Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 15, 1849, Image 4

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    limit m hiss!
ijyA rifil NEW CHEAP CASII STORE continues to bo the great resort olfall
•JOil iLlh people in want of good and cheap goods of every description.
pit l old at this store at least TWENTY PER CENT, lower than any other store nLew
istown ; the purchases being made in Philadelphia and New York he buye
manufacturers, enables the subscriber to get goods lower than hj ' baHmess[)C .
in quantities sufficient to make at cast ten per cent.; a! j thc others com
ing much larger than any other store, and nearly equal to the bu.anc Lewistown
bined, enables him to sell at. a very small profit, and h . e . pep fg lfu „
and of the surrounding country that he will continue this syetem
rivites the attention of the his
Tremendous Assortment of Croons,
, . , . Tile stock of coods is the largest, and the aesort
arranged in his commodious tbow nk between Philadelphia and Pittsburg,
ment the most extensive by far, of any kjnds of are kept ia this store not to be
and comprises every article wanted, el Philndelnhm nricea
found in other storekeepers generally, to put down the prices
Please tememkrTiat ,t - Muslins, &c., for the purpose of giving the public the ira
of leading articles, ' ch • , cheap. This is one of the tricks of trade, and is not
pression that t.iey e e . - n| be offered at the same rate of profit Broad
yourselves, and be convinced ot the above t icts. JONES
Lewistown, Oct. 27, 1549. " J '
."v!" every .juahty. size, ami price imaginable, now opened in the large show
Uwistown. October 27. 18-'!)- ,\e tt Or.*
lieady-nui'lc $ lothing.
4 LARGE stock on hand, and selling 20 per cent, lower than the lowest. Before pur
iV. chasing elsewhere be sure to call at
Lewistown. October 27, 1*49. - v * chea P Cash Store '
Of New, Superb and Cheap Goods!
Buy cheap, while sluggards sleep,
And vou will have goods to wear and keep.
a S everybody seems to he engaged this year in blowing hts own trumpet as to what he or
j\. they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, we have had halt a mind to try our hands
the business, but several
comprising all the latest styles of rich and costly goods, having just arrived, we concluded to
hold on to" he usuai mode of advertising. We therefore beg leave to announce to our custom
ers in Mifflin, Union, Centre, Huntingdon ar.d Juniata counties, that hesioes receiving
ADAL/LSA a** £\
we have just returned (for the fourth or filth time this year) from the city with aliout a* com
plete and elegant an assortment of
IAD 3 Uny
t3 was ever seen in this or any other country town, embracing every description and style c'
ail that is
Jlriu, Jlrat, imp jFastitouaftlr,
! t prices varying from a tew cents to dollars per yard. In other kinds of we can rhow
n qual-ty and price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be
iound elsewhere —especially in
and, we will venture to add, in FALL and WINTER HOODS GENERALLY . Ol
Bonnets, Carpeting, Ready-made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery,
Gloves. Ribbons,
md namber'ess other =rnßll matters, the inquiry need but fee made to satisfy anyone that they
Have all been selected with care, purchased at a low price, and as a necessary con>equerice are
offered tor sale cheap. Our
Groceries, Pish, Salt, fyc.,
r,re also very low, und offer strong inducements to persons in town and country to callnnd
Since opening our establishment here we think we have fully demonstrated that, a? a genera!
thing, we sell "as low as the very lowest, if not a litti.e lower. We do not profess to sell
one. nor two, nor three articles nt a very low price, but we do profess r<, se l E\ LRV I HI.NG
?a either the Dry Goods or Grocery line so cheap that we are confident that our mends ev
erywhere will be thc gainers by giving us a cill and making iheir purclm-es.
for past favors we are duly.thankful, and shall be pleased to w niton all old customers and
my number of new ones who may be attrae'ed to our establishment by the reputation it has ac
quired as being the cheapest store in Lewisiown.
Ui-i,.ocoberao.is.il). NUSHAUM, ISROTHiCKS.
C 1 he op Stove Store,
Between Swartz's and McDowell's Taverns.
Tremendous Pxcitement! !
A':d alt about Thomas'* filing good* so ('HEAP. 1 have a large asvoitment of
and Shoes,
and LADIES' and MISSES G .VI I'EUS, made by the heal ol workmen ; u vuriety of
ZHy csoofle, (gvomtro, axis liiquoxa,
of the best kind; among which :ro some vtry choice BRANDIES, and r. Mipmior
irticle of STOUTON HI ITERS also PIMVDF.R. SHOT, and EE\D : ioo bur
icie best Monongahel., WflLSittA .1 THOMAS.
O.tvte.' lb tUo.i'J. liit iCt <ti Su.il/ti .? uitJMi I) uU til iT\ I it/'ft 8.
Martin & W!iiteley'
A certain Cure for Ague, Fever,
and Dyspepsia.
IN our funimer anil fall months matty section* of out
country are prostrated by BILLIOUS FEVER and
AGUE and FEVEII. —It has been our particular study to
find out some remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, and
think, in this TONIO we have effected this great object.
It is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia,
and if our directions are followed, will not fail to etlect
a cure.
In a letter dated, May 23d, 1849, our Agent, Mr. Elias
Raub,of Wrighlsville, York county, I'a ,say.: 1 have
never known any remedy for Tetter and jlgoe septal to
your invaluable National Tonic. It has given universal
satisfaction, and has cured cases of Ague of years stand
ing, and after the failure of all other medicines made use
of. Mr. Henry Beverson.of the same place, says in his
certificate, dated 22d March, 1849, ' I applied to a number
of Physicians, and also used a variety of the most popu
lar Ague Mixtures at different tunes, hut all without the
desired effect; no permanent cure having been afforded
I was at length induced, at the recommendation of your
worthy Agent at this place, to try a bottle of your Na
tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction,before I had
used half of it. I felt completely cured, though I contin
ued the use of it till 1 had taken two bottles ' in a joint
certificate from Messrs. Miles Hoke, William Blackson,
and James U. Brown, of the same place, they say—'Ha v
ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with
out success, we at last purchased some of your A'at tonal
Tome, wbicli has completely cured ns. We, therefore,
cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all persons af
flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet
See the Pamphlets, which you can gel from one of our
Agents gratis.
Also, lr. Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use,
in all cases where a purgative is needed.
> Prepared and sold by MARTIN Ac WHITE!.EY.
Wholesale Drugstore, No. 48 S. fatten *! , Baltimore
For sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and \\ A I'T
SON & JACOB, Lewislown ; arid by Ai.r.x-
ANDER RUTLEDGE, \V illiainsburtr, Huntingdon
county. June 30, 1649—1y.
'l'hc Urand Purgative for the cure of
Headache, Giddiness, Mcasels, Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, • Cholera Morbus,
Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsey,
Pains in the B ick, Whooping Cough,
Inward weakne-s. Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Heart, I.iver Complaint,
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness.
Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints,
and a variety of other disease, arising from impurities of
the blood, and obstructions in the organs of digestion.
The aversion to taking medicine is effectually removed
being completely enveloped with a coating of pure white
sugar (which is as distinct from the internal ingredient*
as a nut shell from the kernel) sad kat> av taste of medi
cine but as easily swallowed a- bits of candy Moreover
ihey sKiTMCn JCAI'SEATE OK OKIPK, but operate equally
upon all the diseased parts of the system Thus, if the
liver he affected, one ingredient will operate on that
particular organ, and, by cleansing it of any excess of
bile restore it to it. natural state. Another will operate
all the blood, while a third will effei tually expel n hat
ever impurities may have been discharged into the stom
ach, and hence they strife at the root of dtsiate, thus se
ruring a free and healthy action to tin heart, lungs, and
Liver ; and thereby they restore health even when all
alher means have failed.
The entire truth of the above can be ascertained by the
;tial of a .ingle box ; and their virtue* are *<> ixmitneand
rertain in restoring health thct the proprietor binds hltn*
lelflo rethrn the money paid for them in all case, w here
hey du not give universal satisfaction
Retail price 15 cent, per box
*♦* Principal office No 86 Vesey street, New \urk.
OKemen.ber Dr. V. Clickener is the inventor of
Sugar Coaled Pills, and that nothing of the sort was
•vrr heard of until he introduced them in June, 1*43
Purchasers should, tl: irefore, alwi) * ask for Clickener'*
(V ated Vegetable Pdls, and take no others, or
:hey will be made victims of fraud.
Wholesale Agent tor this countv, CHAS.
RITZ. [Dec. 23. 1848—ly.
Compound Myrii| of
or VpgclaJilc 1 criiniAi^c,
'The most effectual, the safest, pleasantcst
and most convenient Worm Medicine
ever offered to the public.
tpilE HI'HJF.I.IA, says a work of highest authority,
-1- stand* at the head of theltetaf .drthrlmiotiet or /Curat
Med icinet. It is adapted to a wider range ol cases, and
to a greater variety of constitutions anil state's of the
constitution, than any other. But prepared as it com
monly is, in the form of tea, it can seldom be given to
children in sufficient doses. In Harris, Turner A 11 ite's
Compound Syrup, it '* so concentrated that the dose i
vcry small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera
tion, and to palatable as to be ta .en, not only with vase,
but with positive pleasure.
Tii • prer ise composition of rl;i- rup and the mode of
pr paring it, are Hi- result of a sciies of experiment,
continued for yeais. IJefue oflVruv it for sale, it was
subjected to the lest of experience lu the hands fif emi
nent .iliy si< ians. in I'bil delphia and elsew here, w ho have
recommended it in lh-- highest ternoi, and still employ it
in their practice In addition to this evidence of its mer
its, we off r the following, selected from a number of un
solicited testimonials
Ist A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much
experience, writes of it thus:
"1 should have written before this, but felt disposed
fust to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge I have used
more than half tin- quantity recened,itnd the experiment
has b n en most successful. I realty believe that U pntset
see adrantage* art r any other Vermifuge I /lure rrtr used
independent of the smalluess of the dose, and the plea
santness of the syrup (great advantages in dosing chil
dren) the advantage of administering it under a variety
of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there la
Aarcely a condition of the system in which it may not
be administered. Yours, Ac."
•Jil A respectable physician of Lebanon county, in this
state, writes
" i have been in the habilof prescribing your Comimutul
8y rup of Spigelia for some time past, and have found it
an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.—
Please forward per bearer 2 do*, bottles —Your*. Ac."
34 Aii intelligent merchant of Yiiginia to whom we
had previously sold the syrup, writes :
"Sincemy return borne, 1 in,,l that your Syrup of Spi
gelia has come ir.to general use in this neighborhood. We
have sold what we had on it gavesnch satis
taction that it is now called for elftiDplav. You will please
put us iip 3 <>r 6 duren in a small package, nfid send to tli
care of W. Anderson A Uo , lli< li notnl, n, soon as posei
ble, and forward tin*bill per mail.— Yours, tee."
4th.—A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit tc
Philadelphia, stated, that some time since lie had been Bp
plied to by a customer for a vial of 'K Vur
inifuge for his son. Not having the article asked far, he
advised a trial of Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound
Syrup of Kpigelta and gave hltn a part of a bottle whirl
was all that r maiiied in the store. A day or two aftei
this the gentleman returning to the store, expressed hit
surprise and delight at the effect of the S> rup, declaring
it had i vcll' d SOU worms and entirely relieved his sou
The merchant added an ex press ion of his great regret thai
he lead not had on hands a bottle of the Syrup nt the time
when Lis own lutlc daughter died, ns he confidently be
lieVid it would have saved her life.
3th V gentleman of Hudson N. \ , having sent a hot.
lie ol liarris, Turner A Hale's Compound Syrup of Sp,
gelia, to a young friend who had tried in vain a great limn
ber of w arm medicines, writes,that his friend w as inline
diatel, relieved; the words of the patient were . "It look
vs i worfn out my body ."
H hotesale Drtoj ifists, A'o. 201 Market street,
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical
and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glas.wurt . Win
dow-gl isH, Paints, nil*. Dyes, Perfumeries, A c ,A, ,and
exclusive MUwfinHrem of Harris, Turner A Male's
Stigar-Coated Pills, lluxham's Liniment for the Piles, the
Bsnbridge liair Tunic, Ebeile v Eye Water, Mrs Madi
son - I nriv.illed I nilellild. Ink, lie wees' Celebrated Nerve
and Heme Liuiintnt, or Magic Pain Extra, tor. Mrs Sfiiti*.
worid's-Kxtra.-tf of Lemon and Vanilla, for flavoring Pud
ding". Ice Creams, Ac.., Ac
)',r :ilp by <li-Rlt'.'<t m lirnos j!>nerally in
i iiiDv, Miftfiii and Jwiiatii .Muntipn. [un5 —H
<£otitf)OUttTr of
IS the best Medicine yet for Coughs, Colds, Consump
tion, Aitlima, Spilling of Blood, &.e. Read the fol-
W '' 8 November 13th, ISIB.
J.tar Sir- 1 take great pleasure in say ing to you that
Mrs ROM has been entirely relieved of tier cough by the
use of ? our Syrup of Mid Cherry It bad continued f-r
fully eighteen months She had used several prepara
tions of the Wild Cherry now in popular use, but not
with the slightest benefit, until she look yours. Khe on
ly took six bottles, and I am pleased to say she is now in
good health. Every one who saw Mrs. Ross thought
h'r in a deep decline. LEWIS P. ROSS,
No. 267 S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Schoon
er O. K., Cambridge Packet.
In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign
Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary
land, of June 6th, IS IS, sa;. s. Price 75 cents a Bottle.
Prepared ami sold by MARTIN Ac WIIirELEV.at
their wholesale Drug Store, -IS S Calvert Street, Balti
Ant) for Kale by F. J. HOFFMAN and
ANDER RVTLEDOE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
county. [June 30. 1849 —ly.
PfflHE Proprietor of this valuable remedy
-I. for Worms, introduces to bis triends and
the public, bis Celebrated Vermifuge. Head
the following:
Dec.vri R TOWNSHIP. Mifflin county, "J
■September 11th. ISIV. i
hh. S jr. GRF.F..V:
Rnpectcd Friend— Two of our rhddreu having been
severity afflicted this summer with Fever and Ague, and
hating checked it four different times by the us of the
regular remedies, still they complained of pains in the
legs, bowels, head, ami in fact in the whole sy stem; vora
cious appetite, fever, cic-at diarrhu-a, &.C, and after hav
ing used all the remedies thought suitable for the above
symptoms, I concluded that they both had Worms, and
accordingly gave each of them (the one nine years of age
and the other 7) two tea-gpooufuls apiece of your valua
ble Vermifuge, and in three hours from the time of their
taking the abcue small doses, the youngest passed FIVE
of the largest tevrins I have ever seen. The oldest boy
passed ii to!id ball of troruts (it may appear incredible, but
il is (null) as large as a walnut, and both have been gel
ling well fast since.
Vou may make the above public if you think proper fur
the henefit of others, ami for the purpose of introducing
your valuable Vermifuge in Decatur township.
Yours. &c., D B. Flt-IIKR.
T! e cbove valuable Vermifuge is prepared
and sold by Dr. IS. F. GREEN, at tbe Lewis
town Medical Depot, No. 11.
September 29, lrf49.
DR. S1 If.II MA \'S
Dr. Sherman's OL OSJJ OXIA .V, or Jill-
Healing Balaam,
F'<r the core of Consumption, Asthma, Jinspt pto Con
sumption. Spitting of Hiood, Hronrhitis, Ihffuulty of
Retathing, /{oartentse, Inftutma. Croup, Couirki,
Colds, Paint uTTAc Ureatt and Suit, Oytptp
iia, and (Ac various ojfret lons of the
Stomaek and i.iter.
Th" great celebrity which this remedy bar obtained
among those who are acquainted with its virtues, and ate
rejoicing in its effects, has induced the I'roprietor to give
it the name of OI.OS.Iti.VI :.\% OH .11.1. HF.AI.I.Vd
HA/.SAM, to I'lstinguisti it from all other Remedies now
in use Its combination is the result of morethan IWKSTV
YFAA. experience, and he believes it to be the most perfect
remedy known—for it has been used ly thousands of per
sons, and in all instances with the most decided benefit
For References pr IVrtifteutrs of Remarkable Cases ol
long standing and considered beyond Hope, see a seialj
Rook furnished gratis by the Ag> Ms to alt who desire it.
The suffering- which children frequently undergo from
WORMS often tend to a fatal terminal ion, white the r A I HB
i- never suspected Offensive breath,picking at tbe nose,
grinding the teeth during sieep, starling up in sleep with
fright and screaming, troublesome cough, and feverish
ness, are among some of the PROMISI XT \ Mtroxnofthe
presence of soniix, A Utm-ly use of
will immediately remove all these unpleasant symptoms,
and restore to perfect health.
Consumption, infliP-nza, roughs, colds, win oping cough
tightness of tin. lungs or ch- si may be cured by a projier
use of
Slur man's COl'flH LOZEXGES.
Htud.it he, palpu it ion of the heart, low nessof spirit,sea
i'i. kin's-, despot demy, f.iiutnens, cbolic, spasms, cramps
of the stomach, stimn.e r or bowel complaints, arcquickly
and entirely relieved by using
Rheumatism, weak back, pain and weakness of the
breast,back, limbs, ami other parts of the body are speedily
and effectually relieved by
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster,
which costs only Dii rents, is w itbui the reach of all It
lias ins name Willi directions printed on the bjck of the
Blaster, and a fat ristii of the Doctor's written name
under the directions. None others are genuine or to be
fk. iiou. Dr Sherman's Warciiouse is No. lu6 Nassau
street, New York
Wholesale Agent for this county CHAS.
RITZ. [dec.lß4B-ly.
Salt! Salt!
JUST received, n large stock of Ground
Alum Silt—44 cents per btislie! and $1 .75
per sack. CO"To dealers a liberal discount
off these prices will be made.
iii.i 26,1849. F. J. HOFFMAN.
oSast Opening-,
11 YARDS of neat figured
AtFv" CASHMERES , 4-4 wide,
and selling at 12i cents per vard at
\|TOUI.I) respectfully inform their triends
v and the public, that they still continue
tu carry on the MARBLE BUSINESS in
all its various branches, at their old stand,
Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sis.,
where they have constantly on hand MARBLE
GRAVE STONES, <SiC. All kinds of
work executed with nextnexs, and on the most
reasonable terms. Thankful for the ltbetnl
patronage extended to them, thov still solicit
u continuance of the same.
Orders from any part of the country, through
mail, attended to with accuracy and despatch.
March 17, IM7- tl
Life and Health are in the Blood.
Not ono c.f all the numerous medicine* that have been
prepared, begins to be of as great medical virtue, power,
and unfailing certainty to cleanse and purify, produce new,
healthy blood, and strengthen and invigorate the whole sys
tem, us
This Purifier is the most wonderful anil astonishing rem
ody in the world. No other medicine has elected such al
most miraculous cures ot
Scrofula, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum,
SYPHILIS, and other critp'ioe and i/./lf diseases, viz.: Fry
tipelat, Sores, Ulcers, Ulcerated Sore Mouth and The rat,
iSursine Sore Mouth, Scald Head, Biles. Files, Pimples on the
Face, Rheumatism. LIVER COMPLAINT, and many other
diseases. THOUSANDS of such diseases have been cured
by this PURIFIER, and cured by tho use of FOUR
Less Quantity, at Less Cost
by faur-fald, than ever such diseases were before or since
cured, by Snrseparilla, or nay other remedy. What, then.
Is the question for those interested to decide, ss to economy
and health? FIRST— IViII it cure my complaint 1 SEC
OND— Is U cheaper f THIRD— WiII
of BRANTS PURIFIER effectively cure FOUR TIMES
as much disease as one dollar's worth of SarsupariUa ? If it
will, then it is FOUR TIMES CHEAPER than Str.sapa
rilla. And to prove this we offer one cuae of cure, out of
the many cases of
To realize the great power of this medicine as a purifier,
read, in our Pamphlets, the perfect cure effected on Mr. J.
11. Haskin, of Rome, Oneida county, N. Y. He was confined
to hi* bed One Year —was not expected to live twenty-four
hours longer —his neck was eaten nearly off. from car to
ear—a hole was eaten through the Wind pipe —his ear nearly
eaten out —the use of one arm destroyed —an Ulcer, as large
as a man's hand, had nearly eaten through hi* side—and
there were on him, in all.
Twenty Large, Deep, Discharging Ulcers,
which were ALL CURED, and he restored to health and
strength to labor again, by the use of ONLY TWELVE j
BOTTLES. This wonderful cure is certified to by
Fourteen Respectable Witnesses.
And it is tho greatest cure, the most undoubtedly substantiat
ed. of one of the most horrid and most hopeless cases of
Scrofula, that has ever been cured since the world was cre
ated—completely establishing the great power and certain
Ji. 'uy of the medicine.
This Kal-aro possesses all the cleans.ng and purifying
Virtues of the above-named Pl'Kirri.NG EXTHACT, and also
posn ~es several other in. dic&liuns, particularly and pent
iiarly adapted to cure COL'GHe and CONSUMPTION."" It
heals and cures Ulcers in the Lungs, and elsewhere tmltriml
ly as readily and as easily as th-_- Purifying Extract heal*
nd cures externally.
TH.H'SANOS of cures of the most hopeless Consumption
fully prove its a'most miraculous ••fficorv m ail diseases of
the'Ll NGS. THIIOAT, and BREAST. *
We give the follow ,ng certificate a* a fact of cure, which
goes to prove the power to rave life, even when the tier-on
•milt to la 1 in the very last nnce* of exicter.ee, when Smut's
Indian Pulmonary ila'sam i" sdminitered :
7hwra rf liulhlon. Saratoga Co , .V V — ss ZIBA DVKF
MAN. ia-i.ig du'y awo.ii, . IJA That in tie* winter of !bl>.
deponent's witr- was believed by her physician atio others to
be dying with a consumption of the lungs: and deponent
believing 'ha! to he the ca-e. wen* to Mr. John U't s store,
in the t tinge of Ho iston Spa, to purchase cloth for a shroud,
and otb.-r nee. *- <rie. to prepare bis wife for burial alter
eh-- should die. Deponent fu -titer says, that while he was in
said if,..!'. st..re, he was persuaded hv the Piap.ietoT o f
then present, to take a bottle of s.iid Medicine —he remark
ing. that it the dying woman he now part recovery, yet, if !
she be ninth oppressed and distressed. Tit.* said medicine
would soothe and relieve her. and make the piiluw of
doh'l, more easy. Dcpon. Nt t.sik the saj.l medicine liome J
w.tlt him together with the cloth he had purchased pre
paratory to the anticipated death of his wife. Deponent
caused a portion of said in -dicine to be administered to
his wife, and to his ai louisittitent it soon relieved her j
Sit*" continued the use of said medicine until the reeov- i
ered from her disease, and has been able since (it being
now more than thn e years) to do the work, and attend to
ail her household affairs ; and deponent verily believe* that,
through the blessing of Providence, the restoration to health
of hi* w-ite was the refult of the curative and herding effi
cacy ol Brant's Indian Pulmonary Balsam.
Subscribed and sworn to. before me. tliis '-fifth day of April,
lif-IS. THOS. G. YOUNG. Justice of the Peace
Town of Rallston, Saratoga county. A*. V.— ss. This is to
certify, that I am and have been for many v-ars. well and
intimately acquainted with the above-named Ziba Dyke-man,
who is one of our most worthy and resectable citizens, and
whose statement* are entitled to full credit and belief.
THUS. G. YOUNG, Justice of the Peace,
April iff 1848.
Town of Kallston. Village of Rallston Spa — ss. : Thi* is to
certify, that the circumstances ami facts stated above by
Ziba Pykcmnn are to my knowledge strictly true, and that
be ha* frequently ince stated to me that Brant s Indian
Bttl-atr. saved the life of Mrs. Dykenuui.
April SS, 1848. JOHN WAIT.
TION. toughs. Colds. Spitting of Blood, Weeding at the
Lungs. Pain in the R-east and Side, Night Sweats, Nervous
Complaints, Palpitation of the l{< art, Female Weaknesses and
Comp'eoHts, Cholera /a/u'—• Dysentery, and Suseur.er Com
plaint s.
DOCT. J W. FRENCH, of Hillsdale. Hillsdale Co , .Vic A.,
wrote to tt. Dec. ft, 1848: " 1 have been in the regular prac
tice of medicine in thi* place for ,\:s Years : but was
obliged to quit the practice of my profession in conse
quenre ot ill health 1 was so severely sffiicted with a
chronic disease of the lungs, a* to convince me that I had the
Consumption past doubt I coughed almost incessantly night
and day. and had severe pains and soreness in my" chest,
side, and breast. 1 tried the remedies recommended by
the most skilful of nty profession, all to no effect, excepting
the nausea and debility caused by them I was prejudiced
against Patent Medicines, and have no faith now in them,
generally. But I was induced, as an experiment more
than through faith, to try a bottle of BRANT'* INOUN Put-
MONARV BALSAM and I do here acknowledge, for the ben
efit ot the aiHicted or whom it may serve, that tho effect of
Its use on me. was the most prompt and salula'y of any med
icines 1 ever witnessed the effect of in all my practice. My
coUUit was IMMKOI iTKLv RSLiKvgn, and in about eight or
ten days, I was free from cough, soreness of the chest, and
pain, and now consider and pronounce tnvself a well man."
Poet. French i* now a respectable druggist and merchant
at Hillsdale.
Messrs. Holtstnnder A Co., respectable merchant* of
Oberlin. Lorain Co.. Ohio, wrote December IP, 1848 : "Af
ter allowing the Brant's Medicines which you sent to us, to
remain at Cleveland about three months, we sent for them
We have been so often .deceived by such medicines not
proving to be equal to their recommendations, and therefore
would not sell, when their want of efficacy was known,
that we considered it unprofitable to keep such, and were
therefore prejudiced against Brant's, supposing it to be no
better than many others we have on sale. After we had
received Brant's I, (A. lloltstaiiderl WHS persuaded from
reading the puiii|dilet to take a bottle of the Pulmonary Bal
sam home. My wife had been afflicted with a severe rough
for about ten months, and our triend* were alarmed and
fearlul that *hr would find nothing to relieve or cure her.
Hut notwithstanding our prejudices to patent medicines,
we are obliged to say, and f-heerlully confess, that BRANT'S
11AL*AM and PL'RIVVINO EXTRACT, can be depended on In
preference to any or all of the many kinds that have been
left with us for sale. My wife was immediately relieved
in her cough, and ticfore she hsd finished using the first
bottle, began to gain strength and health, and only three
bottles effected a ported cure The PURIKYINO EXTRACT
I have personally used for a general debility of the system,
and I have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best medi
cine to restore and Invigorate the system, that 1 have ever
found In every instanc* where we have sold these mrdh
ciincs they hav* proved their efficacy, and given the best
.11.1 Ul.1) NI.IRKS, l.e\cistt)\ri t,
(■- H. KRF.ILM.'I.\\ .Mc )Viffotrti,
M. STEELY <S- CO., lhlkrillt.
JOII.V ALBRIGHT, Reeihviltr.
And by Agents in all parts of the State.
All letters and orders must be addressed to
Win.u-R £ Co., 106 Broadway, New Yotk.
November 17, 1849— coly.
Ladies* Shot's.
course nntl fine shoes for I,mhos'
wear, row arrangt-d in tli> Indies' Shoe Room,
it C. L. JONRN'
ou-7. -Vfu Chcitp Cash St ere.
cjn io\ i:\Tit \
A t"n by th*- usiuc of t.t.Al'p it - <iv .1 with n
young limn oi the nam. of f. P. T'lWinfnil in.: is.-. | llt
anim to ;iut up 1 Anrsafwrilla. w b cli tl.et call Dr. I own
scud's Sarsn parilla, denominating i* ©EAV/.VE. (Original,
etc. This Tnwnsenit is no die-tor. and never whs ; t>at v. u
formerly worker on rHifroada canals. and the like. Vet In
u* unies the title of lr. for the purpose of saining credit |„ f
what he is not. This is to caution the public rot to tat
deceived, and pnrchase none hut the flK.Vf'/,Vf 1/HtOl-
JfAI. or.l' Or. J..rob Townsnnd's Sarsaparilla. having lit
tt the Old Dr's. likeness, his family coat ol arms, ami hit
■ signature across the coal ol arms.
Principal Ojfu 1"2 wV.jiitu A'vse tori C.ry
(scniiiac Townsend Snr>.T|;trill<?.
Old Dr. Town send is now about 70 years of hsi. -mi la
long been known as the Alt/ lOH ami ij / SilO fKh E H
-.1 the OF.JVUt.Vf. ORIOt.VAt. " TOH'.Y>r..V/J SAK
i SAPA ft 11. !.A Being poor. he was eom;ielied m runt iVs
ilixnuf;-tetiire. by which iiieans It Has tieen kept out of in r
k'et, and the >to cirritnisr.ibed to those only wi... lisJ
proved its worth, and know-i its vi-lite. It had reached
the cars of many, nevertheless, as those per-oiis who h d
been healed of .-.ore diseases, anil saved Iroiii death, pro
claimed its excellence and wonderful
Koowing. many .are ago th.it he had by his skill,
: science and experience, devised an article which would !>e
of incalculable advantage to mankind when the means
would tie furnished to bring it into universal not.ce. when
; its inestimable virtues would be known and appreciated.
This time liar nine. ibe mean* are supplied ; thi-
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is cahed for
throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially
as it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young 3. P T.iwnsend's. it improves with age and
cever changes, but for the belter . because it is prepared •*
letrnnfic pr-incipUt by a 'cicntijic matt. The high'sl knowl
edge of Chemistry, ami the latest discoveries ol the art.
have all been brought into requisite in -de manufacture
' of the Old Dr - * Sars.partita. Th- . arsaparilla root It H
well know n to medical men,contains many medic.nal pr->
port.es, and some projiertiea which are inert or useless and
other*, sh'ch If retained in preparing it for " produce
fermentation and an/. which is injurious to the system
Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile, that
they ent.reiy evaporate and are lost in the preparation, if
they are not preserved by a eeimufic proa**, known only
to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover, these
volatue principles, which fly ofl in vapor, -r as an exhala
tion. under heal, are the very essential medical proper lire
•f the root, which give to it all its value.
tnd vet he *..u;.i f-.in hoc .; u.i.'. rt.r..u that tun Dr. Jsenb
('own-end's Oenum: Original Soreaparti a ts an iMITA
-I*l'lN of his Inferior preparation !
Heaven forhid that we should deal in an article wh.cb
wou.tl bear the most distant resemblance to S. P. Town*
tend'* article: and which should bring dtmo upon the O.d
Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and crimination.
| from Agents ho have sold, and purchasers who halt used
• P. Townsend's FER M ENTING <\)>i POUND.
We wtsn it understood, because it is the absolute rear*.
' that 8. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Tow n
tend's Sarsaparilla are heavn vide apart, nod infinitely die
inmiar; that they are unlike .r. every part.cuiar, haling
! not one single thine in common.
As 8. P. Townseuil i* no n >ct.ir. and never was, is no
chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine or
disease man any othercornmon. unscientific. nnprufassiona!
man. what guarantee can the pontic have that they are re
ceiving n genuine scientific medicine, containing ali the
virtues of the articles used in preparing it. and which are is
capable of changes which might render them the AGENTS
; of Disease instead of health.
Hut wh,.t el-e should he expected from one w ho knows
uotlilag comparatively of medicine or disease It reunite.
* |iersoa o?some experience Ui cook and serve op even a
•otnuion decent na si flow much more imj-ortant Is it that
the per sous who manufacture medicine, designed for
should know well the medical properties of plants, the
best manner or securing aud couceDtmttiig their healing
virtues, also an extensive know ledge of the various diseases
which a tl.-ci the tnirnsi ytem aud how to adapt remedies
lo these diseases '
It is to arre-i fra nfs upon the unfortunate, to ponr balw
into nonnded liuu eiiit to kind.e hope iu the Ursjv&.r.ng
bosom, to restore health and blooin. and vigor mm lh*
crushed and broken, and to banish infirmity that OI.D DR.
portnuity and mean, to bring his
Grand Universal Louceiitrated
within the reitrh, and lu the km. wit-dee o(all who nr*d it,
that liiey may learn mul know, hy joyful experience, tu
Transcendent Power to ileal.
Any pertrm can boll or tew the root til! they pel a dirk
eoiored liquid. ~ hirh in more from ih coloring matter la
the root tuna frotu any thicp else; they mi then itmn
thu Insipid >r vapid I quid, sweeten with sonr molanet,
•ml then e-!l it "SAUSA I'A Rll.l, A EXTKAI'T or ST
HI I'." But such iv not the arncli* known in 'he
Th * s *o prepared. thni nil the inert of Ifce
B.irai.irtliH nuit a?e first removrd. every :hi;te capable of
leroiijit£ hciil r ot fermrnini.titi. it* extracted and rejected;
then every parti tie ot medical virtue is secured in a pure
and Can centra te I form ; ttitd thus it is rendered incapable CH
losing any of its valuable and hea'inu properties. Preftttred
in tha way, it is made the inosl jiov. rP.tl H£ent in the
Curt* of ittuiimernble diseases.
Heme lite reason n\ we tieur eu'iunenilstions on every
tide In its t'.ivor by men. women, anu children. We find it
doing wonders in the cure of
COXSUMP IIOX. //VsPt'Psr.l, end t.tl'F.R COM
PJ..IIXT. it ml in H UFA.Mi 'i'lS.W. s(ROhC/..1,
PI/.f.S. cosr/yt .vy.ss. nit ocr.lxy.ot s PKCP
TItXS. PlMrrr.S, ItJ.UC I HLS, aud ail atfeeboni
arising trout
It posses*** n in trvtuUiinelßiiiry in ell complaints arising
from from ictditp of th: Stomach, from unequal
circulation. determination of Mood tc the head, palpitation
of the heart, cold feet and hand*, cold chills and hot flashes
over the body. It has not us equal in Colds and Coughs ;
and promote* easy ex}* duration and senile perspiration,
relax mi; stricture of the ittngv throat. and every it her pari.
Hut in nothing is it* excellence more tu :inite*tly *een and
if know (edged than in all kind* and stnue* cf
It works wonders in caesof F aor *llbus u r Whites. Full
ing of the h'omb. Obstructed. Su/pr-. svu, k>r Pa/e/u.' .Menses,
Irregularity of the meuU/au jieritAls, and the like; and
is as effectual in curing a'., u.e form* of A*<u < * Dtsaeft.
By reiuuvip)! obstructions, and regulating the general
tysteiu. it gives tone nd strength to tne whole body, aod
thus cures ail form* of
•Nfn oils diseases and debility.
and thus prevent* or renews iire.u variety of other mala
dies, us Spina- tnitatton J\'rur,ng*a % St. Fttus' Dunce
SiCOiiNlHjr, f.p.trpltr Fits, t \ HCUt&tcUS, hC.
It cle.ttises the blood. excites the liter t healthy action,
Umes ;he stomach, and give* good digestion, relieve* the
bowels of torpor and cfmstipni on. aiiays iirtamniation,
.luniies the skn, equalise.* i):e circvilaiitui •! the t>oo&
producing guile warmth equally all over the baly. and
the iiist nsthie per-piration . r-i<&xe< nil tuietmcs and'tight
Hess, tu obstruction*, n id invigorate* the enure
nervous by .sp tii. Is not this then
The mfdifiiio you pre-emittf nlly need I
But mn any* m these ihp,s be wid of P. "1 w end"s
iui< r >r art'ete ? Thin \out< man* Ih:a 1 i> mt to be
because ot one t.K \.\li f'.\< 1, thai ihe !•* .* I>CMPA
Bl.Kof lit; I KUIORATHhN'. and
while the oihn D 'K> . jit-mrxiiy*g, and btnirtnf
the bottle.* (-<>niniuine u into fragments ; rhe >our, acid iitjuid
explfil i.g -hhi <1 imaging other goiul* ! Mum no. thi* hrn
b!e compound he poe>onous ti the ay sum? H'kut '
acta intoaa t **t- -■* > ctiuf tltsr<i*td Wt' • acid What *"iU*ei
l)ys|e|isia oui M i. |Wi we noi all Kms\ that \vn n ikk!
sours In our >(<•.. i .ihs. wh. t mtsrh-ef- u pruiu*e> ftniu*
lence, hi irthurn pa.piiniu.no! th he ;rt, tmr o.im urn;
, diarrhiea. ry, coiir. and corruption of ihe timdt
V\ hat is SirruiUlu hut an and humor in the bo lv ? What
p r Hluie hi ih huiuur* which bring on Km pi tons of the
ccaid Hr d, >..lt Rheum, hrysipem*. VV ritc Swe
bigs, l"exef 6 re. ami ali Ulcerations internal anil externa '
It is nothing under but an acid >nh>taice. w fucli
sours, ami thu spoils ail the ituid* of the Ihmlv. mm r
less. V\ bit uiu>e HhruiiuUMUt mil a s*ur r acid huid
which tnsiniiaies tt- i between the jouiis ami ei ewhefv.
irriteltng and intlnimng the lU-iitaic tissues upon which it
acu 1 So if nervous t. <t impurity ot the Mood. *•
deranged cucittutioiis, ainl loarty all tue niimenUi
srtl.ct human nature.
Now is it not horrible o make and sell and r\
uv* n lu use this
CO**FW hi Lewietovvn by E. ALI.EiN,
\vii. i..- sf>!e ai'ptit for Mifflin county,
may 1-4 D— ly.
JPaper. Paper.
VI.W'AYS on lian.i a large assortment
t:p. Letter, Wrapping, l'rintipj* W ' !l *
tlow nttd Will) Eapor. wholesale or retail,
('rutting paper, \ ;fc>, at twr bunJ' '-
l.fVv i-uio n, June "J:>.