Latest Foreign News. |!V THE STEAMER HIISKRNTA. p R i sM.i. — V telegraphic despatch re ceived Iroill i' .lin. \ia < ologne, announces that tlie Austrian cabinet had made a for mal protest against the convocation of a German parliament :tt Erfurt, and that in die despatch containing the protest the ' Vusirian goveminent alluded to the proba bility o! armed interference by Austria in . jii,. liVirs of Germany. The same tele- ; ornphic account stated that the Prussian government had answered the Austrian despatch by a declaration that Prussia i would mainfaiu lier position. These an- j counts have been substantially confirmed. ! A letter from Berlin, to the Morning t liroiiicle, says : " At the end of October, Prince Schwartzeiihurg, in a despatch to the Prussian government, pointed out the dangers that were likely to arise from tin convocation of this Parliament, insisting on the revolutionary tendencies to which i would give birth, and on the reaction that would be fell, not only in the Austrian States, but in Prussia likewise." On the 30th October, Prussia replied that site had "duly weighed all those con siderations, hutthat more elevated and pres sing motives urged her to persevere in the plan. As regards real dangers, she would know how to meet them. Austria has now gone a step "farther, and has formally pro- , tested against the convocation of the Par liament. If I am well informed, and I have reason to believe that I am, the last despatch addressed by Prince Schwartzen- I burg to the Prussian government, insinu- j atcs that even should the case require it, j Austria will not hesitate to have recourse \ to an armed intervention. Behold us once j more on the eve of a serious conflict. A Cabinet Council was held the day be fore yesterday. The council first adopted the Election" Law of the Parliament. — Each State will introduce such inodifica- ■ tious as its organization may require. The j Cabinet Council was then occupied with the reply to the Austrian note. The min istry adopted a most important resolution. . A despatch, in reply to that of Prince j Schwartzenburg, has already been sent to ; Count BonsdortL the Prussian Envoy at | Vienna. Prussia, in this document, main tains. with energy, her right to carry out the limited federation —a right formerly guaranteed. To the Austrian's despatch of armed interference, Prussia replies that 44 she awaits it." Accounts from Berlin of the 24th ult., state that after a debate ol several days, the upper chamber had declined to return to the old constitution. They divided no less than sixteen times, eight of which were by ; name. The Cologne Gazette announces, in a telegraphic message trout Berlin, that the King has signed the law for the election of representatives to the German parliament, to be assembled at Erfurt. Pram e.— Parliamentary Disputes.— The personal quarrels of the members ot the legislative assembly terminated in more than half a dozen duels, and have occupied the chief attention of the Parisians during the week. M. Pierce Bonaparte has fig ured iu as manv as three or four ot these encounters. An me of the contests have ended fatally, but they have increased to such a degree that the government threat ens to stop them by very stringent laws. Attempt to Abrogate 1 niversal Suffrage. —The modus operandi of mod ifying the constitution is still the increas ing subject ot discussion. It is now. sug- , gested to change the legislative assembly into a constituent body, by the addition of ]SO members, and this new body he in vested with the power of electing the President ; of extending the* term ol his j office to such a period as may m oid the necessity of a frequent appeal to universal nujfrage. I'm Austrian andPrtssian Diekh n.- 11. —( onsiderahle alarm has prevailed du- , ring the week, in consequc nee of the in rr ising unsatisfactory state of the relations between Austria and Prussia. Ti kkev. —From Constantinople the news onlv confirms the previous pacific! course of events. It stated that the British fleet has received orders j to withdraw from the Dardanelles, and " at it is indeed by this time at Alalia. .Nothing further has transpired respect- j ing the whereabouts of the Polish and j Hungarian fugitives. I The Russian Ambassador, M. I itofi, . iu;- once more been, admitted i<> an inter- , view with the (fraud Vizier, and dipjo- j matie relations may be presumed to be ; renewed between Russia and the Porte. The Russian minister was excessively nnnoved bv the present#* of the British ; fleet in the Dardanelles, which he declared a violation of the treaty, and has, it is -aid, j refused to enter into negotiation until the ; English shall have quitted the Straits.— j The V ieima correspondent of the IJinly Sea's, writing on the 21st ult., says, 1 Let ters of tin- HHh from Constantinople men tion fresh subjects of dispute between Rus sia and ! urkev, in consequence of the en ergy with which the united diplomacy of England and Prance has followed up its victory on the refugee question. It is said that the Porte is aI -o determined, at the • xpiration of the stipulated term, to with* dravv those concessions in favor of Russian commerce, over Other nations, w lueh at present exist. lUncus. A LARGE lot bought at a bargain in * Philadelphia, and selling by the tim cii or yard at a small advance at. C. I . JINKS' oo;>7 ,Ym* Cheap Cash Stare. Sail! Salt! JUST received, a large stock of Ground A'liia Srit —41 c*nts per bushel and 7- p r sai k. Q3- To deale/s a liberal diocount 'll these prices will be made, ma 20, 1 - lb. F. J. IIOIT.MAN- THE MARKETS. Lewistowiv Dec. 21, 1340. iii Pusdhff Dealers. Retail. '™ R T ~ - - #4 25 •*5 00 W neat, white . 97 ! 10 D R( ' D - 00 1 05 L - V '° - - 50 00 F ( F A,A - - 23 55 | *; f , ,rn - - 50 00 Uloverseed old, - n 75 Do now, 4 00 | Flaxseed - . i 0() l 05 Tiinothyseeo' - - 2 00 2 50 Butter, jrood - . 15 15 EGGS . . 10 10 Lard . ( j 8 - Tallow . . H 10 Potatoes - . 50 021 Beef, . . 4 00 Fork, per lb. - 4 41 , Wool, per lb. - - 28 * Feathers - . 45 45 The fit'wisloinn Mills are povirp 00 to 0/ cgnts lor good wheat, 50' cents for Rye, 50 cents fur Corn, and 51 cents for Oats. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 20, 1*49. FLOUR IS# MEAL—The export demand for Flour has been limited, but prices are rather firm. Sale ot 8()0Oor 9000bbls common brands ■ at $4,75, and some of b tier brands at A-11 \ -1 ; 4,87£ per bbl, were held firmly at the latter rate. In city consumption prices were from $4,S7| to 5,50. RYE FI.OCR—Small sates at $2,874 per bbl. CORN MEA.I is nominally held ot #2,75. GRAIN—The demand for wheat has been limited, but prices are firm as the stock 1 is quite moderate for the season of the year. Sales of MIOO bush good and prime red at #1,05, and white at #1,11a1,15 per bush, but , principally at tbe former rates. RYE IS worth 00 aOS cents. CORN is in fair demand. Sales ot 10,000 bush new yellow at cents and oM at 53U59 cents. OATS are scarcer. Sales of Southern at 31a32 cents a/id Pennsylvania at 35 cents per bush. SEEDS—SmaII pales of old Cloveraeed at #4.75, and new at $4,50 a 4,56J per bush. In ; Timothy and Flaxseed no change. BALTIMORE. Dec. 20, 1849. FLOUR.—Good brands are firmer; sales of 800 barieis at 4.57£ to $5. Rye Hour #2.s7J Corn meal #2,75. GRAIN—Red Wheat 10.), sales of 2000 bushels new Southern yellow j Corn 51 to 52 cents, sales of 3000 bushels ; ; Oats 32 to 35 cents, scarce ; Rye til cents. fIARR I E D , On Tuesday, 11th inot., by Rev. J. Rosen berg, Mr. JOHN CVPPLES, of Granville town ship, and Mrs. SLSANNA ROBINSON, of Lewis town. A In McVovtown, on Tuesday, 11th Inst, by ' Rev. David JSterrett, Maj. — WILLIAM WILSON, of Memo township, arid Mrs-. REBECCA GON ZALES, of Waynd township> On the 29th ult., by Rev. Joshua Moore, Mr. 1 DAVID IYERR at;d Miss ELIZABETH KEENER both of Brown township. - On the sth mst. by the same, MR. JOHN i SHEADLE and Miss MARGARET BAKR, of Kish acoqutPas Valley. DIED. In Channohan, Will county, Illinois, on the 25th of September last, after a short illness, of Cholera, JOUN S. MCVEY, ESQ , formerly of McVeytown, in this county, aged 39 years. On the 11th instant, in Berwick township. Adams county, ADAM CARL, aged 73 years, 0 months and 15 days. The deceased was born near the place on which ie so long re sided, was widely known for his kindness und good will, and leaves behind a 1< ng list of re iativcaand friends w ho will not soon forget him. On the 10th in c tarit, in Lebanon, REBECCA, daughter of John Sowers, aged 21 years, 11 months and 27 days. , Obituary !\ticc. Departed this life in October Inst, at his father's,in Brown township, Kishacoqui.'las Val ley, after a short illness. JOHN, son of George Ellis—a worthy young man, only --on of fond parents, who were flattered by tbe fine promise of their cherished son, who bad just arrived at manhood. He was a blameless youth—amiable and beloved—intelligent, and for bis opportuni ties, riot ill informed—a beautiful penman-—a teacher of a school—and besides the day school of which he had tbe care, he was a teacher in the Sabbath School established in the name place. His morals were exemplary—mind sound and i disposition very bland—manners courteous and obliging—r.cspectfhl to his pastor, parents and acquaintances—aconscientuous youth—constant in attendance on Divine Worship, when able to leave home—often infirm in years past, and dis abled from severe bodily exertion, yet, unwilling to be idle, though in need of crutches to support his steps, he undertook a school some mile-, dis tant from home.'and by bis assiduity, was ena bled to sustain it for several months, and thus support himself ami aid his parent* There were several very commendable points in his character and example worth remember ing by other young men, and in common with all who knew him well, we share in the regret oc casioned by his death. This a wise arid right eous God will overrule, however, and may He graciously comfort the bereaved, who long will bewail their son, though they mourn not without the hope that it is his gain. J. Died, at San Francisco, California, on Monday. Orlobcr I'nli, 18J9,0l clirornc Dyseniery, Col. .IAS A 15AKS, son of K Banks. Esq ,oi li.u'd 2fi years, i monlfi arid 6 days. 'i'hr funeral of the deceased was nltended ty do' members of the Orrler oi Odd Fellows, of which lie wa* a member, and the members of ihe Bar, resid mg in San Francisco. The following res-.hitions were adopted fry Kishacoquilins Lodge, No. 1 O of O. F , on Friday evening last. Kctolvcli Tiioi tins 1/slge lis* beard uit'. deep re gret, die death of our laie beloved brother and fellow member. Col. JAMLS A. B VYKS. IlrtfJvtd. That we deeply mourn the death of Urn. BANKS, whose uniform kindness had endeared him to all. and feelingly sympathize Willi hispnreni* and fi lends at the grcatloss iliey have sustained in Ihedealh an nfiectioiiale son and brother, a devoted friend He solved, Thai in lesiiuiony of resjieel tor Brother RANKS, die mendrers of lins Lodge will wear tlie die usual badge of mourning tor 311 days lit er,teed. That die foregoing resolutions be trans cribed, and a copy sent lo the parenls of our deceased brother, und another lo Lewislowu Lodge, No 'J7, I Oof O F—""it the newspnpem of this place be re quested lo publish them The billowing resolutions were passed by Lewis lowii |jodge.Mo'97—a! lis regular meeting, on Salur day evening 15th in* l , after die announcement of the death of Col J AMES A BANKS, in San Francisco, California _. Ih noli • it. That we syinpalhize with the ollners and meriihers of I •• .(!(."■ No .Hf, in the ios they have siislailieil by Ifie dcuili ol Bro .'AS A It AN as, one ol n members, and Willi die Order, HI the lo** of an esteemed Brother Iti.giiiiril, That although his enterprising i-pirit, led 111111 to n-ek hi* home in a distant territory, just spring ing into lite ns a member ot tins great Urepnblic. yet We have every reason lo hope that I here were Bro duo* present, who waichicl at hi* dying bed, and ac ; cornpained htsfiody lo lis final rcsniig place, on die sbores of die I'ar iln: Ihsol a'l I nut we eoridnle widi die parents and ! friend* of the deceased in llns attlieliug dis|amiitioi. of RfviriC Providence /iWrnf, Tiiat we will wear the tisuu! badge of mourning tor thirty-days llt.'hivrtl. Thai these resolutions !• published,and a copy *em to Ihe parents ol the deceased, and lo KishacciiUilltis Isslge No Idl. JOHN IIAMII/rON, i <i W S'l'i'U A H I', f innmUltf JAMES PIERCE, > Adjoitnifd ORPHANS' COURT SALE. "13F81,1C notice is hereby given that by or JBL der of the Orphans' Court of Mifilin coun ty, wili be offered at public sale, on MONDAY, December 31, 1849, at 12 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, j the following described Real Estate, with the I appurtenances, &c., situate in the township of Union, in said county, Inio the estate of JACOB BYLER, Sen., deceased, viz: No. 1. A tract of cleared land, adjoining lands ot Alex. Gibbony, Isaac Piank, Abraham llartzier, and others, containing -3 7 Acres aetd 111 Perclies -a -i* „ , more or less, and having i Biereon erected a GRIST '"2 ■ -£*££■" MILL, running two sets ' ' " TV°f burrs, and in good con ?V •-( '■ -"vMiition for doing country L'~ ' ' -J •■'•'■--i-L .andmerchantable work,a AW MILL, a J-Wjk v -" largetuv>!ory frame DWEL LI N G HOUSE, 1 a BANK BARN, a good TENANT HOUSE, and other improvements; together with an *ver failing spring of water, an Apple Orchard, and other choice fruit. No- 2. A tract of Timber Land, adjoining lands of Alexander Gibbon v and John Hi rlzier, containing 42 ACRES Si 72 PERCH 23- more or less. These tracts will be sold together or separate- ! sv, or c-uch in parcels to suit purchaseis. 1W ■ session to be given on the Ist day of April, IHSO, \ TERMS OF SALE —One halt of the purchase '■ money to be paid on the confirmation of the ! sale, and the balance thereof in two equal an nual payments thereafter, with interest from - the day of confirmation, to be secured by bonds j with security and mortgages on the premises. . The sale will be held on the premises No. 1, on which the improvements are situated, at the time above stated, w hen and where attendance will be given by JOHN PEA CUE if, JACOB BYLER, 'Executors of Jacob liyler, Sen. December 15, 1649. —8t SHERIFF'S SALES. OY virtue of sundry writs of femhtiom y.rpnuas, l.t --® r.iri h'dfias and b'.rra VticiiM , issued out of the Court ; of _Common Pleas of Mitllin county, and to me dire ted, ; will be exposed to sale by public out-cry, at the Court | House, in the Borough of Lew istovvn. at I o'clock, P. M., j on January , 1 the following deerihed property, viz: A lot sittate in tbe borough of New ton ilamil i ton, bounded on the east hy James Vanxandt, on ihe ; south by Second Mreet, oti tile v. est by Felix Xort o. on the north by /' Strouse's heirs, coiitaii.icg hall a quarter of an acre, more or less, (without improvements)— Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property i of Af Srr.rrut, ALSO A lot of ground in the township of Brown, con i taming one acre, more or less, with a frame house, plas i tered outside, and frame stable and frame shop and other , improvements thereon erected ; bounded by lands of i John I) Taylor, the great road leading from Brown's Mills to Huntingdon, and II i.jatiiin f.srvt-r and others. Seized, taken in -x- culion, and to lie sold as tne property of Jcs. it-J. C'irniti am. ALSO- A traci ■ f land situate in 8.-ale township, Ju I, lata count -, containii t! one hundred and sixty one a- res of patented liine-toiie land, be liie same more or #--* seventy-fit e acres of which is cleared and in a good Wale of cultivation ; bounded by lands of Samuel Etlev, lands of the heirs of Win. Irwin, Henry llrubaker, and the village of Johnstown, Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the propeity of Col. Urn. Brslr, dre'd ALSO— AII the rurht, title and interest of Robert Pat terson in arid to a !arg- li I of ground in the west end of the boroifghof I.etvistown. with a large two story frame ! house an.l other improvements thereon elected, hounded ; by the J.e.w istown and Huntingdon Turnpike road on the j smith. Third street on the north and west, and a lot of : Polly Shuitz on the east rlaid lot contain* about tltree | fourths of an acre, be the same more or less. ALSO —tine I"t >f ground situate on the northeast side of the basin of tbe Pennsylvania Canal, in the borough i of L-wistmvn, u nil a large Warehouse thereon cr< ctcd • .-aid lot is b-.iinded on the noitle- -t b> Wayne sired extended, and on the southwest by tbe basin as within mentioned, and by other lots on the east unit west. t-,-ii- i c-d. I iken in execution, ami to be sold as the prop. ri> of Robert I'attcr* n ALSO —A tract of land situate in Oliver township, bounded by lands of Jacob Carver ou the east, and Peter : itboad* and other lands of the said William F.rwiu on j i the west and south, containing one hundred and twi/nty j ' acres, more or less, about hi acres thereof cleared, hav ing thereon erected a b'g house. I ig bain and oilier im provements rfeized, takeiLin execution, and to be sold as the property of il'i.'/tam A.'rici. ALSO —A lot ot ground in the l-cwistown, I fronting 3 1 ! leet, biuiiiiied bv II i!tf sir ' f -t on tie- o -rlil ivest, by lot of I* i iiiel Rhodes on tie riutliwt >t, a public illey "ti the south-list, a lot of Mrs Ibtrt ou the n rtii ■;at, with a frame house and othei iiiiproveiiwnts thereon i"erected rleized, taken in cxecuti n, and to In* sold as tbe property of John Cnsk Ai-so -A lot i f ground situate m the borough of i.-w istown, bounded by aitjlllr. on the east, by ( harles st on the south, a lot of iitrum B i lew on th • west, and an iliey on the north, with a one story and a halt Irame d • llmg linns, and other improveinontsliiercoii ere. ted —i r/ed, taken in 1 v ctition, and to he sol 1 as the proper ty of li -h.ird Copltn. At.-II V lot ol ground situate in the borough of New ton Hamilton, having thereon erected a dwelling house, stable, and other improvements j bounded on the north east hy lot of J. J. Cunningham. Esi|., on the southwest hy lot of Win. Allen and others Seized, taken in exe cution and to be sold as the prnpertv of Robert C. DAVIS McK. CONTNKR, Shenil'. Sfiei ifi s GCirc, / Lfvviatown, Dec. 15, 1849. ) N B. Purchasers at the above sheriff's sales are here in- notified that the amount of the sales will he required j to be paid, in all cases, immediately on the properly being knocked down, or it will he forlbw it it resold to tile high est bidder " M'K C $3 REWARD. STRAYED awny from ilio putiscriber, re hidiiiu iii Granville township, nbout one mile from Lewistown, sometime in July last, a 1*" j .Hi. nijUL I ,a ' c rcd w ''' ,c UEIFEfI, vvit '' brindle streaks in the red, v? JcP about 2 years old. Also, about last of September, or bt-jjin- of October, a BARROVV und SOW. both white and both| ; very lar^e —no particular recollected. Any information winch will lead to the recovery of said estmys will be rewarded by the payment of #1 for each head on application to the subscriber. JACOB OUT. Granville tp., December 15, 1849—3t sarNapa r i I I a! TV* ONE of your sour, fermentingstufi. Well , whose is it! Why, it is not Old Or. I.icob Townsend's. Then whose else 1 W liy, it is not Dr. S. 1\ TownseudV. Whose upon girth is it then? 1 will tell you: it is that wliich is made in strict accordance with the V. States Pharmacopeia laid down by tbe Medical J'aculty. There is more Sarsnpa i rilln in one fpmrt ot this than in four quarts of I either of the Tuwnsends\ Every l'hysician in the United hlatea how it is manu factured, and to them \KrTcfer for the tfenu ineness of ihe above compound Syrup otSar •ipnrilla. It in for sale by the pint, quart, £fi!- lon. or any amount desired. Prepared and sold at GREEN S Medical Depot, No. 11, Lowistuwii, Pi. FEW pieces Turk Satm Du Chene, SS . inches wide, selling at only #1.25 per yard. < all and see • " 0ct.20. NUSBAUM, BROTHERS. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. i TT/ ILL be sold at public sale, on JWOJCD.'I 1", | \'\ the ~ l'/t ii.ii/ of December next, on the pre mises, all ihat well known valuable real estate situate on Water Street, and ad joining the Penn : sylvania Canal, in the borough of Lewistown, ; belonging to the estate of Major DAVID CUM MIN GS, deceased : No. 1. A large two story FItA ML WARE ; HOUSE, most eligibly situated on the Pennsyl vania Canal, and well calculated for the trans action of business on the Canal and Pennsvlva | nia Railroad. -c No. 2. A large two story frame • • 4L LLLING HOUSE, adjoining j it 'I ie a^,ovo i w . e U calculated for a ! celling house and store, with a and wharf opening on the | Canal. No. 3. A vacant lot of ground, adjoining the j i above, suitable either for the erection of build ing or as a place of storage. \ No. 4. A convenient two story frame house, I adjoining the above, with suitable conveniences, being a desirable location for a small family. No. 5. That well known stand for a Canal ! Grocery, with Dwelling House and Stable, : Hill adjoining the above, with a valuable j "Wharf extending along the whole front. j This is one of the most eligible locations in the borough of Lewistown for transacting business. The road way between Nos. 2 and 3 to be kept open for the use of the owners oi all the above described property forever. INosscssion of the above property to be given on the Ist day of April, 1850, except the Ware- i house, the possession of which cat/ be given iin j mediately. j TERMS.— One half of the purchase money , to be paid on the Ist day of April, 1850, and j the balance in one year with interest, to be se cured by bond and mortgage on the premises. i THOS. R. McKKH, HANNAH M. McKEE, . hilars. tS'c., of David Cummings, tUccased. ' Lewistown, Nov. 17, 1810—td. I Assessment Transcripts, SEVERAL of the Transcripts of different Townships were borrowed from the Corn tnissiotierVolfice by the township officers, from i which to make township Duplicates, which • have not been returned. Persons who have j them are requested to make immediate return of them to tiie office. llv order of the Hoard 11. J. WALTERS, Clerk. Lewistown, Dec 8, 1-4!.) —3t. Proposals for Building a Church. SEALED proposals will bereceived by JAMES L. MTLVAINK, at the Register's Office, in Lewistown, to the Ist day of January next, 1-50. for the building eta LUTHERAN CHURCH in said borough. The plan and specifications can he seen hy calling at the Register's Office after the Loth instant. By order of the Building Committee. JOHN HAMILTON, Sec'ry. Lewistown, Dec. 15, 1849—3 L BRIDGE ELECTION. rwiflE STOCKHOLI >ERS of the Lewistown s and Tuscarora Bridge Company are re quested to meet at the TOLL HOUSE at the •Bridge, in the borough of Lewistown, on the rut.ST .MOMDA Yof Jttnuary next, d-50) to choose by ballot one President, six Mana gers, and one Treasurer, to conduct the busi ness of said Company foroo n year thereafter. SAMUEL BELFORD, Sec\y. Dec mlcr 1-49—td. S2O REWARD. SOST, on Monday morning last, on the _.i Turnpike, within miles of Lewistown. a POCKET BOOK containing about $270 — .SBO of wh cii vvii in Lancaster money, 5 and , in's; SOO Northumberland in 10V; S3O Mid dlctown, in SV; some 1 larrisburg s's, and f's on other banks not recollected. Also, about S2O in relief notes and small notes on adjoining states—a pedlar's'license, promissory note, &.c. The above reward will b.- thankfully paid for . its recovery. JOEL ROSENI'iILDT. Lewistown, Dee. 15.1849—3t Six Cents Reward. RUN AW AV from the subscriber an indented f apprentice to the Butchering business, named W ILLIAM DAILY, aged about I!)years All persons are hereby warned not to trust or harbor -aid apprentice, as the law will be put in i force a gainst all persons harboring, trusting er employing him. The above reward, but no charge*, will be paid to any person returning said apprentice. VVM. BUTLER, lewistown, Dec. 15, 1849 —3t. and English Meririoesand Mouse lino do Laines, a large assortment of ev ery ahade and quality, at JONES' nov.'L Now Cheap Cash Store. heather, Morocco, ami Shoe Ji tifli/fffs. Vlargr assortment always cn hand, and for . saie by i F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, June 23, 1819. THREE PLY CARPETS! 11 EST quality three-ply Carpets warranted 3 —selling at sL.l2£ per yard, such as is sold at other stores for $1.37£ and $1 50. Al so, a splendid assortment ol other Carpeting, Rugs, &.c., at C. L. JONES. November 17, 1549. FOR RENT. riMlB following described property situated .JL on llale street, Lewistown: One Ice House, Rent $l5O per annum, do Dty Dock &- Yard, do 150 do do Carpenter Shop, do 50 do Four vacant Lots, do 20 do ALSO the following property on Clutrles St. : One dwelling, 4 rooms, rent $45 per annum, do do do do do 40 do * do do do do do 49 do do do do do do 40 do do do 5 do do 40 do do do do do do 44 do Four vacant lots, do 20 do One vacant lot on Main street, 5 do ALSO the following properly in llerry tp.: One dwelling, 2 rooms, rent S2O per annum, do do 5 do do 30 do do do f do do 40 do do do 3 do do 30 do do Sawmill on Jack's Creek with timber leave, rent S9OO <lo do do do do OKI do do Smith Shop, do 20 do 00 acres of Farm Land, do 100 do One dwelling, 5 rooms, do 40 do jdo do odo do 50 do i Stone leave in the Narrows, 50 do do on Jack's Creek. 30 do Wood leave on 1400 acres, 50 ets. per cord. Qfj- Persons wishing to RENT any of the above property must contract for the same en or before the TW EN I\T 11' 111 hist. 1 will SELL any of the above property CIIEAI\ as some of my creditors are poor. SAMUEL 11 OFFER. December 8, I 4'J. I FRESH WL have just largly increased our already extensive stock of WINTER GOODS, and as the Philadelphia houses are reducing their stocks previous to the clcse of the year, we have been enabled to make purchases very low, and are now prepared to offer our friends OO 1> 15 AESiiA 2 As . Our stock of English and French Bit OA D CLOTHS, plain and fancy CASSIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS, &c., is very large and desirable, and will be sold as low a at any other ; establishment, in town. V e offer Cashmeres, French Merinoes, Lustres, Mous. de Laincs, Prints, long and square SHAWLS, of eveiy description; French Collars, (Loves, Hosiery, Ric., at great ly reduced prices, i YV e sei], (or instance, handsome black cotton Stockings at G. ! { cents per pair, j Mouseline de Laines at cts. per yard. Handsome Cashmeres at 2-") cts. per yard, &c \Vo now sell boy's boots at (§I.OO per pair, such as some great concerns are selling at $1.25. Men's heavy boots at $1.50, and Ladies' and : Child re its'shoes in proportion. In fact every thing in our line is now lull and extensive, and i although not so good at pulling as some of our neighbors, we will say to those friends that i patronize us that they shall not lose thereby. We think that, we buy our goods as well as any other concern and will sell them as low (quali ty considered,) and although we do not boast of j selling as many as half the town, we think we i sell more than the great concern that dees. WATT.SON & JACOB. Lew is town, Dec. 1, 1849. THE FALL AND WINTER | CAMPAIGN' "SOME THINGS CAN HE DONE AS WELL AS OTHERS!" but among the things that CAN NOT liL DONE, is for any one to show a fvl i ler, belter, or hands tcr assortment o) Fall and Winter Goods Than GEORGE BLYMYER Irs just opened jat his Old Stand The stock embraces, in great variety, Cloths, Cassi meres, Soli nets, ; Vesfings, Croton Cloths, Cashmeres,and Cash merelts; Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings, i Velvet Cords, French Cassimeres, Doe Skin do., white and fancy Marseilles, &c. A splen ■ did assortment of Dic.os (£oos.e. Grode Naps, Satin du Chenes, an elegant as j sortment of striped, figured and plain Silks, I Bareges, Challey, Muslin de Laines, Alpacas, Lustres. Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls, Jaconets, Bombazines, striped and plaid Muslins, &c. .'le lias also an extensive variety of the CIIE A PEST CA R P ETIN G that has yet been brougiit to this place; to i gether with a never-ending assortment of I HEADY MADE CLOTHING, which will be sold at prices to suit purchasers. Besides tins, he has i Qtacciiswarr, Glassware, and an unparalleled supply of i* ROC i: 151 s:s. All of which will be sold at a small AD VANCE on cost —at the Cheap Old Stand of GEORGE BLYMYER Lewistown, Sept. 22,1849. Htull OR A tQ. THOMAS BELLAS. IT. 111. Si BELLAS, P Jj C J w AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OK Bacon, Lard, Butter, Wool, Gin seng, Cloverseed, & c., Sli'ond and Cherry Slrccls, PHILADELPHIA. Advances made, if required, on Receipt of Consignments. CO~Tlie Cars will be unioad icd at our Warehouse. Produce consigned to us for sale will not be subject to porterage or storage. C. & R. are Agents for the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, j Oct. 20, l-;49—if. I BUZBY & CO Commission Mierclian^, FOR THE SALE OF FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS. And all descriptions of Country Produce, BKOA1) STKCF.T, FAST SIDE, Between Race and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully solicit a share of the business from this vicinity, and refer to Messrs. LONOEN!* IA:U, GKLBB &. Co., Bankers. W. RFSSELL, E-q , Cashier, Lewistown. E. E. DU KE. Esq., Mifflin county. IR. J. Ross, Esq Cashier, j flarrigburg# Messrs. FI NK MILLER, \ ° SAMUEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. GEO. M. TROI'TMAN, Cashier, of A Western Bank, I Philadel'a. Messrs. J AS. J. DUNCAN & Co., j and Merchants generally, J October C, 1849—Cm.* Auditor's Aolice. mm: subscriber, appointed Auditor by the Court of Com- L mo n Pleas of Mifflin county, to report on the exceptions hied t" the Assignee Account of JAMES BROW N, Assignee of JAM R.S M'.N ITT, as liled by .lames Brown ami Thoin- I as Brown, Administrator* of James Brown, deceased, and I to re-s'Me account, if necessary, appoints SATI'K/KIY, ' tin Stk day of January mrt, at his office in Lew islown, : ; to hear the parties interested, when and where they are j 1 hereby notified to attend. \VM. M. HALL. Auditor. December 1, MMo—|k (IKm. copy.] Auditor's iKo I ice mi ib utulersiened Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's : 1 Court of Mifflin county to report on the exceptions tiled 'Lid March, le'27, to the Administration Account of BU VNCIN llor.os, Administrator of itOBKRT GAMBLE, deceased, appoints SATURDAY,the Sthef January neit, ; I tbr hearing said exceptions at his office in Lewistown, > where parlies interested may attend if they think proper GEO. W. ELDER, | Dec f>, F*K>-4t. Audit or. \y. i- nnvix, at Tony by at r.Air, H[AB resumed the pract ice ofhis profvssicii in this and the aiij<i<iinv counties. Office at the Banking Honae of Longeneuk er, Grnbb &. Co. Jan. 20, lfc4d —U. GEO. W. ELDEE, A T F 011 JV E V A T I. A IV", Lewistown, Milllin Coonty, Pa. (\FFICE two doors wed of the True Drmo ' oral Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any bu iness in tiie Courts of Centre country. August 25, 1849—tf. S \?yo Jo 4/ Attorney at Law. 1 ' '''• *ttend promptly to business cotrust- V t ed tu bis care in this and adjoining counties. Office one dour west of the Post Office. June 1(5, '49-ly. MAGISTRATE 3 OFFICE cfis:ITIAr% hoover, .fiisiSicc of (lie Peace, ("t.YN be found at his office, in the room re- J cently occupied by Esquire Kuip, where he will attend to all business entrusted to his care with the greatest care and despatch. Letvistown, July 1, I*lß—tf. Samuel Hopper, CARPENTER, Is ready at all limes to build the best Houses, and can do that very thing. Residence No. f> Hale street, Lewistown. March 31,1949—tf 33. MONTGOMERY, Root & Shoe IVlamifacturer MA.RKET STREET LETVISTOWN. CtONTINUES to manufacture, to order, ' every description of BOOTS AND SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.— Having competent workmen in his employ and using good stock, his customers, as well as all others, may rely upon getting a good article, well made and neatly finished. January 22,1848 —tf. Halting- OF the best qualify SQUARE MESH, AN CHOR STAMP, real Holland manufacture, imported direct from the manufactory, and for sale at Lewistown at New York prices. Terms cash—cloths warranted. Enquire of SAMUEL HOPPER, August 4, 1849 Millwright. Bank of Discount and Deposite. LO\GE\E( KLR, GRtfiß, it CO. Cash Capital Paid ii S>7o : <>oo. ]■ OXGEXECKER, GRI'BB & CO. have es _j tablished at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an Office of Discount and Deposite, for the trans action of the regular business of banking. Drafts ami Notes payable in the commercial cities will be discounted at all times, anddepos ites of current money will he paid, on demand, in par funds. Every facility will be afforded to business men in their negotiations with the Eastern and Western cities. Notes offered for discount must lie over one day. The aggregate Capital of the establishment exceeds half a million of dollars. DAVID LONGENECKER, JOHN MILLER, M. D. A. BATES GRUBD, CHRISTIAN BACHMAN, JOHN CHRIST, H. FREELAND, BENJAMIN ESHELMAN W. RUSSELL, Cashier. W. H. IRWIN, Solicitor and Confidential Agent. Lewistown, August 25, 1849—tf. Mackerel. Shad and Salt. JONES' is the place to buy them cheap. n0v.17. C. L. JONES. Mew Hardware Store!! TV7E have always a large assortment ofal ¥ kinds of Hardware low for cash. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, June 23, 1849. Bar Iron. T>EST quality Bar Iron for sale cheap for m 3 cash, at C. L. JONES' dec 35 Xew cheap cash store. Sleigh Bells. V large assortment ol Sleigh Bells just re . ceived, comprising every style; for sale at east 20 per cent, lower than can be had else iyhere, at C. L. JONES' dec 15. Sew cheap cash store. *Jus! Opening-, H YARDS of neat figured CASHMERES. 4-4 wide, ind selling at 121 cents per yard at 0cf.20. NUSBAUM, "BROTHERS. PUBLIC NOTICE. WJ HEREAS the gieat rush at C. L.Jones' T ¥ celebrated new cheap cash store for de irable and cheap gotxls lias tendered it at nany times impossible to wait upon all the •ustomers, many have had to wait, and sorr.e leing in a hurry have been obliged to leave he store; this is to inform all such that there s now an additional Ibrce added, so that all •an be accommodated without delay. Come in for cheap goods at C. L. JONES' Celebrated New Cheap Cash Stcre. November 17, 1849. Queensware & Glassware. QUITE an extensive assortment just open ing at the New Cheap Cash Store. Gilt French China Tea Sells, do do do Plates. White Iron Stone Tea anu Dinner Sets. do Granite tlo do do Light Blue do do do Florin? Blue do do do [Vilet Sets, 0 nieces; Plates of all kinds an! :izes bv the single or dozen ; also a large as .ortineut ol Cups and Saucers, by the single ■Set; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses ■ditchers; colored and white glass Candlesticks; 'reserve Dishes, in endless variety; French •hina Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various mtterns; Castors; Tumblers; Glass Jars, va- TOUS sizes; stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur iey Dishes, white, blue and mulberry, also steak Dishes to match; Bowls, Pitchers; sauce Dishes; and a large lot of common Cups and Saucers, all offered fir sale at unprecedented ow prices for cash, at C. L. JONES* not 3 New Cheap Cash Si re.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers