mini I'll iti M(M UNABATED ATTRACTION! ® people in want of good and cheap goods of every description. Goods are sold at this store at least TVYEATY PER CEST. lower than any other store in Eew istown; the purchases being made in Philadelphia and New York tor cash of the importers and manufacturers, enables the subscriber to get goods lower than all other merchants, as he "tivs in quantities sufficient to make at least ten per cent-; and again, the amount of his business >e ing much larger than any other store, and nearly equal to the business of a! the others com bined, enables him to sell at a very small profit, and he does assure the people of Uewis own and of the surrounding country that lie will continue this system of business, ad respectful y n vitos the attention of the publiUto his Tremendous Assortment of Goods, arranged in his commodious show rooms. The stock of goods is the largest, anil the a.-sort ment the most extensive bv tar. of any other establishment between Ph. adeiftna and Pittsburg, and comprises every article wanted. Many kinds of goods are kept 1.1 this store not to be found in other places and will positively be sold at Philadelphia prices. , Pi ease remember that it is a custom amongst storekeepers generally, to put down the prices of lead in c articles, such as Sugars, Muslins, &c forthe purpose_of giving the public the im nrecsion that thev are -ehin" goods very cheap. 1 his is one of the tricks of trade, and is not practiced at this establishment All articles will be offered at the same rate of profit. Broad Cloths will be sold at very small advance as well as fip Sugar. Enough said, call and see for yourselves, and be convinced of the abtne iicts. IAVC(! Eewistown.Oct.27, 1349- C. L. JONES. BOOTS SHOES, OF every quality, size, and price imaginable, now opened in the large show room at C. L. JONES' Eewistown. October 57. I<9. ,\cic Cheap Cash Store. Heady-made Flothing. A LARGE stock on hand, and selling 20 per cent, lower than the lowest, before pur chasing elsewhere be sure to call at JOA7ES Eewistown, October 27, 1549. New? Cheap Cask Store. GRAND EXHIBITION O F Of New, Superb and Cheap Goods! j HBMITTHJVCE—FREE Buy cheap, while sluggards sleep, And you will have goods to wear and keep. A S everybody seems to be engaged this year in blow ing his own trumpet as to what he or j\. they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, we have had half a mind to try our hands at the business, but several CAR AND BOAT LOADS, comprising all the latest styles of rich and costly goods, having j Ist arrived, we concluded to . .old on to the usual mode of advertising. We therefore beg leave to announce to our custom- , era in .Mifflin, Union, Centre, Huntingdon and Juniata counties, that besides receiving r r y -rp >_> - v ."CR we have just returned (for the fourth or fifth time this year) from the city with about as com lete and elegant an assortment of iAD JJSU i)HI3 13 I D UJJ3 as was ever seen in this or any ether country town, embracing every description and style of ail that is Jlcto), iirat, nnO jFasfiiouablf, nr. prices varying from a few cents to dollars per yard. In other kinds of goods we can show in quality and price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be icund elsewhere—especially in CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, SATLXETTS, and. we will venture to add, in PALL and XVISTER GOODS GEMERALL V. Of Bonnets. Carpeting. Ready-made Clothing. Boots. Shoes. Hosiery. Gloves. Ribbons,' and narnberlesa other small matters, the inquiry need but be made to satisfy any one that they nave all been selected with care, purchased at a low price, and as a necessary consequence are offered tor sale cheap. Our Groceries, Fish, Salt, fyc., are also very low, and offer strong inducements to persons in town and country to ca!land purchase. Since opening our establishment here we think we have fully demonstrated that, as a general 'ting, we sell as low as the very lowest , IF NOT A LITTLE LOWER. We do not profess to sell j one, nor two, nor three articles at a very low price, but we do profess to sell EVERYTHING 1:1 either the Dry Goods or Grocery line so cheap that we are confident that our lriends ev- 1 erywhere will be the gainers by giving us a call and making their purchases. For past favors we are duly thankful, and shall be pleased to wait on all old customers and any number of new ones who may be attracted to our establishment by the reputation it lias ac quired as being the cheapest store 111 Eewistown. Eewistown, October 20, NUSRAUM, MtOTIIURS. * J . TliO il AS' Cheap Stove 9 Between Svvartz's and McDowell's Taverns, LEW IST O XX \ . iiiss s? .^Snßilis^ it jjij fit X ■ 5 ?t < s'.s .1 >■ Tremendous Excitement! And ail about Thomas's selling goods so CHEAP. I have a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, and LADIES' and MISSES' GAITERS, made by the best of workmen ; a variety of 30 i*u ©ocrtw, ©vomica, mitt Htquors, of the best kind; among which are some very choice BRANDIES and a suoerior article of STOUTON BITTERS ; aleo, POWDER, SHOT, and LEAD; 10!) bar f„ls beat Monongahela WHISKEY. J. THOM AS, October 1 Ife J9. lll in 1 If. Beticei ft Swurfi s ami AltDowilV* 'Pitverns, mm MRIRI, HonlslMii'g:, Centre Co. Pa. GARDENERS and orchardists wlto desire to D'ant only the very best kinds of hardy ! fruits, are respectfully informed that they can obtain trees here of all the most estimable va rieties, including all those which have received the especial sanction of the American Congress of Fruit Growers. (N. Y., Oct. IH4H.) The TREES offered this season arc of beau jftSSggr tiful appearance, extra size, (cxcept- Bgssg ing a few new rare sorts) and from elevated locality in which the | Nursery is established, have all the essential advantages of hardiness and early maturity, for which trees grown at the north have been deservedly preferred. The advantages possessed here are being improved to the utmost, with the view of mak- j ing this Nursery, in merit, second to none in the State. Every tree is indelibly marked and warranted correct. They will be deliv ered in Lewistown or at intermediate places at the low catalogue prices, and warranted sound on delivery. Ifto be shipped, they will j be well packed for the purpose at a moderate charge. It is advised that orders be eent direct to the Nursery, in preference to purchasing illy as sorted trees, from often irresponsible dealers, at high prices. Such orders, if received in time, have the first attention. ■ Season tor fall planting, October 20. i A choice collection o! the most admired or -1 narneufal plants, vines, evergreens, &-c. has heetfadded to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to all post paid applicants. WM. G. WARING. Boalsburg, July 7, 1849—tf. [Dem.copy HAT & CAPig —s iL- / IT. IftJDISIXiL, At his Old Stand in Market street, HAS just received the Becbe &. Costar and latest Philadelphia and New York I Fall Fashion of Hats and Caps, and is now prepared to furnish both old and new customers with an article, which he will warrant good, ! and nothing shorter . He has now on hand a ; large and general assortment of 21 ATS AM) CAPS, I Oil ME.V A XI) HOYS, j which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or RE TAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained here or elsewhere. His Ornish friends will also find him pre | pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled 1 BROAD-liIIIMS will receive the same care j and attention which lie has always bestowed ' upon them. Don't forget the old stand, where you may depend upon not being disappointed. N. J. R. feeia grateful for the generous pa- i tronage he has thus far received, and assures all that he will spare no pains to give the gen-- ! era! satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed ed in affording all who have dealt with him. ! Lewistown, Sept. 15, 1849—tf. Fall Fashion* Received. w. /.oi.i.ingehn HIT MAM FACTORY. J Market street, Lcu-istown, adjoining Ken nedy \ Porter's Store. \¥R- informs the citizens of Mifflin < ifA and the adjoining counties, that he has Kjust received the fall la shions, and is now i re oared to furnish all in want new HATS or CAPS with an arti cle, neat, durable and well finished, comprising every style manufactured for this market. The care and attention he has ever given to the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred by his numerous Ornish customers, will be continued; and he feels warranted in giving the assurance that they will not he disap - poicted. COUNTRY MERCHANTS i will find it decidedly to their advantage to give him a call, for his arrangements are now such, as to enible him to furnish any quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful for the encouragement he has thus fur received, he will continue to deserve if by continued assiduity to the wants of his friends, and strict attention to his business, i Lewistown, Sept. 29, 1^49. £ _ ©Tfflß" II M.OW-WAI{ K. THIHE undersigned continuesto manufacture JL Stoves, Ilollow-xcare, AfC. % at. the Old Logan Foundry, formerly carried on by A. B. Long & Co., and oilers to the public the following articles: The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very good stove, and well deserves those high com mendations so unanimously bestowed upon it. Also the Hathaway Cooking Stove, which stands unrivalled m this or any other 1 country. It has been tested for the last nine years, and is justly pronounced the best and the most durable article of that kind ever used. Hundreds of certificates could be procured, if necessary. The NINE PLATE STOVE, of various sizes. Coal Stoves, of every de scription ; Parlor and Chamber do., for coal or wood ; Air-tight do., got up in a neat and beau tiful style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans, Pots, Iron Stands,and numernns other articles of llollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoes, and nil kinds of Castings made to order. lie is also manufacturing NII'LItIOK XV \ T1: It PIPE, of one and a quarter inch calibre, and intends to keep a supply oil hand at nil times. The subscriber is determined to make the wore out of the very beat material that can be pro cured: and for the accommodation of distant purchasers, keeps wagons and horses for the purpose of delivering stoves at any point within eighty miles, free of any additional charge.— All the stoves are warranted to stand the fire and perform well,and if not, the money will he refunded on their return ; if a plate should break or crack, it will be replaced free of charge. There is connected with the Foundry, a Tinning Establishment, for manufacturing Tisi Ware of *very Kiml, where purchasers will please call. orders from a distance will meet with prompt attention. Wholesale dealers would do well to give me a call, as 1 will wholesale Stove* and Hollow-ware on as fair terms ns they can be had at any other place. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex change.* ROBERT McMANIGfL. Lewi town, Jan. 27, l~49—tf 1 I HARRIS, TURNER IIALE'S Compound Syrup ofSpigelia or Vegetable Vermifuge, The most ejjectxial, the safest, pleasantest and most convenient Worm Medicine ever offered to the public. ' 'flllE SPIGELIA, says .a work of highest authority, A stands at the head of the list of Anthelmintics or Worm Medicines. It is adapted to a wider range of cases, and i to a greater variety of constitutions and states of the constitution, than any other. Hut prepared as it com ! inonly is, in the form of tea, it can seldom be given to children in suflicienl doses. In Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound Syrup, it is so concern rated that the dose is very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera tion, and so palatable as to be taken, notonly with'ease, j but with positive pleasure. The precise composition of this syrup and the mode of 1 preparing it, are the result of a series of experiments continued for years. Hefore offering it for sale, it was j subjected to the test of experience in the hands of emi | nent physicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who have j recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it ! in their practice. In addition to this evidence of its im-r- I its, we otfer the following, selected from a number of un solicited testimonials. l9t. A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much experience, writes of it thus : "I should have written before this, but felt disposed first to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. I have used more than half the quantity received, and the experiment ( has been most successful. I really btlitre that it posses j tes advantages over any other Vermifuge I hare ever used. \ Independent of the sinallness of the dose, and the plea- : santness of the syrup (great advantages in dosing chil- j ; dren) the advantage of administering it under a variety j >of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there is scarcely a condition of the system in which it may not j be administered. Yours, See." ! 2d. A respectable jdiysician of Lebanon county, in this state, writes 11 I ha ve been in the habitof prescribing your Compound ' Syrup of rtptgelia for some time past, and have found it an exci llent worm medicine, particularly for children. — Please forward per bearer 2 doz. bottles.— Yours, ice." j 3d. —An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we had previously sold the syrup, writes: ".Since my return home, I find that your Syrup of Spi gelia has come into general use in this neighborhood. We ' have sold what we had on hand, and it gave such satis- i faction that it isnowcalledforeveyday. You will please 1 ! put us up 5 or fi dozen in a small package, and send to the f care of \V. Anderson & Co., Richmond, as soon as possi | ble,and forward the bill per mail.—Yours, dec." 14th. —A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to Philadelphia, stated, that some time since he had been ap - plied to by a customer for a vial of 's Ver mifuge for his son. Not having the article asked for, he advised a trial of Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound Syrup of Rpigelia and gave him a part of a bottle which was ai! that remained in the store. A day or two after i this the geftleman returning to the store, expressed his ; surprise and delight at the effect of the Syrup, declaring ! it had <:X|elled 2IKI worms and entirely relieved his son. ' The merchant added an expression of his great regret that j he had not had on hand* a bottle of the Syrup at the time 1 ; when hi* own little daughter died, as he confidently be- ! j lieved it would have saved her life. 5th —A gentleman of Hudson, V Y., having sent a bot tle of Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound HyrupofHpi • gelia, to a young friend who had tried in vain a great num- j ber of worm medicines, w rites,that he friend was imme- 1 d lately relieved ; the words of the patient were : "It took : every worm out my body." MANUFACTURED OSI.Y BY HARRIS, TURNER & HALE, Wholesale Druggists, So. 201 Market street, Philadelphia, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical | and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win dow-glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumeries, Ac., dec.,and ' . exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner A Hale's Sugar-Coaled Pills, Iluxham's Liniment for the Piles,the . lianhridge Hair Tonic, Eberle s Eye Water, Mrs Madi- | son's Unrivalled Indellible Ink, Inwees' Celebrated Nerve ! and Bone Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mrs. Shars- i | wood's Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla t for flavoring Pud- j ; dings, Ice Creams, Ac., Ac. For .sale by dealers in Drugs generally in Centre. Mifflin and Juniata counties, fau'i —tf AFFLICT]:D READ!! Philadelphia Hectical HOIINC, ESTABLISHED 15 Dr. KINKELIN. The ! ' oldest, surest and best hand to cure a)i forms of secret 1 diseases of the skin, and solitary habits of youth, is I)R KIXKEI.IX, Northwest corner of THIRD and 1 NION Streets, between Spruce and Pine,a square-and-ft half from the Exchange, Philadelphia. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is a habit which boys leach each other at the Academy or College—a habit indulged in when by him self, in solitude, growing up with the boy to manhood; few of those who indulge in this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange ami unaccountable feel ings, vague fears in the mind. The individual becomes i feeble, he is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or i to apply his mind to study ; his step is tardy and weak, j i he is dull irresolute Persons of all ages ran now judge what is the cause of their declining lieaitn, losing their x igor, becoming weak, j pale and emaciated. . YOUNG MEN:: Let no false modesty deter you from mailing your case ! known to one who, from education and respectability, j can alone befriend you. He who places himself under Dr. Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and in whose bosom will be for- ! ever locked the secret of the patient. Thousands have been restored to health, from the de vastations of those terrific maladies by L)K. KINKKLAND, ] German Physician PACKAGES OF MEDICINES, ADVICES, Ac. fo w arded. by sending v remittance, ami put up secure from j DAM AOS OS CI'HIOSITY. e>PosT-rAtD Lettkh* answered forthwith. Philadelphia, January 27, 184#—ly. UD!)J)3 JJ J "-ARJIDIIMII AT .MINES' SEW CHEAP CASH STORE 1 THK attention of Country Dealers, Ped lars, anil others buyinc goods in large j quantities, is requested to the immense stock and varied assortment ot goods nt this estab lishment, selling at Philadelphia wholesale prices- Terms cash and prices low. C. L. JUNKS, nov3. JW w Cheap Cash Store. I). SI MIERI \\D IW MARBLE MASOAS, 11TOULD respectfully inform their friends ▼ T and the public, that they still continue to carry on the MA RULE lII'SIXESS in all its various branches, at their olu stand, Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sts., EE Ills TO WN, where they have ccßßuntlvon hand MARBI.K MAN'I ELS, T O M BS, MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, &c. All kinds of PLAIN &. ORNAMENTAL work executed with neitness, and on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them, they still solicit a continuance of the same. Orders from any part of the country, through j mail, attended to with accuracy and despatch. 1 ' tMarch 17,1P47—tl " ' DR. DARTIVS <£omj)OUUtt Sbljvup DC WILD CHERRY, IS the best Medicine yet for Coughs, Colds, Consump tion, Asthma, Spilling of Blood, ice. Bead the fol lowing : November 13th, 16-18. ! Dtitr Sir—l take great pleasure in saying to you that Mrs. Boss has been entirely relieved of her cough by the use of your Syrup of Wild Cherry. It had continued for fully eighteen months. She had used several prepara- I turns of the Wild (.'berry now in [Kipular use, but not Willi the slightest benefit, until she took yours. She on ly took six bottles, and I am pleased to say she is now in good health. Every one who saw Mrs. I!os thought her in a deep decline. I.EWIS I'. BOSS, No. 267 S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Si Itooti er O. K , Cambridge Packet. In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary land, of June 6th, 1618, savs. I'rice 75 cents a Bottle. Prepared and sold by MARTIN Ac WHITELEV, at : their wholesale Drug Store, 48 S. Calvert Street, ilaiti ; more, And for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN knd YVATTSON & JACOB, Lewistown; ALEX ANDER RLTLEDGE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. [June 30. lr}49—lv. GKEE.VS | CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE. rjIHE Proprietor of this valuable remedy A for Worms, introduces to his friends and the public, his Celebrated Vermifuge. Read the following: DECATIB TOWKSHIP, Mifflin county, > September llth, 1849. j DR. S. F (IRF.F..V: Respected friend —Two of our children having been • severely afflicted this summer with Fever and Ague, and having checked it four different limes by the use of the i regular remedies, still they complained of pains in the legs, bowels, head, and in fact in the whole system; vora cious appetite, fever, great diarrhoea, Acc, and after hav ing used all the remedies thought suitable for the above symptoms, 1 concluded that they both had Worms, and . accordingly gave each of them (the one nine years of age ; and the other 7) two tea-spoor.fuls apiece of your valua ble Vermifuge, and in three hours from the time of their taking the above small doses, the youngest passed FIVE : of the largest worms I have ever seen. The oldest boy passed a solid ball of worms (it may appear incredible, but it is truth} as large as a walnut, and both have been get ting well fast since. You may make the above public if you think proper for the benefit of others, and for the purpose of introducing : your valuable Vermifuge in Decatur township. Yours, Acc., 1) B FISHER. The above valuable Vermifuge is prepared and sold by Dr. S. F. GREEN, at the Lewig town Medical Depot, NO. 11. September 29, 1849. Tlarlisi fc Whitelev' NATIONAL TONIC, A certain Cure for Ague, Fever, and Dyspepsia. IN our summer and fall months many sections of our country are prostrated by BILLIOIJS FEVER and AGUE and FEVER —lt has been our particular study to I find out sum*- remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, and think, in this TONIC we have etfected this great object. | It is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia, J ; and if our directions arc followed, will not fail to effect ' a cure- In a letter dated, May 23d, 1649, our Agent, Mr. Elias Raub,of WrigiitsviUe, York county, Pa , says: — 1 have never known any remedy for Fever and Ague equal to your invaluable National Tonic. It has given universal satisfaction, and has ciued cases of Ague of years stand ing, and after the failure of all other medicines made use of. Mr. Henry Beverson,of the same place, savs in his ' certificate, dated 22D March, 1649, ' I applied to a number ' of Physicians, and also used a variety of the most popu lar Ague Mixtures at different tunes, but all without the desired effect ; no permanent cure having been afforded. ! I was at length induced, at the recommendation of your worthy Agent at this -place, to try a bottle of your Na tional Tonic, and to my great satwfactiosi, before I had used halfof it, I felt completely cured, though I contin ued the use of it till L had taken two bottles.' In a joint ; certificate from Messrs. Miles Hoke, William Blackson. I and James D. Brown, of the same place, they say—'Hav ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with out success, we at last purchased some of your falsonal Tonic, w hich has completely cured us. We, therefor#, cheerfully recommend it to the notice of alt persons af flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet discovered.' See the Pamphlets, which you can get from one of our I Agents gratis. Also, Dr. Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use, in all cases where a purgative is needed. s> Prepared and sold by MARTIN Ac WJIITELEY, Wholesale Drug Store, No 46 S. Calvert St., Baltimore. For sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and WATT SON &l JACOB, Lewistown ; and by ALEX ANDER RLTLEDGE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. June 30, 1849— 1y. j Great Attraction ! STOVES! STOVES!! Improved Hathaway. rriHIS great improvement, just got up, we A are satisfied stands unequalled, for general | use, and simplicity of arrangement, by any Cooking Stove yet oftercd to the public. To be satisfied of this, we think it needs but to be seen. It is a regular Hathaway, of the size now generally in use in this country, with the following improvements, viz: Ist. It is 90 arranged that a stout Sheet Iron Oven can be put ,n at the top, back of ft ijijjL 'he fire, [the tlame pas -f, n T' 81 "g under it,] sutH -- * ' ; ' eilt * v large to do or dinary roasting or cook jpa in £' and heated as |wP quick as the tire is clev -5539 El erlv burning; thus a- voiding the necessity y of heating up the reg- * ular oven for ordinary purposes, which oven when heated, requires as • much tire to do a small roast as would do a large amount of cooking. Further, the small oven being loose, can be put in or taken out at pleasure with very little trouble. When much cooking is required, it can be kept out, and the stove is then the same as a regular Hatha way. 2d. The Griddles are improved, so that the top is smoother, the wire handles being dis pensed, with and a loose handle used to lift them off. • id. flie damper is much more convenient, by being placed m the side instead of the back. 4th. I'he bottom flue is the Daubach, so ar ranged that the drafl is the same as the Hatha way. N. B. We warrant this stove in every par ticular. We have alsoon hand a large assortment of other valuable Cooking Stoves, consisting of the Star, two sizes, at S2O to#22 ; Complete Cook, at #l3; and Laubach, two sizes. Also, the I'rimt, Keystone, and Etna Air-light, for wood or coal, at from Iti to 35 dollars. AIR-TIGHT PAiil.t>R STOVES.—A large assortirunent, of bent tfful patterns. COAL S 1 OY KS.—For parlors, offices, and ; chambers. A large assortment of handsome styles, from #3.50 uo. NINE-PLATE -STOVE.—From 20 to 28 inches. A heavy 28 inch nt $8 50. I'o all who want stoves we would say come ami examine our stuck. F. J HOFFMAN. Lewistown, Sept. 29, 1849. < All ION FX I It \ A man l>y the riano- of I L -Iff t,„. ~l ( . , h young man <>f the nam'' of S. V I'.wisrnil mi! i ~ . name to |>ut up a Siir-HpariMH. which the\ cat! It r . I'm, send's Sarsnparilla, denominating i* (it .YCI.Vt-: liri, Mll i etc. This Townsend is no i lnrtor, and never n<; i, n t w ,, formerly a worker on railroads, canals. and the like. \ei he u-timrf the title of l>r.. for the purpose of gaining cre.i i f,. r what he is not. This is to caution ibe public not to be deceived, and purchase none but the OFJYCI.Vt <-Hit; r tt.ll. O/.f) Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sar-spanlls, having (ll( It the Old Dr's likeness, bis f.,mtly coat ol alios, at,J b,l signature across the coat of arms. Principal OJjirr, 102 fas-aunt , few York C,ty OLD TUB ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF THE iieuuioe Tewnsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years of ago. -,-, i |on|T been known a* the .IVTHOR and OISCot'EKf ll of the OF.fC/fF. ORlOlf.ll. " s ut- S.l P.I RI /./..J.'* Being be was compelled to limit its manufacture, by which means it has been kept ont of m r ket, and the sales circumscribed to those only who Had proved its worth, and known its value. It had reached the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who bad been healed of sore diseases, and saved from death, pro claimed its excellence and wonderful HEALING I'OWER. KHO Wine, iwury years ago. that he had. by hi- skill, science and eijierience, devised an article who h would be of incalculable ad van tare to mankind when the means would tie furnished to bring it into universal notice, when its inestimable virtues would be known and appreciated. This time har rmne, the means are supplied ; tins QH.if/t .ifn cfyqr.i/./.t:i> PR F. PA RATIO f IS manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for throughout the length and breadth of the land. es(*cially as it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration. t'nlike young S. 1' Tow nsend's, it improves with age. and cever changes, but for the better : because it is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific ma*. The highest knowl edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture of the Old Dr's Sarsapartlla. The Sxrsaparillu root, it is weli known to medical men, contains many wnedinnal pro, and some properties which are ineg or useless, and others, which if retained in i>reparing it for use, produce fermentation and acid, which, is injurious to the system. Borne of the properties of Barsaparola are so volatile, that they entirely evaporate aod are lost in the preparation, if they are not preserved by a scientific proem, known only to those ei penanced in its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or as an exhala tion, under heat, are tbe very essential medical properties f the root, which give to it all its value. i SOURING. EERMEN'UNG. ACID "COM POUND" OF S. P. TOWNSEND, I tnd yet he w.ul.t f.,in h ,ve it understood that Old Dr. Jacob row nsend's (imum' Original S-.rsaparn.a. , an IMITA TION ot his inferior preparation ". Heaven forbid that we should deal in an ar'icle which would bear tbe most distant re-u-mbi.-utce t S. P. Town lend'n article! and which should bring down nnon the Old Dr. such a mountain of complaints and criminations from Agent* w ho have sold and purchasers -v ho have used 6. I*. Towusend's FERMENTING COMPOUND. We wish it understood, because it is the absolute truth, that 8. I'. Tow nsend's artcle and Did Dr. Jacob Tow n seiid"s Barsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dis similar ; that they arc in every particular, having aot one single thing in common. As 6. P. Townsetid is no doctor and never was. is no chymist. uo pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine or disease than any otbefrommon. tinsciendtic. unprofessional man. what guarantee can the pntilic have that they are re ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing a;l tha v ,r;ut-s of the articles used in preparing it. and which are n capable of changes which nogh; render ihem the AGENTS of Disease instead of health. But what else should I* expected from one who know* nothing comparatively of medicine or disease ! Itrequ.res a I*rson of some exp-erience to cook and serve up even a common decent How much more inqiortaiit is it that the person! who manufacture medicine, des.gned for WEAK STOM VCHS AND ENFEEBI.KD SYSTEMS', should know wel! tbe medical properties of plants, th best manner of securing and concentrating their heaiiog virtues, also an cvtensive know (edge of the rarinosdiseases which udecf the human s;. stem.aud how to adapt remedies l>> these diseases ' It is to arrest frauds upon the unfirtunate. to ponr halm into vvonmled humanitv fo kindle ho;>e in the des;:r:ng bosom, to restore health and btoorn. arid vigor into the crushed and broken, and to :in,*ti indrtnitv that DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the op portunity and means to bring bis Giand l uiversal Concentrated Remedy within the reach, and to the knouledee of ai! who n-ed it, thai they m.y learn and know, by jf>yful experience. .Ls Transcendent Power to Ileal. Any person can boil or stew the root til! they get a dark colored liquid, which is more from the coloring mailer la the root than from any thing; they can then strain this Insipid >r vapid liquid, sweeten v. ith sour molasses, end then call it " SAIISAI'AUILLA EXTRACT or SY RUP." Hut such is not tbe article known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWKSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. Tins :s so prepared, that nil the inert properties of ths 9itrsa|>arilla rixit are first removed, every thing c*|wb!e of becoming arid or of fermentation. ,s extracted and rejected; then every particle of medical virtue is secured In a pure and concentrated form : ami thn* it is rendered incapable o> losing any id its valuable and healing properties. I're;,arcd in this way, it is made the most |*iwerfttl agent in the Cure ot innumerable diseases. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every side In its favor by men. women, and children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of COfSI'MPTIOf. DYSPKPSI.I, and I.IVF.R COM PI..IIfT. and in R HF.UM.ITISM. SCROFULA, PILES, COSTJEEfEsS. al! OUT.IfE.OL~S ER LP TICfS. PIMPLES RJ.OCTHES, and all aliecuoas arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous, theory in ait complaint* n- sing from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach from unequal circulation, determination of *>d to the head, palpitation - of the heart, cold feet and hand.-, cold chills and hot ll ashes over the body. It has utt its equal in Colas and Coughs ; ami promotes easy e\|iectoration and gentle per-piralion, relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, and every other part. Hut in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and acknowledged than in all kind- aval stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases of y.uor .Übiss or IFkites. EMl g of tkr li ml. Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual peruts. and the like: and is as effectual in curing all the forms of Kidney Disease*. By removing obstruction*, and regulating the general system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and thus cures all Ibrin* of Nfi t oils diseases and debility. and thu prrvents or r-!ic ves ;i lt u varieiy ot' either mala diri, as ■Spinal trnta:l.hi. .Yum- Icrti i. Sit. I'ttKS* Dance Stcoouuip, y.pi.'cptie / f.. I r*d*tvHS, Su.r. It ctenn>es the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the stoiimch. and fives 2>od digestion, relieves tlie bowel $ of tor;H>r ami constijution, allays iofiammation, UJ rifies the skm, e<jualise> the circulation 'i the hlK>d, producing geoite warttilh equally nil over the thnly, and the insensible per j>:ratiu A; txes all strictures and titihl nes<. removes a.S .tnd invigoraie> the euM nervous svsu ui. U not tjm then The mediciue jou pre-eminently need? Hiit can any tJ things U said of S. I". Tow trend's Ui!> yor artde 7 This \t>ing man's liquid i* not t I* COMPARED WITH THE OLD DIPS, because of GRAND K Vl"l'. that the one is INC APA BLKof DEI KRiOKATIDN. and NEVER SPOILS, while the other P'E6 . souring, ft rune ring, and blowing ' the bottles containing it inio fragments ; the -our, acid liqutd exploding ami damaging other goods I Must not this horri ble < oili|"'iind lie poi.onotis to tiie system ' U'hnt put acid into a Sfisti in at react/ diseased with arid What CnU-es Dv-|-psin but acid ! Do we not "all know thai when food sours in our -tornveils, w hat mischiefs II produces ' fl.attl- IfiKf. heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver Cuiup!auit. diarrlnea. dy-entery. colic, and corruption of the bloial! What is Berolula but tin arid humor in the body I What produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Senld Head, Salt Rheum. ErvsqH'in-. White Swell tugs, fever Sores, ami all ulcerations internal and external? It i* nothing under heaven, but an ae'ul snb-tanre, which sours, and thus spoil- al! the liuuls of the laid) , more or les*. What cftusex Rlieiitiiatisiii but a sour or acid fluid winch insinuates it *•! between the joints and ri-ew here, irritating and intlantiiig the uei caie lis-ue- upon which it *cts? So ~f nervous il,-, -e- of impurity of the bhwut, t deranged circulHtions, ; , m i nearly all Hie ailtueiivs which afllict human nature. how is it not horrible to make and sell, and i*4sßssf worn to Use tins sale in Lewistown by E. ALLEN, who is sole for Mifflin county, may 20, 1*649—1y. Paper. Paper. AIAVAYS on hand a large assortment of Gnp, Letter, Wrapping. Printing, W in tlovv and Wall Paper, wholesale or r , iail. Printing paper, 22 X 32, at #5 per bundle. F. J. HOFFMAN. I.e wist own, June 23. 1849.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers