Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 09, 1850, Image 3

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    Uaula Legislature.
On the sih tlie Speaker laid before the
W iate the following communication front
,j ie State Treasurer:
Ilarrisburg, February,s, IHSO. J
CRNVTORS: —The resolution ot your lionora
' body of the 26tb ultimo is before me. My
-encc Hi Philadelphia on public duty, has
* von led an eat lie: reply.
regards the allegation of the Canal ('ora
'■doners, and the complaint of :\ essrs. Nor
"T Brothers, enquired of by your resolution, 1
to reply as follows:
Messrs. Norris, Brothers, never personally
-e'jeiited at the Treasury for payment, nor did
I i v person for lhem.an order from the Canal
i'i'minissioners for the amount they claim ;nor
. ,' ae I vet official notice that the State owes
. , | in default of 9eli notice, duty required
.7,1 I should refrain from paying away the
public money.
' i|sil those gentlemen presented such an or
v, J would have been justified in withholding
I ly'ment, the evidence being that Messrs.
\orns, Brothers, charged seven hundred dol
' " 3 more for each locomotive furnished the
4te, than they charged the Pennsylvania
Rs road Company—or, in other words, they
furnished that Company with a more expensive
a-iicle for seven hundred dollars less, and re
eved one thousand five hundred dollars in
!ra je—so large a profit wouid seem to justify
B liberal credit. .
The engines referred to were purciiased, it
seems, under the authority given in the six
teenth section of the last appropriation bill.
This being true, it scarcely justified the sale,
by the Canal Commissioners, of five Locomn
t ves worth at least TWEN T\-F 1\ E 1 HOU
MND DOLLARS, for the paltry sum ol
DOLLARS, which evinces gross ignorance of
the value of property, or a criminal neglect of
duty. Perhaps these facts would not have
justified me in hesitating to pay Messrs. Nor
ris, Brothers, had I been drawn on for the
1 never a-rused to settle the accounts of the
Superintendent of Motive Power on the Co
lumbia road. The rule of the office is to take
us in ftj order every item of business, and
Willi tins regulation I require a strict compli
I am not aware of having purposely refused
at any time "money appropriated to the man
agement and repairs of any of the other lines
ofthe public works."
Since I have been responsible for the man
agement of toe State finances, I have not re
ceived from the Canal Commissioners, at any
■ ne, a moment's notice of their intention to
craw on the Treasury, other than was furnished
by the actual presentation of their drafts.
While it is both my duty and my pleasure to
"jvide the ways and means to answer every
caii, nevertheless, the interests and credit ol
::.e State, as every business man will under-
Kind, cannot be sustained, if other branches ol
j? government refuse to harmonize with this
.tuartment. To such a degree have the Canal
x.-d carried their antagonism, that upon the
upoiDtments of officers, whose duties bring
•Jem in contact with the Treasury, they have
not furnished notice of the change. In the
xyment of money, care is required. For that
r.rpose the names of officers must be known ;
jeir persons and their signatures identified;
si also a knowledge that they have given the
required bond before mcney can be advanced
them. The first notice 1 have received of the
nan ge of officers, was the presentation, by the
sew incumbents, of drafts for large sums ol
Senators are aware, that the Treasury has a
sat number of payments to provi !e for besides
'tie canal appropriations. It seems proper,
therefore, in a business view, that the Treas
*er, whoever he may be, should have the co
pers Hon ot co-ordinate branches of' the gov
ernment, rather than to have so powerful ar
arm as the Canal Board, exercising their au
thority to draw money without reference tc
.e general interests, or the credit of the State.
State Treasurer.
lnnexatlon Proerlbfd by (be Britlxh COT*
TORONTO, (C. YV.) Feb. 2
The following is a copy of an official des
'jatch received by l>ord Elgin, from the Homo
DOWNING STREET, Ixindcn, Jan. 9, 18fi0.
MY LORD— I have to acknowledge your dee
patchea, of the dates and numbers quoted in
ie margin. I haye laid these despatches be
>re her Majesty, and also the addresses of the
•wrden and counsellor ofthe Municipal Coun
'•;! of the Gore district, of the Lieutenant
1 -alone i and officers of militia ofthe First and
Kighth battalions of the regiment of Dorches
ter, of the officers of the Fourth battalion of
us regiment of the Kamouraaka district, the
inhabitants of ST Anne, and of the officers of
militia and Lieutenant Colonel commanding
ofthe regiment ot Quebec, enclosed
in (lie two first of these despatches, which her
Majesty has been pleased to receive very gra
It has afforded her Majesty great satisfaction
'o receive these expressions of that loyalty and
•ttachment to the British crown, which she
trusts is generally felt by her Canadian sub
With regard to the address to the people of
Canada, in favor of severing the province from
'ne British dominiona, for the purpose ot an
nexation to the United States, which forms the
'vuject of three of theae despatches, 1 have to
miorm you that her Majesty approves of your
having dismissed from her service those who
hive sign- d the document, which is scarcely
short of being treasonable in its character.
Her Majesty confidently relies on the loyalty
i.f th i great majority of her Canadian subjects,
and she has therefore determined to exert all
me authority that belongs to her, for the pur
uoseof maintaining the connexion with Canada
vi!h this government, being persuaded that
t ie permanence of that connexion is highly ad
vantageous to both.
Your Lordship will therefore underntand
that you are comrnandfd by her Majesty to re
to the utmost o! your power, any attempt
winch may be made to bring about the separa
tion of Canada from the British dominions, and
'o mark in the strongest manner her Majesty e
'■ "-pleasure with all those who may directly or
indirectly, eneourge such a design; and, if
-i > attempt of tins kind should take such a
Grin, that those wiio are guilty of it may. ac
cordiiij/ io such advice as you may recvive
iruffi your litw •dvuforn, be made responsible
't ilo-,r conduct in a court of justice, you will
! "t fail to take the necessary measures lor
them to account.
1 am, my l>,rd, your must obedient servant,
'!' > 'he Right Hon. IT*r! otE'gia.
Terrible Lvplo-lon at Yew York—Great
Loss of Life.
I The New York papers are filled with details
j of an "plosion which took place at New York
jon Monday morning last. The building in which
lite explosion occurred was a six or seven story
1 bt ick erection, on the rear corner of an immense
f mass >ve building owned and occupied by Wm.
I Hull & Son. The boiler was upon the first floor,
j by some said to be new, by others represented as
second hand, but estimated to be as good as new.
Sixty persons were employed by Taylor & Co.,
and sixty-three by St. John, Burr & Co., most
of whom were in the building at the time. The
boiler blew upwards, carrying off the roof of the
building. The walls afterwards caved in, and
the ruins were set on fire by the scattered burn
ing coals. Ihe police and firemen immediately
set to work to extricate the sufferers. Twenty
two individuals up to Tuesday night had been
taken from the ruins alive, but all more or less
injured. The dead bodies of thirty-three had
also been recovered, and all but five identified,
making fifty-five persons in all, and with those
who escaped from the building, about seventy
persons can now be accounted for. It was sup
posed that there were yet at least twenty bodies
buried in the ruins.
from the Tribune.
The scene at the station house in Oak street
was of the most painful description. Nearly
a score of mangled and horribly disfigured
bodies were lying at one time in an empty
house adjoining. Some have had life at once
crushed out, their heads being now a shape
less mass; others seem to have endured in
tense agony before their spirits departed. Onl v
a few could be recognised by their blackened
and disfigured features, but generally the rem
nants of their garments was all that enabled
their anxious and weeping friends to know
them. So painful was the scene, and so touch
ing the agony of the poor women who beat
over the mutilated remains, to discover by
some shred of clothing w bether a son, husband
or brother lay before them, that even the police,
accustomed to sights of suffering, shed tears and
grew sick at heart. Nearly every one who has
thus far been rescued, whether alive or dead,
had hi\shirt sleeves rolled up, showing that he
had already commenced work for the day.
Lewtsiowrv Feb. 8. 1850.
Haiti b y Dealer j Httail.
Flour - - §4 25 $55 DO
Wheat, white - 95 1 10
red - 90 1 05
Rye - - 50 <H)
Oats - - 28 35
Corn, - - 50 <SO
Cloverseed old, 3 50
Do new, 3 75
Flaxseed - - 1 00 1 25
Timothyseed - - 2 00 2 50
Butter, good - - 15 15
Eggs - - 12 12
Lard 0 8
Tallow - 8 10
Potatoes - - 50 62}
Beef, - - 4 00
Pork, per lb. - - 4} 5
Wool, per lb. - - 2s
Feathers - - 44 44
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 7. 1850.
FLOUR is quiet, and the price steady ; stand
ard brands are now selling at $1 81 per barrel;
, purchasers are, however, offering but $1 75.
EXTRA FLOUR $5 a 5 50. RYE FLOUR IS held
at $2 87 a 2 94. CORN MEAL IS worth .$2 69.
There is a limited demand for red Wheat at
01 06 asl 07, and for white at tsl 14. CORN
IS in fair request at about 55c for new, and 60
a6l cts for old. Pennsylvania RYE is held at
62c per bushel, OATS —Southern are worth
32c, and Penna 35 cts.
On Thursday morning, 31st uit., by Rev. J. S.
Woods, Mr. J. IRVINE MARKS, of Petersburg,
Huntingdon county, and Miss ELLEN D., daugh
ter of R. U. Jacob, Esq., of this place.
On Thursday, 31st ult., by Rev. S. P. Eilley,
NOLDS. both of Juniata county.
On the same day, by the same, Mr. ISAAC
of Decatur township.
On Tuesday, 29th ult., by Rev. T. Tanyhill,
all of M'Veytown.
On Thursday, 31st ult., by the same, Mr
HENRY CHAPFLE, of Lewistown, and Miss SUSAN
P. SMITH, of Newton Hamilton.
On Sunday, 3d inst., by Rev. S. V. Blake, Mr.
this place.
V large new TIDE WATER BOAT.
A new Four Horse WAGON.
A new Two Horse WAGON.
A new CART.
Lewistown. January 26, 1830—It
Turnpike Notice,
rPIIE STOCKHOLDERS of the Lewistown and
1 kishacoquillas Turnpike Company will take,
notice that an election will be held at the house
of WILLIAM BROTHERS, in Rcedsville, on
JIOAXLII', the 11 th day of March, to elect one
President, six Managers, and one Treasurer, to
conduct the affairs of said Company for the en
suing year.
January 12, 1850—td President.
Bank of Discount and Deposite.
Cash Capital Paid in 970,000.
j tablishcd at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an
Office of Discount and Deposite, for the trans
action of the regular business of banking.
Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial
cities will be discounted at all times, and depos
it es of current money will he paid, on demand,
in par funds. Every facility will be afforded to
business men in their negotiations with the
Eastern and Western cities.
Notes offered for discount must li-j over one
da v.
'Phe aggregate Capital of the establishment
exceeds half a million of dollars.
W. RUSSELL, Cashier.
Solicitor and Confidential Agent.
Lewistown, August 25, 1849—tf.
PERSONS in want of Blankets are invited
to a large stock just received at
nnv3. New Cheap Cash Store.
P. S. Remember these Blanket? are fresh
1 goods just opened, no old atock.
Of Mifflin County, from Jan'y 2d, 1849, to Jan'y 7th, 1850, inclusive.
DR. NATHANILL FEAR, ESQ., Treasurer, in account with Mifflin County, CR.
To amount of Tax assessed for 1849, §0,989 88 j By amount ComißissioneisOrders lifted, $5.162 05;}
amount of Tax outstanding 1848, 2,017 57 By " Orders of Court for Road Dam-
T° " " assessed at Election, '24 00 ? cs lifted, 202 25
To " " reed on unseated land, 169 By amount Certificates to RoadVicwerslifted,l29 00
" " " from sundry persons, 69 By " " of Justices for Fox
To " Dividend on Bridge stock, 22 20 scalps 123 50
To money ree'd folk old journals sold, 155 By " Draft from E. S. P. for tnain-
To amount abatement ree'd on payment tabling convicts, 176 51
of County's quota of State Tax, 200 00 By " paid Mercantile Appraiser of
To am't Lewistown Bank money in hand Mercantile Taxes, _ 7 12}
at last settlement, 125 00 !By " for recording bond as Treasurer, 2 1)0
To am't received on property sold for Tax 673 By " County notes redeemed and
To cash in hand at last settlement, 1,088 88 j burnt by Commissioners, 13 00
By •' paid State Treasurer on account
of deficit of State tax of the year 1848,
j as required lyhim, 411 C 2
jßy " outstanding tax due by Collec-
I tors, , 2219 04
|By " exonerations allowed collectoi9
of 1848, 325 14
|By " commission of 5 per cent, al
i lowed do. 349 18}
jßy " David Koplin collector of
i Wayne, 1849,• on settlement of his
Duplicate, 27 36
'By " exoneration allowed do. 18 78
By " Lewistown Bank money paid
j over to successor, 125 00
jßy " Susquehanna " " ree'd. for
taxes before Bank broke and paid do. 500
jßy " Auditors' and Clerks' pay 43 50
jßy " Treasurer's per centage 2'26 19}
jßy •• paid over to his successor 1511 93}
$llO7B 19) $llO7B 19
DR. D. MCK. CONTNER, ESQ., Sheriff, in account with the county of Mifflin, CR.
To amount fines and verdict fees ree'd. jßy summoning 372 Jurors, 92 75
fees received in Qr. Sessions, $332 30 By fees as Sheriff tu sundry Common-
To •' Fines ree'd. in Common Pleas. 44 00 wealth cases, 39 12}
By advertising Genera! Election, 75
By commission levying fines at 3 percent. 10 53
By conveying prisoners to E. S. P. 152 00
To amount due county, 81 06}
8376 30 $376 80
NATHANIEL FEAR, ESQ., Treasurer of Mifflin county in account uith the Com-
DR. monwealth of Pennsylvania. CR.
TAX ON REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE: — By amount paid State Treasurer on ac-
To amount said Tax levied for 1849, $12359 62 j count of Tax of 1849, as per ins re-
To " outstanding tax of 1848, 2975 98) ceipts, 89G09 01
To " Tax on unseated land received, 253 jßy " paid State Treasurer on account
To " " on seated lands advertised i of Tax of 1848, and other items of
for Taxes. 10 08 | charges enumerated in Dr. side, 2049 59}
To •' •• received from B.Spglemoy- IBy commission of 1 percent retained by
er and others, J 13 , Treasurer, 117 80}
To •• •' " •' asscsuient HI By animount of commission of 5 per cent.
October election, 1849, 40 23 allowed collectors of 1848, on set-
To •' Interest " " Collectors. 11 05 tlement. 612 25
;By ' exonerations allowed do.. 314 14
By " " " David Ko
j lin. collector of Wayne, 1849, on
settlement, 31 63
By •' commission of 5 percent, aliow
! ' cd do. 46 82
By " Treasurer's commission on
$111.62. paiii out of county funds on
deficit of Tax of 1848, 4 11J
By •' outstanding tax of 1849, uncollected26l2 26
$15,400 C2j sls 400 62}
RETAILER'S LICENCES: — By cash paid St tie Treasurer as pcrhisre-
To aggregate amount of said Licences ceipts, $594 36}
granted for the year 1849, st>7o 75 By " •• for advertising lint of Re
tailers. 24 CO
By " Treasurer's per centage at 5 per
cent, retained. 32 68^
Bp amount of licenses on which suit was
brought and judgment obtained, 17 00
By " paid Mercantile appraiser's mileage, 270
#670 75| $670 75
TAVERN LICENCES : ; Bv cash paid State Treasurer as per his
To amount said licenses granted by the ! ' receipts. $235 60
court for the year 1849, $249 00 i By Treasurer's per centage retained, 12 40
$248 00 $248 00
PAMPHLET LAWS: — By amount paid State Treasurer as per
To amount received for said laws. $100; * his receipt, $3 80
By '• Treasurer's commission retained, 20
$4 00 $4 (X)
PATENT MEDICINE. EATING HOLIES AND DISTILLERS By ninoutit paid State Treasurer as per
LICENSE, Arc : his receipts, SBS 50
I*o amount of said licenses granted for the By •- 1). Bear's license, for which
year 1819. $95 0(1 suit was brought. 5 00
By '• Treasurer's commision retained, 450
$95 00 $95 00
JAMES L. MCILVAINE, ESQ., Ji'egisfcr anil Recorder of Mifflin county, in account with
DR. the ( Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. CR.
To amount of Collateral Inheritance Tax By cadi paid Auditors and Cleik. sl2 00
received from estate of A inos Smoker Bv per centage at 5 percent. 3 91
deceased, sls 35 To uiiiouiit due commonwealth, 52 98
received from estate of R becca Arm
strong. 52 84
*"•8 19 j SOB 19
WE, the undersigned. Auditors ot Mifflin county, in the Common wealth of I'ennsvlrania. do certify thai
in pursuance of "an Ait of Assembly relating D> counties, township," Ac., passed the ]sth of April, 1834.
and of the 4th section of "An Act relative to tin- appointment of trustees of Orphans' Cour' " A c . passed
April 22, 1846, we met at the Commissioners Olli in the boro. of Lewistown. on the 7th day of January.
1850. arid did audit, settle and ajust the several accounts between Nathaniel Fear. Esq., Treasurer of said
county and the State Treasury—and between said Treasurer and the county of Mifflin ; also the account
of Davis McKean Contner. Esq . Sheriff of said county —and also the Collateral Inheritance Tax accounts
of James L. Mcllvaine, Esq., Register and Recorder, with the Commonwealth, as the same are stated in
the foregoing Reports. I.N WITNESS WHEREOF, w> have hereunto set our hands at the office afore
said, this 26th day of Januarv A.I) . 1950.
11 EN K V P. TA V LOR. } .Uditors.
Showing the amount of debts due to and owing by the county of Mifflin —,'llso the
amount of Slate and Covnty Tax outstanding January Ith 1850.
Collectors I\nm'-s. Districts. 1 tors. State Tar. County Tar.
Adam-Hamaker, Lewistown, 1819, 588 94 ' 405 95
John Ruble, Granville tp„ " 453 39 179 11
Jacob Hoover. Derry tp., " G5 74} 243 63
Sauiuel Biower. Decatur tp , " 61 70 43 30
William Cummin*. Brown tp.. " 442 20 304 87
Charles Nageny, Jr.. Armagh tp., " 117 39 406 29
Amos Smoker, Union tp.. " 131 48 66 20
Adam llosea, Menno tp., " 221 43 205 41
Win. McKinstry, Oliver tp., " 251 86 } 259 47
Nathaniel Wilson, McVeytown, " 124 99 41 25
♦Robert A. McDowell, Newton Hamilton, •• 49 69 18 32
♦David Kophn, Wayne tp., •' 81 45 46 04
$2612 26 $2219 84
♦David Koplin and Robert A. McDowell ltavc settled off their Duplicates since the settlement,
Balance due from L. Hoover, former Treasurer, being money received by him and not accoun
ted for in settlement with County Auditors, for which judgment has been obtained. 250 00
Balance due on settlement from Foster Miiliken's estate, 171 00
Amount of County Tax assessed for 1850, 7000 00
Amount Tax due on the year 1849, 2219 84
Notes of Isaac Slull and Cyrus Cook for costs, 9 00
Notes of John and Theodore Dixon for costs, J8 34
Whole amount due county:— 9668 18
Statement of debts owing by the county.
Whole amount ol certificates of loan issued by the county, SIO,OOO 00
Amount lifted and burnt, 9.716 00
Balance in circulation, $284 00
Whole amount of certificates of Loan issued by Treasurer, bearing
interest at 6 per cent. $7,261 16
Amount lifted and cancelled, 7057 32
Balance outstanding, $203 84
Whole amount of Indebiedness : $487 84
The following collectors have paid in since the settlement, the amount set opposite their names.
Collectors Name .l, Districts, Years, State Tar, County Tax.
Adam Hatnaker. Lewistown, 1849 300 00 300 00
John Ruble, Granville tp., " 150 00 100 00
Jacob Hoover. Derry tp., " 22 00
Samuel Browcr, Decatur tp., " 35 00
Wm. Cummins. Brown tp., " 75 00 115 00
j Charles Nageny, Jr., Armagh tp„ " 140 00
Amos Smoker, Union tp., " 33 87
Adam llosen. Menno tp., " 72 00
Robert A McDowell, Newton Hamilton, " 17 60 7 83
,rrr-: rs~. r- - ■* - r--- --
.i mount of Orders issued by the County ,
Commissioners from the Ist of Janu
ary to the 31s/ day of Decem
ber , inclusive:
Petit Jurors pay, §1258 64
Grand Jurors pay, 379 00
Assessors pay, 37y 59
11. J. Walters balance as Cieik for 18-18, 60 00
" " Commissioner* Clgri
for 1849, 200 00
George Frys.nger A: 11. J. Walters, coun
ty printing for 1848 and 1849. 193 00 j
Dr. A. Rothrock for Medical attendance
on prisoners, 2 00
John McCarty cleaning snow off c. h.
pavement, 5 60
Jas.k. Kelley, fees as Prosecuting Attorney, 46 00
A.P.Jacob, " " ■< 64 00
Robert McManigil, balance due him ss
reported by County Auditors at last
settlement, * J3B 15
George Wiley, Tax overpa id in 1848. 13 91
R. C Hale, l ire proof saie for Treasur
er's office, 58 00
Solomon Kintzer, Esq., services as Com
missioner. in full, 41 50
George Bell, Esq., " •• 31 42
Harvy & Uittenliouse, Oven for jail. 5 50
Win. Cochran, Colleciorof Derry 1848,
Tax overpaid, 4 86
James 1.. Mclivaine, Esq., Lock for Re
gister's office, 1 f,B
•' " Indexing Deed book, 5 00
D. Riitenhouse, shantee in jail-yard lor
Jno. Kline, " 16 00 I
VVattson & Jacob. Carpet for Court Room, 1 5'J :
Samuel Hopper, Ice for Court, August Term, 50 j
Assessment Transcript, for 18-47, '4B, '49,
'SO. 'sl and '52, 145 50 j
Robert McManigil, Fine and Verdict fee
overpaid, 9 00 I
Thomas Roop, Collector Oliver, 1848, Tax
overpaid, 18 75 j
John R. McDowell, Prothonotary's Fees, 27 29 i
D. Kittenhouse, making well and sash for jail, 58 00 I
William Ball shaving prisoners 1 50 j
A. Bly my er, bucket lor jail 1 37 j
Charles Gaskins, cleaning jail yard, 3 50 j
John McCarty,cleaning and liming c. h.cel'ar, 5 00 '
Dr. J. C. Reynolds, making post-mortem ex
amination of Sarah dinger's child, 5 00 j
James Dickson, re-auditing Prothonoiary
and Register's accounts, as per di
rection Auditor General, 6 00
Stationary, Duplicates and binding, 'J 14 ;
<*. Dunmire, services as commissioner, 2 50 !
Lcwißtown Water Company, water rent for >
j.nl to April Ist, 1850, 10 00 j
J.C.Sigler, Recording bond as Treasurer 1845, 2 00 i
W. P. McDowell, Collector Armagh. 1348,
Tax overpaid, 7 71 *
James Bailey, •• Brown " " " 1 35 :
Blankets for jail and clothing for prisoners, 17 40 1
11 ickok <fc Barret, Dockets lor Prothonota
ry and Register, 69 87
i Z. Rittenhouse, tees as Prothonotary and
Clerk of sessions, 203 24
i Consiables pay. advertising spring election, 51 28
\V. ss. Custer, services as commissioner, 67 00
D. Jenkins, " •• in full, 86 26
Levi Glass, " " 93 00
Repairs of public buildings, 72 83
A. G. Harvey, Boarding and Washing for
Prisoners. 206 56 I
Election Officers pay, 268 37 .
Henry Ferer, Court Crier end cleaning
Court house, 115 66
Wood for jail end Court House, 71 20
Justices fees in Commonwealth cases, 29 00
Constables" " " 66 30 '
Witnesses " " " 111 79
Constables Return and attending Court, 111 78
Coroners and Justices holding Inquisitions, 40 00
" Jurors, witnesses and Contstables pay, 99 62
Given underour hands at the Commissioners officr,
m the borough of Lewistown, the 12ih day of Janu
ry, 1850. L. GLASS. ) j
\V. S. CUSTER, \ Comm'rs. i
Attest, H. J. WALTERS, Clerk,
OTATE.M EN'T of the Assets of the Company !
on January Ist, 1850, published in conformi- ;
ty with the provisions of the sixth section of the
Act of Assemblv of April sth, 1842.
Being first mortgages well secured on
real estate, free of ground rent, and
are all in the city and county of
Philadelphia, except §40,500 in
Bucks, Schuylkill and Allegheny
counties, Pa. Also, §7,500 in Ohio,
amply secured by real estate in
Philadelphia. §955,058 €2
Purchased at sheriffs sales under)
mortgage claims, viz :
Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150 feet,
on the southwest corner Chesnut
and Schuylkill Sixth streets
A house and lot, 33-3 by 100 feet.No.
1 467 Chesnut street
A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet, on
north side of Spruce street, west
of Eleventh street
A house and lot, 21-7 by 100 feet, on
west side of Penn square, south
side of High street
Two houses and lots, each 16 by 80
feet, on south side of Spruce st.,
near Schuylkill Seventh street
Five houses and lots, each 17-9 by 90
feet, Nos. 131, 133, 135, 137, and
139 Dilwyn street At Cost. |
Three houses and lot, 49 by 54 feet, 190,077 73
on east side of Schuylkill Sixth >
street, south of Pine street
A lot of ground, 17 by 57 ft., on the !
noitheast corner Schuylkill Front
and Spruce streets
V houe and lot, 18 by 106 feet, on
scu'.h side of Filbert street, west of
Schuylkill Seventh street
Hotel and lot, 50 by 81 feet, on the
southeast corner of Chesnut and
Beach streets
Five houses and lot, 42 by 06 feet, on
the north side of George street,
west of Ashton street
Seven houses and lot, 26 by 117 feet,
on the east side of Beach street,
south of Chesnut street
A bouse and lot, 18 by 80 ft., No. 96
Fitzwater street, east of Ninth st.
Temporary loans, on collateral secu- ) 090 -7 I
rities, amply secured Y ' 1 !
§IO,OOO Alms House Loan, 5 percent"
(int. on)
200 shares Bank of Kentucky
17 do. Northern Bk. of Kentucky
100 do. Union Bank of Tennessee
13 do. Insurance C'omp'y of the •
State of
200 do. Southwark railroad Co.,r I. Cost
37 do. Commercial &
Bank of Vicksburg 75
300 do. Pa. Railroad Co.
91 do. Franklin Fire Ins. Co. £
10 do. Mercantile Library C 0.73.73
6 do. Union Canal Company **
90 do. North Am. Coal Co.
§SOO North American Coal Loan
Cash on hand, §31,652 62
♦' in hands of agents, 12,311 31
Notes and bills receivable, 5,03580 j
Unsettled Policies 1,190 25)
Merchandize 413 84 j
§1,209,929 99
By order of the Board,
Attest— CHARI.ES G. BANCKER, See'y. [f2.2m.
R. C. HALE, Esq., Lewistown, is the Agent
for Mifflin county, from whom all necessary in
formation relative to insurance can be obtained.
Iri*li Linen*.
L LARGE lot bought at a bargitn in !
Philadelphia, and selling by the
piece or yard at a small advance at
or*.'7 „Wtr Cheap Cash Shoe.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
t-w- - •--r> -z
OINi and after MON DA Y, 24 ill December,
FREIGHT TRAIMi will run three
times a wee!: between Le Wigtown and Phila
delphia, esfoi lows: — Letviriji Levustown, east
ward, on Mondays, U edtusdays, ;ui Eridays,
at 7 o'eloca, A. M.,ond arriving frm Philadel
phia on 'Tuesdays, 'TUursauys.nud. Saturdays,
at 5 10. P. M.
Ai! freight go in 7 east, MUST RE DE
on the days previous.
Freight in all case?, payable on deli', cry
of goods ut the warehouse,
PASSENGER TRAINS, cast, will leave at
10 minutes past. 9, A. M.. daily.
Fare to Philadelphia, s*o 50.
Lewistov.n, Dec. 22, 1849—! l [Dem. copy.
PURSUANT to un alias order cf the Or
phar.o' Court of Mifflin county, tiie sub
scriber, administrator,&c., of Samuel Matter.
late of Armagh township, in the said county,
deceased, will sell at public sale on the prem
ises, on
TIOXD tY, March 4, 1 8.10,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., all that messuage and
tract of unimproved mountain or wood land in
the said township of Armagh, bounded by laud
of John Aikens, Hugh Semple.auJ others,and
450 Acres, mere or less.
'I erms of Sale. —One half of the purchase
money to be paid on the confirmation of the
sale by the Court, una the remainder iii one
year thereafter, v. ith interest from the lime of
the said confirmation, and to be secured by
I Ponds and mortgages on the premises.
I This tract of land will be sold In lots or par
cels of FIFTY or ONE HUNDRED ACRLB, to suit
purchasers for woodland.
J. L. M'llvaine, Clerk of O C.
January 26, I^oo—td
PUBLIC notice is hereby given thai by or
der of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin coun
; ty, will be offered at public sale, on
| SATURDAY, February 23,
j 1850, at 12 o'clock M. of that day, the follow
j ing described Real Estate, with the appu.-te
j nances, &.C., situate in the township of Union,
, in said comity, late the estate of JACOB BY
' LER, Sen., deceased, viz:
No. 1. A tract of cleared land, adjoining
! lands of Aiex. Ciubony, Isaac Plank, Abraham
! Hartzler, and others, containing
47 Acres and 141 I'crclics,
i more or less, and having thereon erected a
! GRIST MILL, running two sets of burrs, and
! in good condition for doing country and mer
| chantable work, a SAW MILL, a
estaSs TENANT HOUSE, and other im
! provemcnts, together with a neverfailingspring
of water, an Apple Orchard, and other choice
! fruit of various kinds.
No. 2. A Tract of Timber Land, adjoining
, lands of Alexander Gibbony and John Hartzler,
I containing Forty-Two Acres and Seventy-Two
I Perches, more or less.
| No. B. A Tract of Timber Land, containing
j Three Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of
j the heirs of John Hartzler.
These tracts will be sold together or separ
ately. or each in parcels to suit purchasers, and
indisputable titles given.
Terms of sale. —One half of the purchase
money to be paid on the confirmation of the
sale, and the balance thereof in two equal an
nual payments thereafter, with interest from
the day of confirmation, to be secured by bonds
with security and mortgages on the premises.
The sale will be held on the premises No. 1,
on which the improvements are situated, at the
time above stated, when and where attendance
will be given by JOHN PEACHEY,
Executorg of Jacob Byler, Sen.
February 2, 1850—td
Cheap Cabinet Wareroom,
| XcarJ. 11. McDowells s tavern, Valley st.
j rnilE SmSCRIBER invites those about going to
i -t- housekeeping and toothers that wish to purchase
Cheap Furniture,
to call at the above mentioned Wareroom and examine
1 tns large stock of II >.7 Made and Useful furniture of ail
kinds too numerous to mention here. Among his stock
[ they an assortment of
j which are sold for CASH cheaper than they have ever
I been sold in this place. I would draw attention to a pa-
I tent F.iastic Spring-Bottom Bedstead, which can be seen
in mv Warerootn at any time. Itcan he put npandtaken
! down in less time than the old plan, and without a screw*
j driver, and the great matter is that it formsa spri.no bot
| tom w ilhout a cord or sacking, thus saving the purchaser
the cost of those articles.
COFFINS made to order and funerals attended at
the shortest notice. Either Mahogany, Cherry or Wal
nut can be .had at moderate terms.
I.ew istown, December 1, ISW.
RESPECTFULLY announces to his old
friends, and as many new ones as can
make il convenient to call, that he has juet re
ceived his
Fall and Winter Stock of Goods,
which he is prepared to dispose of at as reason
able prices as Mr Johnston Thomas, and he
selis about twenty per cent, lower than any
Store in the East Ward. My stock consists of
a general assortment of SEASONABLE
: GOODS, viz:
Queens ware, Glassware and
and Spies of the purest hind.
Together with all the articles usually found in
a country store. As we do not feel able to oc
cupy the newspapers with an advertisement of
two or three columns, we just say to our friends
j to call and see us, and if you dour purchase
from us we will not grumble.
| Lew istown, Dec. 22, I*49—tf
FRENCH Merino** and Thibet Cloih ta
all imaginable colors, front the si "
| ' 3"