Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 26, 1850, Image 1

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    CcUMSfoUMt (St-Mtiit.
\ ol \ \ \ V.—Whole i\o- 1 808.
Rates of Advertising.
One- 'quare, 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
1 time 50 " 1 year 8.00
2 times 75 $ column, 3 mos. 6.00
3 " 1.00 " 6 " 10.00 !
1 mo. 1.25 " 1 year 15.00 1
3 44 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
0 " 4.00 " 6 " 15.00
" 1 year G.OO " ] year 25.00
2 - juares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before niar
" 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. sl2.
Communications recommending persons for
office, must be paid in advance at the rate of
£j cents per square.
Philadelphia Advertisements,
( oiu in issio n II c rcli a i,
And all descriptions of Country Produce,
Between Race and Cherry,
Respectfully solicit a share of the business
from this vicinity, and refer to
Messrs. LOXOESEPKER, GRIBB & Co., Bankers.
W. RUSSELL. Esq., ('asiuer, Lewistown.
K. E. I/JCKE, Esq., Mifflin county.
R. J. Ross. Esq., Cashier, I ,
Mw. I' INK i M,U.EE. I l,arrubor -
SAMIEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, Lancaster .
county, Pa.
GEO. M. TROVTMAN, Cashier, of 4
Western Bank, , „
Messrs. J AS. J. DVNCAN &. Co., F Ph,ladel a ' i
and Merchants generally, J
October G, IM9 —Goi.*
,\j. 21 Bank street, Between Market and
Chesnut, and 2 d and 3d streets,
TIF. subscribers beg leave to calt the attention of coun
T try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing
different varieties of Prinpng, Hardware, Writing, j
Envelope, and Wrapping papers. Tissue papers white j
and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, A.c.
E>-lr.g engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, 1
"hey solicit orders from printers for any given size, j
iifcich will be furnished at short notice, and at fair prices •
Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Rags. j
No. 21 Bank street, Philadelphia.
October 6, —ly.
The (ireal China Store
THANKFUL to the citizens of Lewistown and its vi
*■ cinitv fur their increased custom, we again request
their company to view our large and splendid assortment
if China, Glass and Queensware. Dinner sets, tea
sets, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China
■ r Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for
■'•si than they can be had elsewhere—in fact at less than
a '.legale prices. American and F.nglish BRITTAMIA
MT.TAL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before
offered in the city. Fancy China in great varie.ty, very
cheap r>We would invite any person visiting the city
' call and tee us —they will at least be pleased to walk
around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China
-■d the cheapest the world produces Very respectfully,
Vo. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
September 22, 1849-ly.
HI.I\I> n4 \I I IC TOKY.
H. Cf/ARK,
.Sin of the Golden Eagle, Xo, 139 df 143,
South. Second street, below Dock street,
I.'EEPS always on hand a large and fashionable as.nrt
HLINDtj, manufactured in the bet manner, of the best
materials, and at the lowest cash prices
Hiving refitted and enlarged his establishment, he is
: ired to complete orders to any amount at the shortest
' >'.!'>• Constantly on hand an assortment of
Hahogany Furniture,
' "v. ry variety, manufactured expressly for his own
'i!- •*. and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article.
► > Open in the evening
** Orders from a distance parked carefully, and sent
f -t <f porterage, to any part of the city.
I'b ladelphia, August IS, lrvlO —ly-
The Cirard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust
Company of Philadelphia,
Ofiicc No. 159 Chesnut Street.
tapital SROO,OOO.
Charter Perpetual.
rONTINKE to make Insurances on Lives on tlie most
' favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and
'eceive Deposits on Interest.
Ihe Capital being paid up and invested, together with
"nutated premium fund, affords a perfrr.t tiruritit to
" insured The premium may be paid in yearly, half
early, or quarterly payments.
The Company add a HUM'S at stated periods to the
insurances fur life. This plan of insurance is the most 1
: "proved of. and is more generally in use than any other
i Great Britain, (where the subject is best understondby
'iie people, and where they have had the longest experi
> nee.) as appears from the fact that out of 117 Life lusu
ore Companies there, of all kinds, h7 are on this plan. !
I he first BO.NT.'S was appropriated In December, ISII,
uinunting W HI per cent, on the sum insured under the
■<! policies ; to oj per Cent., 7 . per re,,, fa, on
'hers, iii proportion to the time of standing, making an
! 'ition of #104; Sk-T 60; #75, Ace., Ac., to every #IOOO,
• '/inally insured, winch is an average of more than s(i
.-tcetit on the pr"tniums paid, and without increasing
'' innuHl pi > want to lha company.
i ..♦• c>per iUon of tlw It rni will 1m- cen by thr follow
.' examples from the Life Irifurunce Register of the
' "patiy, iliu.:
{ ! Sum Bonus or Amount of Policy and
I >' > 1 Insured. Addition. Bonus payable at the
party's decease.
#I,OOOI #ioo ii": #l,lOO !•
"* ' 2/.HO I '-I'jfl 00 ! 5,750 Oh
4.000 * 400 ho J 4,400 00
2.000 175 00 I 2 175 00
5,1*00 j 4.07 50 j 5.437 50
clhxrHi.xTs containing the table of rates,*and ex
aa.'riris of ilie subject; Forms of Application, and
"Her information can be bad at the office, gratis, in
i "Tien or by biter. addressed lot he President or Actuary
B. W. RICHARDS, President.
F. It ME", Actuary. ("it|29;ly
iPEiHSffsisis) iPsnMknesriais) nnr (&a®i£(&is jmrssssss<sam 9 EEsapJMMJSS' n>i\ o
Philadelphia Advertisements.
i rp'tls new and valuable medicine, now used by the
t - 1 - medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in
i the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro
nic Rheumatism, (lout, General De
bility, Complaints of tin: Kid
neys, Ape., <s-c.,
is prepared from the liver of the Cod Fish fur medical
j use, expressly for our sates.
(Extract frum the London Medical Journal.)
'( J II Williams, M I) ,F. U. S., Professor of Medi
cine in University College, I.ondon. Consulting Phvsi
ciau to the Hospital for consumption, &c., says : I have
prescribed the Oil in above four hundred cases of tubercu
lous disease of the Lungs, in different stages, which have
been under tnv care the last two years and a half. In
the large number of case.--, 200 out of 231, its use was fol
lowed by marked and unequivocal improvement, varying
in degree in different cases, from a temporary retarila
; lion of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of Uis-
I tressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restor
ation to apparent health.
" The effect ot the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases
was very remarkable. Even in a f. w days the cough
was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity
and opacity, the night sweats reus d, the puN- became
slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and
strength were gradually improved
"In conclusion, 1 repeat that the pure fresh oil frotn
the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment
of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medi utal,
: dietetic or regimenal,that h i yet been employed."
As Ire harr made arranz'eme nts to fir ire I lie ' id I irf.r
Oil, fresh front head quarter-r i n ;i„,; hehagektmi
pure 6ji the unrrle bottle, or in bun of on. dozen each.
Its wonderful efficacy has indn. 1 numerous spurious
imitations. As Its success depends em n it* w r;t-.
too much care cannot be used in procuring it mine.
Every bottle harmg on if our written r: nature me .be
depended upon us genuine
Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with no
tices of it from Medical Journals, will tie-tut to those
iw ho addrtss us free of postage
Wholesale Druggists and ( demists
100 North Third street, Philadelphia.
October 13, lsi9—fiin.
Wholesale Commission Asrent.
A'o. *TI \orlli Wliarvpf,
Above Race street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia. April 21. 1*49. ly
\V hol esale <&- Retail
j -Vo. 238 Alar kit street, above Seventh, South side,
\LTHOUfH we can scarcely estimate the value of
TIMF. commercially, yet liy calling at the above e*
tablishmeut, JAMES ftz until will furnish bis friends,
among whom he includes all who duly appreciate it.
fleetness, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking
its progress, of whose value they CAK judge
His extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in
conformity to the Improvements in taste and style of
gx*2 pattern and workmanship, consists ■ f Eight-day
and Thirty-hour Rrnss Counting House, Parlor,
E* . Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, French, (Jo
thic and other fancy styles, as yvell as plain,
which from bis extensive connection and correspondence
with the manufacturers he finds he can put at the lowest
cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy
I t>Clocks repaired and varrantrd Clock '/' rimming.*
j on hand.
CALL and see me among them
JAMES BARBER, 238 Market t.
Philadelphia, August 18, 1849— 1y.
Xo. 52$ Chestnut Street, above Second,
fTUIK subscriber respectfully s licits public attention to
•* his superior and tasteful slock of
Pocket Hooks, Pocket Knives, ami
Banker's Cases, Other Fine Cutlery,
Bill Books, Gold Pens and Pencils,
Dressing Cases, >*egar Cases,
Card Cases, Chess Men,
Port Monaiet, Back Gammon Boards,
Purses, Dominoes, Sec , 4LC.
His assortment consists of the most fashionable and
modern sules, of the finest quality and excellent work
manship, embracing every desirable f.inc v pattern, which
he will at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish
wholesale or retail on the most pleasing terms.
try Purchasers who desire to supply themselves with
articles of the best quality will consult their own inter
ests by calling at this establishment.
Pocket Book Manufacturer, 52 Chestnut Street
August 25, Hl9~tm.
The Franklin Fire Insurance
Company ot Philadelphia,
OFFICK, No. 10.34 Chesnut street, near Fifth street.
Charles N. Bancker, George W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Mordecai D Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe K. Bone,
■Samuel Grant, David S. Brown,
Jacob U. (smith, Morris Patterson.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on
every description of property in town and country, at
rates as low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
affirds ample protection to the assuri d
The assets of the Company, on January Ist. IM%HS
published agreeably to an A't of Assembly, were as fid
lows, viz:
Mortgages, gH90,f58 ''-I
Real Estate, MK3.W 'JO
Temporary Loans, 121,439 00
Htocks, 6i.5fi3
Cash, A.C. 45,157 S7
*1,220,1 MC 07
finer- their incorporation, a period of eighteen years,
they have paid upwards of one million tiro hundred thou
sand dollars losses by lire, thereby affording evidence of
the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and
Imposition to meet wMb promptness all liabilities.
(IIA It I.K* N. RANCHER, President.
CMARIFS (J. lIAK HF.n, S'rr-tnrii.
Fur tenna apjtly lo R. C. lIAI.E, Lewis
town. apl4—ly.
Of those foods a larmo assortment on hand,
for sale by the piece or yard vorv low—
12$ cents, lßjj cis., 25 cts .31 cts., 371, r-ts,
44 cts., 50 cts., 56 cts., 02$ i ts., 75 cts", *7't
cts., fjil JKf, $1.25 and !*1 50; also a linnilFoiiie
aasorhnoiit of Bombazines.
nov.'L New Cheap t!asli Store.
Queens ware & Glassware.
QUI FE an extensive assortment just open
ing at the New Cheap Cash Store.
Gilt French China Tea Setts,
do do do Plates.
White Iron Stone Tea and Dinner Sets.
do Granite do do do
Light Blue do do do
Floring Blue do do do
Toilet Sets, G pieces; Plates of all kinds an!
sizes by the single or dozen ; also a large as
sortment ol Cups and Saucers, by the single
Set; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses
Pitchers; colored and white glass Candlesticks;
Preserve Dishes, in endless variety; Frencli
china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various
patterns ; Castors; Tumblers; Glass Jars, va
rious sizes; stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur
key Dishes, white, hlue and mulberry, also
steak Dishes to match ; Bowls, Pitchers; sauce
Dishes; and a large lot of common Cups and
•Saucers, all offered fir tale at unprecedented
low prices lor cash, at
nov3 New Cheap Cash Store.
rpllE foi lowing described property situated
JL o l Ilule street, Lewistown :
One Ice House, Rent $l5O per annum,
do Diy Dock & Yard, do lot) do
do Carpenter Shop, do 50 do
Four vacant Lots, do 20 do
A LSO thf following property on Charles St..
One dwelling, 4 rooms, rent §45 per annum,
do do do do do 10 do
do do do do do 40 cio
do do do do do 40 do
do do f> do do 40 do
do do do do do 41 do
Four vacant lots, do 20 do
One vacant lot on Main street, 5 do
ALSO the following property in Derry tp.:
One dwelling, '2 rooms, rent #2O per annum,
do do 5 do do 30 do
do do i> do do 10 do
do do 3 do do 30 do
do Sawmill on Jajk's ('reek
with timber leave, rent S9OO do
do do do do 700 do
do Smith Shop, do "20 do
60 acres of Farm do 100 do
One dwelling, f rooms, do 40 do
do do 6 do do 50 do
Stone leave in the Narrows, 50 do
do on Jack's Creek. 30 do
Wood leave on 1400 acres, 50 cts. per cord.
OCT" Persons wishing to RENT any of the
above property must contract for the same on
or before the TWENTY-FIFTH inst. 1 will
SELL any of the above property CHEAP, as
some of mv creditors are poor.
December Q , 1 * 19.
II IT & ( AIV ,
IT. j. ?. "j ns 11 L.
At his (/Id Stand in Market street,
HAS just received the Beobe A: (War
and latest Philadelphia and New York
Fall Fashion of Hats and Caps, and is now
prepared to furnish both old and new customers
with an article, which lie will warrant good,
and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a
large and genera! assortment of
which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or
RETAIL, on as fair terms as can he obtained
here or elsewhere.
His Ornish friends will also find him pre
pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled
JiliO A D-If RIMS will receive the same care
and attention which he has always bestowed
upon them. Don't forget the old stand, where
you may depend upon not being disappointed.
N. J. R. feels grateful fur the generous pa
tronage he has thus far received, and assures
ail that he vviil spare no pains to give the gen
eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed
ed in affording all who have dealt with him.
Lewistown, Sept. 15, 1849—tf.
Fall Fashion* Received.
\v. a. /oijj\(;i:r>
Market street, Lewistown, adjoining Ken
nedy Porter's Store.
MR. V.. informs the citizens of Mifflin
. and the adjoining counties, that he line
w**;* —s just received the fall y
I shions, and is now ; repared
furnish all in want of
new 11 ATS or CAPS with an arti
cle, neat, durable and well finished,
comprising every style manufactured for tins
The enre and attention he has ever given to
the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred
by his numerous Ornish customers, will he
continued; and he feels warranted in giving
the assurance that they will not be disap
will find it decidedly to their advantage to give
hint a call, for his arrangements are now such,
as to enable hiin to furnish any quantity that
may be desired on the shortest notice.
Grateful for the encouragement he has thus
far received, he will continue to deserve it by
continued assiduity to the wants ot Ins friends,
and strict attention to his business.
Lewistown, Sept. 29,1*49.
C'i L. JONES respectfully informs the la
y. dies that he made a large purchase of
Cashmeres when lust in the city, at greatly re
duced prices, and is now able to sell a genuine
article of Cashmere at the extremely low price
of 25 els. per yard equal to 0..y to he bad at
50 cts. at other places. Call soon, as they are
selling like hot cakes. —Also, a splendid assort
ment of sack Flannels and mauy other new
goods just received and arriving at the cele
brated new cheap cash store.
N0v.17. C. L. JONES.
The country girl's the girl for me,
With hounding step and actions free;
A merry, laughing eye ;
Vo soft, affected, mincing air,
Which belles of town are wont to wear,
Bedizened out with satins rare ;
But with a spirit free from care,
And roaming lightly here and there,
ller wild laugh ringing in the air—
Oh ! she's the girl for me !
The country girl's the girl for me ;
I see her bounding o'er the lea,
Dike the fawn, wild and free ;
She's cheerful as the bright sun-ray—
Gentle as the summer winds at play,
ller light form graceful as a fay,
Decked with wild flowers, a rich array,
Gathered in distant lields away,
'1 he while she trips along so gay—
O, she's the girl for me!
The country maid's the maid for me ;
Her glowing cheeks I love to see,
Oft blushing modestly ;
ller tresses free and unconfined—
No fillet to restrain or bind,
They gently wave to the soft wind -
W itli warm affections true and kind—
Search through the world you cannot find
A maid more suited to my tnind—
O, she's the girl for me 1
JH t s r r ll a u to tt $
Our vounjr ladies ol'the present genera
tion know liule of the mysteries of 1 Irish
chain, • rising star,' 4 block work," on
•Job's trouble,' and would be as likely to
mistake a sci ofquiltinjr frames for clothe
poles as for an\ thinjf else. It was differ
ent in our younger days. Half a dozen
patchwork quilts were as indispensable ;
as a marriage portion : quite as much so
a*; a piano or a guitar is at present. And
the quilting party was equally indicative of
the coming-out and being • in the market,'
as the fashionable getherinffs together of
the times that he.
As (or the difference in the custom, we
arc not disposi d to siirh over it as indica
tive ot social deterioration. We do not
belong to the class who believe that society !
is retrograding, because everything is not
as it was in the earlier days of our life his
tory. And yet —it may be a weakness;
luit early associations exercise a powerful
influence over us. We have never en
joyed ourselves with the keen zest and
heartiness, in any company, that we have
experienced in the old-fashioned quilt
ing party. But we were young then, and
every sense perfect in its power to receive
enjoyment. No care weighed down the I
spirit; no grief was in the heart; no
mistake had occurred to sober tite feelings
with unavailing regrets. Life was in the
beauty and freshness of its springtime ; in
the odor ol its lovely blossoms. \\ e had
hut to open our eyes—to touch, or taste—
to feel exquisite delight. Of the world
we know noihiii<i beyond the quiet village ;
and there we found enough to till the mea
sure of our capacity. In a wilder sphere
we have not found greater social pleasures;
though in a more extended usefulness there ,
has come a different source of enjoyment—
purer, and more elevated to the heart.
But 'his is all too grave for our subject.
It is not the frame of mind in which to en- !
joy a quilting party. And yet, who can j
look back upon the early times without a I
browner hue upon his feelings !
There was one quilting party —can we
ever forget it ' Twenty \ ears have passed
since time. We were young then, ;
and had not tarried long at Jericho! ;
Twenty years ! It seems but yesterday.
\\ uli the freshness of the present it is all !
before us now.
In our village there dwelt a sweet young
girl who was the favorite of all. When
invitations to a quilting party at Mrs. Wil
ling'* came, you may be sure there was a
flutter of delight all round. The quilting
was Amy's of course, and Amy Willing
was to be the bright particular star in the
social firmament. It was to be Amy's
first quilling, moreover ; and the sign that
she was looking forward to the matrimo
nial goal, was hailed with a peculiar
pleasure by more than one of the village !
swains, who had worshipped the dawning j
beauty at a respectful distance.
\\ e had been to so many quilting par
ties up to this time ; but more as a boy J
than a man. Our enjoyment had always
been unembarrassed by any peculiar feel
ings. We could play at blind man's buff,
lumt the slipper, and pawns, and not only
clasp the little hands of our fair play-fel
lows, but even touch their warm lips with
our own, and not experience a hoart-emo- j
lion deeper than the ripple made on the
smooth water by a fulplay breeze. But
there had come a change. There was
something in the eves of our young com-j
[(anions, as we looked into them, that had
a different meaning from the old expression,
and particularly vv as this the ease with Amy.
Into her eyes we could no longer gaze
steadily. As to the reason we were igno
rant ; yet so it was.
The invitation to attend her quilting
was an era ; for it produced emotions of
MI marked a character, that they were nev- j
er forgotten. There was an uneasy llut
tcring of the heart as the time drew near,
and a pressure upon the feelings that a
deep, sighing breath tailed to remove. The
more \ve thought about the quilting, the
more restless did we grow, and the more j
conscious that the part we were about to i
play would be one ot* peculiar embarrass
At last the evening came. We had
never shrunk irom going alone into any I
company before. But now we felt that it j
was necessary to be sustained from with
out ; and such sustentation we sought in
the company of the good-natured, self-corn- j
posed bachelor of the village, who went I
anywhere and everywhere freely and with
out apparent emotion.
4 You're going to Amy Willing's quilt
ing said we to L .on the day before
the party.
• Certainly,' was his replv.
4 W ill you wait until we call for you ?'
4 Oh yes,' was as good-naturedly an-'
4 So much gained,' thought we, when
In the shadow of his presence we would
be able to make our debut with little em
barrassment. What would we not have
then given tor I, s self-possession and
easy confidence !
V\ hen the time came we called, as had
been arranged, upon L . To our stir- '
prise we found no less than four others, as
bashful ;:s we, waiting his convoy. I,—.
very good-humoredh—he never did an
ill-natured thing in his life—assumed
the escort, and we all set off for the cottage
of Mrs. V\ dling. Ilow the rest felt, we
know not, but as for our own heart it
throbbed slower and heavier at each step,
until by the time the cottage was reached,
the pulses in our ears were beating audi
bly. We could not understand this. It
had neier been so before.
I he sun still lingered above the horizon
when we came in sight of the cottage—
fashionable hours were earlier then than
now. On arriving at the door, L
entered tirst, as a matter of course, and we
all followed close in his rear, in order to
secure the benefit ol his countenance. The
room was full of girls, who were busy in
binding Amy's quilt, which was already
out ot the frame, and getting readv for
the evening's sport. There was no equal
to I, for taking the wire edge from oil
the feelings of a promiscuous company,
and giving a free and easy tone to the so
cial intercourse, that would otherwise have
been constrained and awkward. In a lit- \
tie while the different parties who had en
tered under Ids protection, began to feel at
home among the merrv girls. It was not
long before another and another came in
unti' the old fashioned parlor, with its old
fashioned furniture, was filled, and the but
half-bound quilt was forcibly taken from
the hand* of the laughing seamstresses, and
put 4 out of sight and out of mind.'
The bright, particular star of the even
ing was Amy W illing—gentle,quiet, loving
Vmy Willing. There was a warmer glow
upon her cheeks, and a deeper tenderness
in her beautiful eyes than they had ever
worn before. In gazing upon her, how
the heart moved from its very depths !
No long time passed before we were by
tht 1 side ol Amy, and our eyes resting on
hers with an earnestness of expression that
caused them to drop to the tloor. When
the time for redeeming pawns came, and it
was otir turn to call out from the circle of
beauty a fair partner, the name of Amy
fell from our lips, which were soon pressed,
glowing, upon those of the blushing maiden.
It was the tirst warm kiss of love. How
it thrilled exquisitely to the very heart
Our lips had often met before, (kissing was
then a fashionable amusement,) but never
as at this time. Soon it became Amy's
place to take the tloor. She must 4 kiss
the one she loved best.' W hat a moment
ol suspense! Stealthily her eye wandered
around the room ; and then her long dark
lashes lay quivering on her beautiful cheeks.
4 Kiss the one you love best,' was re
peated by the holder of the pawns.
The hinged lids were again raised,
and again her eyes went searching around
the room. We could see that her bosom
was rising and falling more rapidly than
before. Our name at length came, in an
under tone from her smiling lips. What a
happy moment ! The envied kiss was
ours, and we led the maiden in triumph
from the floor.
And. to us, the whole evening was a
series of triumphs. Somehow or other
Amy was by our side, and Amy's hand in
ours oftenest of any. We did not talk
much—delicious feeling sealed our lips. It
was our tirst sweet dream of love. But
we knew little then of human nature, and
less of woman's nature ; and but little of
all this knew a certain young man, who
was present, and w ho, more sober and
silent than any, joined in the sports of the
evening with no apparent zest. Amy never
called him out when she was on the tloor;
nor did he mention her name when the
privilege ol touching some maiden's lips
with his own was assigned hint.
He was tirst to retire ; and then we no- '
ticed a change in Amy. Her voice was
lower, her manner more and there
was a thoughtlul, absent expression in her
A few weeks later, and this was all ox- ■
plained. Kdward Martin was announced 1
in the village as Amy's accepted lover.—
Me did not, we could not, we would not
accredit tbq tact. It was iuipogsible !—j
Had she not called us out at die quilting
party as ' the one she loved best?' Had
not her hand been ottenest in ours, and our
lips oftenest upon hers ! it could not be !
Yet time proved the truth of the minor ;
ere another twelvemonth went by, Amy
Willing was a bride ! 11 e were at the
wedding ; but as silent and sober as was
Edward Martin at the quilling. The tables
were turned against us, and hopelessly
Ah, well! more than twenty years have
passed since then. The quiltings, the corn
hustings, the merry-makings in the village
of M are not forgotten. Nor is Amy
M illing and the party forgotten, as this
brief sketch assuredly testifies. Twenty
vears ! How many changes have come in
that period ! And Amy, where is she ?
When last at M . we saw a sweet
young maiden, just in the dawn of woman
hood, and, for the moment, it seemed as if
we were back again in the old time—the
intervening space but a dream. Iler name
was Amv. It was not oar Amy. She
had passed away, Dat ing a bud of beauty
to bloom in her place.
Our sketch of merry-making has turned
out graver than was intended. But it is
difficult for the mind to go hack in remin
iscence, and not take a sober hue. We
will not attempt to write it over again, for,
in that case, it might be graver.— Godey's
Lady's Hook.
PREDESTINATION. —" Do you believe in
predestination said the captain of a Mis
sissippi steamer to a clergyman who hap
pened to be travelling with him.
44 Of course 1 do."
"And you also believe that what is to
he, will be ?"
" Certainly."
44 Well, I'm glad to iiear it."
44 Why ?"
44 Because. 1 intend to pass that boat
ahead in fifteen consecutive minutes, if
there be any virtue in pine knots and loaded
safety valves. So don't be alarmed, for if
the boilers aint to bust, they wont.
Here the divine began putting on his hat,
and lookt-d very much like backing out,
which the captain seeing, he observed,
44 I thought you said you believed in pre
destination, and wjiat is to be will be ?"
44 So I do, but I prefer being a little nearer
tiie stern when it takes place."
44 Did thee receive the remittance, Na
thaniel, my dear son ?"
44 Yes," lather."
44 Then why did thee not buy a new coat ?
Thy person is rather fragile."
44 Why—the fact is, that—l left all my
money—in bank at New Orleans."
• 4 Ah, thy economy is certainly com
mendable. In what bank ?"
44 1 don't exactly remember what bank,
father—l know it was a very good one, as
it had a Scripture name. It was—um, let
me see—it was the Pharo-ah Bank , I
A chap in lowa, by the name of New,
recently got married, and being somewhat
of a facetious turn of mind, named his
first-born " Something," which was of
course Something New. His second was
christened" Nothing," being Nothing New.
44 I do not wish to say anything against
the individual in question," said a very
polite gentleman, 44 but L would merely re
mark, in the language of the poet, that truth
to him is 44 4 stranger than fiction.' "
44 What's the matter, Bill ?"
44 Mammy has fell up stairs and stuck a
knot hole in her hand, and John won't go
for a boot jack to pull it out. Where's
the potecary's ?"
Sleigh Bells.
V large assortment oi Sleigh Bells just re
. ceived, comprising every style; forsaleat
least 'JO per cent, lower than can be had else
where, at C. L. JONES'
dec 15. New cheap cash store.
8-1 Silk Plaid Wool Shawls, $2 50
8-4 Cassimere do 4 00
8-4 super, plaid wool do 500
16-4 do do long do 375
16-4 doßayStatedo do 12 00
16-4 do black Thibet long do 10 00
16-4 do Bay State long do 6 50
Plain and Embroidered high colored Thibet
Merino Shawls.
The above list with many others are just
opening this week at the celebrated New
Cheap Cash Store.
nov3. L. JONES.
At Jones' Carpet Hall
CAN be seen the most splendid assortment
of every grade ana quality—Rag. Venitian,
Ingram, and Imperial; KU(iS&c. These Car
pets are direct from the celebrated manufac
tory of A. B. Culton it Co., in Chester county,
and warranted good—no auction trash. Call
and see. C. L. JONES'
0c27. New Cheap Cash Store.
A VJCACA brown Muslin, 4-4 wide and
extra heavy, jfist opening at the really cheap
October 20, 1 5 49.