fflil'iliVl >1 US!! UNABATED ATTB ACTION! T rir,i N'FVV CHEAP CASH STORE continues to be the great resort of all • lOIN FjS neopfo U. want of good and cheap goods of every description. Goods . .?,, TWENTY PER CEXT. lower than any other store in Lew 2S£"! the 1 purchases being made in Philadelphia and New York for cash of the importers and manufacturer* enables the subscriber to get goods lower than all other merchants,_as lie bujs in quantities sufficient to make at least ten per cent., and the oUiem^im imr mu-di larger than any other store, and nearly equal to the business ot al tne ottiers com L'medJ>ks him ti* sell at a verj small profit, and lie docs asstirn the people of Lew, Mown and of ilie nurroniidino country that he will continue tl„ .ystera ol buniness. and respectfully nvites the attention of the public.'to his Tremendous Assortment of Goods, .enraged in his commodious show rooms. The stock of goods is the largest, and the assort meet the most extensive bv far, ot any other establishment between Philadelphia and PilUhurg, and comprises every article wanted. Many kind, of goods aro kept this store not to he toond in other places, and will positively De sold at I hiladelph'a prices. Please remember that it is a custom amongst storekeepers generally, to put down the puces of leadinc articles, such as Sugars, .Muslins, &c., for the purpose of giving the public the im- P-ession that ti.ey are sel.mg goods very cheap. I his is one ot the tricks ot trade, and is not practiced at this establishment All articles will be offered at the same rate of profit. Broad Cloths will be sold at very small advance as well as fip Sugar. Enough said, call and see tor yourselves, and be convinced of the above facta. ' r.ewistnwn.Oct. 27, 1849. <'• L V !ONK . S - TffRfTS AW OF every quality, size, and price imaginable, now opened in the large show room at C. 1.. JONES' Levyisto\yn, - n , uv - JU i. Heady-made Hothing. 4 LARGE stock on hand, and selling 20 per cent, lower than the lowest. Before pur -I\. chasincr elsewhere be sure to call at JONES Lewistrnvn, October 27, 1849. JVerr Cheap Cash Store. 6RAinXHIBITION F Of New, Superb ami Cheap Goods! AVMITTAJVCE—FREE ! Buv cheap, while sluggards sleep, And you will have goods to wear and keep. 4 S everybody seems to be engaged this year in blowing his own trumpet as to what he or m thev can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, we have had had a mind to try our hands at the bus.nese, but several CAR AND BOAT LOADS, comprising all the latest styles of rich and costly goods, having just arrived, we conclude*! to hold on to the usual mode of advertising. VVe therefore beg leave to announce to our custom ers in Mitfiin, Union, Centre, Huntingdon and Juniata counties, that besides receiving rr>rg?Ts7 v•- r •_§- A D we have just returned (for the fourth or fifth time this year) from the city with about as corn icle and elegant an assortment of lOlir 2)'113 3 SDDD3 p.s was ever seen in this or any other country town, embracing every description arid styie ot all that is Jlrto, llf.rt, nn!j jfastifonalJlr, at prices varying from a few cents to dollars per yard. In other kinds of goods we can show in quality and price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be found elsewhere —especially in CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATIMETTS, and, we will venture to add, in FALL and WINTER GOODS GESF. RALL} . Ol Bonnets. Carpeting. Ready-made Clothing, Boots, Shoes. Hosiery. Gloves. Ribbons. and numberless other small matters, the inquiry need but be made to satisfy any one that thpy have all been selected with care, purchased at a low price, and as a necessary consequence are offered lor sale cheap. Our Groceries,Eish, Salt, are also very low, and offer strong inducements to persons in town and country to cailand purchase. Since opening our establishment here we think we have fully demonstrated that, as a general thing, we sell as low as the very lowest, IF NOT A LITTLE LOWER. We do not profess to sell one. nor two, nor three articles at a very low price, but we do profess to sell EVHR\ THING in either the Dry Goods or Grocery line so cheap that we are confident that our triends ev erywhere will be the gainers by giving us a call and making their purchases. For past favors we are duly thankful, and shall be pleased to wait on all old customers and any number of new ones who may be attracted to our establishment by the reputation it lias ac quired as being the cheapest store in Lewistown. ' Loiviatown, October dl, I'IQ. MISIIAUM. MitOTll EltS. J THOMAS' Cheap Slave Stove, Between Swartz's and McDowell's Taverns, 2. E W.I S T O W N . 6. Tremendous Excitement! ! And all about Thomas's selling goods so CHRAP. I have a large assortment of * Hoofs ami Shoes, srid I.\l/!RS' and MISSES* GAITERS, made by the iKst of workmen ; a variety of ;>jrn (Svamica, mill /liquors, cf the b.-st kind • among which are some very choice BRANDIES, and a superior article of S I OU'FOS BITTERS; aDo, PfJW DEU, SHOT, and LEAD ; 100 bur rets heft Alouongtrhela VVIiiSKiA. J. THOMAS, October 13, 18A9. —tftir.lV. Bitv.ecn b'wurtz's aid McDcuelFs Taverns. Queensware & Glassware. QUITE un extensive assortment just open ing at the New Cheap Cash Store. ! Gilt French China Tea Setts. 1 do do do Plates. White Iron Stone Tea and Dinner Sets, do Granite do do do | Light Blue do do do Floring Blue do do do Toilet Sets, 0 pieces; Plates of ali kinds and : sizes by the single or dozen ; also a large as : sortment of Cups and Saucers, by the single ; Set; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses • Pitchers; colored and white glass Candlesticks; ! Preserve Dishes, in endless variety; French j china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various ' patterns; Castors ; Tumblers ; Glass Jars, va ; rioussizes; stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tnr ! key Dishes, white, blue and mulberry, also | steak Dishes to match; Bowls, Pitchers; sauce i Dishes; and a large lot of common Cups and i Saucers, all offered for sale at unprecedented i low prices for cash, at C. L. JONES' nov3 New Cheap Cash Store. Indemnity. Tito Franklin Fire Insurance Company oi Philadelphia, OFFICE, No. 1 03J Cheanut street, near Fifth stieet. DIRECTORS I Charles X. Bancker, George W. Richards, i Thomas Uart, Mordecai 1) Lewie, j Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Borie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, ; Jacob It. Smith, Morris Patterson. Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on j every description of properly in town and country, at j rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, j affords ample protection to the assured, j The assets of the Company, on January Ist. 18-18, as i published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol j lows, viz. Morlgagee, $990,556 60 Real Estate, i''8,368 9(1 Tem|>orary Loans, 121,459 CO Stocks, 51,563 25 Cash, &.c. 45,157 r>7 $ 1,930,097 67 ! Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen \ ears, they have paid upwards of one million two hundred thou- I rand dollar a losses by tire, thereby affording evidence of ] tile advantages of insurance, as well as the ability ami disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. CHABLKS G. BANCKLR, Secretary. For terms apply tu It. C. HALE, Lewis town. ap!4—ly. ! inrrfLL WONDERS NEVER CEASE 1 ▼ V Really Truth ia Strange ! The advent | of the year I*>sU brought Joy to Thousands, ! who, with the dissolution of the past year j " bade Good bye" to all timid apprehetiaions of j a Failure, and boldly advancing their suit at i the Shrine of Fortune, determined hencefor'h S to seek riches, only at that exhaustless mine of ! wealth, PYFER ,000 sent !o Vir j gmia ; >< 1 (. sent to North Carolina; $lO,- j 000 sent to South Carolina ; $9,000 sent to ; Pennsylvania ; $-.000 sent to Georgia; ,§">000 i sent to Ohio—all promptly paid by Pyfer & | Co. and the tickets now on at their truly ! fortunate office. Such luck only at Pyfer &i | Go's. Orders confidential. BRILM.iXT SCHEMES Poll b KBR I'.ik Y, 1850. j Dtc Capital No. of Price of Price of i Feb'y Prizes. Ballot*. Ticket* Packag's I 0 35,000 79 No*. 16 drawn $lO 30 09 23,000 75 No*. 12 drawn 5 18 50 ; K lO.OOU 72 No*. 11 draw n 4 UOO I 9 50,000 7- No*. 12 drawn 15 59 00 111 15,000 79 No*. 13 drawn 9 30 UO i 12 20,000 75 No* 12 drawn 5 19 50 113 32,000 7s No* 13 drawn 10 31 txl llt 10,000 75 No* 12 drawn 5 1- 50 - 15 19,(>00 7s No*. 13 drawn 3 Is 50 : If. 35,000 75 No* II ilrawn 10 31 00 IIS 10/100 78 No*. 15 drawn 8 25 (XI | 12 3of 10/100 72 No*. 13 drawn 5 17 00 j2O 33.(KM) 75 No*. 13 drawn lt> 34 I*' 21 25,000 7ft No*. 13 drawn 5 19 50 22 13,500 78 N'oo. 13 drawn 4 13 00 23 67,500 75 No*. 12 drawn 20 74 00 | 25 sof Ig.OOO 79 N'os 13 drawn 9 30 (Hi 20 20,000 75 No*. 15 drawn 5 15 no j27 30,000 60 No*. 10 drawn 10 30 00 1 28 20,000 7 9 \'n* 14 drawn 3 K 50 OThc prire i f Package* <■( G .arier Tick- ls only, n ! ' advertnu'd aboVtf. >Ple'a*e mail urder* a f.-w ua\s before llie I .otter ie* ; I draw. Lett -rs alwsy strongly enveloped andcarefully sealed, i I *>None bul the .Manager*' printed Drawing* sent from i ' PYFER & CO.'S. ! Every order to Pyfer dc Co I* answered by return mail, j I Bank Draft* or Certificates of Deposit payable in Gold I ; at sight, and promptly remitted to any part of the coun- Ilry for prizes sold at this Agency. tVOne package of Ticket* may draw Four Capitals! | r- Mom yin any Slim* however large, can be confident ly mailed to ttie aibN%-*s ut Pyfer to. Distant resident* throughout the 1 nitad 9'tatec, who ' desire an lncr. a*e of Fortune, tiave only to mail an order for a single ticket or package at the price* set forth in the above isrliedule, as mere** must atirely crow n the result of all orders to the Old Established, Far l imed and Truly l.ucky House of PYFEK CO., ,Yo. I Light st., Ifultimore, Md., February 2, I*so- .'it. - I). SiDILID & SON, MICKIi: lIASOYS, : IITOULI) respectfully inform their friends f T and the public, that they still continue to carry on the MA It RLE RUSIIS' ESS in all its various branches, at their old stand, Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sts., LEWISTOYVN, where they have constant I yon hand MARBLE i MAN'IELS, TOMBS, MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, &c. All kinds of PLAIII 8c OIHJAIVIEIJTAI* j work executed with neatness, and on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them, they btill solicit i a continuance of the same. < fillers from any part of the country, through mail, attended to with nrcnracv and despatch. March IT, liß-J,-—tf 1R. JI IRTIVS ; compouus setup of WILD CRGRRIJ 18 Ihc best Medicine yet for Coughs, Colds, Consump tion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, See. Bead the fol j lowing: November 13th, 1818. ! Dear Sir —l take great pleasure m saying to you that | Mrs. Ross has been entirely relieved of her cough by the j ! use of vour Syrup of ll'ild Cherry. It had continued for j I fully eighteen months. She had used several prepara- j | tions of the Wild Cherry now in popular use, but not j I with the slightest benefit, until she took yours. She on- ! j ly took six bottles, and 1 am pleased to say she is now in , ! good health. Every one who saw Mrs. Ross thought | her in a deep decline. LEWIS P. ROSS, j No. 267 8. Charles Stredt, Baltimore, Captain of S-.hoon- j er O. K., Cambridge Packet. j In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign ; Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary- ! land, of June Cth, 1818, says. Price 75 cents a Bottle. j Prepared and sold by MARTIN Sc WHITEI.EV, at , their wholesale Drug Store, 18 S Calvert Street, Haiti- ! more, And for sale by P. J. HOFFMAN a-nd . VVATTSON & JACOB, Lewistown; ALKX i ANDicit RUTLEDGE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon ! • county. [Juno 30. 1?*19 —ly. GREEK'S | CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE. rpHE Proprietor of this valuable remedy j JL for Worms, introduces to bis friends and i the public, his Celebrated Vermifuge. Head the following: DECATI R TOWNSHIP. Mifilin county, J j September 11th, lbl'J. 3 1 vn. S. F. (IREKX: Hispeeled Fricvd —Two of our children having been , ' severely aliticted this summer with Fever and Ague, and 1 ' ; having checked it four different times by the use of the , , regular remedies, still they complained of pains in the i legs, bowels, head, and in fact in the n hole system; vora cious appetite, fever, great diarrhma, Ate, and after hav ' iiig used all the remedies thought suitable for the above 1 symptoms, I concluded that they both had Worms, and accordingly gave each of them (the one nine years of age : and the other 7) two tea-spoonfuls apiece of your valua- j Ale Vermifuge, and in three iiours from the time of their . ] taking the above small doses, the youngest passed FIVE i of the largest vorms 1 have ever seen. The oldest boy passed a wild tmlt of worm* (it may appear incredible, bu! It u truth) as large as a walnut, and both have been get r ! ting well fast since. You limy make the above public if you think proper for the benefit of others, and for the purpose of introducing your valuable Vermifuge in Decatur tow uship Yours, Sec., D. B FISHER The above valuable Vermifuge is prepared and sold by Dr. iS. F. HKHBN, at the Lewie town Medical Depot, No. 11. September 29,1-49. Unt'tiii A, IVliilelev'* | NATIONAL TONIC, A certain Cure tor Ague, Fever, and Dyspepsia. i 1 \" our nunini'T ami fall mouths many factions of our A countr> atH prostrated by BILUOIts FF.\ Elt and ACI t and FKVEU. —It has been our particular study to find out some remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, and | think, in thu TON H." we have effected litis (treat object ■ It is also we think the very tie.t remedy 111 Dyspepsia, and if our direction* are followed, will not fail to effect a cure. In a letter dated. May 43d, 1-19, etir Agent, Mr F.lias R.inb, of Wrightsville, Ark county, Fa .*ay —I have neaer known any remedy for Ftt'.r ,-ni Ajue e-jual to i .our invaluable National Tonic. It has eiven universal a ltisfaction, and has cured case, of Agu.' of years stand inp, and after the failure of all other medicines niftde use of Mr Henry Heverson.of the same place, says In his j certificate, dated "-Zd March, I •119, • i applied to a number of Physicians, and alao used a variety of the most popu ! lar Acne Mulurts at different tunes, but all without the j lesired efTect; no permanent cure having been afforded. t ] I was at length induced, at the recommendation of your j worthy Agent at lhis place, lo try a botlie of your Na j lional Tom . and to my great satisfaction,before 1 had > used half.if it, If. it completely cured, though I contin ued the use of it till I tnif taken two bottles.' In a joint ! certificate from Me*rs M.les Hoke, William Rlacksnn, and James !> lirow n, of the same place, they say—'lilt ! ing tried marly all the remedies w itbtn our reach with out success, we at last purchased some of your .Variuaoi 7'.>mc. which has completely cured us We, therefore, , cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all p. rsons cf ' rifted with til.it terrible disi ase as the b.-t remedy yet ' discovered.' See the Pamphlets, which you can get ft mi one of our : Agents gratis ! Also, Dr. Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use, ( in ail eases w here a purgative is needed. t> Prepared and sold by MARTIN Ac WiIITEI.EY, Wholesale Drug Store, No i-S Calvert st , lialtitnore FOR sale by F. J, HOFFMAN and VVATT ! SON & JACOB, Lewistown ; and by ALEX ANDER KUTLEDOE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. June 3D, 1849—1y. ' tap * 5.; o S 1 w v ik S> AND n oFLO W-WARE. undersigned eont inursto manufacture JL Stoves, Hollow-ware, tjyc., at the Old Zsogan Foundry, formerly carried on by A. B. Long A' Co., and itierstothe public the following articles: The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very i good stove, and well deserves those liigh com. inundations so unanimously bestowed upon it. | Also the Hathaway Cooking Xlott, ■ winch stands unrivalled in this or any other 1 country. It has been tested for the last nine years, and is justly pronounced the best and the most durable article of that kind overused. Hundreds of certificates could be procured, if necessary. The WINE PLATE STOVE, 'of various sizes. Coal .Stoves, of every de scription ; Parlor and Chamber do., for coal or wood; Air-tight do., got up in a neat and beau tiful style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans, i Pots, Iron Stands, and numerous other articles ' of Hollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoes, and all j ! kinds ot Castings made to order. He is also manufacturing Nt'l'CKlOlt \\ VTEIt PIJ'K. of one and a quarter inch calibre, and intends |to keep a supply on hand at ail times. The j | lubscriber is determined to make the ware j i out of the very best material that can be pro i cured: and for tiie accommodation ot distant purchasers, keeps wagons and horses for the purpose of delivering stoves at any point within eigiity miles, free ol any additional charge.— j j All the stoves are warranted to stand the tire and perform well,and if not, the money will be refunded on their return ; if a plate should break or crack, it will he replaced free of charge. There is connected with tire Foundry, a \ ' Tinning F.stablishment, Cor manufacturing ' Tin Warp of every Kited, ! where purchasers will please call. 0O"*z\ll orders from a distance will meet i with prompt attention. Wholesale dealers j would do well to give me a cail, as f will ! wholesale K'oves and Hollow-ware on as lair ' terms as they can be had at any other place. ' All kinds of country Prod wee taken in ex change. ROBERT McMANICIL. Lewistown, Jan. 27, 1849 —tf. Just Opening-, AKDS of neat figured j CASHMERES, 4 4 wide, and selling at 124 cents per yard at oct.2D, .NOSBAUM, MOTHERS. ctssiml I PURIFY! PURIFY! Life and Health are in the Blood. ' Not one of all the numerous medicines that hare been t pr< pared, begins to be of as great medical virtue, power, I and untmUag certainty to cl-anse and puriiy, produce nctc, 1 healthy blood, and strengthen and invigorate the whole t-vs ! tern, as BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. This Pur.f.er is the riort wonderful and astonishing rem edy m the world. No other medicine has effected such al most miraculous cure 9 ot j Scrofula, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, SYPHILIS, and other eruptive and shin diseases, viz.: Fry ' sepelas. Sores, Ulcers, Ulcerated Sore Mouth and Throat, Xursing Sore Mouth, Sutld 1!• a l, Biles. Piles, Pimples on the Face. Rheumatism, LIFER COMPLAIXT, and many other diseases. THOUSANDS of such diseases havo been cured by this PURIFIER, and cured by thu use of FOUR • • TIMES Less Quantity, at Less Cost by four-fold, than ever such diseases were before or Since i cured, by Saraaparilla, or any other remedy. What, then, is the question for those interested to decide, as to economy and health? FIRST— A'iII it cure my complaint i SEC OND — Is it cheaper I THUtD — Will ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH I of BRANT'S PURIFIER effectively cure FOUR TIMES a much disease as one dollar's worth of Sarsaparilla ' If it will, then it is FO UR TIMES CHEAPER tnan Sarsajm rilla. And to prove this we offer one case of cure, out of the many cases of MOST HORRID SCROFULA. To realize the great pouxr of this medicine as a purifier, I read, in our Pamphlets, the perfect cure effected on Mr. J. P. Hash in, of Home, Oneida county, N. Y. He was confined to his bed One Year —was not expected to live twenty-four ] hours longer —his neck was eaten nearly off, from ear to ear—a hole was eaten through the Wind pipe —his ear nearly eaten out—the use of one arm destroyed —an Ulcer, as large as a man's hand, had nearly eaten through his side—and there were on him, ia all, Twenty Large, Deep, Discharging Ulcers, which wore ALL CURED, and h restored to health and strength to labor again, by the use of ONLY TWELVE BOTTLEd. This wonderful cure is certified to by Fourteen Respectable Witnesses. And it is the greatest cure, the most undoubtedly substantiat ed, of one of the most horrid and most hopeless cases of Scrofula, that has ever been cured since the world was ere ati d—completely establishing the great power and certain of the medicine. B RANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Hiis Ualtain poj-, nil the cleansing and purifying Virtues oi the above-, tiued I'TAII-TIMJ EXTSACT, and also p.„es-<- ral other in- diction.-, pttrt-.iul., ly and pecu , Harly adapted to cure CW (Stiff and CONStIMfTIOSa It heals and runs I ■ crs -a fi< l.n-.ps. and . -cwherc tnttrnal fy. as readily an ias ely h- to; Punjymg Lilm t heals and cures externally. THIU s.vin ..f cure- .t M<> R, J- hop-less Consumption fe'lv pi -,.- not mU'.'ii is* - fri ... vin all ol the LUNG.- TiII!OAT. and BREAST.' A DYIXCj \V()3IA\ SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED: w. gili the following ce-t.r.i ate as a fact of euro, which pee-s to prove the pow. r to save lif° even when the person ■< 'tis to be ::> te very *t of existence, warn Brant's In '.an raiment , IS a 'mm is administered : 7'-wn of lin'i-inn. Saratoga fa . .V V— ss. ZrtiA fiVKK MA.v. Uuug iiuiy -wort. 1 hst in the winter of 1845. deponent's > it : - H.ii-i.'-i by her physician and others to be dying with a con-i.m;.n of the lungs: and deponent n "... vit.g that to he the went to Mr. John Wait's store, in the milage <' iia, /<.>' ■ topurchase elotitfor a shroud, and oth r>• --;.r: . pre. ,re hw wife for burial alter i el. -should !••>. Deponent further nys, that while be was in said IV'at/'s s*<- -. be was persuaded by the f*roprietor of 'BRANT- ..Mb'AN i !. L.MO.N'ARY BALSAM,' who uai thin].- -.-.it, to-..be . r-o-r'e •; en! Medicine— he remark inir. that il toe Bump tromuH l ith more easy. Deponent t tok the .-aid medicine borne with him i -get:,, r w'h it.e cloth he had purchased pro- . parat.-iy to tin- an! j f i'roriib-nce. riie restoration toheaiih of liia wile was the result ol the curative and healing i-tti racy oi Brant - Indian Pulmonary Balsam ZtBA DYKKMAN. j Pulwcribed and iwnm to before me, this 29th day of Aprif. Ifi-tc, TIIOS. (. VOI'NR, Justice of the Pi-ace. Town ol Balls ton. Saratoga county, .V. Y.—ss. This is to certify, that I am. and have been for many y-iars, well and intimately acquaint. .1 with the above-named /.dm Dyke man. who is one ot our most w erthy and respectable citizens, and whose statements are entitled to full credit ami belief. THOff. G. YOUNG, Justice of tin- l'caco. At nil 20, 1848. Town <( Balls!'! n, Vb if-" of La Istan Spa—St. . This IS to i certify that the circumstances aa.l facts stated ai>ove by /.loa Dyke man arc to my knowledge strictly true, and that he has frequently -.lire stated to nie that Hrtilll's Indian Hal sain saved the hto of Mis. Dyki n'an. April 29, 1.-48. " JOHN WAIT. ER 'NT.- IT! MOHARY BA&SAM cures tnxsiMP j I 770.V. Coughs. Colds, Sytitini of Blond. Bleeding at the Lungs, fain -a the Breast and Side. Xight Sweats. Xerrous i I ompiamts. Palpitation of the H'nst, Pima e Weaknesses and Complaints, t'holt'a In/an'-"' Uusentcrt,, and Susnn.tr Com vlamts. PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF. DOCT. J W. FRENCH, of Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co.. Mich.. wrote to u, Dec. 8. 1848: " I have been in the regular prac tice of medicine in this place tor Xine Years ; hut was obliged to quit the practice of my profession in conse- - quenoe of ill health I was set severely sttlieted with a chrome disease of the tun.'! a.- to convince me that I had the Consumption past doubt. 1 coughed almost incessantly night and day. and had severe pains and soreness in my chest, j side, and bre it. 1 tried the remedies recommended by the most skilful of my profession. all to no effect, excepting the nausea and debility caused by them 1 WHS prejudiced against Patent Medicines, and have no failh now in them, generally. But I was induced, as an experiment, more than through faith to try N bottle ot BRANT'S INDIAN PI L MOMSSV BAI.-SM. and 1 do here arku -wledee. lor the ben efit nt the atllirtod or whom it may serve, that the effect of its use on me. WIIS the most prompt and salutary of any wed icines I ever w:tne*-i-d tbo effect of in all my practice. My cocaii was IMMI HI ITKI.I KKI.IKVKO, and in aiiout eight or ten days. I as tree from cough, soreness of the cheat, and pain, and now consider and pronounce myself a well man." j Port. French is now a respectable druggist and merchant i at Hillsdale. i ANOTHER IMPORTANT VICTORY' I Messrs. Iloltstander A- Co., respectable merchants of , Oberlin, Lorain On, Ohio, wrote December 18. 1848: "Af ter allowing the lllant's Medicines which you sent to us. to remain at Cleveland about three months, we sent for thr-m i We have been so often deceived by such medicine* cot proving to be equal to their recommendations, and therefore ; would not soli, when their want ol etticacy was known, that we considered it unprofitable to keep such, and were therefore prejudiced against Brant's, supposing it to be no better than many others we have on sale. Alter we had received Brant's, 1. (A Holtstander) Was persuaded front reading the pamphlet to take a bottle ot the Pulmonary Bal sam home. My wife had been atilicted with a severe cough lor about ten months, and our frit-mis were alarni'-d and fearful that she would find nothing to relieve or cure her. , Hut notwithstanding our prejudice to patent medicine", we are obliged to say. and cheerfully conies*, that BRANT'S BALSAM and Pl'SirviNo KXTKU T. enn be depended on in preference to any or ail of the many kinds that have been left with us for sale. My wife was nnmediati ly relieved in her cough, and before she had finished using the flr-t 1 bottle, began to gain strength and health, and only three liottlea effected a perfect cure. The FCSIKVISO Kirsirf 1 have personally used for a general debility of the system, and I have no hesitancy in saying thnt it i the best medi cine to restore arid invigorate the system, that 1 have ever ' found. In every instance where we have sold these medi cines they liave proved tlu-ir efficacy, und given the belt j satiniactiun." FOR SALE BY *II.FRED XI. IRKS, l.acistirxrn, (l. H. IfREHM. f.Y, Mcl'eytotcn. • M. STEELY Sf CO., BellevitU, lOH.Y .I LBRIGIIT, KerdsrilU, And by Agents in all parts of the State. All letters and orders must he addressed to ; W si.i hek Co., 106 Broudwuv, New York. November 17, 1849—eoly. I.adieiv' Shoe*?. A LARGE stock of the latest style, - 1 ™ coarse ami fine shoes for LarhtV wear, now arranged in tin' Ladies' Shoe Room, ;at C. I JONES' u/'-'T. AVir C/icno Cash Staid. t;.\ i i io.v i;\ i u \ A mun h. the ■•tine <>! ' /..it p h,* ill*-! Wll . i young man ul the itiw cu f. I' Town**—,, , ! name to put up a f.-ir*opari!l. wturh tbc\ , ; ncnd'v e-treaparillli, denominating f) y .v( p\y , >,, tl j etc. This Tuwu*cnd ; > no doctor, nrol tmi-r v.*. t.nt VS formerly a worker on mifroadr, caoaU. nrt the tike. Y-j. j assumes the Utle of Dr., for the purpose >t paining credit. j what he ir not. This ll to caution the paW-.; 1 deceived, und pnrchaw none hut the U F.Vr\'.\>- r, >. , f j fifAL OLD Dr. J .coh Tosmvcaif, f?ar-,ep:r':!<■ ■. t,. it the Oid Dr's. likeme-is, his feinily eo..t of urmv j hit ! signature across the coat of arm*. Principal tjfiies, .V.ssau si. \V* fori TUB ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OK 1 UK iifnuloe Townsend SarsapaniLt. Old Dr. Townsend ta now about 70 years of ; 4 , long been known as tbe .11, ZHOU and iJtSft • I LZH of tne uK.VVI.VK onIULV.ii. *• 7 on:;-1 \-i, s. )h . SAP-tRU'LA." Being poor, he was compelled to limit m j manufacture, by which means it hn> latcn kept out of mar ket, and the sales circumscribed to those on who ,! proved its worth, and known its value. It had reach*.) ! the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who : ,f been healed of s .re diseases, and saved from p: ciaimed its eicei.enr- nr.d wonderful HEALING POWER. J Knowing, many year/ ago. that he had by his ' tcience and experience, devised a* arucle v. b eh w of incalculable advantage to mankind when the nic-u j I would he furnished to bring it into universal not'.re. win. a its inestimable virtues would be known and appreciably This time har come, the means are supplied ; '.his O HAJV/J AXI> L.VL(i UA LI. Kit PUKKA HI TIGJf is manufactured on the largest scale, sou is cu • f t throughout the length and breadth of the mnd r-:-ri ,v as it is found incapable of defeneration or arlenora; on. Ifnlike young r i . P. Tow nvnd's, it improves with oever changes, hut for the better : because it is prepared or. scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest ktiuwi i edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the an, have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture of the Old Dr's Sarsaparilla. The Sarsapatidla root, it * well known to medical men. contains many medicinal pro perties, and some properties which are inert or useless, anc others, uhich if retained in preparing it tor Use. produce fermentation and antl, which is injurious to the system Some of tbe priqieruet of Ssnapsrilia are so roiattle tbsr they entirely evaporate and are lost in the ptejmrit.nn i they are not preserved by a scientific process, known ooij to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or as an etna's lion, under beat, are the very essential mtiiica. prvp-.r.u i i af the root, which give to it all its value. SOURING. FEKMEN'UV;. .U"ID " Aj. POUND" OF S. P. TOWN SEND tod yet he would fain have it tr.dtr-.to J tust 1 In f>- Kownsend's Umuine * irtginal Sarso, r.r ~ ; . a; t'l" A - ; ITON of his i-ifer.or preparaiif n Heaven forhid that wc should de :r art r•wh "h ; would bear the most d.stsilt re rnihiat.re t . S. " tend's arlicr and which should i-ring duw t ,:. r 0 4 Dr. such a mountsin load of compla- ■ cr , from Aeent* who have sold, and purer-n n.no nm meg 3. P. Towner.d's FERMENTING COVt'Of;, .i We wish it understood, because i: .. ine -i.ii.tr truts that 8. P. Townsend's nrtirle and C'.d lr. Jac. i- T ,wc tend's i>itraparillt are hear en-trio's apart erl infinite i its similar ; that they :-,re Unlike tc eserj par.c h > { not one ing e thing in common. As S. P. Tow nsend is no doctor, arid never war, Is no chemist, no pharmaceutist—koows no mure of men.cine or disease than any other common, unscientific. Unprofessional man. Xt hat guarantee can the pubiie have that they are re ceiving a genu.ne scientific medicine, continuing al. the virtues of the articles used in preparing it and u h.ch are in capable of charges w h-ch might render them the ACENT3 j of Disease instead of Health. But wh-.i else should be expected from one wh. kcow* nothing comparatively of medicine or disease ■ Itreqarrea a person of some experience io cook and seise up even s •otniuou decent rire.d. How touch more important is . 1 :h-;l tire persons tsiio niHriufictnre medicire, designed fi-r WEAK STOM tCHS AM) KNFS KHI.KI) SYSTt SIS, thuuol know well the medical properties of plants, :he best manner of secoroig nuu co icenuar.og then heancg virtues, also an erre^s,-.- ktiow edge of the tar iusi!;>eaci w nich affect the iitimait system, and how to adapt remedies to these diseases' It n to arre-t 'r- . ! upon the Unfortunate to p-tnr bs'ia into wounded hummi.; . to kindle ho|a: in the des;airing bosom, to resii-re he.i.th an.i bloom, and vig-rr nio .i erushcl and br- ken, and to banish infinaitv that Ol.'i 1-R. JACOB TOWNSIiNU has SOHGHT and FOI ND the og , portuuity and tueans to hrrng his Giaud I'mverisal Concentrated Remedy witbin ti: retch, nnd t the knowledge of nil who Deed it, thai they may lt -trn nod Traiicettlent Power to Heal. Any person can bo;l or stew the root irii they re: s dark eolored liquid, u hirn i more fr-un the coloring n ttrer io the root than fr hi- any thing eise they can tren strain this Insipid _>r vvpirf fiquid. sweeteu with sour niui.xsses, •nd then nil ,t •• S \P.SAi'AIt:i.l. \ EXTRA" T or 3Y Kt'P *' Ho! .io-h . not the article known a* the GENUINE OLD I)R. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SAKSAPARiLLA. This is o pr*' trM5 ihnt all ih; f thf becoiiniik. u ul • r of f'ermf ntaion, it v a traded aud rejerted. then eten* |riicl oi luedical virtue ts seeurei in .h j Uf® and concentrated loriu : and ttiu* i: i* r niered 'neapa' losing any of its va uMh.* .and beafint propertins. io this way. it is utatte the m8t (towerl'ai akent in the Cure of innumerable diseases. Hence tire reason why we hear commendations on everr side in its h.vor h\ men, women, and ch idren. VYe find .1 . doing wonders in the cure of I CO.VSIMP 1 HiA'. /Msf'KPv/f. and 1./PF.H CUM I PI.AI.VT and in K H KIM .1 Tt s.M. SCROH-'LA. : Plf.Lt>. VOt>TH'K.\'KSS. nil Oi. f.LVF.OCS Li. I P , Tit .VS. PIMPI.LS. BI.OUTHKS, and all atiection. arising from IMPURITY OF THE PLOOD. It possesses a tnarve ~us > rii. irr s|i complaints crs'.ni j from Indtgrtii.in. fr -m L'tlitu cfi .- um.ich. fr.tn nnetprxl Circulation, determination of t\ .od to the head. {*aii>itrvi,..n of the heart, cold teet aud hands, sold chdis and h t "bfi over the i.0.1y. It has not us equal ill folds and (s' .gxi. and prunioles chsv expectoration ami g-ntle |.r-pir-.1. relaxing str.giltrv oi'th.- .ungs, throat, and every olio r But in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen mid acknowledged than in ail kinds and singe* of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. !t work* wondor* >u cH*of ftuvr sUbus or ff'itv • t ing iff ike H VwA, Hb9tructfi % supitrt*s(dp • •c' nes, removes ait obstructions, and invigorates the eadr nervous system. Is not this then Thf rnodicinp >ou pre-emineiii I> noi* Hut can any or thec thing- he *aid "t S. 1". low nsc-.nl* iuftr.or art.-*'*- 1 This vniiog n:an s Injuid is not to l>. ?OAIPARED WITH THE OI.P PR'S. : becnus. of one Git AND I'D r. that tbe ""• >A INCAI'i ULh of DEI ERtUK \'I'I"N snd NEVER SROIi.R. while the other DORS ...,ng. j-.rm. rung, and hlotr-ng ike bettie* eontain.nc it into nts ; if.e - nr. .sci i;bW exposling Hiui (hui-Mtini! oii * r ihuhls ! Must not this h r i l.c eoilijliid be point it,ms t toe sysUUi:- llkit ectd into a * ..*trin airt.my /ir.'k .ifid What c:usf* l)ys|efia but acid 1 Ihi u ii*t .t, knot* iiiat when !**c4 sours in our Moio.it iis. v hnt uc>i Uitb it product* ? i ience. heurtbur.' p-\iph>tiiu oi ih* he trt. liver emu. * diarrhu'ii. dysentery, to ic. tiu eornij ion of tue r..< -i T V\ hut is >c.ru!uia but uii acid bunior n the bodv ? 1 produces ait the huvnoi* w l * ii tinm; on F.n:ptbn* *' lns >Kin. ;>ctld Head. It Hu ;m. Kr\A'pis%. W hite rei! tuss, I evei JSoies. auu -,ii iitcer itiori> in;ercui nuu ♦ vteres 1 It is noihinc under heaven, but . . hc -I subsmiice. wli.tit ; Sours, aun thu *|oi * all lite rtu.*! •?' tiie tuuH m ,r * ot less. \\ hat causes Uileum*tii#i ;i a s*>ur r • ctd Ru which in*iuuau* ite.l bciun u the joints ai; .el *h. irnt .tinp and inhnmo g the tie i:e tissues upon ■ :i 1 acts? So of nei \ ou> d.>easc s. ntpurity ot the •* circumtious. and ni .ri) ah tac hio.ui , 2 kttlici human natuie. Now ik it not hmbid a* uiaku and sail, and is# ft to use tius ' o^7"For silc in Ixewistorrn by F.. ALI-E-S. who is sole aifoni for MiilUn county, may 2(5, I^49—]y. Superior Sugar-house Molasses* ALSO. ]\TEW Orleans and the real genuine Golden j i 1 Syrup for sale at the former low pnw. which is at leaft 20 per cent, under the regu ! Jar country prices. A !ai< r e supply on hand at C. T. JONFS* liuv3. .New ( IrHlDl C hah SlOl£'