Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 29, 1849, Image 3

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    !'• r i'ir C..izttle,
D .U( I Y € .
So:nt di-vu>sion has lately taken place
several papers respecting dancing, and
i - li. <.■• s are presenting paragraphs
!,(>in varum- high source- b. whom it is
.1;' hi J. The following from J.olui Sau
ficfM'u, a scholar of some note, embraces
frbaps ;]1 that en be said in its favor.
.. letter from Paris, be says—
Oil ?nnda\ only th c-legunt n tunda* arc
% ■ 1 aui very tar from approv
,i,' ol dancing on tin* day if one can help it;
; .t ! i.ave no doubt that in a city like Paris, the
dancer* are more taken from the taverns thai!
the churches. Ido not approve, either, of the
absolute denunciation this elegant amusement
jc.i - from many of our religious classes in
America. If human virtues are put up at too
tgii a | rice-, no one will bid for them, Net a
vor is- sa:d against dancing in the Old and New
Titi;ncnt, and a great deal in favor. Miriam
i!;. need, you know how prettily; and David
C ee l before the Lord \v ilh all" his might. If
yu wuil accept classical learning, 1 wiil give
\ u pedantry. The Greeks ascribed to dancing
act lest ;al origin; and they admitted it cvtn
ngst the aceomplishiacnts and the arnuse
i.itiiis ol their divinities. The Graces are rt-p
---ented almost always in the attitude of dan
c g ; and Apollo, the most famous of the gods,
the god of w isdoni too, is called by I'andar
._• • dancer. Don't s.iy that dancing is not a
:urai inclination, or 1 will set ail the savages
t ,i you ol the Rocky Mountains; and 1 don't
know how many ot the dumb animajs—espe
c.ally the bears, who, even on the South Sea
1.-l.n.ds, w here they could not have any relations
•>v.;h the Academic lloyale dc Musique, always
express their extreme jov, Captain Cook savs,
b) tiiis agreeable agitation of limbs.
For my part, I apprehend that the issue
is formed is not put forward in the form
'. hit it ought to be. The question is not
a 'tie confined to mere dancing as a recrea
t n—against that few have objections—
but the consequences to which it leads.—
These, however, the advocates of dancing
do not touch upon. A private party of
ladies and gentlemen, who are tn the habit
of associating villi each other, may meet
and dance to their in art's content, and un
fa —. as is frequently the ease, they become
more boisterous than they ought to be in
"their joy," no; more than one in ten will
rind fault with them. Another part\ of
persons may hold a dancing party (as for
instance those lately held in the Town
Hall, atid if proper care i- exercised in
ting those to be present, and due deeo
i an observed, but little cause for condem
nation exists. }l< re. however, the " favor
able" ends, and ** be ve temperate in all
tiling's"—quite asgood authority as Miriam,
liavid, ike.—comes in with its decree. So
- m as bails, with their train of dissipation,
c me into view, dancing in an evil, because
i; is well known that but few such gather-
; ngs nowarlavs take place without someone
r< ug about who keeps his spirits up by
pouring s[ irhsdown, A" as a matter oi'course
ufcr* profane and Ml lgar language, such as
no father or mother desirous of training
children in die path of duty would wish
their daughters to be listeners of. Again,
when it comes to public balls, it has a strong
tendency to create a feeling for dress in
many girls who can ill afford to follow
their more fortunate associates. Many a
young lady thus situated is satisfied with
her ordinary dress when visiting a private
party, or even a cotillion in the flail, bc
'fiS' she know that th'* persons w ho v. ill
t there are limited in number and those
v. honi she meets frequently in society.—
Hut at a public bail this is not the case.
When in\ ited, she feels a strong desire to
■ dressed as well as the best, and to gratify
that desire often deprives herself of other
matters more essential to her comfort and
happiness than dancing can ever be. On
v .eh a subject it is hardly necessary to di
late, as a desire for dress is to the young
lady what the intoxicating cup i- t< the
i oung man who does not possess moral
courage enough to resist the importunities
of his boon companions, who gradually,
but surelv, sinks in degradation until that
cup becomes the bane of his existence, the
sham* of his relatives, and he falls to rise
no more ! So too with many a young and
giddv girl. A desire for dress, first engen
dered in the ball room, has grown upon Iter
until her means arc exhausted ; she stints
her.-cif in other respects, and still fails to
equal, rival or outshine those with more
bundant means; atid then to gratify her
; as-ion for this "innocent amusement,"
this accomplishment to give grace and ease
to her manners, she too falls, to rise no
mure ! Let it not be said that this is an
overdrawn picture; it is unfortunately
drawn from life, and more than once have
i seen the spot where rest the remains of
orie who often shone in the ball room in
all the pride of health and beauty, but who
ui an evil hour laid hands upon that which
v.:s not her own, in order to gratify her
j -non lor dress—and from thenceforward
there was but o tie step to ruin, disgrace,
' rid death. •
I.T t U GaZttlt.
The General Conference of Seventh
-1 ay Baptists recently issued an address to
the friends of equal rights and religious
freedom, in which tbcv strongly deprecate
the attempt* now bcin" made to legislate
lor the eoinpulsory observance of the first
day, as contrary to th<- spirit and intent of
the Constitution. After quoting largely
from the writings of Washington, the pro
ceedings of Congress, and judicial deein
ns they say —
"II tjie Constitution may !>• infringed
iq>ut to put down the observers ol the
seventh day, no one can say how long it
v ill be before other minor denominations
r.-.a- be put dov, u too. Already attempts
are making to exact a confession ol faith,
unknown to the Constitution, as a qualifi
cation lor a legal oatfj. If" the religious
•anc'.iiieation ol tin* Ist day of the week
ii.:.. v be enforced by statutory requirements,
o mar the forms and hours of worship.
lie wiio savfc, that tin re is no danger of
'•'a latter being enforced, while statutory
Rguiations t lolatc IWO of the most Hatred
H '■ i t m of ;Jic CompittMWn.
'.tows >ut little of the history of mankind,
or pay s but little attention to the tendencies
ol human nature. A single standing vio
lation ol the Constitution is au example
and an authority* for others to follow. One
rehgio US observance established by law,
ts tlie admission of the main principle of
national hierarchy, and will come in time
to be referred to as authority for similar
infractions of the Constitution.' The laws
mr the observance of the first day are in
Let a union of Church and State. It is
not pretended that they arc designed to
subserve directly a political m*civil object.
It is altogether a religious object which
they subserve. It becomes everv friend of
equal rights, as he loves the Constitution
ot his country, to oppose these infractions
ol its just principles, until equal liberty is
secured to all citizens by statutory provis
ions, as by th" fundamental laws of the
Pursuant to public notice, □ meeting of the
citizens of l.ewistown and vicinity was held in
the Town Ilaii, in the borough of Lewistow n, on
Wednesday evening, the 2fith instant, to appoint
a committee to take subscriptions with a view to
the rebuilding of the " l.ewistown Mills."
On motion, FRANCES M'CI.l RE was chosen
President, THOMAS MOORE and Mostv M UX r-
COHERV, \ ice Presidents, and Joseph Alexander,
Esq., Seciet3ry.
'1 he object of the meeting having been stated
by R. C. Hale, Esq., in a few brief and appro
priate remarks,
On motion of Rev. William M. Hall th? fol
lowing preamble and resolutions were unani
mously adopted.
WHEREAS, It has pleased Divine Providence
to visit our enterprising fellow-citizen, Mr.
JOHN SRERRETT, with a severe loss in the de
struction ol bis recently erected -Miil bv fire;
Resolved, That we deem it proper to take this
early occasion to express oar sympathy with
him in this trial, with our sense of the loss sus
tained by the community at large in the burning
of the very valuable and laeiul edifice put up bv
his energy and public spirit.
Resolved, further, That he and they are
hereby appointed a committee to confer with
Mr. bier re tt on the propriety and practical .Iflv
o! rebuilding said Mill, with instructions to pro
cure such aid, by donations or loaus, from citi
zens of the borough and elsewhere, a- may be
requisite to the speedy accomplishment ol the
said object, and thai said committee be empow
ered to appoint sub-committees to ass.st in the
On motion, Rcsolred, That the said remmittt c
consist of five person* ; whereupon the President
appointed K. Hale, Esq.. Hon. Charles Ritz.
Joseph Alexander, Esq., Jerman Jacob, Esq.,
and ilev. W'm. M. Hall, Chairman.
Resolved, That these proceedings b* signed by
the officers and published in ali the papers of
the countv.
Moses MOXTUOMEBT, Y ' R ' ~
■/• * ph .It jandt r, Sec'ry.
EC O\OTIY."The amount of m-mey deposited
in the Savings Rank of Great Britain is over
sterling, or more than one hundrel
millions of dollars ' This is an enormous amount
: of money, and is the savings of many who have
labored hard, and by pursuing a habit of strict
economy they have succeeded in maintaining
themselves handsomely, and laid up a compe
tency tor old age. The question then arises,
what is true economy ? In the exerc.se of econ
omy it i- essential t have good ju igtru rt—a cor
rect notion of matter* and things. Every indi
vidual has in the course of a life luro* to purchase
a large amount of goods, even if fur h.* or her
own support, merely. It will, in the course of
years, amount to a considerable sum. Then the
way to practice economy in this r- *peet is to
buy for CASH, as it is very dangerous to go in
debt, particularly with the storekeeper*. Buy
for CASH, and buy always GOOD GOODS, and as the
lowest prices; and to enable the public to get
! goods of every grade and quality, at the low,-t
possible prices that they can be sold over tin
cost of manufacturing, C. L. J<*vr i- conduct
ing a large establishment on the CASH SYSTEM,
and his business has now grown to such an enor
mous extent that he buys nearly all hi- goods
directly of the importers and manufacturer* for
cash, and sell* them at thesmallcstconsidei able
profits, u:.d in this way fie is enabled to *eii hi
goods at least TWENTY PER CENT, lower than ail
otlo-r merchant:*. Let any one make a rifi' la
tion of the amount of goods they would proba
bly buy in one year, and they wiil find that
per cent, or one-filth of the amount would fie a
considerable item. Let lhi run on for *onie
years, and they will have a sura saved in amount
of no little consequence.
It is now admitted by all other merchants, as
well as by the public generally, that <■. L. J ONES
has the large-t and best selected stock of goods
ever shown before in and that !.<•
can undoubtedly buy goods cheaper than anv
other merchant—his business being sa large ar.d
purchasing in such immense quantities.
Country persons visiting Lewistown to pur
chase goods for CASH will soon 0c convinced of
the foregoing facts, by calling at the Celebrated
-Vnr Chi ay ('ash Stare of C. L. JONES, and in pro
portion to the population of this country with
Great Britain, the amount cf savings might he
quite equal, and probably greatly exceed the
estimate made.
*7 E have just laroiy increased our already
vr extensive slock of vvivtEK no i>s, and
a* the Philadelphia houses are reducing their
fefixtks previous to the close of the year, we
have been enabled to make purchases very low,
ami are no* prepared lo offer our friends
< OO I) IS As: <U A 2A 9 .
Our stock of English and French BROAD
CLOTHS, p!ai:i atid fancy CASSIMERES,
SA'I INK IS, J LANS, &e , is very nod
desirable, and tviil beso'd a.-* low n* a! any other
establishment iti town. V'e oHi*r Cashmeres,
French Merinnes, Mous. de
Lainep, Priotß, long and square
SHAV\ i.S, of eveiy description ;
French Collars, (iloves, Hosiery, do., at uteat
ly reduced prices.
VVe sell, for instance, handsome hhick cotton
Stockings at CYJ cents per pair.
Moiiselitie de Laines at ct. per yard.
Haiidnotue Cu-slimereH at 25cts per yard, &t c
We now sell hoy's boots at $1 110 per pair,
s'lr-h as 'otne great concerns nreseilirig at **!.' Jo.
Metis heavy hoot* at I* lot I, and Ijvdies' and
' hi'-irens' shoes in proportion. In fattt et efj s
! tliinjv in our line is now full and extensive, and
a.tnough rint si iriKiil nt j .(linjf as <>ne ol fair
neighbors, we will gay to those friends that
pitror.izeue lhat they Khali nol lose then hy.
We think LOSS we buy OUT goods a well AS any
other concern and will sell them as low ('quali
ty considered ) and alth .uyh we do not boast of
selling a* many as half the town, we iliink wc
sell more than the great concern that does.
WA IT >\ A- I A'"OB
I/'WIHTOV.N, I>".*. 1,1 A IF
— —•' i ii\mm ixcAg.': i m
On the ioth insi., by the Rev* (7 Stevenson,
ADAM J GREER, Esq., Editor of the Clinton
Fnbune, to Mi*s ELIZABETH BEARD, of Beale
township, Juniata county.
On the 17th irtst., in this place, FRANKLIN,
son of L. T. \\ attsou Esq , aged 5 months and
a lew days.
Lewistown, Dec. "S, ISIO.
Putti Ojf iJealerst. Retail.
1 }?" R - -
V\ heat white - H7 1 10
RED . 90 ] 05
R . VC - - 50 00
Outs - . 29 B5
Corn, - . 50 00
Cioverseed old, 0 75
Do new, 4 00
Flaxseed - . J 00 1 25
Timot hyseed - - 2 00 2 50
Butler, good - - 15 15
BSTL'S - - 10 ID
Lard T; G
Tallow - H 10
Potatoes - . 50 (J2I
Beef, 4 00
Pork, per lb. - 4 41
per lb. - - • 29 "
Feathers - . 45 45
PHIL AMKI.I'HIA. D<*e. 27, 1819
'1 he FLOI'R MARKET IS unchanged. Some
holders are willing to sell coinn. Gi vhippine
brands at £4,*74 per barrel, while other? arc
in.iifrerent about accepting this 1 rice. For
ci?y u-e prices vary from 1,97.] to *5 50.
R\K FLOI E no sale-,. W ■ quote al §2,-7] a
>2 00 per barrel. < 'ORIS MEAL is held 7,t .9,2,75,
but there were no sales rrnkinj. GRAIN —
Prices of Wheat remain stationary, at a
1.00 per bushel, for lair and good red RYE
in demand at 02 cents. Supplies of CORN con
tinue lo come in very slowly, and prices are
weil maintained. Sees R,f 3 a 4000 bushels
nw S uthern yellow at 53 cents, and some at
52] c ?NTS. OA IS —CUT FEW off-ring. We
tjuote S'ui. lipnj at 22 s.''. cents per bushel.
" R " E - "H 1 " R —-
| P I virtue 1 ; A writ ol \ endttioni Exponas.
■ ! me !irei-'ed, will be RXJN s. d to PUIDIE
S ;!* or OUTCRY, on the PREMISE* in Oliv r town
ship, Mifflin county, on SATURDAY, the
•228 el DECEMBER, next, (1-40,) at ONE
o'clock in the alterno nof said dav, the fid
lowing described property, to wit :
I lit .RE right in a 1 rt .in a certain trnet of
land situate in Oliver township, Mifflin county,
adjoining lauds of A-.guslus Stine, GE-.re* 11.
Allen. John 1 iaman an 1 others, containing I
acre* tic-re or LI-s, being the right and privi
lege TO DIG lor and raise ore on said tract, nd
ot selling and hauling the same away, and of
free egress and ingress TO the said tract of land,
to raise and haul sani on* as aforesaid. Taker
in execution as the property of Bvr en Cotr
dry. J. hn M. Wilson, It bert Allen and J 1-
seph Miliiken, terr, ten Hits.
D. McK. FONTNEK, .Sheriff.
November >, 919.
FER /' Tiip above sale is adjourned to | O
o'clock on TUESDAY January Ist, 1850
F.ewistov. 11, DEE. 29, 1849.
I > ESL'ET' TI-L LL\ announces to his old
■LA. friends, and many new oties as can
make it convenient to call, that he has JU.-t re
ceived his
Fall and Winter .Stock of G-cods.
which II" is prepared in dispose of at as reason
able prices as Mr Johnston Thomas, and he
SOFIA a'aout twenty PER cent, lower than anv
Store in the Ea-L Ward. My stock consists of
a genera! assortment of SEAS O X A ii J, E
GOODS, viz:
Knrdn a *<*,
libD'iil iiJi) ill! 01^
and &pics of the purest hind.
'l'oyerlier with all the articles u*ua'!y found in
n couniry store. As we do not feel able to oc
cupy the newsjepers with an advertisement O!
two or threeCollllllllH, we just sav to our tricinis
to call and see us, and if you don't purchase
from US we will not grumb'e.
I ,EW istjwn, Dec. 22, 1849— tf
Pennsylvania Railroad.
ON N. id after MONDAY, 21th December,
FREIGHT TUAISS will run three
times a week between Lewistown and L'hiia
delphia,AS follow.-*: — Leaving n, ASl
ward, on Mondays, 117 dnesdaif*, and Fridays,
OF 7 O'CIOCK, A. 51., and arriving from Philadel
phia on T'trndays, Thursdays, and Saturdays,
at 5 10. P M.
(ry- AU FREIGHT going east, MUST BE DE
on THE days previous.
\* Fr' ighl in ali cases, payable on delivery
of goods at the warehouse.
PASSENGER TRAINS east, W il leave at
15 minutes to HI, A. M., dailv.
Dec. 2"2. LS-19— tf [D*m. copy.
Auditor's J%'olice*
'P RE utttfirrfi ntl Ainiitor, appointed by the Orpli N ' I
L ( ' rt of Mitltin county to repott on HER
LI • I 1 VUrch, I-2T, to the Ailwiiiiatratiori AT. .MINT 01
1 ~>M IW LIOOTI*. Admlrtiftrator of HOBEKT f.xMllfifi,
n*. D, • ppolnOi SJ3TORDJ3 r,thf Stkof J.iutarii • 1'
Fl.r !••• IR|. G SAID EXCEPTION* at hi* otfi. .- in t.,-WIAIOWO.
WIN r> parties interefctedmv attend iftliev iliink JWOPCR
OIR S, ISl9— lt. Auditor.
IT C 2 I a E.
[)l MOU# tiulteat'iinr lhe solvency of " 4 1113 PKI.A
D \\ TUG (|T\ HANK" bcittf circulated, WHI-RVBY
holder* of lhe Note* i*sued B) faid Bank may he iiulurnt
to niif. r loss, the subs, rilmri), fovticrs of nine-ten! o-<•)
Hie .-lock, mid fully !Ki|iialntcd wiib the extent olb.-r
i-*tif* and the perfect touiidiiess of il.-r assets, do lo i> bv
bind ourselvi * ;.> ilir- public, tlmt the Sole* i •ui iil.iti.ui
will b" paid in fold or silver on presentation, diiriuf
flanking hour*, al the counter of the Bank in Delaw are
cuy. Tile intention of this is, that we do hereby guar
antee to Hie public the entire solvency of the Bank, and
in it- < i dial Stock I* unimpaired.
filiO. MAXWKI.fi.
J'lllJ ll' ItEVBOI.U
R; KO G. CLE A V Kit.
DEl,*..> *BK CNI, Oct. I S , ISl9— iin iiovSl.
lIOKiNE'S Rheumatic AY rvt and Hour
Liniment, for sale at GREENS Met*'
A fll J:. 11TA \C E ERE EI!
Children Half Price.
Doors oi'fii every tlav (Sunday excepted) frcw
6 o'rloek, A. M.to 9 o'clock, P. !S.
i S>ocil Mistake lite IMnee. /
Tiro doors West of the Juniata Hut Store, Leicistoirn.
THK exhibition will consist of a GRAND
of every shape, color and variety, which the
proprietor feeis confident cannot be excelled in
this or any other place. All who are in want
of CANDIES will do v ell to call at the GREAT
WESTERN ESTABLISHMENT, where ihev can he
supplied with every variety, WHOLESALE and
RETAIL. At the same t roe and place, w ill also
be exhibited a jrrcat collection of
IP m m *j> \s msm e r j
selected Horn the celebrated establishments of
K. lloi's ,!'!, arid JI LF.S I IAIT e, Cbesnnt s ,r ""t
Philadelphia. As to the great variety of
together with a g. neral. a.-s irtroent of fajo v
AI. IICI.ES of all kinds, a fuii description can be
o'ifatned at ths esiabiishrnent during the hoars
of exhibition. A ! so. in addition to the above
may bo seen or purchased a general variety of
Dt'usgw, Alrdioittes, I>yc
V .I'cilitiittts,
together with n numberless assortment of ar- !
tiee-s tuo numerous tu mention, such a# Raisins,
Fis Prunes, Nuts, and an extensive lot ei ,
' Wj j ■ cy T r-'.
As above staled, doors open every day and
evening, Sundays excepted.
X. I>—All who wish to encourage the estab
lishment, and are not fully satistiod with the
performance of the same, their admittance fee
will be laiiiiedia'cly returned.
Great \\ est em Candy Manoiictory, two doors
West of tlie Juniata Hat Store.
I." A Dtown, Dec 22. 18411—if
l> S-i V. IViOW >
Cheap Cabinet Warerocm.
A <tr J. Jl. Mi DiwrflSx /avert i, i'alb </ at.
tpilE StßSCKliir.il iiivi:r a tlune ah. us *<>;:. gto
lio i#eke>'pinr ami to olh 'fs lbat w i-h ti. p ir ii,i
i Jicngr Ettrnifiti*e.
tor"*'! at t!i i *•'' v>' mentioned Warp room ami examine
his tariff* stork tf fl t •'/ .Wj .:n-i /• t.rniturf of *i!!
?< < Mimrrmis to I.J t tn.n here Anions his stock
they will rind ;tn rimerit < f
!x-.*ii ot.f in I in-, pin e. 1 vvoiil't clraiv altention to a pa
tent Klaertit Spri i_r Bolh i:i He ,' teuit, w hii h can he * -en
in my V\ ar.nniiu at ii:\ time It can fee put upami Is fecu
ion n in i<->- time than the i ! 1 ;iloi.a;j u illi'.'ul a screiv
■ rivi r, and the great matter is ili.u it form.-otMi-aisti out-
T'l* ilhoitt a turd or sacking thus saving the purchaser
the cost of those articles.
i> C OFTEN S toad.: to order and funerals attended at ,
the shortest nutic Biiher Mahogany, Cherry or Wal
nut can fee tiad at moderate terms.
I.eivist'iwn. !>erember I.
Turnpike Notice,
Stockholders of the Lctristotcn ami
-M Kishacoquillas Turnpike Company are
hereby notified that the Prestd- ntand Managers
have declared a DIVIDEND of four per cent.
on liie canitHl stock, psvable on and after the
first da;. • January. 1-51.
M. BUOY, Treasurer.
Lewistown, Dec, k"d, i- i'J—yt.
Proposals for Building a Church,
SK \J.KD pn-ptwuis will be received by J\mes
L. M lEVAiNth ai the Register's Oiiice, in
lewistown, to liie Ist day ot Jantiarv next,
J v ", tor the buiidiiig ot a LUniLiIAN
< 111 Hi H in said borough. The plan and
specifications can be s< en by ca ling at the
Register's Office after the 15th instant.
By order <>t ttio Building Committee.
Lewistown, Dec. 15, 1-19—8 i.
r S I'Ot K HOLDERS ot the Eewistoicn
1 and Tvfcamra itr'dge (_'otnp</ny fire re
quested to meet at the TOLL HOUSE at the
Bridge, m the borough of Lewielown, on tlie |
I lUST .4/ O N I) \ \ of January next, (1-N9)
tii choose hv ballot on" President six .Mana
gers, ami one Treasurer, to conduct the busi
ness of said Company tor one year thereafter.
December S, 1-19—td.
c I BLIC NO i ICE is hereby given to all
JL interes'trl, that the (ktrnitiissioners have
appointed the following times and paces ot
meeting for hearing appeals from "i rb r.nial As
sessment, made by Assess, rs for I-oil:
.Mc\ eytown.oa Monday, January 'J Ist, 18.50,
at T. F. \ic( toy's public house, in said borough.
Oliver township, en Tuetdtty, January 'JJ.i,
it the ,-atne place.
fvevvt< n llainillon and Wayne township, on
i \ (Jnf sdny, January ti'iii, ;.t liie public house of
Mrs. Eliza Butler, iu Newton liamnion.
Meiino township, on Friday, January 2.5t1i,
at the public house of Darnel WhiUaker, in
I ai i township, on Saturday, .liinuary.2i3tli,
at the pub.iC house ui Jolm Robinson, in Leile
Armagh tuwnahip.on \londay, January 2dth,
at the public house of Ismail Copi.n, in said
Brow h township, on Tuesday, January 2Uili,
.at the public tiousc of damuet W. Stewart, in
said township.
Decatur township, on Wednesday, January
50th, ut the public house uf Abrahaiu Muthers
baugli, in said town'.iiifi.
I terry township, on Thursday, January 51st,
at the Commissioner's office, iri Lewistown.
Granville township,on Friday, February Ist,
at the same place.
Lewistown, on Saturday, Februarys 2d, at
the same place.
The Assessors of said several distrirt? are
hereby notified nnd desired to be at tiie place
appointed for holding the s-evera! appeals, as
above stated, and all feeling themselves ag
grieved at their valuation cany here have ar, op
portunity of being heard
Bv order of the Board,
H. J. WALTERS, Clerk.
L' i Dec M. iei9 M
S3' BLIC notice i 3 hereby given that by or
der of the Orphans' Court oi M itiiiti coun
ty, will je offered at public sale, on
j MONDAY, December it I,
1-19, at 12 o'clock in the forenoon of that day.
the following described Real Estate, with |!jc '•
' 'ippurtenaaces, iic., situate iu the tovvuahip of
Union, in said county, late the estate of JACOB
BYLEIt, Sen., deceased, viz:
No. 1. A tract of cleared land, adjoining
lauds ot Alex. Gtbbony, Isaac Flunk, Abraham
llartzicr, end others, containing
17 Acr<* and 1 1 1 Pcrclie*
t jy more or less, and having
fjj, fhereou erected a GRLST
MILL, ruiiiiing two sets
burrs, and in good con
j&T for doing country
and inerchentab.e work,a
'Mjjl' f KW Um* a
and other improvements; together with a n-ver
f il ing spring of water, an Apple Orchard,and
other choice fruit.
No- 2- A tract of Timber Land, adjoining
lands of Alexander Gibbony and John lirrtzfor,
containing 42 AORBS & 72 PEiICHES
more or less.
These tracts will together or separate
ly. or each in parcels tc suit purchasers. F s-
F' -,-ion to be gi\ en or. the Ist day of April, 1 -50
TESMS OF S.VI.K —One batf of the purchase
money to be paid on the confirmation of the 1
-Ee, and the balance thereof in two eeual an
nual payments thereafter, with interest from
the day of confirmation, to be secured by bonds
wih security tuid mortgages en the premises.
The sale wilt be held on ihe premises No. 1,
on which the improvements are situated, at the
' • above stated, when and where attendance
will be given by
Executors of Jacob Byler, Sen.
Decern!* r 15,1 -19.—8t.
|)\ virtue of oimilry writs of I'enditn ni E/pim-.s, Le
i iri f i ■ aiij fieru I'uciae, issued out of tfie (.'our:
i.l < null' !i i",i us of Mifitni couiity, arid to u:e directed,
will fe ->v" i to s| by puHic out cry, at the Court
House, in tin- ii >rough of i.ewis:o\vn,at i o'clock. I' M.,
.lantiary *>. I 850.
the follow ing described propettv. viz:
A tot sMuite 111 the borough of Newton Hamil
ton, bounded on lite east by James Vanzandt, on the
south by Second street, 011 i n west by Felix Norton, on
tiie o -rixi by V stro '* heirs, containins half a quarter
of an acre, more or less, (without improvements)
ei/. !. taken i;: execution, and to be w.'.i as the property
of .'•/ Sie.- > /t',
V NO— A to! of grour !in the township of Brnwn, con
taining one acre, more or less, with a frame house, plas
tered outside, and frame stable and frame shop a i il other
i • yrovenienta thereon erected; bounded by lands of
; i I 1 Taylor, ttie great road leading from Brown's :
Mills to Huntingdon, and Benjamin Garver and oi hers. ;
i/e.i, taken in execution, and to be sold as the properly '
i of Xttse.'i. CunntHghani.
i Ansa—A tract of land situate in B ate township, Ju
ni.ua county, containing one hundred and sixty-one acres
i f .t■.:::• -d -t.-.nc land, be the same more or'ess,
seventy -lit • acres > i wh, h is cleared and in a g<v>,l state
of f iltivatioi, ; bounded by lands of Pamuei I tley, linds
of the heir- of Win tnvin, Henry Bruhaker, and th,
v.: . i John-: nu, stited, takgu in execution, and ,
to he sold : - the proneity f Cot. H'ts. J9eef, dee'd. i
Ai.- O—Ait the rtght, title and interest of Robert .Pal- ;
terse,n in anj To a large l-.t of ground in tiie west end of ;
tiie borough ~f Lew irtosvn, u ith n large two story frame
and o:tier improvements thereon erected, bounded ]
b. the Lew it town and Huntingdon Turnpike r ,ad on tb ■
s.uiih, d iiird street on the north and west, and a lot of
/" iy Shultz on the east, riaid let contains about three- •
fiai.lbs of an acre, be the same more or less.
Also- One lot of ground s v;a:e on the northeast rtd. i
r" th ■ iiasiu of th- jVnnsyiv*i ia Canal, in the borough i
■f !.• wistown, with a targe Warehouse thereon erected. I
Said t l is bounded on the northeast by Wayne street :
extended, and on the s nthw est by the basin as within
mentior ed, and by other lots on the east and west. Seiz
ed taker in rseciiti.-n, and to be sold as the property of
Hobert Patttrton.
ALSO —A irut of !md situate in Oliver township,
bounded by lands of Jacob Uarvcr on the east, and Peter
Rhoad-i and other lands of the said William Erwin on
th west it-.d otith. containing one hundred and twenty
it. res, ru< ro i r Ics-a about kj acres thereof cleared, hav
ing thereon erected a tog house, log barn and other im
provements Seized, taken m execution, and to tie sold
as !!,e property of IVil.'utßt t.rrm.
ALSO A iut •fgr • and in the borough of Lewistown,
i": ;!I >g Id feet, bound,at by Hale street oil the north
w -i, lot of Daniel Rhodes o-i the southwest, a public
a.try on the snotheast, a tot of Mr- ifart on the north
f ast, with a fiaine bouse and oilier improvements thereon
erected Seiz. d, taken in execution, and to be sold as
I ii,' property of * Ccth-
Ai.so V lot ~f ground sifjaL in the borough of Lew
istown, bounded by anatleyon the cast, by ('buries si.
on the south, a lot ~f Iliruu H-.rlew on the west, and an
ali> y on ihe north, with a one stuffy and a batf frame
' dwelling house and other improvements thereon erected. '
Seized, taken m execution, and to be sold as the proper
ty of Hitbitrd C: yitn.
\t • V lot of grouii I s iitate in the horough of New
ton llaiiulioii. having i .eteou erected a dwelling house,
stable, and other improvements ; bounded 011 the Boitli
east by lot of J J ( tinrnngham, Esq., on the southwest
by lot of Win Alien an 1 others Seized, taken tu exe
cute • ami to b> *oid as the piopertv of Hob< rt C. Craig.
Sheriff's Office, )
Lewistown, Doc. 15, 1=49. S
N B. P'M LII asers at the above Sheriffs sales are here-
Dv notiiied that tiie amoutil of ihe sales will be required
t-, be paid, in all i nses, immediately on the ( reperty being
knocked down, or it will be forthwith resold toffde high
est bidder. I>. McK <JT. j
(TjTRAYED away font the subscriber, re
s. :irje in Granville fownship, abuut one
IH ;O frorii Lewistown. sometime in July last, a 1
-cat* s )a ' e rrii '►bite HEIFER,
with brimile streaks in the red,
-fl about 2 years old. Also, about '<
- 1
P il2f ot" October, a R \ URO\V
tiiot oOUj !;i.tii wliiti* and both *T - -
t cry large—no particular marks W
roc • Reeled. Any i• ■ 111rm.nion J"
which wi.i lead to the recovery of scid esliays j
will be rewarded by the payment of fur each :
i.ead on application to the subscriber.
Granville tp , Dec in her 15, IS49—st
>' pariHft!
5* ONE oi' your sour, fermentingstufl. Well
* is it 1 Why, it is not Old Dr.
I a cob I uwiisond s. Then whosft else f Why,
it is not Dr. !S. F. Tuwn.-end's. fYhosd upon
2 ; iith is it then : I will tel! yon ;it is that j
which is made in strict accordance with the :
I . Stales Pharmacopeia laid down by the ;
Medical Facility. 'I here i.- more Sarsapa
rilla in one (juart of this than in four quarts of ,
either ot the 'townsends. Every Fhvsician
in the United fctutes knows how it is manu
factured, and ty> litem we refer for the jjeuu
tneness of the above compound nip (t Far- ;
sapaiilla. It is for sa'c by the pint, i-uatt, qa!- '
lon, or any amount desired.
Prepared and so'd at GREEN'S Medical'
Donnt, No. 11, Lewistown, Fa.
VIEW puces Turk iSatin Tin Chene, Sv'
i.iciies wide, selliu-' at only $1.25 per
yard. Call and see
~ary wraac. jaar-gtrrrr: T.-tg-v
Ftm isco.
.• •. -
— m' 7- -3 \ -'-
| s "3? 4 i |
j JANUARY 12 3 4a
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 13 16 17 18 19
2U 21 2*2 23 24 23 26
27 28 29 30 31
3456 7 8 9
1U il 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 -27 28
MARCH ? 12
3456 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 25 29 30
APRIL 123456
7 S 9 10 11 12 13
11 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
MAY 1234
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 39 31
! JUNE 1
2315 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 IS 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 29 £9
JULY 123456
7 6 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 -22 -23 24 25 26 27
29 29 30 31
t AUGUST 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 23 29 30 31
' SEPTEMBER 12 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 2a
29 39
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 19 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
3456 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 IS 19 20 21 22 23
21 25 26 27 28 29 30
DECEMBER 1234567
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 23
; 23 30 31
T)V \ trine of a deed cf assignment, eictulrd by John
■ R Philips In trust for ht creditors, will be offered
; for sale on the premises on
,11 one!;:y, December 31, ISI9,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of sa d day, the foil .wine
described plantation and tract of land, bounded by luni
of Genre*' Btrcnk on Hie We at, Caldwell's heirs im the
noiihj-arr! Griir.aiinjt r arid otHeisj cui.t linn.s 17t, A *-s,
u,ore ' ! Oand i b-> surveyed ) I lieis
are thereon a larec STONE BANK B vR\,
isw . FRAME nor 2?f* -T • 1 v iri-usoui-house?.
j a jiooJ Appie Orchard and o'tier i *
,>r vemerts. The land is rier.rly all cleared
' and 1 reasonable proportion meadow, or cat be made in
to meadow. Persons desirous of purchasing will please
call ;,nti see the premises before the day of sale. If not
sold on that day the farm wi!i be rente i for one j ear.
ALSO, will b • sold at pub'fc saie on the premises ou
Wednesday, January 2nd, 18-50,
at t Tci-vk, !' M.,that well km.u n GUOCERV, i WEL
i LING HOUSE, at.d -nirlerances, situate at <:,e Lock
i •"! the Pennsylvania C iml In the borough ~f Lewistown.
! The Dwelling House, Store-room, Warehouse, and Sta
: bling, have ail been recently fitted up in complete order.
The stand is perhaps the best place for transacting busi
ness on the entire line of the Pennsylvania Canal,
j Due attendance wtU be given on the daysof sale, when
i the conditions will be nude known,dec.
Nov ?}, 1 55 li>—td Assicnee of John R. Philips.
rgIHE following described properly situated
A on Haie street, Lew is town :
I One Ice House, Rent §l5O per annum.
60 Diy Dock &, ard, do 154) do
do Carpenter bltop, do 50 do
j Four vacant Lots, do 20 do
ALSO the following property on Charles St.:
' One dwelling, -1 rooms, rent §45 per annnm.
do do do do do 40 do
do do do do do 40 do
do do do do do 40 do
do do ft do do 40 do
do do do do do 44 do
Four tacant lots, do 20 do
One t acant lt on Main street, 5 do
1 ALSO the Jo, 'lowing property in Derry tp.:
One dwelling, 2 rooms, rent §2O per annum,
do do 5 do do 30 do
do do 5 do do 40 do
do do 3 do do 30 do
do Sawmill on Jack's Creek
with timber leave, rent S9OO do
do do do do 700 do
do Smith Shop, do 20 do
60 acres of Farm I and, do 100 do
One dwelling. 3 roctns, do 40 do
do do 0 do do 50 do
j Stone leave in the Narrows, 50 do
do en Jack's Creek. 30 do
Wood leave on 1400 acres, 50 cts. per cord
j OCT" Persons wishing to RENT any of tl.e
above property must contract tor the same on
or beforethe TWENTY-FIFTH inst. 1 will
SELL any of the above property CHEAP, as
; some of inv creditors are poor.
i December 8, 1849
•&T4 tar M \£) -' •
THE following Accounts have been ox tminerf ami pass
; A e ,i by me. Slid remain fib .of record in tins * for
inspection of heirs, legatees, creditor*, an* all others U
■ any way interested, and will he presented to tin
! Orphans' Court of the county - f Mifflin, to be l eU at the
! Court House in Lewistown, n THURsItAV. the iOth
day of January, ISMI, for a!h*u ."ce :-n,i toman,Minn :
■ t. The administration t. •. ■ i e.f John Itsrthoi :ne\v,
j Administrator of th estate of J.-seph Bartholomew,into
! of Granville township, deceaset!
2. The final ,t ioiinistrati. n account of William it haw.
Administrate! de bents 'ion of Mulhevi Tic)bar, late of
Brown township, deceased.
3 The a.h,illustration account of J lin McCord, Atl
uihitstr ,i ,r o: u.s. r.-iate of Phmp Pcifer, late of Grun
| vilic township, deceased.
4 The a ditto istißtion account of Enoch E. Locke,Ad
i ministraior of the estate of George .VicLeiiahen, lute of
Armagh township, deceased.
The guardianship account of Sairut-l Sigter, Guar
dian of Joseph ;!gler. of Decatur township.
. iho gu trdtanship acc um of George Weidmaa.
Riiar.lisnnf I.< vt, Isaac, and Adam W. idwan.
JAM ES L. McILVAINE, Register.
| Rtrnisiab'S Offk H. >
Lew istowu, Dec. 1, 1-19.
. (Kr*The Regi.ner deeiiis it proper to ?it ie,
I 4°r the information .♦ a!! concerned, ti*>t u -
ce-unts must bt- fit. 1- ? . ffi t fmt sV d
thiity days previous le lie first day ttf"ensuing
j f cutis—c-tht r vise they will be refained until
the succeeding lerm.