Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 26, 1850, Image 4

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    EHJ. Jl iKTIV*
(ToiupountJ J&gt'U# Ot
in LI) IHLItH I.
T the bi-n Medicine vet for Cough*, Colds, Consninp-
I I ton, Aslhl.iu, Spitting of Blood, &c. Bead the fol
,oW"lg' November 13th, 184*.
Tunr Sir-I fake great pleasure in saving to you that
Mrs Ross-has been entirely relieved of her eoaglb by the
_ ..-r j Cherry . It hrtdcontintcd for
us** ot vour burup oy it no v-"" '
Ml, eighteen tnonihs She had used several prepara
ttol of the Wdd Cherry now in popular use, hut not
with the slightest lieneht, until oh- took yours. She on
ly took six bottles, and I am pleased to say she is now in
rood he-nth. Every one who saw Mrs. Ross thought
her in a deep decline. I-EWIS P ROSS,
No. iiti! S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Schoon
er O. K , Cambridge Packet.
In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign
Holm," as the Odd fellow, Washington county, Mary
land, of June htli, 1846, says. Price 75 cents aIS ''tie.
Prepared and sold by MARTIN A; Willi 1.1.E\. at
their wholesale Drug Store, 4s S Calvert Mreei. Haiti
And for sale- by F. J- HOFFMAN end
ANDER RLTLEDOE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
county. [June MO. I*49— \v.
rjpHK Proprietor of this valuable remedy
Ja. for Worms, introduces to his Irientis and
the public, hi* Celebrated Vermifuge. Read
tiic following-:
DECATVK Tow VSHIP. Mitflin county, >
Seplenibi r lllh, tn4!). J
i>R. S F. CiRF. E.V:
kesptxted Frteiui —Two of our children having been
leverely afflicted this stimiiier with Fever and Ague, and
having checked it four different times by the use of the ;
tegular retnt lies, sttil they complained of pains in the
legs, bowel s , head, ami in fact m the whole system; vora
cious appetite, fever, great diarrhoea, Ac, and after hav
ing used ail the remedies thought suitable f r the above
symptoms, I cenyluded that they both had Worms,--nd
accordingly gave each of them (the one nine years of ac •
Bud the other 7) two tea-spoonfuls apiece of;our valua- '
iie Vermifuge, and in three hours from the time of their
taking th .- above small des'-s. the youngest p -.s*?il H4 I.
of the largest teems I have ever seen. The oldest b ,
passed a .-.jhd ball of v or,at it may appear incredible, but
it is truth) as large as a walnut, and txilh have been get
ting well fast since.
You may make the above public if you think proper for
the benefit of others, and for the purpose of introducing
vour valuable Vermifuge in Decatur township
Yours, Ac., D B FISHER.
The above valuable Vermifuge is prepared
and sold by Dr. S. F. GKEEN, at the Lewis
town .Medical Depot, No. 11.
September 29, 1*49.
Martin A: Whiteicy'
A certain Cure for Ague. Fever,
and Dyspepsia.
IN our summer and fall months many sections of our
country are prostrated by- BILI-lOL'r? FEVER and
AGCE and FEVER—It has been our particular study to '
find out some remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, and '
think, in this TONIC we have effected this great object !
It is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia,
end if our directions are followed, will not fail to effect j
a cure
In a letter dated, May 23d. 1549, our Agent, Mr Elm*
Raub, of Wriglitsviile, York countv, Pa .says:—l have j
never known any remedy for Ftvtr and .Igve equal to
your invaluable National Tonic. It has given universal j
satisfaction, and has cured -ase* of Ague of years stand
ing, and after the failure of all other medicines made use
of. Mr. Htnry Be verson, of the same pi ice, ay sin his
rertiiicate, dated (Til March. I "SO, ' I applied to a number
of Physicians, and also used a variety of the most popu- '
lar Ague M atures at different times, but all without the
iesired effect; no permanent cure having been afforded, i
! was at length induced, at the recommendation of your !
worthy Agent at this place, to try a bottle of your Na
tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction, before I had
used baifofit. I felt completely cured, though I contin
ued the use of it till I had taken two bottles ' In a joint
certificate from Messrs. Miles llolte. William Hiackson,
and James D. Brown, of the same place, they say—'Hav
ing tried nearly all thg remedies within our reach with
out success, we at last purchased some of your-Vatienul
Tunic, -which has completely cured us. We, therefore,
cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all persons af
iiicted with that terrible disease u* the best remedy yet
Cisco vered.'
Hee the Pamphlets, which you pan get from one of our
Agent* gratis
Also. Dr. Martin's Purgative Pill*, the best now- in use,
in all cases where a purgative is needed.
*> Prepared and sold by MARTIN Ac WHITEI.EY,
Wholesale Drug .Store, No. 4* S Calvert at., Baltimore.
For sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and VV ATT
SON IT JACOB, Lewistown ; and by ALEX
ANDER RL'TLEDGE, Williamsburg. Huntingdon
county. June 39, IS49—ly.
6 w <s> v as
II ( IslsO W- W A K K.
rnUE undersigned continuegto manufacture
K. Stoves, Hollow-ware, cj-c., at the
Old Logan Foundry,
formerly carried on by A. 15. Long <t Co., and
offers to the public the following articles:
The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very
pood stove, and we'll deserves those high com
mendations so unanimously bestowed upon it.
Also the
Hatha way Cooking Stove,
which stands unrivalled in this or any other
country. It has been tested for the last nine
years, and is justly pronounced the best and
the most durable articleofthat kind ever used.
Hundreds of certificates could be procured, if
necessarv. The
of various sizes. Coal Stoves, of every de
scription : Parlor and Chamber do., for con! or
wood ; Air-tight do., got up in a neat and beau
tiful style. \Vash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Fans.
Fot=, iron Stands,and nuiimron* other article?
of Hollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoes, and nli
kinds ol Castings made to order. He is also
o! one and a rpiarter uicli calibre, and intends
lo keep a supply on hand at '.! times. The
übscriber is determined to make the ware
out of the very best material that can be pro
cured: and for the accommodation ot distant
purchasers, keeps wagon? a id burses for the
our pose of delivering stoves at any point within
eighty miles, free of any additn nal charge?—
All the stoves are warranted to stand the lire
and perform well,and if riot, the money wiil to
refunded on their return ; it w plate should break
or crack, it wilt br replaced free of charge.
There is connected witli t'i<- Foundry, a
Tinning Establishment, for manufacturing
Till Ware ot" every Kvetitl,
where purchasers will please call.
f£rXl! orders from a distance will meet
with prompt attention. \S holer-ale dealers
would do well to give roe a call, as 1 will
wholesale Sove ami Hollow-ware on as fair
terms as they be tiad at any other place.
Ail kinds of country Produce taken in EX
Lewistown, Jan. 27, I*49—tf.
,lns! Opening-,
K ibihZk YARDS of neat figured
M. CASHMERES. 4-4 wide,
and selling at 124 tents oer yard fit
j,,. ii tmmmammammw 118 ■*■■■■■ ■■ihr-jumanM
Compound *yrup
or Vegetable Vermifuge,
The most effectual, Me safest, pleasant est
and most convenient Worm Medicine
ever offered to the public.
rjlllK SPWEI.U, gays a work of highest authority,
.'tan lit at the head of the list of Anthelmintic* °r norm
Medicines. It is adapted to a wider range of i ases. and
to a greater variety of constitutions and states of the
constitution, than any other. But prepared as it com
monly is, in the form of tea, it can seldom be given to
children in sufficient doses. In Harris, I urner & Hale's
Compound Syrup, it is so concentrated that the dose is
. very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera
tion, and so palatable as to be taken, not only witil ease,
hut with positive pleasure.
The precise composition of this ?)rup and the mode of
i preparing it, are the result of a series of experiments
continued for years. Before offering it for sale, it was
subjected to the test of experience in the hands of enii
netitph}?icians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who have
I recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it
in their practice. In addition to this evidence of its mer
its, we offer the following, selected from a number of un
solicited testimonials.
Ist A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much
experience, writes of it thus:
"1 should have written before this, hut felt disposed
first t" try the efficacy of yottr Vermifuge. 1 have used
more than half the quantity received,and tlie experiment
has been most successful, f really heli're that it posscs
ses advantages ever any other Vermifuge / hare ever used
Independent ot the smailness of the dose, and the plea
santness of the syrup (great advantages in dosing chil- ,
j dren) the advantage of administering it under a variety
of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there i- ,
scarcely a condition of the system in which it may not (
'be administered \ ours, etc."
2d V respectable physician of Lebanon county, In this J
state, writes
" I ha vi been in the habitofpresrribingynnr Compound
Svrup of Spigelia for some time past, and have found it !
no excellent orm medicine, particularly for children. —
Please forward per bearer 2 d<>z. bottles Yours,Ar."
3d. —An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we
; had previously sold the syrup, writes :
''Since my return lloiue, 1 find that your Syrup of Spi- j
eelia hag come into general use in this neighborhood We '
have sold what we hnd on band, ami it gave such satis- ,
faction that it is now raited f< rev-w day. You will please
put tt up 5 or <5 dozen in a small p '.ckage,and send to the
care of W Anderson 4c CV, Richmond, as oon as possi
' ble,and forward tho bill per mail Yours, See."
4th A r spectahle merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to
Philadelphia, stated, that some time since he had been ap •
' plied to by a customer for a vial of —'s t er
uiifiJge for his son Not having the article asked for, lie J
advised a trial of Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound
Syrup of Spigelia and gave him a part of a buttle whirh
was all that remained in the store. A day or two after
' tins the gentleman returning to the store, expressed his
surprise and delight at the effect of the Syrup, declaring '
it had expelled SOt) worms and entirely relieved Ins son
The titer- hant added an expression of his great regret that
he had not had on hands a bottle of the Syrup at the time :
when his own little daughter died, as he confidently be- j
lieved it would have saved her life
sth—A gentleman of Hudson, .V Y , having sent a bot- |
tie of Harris. Turner h Hale's Compound Syrup of Spi
gelta. to a young friend who had tried in vain a great num- '
ber of worm medicines, writes, that his friend w as mum- !
dotti I v relieved ; the ords of the patient were "It took
every worm out m\ body "
Wholesale Druggists, ,\o. "JUL Market street,
Drug*. Medicines, Chemica'a. Patent Medicines, Surgical
and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win
dow-glass, Paints, Oils. Dyes, Perfumeries,die.,Ate.,and
exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner Ac Hale's
Sugar-Coated Pills. Huxham's Liniment f.<r the Piles, the
Banhridge Hair Tonic, Eberle s F.y e Water, Mrs. Madi- j
son's Unrivalled Indelliblelnk, I)e wees' Celebrated Nerve i
and Bone Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mrs Share
wood's Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla,for flavoring Pud
dings, Ice < reams, Ac., Ac
For sale by dealers in Drugs generally in 1
Centre, Mifflin and Juniata counties. [au5 — if ■
Philadelphia .llfdiral iloii*c.
ESTABLISHED 15 years ago, by Dr KINKELIN The
oldest, surest and best hand torure all forms of secret ,
j diseases of the skin, and solitary habits of youth, is DR ;
KINKELIN, Northwest corner of THIRD and IMON ;
Streets, between Spruce and Put'-, a mjuare-and-n-half ,
from the Exchange, Philadelphia
There u a habit which boys teach i nch other at the
Academy or College—a habit indulged in wtien by hirn-
Isetf, in solitude, growing up with the hoy to manhood;
fewofthose who indulge in this pernicious practice are
aware of the consequenres until they find the nervous
system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable feei-
I ings, vague fears in the mind. The individual becomes
I feeble, he is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or
, to apply his mind to study ; li s step is tardy and weak,
| be is dull irresolute.
Persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of
j their declining healtn, losing their vigor, becoming weak,
i pale and emaciated.
; Let no false modesty deter you from making your case
know n to ose who, from education and respectability,
ran alone befriend you. ll< who places himself under
Dr Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his
honor as a gentleman, and in whose bosom will be for-
I ever locked the secret of the patient
| Thousands have heen restored to health, froin the de
vastation* of those terrific maladies by lit? KIVHCIAMI,
German Physician
; warded, bv sending a remittance, and put up secure from
■J'- POST-CAID LT-TTRHS answered forthwith.
Philadelphia, January 27, 1849—1y.
iwa if mosliu
rililE attention of Country Dealers, Ped-
JL larfi, and others buying goods in large
quantities, is requested to the immense stock
arid varied assortment ot goods at tins estab
lishnr.ent, selling at Philadelphia wholesale
prices. Terms cash and prices low.
novß. Ik'ew Cheap (fash Store.
i), iiEßiSDllw,
WOULD respectfully inform their friends
nnd the public, tbat tiiey stil! continue
• o carry on the MAHULL ItI'SIXRSS m
all its various branches, at their 010 stand,
Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sts..
where they have constantly on hand *' ARBLF.
(i It AV E STON E>S, Ace. All kinds of
work executed with iieitness, and on tlie most
reasonable terms. Thankful lor the liberal
patreoage extended to tltem, they still *olu it
a continuance of the same.
Orders from any part of the country, through
mail, attended to with accuracy and dc-fialch
March 17, In47 — t /
I liffiii SUCCESS!! ;
■ I . ,i . , mirrn'rnv IH'W f /•' \'/' lower than any other store in Lew
are sold at this store at least TWbNTII 1 t.li , r . ;.T,rrrtf.r ttiH
I istown ; the purchases being made in other merchants, as he buys ■
manufacturers, enables the .° d o , r;un , tb e amount of his business be
n quantities sufficient to make at least ten a ljllslI1( , H , ; of all the olhe ra com
i "fed U e C „ h abl2 e he does assure the people of Lewistown
; and of the surrounding^country that he will continue this system of business, and respectfully
nviles the attention of the public^to his
Tremendous Assortment oi Coeds,
1 • k show rooms. The stock of poods is the largest, and the assort- j
ami com Jriaes every article wanted. Many kinds of goods are kept in this store not to be
found m other places, and will positively De sold at Philadelph'a prices. j
I PJcase remember that it is a custom amongst storekeepers generally, to put down the prices
: of leading articles, such as Sugars, Muslins, &c„ tor the purpose of giving the public the im
pression that tiiey are selling goods very cheap. 1 his is one of the tricks of trade, and is no
practiced at this estahlishment All articles will be offered at the same rate of profit. Broad
Cloths will be sold at very small advance as well as tip Sugar. Enough said, call and see for j
yourselves, and be convinced of the above facts.
Lew istown. Oct. 127, I 849. '
j f ~\V every quality, size, and price imaginable, now opened in the large show room at
1 I i C. j,. JONKS
| , P W istown, October 27. !*<!>. New !
Mtea dy-m adv € lathing.
V LARGE stock on hand, and selling 2(1 per cent, lower than the lowest. Before pur
. chasing elsewhere he sore to call at JOiJES'
Lewistown. October 27, 1*49. New CUnp Cash Store.
if iYUTRTTTfIfif
MM iiAiillii 11 il ill
Of N cvv, Superb am! Cheap C*ooils!
. IIP.mTT.I-Yt 72
Buv cheap, while slucirards sleep,
Atid vou will have goods 10 wear and keep.
VS evervbody seems to be engaged this year in blowing his own trumpet as to what he or
they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, we have hud half a mind to try our hands
at the business, but several
comprising all the latest stvlesof rich and costly goods, having just arrived, wo conduced to
hold on to the usual mode of advertising. We therefore beg leave to announce to our custom
ers in Mifflin, Union, Centre, Huntingdon ar.d Juniata counties, that besides receiving
ao-ora* N3F3^oßaßas,s3a e ar
we have just returned (for the fourth or fifth time this year ; from the c:ty with about as com
; lete and elegant an assortment of
iAJim* i)'iiJUS HDD 3) 3
I as was ever seen in this or any other country town, embracing every description and style o !
all that is
jirtt). lirat. aiitJ jjFaeftiouable,
at prices varying from a tew cents to dollars per yard. In oiher kinds of goods we can show
j in quality and price, whatever otheiscan produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be
found elsewhere—especially in
and, we will venture to add, in I A Lit and If/A I 1.11 GOODS 6'£ALi{.4/>/A . Oi
Bonnets. Carpeting. Ready-made Clothing. Boots. Shoes. Hosiery,
Gloves, Ribbons,
j and numberless other small matters, the inquiry need but r>e made to satisfy any one that they
have all been selected with care, purchased at a low price, and as a necessary consequence are
i offered lor sale cheap. Our
Groceries, Eish, Salt, *\'c..
are also very low, and offer strong inducements to persons in town and country to calland
Since opening our establishment here we think we have fully demonstrated that, as a genera!
thing, we sell as low as the very lowest, IF NOT A LITTLE LOWER. We do not profess to sell
one, nor two, nor three articles at a very low price, but we do profess to sell EVERYTHING j
in either the Dry Goods or Grocery hat so cheap that we are confident that our lriends ev
erywhere will be the earners by giving us a call and making their purchases.
For past favors duly thankful, and shall be pleased to wait on all old customers and
any number of new ones who may be attracted to our establishment by the reputation it has ac
quired as being the cheapest store in Lewistown.
Lewistown, October 29, 1849.
J. Til Oil AS*
Cheap Store
Between Swartz's and McDowell's Taverns,
r i : w i s i o \\ \.
Tremendous Excitement! !
And all about Thomas's selling goods so CHEAP. I have a large assortment of
Boots and Shoes,
ami LADIES' and MISSES' GAITERS, made by the beat of workmen ; a variety of
Dry (GooTw, & vomica, au& ?i.iciuovo,
of the best kind ; among which are eome very choice BRANDIES, and a superior
article of STOUTON BITTERS; also, POWDER, SHOT, and LEAD ; 100 bar
rels best MonongnheD WHISKEY. J THOMAS,
October 144, 1849.—tlinillf. JJetwuh Swarlz't and McDou-t IT* Tuterns.
Life and Health are in the Blood.
Not onn of all th<; numeroua medirinra that have barn
prepared, begins to be of as great medical virtue, power,
and unfailing certainty to cleanse and purify, produce new,
healthy blood, and strengthen and invigorate the whole sys
tem, as
This Purifier is the most wonderful and astonishing rem
edy hi the world. No other medicine has effected such al
most miraculous cures of
Scrofula, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum,
SYPHILIS, and other eruptive and skin diseases, viz. • pry
sifielas. Sores, Ulcers, Uicsraled Sort Mouth, and Throat,
JSUTSi t.r San: Mouth, Scald Head. Piles. Pih.s, Pimples on the
Face, Rheumatism, RIVER COMPI.ATXT, and many other
discuses. THOUSANDS of euch diseases have been cured
by this PURIFIER, and cured by the use of FOUR
Less Quantity, at Less Cost
by four-fold, than ever euch diseases were before or since
| cured, by 3ar- qsarilfa, or any other remedy. What, then,
Is the question fir those interested to decide, as to economy
and health? FIRST— WiII it cure my complaint? SEC
! OND— Is it cheaper t THIRD— Will
of BR ANT S PURIFIER effectively cure FOUR TIMF.S
as much disease as one dollar's worth of Sartripartita. ? If it
will, then it is FOUR TIMES CHEAPER than Sarsapa
rilla. And to prove this we offer one case of cure, out of
the many canes of
To realize the great potter of this medicine as a purifier,
read, in our Pamphlets, the p-Tfect cure effected on Mr. J.
H flaslmt, of Rome, One Ida county, N. Y. He was confined
to hi* bed One Year —was not expected to live twenty-four
hours loner —lds neck was eaten nearly off. from ear to
car—a 1 c wu, r-it.n through the Wind-pipe —his car nearly
eaten out—the u-.- of one arm destroyed —an Ulcer, as large
as a man's band, had nearly eaten through hu side—and
there were on him, in all,
Twenty Large, Deep, Discharging Ulcers,
which were ALL CURED, end ha restored to health and
strength, to labor again, by the use of ONLY TWELVE
BOTTLES, 'lliis wonderful cure is certified to by
Fourteen Respectable Witnesses.
And it is the greatest cure, the most undoubtedly substantiat
ed, of one of the most horrid and most hope lees cases of
Scrofula, that has ever been cured since the world was cre
ate!—completely estabLsLng the great power aud certain
Ju'ur.y of the medicma.
This Bai-ani po.se all the cleansing ai d purifying
Virtues of flu* above-named I'riurvfNG EXTKACT and al-o
•-. era! other f. duration.-. particularly and pecu
liarly adapted to Cure COf'GH.S and ''ON.-'VMi'TIONH. It
heals ami cues I - is Lungs, and el-ew -.rrp internal
ly. as readily and as easily as the Purifying Extract heals
j and cures externally
THOISA.VDS of eures of the m"st hopeless Consumption
fuliv prove it- ■'•no-* miraeulotis efftracy in all diseases of
We give Lie following certificate as a fact of cure, which
. goes to prove the power to save life, even when the {a rson
seems to be in the very !a-t stages of existence, w hen brant's
/mlwi > Pulmonary Unlearn Is administered :
7'ourn of Ration, Saratoga Co., ,V Y —is. /.IBs DYKE
j MAN. being duly sworn, nays : That in the winter of 1345.
deponent's wife was believed by her physician and cithers to
be dying with a consumption of the lungs: and deponent
believing that to Is- the case went to Mr. John Wait's store.
. in the village of 11. . ~n S,.a. to purchase cloth for u -hroud,
and other ma ■ --arii - to (ir- pare his wife for bunal after
she should die. D'pom-nt turf her says, that while he was in
said libit ste e. he was ji. r-uadrd bv flu- Prop ietor of
' then present, i. ' ike a bottle of joi t Mediciits—he remark
ir.g. that if the a ng woman be now past recovery, yet, :f
she be much rppie.-sfl and distressed, tiie smd medicine
would - utile and relieve her, and make the pillow of
death ne re e v. Deponent took the said medicine home
> with him t<ci fla-r with the cloth he had purchased pre
paratory to the ami I d- Mh of his wife. Deponent
enticed a porti'in <■■! a,d n iicine to be administered to
hi- wife and to hi astonishment it soon relieved her
Bhe rnntini. 1 the use ot said medicine until she recov
ered from her disease and has been ahle .inee (it being
now more than three year, to do the work, and attend to
ail her ho . ela hl affair. tUul deponent verily believes thaL
through the blessing Providence, the restoration to health
of hi.- wile was the resu't ot the curative aud healing effi
cacy of Rrant's Indian Pulmonis-y h-tlsorn
Subscribed and sworn to 1- fore me. this 09th day of April,
IMS TBOB. <; YOUN<;. Justice of the Pea.*
Tmrn of llallxton, Sa-atoga county, .V Y -sr. Tllis is •<)
certify, that 1 am. IOIJ have been for many yars w.-U aud i
iahmaiely acquainted with the abovivnamed Ziba Dykeman,
who is one ol our most worthv and respectable citizens, and
whose statement-- re er'.tled to full credit snd lielief.
THUS. G. YOUNG. Juntir. of the I'cace.
April 211. 1648.
T i rn of /in fin IV p.- of ball ton Spa—sr. This is to
, certify, that the cin-unistanres aud facts stated above hy
Zib.i Dykeman are n my knowledge strietly true, and that
| he bis fr- qut i tlj ince stated to me that Rrant's Indian
Balsam saved the lite of Mrs. Dykeman.
April 29, 1848. " JOHN WAIT.
■ Tht. V. i Hug h. . OaUl, Spitting of Rlcnd. bleeding at the
I Long. Pain nt : ' R and Side, v 1; ht-Sweots, Xcrr-ous
■ Cnmrhint . Palpif-tt ■n f t'tr ff-o-t. Female Weaknesses and
: Coeip'a'nts, Chelan . Pan'-—* Oy sent try, and Summer Com
' olaints.
DOCT. .1 w Fill NTH, nf ft Air dale, Hillsdale Co . Mirh .
wrote to us, Dec. 8. 1848 ■ " I have been in the regular prac
tice of medicine in this place tor .Ytne Years ; but was
obliged to quit the practice of my profession in conse
quence of ill health 1 was so severely afflicted with a
chronic disease of the lungs as to convince me that I had the
( v-n sumption port d,aibr ] coughed n'most incessantly night
and day. and had severe pains and soreness in my chest,
side, and breast. I tried tin, remedies recommended by
the most skilful of my profession. *ll to no effect, excepting
the nausea and debility caused by them. I was prejudiced
Against Pa'rnt Mrjmnr', and have no faith now in them.
generally. But I was induced, as an experiment, more
than through faith, to try a bottle ot HRXNT'S INDIA* Pi i-
MONARY Bal-AM and I do here acknowledge, for the ben
''lit ot the. afflicted or whom it may serve, that the effect of
its use on me. was the most prompt and salutary of any med
IriMl I cv-R WHm Med the effect Of In all mv practice. My
1 coi'oit w s tuvnruATKt v rfi IKVKD. and in about eight or
ten day- 1 was tree from rough, soreness of the chest, and
I pain an 1 n >w c msider and pronounce myself a well man."
licet lunch is now a respectable druggist and merchant
; at Hillsdale.
Messrs. lio't-t inder Sc. Co.. respectable merchants of
Ob -rim. l.oTuin t'u . Ohio, v rote lVcember 19, 1848 : •• Af
i ter allowing the Brant's Medicines which you sent to us, to
remain to • v. oi l shunt three months, we sent for them
\\ i■ have I nso otteti deceived by such medicines not
|i i i ng to he equal to the.r recommendations, and therefore
would not sell, when their wnnt of efficacy was known,
that we ConsMcrc.i it unprofitable to keep such, and were
thcretore pre.jini:ced agHinst Brant's, sup{*osing it to lie no
better than many others we have on sale Alter we hnd
received Brant's. I, < A. Holtitondcr) wns persuaded from
reading the inunphU-r ?otnkc 11 Lottie ol tho Pulmonary Hal-,
tarn hoinc. Mv wife had been atllieted with s severe cough
for about ten month-, and our friends were alarmed and
fearful tha' he would find nothing to relieve or cure her.
But notwithstanding our prejudices to patent medicines,
we arc obliged en soy, and cheerfully confess, tlist BRANT S
BALSAM and PURIFY, no EXTRACT, can be depended on in
preference to any or all of the manv kinds that have been
left AVl! ii us fur sale Mv wife was immediately relieved
in lier cough, and before she had finished using the first
bottle, began to gain strength and health, and only three
bottles effected a perfect cure. The PCRIKVINO EXTRACT
1 have personally used tor n general debility of the system,
and I have no hi'siianay in saying that it is the best medi
cine to i—store and invigorate the system, that 1 have ever
found In every instance where ivr have sold these medi
cines they have proved their efficacy, and given the best
satisiuc 11-111."
.'il.FßKlt JI.IRKS, Letpistmrn,
(•. If. IsRF.ILM.LV, -HelVi/foitti,
M. S'l'F.F.l. Y „V CO., Belleville,
.KHI.S . lI.HRh.H l\ Reetlsrille,
And by Agents in all parts of the State.
All letters and orders must be addressed to
\\ At.i.Ark A Co., 106 Uroadway, New York.
November 17, 1819- eol\
Idlllio SktCfi
' A LARGE of tLe Intt-si style,
I coarse anil fine slioes for Ladies'
wear, row arrnngtd in the ..adieu' Shoe Room
j at V. 1. JONKS'
dcL'T. WIT Cheap luA Sbyix.
( A I I IOA Fi.VI'K \
A ly ihp nanip of f /..iff' Ln rr>_* • • i . n
yoiinc ot the nntrie *f S. f*. t.tl '.ar% s
nni # ' t< put up a \*hch tht \ r-ij Dr.
Str?t p trilla. rfenonrnatinir i' (i / ,\"f J.vt < htL'mai
ete. 'I hi* 'J'n%\ n&end i* no doctor, and prver B-M ; t) QI
furrnerly a worker on n if roads. ranaU. nd 'he 'ike.
aa<uineii the t-tle of Dr.. ff the of gaining rjvtin *" r
what he i* not. Thin is to ra*iton ir j:ihLc not to
deceived, and pnrrliaie none hut the (i f".Y(7.Vf; hKj(J!
K.l/o O/.f) I)r. Jacob Town*end' Str npariilK. r )(
it Die Oid fir's likeness, hi* family coat of arms, and hi
•ignature across the coat of arui*.
Principal 102 .V r in *' . .Vy V„ri City
01,1) DR. JACOB TOII Nsr.M),
(icuuine Townscnd Sarsaj;triiid.
Oil Dr. Tnwnscnd is now about 70 years uf .igi I„I |,g,
long been known as the AUTHOR and I)lS(li>U£it fn
Ol t IP f i E.YC/.Vi: ORIQI.Y. IL " 7 O H'.V-F.V/i v , /(.
s.l P.l RI /./.j f." Uricg jaior. he was compelled to bint its
manufacture, hy wbich meac* il lias : ecn kept out of msr
kel, and the sales circumscribed to those only nho had
proved its Viorlb, and known its value. It bad rearbe.i
t be ear< of many, nevertheless, as those per .ins who i. i
been healed of sore diseases, and '.eitd Iroin d- ih, p f ,
ciauued its eicelience and wonderful
Knowing, many years ago. that he bed. by b - skill,
science and ei; . rience. devised an article wh eh would be
i of incalculable advantage to mankind w hen ihc means
would be furnished to bring it into universal notice w hen
its inestimable virtues would be known and appreciated
This t.me har c ( .iu B , the means are supplied : this
ORA.Yi) .ixi) cxy.uc u./.rit PREPAR IT: OX
IS manufactured on the largest scale, and is called lor
throughout the length and breadth of the 'and. e -(icma.,!,
as it is found lncafaiole of degeneration or deteri rat un.
Unlike young 8. P Townsend's, it improves w;th age. and
never changes, but fur the better: because :tis prepared e*
scientific principles by a scientific man. The highe-i knowl
edge of Cheni -try, and the latest discoveries of trie art,
have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture
of the Old Dr's Sarsap rilla. The Sarsapariiia root.it M
well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro
pert.es, ar.d c,uie properLes ts hich are inert or use.ess, and
others, which if retained in preparing it for use. produce
fermentation and acia. svhich is injurious to the y-lem
Some of the proper*.:--- of r-arsatir..la are so roiahle. thai
they entirely evaporate and are lost in the preparation, rf
they ere not preserved by a scientific proci-s, known only
to those exper.erxed in its manufacture Moreover, these
volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or a- an ethais
tiou. under heat, ar" the very essential medical propc-.iti
of the root,.which give UJ it all its value.
SOURING. j-hiAii-.N lIM,. ACID "COM-
tnd vet he wou-i f in * av- ; under-:.' I thai Old Dr. Jacob
Pownaend's O'v-Tsr tirigmal Sarrapa-. .a i- an IMl'i'A
i riflN of his infer.- r pr- paration
Heaven forbid that wc should deal in Rn article wiiicb
aouid tiear the umst distant re-en: • a lice t , 8. p. Lovr.-
wnd's artic.'e ' and w b-rh sho'iid bring down U(Hin the Old
Dr. such a monnta n load of miopia tits and cruineatmns
Irooi Agents who have o d. rd purcb -,*er w ho n.nv useb
IVe wish it underst Mid, b-Ciitise it - the absolute truth
that 8. P. Townsend's article and Old Or. Jacob Town
tend'* Sarsapariila are heoren-wt-ie apart, and infinitely dis
similar ; that they are unlike in every part.rular. having
not one single thing :a common.
As 3. P. Town-end is no doctor, and never was, is nn
cberai-t, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine or
it-ease than any other common, unscientific unprofessional
man, what guarantee can the public have that lhv are re
ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing all ih#
virtues of the articles used in preparing it. ami u h.cn are in
capable of changes when might render them the AGENTS
of Disease instead of heaith.
But wiiit else should lie exjierted from one who knew
nothing comparatively of medicine or disease : Ureqtnret
a !<rson of some ctjierience to cook and serve np even a
aoranton decent ureal. How much more important is i: tint!
the persons who manufacture medicine, designed f r
should know ueii the mea cal properties of plants, the
best manner of securing and concentrating their healing
virtues, also an extensive know ledge of thp various di-enses
which arti-ct the human system, and how to adapt remedies
to these diseases '
It is to rrc-i frauds ujam the unfortunate, to pour bshn
into wonnded humanity, to kindle hojie in the ue-iotir ng
boaom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor in:,. the
crushed and br- ken and to banish infirmity that OLD UK.
portunity and uo ans to bring his
Grand l uivcrsal Concentrated
within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it,
that the;, rtnv le irn and know, hi joyful exiienenre its
Transcendent Power to Heal.
- Any person can boil or stew the root till they get a d&rk
tolored liquid, which is more from the coloring matter In
the root than front any thing el-e they can tnen strain
1 this Insipid or vatuii Pqurd. sweeten with soar moiasaO®,
and then ml it SAKB.APAKILI.A EXTRACT ot SY
RUP." But such is not the article known as the
j Th i "o prpjKtretl. thai ;Ul the inert properties "t the
?ar*aparih;t -.4t nrv first removed every th'inr *T
becourn* n* id r : lermcntnt in, is rxtmrted and
then every particle <f medirai virtue is secured in tt pur®
| and concentrated lorm ; thos it rendered tnc.npabif Ot
Juwinp any of its vain tble and heahne pnspertic*. TrejiaitC
in this way, it is made the most powerful atrent in the
Uiiii' of innumerable diseases.
Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every
siile in its f.i Tor by men, women, and children. We find It
doing wonders in the cure of
rr. iLY I' and in K // F. f 'M.i TISM. SCHOFFr..I.
THXS. PIMPLES BLOC THE*, and ail afflictions
ar.smg from
It po*se-seMt iirtrve 'nit> eftiotrv in HM complaints sri si nf
fnim ladigrttitin, from .iciiii'p of 'A- Stomach, front 'luwjiill
circulation. deieniitnntioi of * [ o: to the head. paipitnL"
* ol the heart, cold feet ar.i hands, eotd chills and hot
over tiie hody*. U has na its rju:i in Co/ds atid Ccufkt :
and promote" easy expeetrHtin and gentle |*ersprati<n.
relaxinc strict lire ot the iuniv throat, and every other part-
But in nothing: is its excellence more nimitestly <een
tfknow U-dced than in tsll k.nd> and stages .!
It works wonders in cn*e> ot F *>r .llbus or 9Cht(r* F--
tuff of the H'omb. Ol'structr , Siipprcsfd, or u .IffHC*
IrrcjYtunrity ot the lueustr-iai jxTiods. and the ike ; sr.l
is ns efferuml in rurine all the form* of Aidary Disc**** j
By removing obstruciitms. aud regulating the general
system, it gives tone and strength u> the v\ ho.e body, anw
thus cures all toruis of
Nervous diseases and debility'
and thus prevents or relieves t great variety of other main
dies, as Sptn.il irritation. .Witr.lVia, sf. I'itHS* I.'anct
Swaontn#, FpiitptiC Fits. C >rtn. nidwa. Sic.
It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action,
tones the stomach, ami e.ves g-Md digestion, relieves Ihi
bowels of torpor end constipation, allay* mrixuitmit 'Tj.
! unities the skin, eijitwDses tiie circulation <l the hl
, producing gtNille warmth eqaally all over the ***]'•.
: the insensible perspiration . relaxes at strictures and K
j nets, removes all obstruction-, and invigorates the entirt
nervous system. l.*> not this then
Tho mediriur jou |re-eminenily no 1 "
But ran any u iht--- livnu- i- v *at>i 'U 8- '*■ I "wn—'nC' 1
lulrf or atlrii- 7 'l'hi- V'tnut m" 7 '" ''cjliirfils not jut t*
brcAii-a nt K V Vl> FI. tfivl tbr one : INCAPA
BI.U "I DEI'LKH "T A Rl> >N ;•
wlwle the other D .• rw, r.trng, ami Wovitif
thcbctt rs containing it into fragment ; the sour, acid iH|Uli
explod-.ng M?ti d onaging other gtouls : Must rot this horri
ble compound he poi-onoiis to the system "* If hat ft*
acid into <i st*'t. ,urtttthf dtseasra #t(h jcid ' U liht cnr.ei
Hysjiepsia hut acid I Ho we not all know that when h*'d
sours in our >toin tchs what mischiefs it produces ? flatu
lence, heartburn, palpitation ot the heart, liver cuitipl® ut,
diarrhiva. dysentery, colic, and corruption of the b:o)d!
W hat is Scrolulu but an acid humor in the Salv : hat
produces all the hutiiom vx no h bring on Kruiuion? of the
Jf!iUl Heid. Suit Rheum. Fr\*ipela>. White Swcil
I'tjhf Fever Sores, ami ail ulcerations imerna! and < xtern.il ?
ll is nothing under heaven, hut an mid subs la ret which
tours, and thus .spoils all tt.< ifmds ot the bod\ more or
less. What causes Rheumatism but a si ur or cd
which - ! hetxxeen thejoinU and elsewhere,
Irritating ami latUimrg the ueln *; tissues up r vifuch d
acts ? S, f nervous dwea*e*. of impurity o! the bltioU. *i
deranged circulations, ami ue.ti.x alt the at.utenW xvhuh
afflict hum.tn nature.
Now is It not horrible to funk* anu sell, and *
1 morni to use I hi*
(O-For salD in Lffwisto'-vu bv F,. A 1.1 L.N.
vvlio is vole agent for Mirtlin county,
may VR), IS4D—I v.
Superior Sugar-house Molasses.
IV7 ENY Orleans and tli" real genuine(inlde"
ll Syrup for sale at the former low price*,
which is at Icaxt 'JO per cent, under the regu
lar countri prices. A late supply on bird J.
r. r, jgnF'S'
liovti. Ndk Cheap Cash