Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 12, 1850, Image 4

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    Mi'iiiu 1 an
5r - NEW CHEAP CASH STORE continues to be the great resort of all
J V-ri% neople in want of good anil cheao goods of every description. Goods
ere sold at this store at least TWENTY PER CENT, lower than any other store in Lew
istown • tin 1 purchases being made in Philadelphia and New York tor cash of the importers and
manufacturers, enables the subscriber to get goods lower than all other merchants, as he buys
•.I <; lanlitics sufficient to make at least ten per cent.; and again, the amount ot his business be- j
inw'mush larger than any other store, and nearly equal to the business of all the others com- <
bined. enables him to sell at a very small profit, and he does assure the people ot Lewistown
and of the surrounding country that he will continue this system of business, and respectfully
nvites the attention of the public Ao his
Tremendous Assortment of floods,
arranged in his commodious show rooms. Ihe stcck ot goods is tne largest, and the assort
ment the most extensive bv far, ot any other establishment between i niladelpbia and 1 itt.-burg,
and coumrises every article wanted. Many kinds ot goods are kept in this store not to be
found in other places, and will positively be sold at Philadclph a prices.
Please remember that it is a custom amongst storekeepers generally, to put down the prices
ol leading articles, such as Sugars, Muslins, ALC., for the purpose of giving the public the im- *
pression that thev are selling goods very cheap. This is one of the tricks of trade, and is not ;
practiced at this establishment All articles will be offered at tiie same rate of profit. Hroad
Gloths will be sold at very small advance as well as fin Sugar. Enough said, call and see tor
yourselves, and be convinced of the above facts.
Lewistown. Oct. 27, 1819 D* 1/
OF every quality, size, and price imaginable, now opened in the large show room at
* 1 ' 1 ° C. L. JONES'
Eowistown October 27. ISAQ. *ew Cheap Cash Store.
Ready-made Nothing.
V LARGE stock c-n hand, and selling 20 per cent, lower tiian the lowest. Before pur
chasing elsewhere he sure to call at JO3SJBS
Lewistown. October 27, 1840. .W Cheap (.us!, , store.
. | ,i - in =■■*
Of New, Superb ami "heap C*oods!
IJuv cheap, while sluggards sleep,
And voti will have goods to wear and keep.
A S everybody seems to IM? engaged this year in blowing bis own trumpet as to what he or
they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, we have had half a mind to try our hands
ct the business, but several
comprising all the latest styles of rich and costly goods, having just arrived, we concluded to
hold on ufthe usual mode of advertising. We therefore beg leave to announce to our custom
ers in Mifflin, Union, Centre, Huntingdon ar.d Juniata counties, that besit.es receiving
r > - r> t-y- a->- 553 -j
v, e have just returned (for the fourth or fiith time this year) from the city with about as corn
lete and elegant an assortment of
lA'JEJ J3 # DjIJSSU & &
ss was ever seen in this or any other country town, embracing every description and styie ot
all that is
JirUi, 31r.it, nntJ JFasHionatolr,
at prices varying from a tew cents to dollars per yard. In other kinds of goods we can show
in quality and price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be
found elsewhere —especially in
and, we will venture to add, in FALL and WINTER GOODS GENERALLY. Of •
Bonnets. Carpeting. Ready-made Clothing. Boots. Shoes, Hosiery,
Gloves, Ribbons,
and numberless other small matters, the inquiry need but be made to satisfy any one that they
have ail been selected with care, purchased at a low prfce, and as a necessary consequence are
offered for sale cheap. Our
€wroceries, Fish, Salt,
are also very low, and offer strong inducements to persons in town and country to calland
Since opening our establishment here we think we have fully demonstrated tnat, a? a general
Uiing, ice sell us low us the VERY loscest . FK NOT A LITTI.E LOWER. AA eno not to Re!,
one/nor two, nor three articles at a verv low price, but we do profess to sell EVERYTHING \
i either the Dry Goods or Grocery line so cheap that we are confident that our lriends ev
erywhere will be the gainers by giving us a call and making their purchases.
For past favors we are duly thankful, and shall lie pleased to wait on all old customers and
any number of new ones who may be attracted to our establishment by the rcputa'.';: :■ na- in
quired as being the cheapest store in Lewistown.
1..w1,10'.vn. Ocloiicr -0, I-1!). XtSIiAUM, 1111OTIIEI1 S.
~ ~ J. THOMAS' !
Cheap Stove Store,
Between Sw;irtz\s and McDowell's Taverns,
C/i jS rn '* O < = •-=
r Fremi ti lions Excitement! !
And all about Thomas's selling goo is so CHKAI'. 1 have a large assortment of
Hoots au<f ft hoes,
and I.ADIES auJ MISSES' GAI 1 EUS, Utade iy tlie best of workmen ; a variety ol
33vjd (CooljKj, (Gvormcs, ZUqucrs,
cf the be-1 kind; among which ate some very choice BRANDIES, ami a superior
article of STOIJTON HITTERS; also, IJO1 J 0 tV DER, SHOT, and LEAD; 100 bar
rels best MonongaheD WHISKEY. J. THOMAS,
Ou'vUr 15. 1-4U tfurJJ. litlwtcn S war Li'a and McDowell'* Tow: %
Compound Syrupoi'Spigtdia
or Vegetable Vermifuge,
The most effectual, the, safest, pleasantest
and most convenient Worm Medicine
ever offered to the public.
THE SPKiCIJA, says a work of highest authority,
stands at the head of thelist of Anthelmintics or Worm
Medicines. It is adapted to a wider range of cases, and ;
to a greater variety of constitutions ami states of the ]
constitution, than any other. But prepared as it cons- •
nionly is, in the form of tea, it can seldom be given to
children in sufficient doses. In Harris, 1 itrner ttc Hale's j
Compound Syrup, it is so concentrated that the dose is j
very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera
tion, and so palatable as to be taken, not only vvillj ease,
(rut with positive pleasure. I
The precise composition of this syrup and the mode of
preparing it, are the result of a series ot experiments
continued for years. Before offering it for sale, it was
subjected to the test of experience ill the hands of emi
nentpbvsicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, v, ho have
recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it
in their practice. In addition to this evidence of its mer
its, we offer the following, selected from a number of un
solicited testimonials. j
Ist. A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much |
experience, writes of it thus :
"I should have written before this, but Ml disposed
first to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. I have used
more than half the quantity received,and the experiment
has been most successful. / really helices that it posses- ■
set adeant yes on r any other Fermifugs J hal t crtr used.
Independent of the smullness of the dose, and the plea- j
gantness of the syrup (great advantages in dosing chil- '
ilron) the advantage of administering it under a variety j
of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there is j
scarcely a condition of the system in which it may not ;
be administered. Yours, fee."
•2d A respectable physician of Lebanon county, in this I
slate, writes
'• I have been in the babitof prescribing your Compound !
Syrup of Spigelia for some time past, and have found it '
ati excellent worm medicine, "particularly for children. —
Please forward per bearer 4 dnx. bottles. —Yours, Stc."
3d.—An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we !
bad previously sold the syrup, writes:
"Since my return home, 1 find that your Syrup of flpi- ;
pelia has come into general use in this neighborhood. We
have sold what we had on hand, and it gave such satis- j
faction that it is now called for evey day. You will please j
put us up 5 or 6 dozen in a small package, and send to the >
care of W. Anderson St Co , Richmond, as soon as possi
ble, ami fnru ard the hill per mail—Yours, &r.'*
4th. — A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to j
Philadelphia, stated, that some time since he had been ap
plied to by a customer for a vial of 's Ver- j
mifuge for I:is son. Not having the article asked for, he !
advised a trial of Harris, Turner Ac Hale's Compound
Syrup of Spigelia and gave him a part of a boltit which j
was all that remained in the store. A day or two after :
this the gentleman returning to the store, expressed his '
surprise and delight at the effect of the Syrup, declaring j
it had expelled 2D<> worms and entirely relieved his son. j
The merchant added an expression of his great regret that j
he had not had on hands a bottle of the Syrup at the time ;
when his own little daughter died, as lie confidently be
lieved it would have saved her life.
sth—A gentleman of Hudson, N. Y-, having sent a bot
tle of Harris, Turner it II tie's Compound Byrup of Bpi
gelia, to a young friend who had tried in vain a great gum
her of worm medicines, writes,that his friend was imme
diately relieved ; the words of the patient were: "It took
every wormoul my body."
Wholesale Druggists, So. '2Ol Market street,
Drugs, Medicines, ( hemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical
and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win
dow-glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumeries, Ac., Ac., and |
exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner A Hale's i
Sugar-Coated Pills, lluxlmm's Liniment for the Piles,the
Hanbridge Hair Tonic, Eberle s F.ye Water, Mrs. Madi- i
son'sUnrivalledlndelliMelnk, De wees' Celebrated Nerve
and Bone Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mr* Shars
wood's Extrai is of Lemon and Vanilla,for flavoring Pud- ,
dings. Ice Creams, Ac., Ac.
For sale by dealers in Drugs generally in
Centre, MitHin and Juniata counties, [auS —tf
Philadelphia Jledical Blouse,
oldest, surest and best hand tin ure all forms of secret
diseases of the skin, and solitary habits of youth, is I)R
KINKELIN. Northwest corner of THiJtD u4 UN ION
Mtreits, between spruce and Pine,a equare-and x half
from the Exchange, Philadelphia.
Th-re is a habit which boys teach each other alibi- ■
Academy or Colleg,— a habit indulged in w hen by him
self, in ftoliludc, growing up with the boy to manhood;
few of those who indulge in this pernicious practice are
aware of the consequenrea until they find the nervous ;
system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable f. el
logs, vague fears in the mind The individual becomes
feeble, he is unable to labor witll accustomed vigor, or j
to apply his mind to study ; h s step is tardy and weak,
be is dull irresolute.
Persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of ,
their declining healtn, losing their vigor, becoming weak,
pale and emaciated.
Let no false modesty deter you from malting your case i
known to one who, from education anil respectability,
can alone befriend you. ll*- who places himself under
Dr. Kilikelin's trealmi it, may religiously confide in hi*
bo or a* a gentleman, nid in whose bosom will be for
ever pu ki-d the so, ret of the patient
Thousands have b--n restored to heal h, from the de
vastations of those terrific, maladies by Dr.. KlsKKi on,
German Phv*i tan
wariied, by nemting a remittance, and put up secure from
APorr-rtlß LUTTKKS answered forthw UH
Philadelphia, January 27. In 19— ly.
rjMJ IK attention of Country Dealer?, Ped-
JL iars, and others buying goods in targe
i quantities, is requested to the immense stock ;
and varied assortment of goods at tin* eslab- ;
lishtr.rrit. Belling- at Piiiladclphia wholesale j
prices. Terms cash and prices low.
nov3. AVtc Cheap Cash Store.
WOULD respectfully inform their friends
and the public, that they still continue
to carry on the MARIU.E BI'SES ESS in
| all its various branches, at their old stand,
| Corner of THIRD awl VALLEY Sis.,
, wlp-rc they have constantly on hand MARBLE
! GRAY E ST()NES, &c. All kinds of
j WOT!: executed with tteitnoH?, and on the most
j reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal
j patronage extended to them, lliey still solicit
; a continuance of the same.
i Orders tr >m any part of tlie country, through
i mail, attended to with accuracv and despatch
' M .'ch J7, H-J?--'.
eomjiouuv Sfiritp ct
WHO i nmu .
IS the best Medicine yet for C'nugha, Colds, Consump
tion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Ac. Read the lot
low ing :
November l.">!h, 1348
Dear Sir— 1 take great pleasure in saying to you that
Mrs. Ross bus been entirely relieved of her cough by the
use of vour Syrup of Wild Cherry. it hud continued for
fully eighteen months. She had used several prepara
tions of the Wild Cherry uo-.v in popular use, but not
with the slightest benefit, until she took yours. She on
ly took six bottles, and ) am pleased to say she is now in
good health. Every one who saw Mrs. Ross thought
her in a deep decline. LEWIS P. RO. s S,
No. 207 H. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Schoon
er O. &., Cambridge Packet.
In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign
Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary
land, of June 6th, 131s, says. Price 75 cents a Buttle.
PrefHired and fluid by MAUTIN &■ Willi ELEI, at
their wholesale Dtug Store, is rt. Calvert Street, Balti
And fur sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and
ANDER RUTLEDGK, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
county. [June 30, 1840—ly.
r|TllE Proprietor of this valuable remedy
Jl for Worms, introduces to bis friends and
I the public, his Celebrated Vermifuge. Read
the following:
DECATI it TOWNSHIP, Mifflin county, \
September 11th, 1349. S
i DR. S. F. fJREE.Y:
Respected Friend —Two of our children having been
| severely afflicted this summer with Fever and Ague, and
; having checked it four different times by the use of the
| regular remedies, still they complained of pains in the
i legs, bowels, head, and in fact in the whole system; vora
cious appetite, fever, great diarrhcea, Ac, and after hav
' ing used*all the remedies thought suitable for the above
j symptoms, I concluded that they both had Worms, and
! accordingly gave each of them (the one nine years of age
, and the other") two tea-spoonfuls apiece of your valua
■ Me Vermifuge, and in three hours from the time of their j
i taking the above small doses, the youngest passed FIVE
| of the largest worms 1 have ever seen. The oldest boy
i passed a solid ball of worms (it may appear int redible, but
it is truth) as large as a walnut, and both have been get
; ling welt fast since.
I Vou may make the above public if you think proper for
j the benefit of others, and for the purpose of introducing
I your valuable Vermifuge in Decatur township.
Yours, Ac., D. It FISHER.
The above valuable Vermifuge is prepared j
; and sold by Dr. S. F. GREEN, at the Lewis
town Medical Depot, No. 11.
September 20, 1840.
.11 art in ct Whitelcr'**
A certain Cure for Ague, Fever,
and Dyspepsia,
IN' our summer and fall months tnanv sections of our
j 4 country are prostrated by UII.I.IOL'B FEVER and
1 AGUE and FEVER.— It lias been our particular study to
i find out mjme remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, and
i think, in this TONIC wc have effected this great object,
j it is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia,
and if our directions arc fi.Row ed, will not fail tueffeit
I a cure.
In a letter dated, May 2?, d, i-i-J,our Agent, Mr. F.liss
Raub.of Wrightsville, York county, I'a , say* :-1 have
never known any remedy for Fever and -'lgut equal to
your invaluable National Tonic. It bas given universal
satisfaction, and has cured i uses of Ai-ue < f y ears stand
ing, and after the fmiuie of all other rnt-dii ines made use
of. Mr Henry Beverson, of the san e place, says in his
j certificate, dated 22<l March, l*t'J. ' 1 applied to a number
of Physicians, ami also used a variety of the most popu
lar Ague Mixtures at different time*, but all ithout the
desired effect; no permanent cute having been afforded.
1 was at length induced, at the re, online rotation of your
worthy Agent at this place, to try a bottle of your Na
tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction,before I had
used half of it. I felt completely cured, though I contin
ued the use of it tilt 1 had taken two bottles.' In a joint
certificate from Messr* Miles Hoke, William Blackson,
and James J> Brown, of the same place, they say—*Hav
■ ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach w uh
; out success, we at U*t purchased some of your .Yationul
'l'onic, which li t* completely cured us. We, therefore,
: cheerfully recommend it to the nuticr of all pcrion* af
flicted w ilh that terrible disease as the best remedy yet
, discovered."
See th>- Pamphlet?, which you can get from one of our
i Agents gratis.
Also, Dr Martin's Purgative Pill?, the beat now in use,
in all cß*e* where a purgative is needed
, r> Prepared ami sold by MARTIN A WHITELEY,
Wholesale Drug Store, No. 4s s Calvert et , Baltimore.
For saie by F. J. HOFFMAN and W ATT
. SON !U JACOB, Lewistown ; and by ALEX
ANDER RUTLEDGE, \\ liliamsbnrg, Huntingdon
county. June 30, 1849—1y.
CS 'n!
A- W —L
a 1 OLLO>V-WA i I E.
r 3A!IE undersigned continuesto tnnnufucture
A. Stoves, llollow-ware, 4 c., at the
Old Ijogan Foundry,
| formerly carried OH by A. B. Long tsi Co., and
; oilers to the public the following articles:
i The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very
, good . tove, ntui well desetves those high com.
meudations so unanimously bestowed upon it.
Also the
H;Uli:i\iay Cooking Stove,
t which .-tunds unrivalled in this or any other
| country. It has been tested tor the last tune
j years, and is justly pronounced the best and
the most durable article of that kind ever used.
Hundreds of certificates could be procured, if
; necessary. The
iof various sizes. Coal Stoves, of every de
j scription : Parlor and Chamber do., for coal or
wood; Air-tight do., got up in a neat and beau
tiful style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans,
| Pots, Iron Stands,and rut morons other articles
of llollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoes, and all
| kinds of Castings made to order. He is also
sril:ttioit \VATI:K PICK,
of one and a quarter inch calibre, and intends
to keep a supply on hand at aB times. The
! subscriber is determined to make the wore
i out of the very best material that can be pro
j cured: and for the accommodation ot distant
I purchasers, keeps wagons and horses for the
J purpose of delivering stoves at any point within
j eighty miles, free ot any additional charge.—
AII the stoves are warranted to stand the fire
and perform well,and if not, the money will be
refunded on their return ; it a plate should break
or craek, it will be replaced free of charge.
There is connected with the Foundry, a
Tinning Establishment, for manufacturing
Tin Ware oi* every S^isiil,
whore purchasers will please call.
CO~Ail orders from a distance will meet
with prompt attention. Wholesale dealers
would do well to give me a cnil, as 1 will
wholesale S'ovee and Hollow-ware on as lair
terms as they can be had at any other place.
All I'iuds of country Produce taken in ex
change. ROBERT McMAMGiL.
Lewistown, Jan. 27, 18-19 —tf.
Just Opening,
13 YARDS of neat figured
1 IIUIF CASHMERES , 4-4 wi 'e,
i and selling at L.M cents per yard at
Life and Ileallh are in the Blood.
Not one of all the numerous medicines that have been
prepared, begins to be of na great medical virtue, power,
and unfailing certainty to cleanse and purify, produce new,
healthy blooa. t and strengthen and invigorate the whole sys
tem, as
This Purifier is the most wonderful and astonishing rem
edy ki the world. No othor medicine has effected such al
most miraculous cures of
Scrofula, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum,
SYPHILIS, and other eruptive and skin diseases, viz.: Ery
ttpelas, Sores, Ulcere, Ulcerated Sore Mouth, and Throat,
Nursing Sore Mouth, Staid Head, Biles, Piles, Pimples on the
Fate. Ithcumatism, LITER COMPLAINT, and many other
diseases. THOUSANDS of such diseases have been cured
by this PURIFIER, and cured by the use of FOUR
Less Quantity, at Less Cost
by four-fold, than ever such diseases were before or sines
cured, by Sarsaparilla, or any other remedy. What, then,
is the question for those interested to decide, as to economy
and health? FIRST— WiII it cure my complaint I SEC
ON D— ls it cheaper t TU LRU Will
of BRANT'S PURIFIER effectively cure F OUR TIMES
as much disease as one dollar's worth of Sarsaparilla e If it
will, then it is FOUR TIMES CHEAPER than Sarsapa
rilla. And to prove this we offer one case of cure, out of j
the many cases of
To realize the great power of this medicine as a purifier,
read, in our Pamphlets, the perfect cure effected on Mr. J.
B. Haskin, of Rome, Oneida county, N. Y. He was confined
to his bed One Year —was not expected to live twenty four
hours longer —his neck was eaten nearly off, from ear to
ear—a hole was eaten through the Wind-pipe —his ear nearly
eaten out—the use of one arm destroyed —an Ulcer, as large
as a man's hand, had nearly eaten through his side—and
there were on him, in all.
Twenty Large, Deep, Discharging Ulcers,
which w#re ALL CURED, and h# reatored to htdUk and
strength to labor again, by the uae of ONLY TWLLVJS
BOTTLES. This wonderful cure if certified to by
Fourteen Respectable Witnesses.
And it is the greatest cure, the most undoubtedly substantiat
ed, of one of the most horrid and most hopeless cases of
Scrofula, that has ever been cured since the world was ere
j Rtcd—completely establishing the great power and certain
&:acy of the medicine.
This P.aisain pasernr -1 oil the cleansing and purifying
V-.rtues of the above-named Pi rikviko Extkact. and also
possesses several other niedi<-ah'm particularly ami pecu
liarly a iapted to cure COUGHS and CONSUMPTIONS. It
heals and cures Ulcers in the Lungs. at d #-Iewhere internal
ly, as readily an 1 as easily as the /'untying Extract heals
1 and cures externaUy.
THOUSANDS of cures of rfc- mst hopeless Consumption I
fully prove it. almost miraculous efficacy in all diseases of
We give the following certificate as a fact of cure, which
goes to prove the power to save iifp. even when the person
seems to be iu the very lust stages of existence, when Brant's i
InLan Pu. numai y Balsam is administered -
Town of BnlLton, Saratoga Co.. .V I' — ts Ztß.v Dvke- ,
MAN. being duly sworn, s.v : That in the winter of 1845.
deponixit'- wife was believed by her physician and others to I
j be dying with consumption of the lunc-: and deponent
believing that to he the case, went to Mr. John Wait's store,
in the village of Boiiston Spa. to purchase cloth for a shroud,
ami other ma . sauries, to prepare his wife for burial after
h" should die. Deponent further nays, that while he was in 1
said I V.uts -tore, he was persuaded hv the Proprietor of
then pre-cut. to take a bottle of said Mabctw—he remark
ing that if the dying woman he now past recovery, yet, if
she be much uppttssrd and distressed, the said medicine
would soothe and relieve her, and tnake the pillow of j
death more easy. Deponent took the said medicine home
I with him. together with the cloth he had purchased pre- j
; paratory to the anticipated death of his wife. Deponent •
' caused a portion of said medicine to be administered to
bis wife, and to his astonishment it soon relieved her
i*Ue coutinued the use ot said medicine until the recov
i ered from her disease, and has been able since (it being
I now more than throe years) to do the work, and attend to
, all her household affairs ; and deponent verily hebeves that, t
j through the b;o--ing of Providence, the restoration to health
j of his wi!o was the result of the curative and healing effi
cacy of Brant's i idutn Pulmonary Balsam
Subscribed and sworn to, before ine, this 29th day of April, i
! 1848. THUS. G YOUNG, Justice of the Peace
Town of Ba iton, Saratoga county, -V. y. —ts. This is to
! certify, that 1 ant and have la-en lor many yars. well and
Intimately acquainted with the nam, ii Ziba Dykeman,
i who is one of our most worthy imd respectable citizens, and
whose statements are entitled to full credit and belief.
THOS. G YOUNG. Justice of the Peace.
April 29, 184e.
7' isn i f liallston, Village of Bullston Spa—sr.: This is to ,
j eertify. that the circumstances and facts stat. d above by
' Ziba Dykeman are to my knowledge strictly true, and that
he has frequent!} since stated to me tliat B-ant's Indian
; Balsair. saved 'be life of Mrs. Dvkcirun.
April 1"t0 JOHN WAIT. ;
TIOS, Coughs, Colds. Spitting of Biood, Bleeding at the
i Lungs Pa n in fie Breast and Side, Night Sweats, Nervous
I Complaints, Palpitation if the Heart, h'emule Weaknesses and
CcmpUonls, Cho era /at.! a' Unenleiy, anJ Su mrr.tr Cow
DOCT .1 W. FRENCH, of Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co . Mich..
wrote to u, Deo. 8, 1818 :" I have been tn the regular prac
tice of medicine in this piece for .Vine Years : but WHS
obliged t. quit the practice of my profession in conse-
I quence of ill health I was so severely afflicted with a
chronic disease i the lungs, as to convince me that I had the
Consumption past doubt I coughed almost incessantly night
and day. and had severe paint and soreness in my chest,
side, and breast I tried the remedios recommended by
the most skilful of ray profession, all to no effect, excepting
tho nausea and debility caused by them I was prejudiced
against Patent Methanes, and have no faith now in them,
generally. But i was induced, as an experiment, more
than through faith, to try a bottle ot BRANT'S INDIAN PUL
MONARY HAL-AM, and 1 do here acknowledge, for the ben
| efit of the afflicted or whom it may serve, that the effect of
j its use on me. was the most prompt and salutary of any med
icines i ever witnessed the effect of in all my practice. My
couoii was IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and in about eight or
ten days, 1 was free from cottah. soreness of the chest, and
; pain, and now consider and pronounce myself a well man."
; Doet. French is now a respectable druggist and merchant
at Hillsdale.
Messrs. Holtstander .t Co.. respectable merchants of
1 Oberlin, Lorain t.'o , Ohio, wrote December 19,18-1? : "Af
ter allowing the Brunt's Medicines which you sent to us, to
remain at Cleveland about three months, we sent for them
We have been so often deceived by such medicines not
• j proving to be equal to their recommendations, and therefore
I j would not sell, when their want of efficacy was known,
j that we considered it unprofitable to keep such, and were
! therefore prejudiced against Brant's, supposing it to be no
. i better than many others we have on sale. After we had
| received Brant's, i, (A Holtstander) was persuaded from
reading the pamphlet to take a bottle of the Pulmonary Pal
■ | stun home. My wife had been afflicted with a severe cough
; for about ten months, and our friends were alarmed and
feartui that she would find nothing to relieve or cure lier.
But notwithstanding our prejudices to patent medicines,
we are obliged to say, and cheerfully confess, that BRANT'S
BALSAM and PuiurviNo EXTRACT, can be depended on in
! preference to any or all of the many kinds that have been
' left with us for sale. My wife was immediately relieved
j in her cough, and before she hail finished using the first
bottle, began to gain strength and health, and only three
bottles effected a perfect cure. The PURIFYINO EXTRACT
I have personally used for a general debility of the system,
and 1 have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best modi
cine to restore and invigorate the system, that 1 have ever
found. In every instance where we have sold these medi
cines they have proved their efficacy, and given the best
I satisfaction."
.'ILFRED MIRKS , Lnrhtotcn,
G. 11, UREILWJI*\\ JWcTeyloirn,
M. STEELY Sf CO., Belleville.
And by Agents in all parts of tho State,
i All letters and orders must be addressed to
WALLACE & Co., 106 Broadway, New York.
November 17, 1849—001j.
Ladie*' Shoe*.
I I'AIUIE stock of the Intent style,
Coarse and tint* shoes for Lathes 1
wenr, l ow arranged in the l adies' Shoe Room,
; a* C. L JONES'
-7. -Vcu.' Clean Cash
( A! '! IO v i:\TK \
A loan hv the name i / if <■ j.-,, „ ,
y.iung loan ol Uu uniue ot 8. i* Townverii], ,
name to pnt up a fsrwpiinlh, winch tbev rail hr. T<- .
•end's Sarsaparilla, denoininat'ui* i* b EX I */.V> :i r ,
etc. This Tow a send is no doctor, and never *- i, ot w
formerly a worker on railroads canals, and the like. y.
assumes the title of Dr.. for the purpose of griming rsr\-
what he is not. This is to caution the public not ( ►,
deceived, and pnrrhase none hut the u EX I'IKE o/< (i
XAL OLD Dr. J'cob Tow n end' Barmparilli, h.,i n .
it the Old Pr's. likeness, his family coat of arms, n d j, k
• ignaitire across the coat ol arms.
Principal Office, B-2 -1* * its *t , . V, w } V, ,y City
OLD 1n(. JAFOiI ToiVNskxn,
Genuine Towasend Sarsaiiarilla.
Old Dr. Town send is cow about 70 years of at, |, lt
long tieen known r-.s the .11 1 Holt and Hist oI'EkF.R
of the (iEXULVE ORIOIX.IL " TIDiX-rf Xtj s t h .
' 'iAPARU.LAN Being poor, lie wns compelled i nut im
manufacture, by which menus it has tie.-o kept oat ~f mar
kcl, and the sales circumscribed to those oui; wh 1,,|
proved its worth, and known its value. It hud reacted
the ears of many, nevertheless, as thee persons b-, v-d
been healed of sore diseases, and saved iroui death, pr,.-
I claimed its czcellence ami wonderful
Knowing, tnaita years ago that he had. bv hi> -:
science and exjterience, devised .an itrbcle which won .
' of incalculable advantage to mankiad when the mi-ns
would be furnished to bring it into universal notice, w •
Its inestuuahle virtues would be known and appreciate,
This t.me bar come, the iiieani- are supplied ; llits
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is ca I! r
throughout the ienglh and breadth of the land, especially
as it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
Uuiike voung 8. 1' Townsend's, it improves with ace sad
cover changes, but for the heller i because it is prepared c
scientific, principles by a scientific man. The high.-.; tU v..
edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of '.he an.
base all been brought into requisition in the manufacture
of the Old Dr's Sanatiariila. The Barsapuri!!a root, it n
well known to medical men. contains many inedicnxl ; -
pernes. and some properties which are inert or useless, a;.i
others, which if reta.ned in preparing u for Use, prc-iiice
ferment,, '.an and acid, which is injurious to the sy>
Borne of the propert.es of riivrsapartila are so volatile thai
they entirely evaporate and are lost m the pre para tiu i„ f
they are not preserved by a scientific process, known or. .
to those expcr.enccd in its manufacture. Moreover, tnese
volatile principles, which fly ofl in vapor, or as n n: ■
lion, under heat, are the very essential medictu prop,,
f the root, which give to it all its vaiue.
tnd yet he would fun h ,ve it umlerntr.a: t i)r. Jsmk
I'ow nsend s Oenuxne Original karsapar... n is an IMITA
■ Tl< >N of his Inferior preparaikm '!
Heaven forbid that we should deal in an article svh ct
would bear the umst distant re-cm' nice to 8. I', i'uwn
tend's article', and which should bring i! iw r, c; n thrOd
Dr. such a mountain l.aJ of comjiiaiiils and eriiuinaiams
frorn Agents who have sold, ana purcnasers w p.. u*.o n-ej
i P. Townsend's FERMENTING COMP<K'Nd
We wish u underiPKid, because it i the absolute truth,
that 8. P. Townsend's article anil Oui Dr. Jocet. i *j
teml's Barraparilla are kgatsen-wi ir apart, . - a mfjiit- i cit
timuar ; that they are unlike m every partite.ar, r.avin{
not one singie thing in common.
As S. P. Townsend is no doctor and never was. is an
chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of metbe ne i.r
disease than any othercomnioo.tinsc.eutifii unprofessional
ma, w hat guarantee can the puti.ic have thai they are re
ceiving a genuine scientific medicine. - ?: a!i ti:o
virtues of the articles used in preparing it . nd which -e a
capable of change; which might tctoier the J. il-c AuEMS
of Disease instead of health.
Bui wli.l else should be esjiected fr -u. one wh itaow;
, nothing comparatively of meukine or
a |ierson of some etjierience to <>Hk and serve n; eve-, v
, (omuton decent loe -.1. How much more un|iortan;
' the persons who uianufacture medicine, designee -
thould know well the medic.,! properties of ; the
best manner of securing and conceit truing tl.-ir fie- •;
1 virtues, also an extensive kr.ow iedgeof the van Misaiveasss
which ntfcci th - hoii.' ; sy stem, and bow If adapt rciac-u :>
•0 dise .se;-
It is to arro-i ir ids upon the ttnfortHnate. to p.tf lis
into wonnded iiuu.au t\. to kindle hope in the aes;*.: l{
boaenn. to restore health and triinuu. and vigi-r t .t-i iwi
■ crushed ai d broken, i-.rnl to banish intiruiilv that ti|,Dl)i'..
JACOB TOWNSEND has StH Oill' amiFOi NHtket?
portunity and means to bring his
Cxraud I'uivprsal Concentrated
iibin the re icfe. nnd : the k:iwwicJee of .all who st,
thai they may learn :-ni know, fcy j*yTiil ex;erience .Jt
TiaiiscciirtcHt I'oiver to Heal
i Any person cn U>i! c,r stew th* root till they cr: ? ilzrk-
I colored liquid, winch is note fr4m the eohtrinf in a tier in
ihe root than from a-.\ thine el*e . th*-y can : .en strata
this insipid >r vapid flqetd. sweeten w i th sour
*nd then rail it *• BARSAi'AKIi-LA LXTRACI or s\-
!K f'P.* % But such is not the article knoun as th*
This is ao prepared, thai all the inert proper'.!** tfci
Surupiriiia r -.>t are 6r*£ every :h:ne c •kD c I
becuiiiinz acid r rf iVrmentHt.on, is extracted and re,**cied;
then every particle of medical virtue is *ecured in n mtre
and cncentrated fiirui ; and thus .1 is rendered incapa ?<'•
losing any of its valuable and heating properties. Preyed
' in this ys ay. it made toe o>t |ev*>rtiil agent in the
Cure of intuiißFiablß diseases.
Hence the reason why we hear commemixtions on every
side In its favor by men women, and children. We srg .t
■ doing wonders iu the cure of
! PLA IXT, and in RHEUMATISM, M lithUiA.
TICKS, PIMPLES. BJ.UL TIIE.s, and all aflectiuni
I arising from
It posseawe* h msrve ius effiracy in ai! complaints ar \ d?
ffiHti httiigcotton, from .Vc*dc' of the Stuuihick. from unequal
Ctrrulnt.on, detcrunna;. n M hk! to the bead. pal. Mi i
; of the heart. r|d feet and Lauds, cold chills viiU L- t :! isht*
! over the bod v. It lias c t its ;uai in C*hld* a. d On; J
and promote* f:ts\ xja'ftonttion and gn;ie |* r S• ■ r-i
relating: stricture t the lunjrs. throai. and every otiu r:aTL
Hut in r: tli :g is t>. evcelicisce more manifestly
ackiuiw U Used tnnti in k uls and c'ure< c-t"
!t workn wonders in cases of f- .f*r wilbus or Whites r •
' * H A r *■*/ rH . • ' .•r f.: . • •'
| Irrruu. |f| ■ o: the IN '• Is, SMI tko -n
is as ertt * tuai in curing nil Ihe I uui< of K-di*ey i'-f :: i -
By removing instructions, and retruiatirj ire
: system, it tone nuu strength to the whole bod}
thus cures ;t!i !orui* f
Nervous and deliilitp
: nnd (hM pMMM ot relieves> gwit rarkq ot other *
dies, its Spinal in - .■ i. Xc..r,i ga. St. I its - - £f
Switching, B 7"-','-' • B 's. COM % U >.. •. ScC.
It clenn>es the PUkkl excises the l.xer to hen!::
tones the stomach, and gives good digestion, re ,evt-1
b*ixvels of torp*>r and >nsii; ttion. ailays mil iuin *
.Mirifies the skin, ciitin t!ie eirculmta •* the i
producing gccitle xxartntii equally ah over tile 1
; the insensible perspiration ; relaxes ail strictures :ui
removes ail obstrurtit>ns, ami io\ - tL ' - ;u,e
nervous system. Is RtU this then , ,
The latdifine yon pre-eminriitly m? '
B"t cud nnv t>f these thugs besjtid -' 8. I". low :ic-.w '
ut-.li- This Minns nuut's liquid 1 nut t.' M
been ii-c 1.1 line Gl! \ND F4t'?'. 'bill ibe unc is INCAPA
Hl-E ..I Di: i:uiKA ntN .-.mv
j while Ihc I'thi r POKB souring, fhrmsut&hg, and Neteihd
the con lain.fig n int' l 'apments ; the sour, acul ut"
exploding and d imagine cibt r t!o*.*t ! Must not this hivn
b.e coiniHiiiiid lie pnam n'.:s in itie system ? it "**•
ecui cnto i suittm uireau.f dt*t/i.*eti t fh uid ' Whnt r *. :
Uy*i*epsta but acid ? l>o we not all know that when '
' siiiifs in * ur stouinchi. what mischiefs it produces ' rlitu
leiicn, heartburn, palpitrkthui of the heart. . \er t cii>! *
' diarrhora.^ dysentery, coiic. and corrupuon o! the -• ••
• V\ hat ih t-cro'.ula hut an acid humor hi the bo*U ? •• ,l
produces all the humors which bring on L upt; n> f :::f
Bkin, Scald Head. Salt Khcniu, i:r>si|Hdas, White Swc
lugs, Fever Sores, ami nit ulcerations internal and extern
It s nothing under heaven, hut an acid substance, xx i
•ours, and thus ail the fluids of the body. " '• ° r
What causes Khetunutism but a sur r acui
which insinuates itxf.i between the its .
irritating and Inflaiiiiog the drhratc i.oues up*>n w .
acts? So t.i MTVlMtllil - •. ; •; r,WOt UN b 1
; deranginl circulations. ..r.-i all tue amia ni> waatt
Bill.ct human nature.
how is it not htrnb:c tOMiiake and seli. *ciJ fujt-
isarti to Use this
o^7"For sale in Lewistown by K. Al.l-LN
w!to is sole agent for Mi til in county,
may 'JO, —ly.
Superior Sugar-house Molasses.
TV] K\V Orleans and the real genuine (toKf "
In Syrup for sale at the Ibnner low prii't'D
which is at least 'JO per cent, under the regu
lar country prieew. A large supply on li*"d a;
c. L jom:s
?)o>lt Now I heap t'aab State