Vol XXXV -W hole i\o- 1 879. Rates of Advertising. One square, 13 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00 1 time 50 14 1 year 8.00 44 2 times 75 column, 3 mos. 6.00 3 44 1.00 44 6 " 10.00 44 I mo. 1.25 " 1 year 15.00 • 3 44 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 • 6 " 4.00 44 6 44 15.00 44 1 year 6.00 44 1 year 25.00 2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices beforo rnar -44 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. sl2. Communications recommending persons for office, must be paid in advance at the rate of 25 cents per square. Philadelphia Advertisements. BIZBY & CO., Commission Merchants, FOR THE SALE OF FLOUR, GRAIN, S]EEDS, And all descriptions of Country Produce, BROAD STREET, EAST SIDE, Between Kace and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA. Respectfully solicit a share of the business from this vicinity, and refer to Messrs. LONGENECKER, GRUBB & Co., Bankers. \V. RUSSELL, Esq., Cashier, Lewistown. K. E. LOCKE. Esq , Mifflin county. K. J. Ross, Esq., Cashier, ) Harrisburg. Messrs. FUNK &L MILLER, > SAMUEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. GEO. M. TBOUTMAN, Cashier, of "j Western Bank, Y Philadel'a. Messrs. JAS. J. DUNCAN & Co., , and Merchants generally, J October 0, 1349 —601.* P A P E K I P A PE R! ,\o. 21 Bank street, Between Market and Chesnut, and 2d and 3 d streets, PBILAVELP HI A. 'DUE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of conn 1 try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing the different varieties of Printing, Hardware, W riling, Envelope, and Wrapping papers, Tissue papers, white and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, Sec. Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, they solicit orders from printers for any given size, which will be furnished at short notice, and at fair prices Market ortces either tn cash or trade paid for Rags DUCKETT AT KNIGHT. JVo. 21 Rank street. Philadelphia. October 6, 1849—1y. The Great China Store OF PHILADELPHIA. THANKFUL to the citizens of Lewistown and its vi b cinity for their increased custom, w-e again request liimr company to view our large and splendid assortment of China, Glass and Queensware. Dinner sets, tea lets, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to soil purchasers, for ess than they can be had elsewhere —in fact at less than wholesale prices American and English BRITTAJHLA METAL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before offered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very cheap. O-We would invite any person visiting the city to call and nr. Us—they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China and the cheapest the world produces Very respectfully, TYNDALE A MITCHELL, No. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. September M, —!>*• It LI \II fl A\ I FAC TO IIY. 11. CURR. YEMTIAN BLISD MA.MFACTL'RER, Sign of the Golden Eagle, No, 139 4- 143, .South Second street, below Dock street, PHILADELPHIA, \{ EEP.S always on band a large and fashionable assort 1*- meut of WIDE and NARROW SLAT WINDOW 111.1.N D 3, manufactured in the best manner, of the bent materials, and at the lowest cash prices. Having refuted and enlarged his establishment, he i* l>rpared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest sotice. Constantly on hand an assortment of Furniture, ' f *verv variety, manufactured eipresaly for li own ea ►;. ind purchasers may therefore rely on a good article. •> Open 111 the evening. Orders from a distance packed carefully, and sent ' •re of porterage, to any part of the city. H. CLARK. Philadelphia, August IS, IMlf—ly. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life losnranrc Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 159 Chesnut Street. Capital SUOOjOOO. Charter Perpetual. j"'J.NTIXL E to make Insurances on Lives on the most J favorable term*; receive and execute Trusts, and 'r r >. ive Deposits on Interest. The Capital being paid up and invested, together with cumulated |ireniium funil, aflbrda a yer/l ircsn/y to :oe insured The premium may be paid in yearly, balf yearly, „r quarterly payments. Tbe Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the insurances for life This plan of insurance is the most pprovetl of, and is mot.- generally in use than any other 11 Great Britain, (where the subject is best understoodby le people, and where ihey have had the longest expert errce.) as appears from the fact that out of 11", Life Insu lanoe Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this plan I he first BONUS was appropriated in December, 1-14, 'mounting to 10 per cent, on the aum insured under the ' lest policies ; to SI percent., ,1 percent fcc.,tc., on '■'. tiers, in proportion to the time of standing, making an I lit.,.ii of 1100; #b7.50; #75, A.C., fcc., to every £IOOO, oginaily insured, wtiicii is an average of more than 50 I< cent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing annual payment to the company lie operation of the M >nu* will he seen by the follow. ' cratriples from the Life Ihsuiance Register of the Company, thus: Sum ! Bonus or I Amount of Policy and 'V.icy Insured. , Addition. J Bonus payable at the I party'* J§ i ,ooo ' |RNFT ; | f l.lofl 00 " 1 4J, 00 j 350 00 j 4,7' M 00 •ilu > 4 ( OOA Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia atsd Liverpool LINE OF PACKETS. SI "P8- BIRTIIBN. MASTKR. | BERLIX, 700 tons, Alfred F. rim Oil. ! SHENANDOAH, 800 ' James West. MARV PLEASANTS, 800 " J.QBowne. j EUROPE, 700 44 ' Henry F. Mien-ken. I Th above ships will sail punctually, on their appointed ! days, viz : * j From Philadolphia on the 10th of each month. From Liverpool on the Ist of each month. a> Taking riteain on the Delaware. For passage, apply to SAMUEL PLEASANTS, No. 37 Walnut street, Philadelphia. O Parties will find these superior first class srilPri most desirable conveyances for bringine out their friends, the accommodations in second cabin and steerage being of the most airy and capacious description. t> Also Drafts for sale, payable in all parts of England, Ireland and Scotland, from one pound upwards. February 2, lsju—ly PURE FRESH COD LIVER 01!, rnHIS new and valuable medicine, now used by the J- medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro nic Rheumatism, (rout, General De bility, Complaints of the Kid neys, <$V., is prepared front the liver of the Cod Fish for medical use, expressly for our sales. (Ettraet from the London Medical Journal.) "C. J H. Williams, M D, F. It. ri.. Professor of Medi cine in University College, London, Consulting Pliysi ciau to the Hospital for consumption, Ac., say I have ; prescribed the Oil in above fourhundred cases of tubercu- I lous disease of the Lungs, in different stages, which have j been under my care the last two years and a haif In the large number of cases, 206 out 0f234, it* use w as fol lowed by marked and unequivocal Improvement, v ir> w g in degree in different cases, from a temporary retarda tion of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of dis tressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restcr ation to apparent health. " The effect of the Cod I.tver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, andof better volume, and the appetite, P. sli and strength were gradually improved. "In conclusion, I repeat that the pure fresh oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, ; dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed." , A a ut have made arrangements tuprueure the. Cod liver : 1 Oil, fresh from head quarter), it can act" bt h.ia tit H.W.UUJ pure by the tingle bottle, or m boxes of one dozen tneh. , 1 Its wonderful efficacy hag induced numerous spurtou , imitations As its success depends entirely on its purity, . , too much care cannot be used in procuring it geumn-. Every bottle hating on it our written signature may be depended upon as t enume Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with no tices of it from Medical Journals, will be sent to those who addrtss us free of postage. JOHN C. BAKER & CO , Wholesale Omppists and Chemist*. J (JO North Third Street, Philadelphia. October 13, IS 19—6 m. GEORGE mm, Wholesale Commission Agent, FOB ALL KINDS OF F I S 11, I\o. .11 Aortli Wharves, Above Rare street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April "21, 1-49. ly Wholesale Ac Retail CLOCK STORK, •Vo. 233 .Market street, abort Seventh, South si Purchasers who desire to supply themselves with j articles of the best quality will consult their own Inter ! eU by calling at tins establishment. t\ H. SMITH, Pocket Book Manufacturer, 5Ui Cheatuut Htrevt | Auftint 2!, 18J9—6ir. swi iwlol V NUMBER of citizens of the borough of . Lewistown have raised Bight Hundred Dollars j hy subscription, which they offer as a Reward for the arrest and conviction of the Incendiaries now at large, in the following manner: Two II ii ml red Doll.H'm , tor the apprehension of the first one, and ONE HIS I) RE I) and I'll TY DOLLARS for j any and every one after the first, the money to be paid in each case upon the conviction of the offender. Any information which may lead to the arrest and conviction of any one will be suitably rewarded. Any person desirous of knowing the parties offering the reward, can i see the subscription list at the office of A. P. JACOB, /Vox Att'y. I.esv sfown, February 2, IQSO.1 Q 5O. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 185<>. i HARRIS, TURNER $ HALE'S i Compound Syrup ofSpigclia or Vegetable Vermifuge, The most effectual, the safest, plcasanlcst , and most convenient Worm Medicine ; ever offered to the public. milE SPMJF.LIA, says ;t work of highest authority, j ftandi at the head of the lint of Anthelmintic* or IVuna I Medicine*. It is adapted to aw ider range of cast s, and i to a greater variety of constitutions and states of the | constitution, than any other. But prepared as it com monly is, in the form of leu, it can seldom be given to : children in sufficient doses In Harris, Turner &. 11 tie's i Compound rivrup, it is so concentrated that the dose is j very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera ' lion, and so palatable as to be taken, rot only v\ ith ease, i but with positive pleasure. j The precise composition of this syrup and the mod of | preparing it, are the result of a series of experiments j continued for years. Before offering it for- ale. it was I subjected to the test of experience in the hands of eiui | neiitplijsn ians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who have I recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it i in their practice. In addition to this evidence of its mer ' its, we offer the following, selected from a number of mi j solicited testimonials. I Ist. A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much I experience, writes of it thus: : '"I should have written btfire this, but fell disposed ; first to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. 1 have used i more than half the quartity received,and the experiment has been most successful. I realty believe th.it t< poems *e* advantage* over any other Ti rmifupr I have ri tr used. Independent of the ujiialhiess "f the dose, ami the pica f.ntness of the syrup (great mlvant •. .- in dosing chil dren) the advantage of administering it under a variety of circumstances, enhances it- value; indeed there i scarcely a condition of the syt-t :m in which it may not he administered. Your?, Ac " UJ. A respectable physician of Lebanon county, in this state, writes " I have been in the ha 1 it < f prescribing v nr Com pound rijrupof ripigelia for some time past, and have found it an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.— Please forward per bearer 2 dot. bottles. —Yours. 4cc." 3d.—An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom -ve had previously sold th • syrup, writes : 4 'riuic< my return home, I find that your Syrup of ripi gelia lias come into general us- in this neighbor)! .1 We have sold what w had on hand, and it gave such satis faction that it is now called for cvey day \ i will please put us up or 6 dozen in a small package, and send to the care of W. Aiidersou .V C , Richmond, a.- soon ■> possi ble,and forward the bill per mail.— Yours, &> 4th.—A reiectablt mercha. tof Ohio, on a Inf visit to Philadelphia, stated, that s- me lime since he had n-en a, plied to by a customer for a vial of j Yer mifuge for his son. Not having the article asked for, he advised a trial of Harris, Turner A Hale's < nip utid riyrup of ripigelia and gave hi ma part oj a!■ "tie v. hirh was aii thai remained in the store. A day or two after this the gentleman returning to the store, express '1 his surprise and delight at the effect of the riyrup. declaring it had expelled 200 worms and entirely relieved bis sou. The merchant added an expression of id- great regret tint iie had not had on hands a bottle of the riyrup at the time w hen bis own little daughter died,as he confidently - lievcd it would have saved her life 3th— A gentleman of Hudson, .\ . Y., having sent a bot lleof II arris. Turner Sc. Mile's Cumiiounri riyrup of ripi g.-Ua. to a young friend vvh bed tr• ■I in van a great num ber of worm inedi iocs, writes, that his fin nd was mm. diately relieved ; ibe words of the patient were "It took every worm out my body MANUFACTURED ONLY BY HARRIS, TURNER K H\LE, Wholesale Druggists, No. 4 201 Market street, Philadeluhia, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL-EKS IN Drugs. Medicines, ("In mien Is. Patent Medh tnes. rittrpical ami Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassw are, Win dow-cln *, Paints, Oils. l>y> s, Perfumeries, A c., &c ~i nd exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner It Male's Sugar-lki.tied Pills, HuxhamV Linuiiem for the I'iles.the Bnilbridge 11 nir Tonic, Ebr ifi * i.-. • Water, Mrs. Modi on' Unrivalled Indellihle Ink. IKiv-ir' '.-1 hrated Nerve and Bone Liniment, <>r Magic Pain Exiructor, Mrs riii irs w-iod's Kvirat Is of I. -uion and Vanilla,for flavoring Pud dings. Ice ( reams, Ac , Ac. For sale by dealers in l)ruis generally in Centre, Mifflin and Juniata counties. [au5 —tf iiDDjjij Jii 'ariiDimjdi AT JUNES' NEW CHEAP CASH STOKE! fiIHK attention of Country Dealers, Ped .l lars, and oth<*rri lsiyi ngf goods in large quantities, is requested to the immense stick and varied assortment of goods at this e.tab hshir.ent, seilino at PiiiladoSphia wlmlesale prices. Terms cash and prices low. C. L. JONES, nov3. Aew CheupCush Store. THREE PLY CARPETS! BEST quality three-ply Carpets warranted ' —selling at sl.l*2£ per yard, such as is sold at other stores tor 51.37A and $>1.59. Al so, a splendid aosortnient ol other t 'arpeting, Rug?. at C. L. JUNES. November 17, 1849. 1001 OOIiMRi REWARD. rWIIJE above reward will be given Idr any m- A formation thai will convict ony person or person? who set the I ewistown Mills on fire on the night of the 94th December, 1849. Ifanjr i person was employed to set it on lire by any other person or persons, it' the person that was so employed will {jive the information that will convict the person or persons that employed him, he will not be proceeded against, and shall receive the above reward. JOHN STERRKTT. Lewistown, February 2, lbsU—3>. mi) REWARD! Extract from the Minutes of the Town Coun cil, January 29, 1850: {■) ESOLVED, That a reward of three iioii dred dollars be and is hereby ofit red lor the apprehension and conviction of the persons who hred the stables on the night of the inst., to be paid as fid Sows, to wit:—ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the arre.-d and conviction of ths first one, and FIFTY DOL LARS for any and every one after the first. Resolved, That Francis iM'Clure, U. VV. Thomas, Esq., M. Montgomery, R. H. M'Clin tic, M. Buoy, Daniel Ziglerand John R. Weeks be and are hereby appointed to select, as many of the citizens as to them may seem expedient, to serve alternately as a nipht vvutch ; and the persons so selected' are hereby authorized and empowered to arrest all persons violating any of the ordinances of this Borough. Certified from the Minutes of the Town Council of the Borough of Lewistown, Janu ary 30,1850. J. W. SHAW, President T. C. Attest, FRANCIS M'CHJRE, See'rv. lewistown, February 2, Hso—3t Auditor's Aoticc. fpilE subscriber, appointed Auditor by the A Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin county, to di.-tribute the proceeds of the sale of personal property of JOILV NORIUS, dee'd, orrFi. Fa. No. -13, April Term, 1848, appoints MONDAY, the 25th day of February, 1850, at Lis office in Lewistown, to hear those interested, when and where they are hereby notified to attend. J. DICKSON, Auditor. Lewistown, January 26, 1850 —4t Auditor's Notice. r JMIE undersigned, appointed Auditor by the J Orphans' Court of Mitffln county, to decide | on the exceptions tiled to the Administration i account of Joseph Strode, Jr., Administrator of AMOR STRODE, late of Granville township, deceased, appoints FRIDAY, March 1, 1850, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his office in Lewistown, to hear the parties interested, when and where they are hereby notified to attend. J. DICKSON, Auditor. Lewistown, January 26, 1850—It Attdiloi'si rVolsce. I nPIIF, subscriber, appointed Auditor by li.e I Court of Common I'ieas of Miliiin county, ; to report on the exceptions filed to the Assignee Acctiui tof .Limes Droven. Assignee cd' J.I.MIIS .a >i I'J 7, as fib d by James Urowit and Thomas ; Ifrown, Administrators of James Brown, dee'd, I and to re-state account, it necessary, appoints .■•IO.N.pAA , the 18th day of February next, at Ids office tn Lewistown, to hear the parties in , terestcd, when and where they are hereby noti ; fied to attend. VV.M. M. HALL. Lewistown, Jan. 19, 1850—4t Auclilor'M Aolicc, THK subscriber, appointed Auditor by the f)r --1 phans Court of Mifflin courity to report on me exceptions tileil to Hie Administration Ac count of Jam s I,illam, Administrator of the es tate of ROfSEH T .S. AN k 11 1. late of Union township, deceased, and to re-state, account and decide on exceptions, appoints WEDNESDAY, the 20th day id' February next, at his office in lewistown, to hear the parties interested, when and where they are hereby notified to attend. WM. M. HALL. Lewistown, Jan. 13, 1850—4t A urn tor's Aolicf. r P!fi". subscriber, appointed Auditor by the J[ Court of Common Pit as of MifJlin county iti the matter of the account of llenrtt It. Taylor, Trustee oi >. IMC HI. I). WIS, an habitual drun kard, to distribute, iCc., appoints FRIDAY, the 22, i day of February next, at his office in Lewistown, to hear the parlies interested, when u id where thev are hereby notified to attend. WM. M. HALL. Lewistow n, Jan It), 185t>—4t Auililor'N Aofice. IPHEsubscriber, appointed Auditor by tfieOi i pban- (,'ourt t Mifflin county to report on the error- assigned to the supplemental and final administration account of John Snyder, one of the Executors of .MICHAEL RUBLE, late of Granville township, deceased, and to re-state account it he should find it necessary, t.2c., ap point- MON'D.W, the 25th of February next, at his ' tlice in Lewistown, to hear the parties interested, w hen and where they are hereby no tified to attend. WM. >. HALL. Lewistown. Jan. 19, 1850—4t Auditor's Notice. r P!TK -uhscribcr, appointed Auditor by the Or | phans" Court < f Mifilin county to report and decide on exceptions tiled, <&c., to tlie adminis tration account of E/thraim Hunks, Esq.. Execu tor of the v ill of !t IU.LIM M. IT HEM'S, late of Decatur Township, deceased, appoints ITU ItSDAY, tire 26th of February next, at liis ofTire in l.i-wistown, to hear the parties interest ed, when and where thev are hereby notified to attend ' WM. M. IIALL. LeVistown, Jan. 13, 1850—-It W. 11. IRWIS, 4 TTO II X E V A T L A tf, HAS resumed the practice ofhis profession it: this and the adjoining counties. < )ffice at the itaukmg House of Longeneck cr, (irubh ct Co. Jan. 20, ]B4s—tf. GEiO. W. .1 T T O li X E Y A T L A TT r , Lcwislown, Mi HI in Connly, Fa. OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo crat Office. Mr. Klder will attend to any business in the Courts of Centre country. August 25, 1849—tf. >L'o Attorney at Law, J 1 LI. attend promptly to business entruet i V ed to his care in tins and adjoining counties. Office one dcur west ot the I'ost Oiliee. June lti, '4D-ly. IYZ AGIST RATE' 5 CFHCE. c; 53 U i * T 5 A II OO V S: 22 . .ItiMicc oS'llic IVaco, i AN bo found at his office, in the room re contly occupied by Esquire Kuip, where he will attend to all business entrusted to his care with the greatest care and despatch. Lewi&towr., July I, 18-H—tf Jl. 3IOTGOMEBY, Kol A Mioc .tlailul;i 4c ., &e .,&c.,& c . C. L. JONES, New Cheap Cash Store.