CcUMSfoUMt (St-Mtiit. \ ol \ \ \ V.—Whole i\o- 1 808. Rates of Advertising. One- 'quare, 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00 1 time 50 " 1 year 8.00 2 times 75 $ column, 3 mos. 6.00 3 " 1.00 " 6 " 10.00 ! 1 mo. 1.25 " 1 year 15.00 1 3 44 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 0 " 4.00 " 6 " 15.00 " 1 year G.OO " ] year 25.00 2 - juares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before niar " 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. sl2. Communications recommending persons for office, must be paid in advance at the rate of £j cents per square. Philadelphia Advertisements, BUZBY * CO,, ( oiu in issio n II c rcli a i, FOR THE SALE OF FLOUR. GRAIN, SEEDS, And all descriptions of Country Produce, BROAD STREET, EAST SIDE, Between Race and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA. Respectfully solicit a share of the business from this vicinity, and refer to Messrs. LOXOESEPKER, GRIBB & Co., Bankers. W. RUSSELL. Esq., ('asiuer, Lewistown. K. E. I/JCKE, Esq., Mifflin county. R. J. Ross. Esq., Cashier, I , Mw. I' INK i M,U.EE. I l,arrubor - SAMIEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, Lancaster . county, Pa. GEO. M. TROVTMAN, Cashier, of 4 Western Bank, , „ Messrs. J AS. J. DVNCAN &. Co., F Ph,ladel a ' i and Merchants generally, J October G, IM9 —Goi.* PAPER! PAPER! ,\j. 21 Bank street, Between Market and Chesnut, and 2 d and 3d streets, F 111 LAD ELPHI A. TIF. subscribers beg leave to calt the attention of coun T try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing different varieties of Prinpng, Hardware, Writing, j Envelope, and Wrapping papers. Tissue papers white j and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, A.c. E>-lr.g engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, 1 "hey solicit orders from printers for any given size, j iifcich will be furnished at short notice, and at fair prices • Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Rags. j DUCKETT & KNIGHT, No. 21 Bank street, Philadelphia. October 6, —ly. The (ireal China Store OF PHILADELPHIA. THANKFUL to the citizens of Lewistown and its vi *■ cinitv fur their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large and splendid assortment if China, Glass and Queensware. Dinner sets, tea sets, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China ■ r Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for ■'•si than they can be had elsewhere—in fact at less than a '.legale prices. American and F.nglish BRITTAMIA MT.TAL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before offered in the city. Fancy China in great varie.ty, very cheap r>We would invite any person visiting the city ' call and tee us —they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China -■d the cheapest the world produces Very respectfully, TVNDALE Sc MITCHELL, Vo. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. September 22, 1849-ly. HI.I\I> n4 \I I IC TOKY. H. Cf/ARK, VEMTfAJf BLIND M4IF4rTIRER, .Sin of the Golden Eagle, Xo, 139 df 143, South. Second street, below Dock street, Philadelphia, I.'EEPS always on hand a large and fashionable as.nrt merit of WIDE arid NARROW HI.AT WINDOW HLINDtj, manufactured in the bet manner, of the best materials, and at the lowest cash prices Hiving refitted and enlarged his establishment, he is : ired to complete orders to any amount at the shortest ' >'.!'>• Constantly on hand an assortment of Hahogany Furniture, ' "v. ry variety, manufactured expressly for his own 'i!- •*. and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article. ► > Open in the evening ** Orders from a distance parked carefully, and sent f -t nee.) as appears from the fact that out of 117 Life lusu ore Companies there, of all kinds, h7 are on this plan. ! I he first BO.NT.'S was appropriated In December, ISII, uinunting W HI per cent, on the sum insured under the ■ want to lha company. i ..♦• c>per iUon of tlw It rni will 1m- cen by thr follow .' examples from the Life Irifurunce Register of the ' "patiy, iliu.: { ! Sum Bonus or Amount of Policy and I >' > 1 Insured. Addition. Bonus payable at the party's decease. #I,OOOI #ioo ii": #l,lOO !• "* ' 2/.HO I '-I'jfl 00 ! 5,750 Oh 4.000 * 400 ho J 4,400 00 2.000 175 00 I 2 175 00 5,1*00 j 4.07 50 j 5.437 50 clhxrHi.xTs containing the table of rates,*and ex aa.'riris of ilie subject; Forms of Application, and "Her information can be bad at the office, gratis, in i "Tien or by biter. addressed lot he President or Actuary B. W. RICHARDS, President. F. It ME", Actuary. ("it|29;ly iPEiHSffsisis) iPsnMknesriais) nnr (&a®i£(&is jmrssssssi\ o Philadelphia Advertisements. PURE FRESH COD LIVER OIL i rp'tls new and valuable medicine, now used by the t - 1 - medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in i the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro nic Rheumatism, (lout, General De bility, Complaints of tin: Kid neys, Ape., Clocks repaired and varrantrd Clock '/' rimming.* j on hand. CALL and see me among them JAMES BARBER, 238 Market t. Philadelphia, August 18, 1849— 1y. MAM FACTORY IF POCKET BOOKS, Ac. Xo. 52$ Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. fTUIK subscriber respectfully s licits public attention to •* his superior and tasteful slock of Pocket Hooks, Pocket Knives, ami Banker's Cases, Other Fine Cutlery, Bill Books, Gold Pens and Pencils, Dressing Cases, >*egar Cases, Card Cases, Chess Men, Port Monaiet, Back Gammon Boards, Purses, Dominoes, Sec , 4LC. His assortment consists of the most fashionable and modern sules, of the finest quality and excellent work manship, embracing every desirable v pattern, which he will at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or retail on the most pleasing terms. try Purchasers who desire to supply themselves with articles of the best quality will consult their own inter ests by calling at this establishment. F. (I. SMITH, Pocket Book Manufacturer, 52 Chestnut Street August 25, Hl9~tm. Indemnity. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company ot Philadelphia, OFFICK, No. 10.34 Chesnut street, near Fifth street. DIRECTOR 8. Charles N. Bancker, George W. Richards, Thomas Hart, Mordecai D Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphe K. Bone, ■Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob U. (smith, Morris Patterson. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, affirds ample protection to the assuri d The assets of the Company, on January Ist. IM%HS published agreeably to an A't of Assembly, were as fid lows, viz: Mortgages, gH90,f58 ''-I Real Estate, MK3.W 'JO Temporary Loans, 121,439 00 Htocks, 6i.5fi3 Cash, A.C. 45,157 S7 *1,220,1 MC 07 finer- their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million tiro hundred thou sand dollars losses by lire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and Imposition to meet wMb promptness all liabilities. (IIA It I.K* N. RANCHER, President. CMARIFS (J. lIAK HF.n, S'rr-tnrii. Fur tenna apjtly lo R. C. lIAI.E, Lewis town. apl4—ly. BLACK ALPACAS. Of those foods a larmo assortment on hand, for sale by the piece or yard vorv low— 12$ cents, lßjj cis., 25 cts .31 cts., 371, r-ts, 44 cts., 50 cts., 56 cts., 02$ i ts., 75 cts", *7't cts., fjil JKf, $1.25 and !*1 50; also a linnilFoiiie aasorhnoiit of Bombazines. C, Is. JONES' nov.'L New Cheap t!asli Store. SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 183. Queens ware & Glassware. QUI FE an extensive assortment just open ing at the New Cheap Cash Store. Gilt French China Tea Setts, do do do Plates. White Iron Stone Tea and Dinner Sets. do Granite do do do Light Blue do do do Floring Blue do do do Toilet Sets, G pieces; Plates of all kinds an! sizes by the single or dozen ; also a large as sortment ol Cups and Saucers, by the single Set; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses Pitchers; colored and white glass Candlesticks; Preserve Dishes, in endless variety; Frencli china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various patterns ; Castors; Tumblers; Glass Jars, va rious sizes; stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur key Dishes, white, hlue and mulberry, also steak Dishes to match ; Bowls, Pitchers; sauce Dishes; and a large lot of common Cups and •Saucers, all offered fir tale at unprecedented low prices lor cash, at C. L. JONES' nov3 New Cheap Cash Store. FOR RENT. rpllE foi lowing described property situated JL o l Ilule street, Lewistown : One Ice House, Rent $l5O per annum, do Diy Dock & Yard, do lot) do do Carpenter Shop, do 50 do Four vacant Lots, do 20 do A LSO thf following property on Charles St.. One dwelling, 4 rooms, rent §45 per annum, do do do do do 10 do do do do do do 40 cio do do do do do 40 do do do f> do do 40 do do do do do do 41 do Four vacant lots, do 20 do One vacant lot on Main street, 5 do ALSO the following property in Derry tp.: One dwelling, '2 rooms, rent #2O per annum, do do 5 do do 30 do do do i> do do 10 do do do 3 do do 30 do do Sawmill on Jajk's ('reek with timber leave, rent S9OO do do do do do 700 do do Smith Shop, do "20 do 60 acres of Farm do 100 do One dwelling, f rooms, do 40 do do do 6 do do 50 do Stone leave in the Narrows, 50 do do on Jack's Creek. 30 do Wood leave on 1400 acres, 50 cts. per cord. OCT" Persons wishing to RENT any of the above property must contract for the same on or before the TWENTY-FIFTH inst. 1 will SELL any of the above property CHEAP, as some of mv creditors are poor. SAMUEL HOPPER. December Q , 1 * 19. II IT & ( AIV , EMPORIUM IT. j. ?. "j ns 11 L. At his (/Id Stand in Market street, HAS just received the Beobe A: (War and latest Philadelphia and New York Fall Fashion of Hats and Caps, and is now prepared to furnish both old and new customers with an article, which lie will warrant good, and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a large and genera! assortment of II ATS AM) ( APS, lOR MILV AM) ItOYS, which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, on as fair terms as can he obtained here or elsewhere. His Ornish friends will also find him pre pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled JiliO A D-If RIMS will receive the same care and attention which he has always bestowed upon them. Don't forget the old stand, where you may depend upon not being disappointed. N. J. R. feels grateful fur the generous pa tronage he has thus far received, and assures ail that he vviil spare no pains to give the gen eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed ed in affording all who have dealt with him. Lewistown, Sept. 15, 1849—tf. Fall Fashion* Received. \v. a. /oijj\(;i:r> HAT MAM PACTOIIV. Market street, Lewistown, adjoining Ken nedy Porter's Store. MR. V.. informs the citizens of Mifflin . and the adjoining counties, that he line w**;* —s just received the fall y I shions, and is now ; repared furnish all in want of new 11 ATS or CAPS with an arti cle, neat, durable and well finished, comprising every style manufactured for tins market. The enre and attention he has ever given to the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred by his numerous Ornish customers, will he continued; and he feels warranted in giving the assurance that they will not be disap poicted. COUNTRY MEHCHAI7TS will find it decidedly to their advantage to give hint a call, for his arrangements are now such, as to enable hiin to furnish any quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful for the encouragement he has thus far received, he will continue to deserve it by continued assiduity to the wants ot Ins friends, and strict attention to his business. Lewistown, Sept. 29,1*49. TO THE LADIES. C'i L. JONES respectfully informs the la y. dies that he made a large purchase of Cashmeres when lust in the city, at greatly re duced prices, and is now able to sell a genuine article of Cashmere at the extremely low price of 25 els. per yard equal to 0..y to he bad at 50 cts. at other places. Call soon, as they are selling like hot cakes. —Also, a splendid assort ment of sack Flannels and mauy other new goods just received and arriving at the cele brated new cheap cash store. N0v.17. C. L. JONES. iJoctti>s THE (OI'XTRY GIRL. The country girl's the girl for me, With hounding step and actions free; A merry, laughing eye ; Vo soft, affected, mincing air, Which belles of town are wont to wear, Bedizened out with satins rare ; But with a spirit free from care, And roaming lightly here and there, ller wild laugh ringing in the air— Oh ! she's the girl for me ! The country girl's the girl for me ; I see her bounding o'er the lea, Dike the fawn, wild and free ; She's cheerful as the bright sun-ray— Gentle as the summer winds at play, ller light form graceful as a fay, Decked with wild flowers, a rich array, Gathered in distant lields away, '1 he while she trips along so gay— O, she's the girl for me! The country maid's the maid for me ; Her glowing cheeks I love to see, Oft blushing modestly ; ller tresses free and unconfined— No fillet to restrain or bind, They gently wave to the soft wind - W itli warm affections true and kind— Search through the world you cannot find A maid more suited to my tnind— O, she's the girl for me 1 JH t s r r ll a u to tt $ THE II L T I\ L PARTY. BY T. F. ARTHI R. Our vounjr ladies ol'the present genera tion know liule of the mysteries of 1 Irish chain, • rising star,' 4 block work," on •Job's trouble,' and would be as likely to mistake a sci ofquiltinjr frames for clothe poles as for an\ thinjf else. It was differ ent in our younger days. Half a dozen patchwork quilts were as indispensable ; as a marriage portion : quite as much so a*; a piano or a guitar is at present. And the quilting party was equally indicative of the coming-out and being • in the market,' as the fashionable getherinffs together of the times that he. As (or the difference in the custom, we arc not disposi d to siirh over it as indica tive ot social deterioration. We do not belong to the class who believe that society ! is retrograding, because everything is not as it was in the earlier days of our life his tory. And yet —it may be a weakness; luit early associations exercise a powerful influence over us. We have never en joyed ourselves with the keen zest and heartiness, in any company, that we have experienced in the old-fashioned quilt ing party. But we were young then, and every sense perfect in its power to receive enjoyment. No care weighed down the I spirit; no grief was in the heart; no mistake had occurred to sober tite feelings with unavailing regrets. Life was in the beauty and freshness of its springtime ; in the odor ol its lovely blossoms. \\ e had hut to open our eyes—to touch, or taste— to feel exquisite delight. Of the world we know noihiii