Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 02, 1850, Image 1

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    VoI.XXX V.—Whole Ao 18Ci).
Kates of Advertising.
One square, 13 line*, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
1 time 50 44 l yea r 8.00 \
2 times 75 £ column, 3 mos. G.OO i
3 44 1.00 " 6 " 10.00 l
1 mo. 1.25 44 1 year 15.00
3 44 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
G 44 4. 00 44 G 44 15.00
1 year 6.00 44 l year 25.00
"squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before rnar
-3 mos. 3.50 riages, &e. sl2.
Communications recommending persons for
office, must be paid in advance at the rate of
•25 cents per square.
Philadelphia Advertisements,
Bum I co„
And all descriptions of Country Produce,
Between Race and Cherry,
Respectfully solicit a share of the business j
from this vicinity, and refer to
Messrs. LONGENLCKER, GRIBB & Co., Bankers.
\V\ RCSSJHX, Esq., Uachier, Lewistown.
E. E. LOCKE, Esq , Mifflin county.
R. J. Ross, Esq., Cashier, )., • ,
Messrs. Ftsi & M.uX £ Harrisburg.
S.VMIEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, Lancaster
county, Pa.
GKO. M. TROUT MAN, Cashier, of")
Western Bank, j n ,
Messrs. JAS. J. DUNCAN &. Co., j 1 a<,t
and Merchants generally, j
October 6, 1849—Oin.*
21 Bank street, Between Market and
Chesnut, and 2 d and 3d streets,
THE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of coun |
try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing
!.-i different varieties of Printing, Hardware, Writing, .
i -.elope, and Wrapping papers. Tissue papers white j
r.d sssorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, 4ic. i
Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, [
wy solicit orders from printers for any given size, ]
~ch will be furnished at short notice, and at fair prices, j
Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Rags
.Yo. 21 Bank street. Philadelphia.
October 6,1849 —ly.
The Great China Store
THANKFUL to the citizens of lewistown and its vi
-4 cinity for their increased custom, we again request :
Mir company to view our large and splendid assortment
'. China, Glass and tgueensware. Dinner sets, tea 1
nu, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China |
or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for
-si than they can be had elsewhere —in fact at lets than
.v>eale prices. American and English BhITTA.S'JA !
METAL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before '
'ered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very
Map. ;>We would invite any person visiting the city
call and see us— they will at least be pleased to walk j
' und our beautiful store, and to view the finest China j
■id the cheapest the world produces. Very respectfully,
.Yo. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
September 99, 1849 ly.
11. CLARK,
■Sign <-f the Golden Ragle, No, 139 <\ 143,
South Second street, below Dock street,
KF.FPB aU a-, s on hand a large and fashionable assort
BI.INDB, manufactured in the best manner, of the best
materials, and at the lowest cash prices.
Having refitted und enlarged his establishment, he is >
to-pared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest !
t 'lice. Constantly on hand an assortment of
Tlalioxany Tiiriaiturc,
'-very variety, manufactured expressly for his own '
■ niii purchasers may therefore rely on a good article, j
"> Open in the evening
*• Orders from a distance packed carefully, and sent
re ~f porterage,' to any part of the city.
Philadelphia, August 18,1849 ly.
The Cirard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust
Company of Philadelphia,
Office No. 159 Chesnut Street.
Charter Perpetual.
pDXTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on the most
' favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and ]
oc-ive Deposits on Interest.
I lie Capital being paid up and invested, together with
I inula ted premium fund, affords a perfect security to
insured The premium may he paid in yearly, half
..early,or quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONI'H at stated periods to the
insurances for life. This plan of insurance is the most
approved of, and is more generally in use than any other
in Great Britain, (where the subject i* best underntoodby
tbe people, and where they have had (he longest experi
rnce,) a* appears from the fact that out of 117 Life Insu
rance Companies there, of all kinds, *7 are on this plan.
ihe first BONUS was appropriated in December,lull,
'mounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the
lest policies ; to 8( per cent, 7i percent Ac., fee , on
When, in proportion to the time of standing, making an
•blil.on o/9J00; $-7 30; $73, fee., fee., to every SIOOO,
g.nully insured, which is an average of more than 30
per ten! on the premiums paid, and without increasing
'tiriuaj payment to the company-
I ne operation of the Bonus will he seen by the follow
i examples trom the Lifo Insurance Kc.,ir of the
1 "tnpany, thus:
! Bum Bonus or ' A mount of Policy and
F ilicy ! insured. ! Addition j Bonus payable at the
I | party's decease,
N. 6- #l,l*lo SIOO 00 $l,lOO 90
' A- 1 2.300 ?*' 00 2,750 00
" iir, I 400 00 4,400 <K
" T', \ 2 (*SI 175 00 2,175 <*)
" J I.DGJ 437 50 s''
> i'Msui.gTs contsining the table of rates, audi*
e'tnatlons of the subject; Forms of Apldlentinn, and
luriher tnfiiroiatinn can be had at the office, gratis,
erson ur by letter, addressedt" the President or ki tnary
B. W. RICHARDS. President.
I"u I". J\m j 4, Actuary. jsp'-H:ly
Philadelphia Advertisements. ;
j flliiiS new and valuable medicine, now used by the
{ medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in
the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro
nic Rheumatism, (iout, General De
bility, Complaints of the Kid
neys, <^c.,
| is prepared from the liver of the Cod Fish for medical
j use, expressly for our sales.
(F.ztrar* from the London Medical Journal.)
"C.J. B. VV illiams, M. Li., F. It. 8., Professor of Medi
cine in University College, London, Consulting l'liysi
! cum to the Hospital for consumption, fee., says: I have
prescribed the Oil in above four hundred cases of tubercu
lous disease of the Lungs, in different stages, whir h have
been under my care the last two years and a half. In
j the large number of cases, 206 out 0f231, its use was fol
lowed by marked and unequivocal improvement, varying
in degree in different cases, from a temporary retard.r
--1 tion of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of dis
i tressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restor
] ation to apparent health.
" The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of tin cases
was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough
was mitigated, the etpecloration diminished in quantity
and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the puis became
slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, llesb and
strength were gradually improved.
"In conclusion, I repeat that the pure fresh oil from
the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment
i of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal,
dietetic or regitneii.il, that has yet been employed "
As tee hart made arrangements to procure the Coil / irer
Oil, frisk from head quarters, it can note he hud ehtiniru.'i y
pare by the single bottle, or in botes of one uuZ'ti each.
Its wonderful efficacy has induced numerous spurious
imitation*. As its success depends entirely on its purity,
too much care cannot be used in procuring it genuiiu .
Every bottle having unit our irritten signature manic
depended upon as genuine
Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with no
tices of it from Medical Journals, will be sent to those
who address us free of postage.
Wholesale Druggists and Chemists.
1 00 North Third Street, Philadelphia.
October 13,1549—-6 m.
Wholesale Commission Agent,
I\ T o. .11 Xortli Wharves,
Above Race street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April '2l, 1841k —ly
Wholesale <SL Retail
No. 238 Market street, above SetttUh, South shir,
| \LTIIOUCH we can scarcely estimate the value of
J * * TIME commercially, yet by calling at the above e
! tabllshnient, JSMFK BXMBER will furnish bis friends,
j among whom he includes all who duly appreciate its
1 fieetness, with a beautiful and perfect index for marku _•
j its progress, of whose value they ex* judge
; His extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in j
| conformity to the improvements in taste and style of
gff) pattern and workmanship, consistol" Eight-day
\ and Thirty hour Brass Counting House, Parlor,
I y.. JylHall, Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, French, Go- i
thic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, ,
which from his extensive connection and correspondence
j with the manufacturers he finds he can put at the low f-t
! cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of
I which he will warrant the accuracy.
Cr Clocks repaired and varranttd. Clock Trimmings
on hand.
CALL and see me among them.
JAMES BARBER, 238 Market st.
Philadelphia, August IS, 184 V— ly.
No. 52 J Chestnut Street, above Second,
THE subscriber respectfully solicits public attention to
bis superior and tasteful stock of
Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, and
Banker's Cases, Other Fine Cutlery,
Bill Books, Gold Pens ami Pencils,
Dressing Cases, Hegar Caste,
Card Cases, Chess Men,
Port Monaies, Back Gammon Boards.
, Purses, Dominoes, Sic., Ac.
I His assortment consists of the most fashion abb and
modern styles, of the finest quality and excellent wnrk
j manship, embracing every desirable fancy pattern, which
! he will at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish ,
i wholesale or reta it on the most pleasing t< rms.
sVPurchasers who desire to supply themselves with
articles of the best quality will consult their own inter
ests by calling at tins establishment
Pocket Book Manufacturer, 5*21 Chestnut Street.
I August 25, )M ' bin.
Tlic Franklin Fire Inmiranre
Company ol Fliilatlelpliia,
OFF ICE, No. 1634 Chesnul street, near Fifth stivei.
Charles N. Bancker, George W. Richard*,
Thomas Hart, Morctecai I>. Lewie,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Borie,
Samuel Grant, David 8. Brown,
| Jacob tt. Smith, Morris Patterson
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on
every description of property in town and country, at
rates as low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
I affords ample protection to the assured
The assets of the Company, on January Ist. I SIB, as
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
lows, Vix:
Mortgages, $890,638 65
Heal Estate, 108,35b 90
Temporary Loans, 124,45U 00
blocks, 51,563 25
Cash, AC. 45,137 87
$ 1 ,220,097 67
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years,
i they have paid upwards of one. million tiro hundred tkou
j sand dollars losses iy fire, thereby affording evidence of
1 the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and
I disposition to meet with promptness ail liabilities.
T'llim.ra (i. HAM KI.IT, Secretary.
i For terms apply io R. C. lIALF, Lewis
j town. aplt—ly. .
OF these goodH a large assortment on hand,
for sale by the piece or yard very low —
121 ccntri, cts., 25 eta.. 31 cts., cts.,
! 44 cts., 50 cts.. 56 cU., cts., 75 cts,
1 1 cts., #I.OO, #!.'25 and #1.50; also a handsome
' i assortment of Bombazines.
novO. New Cheap Canh Slore.
Queensware & Glassware,
QUITE an extensive assortment just open
ing at tiie New Cheap Casfc Store.
Gilt French China Tea Setts,
do do do Plates.
White Iron Stone Tea and Dinner Sets.
do Granite do do do 4
Light Blue do do do
Florir.g Bine do do do
Toilet Sets, (J pieces; Blateaof all kinds an 1
sizes by the single or dozen ; also R large as- '
sortrrient of Cups and Saucers, by tlie single
Set; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses
Pitchers; colored and white glass Candlesticks; '
Preserve I)ishe, in endless variety; French
china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various
patterns; Castors; Tumblers; Glass Jars, va
rious sizes: stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur
key Dishes, white, blue and mulberry, also
steak Dishes to match; Bowls, Pitchers; sauce
Dishes; and a large lot .if common Cups and
Saucers, all offered for sale at unprecedented
low prices for cash, at
nov3 New Cheap Cash Store.
rriHE following described property situated
.1. on Hale street, Lewistown :
One Ice House, Rent #l5O per annum,
do Diy Dock &. Yard, do 15(1 do
do Carpenter Shop, do 50 do
Four vacant Ui?s, do 20 do
ALSO the following properly on Charles St.:
One dwelling, 4 rooms, rent. #45 per annum,
do do do do do 40 do
do do do do do 40 do
do do do do do 40 do
do do 5 do do 40 do
do do do do do 44 do ,
Four vacant lots, do 20 do
One vacant lot on Main street, 5 do
ALSO the following property in Dtrry [p.:
One dwelling, 2 rooms, rent #2O per annum,
do do 5 do do 30 do
do do 5 do do 40 do
do do 3 do do 30 do
do Sawmill on Jack's Creek
with timber leave, rent #OOO do
do do do do 700 do
do Smith Shop, do 20 do
00 acres of Farm Land, do 1(M) do
One dwelling, 5 rooms, do 40 dn
do do 0 do do 50 do
Stone leave in the Narrows, 50 do
do on Jack's Creek. 130 do
Wood leave on 1400 acres, 50 cts. per cord.
CO" Persons wishing It, RENT any of the
above property must contract for the same on 1
or before the TWENTY-FIFTH inst. I will
SELL any of the above property CHEAP, as
some of my creditors are poor.
December 8, 1849.
"YT T f 7 I T Pi 7 "
JL * • \i m urn SJ mm/ X CXJ AL mm! dm! *
At Ins (Jld Stand in Market street,
i fAS just received the Beebe N Costar
. M. and latest Philadelphia and New York
Fall Fashion of Huts and Caps, and is now •
prepared to furnish both old and new customers j
with an article, which he will warrant got*!, '
and nothing shorter. He has now oil hand a j
large and general assortment of
which lie will dispose of, WHOLESALE or ;
RETAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained
here or elsewhere.
His Ornish friends will also find hint pre- J
pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled ,
BROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care j
and attention which he has always bestowed J
upon them. Don't forget the old stand, whe.e i
you may depend upon not being disappointed. !
N. J. 11. feels grateful for the generous pa
tronage he has thus tur received, and assures !
all that he will spare no pains to give the gen- j
eral satisfaction that lie has hitherto succeed-j
ed in affording all who have dealt with him. j
Lewistown, Sept. 15, I>4'J—tf.
Fill I Fikbllioiis IC.'CHV4*<|.
Market street, Lewistown. adjoining At:n
netly Port( r's Store.
'I N It. Z. informs ihe citizens of Mifflin
IvX and the adjoining counties, that he has
N just received the tall fii'i
/ shionß, and is now prepared jßpjnjg
furnish all in want
H ATS or CAPS with an arti
cle, neat, durable and well finished,
comprising every style manufactured for this
The care and attention he lias ever given to
the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred
by his numerous Ornish customers, will be
continued; and he feels warranted in giving
the assurance that they will not he disap
will find it decidedly to their advantage to give
him a call, for his arrangements are now such,
as to enable hitn to furnish any quantity that
may be desired on the shortest notice.
Grateful for the encouragement be hns thus
far received, he will continue to deserve it by
continued assiduity to the wants of his friends,
and strict attention to his business.
Lewistown, Sept. 23,1849.
C 1 L. JONES respectfully informs the ln-
J • dies that he made a large purchase of
Cashmeres when last in the city, at greatly re
duced prices, and is now able to sell a genuine
article of Cashmere at the extremely low price
of 25 cts. per yard, equal to any to be hod at
50 cts. at other places. Call soon, as they are
Belling like hot cakes.—-Also, a splendid assort
j merit of 6ack Flannels and many other new
goods just received and arriving at the cele
brated new cheap cash store.
Nov. 17. C. L. JONES.
RILLA, for sale at GREEN'S
PALMER'S Business Men's Almanac, for
sale nt this Office.
IIORNE'S Rheumatic Nerve and Bone
-■ *. Liniment, for sale at GREEN'S Medi
cal Depot, No. 11, Lewistown.
4 FEW pieces Turk Satin Du Chene, 28
/A inches wide, selling at only #1.25 per
yard. Call and see
I IRENCHand English Merinoesand Mouse
line de Laines, a large assortment of ev
ery shade and quality, at JONES'
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
\rOUNG Hyson, Imperial, Souchong, and
Oolong. C. L. JONES,
0c27. New Cheap Cash Store.
Men and Boys, a large assortment at
reduced prices. C. L. JONES,
>c27. Arte Cheap Cash Store.
Bar Iron.
E>i 7ST quality Bar iron for sale cheap for
9 cash, at C. L. JONES'
d*c 15 New cheap cash store,
J UST received end now opening, plain and
embroidered Sack Flannel, for ladies and
children—selling very cheap at
llcrliiiiH'r coiinly Cheese.
A LARGE lot of very superior quality
just received at C. L. JONES'
nuv3. New Cheap Cash Slore.
Mackerel. Shad and Salt.
JONES' is the place tubuv them cheap.
n0v.17. C. L. JONES.
SEL LING at Jones' at cents, per pound
and quart —also, better quality proportmn
abiy low. C. L. JONES.
Lewistotti), Oct. 27, 1549.
Merinoesand Thibet Cloth in
all imaginable colors, from the lowest
grade to the first quality, just received and
now opening at
\UM JIJ.AU AJlijy,
LS 1 received a few pieces more —s II
at the former low prices at
liovff New Cheap Cash Store.
Erith Linens.
A LARGE lot bought at a bargain in
44 * I'hilaffelphia, and sel'ing by the
piece or yard at a small advance at
0c27 New Cheap Cash Store.
.Sleigh Bells.
\ large assortment ol Sleigh Bells just re
. ceived, comprising every style; foraaleat
least 20 per cent, lower than can be had else
where, at C. L. JONES'
dec 15. N( w cheap cash store
).YS in want ot Bankets are invited
to a large stock iust received at
nv3. New Cheap Cash Siore.
I'. S. Remember these Blankets art; fresh
goods just opened, no old stock.
J > EST tpiaiity three-ply Carpets warranted
3 —selling at #1.124 per yard, such as is
sold at other stores tor #1.371, and #1.50. Al
so, a splendid assortment o! other Carpeting,
Rugs, &.<•., r.t C. L. JONES.
November 17, 1549.
MUFFS, BOAS, Victorines, &c.
WE will open in a finv days a large and
handsome lot of Furs, such as Muffs,
Boas, Victorines, Bellerines, of Genett, Lynx,
Cooriey, Squirrel and Fitch, which will be the
cheapest and handsomest ever offered. An
examination cf the same is resnecltully re
Lewistown, Oct. 20, 1849.
Hotting- 4'tilths
OF the best quality SQCARI: MESH, AN
CHOR STAMP, real Holland manufacture,
imported direct from the rnanutacfory, and tor
sale at. Lewistown at New \ork prizes.
Terms cash —cloths warranted. Enquireof
August 4. 1849 Millwright.
|T7HEREAS the groat rush at <\ L.Jones*
▼ ▼ celebrated new cheap cash store tor de
sirable and cheap goods has tendered it al
many times impossible to wait upon all tbe
i customers, many have had to wait, arid some
being in a hurry have been obliged to leave
the store; this is to inform all such that there
is now an additional force added, so that ul!
can he accommodated without delay. Come
on for cheap goods at C. L. JONES
Celebrated New Cheap Cash Store.
| November 17, 1849.
OF the above goods a very (extensive assort
ment just opening, consisting of
Market Baskets, all sizes
Clothes do do
Travelling do do
Dinner do do
Knife do do
Churns, Tubs, Buckets, &.C., &c., &c., &c.
novo. New Cheap (.'ash Store.
" Come to my bosom, my bonnie wee Ihing ;
Ooroe in your beauty like flowers o' the spring;
Gentle and lightsome, like a bird i 1 the air,
W insorne and gleesome, and blooming sae fair.
Come like the rainbow o'er arching tbe skv ;
Come like the. sunshine to gladden mine eye ;
Come to my arms, Jennie, sweetest and dearest;
Come to my heart where thou'lt ever be nearest!
Come like the rosebud a' dripping wi' dew,
Wi' your breathing sae fresh, and your spirit sae
Come like the summer stream, dancing in glee;
Come like the siller tnoon o'er the sea.
Oh, come frae the town, let us ramble together ;
Where laverocks build in the dark purple heath'r. |
Come to my arms, Jennie, sweetest and dearest, ■
Come to the heart where thuu'ltever be nearest!"
A stranger dismounted at ihe door of the
Hotel, and wave his horse to the offi
cious waiter. The bar-keeper opened the
register to take his name.
•• Aou are right," said he, 44 a single
room would he more agreeable," and he
walked into the supper-room lo which
the crowd of hoarders were passing. The
bar-keeper ran alter him, screaming in
ins ear—
-44 What name did vou say V 1
44 Thank you," said he 44 I ran find the
way; don't put yourself to any trouble."
On his return to the bar-room, a waiter
took up his saddle-bags, and told the deaf
stranger he would show him to his cham
•• My friend, who will spend the even
ing with me prefers plain cherry,"
said he. 44 Aou may send up a bottle,
and a few cigars."
44 1 did not," said the bar-keeper, 44 ex
actly understand your name."
•• 1 think'a little ice would improve the
wine," was the answer. 44 And now I
iliink of it, you may put the bottle in a
\t ine-cooler." His friend now joined him,
and they walked to his room together.
The deaf lodger patronized the house to
the extent of another bottle, before he
slept. The waiter who brought it up.
ventured once more to inquire iiis name.
"Nothing more," said he "except a slice
of cold ham, a pickle, and a little bread
and cheese." The next morning after
breakfast when the stranger's horse was
at the door, he asked for his bill, lie
was told that it was six dollars and three
4 * You are very kind, I had expected to
pay you : but if this is your custom, to
charge nothing for the first visit, you shall •
not lose b\ it—all my friends in Sponge
vilie will certainly give you at least one
call when they come into this city—good
44 1 would thank you to pay your hill
before you go," screamed the bar-keeper.
•* I am obliged lo you," said the deaf
gentleman. -• 1 can put them on ;" and
lie took up his saddle-bags and departed.
\s he mourted, the bystanders began to
laugh immoderately at the awkward em
barrassment which afflicted the bar-keeper,
who was in despair, while he bawled after
the delinquent who continued bowing, and
repeating his assurances, that he would
certainly remember the accommodations,
civility, and liberality of the house, and
recommend it to all his friends who might
pass through the city. The gentleman
who so well affected deafness won the
wager he had staked on the success of his ;
scheme, and paid his hill the next time he i
\ isited the city.
44 1 say. hoy, whose horse is that you're
riding ?"
44 Why, it's daddy's."
44 Who's your daddy ?"
4 * Don't you know ? Why, Uncle Pete
44 So you are the son of your Uncle ?"
44 Why, yes, 1 calculate 1 am. You see
dad got to he a widower, and married
mother's sister: so 1 reckon he's my
" 15oy, vou are not far removed from a
fool. '
44 Well, as we uint more than three feet
apart. I gi\ i s in to that."
44 Good morning."
44 Good morning. Aou didn't come it
that time, stranger."
The original classic saying which has
degenerated into 44 O take your time Miss
Lucy Long!" may be found in an old.
and in fact, obsolete edition of Jonsing and
Jumbo. The text is there set down, as
near as can he rendered conveniently from
ihe original latin, thus :
44 O, horam tibi carpc,
Mi Luciana Loni;!
O, carpe diem, [VVhar be
De subjee ob my song rj
In Congo squarum somna,
De negro snorum strong ;
O, tempus tibi gumbo,
Mi Luciana Long!"
IRISH AND DUTCH.—It is generally ad
, milted that the Irish arc most famous for
| making bulls, hut we think the Dutch can
j go ahead in making pigs, for instance:
; I've got a pig cat, and I've got a pig tog,
I've got a pig calf, and I've got a pig hog,
I've got a pig baby, so pig and so tall.
And I've got a pig vife dat's pigger as a!!.
New Series—Vol. I—No, 10.
" Great age," this we live in. People
don i laugh now-a-davs—they indulge iu
merriment. They don't walk—they pro
menade. They never eat their food—
they masticate it. Nobody lias a tooth
pulled—it is extracted. No one has his
feelings hurt—they are lacerated. Young
men do not go courting the girls—they
pay the young ladies attentions. It 13
vulgar to \isit any one —you must only
make a call. 01" course you would not
think of going to bed—you would retire
to rest. Nor would you build a house—
you would erect it.
A BAD MF.MOUY.—A man in the coun
try a few days asm led a blooming widow
to the altar. The clergyman looked at
the bridegroom and said,
" I think you have a wife living !"
"Have I, do you think ?" replied the
" 1 am sure you have," rejoined the
" 1 really, sir," said the fellow, " have
a very bad memory, and 1 thank you lor
jogging it. 1 now recollect something of
A certain good deacon's hat blew off
and led him a long chase after it through
the street. At length the deacon became
exhausted in the race, arid pulled up
against a post by the side-walk. A gen
tleman came along to whom the deacon
addressed himself thus :
"My friend. 1 am a deacon of the
church, aud it is very wrong lor me to
swear; \ou will therefore greatly oblige
me if you will just damn that hat for me."
A celebrated Gambler, after attending a
great revival meeting, experienced, as lie
supposed, a change of feelings, and was
finally induced to take his seat upon the
" anxious bench." The minister com
menced examining them on their experi
ence and the state of their feelings, and
finally, approaching the gambler, asked,
" Well, my friend, what do you say ?"
"Oh," replied he, unconsciously, "I
pass ! what do you do, old fellow ?" turn
ing to his left hand neighbor.
And old lady said her husband was very
fond of peaches, and that was his only tault.
" Fault, madam," said one, " how can
you call that a fault
" Why, because there arc different ways
of eating them, sir. My husband takes
them in the form of brandy !"
" You look like death on a pale horse,"
said Jim to a toper, who was growing
pale and emaciated.
" 1 don't know any thing about that,'
said the toper, " but I'm death on pale
" Is that clock right over there ?" asked
a visiter the other day.
" Right over there ?" said the boy;
" taint nowhere else."
" Is them fillers alive now " said an
urchin to his teacher. " W hat fellers do
"you mean, my dear V "\Y by, Paul, and
Luke, and Deuteronomy, and them."
" Fashion," says llazlitt, "is gentility
running away from vulgarity, and afraid ol
being overtaken by it. It is a sign the two
things are not far asunder. '
An exchange informs us that "the Mis
sissippi is ' tight as a drum' above the
mouth of the Jinni river. YY c should
not wonder.
The locomotive is the only good mo
tive that can be given for riding a man 011
a rail,
YY'c have hitherto omitted to notice (says
a New Orleans paper) the arrival of the
schooner Diamond at this port, from Chi
cago, Illinois. The* Diamond is a snug
looking craft of about two hundred tons.
She left Chicago on the 25th November,
came through the Illinois Canal, thence to
the Mississippi, and descending the mighty
river, arrived at this port several days ago.
An old lady named Montague, of New
port, Kentucky, on Tuesday morning of
last week, suddenly rose from her seat and
requested those present to go for certain
neighbors, stating that she desired them to
come and .see her die.' She was then in
apparent good health. The neighbors
rami—Mrs. Y!. was seized with sickness,
carried to bed, and died in the presence of
those whom she had sent for !
Jesse M. Eyre, of Chester Borough, in
digging a well on the west side of Chester
I Creek, near the site of the house of Robert
| YYade, visited by YYilliam Penn on his
| first landing, in 1682, came directly on
, the well which supplied water to the
above named resident. About six inches
below the surface was found the old well;
neatly walled, and, on clearing it out, tin?
well-bucket was found at the bottom. It
had been closed a hundred years.
lie wlm enlarges his heart roirietsh s
j tongue.