOUNG Hy9on, Imperial, Souchong, and H Oolong. C. L. JONES, 0c27. AMP Cheap Cash Store. IIATSANDCAPS, FVOR Men and Boys, a large assortment at reduced prices. C, L. JONES, 0c27. New Cheap Cash Store. Bar Iron. BEST quality Bar Iron for sale cheap for cash, at C. L. JONES' dec 15 New cheap cash store, JUST received and now opening, plain and embroidered Sack Flannel, for ladies and bildren—selling very cheap at 0ct.20. NUSBAUM, BROTHERS. Herkimer comity C'lieese. A LARGE lot of very superior quality j us t received at C. L. JONES' nov3. New Cheap Cash Store. Mackerel, Shad and Salt, JONES' is the place to buy them cheap. n0v.17. C. L. JONES. >£W ORLEANS &ifGAR AND MOLASSES. SELLING at Jones' at EST quality three-ply Carpets warranted * —selling at sl.l'2£ per yard, such as is r 'id at other stores for and #1.70. Al *>, a splendid assortment of other Carpeting, does, w— -1 rente. cts., 2.7 cts., 31 cts., cts., H (N,, 70 cts.. 70 cts., 6'2| cts., 77 cts , H7£ ". SI.OO, #1.27 and #1.70; also a handsome *ortrnent of Bombazines. C. L. JONES' r io3. New Cheap Cash Store. Carpets! Carpets! At Jones' Carpet Hall f 'AN be seen the most splendid assortment ->ot every grade ana quality—Rag. Venitian, • in, and Imperial; KUCS&.C. 'These Car ' "re direct from the celebrated manufac ; ol A. B. Culton & Co., in Chester county, 1 warranted good—no auction trash. Call 1 ; l8p *. c. h. JONES' \t ir ('heap Cu&h Store. iisrin) E S ) JL2iwn^i j ©wss , 3 IPI_ q w. 11. IRWIX, A TTOR Ni: Y A T L AIE, HAS resumed the practice ofliis profession in this and the adjoining counties. Office at the Banking House of Longeneck | or, Grubb & Co. " Jan. 20, 1848—tf. GEO. W. LLDZIB. .1 T T O R NE Y A T L A TF, Lewistown, .Mitliin County, Fa. OFFICE two doors wet of the True Demo crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any business in the Courts of Centre country. August 25, 1849—tf. Wo So Attorney at Law, LWTILI. attend promptly to businessentrust v v ed to his care in this and adjoining counties. Office one door west ot the Dost Office. June l>k '49-ly. MAGISTRATE'S OFFlCE enristiax iiDovnit, Juticc or the Peace, CAN be found at his office, in the room re cently occupied by Esquire Kulp. where he will attend to all business entrusted to his care with the greatest care and despatch. Lewistown, July 1, 1848—tf. 31. MONTGOMERY, Hoot Slioe 7lftiMilii COFFI.NS made to order and funeral* attended at the shortest notice. Either Mahogany, Cherry or Wal nut can be had at moderate terms. ANTHONY FELIX. Lewistown, December 1. IS 10. A VERY large and handsome Mock of Rea dy-made CLOTHING, Boys' do., just landed and now opening at oc2o N USB A UM, BROTHERS. J BENCH Mcrinoes and Thibet Cloth in all imaginable colors, from the lowest grade to (he first quality, just received and now opening at 0ct.20. NUSBAU.M, BROTHERS. HOSIERY AND TRIMMINGS. rip HE fullest arid most complete assortment JL of Hosiery and Trimmings ever opened before in 1 ewistown will be found at C. L. JONES' nov.'L New Cheap Cash JSlorr. Cloths. Cassiraeres, Sattinets, and Vestings, IN endless variety, at every price and quali ty, for sale tit) per cent, below the usual price, at C. L. JONES' nov.'L New Cheap Cash Store. If m br ell as. SILK, Cotton, and Gingham, a large assort ment for sale very low, by the piece or dozen—so cents, 60 eta., 70 cts., 80 cts ,00 cts.. $1 00, 91.12&, $1.25. $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, it, that s it, the one thing need ful, that ! hate been in search of. I'll try j it—l'll buy some this very day, said he, j 44 let int. 4 sec, ' reading : I I tit it on freely at night, and on rising j . m die morning the hair will be completely j and thoroughly dved." " Good." exclaimed Harry, 44 no sort of trouble, just as easy as the bll he went to the agent's who gave 1 j him a bottle of the reduced price as the ■ paper said, and told llarrv he never saw a belter subject for testing the virtue of the : i dye. 44 Well, said Ifarrv to us, 44 I put it on one Saturday night, and sure enough, the next morning when I looked into the glass "i> hair seemed as black as your hat. I j eouldn t see very well in my chamber, ' which is none of the lightest, so after imi-'hiiig up ami fixing for meeting, I met Mary the chamber-maid, and asked )e r if it was all right. 44 V ery nice, Mr. Leeman." said she, •'! never saw such beautiful colors in all mv " (ohrs / said I, - you mean color, Mary ; drop \\\e plural, if you please," said I. laughing at the girl's "want of correct ness in her speech. W lit n the hells rung I started ofT, proud as a peacock, lor church, reinforcing tnv seli with soil looks and smiles, on purpose to open a real battery attack upon Louisa Freeman. I got in early, for 1 was chock tui! ol it, and w ited uneasily for her to come, and the minister to read the first hymn, w hen we all rose and turned to lace the choir in the singing scats, 1 shall nev er forget how proudly 1 rose and faced about towards those singers that morning ! 1 saw several persons looking at me rather queer, but thinks I to myself, he's im proved, i is Marry Leemaii. there's no l ubbiiii: that out. At last 1 caught Loui sas eye, when she laughed right out m meeting. i (links |. the girl wants to in sult me, and 1 sat down rather sore. \t last the minister rose and read his !( xt. It was y queer one, I thought— something about the leopard s changing his spots. 1 hinks i, thai man is looking at . ni'' and every time he spoke about chang ing his spots, he turned his cadaverous eyes at me, as much as to sa\ you culprit you—and hang it, I began to fed like one ! -and-b\ Deacon Lovctt reached over from his pew just behind me and touched my shoulder. W hen 1 turned to see what the old fellow wanted, lie pointed signifi cantly over bis shoulder with his thumb and nodded to me. W hat the device docs lie mean, thought 1 ; and in a minute after he repeated the curious and remarkable motion with his thumb over his shoulder towards the en tranee of the church. To bother nic still more, the sun began to stream in at one of the side windows, and play across the church just over my head and eyes, A little girl in the deacon's pew now laughed right out. just as Louisa had done ! W hat the deuce is coming now, thought J. half crazed between tint deacons punches on my shoulder, the sun in my eyes, and the people giggling; but 1 tried to look straight at the minister. That rascally little gnl just back of me had attracted his attention, and as my eye met his he put his handkerchief to his face as quietly as pos sible, but, curse, him, I saw that lie was laughing too !" Though the sun was all this time half blinding me, yet f could discern several persons eyeing me quccrly. Just at this moment Deacon Lo\ctt punched me again ami whispered : 41 Mr. Leeman, if you must stay in the church, for mercy's sake, put on i/our hat r * J I saw it all in an ; the people were laughing at my hair! 1 stooped down and clutched my hat cot vulsively, and glided out ot the pew and down the aisle so that J could scarcely stop to open the door w hen 1 got to it, and you had - better believe 1 kept it up until 1 got home and found a looking glass. Horror! I almost tremble now to ; think of it; there was my hair clothed in all the hues of tfie rainbow— green, pink, brown and yellow I —O, ye gods ! how 1 j raved and tore. 1 soaked and washed, • and washed and soaked again, but all to no purpose ; and at last paid Bogle a dollar to shave it close, and five more for a wig. i o the day ot my death 1 shall never lorget that mysterious motion ot Deacon Lovett over his shoulder, towards the door with iiis thumb, and what he said about pulling on //in ha!, if I must stay in church!" 44 But how about the pretty Miss Louisa Freeman, the vocalist ?" we asked, picking up the buttons of our coat from the floor. 44 O, Louisa—why, she's ?>lrs. Leeman, now ; hut 1 never forgave her for laughing at me in that trying situation /" I iy The following is from an Indiana editor. Some Hoosier gal presented him with a pie, and just hear how he takes on about it. lie needn't have gone crazv : 44 The editor's loftiest regards to Miss Eliza, for a delicious blackberry pie. A copious slice contributed to his machine, made it sing— Of all the girls below the skies, Hive me Lize—O, give me Lize ! Bhe haj cherry-lips and coal-black eyes, And then she's SOME on berry pies- Give me Lize ! Eyes!! Pies !! ! It is for her I daily sighs— -14 " 44 44 " nightly txies— For her, I swan, 1 almost dies, While constantly 1 cries, And sighs— Give me Lize, Her black eyes, And berry pies ! Soon after the Copernican system of as tronomy began to be generally understood, an old Connecticut farmer went to his parson with the following inquiry :—"Dr. do you believe in the new storv they tell about the earth moving round the sun?" 44 \ es, certainly." 44 Do you think it is according to the Scriptures ? If its true, how could Joshua command the sun to stand still !" 44 Uraph !" quoth the Dr., scratching his head. 44 Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, did he ?" \ es. 44 \ ell it stood still, did it not!" \ es. •• \ try well. Did you ever hear that he set it going again /" If you do not wish to fall in love with a giri, don t commence flirting with her. 1 his courting ior tun. is like boxing for tun. \ou put on your gloves in perfect good humor,—with the most friendly in tentions of exchanging a few amiable blows :—you find yourself insensibly warm with the enthusiasm of the conflict ; until some unlucky punch in the 44 veskit," decides the matter, and the whole affair ends in a downright light. Don't you see the similarity ? A gentleman tells us a good storv of one ot his domes*ics. Having employed a new If male servant, he sat down in the parlor the evening alter to a 44 civil game of whist" v> uli his u ile and a couple ot neighbors. The next morning the 44 help" observed that 44 the card-playing must be put a stop to, or she would be obliged to leave—she didn t approve of the practice, and never allowed i: in families w here she lived." LI.KG.VNT. —•• Quit spitting that nasty tobacker on the floor, Josh, or I'll whip you." •• La, mother, why don't you speak pro perly \ ou should have said, cease eject ing that offensive saliva of the \ irginia weed upon the promenade, or 1 shall ad minister to you a severe castigation.— A Item !" 44 Sonny. T don't see anything growing about hen—\\ hat does \ our father raise on this land ?" 44 Wall, he r.dses hackmatack,grasshop pers, hop-toads, tumble-bugs, and some other wegetables. A esterday he raised a double-breasted pig pen right under the window, and mother raised old Cain." A young buck of the soaplock order, who wore an unshaven face because, as he said, it looked foreign, latelv accosted a ankoe ankoe at one of our hotels, as follows : 1 say, fellow, some individuals take me for a Frenchman, and some take me for an IJfalyene, now what do you think 1 ain ?" ""l think you are a d d fool," replied Jonathan. In a certain benighted part of the coun try may be seen on the outside of an hum ble cottage, the following inscription in large g,u huters—> A Seminary for Young Ladies. This was, perhaps, too abstruse tor the villagers, as, immediately under neath, there is added, in rude characters, " Notcy beny—Allso, a Gals Skool." "!• atherain't you opposed to monopoly?'' " \ es, my boy." " Then give me a drink, too." The fatW broke the bottle on the tloor, and since then has not tasted liquor. " Mr. Snaeks, 1 owe you a grudge, re member that!" " I shall not he frightened, then, for I never knew you to pay anything that you owed." Juries—Vol. 4-Xo, IS. — -L-i-i —J CS^LE"* V> IF AT JEN W I.INI) is TO GET. The Liverpool Men-wry says Mr. •' Barnum's i qgent was authorized to offer $250,000 for i one hundred and fifty nights, and if that I were not sufficient, lie was empowered to I add an additional $125,000, making alto gether, upwards of -£BB,OOO or more than £SOO ($2,500) for each of the one hundred and fifty times she is to sing." She has accepted these terms, and it is said that £30,000 is to be placed in the hands (f Baring, Brothers &. Co.,before " the Swed ish Nightingale" starts from England. If this is correct, we should not wonder to see the old adage illustrated in the case of Barnum. that •• a fool and his money are soon purled." On the new line of canal of the Hudson and Delaware Canal Company, now in progress of construction, in Ulster county, there have been some large operations in the way of blasting. One charge threw out full 1200 yards of rock, by measure ment. Another, more recent threw out ten per cent of more rock. The charge in this last case, consisted of 100 kegs, or 2,500 pounds of powder ! The concus sion was felt for miles around, but with out damage, except in the shattering of the glass. It is described as like the shock of a small earthquake.— Albany Argus. PRUSSIA PROBABLY THE SCENT, or TIFE NEXT EUROPEAN REVOLUTION". —The e vents which are transpiring in Prussia are invested with much interest. According to the Berlin correspondent of the New \ ork Advertiser, Prussia will be the thea tre of the next revolutionary movement in Europe ; and when it comes it will scarce ly he less than an earthquake. Frederick William is making himself odious by his public measures, and the popular branch of the Chambers is coming into direct colli sion with him. producing exasperation and disgust in the feelings of the people to wards the monarch. Jonathan 11. Green, commonly known as the " Reformed Gambler," was com mitted to prison in New York on Thurs day last', on a warrant issued by the U. S. Commissioner, charging him with an at tempt to pass a counterfeit SSOO Treasury note. At the time of his arrest the note was found upon his person. The police of St. Louis, arrested at Al ton. on the 7th inst., a coiner, named Dunn, and found in his possession SI,BOO coun terfeit coin. All his machinery was taken. He has carried on the business for two years, and manufactured bogus money to the amount of SBO,OOO. A Poll-parrot case is being tried in New ! Orleans, and occasioning a great sensation, i The bird talks several languages, and swears like a " journeyman tinman." I Two wealthy parties claim it, and such a | contest. James 11. Sutliffie, was sentenced at | Charleston, on Saturday, to two years' I imprisonment and a line of $2,500, for burning a dwelling house at Charleston Neck. A gentleman in Albany has about one baby a month left at his door, accompanied with the request that he will charitably provide for it, and bring it up religiouslv. In Cincinnati, females in men's attire, prowl around tiie streets after night, drink ing in various coll'ee houses \\ ith young men. Nice. Mr. Wakeley, the editor of the Lancet, has given it as his opinion that all drunk ards are lunatics, and should be sent to the asylum. Port w me has been imported into Liver pool from New York. An English paper asks, if we made it better tlian they do in England. The convent of St. Bernard had been entirely blocked up by snow. The Monks have been obliged to open a subterranean passage, to extricate themselves. Bracelets are very much worn abroad, and arc composed chiefly of gold, or gold bands with jewelled clasps. Cameo clasps are also much worn. Two hundred tons of saltpetre have been lately sold in Providence, R. '..held on speculation ever since the last war with Great Britain, a period of 35 years. More snow has fallen this season in the Pyrenessthua lias ever before been known. QUAINT. —Some Philosopher gives ad vice in the following quiet style !—•• Ye who are eating the apple-dumplings and molasses ol wealth should not forget those who are sucking the herring bones of poverty." An Irishman, who was lately repriey&d, as he stated, the night before his c>\mUoi} ami who wished to get ,<• i - wrote to her as , , , aows.— i was yester day hanged, and died like a hero; ,/r did , and bear it l;!;e a man "