Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 15, 1849, Image 3

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TOST, OU Ainjay morning ]a*t, on the
_J Turnpike, wiUiinilj "tiles ot I.exvistmvn,
pot'i\El' BOOK containing aboO i§'27() —
jsMi of wlucli was, in Lnncusler money, 5 anil
Ill's; .'i'itl Nortliumherinnd in 10V; SjjbT) Miil
illetown, in '/-<; some 1 larrisburg s's, ami s's on
other Link- not recollected. Also, nlxnit S2O
in relief notes and small notes on adjoining
states —a pedLr's iic ese, promissory note, Ac.
The above reward wi'l be thankfully paid for
its recovery. JOI-'|. ROSENFKLDT.
| f\\ istown. ftec. L~>. 1819 —Ht
PUBLIC notice is hereby given that by or
der of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin coun
ty, will be oIF-red • t public sale, on
,ISO A DAY, December UI,
1 —lt>, at 12 o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
the following described Real Estate, with the
appurtenances, iVc., situate in the township of
Union, in said county, kite the estate of JACOB
BYLER. Son., deceased, viz:
No. 1. A tract of cleared land, adjoining
land? of Alex. Gibbony, Isaac Plank, Abraham
llartzler, and others, containing
17 Acres ami 111 Perches
*2 more or less, and having
thereon erected a CRIST
Ml LI., running two sets
°f burrs, and ingoodcon-
JpM dl li on for doing country
'-Cisls. * W a Jtm -j-,
and other improvements; together with a never
failing spring of water, an Apple Orchard, and
other choice fruit.
No- 2. A tract of Timber Land, adjoining
lands of Alexander Gibbony and John Ilcrtzler,
containing 42 ACRES & 72 PERCHES
more or less.
These tracts will be sold together or separate
ly, or each in parcels to suit purchasers. Pos
session to be given oc the Ist day of April, lsso.
TEKMS OF SALE —One half of the purchase
money to be paid on the confirmation of the
sale, and the balance thereof in two equal an
nual payments thereafter, with interest from
the day of confirmation, to be secured by bonds
with security and mortgages on the premises.
The sale will be held on the premises No. 1,
on which the improvements are situated, at the
time above stated, when and where attendance
will be given by
Executors of Jacob Ihjler, Sen.
December 15, 1849.—5 L
"DY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponae, !.t-
J' run Facias and Firra Facias, issued out of the Court
of Common I'leas of Mifflin county, and to me directed,
will be exposed to sale by public, out-cry, at the Court
House, in the Borough of Lewistown, at I o'clock, I' M.,
Saturday, January 6, 1850,
fie following described property, viz:
A tract of unimproved land in Granville township, Mif
flin county. Pa., containing two hundred ami thirteen
acres and twelve perches, more or less, surveyed in the
name of Dorcas Buchanan, adjoining lands of L'-avid
Hough, and others.
Also — All those certain messuages or two tots of ground
Mtuate in the borough of Lewistown and county of Mif
flin, bounded on the south east by the Kishacoquitlas feed
er, and extending along said feeder 123 feet f> inches,
tVnee on the south-west by lot No. 3 135 feet FI inches to
Elizabeth street, thence by said street on the north-west
123 feet 9 inches to the Millerstown and Istwialown turn
pike road, and on the north *at bv said road LT!I feet 6
inches to the said K'shaccqtilllas feeder, being lots NOS
1 and 2 in the genera! plan of a piece of ground laid off
into lots by Joseph Milliken, on the south-east side of the
Kisiiacoquillas creek, now M the thorough aforesaid, with
A brick and frame dwelling house, a frame stable, and
bat is called Logan Foundry, and other improvements
thereon erected Seized, taken in execution, ami to be
SOLD AS the property of Arthur B. Long.
Aura— Two lots of ground situate in the borough of
LEW istown, fronting on Kishacoquiilas street, being each
25 f..-et in front and extending hack the same w idth 150
(■ '■ i . with three two story frame dwelling house* andollier
Improvements thereon erected. Seized, taken in execu
tion ami to be sold as the property of Arthur B Long, one
• f the firm trading under the name of A. B Long. V. Brother.
ALSO —A lot situate in the borough of Newton Hamil
ton, bounded on the east by James Vanzandt, on the
soutli by Second street, on the west by Felix Norton, on
the north by P Strouse's heirs, containing half a quarter
of an acre, more or less, (without improvement* )
Seized, taken in execution, audio be sold a* the property
of .V/ Seacrist,
AUIU- A lot of ground in the township of Brown, con
taining ONE acre, more or less, with a frame house, plas
tered outside, AND frame stable and frame shop and other
improvement* thereon erected ; bounded by lands of
John U Taylor, the great road leading from Brown's
Mill* t. Huntingdon, and Benjamin (Jarver and others
Seized, taken .A execution, and to be sold as the pro|>erty
of /(.st Cunningham.
Aiso- K tract of land situate in Beale township, Ju
si ita > ounty, containing one hundred and sixty one acres
of patented limestone land, he the same irmre or LESS,
enty five acres of N tin 2I I* cleared and in good state
• ' cultivation ; bounded by land* of rfamu. I Filey, lands
f the heirs of VVM Irwin, Henry Bfubeker, and the
'•. 'age of Johnston 11, Seized, taken in execution, and
T -E S-,ld a* the property of Col. li'm. Beats, dee'd.
At.*.# All the right, title and interest of Robert fat
t-r*on IN and to a large lot of ground in the west end of
U:r borough of L-ewi-ttown, with a large two story frame
LEU-.- AND other improvements thereon ( rected, bounded ,
Y HIE Lewistown and Huntingdon Turnpike road on tli"
•'■TH, Third street on the north and west, and A lot of
Folly Sliuliz on tlie east. SAID lot contains about three
f. /riii* of UII acre, be the same more or less.
ALSO fine lot of ground situate on Hie northeast side
'•''LIE b. ISM of the Pennsylvania Final, in tlie bore tgli •
' Lewistown, with a large Warehouse thereon erected
M>D lot is bounded on tlie northeast by Wayne street .
TH tiled, a ltd on the southwest by the basin as within
ntioiied, and by other lots on tlie east ami west. Heiz
'l taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of
/ 'rt Patterson St
At so— A tract of land situate in Oliver township,
■ n.ded by lands of Jacob Harver on the east, and /Vter
- ids and other lands of the said William Erwin on
WEST and SOTIUI, containing one liiindre.L and twenty
-RES, more or less, about -5 acres th-reof cleared, hav
R : th reon erected a log house, log barn ami other im-
YR... merits. Helzed, taken in execution, and to be sold
18 U.< property of H'tlltamKrttin.
A'-SO A lot of ground tri the borough of Lewistown,
'■ 'diitg 's> 11-RI, bounded by Hale street on llie north
'I, >, lot of Daniel Kit ode* on tie southwest, a public
> I. the southeast, a lot of Mrs. Hart on the north- j
-' A -tn a fraui. h"Ue and other improvements tln-reon
•'FLIZED, taken in execution, arid to Ire sold as
EFTY of John Cash
A I-.1 of ground SITUATE in the tnirough of LeW
''O bounded by an R, I J.-V on tlie east, by T'lcirlesst
' •-'-'I, a lot of Hirsm LB rl.-W on THE west, and an ;
the north, W ITH a one story and a half frame
"U.G A USE and ol her improvements I hereon erec led
'• taken in execution, and to be sold a* the proper
j " ( tiirhard Coplin.
' A lot N( ground siulale in the borough of New.
'l' nilton, having th- N-on erected a dwelling house,
•ND fitii, R improvements ; bounded on the north
-1"I J J Cuiiiiiugbain, L*q., on tin* soulhwesl
' WN, ALLEN ami others. Heiz.-d, taken inrtr- j
H • ! I" old as the projH-rtV of Holier! C. f R "'A R
DAVIS M'-K. CDNTNER, suerifi*.
Bhtt iiPs Office, f
, ■•' viilown. Jit'c. 1.1,
/'on IIA-TEIS AT the above slierilT'ssale* are H r>
' ' THAI the amount of the sales Will be required
. '' all C 1.-••*. iuituedi.lL, IV on the pr|'F ty being
" ' DOWN, or it will BE forthwith resold to ute high
i< Ml. <
Mackerel, Shad and Salt.
I I , t ii( . jjiq,.,, t u |, u y thiMit i lionp.
If. C 1, JONKH.
[ T is well observed by Flavcl in ids excellent work,
•"ylery of Providence, Unit "ihere ;ire hard
texts in the work*, as well as in the wor 1 of God."
i.i\e !). en called to interpret some try fnjr providence?,
in r (>< .ited attrif ks o| ill health, incaparituiui me from
ministerial services, and the conclusion I li.-tv • drawn
iroin them is, that ii is my duty to give tin the ministry,
""t :l ltopetlu;r, but s et altogether as a vocation of exclu
sive employ ment and support, and to enter on a course of
lite air..rdirir reason to hope, by the Divine blessing, for
some measure of health and usefulness.
I have th-rei re returned to r si "' in a community
i Where my manner of life formerly is well known, to pn\s
! f< ute a calling f„ r which 1 think myself qualified by < \.
petietice and by business habits in past years. I wish to
act in a fiduciary c haracter, as Kxecutor, Administrator,
(■o iidisn. Agent, Sec ; to serveas Auditor, Referee, &.C. ;
i to settle Administration Accounts; end, generally, to
transact business of like nature, as returning health may
, enable me, without engaging fully und actively in the
exciting duties of the prof, s.-ion,
fi> My dFI'iCE is in the front room of my residence,
lately occupied by Mr. Charles McCoy, opposite the Epis
! copal Church, I.ewistown.
I I.ewistown, Dec. 1, IS 10—it.
LI U |H iO\o ~
Cheap Cabinet Wareroom,
A ear J. li. McDowells'* tavern, J alley *t.
| % jjj^
rpIII-' SI IHCUIHKR Invites thosn about going to
; housekeeping and toother* that wish to purchase
Cheap I'isruiJiire,
i to call at the above mentioned Wareroom and examine
| his large stock of H til Made and Useful Furniture of all
kinds too numerous to mention here. Among hi* slock
they will find an assortment of
which are sold for CASH CHEAPER than they have ever
been sold in this place. I would draw attention to a pa
j tent Mastic Spring-Bottom Bedstead, which < an he seen
in iny Wareroom at any time. It can be put up and taken
bow n in teas time than the obi plan, and without a screw
driver,and the great matter is that it forms a si-mxa t: r
| TOM without a cord or sacking, thus saving the purchaser
the cost of thn£e articles.
COH I\B mtdii to order and funerals attended at
the shortest notice. Either Mahogany, Cherry or Wal
nut can be had at moderate term*.
LeWigtown, December 1,
YT fn t t
JLi w . s, .
fjMIE following Accounts have been examined and pass
ed by me, and remain filed of-record in tins office for
j inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all other- in
any way interested, and will be presented to the n. u
Orphans' Court of the county of MitHiu, to be held at the
Court House in I.ewistown, on Till RS|)A Y, the lOtli
day of January, 1850, for allowance and • ontirmation :
I. The administration account of John Bartholomew,
j Administrator of the estate of Joseph Bartholomew, late
! of Granville township, deceased.
2 The final administration account of William Shaw,
Administrator de bonis non of Mathew Taylor, late of
Brown township, deceased.
3. The administration account of John McCord, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Flulip J'efler, late of Gran
ville township, deceased.
4. The administration account of Enoch E I.orke, Ad
ministrator of the estate of George Mcl.enahen, late of
Armagh township, deceased.
5. The guardianship account nf Samoi l Sigler, Guar
dian of Joseph Sigler, of Decatur tow m-lup.
6. The guardianship account of George Weidman,
guardian of Levi, Isaac, and Adam Weidman.
Lewistown, Dec. 1, 181' J. \
tKjT*The Register deems it proper to state,
for tho information of all concerned, that ac
counts tnuxl be tiled in his office and published
thirty days previous to the first day of ensuing
Courts—otherwise they will be retained until
the term.
II V virtue of a deed of assignment, executed by JIIIIN
K. PHILIPS in trust for his creditors, will be offered
for sale on the premises on
lUomlay. Decvmhcr 31, I*l9,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following
described plantation and tract of land, bounded by land
of George Shrunk on the west, Caldwell's h.-irs on the
north, and Grimmtnger and others; containing ITii Acre-,
more or less, (land to be surveyed ) There
are thereon a large STONE lt.\.\K BaR.N,
FRAME IIQI SE and van is out-houses
a F°'"l Apple Orchard and other iin
- i '\,^^^B | ,r ovelll ,. n(K The land is nearly all cleared
and a reasonable proportion meadow, or ran he made in
to meadow. Persons desirous of purchasing will plea ,
call and see the premises before the day of sale. If not
sohl nn that day the firm will he rented for one year.
A I.HO, will be sold at public sale on the premises on
Wednesday, January 2nd, PSO,
at I o'clock, P. M .that well known GROCER V, DM El,.
LING HOUSE, and appurtenances, situate at the Lock
on the Pennsylvania Canal HI the borough of Lewistown
The Dwelling House, ftore rootn. Warehouse, rind Sta
bling, have all been recently fitted up in copiplcte order.
The stand is perhaps the best place ftr transacting busi
ness on the entire line of the Pennsylvania Canal.
Due attendance will be given on tin* days of sale, when
the conditions w ill be made known, Ac.
Nov. 21, 1819-td Assignee of John U. Philips.
Auditor'* Notice.
rnilE subscriber, appointed Auditor by the Court hf Cotii-
I-,non Pleas of Mifflin county, to report onilo- < \ -jdion
filed to the Assignee Account pf JAMES lin i*J, Assign. e
of JA.WKri MWITT, as filed by James Brown ami '1 hc.m
as Brown, Administrat .rs of James Brown, deceased, and
to re-state account, if necessary, appoints s.dTl ' HU.H J .
the !>th day nf January Jl eit. at bis office in Lewistown,
to hear the parlies interested, when and v here tiiey are
hereby notified to attend.
wm. M. HALL, Auditor.
December I,l*l9 —It. [Detn. copy ]
Aiulilor'M Notice.
IlflE undersigned, appointed an auditor to distribute
- the balance in the hands of JOIINSTOH rtiot.Kß, Ad
ministrator of ADAM HIGI.KH, deceased, to and n mong
the persons legally entitled to the same, will attend for
lhat purpose at his office in the borough of Lewistown,
on 'J'hureday, the day "f December, 1819, when and
where all persons having claims upon said fund are noti
fied to present them, or be thereafter debarred from com
ing in for a share of K aid fund.
Nor. 21, lot? It. Auditor.
Auditor'* Aoticc.
FTIIIE undersigned, appointed auditor to apportion the
*- balance remaining in the loiml. of HENRY I.EATTOR,
Esq, Administrator of the estate of JOHN FOSTER,
d-c.eased, late of Oliver township, Mifflin count), will
meet at the Court House in the borough of Lewistown,
on Monday, the. 2i th December, 1819, to ap;K>rtinn the
same to arid among the persons legally entitled lore
cetve it.
DICKSON, Auditor.
Lewistown, Nov. 21, 1819 It.
Auditor's Notice.
rnilE undersigned, appointed auditor by tin- Orphans"
* Court of Mifflin county to report tin the exceptions
filed to the Administration Accounts' GEO. W. OaIVEII,
Administrator of JOHN OLIVER, deceased, appoints
J'lursduy, thr'l'th nf December nei'. for hearing said ex
ceptions, at the Court House in I.ewistown, when and
w here parties interested may attend if they think proper.
JAS. DICKSON, Auditor.
N'DV k 2i. JslO it, | !>FIUO< r;tt ctV
Auditor's Xolitc
milF. undersigned Auditor, uppointed hv the Orphan's
• Court of Mllllih fount) to report on lite exceptions
tiled 23d Miirch, J827, to tlie Administration Ac. mint oi
I'ktAtii is Bonos, Administrator of ROBERT G XMitt E,
lb-ceased, appoints s.i I'UUDA 1 .' he '.ah oj January uert,
for hearing said exceptions at his otfi.-e in I.ewistow n,
v. In ft parties mien-ted tony attend ift'o-y Dunk proper.
De. 8, Hit) It Auditor.
JL and Tnscarora /fridge Company are re
quested to meet at the TOLL IiOUSE at the
Bridge, in the borough of Lewistown, on the
/ IRST MOA DA Yof January next, (1850)
to choose by ballot one President. six Mana
gers, and one Treasurer, to conduct the busi
ness of suid Company lor one year thereafter.
S A ft! UE L BE LEO ILL), Sec'ry.
December 8, l w 19—td.
Assessment Transcripts.
SEVERAL of the Transcripts of different
Townships were borrowed from the Com
missioner's office by the township officers, from
which to make township Duplicates, which
have not been returned. Persons who have
them are requested to make immediate return
of them to the office. By order of the Board
11. J. WALTERS, Clerk.
Lewistown, Dec 8, 1849—8t.
_ SJ (®5P20350
~\ OTIOE L hereby given to all persons flavins'
IN ' NSKI I I.ED ACCOUNTS with the es
tate of GEORGE W. OLIVER, dee d, that the
subscribers will attend at the iato residence of
said deceased, in Oliver township, on TUES
DAY, the 1 tSth day of DECEMBER, and the three
ensuing days, for the purpose of settling up the
accounts of said deceased, of which all persons
interested will take notice.
• Idmiuistrators of said deceased.
December 8, 1843—2t
rpllfc following described property situated
A on Hale street, Lewistown :
( bio lee House, Rent $1 50 per annum,
do Diy Dock &. Yard, do 150 do
do Carpenter Shop, do 50 do
Four vacant Lots, do 20 do
A CSt) the following property on Charles St. :
One dwelling, 4 rooms, rent $45 per annmn.
do do do do do 40 do
do do do do do 40 do
do do do do do 40 do
do do 5 do do 40 do
do do do do do 44 do
Four vacant lots, do 20 do
One vacant lot on Alain street, 5 do
ALSO the following property in Jierry tp. :
One dwelling, 2 rooms, rent §2O per annum,
do do 5 do do 50 do
do do 5 do do 40 do
do do 3 do do 30 do
do Sawmill on Jack's Creek
with timber leave, rent S9OO do
do do do do 700 do
do Smith Sin p, do 20 do
60 acres of Farm Land, do 100 do
One dwelling, 5 rooms, do 40 do
do do 6 do do 50 do
Stone leave in the Narrow?, 50 do
do on Jack's Creek, 30 do
Wood leave on 14(X) acres, 50 cts. per cord.
Off Persons wishing to RENT any of the
above property must contract for the same on
or before the TWENTY-FIFTH inst. I will
SELL any of the altove property CHEAP, as
some of my creditors are poor.
December 8, 1819.
UN pursuance of an order of tlie Orphans' Court of
Mifflin county, the undersigned, Guardian of Dorcas
Ann, George Thompson, and Sarah Catharine, minor
• hildren of Catharine McVey, deceased, will otter at
public sale, on the premises, on
UON'D \V, December *2l,
I? 19, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the fol
lowing real estate, to wtt:
A certain tnes-uage ami tract of land in two surveys,
situate in the township of Oliver and county at" resaid,
hounded by lands • f flenj Walters, John Htinc, John and
William R -s, and 'titters, containing 163 ACKES,
mure or less, except twenty-M.V acres and allowance, at
the east end Of Ihe tract.
AI.BO, one other small piece or parrel of land, situate
in the township and county af.res.aid. containing 111
ACRES and 03 I*KItCl I MS, and allowam r, ad
joining lands of John Slme, jr , William and John Pow -
ell, and others.
T;hv< One half the purchase mor e v to lie paid on
confirmation of the sale, and the f ilam e in two equal
annuel payments, to be secured by bond and mortgage u
t; r ELISFI A BR A I TON. Guardian.
December 1, 1?;:'.
J V virtue of a writ of rcnehtitn i J'.JP reus, to me diret t-
D . .|, will |,c exposed to public sale or outcry, on the
j r- misi-s, in Oliver township, Mil'lin county, on
S.Vri RDAY, Dcccmbrr 22. !*!<>,
at one o'clock in the afternoon of sai I lay, the following
described property, to wit:
The ore right irs a certain trart of land situate in Oli
vi r tow i.shi; , .Mi If in count *, adjoining lands Of Augustus
-t0,.-, |[. Allen, John Hainan, and others, contain
iug liJ acres more or h bring th- right and privi.i ge
t i dig for ami raise ore oil Slid tract, ami of selling and
hauling the same aw ay, and of free ingress and egress to
the said tract of land, to r use and haul said ore as afore
said. Taken in execution as the property of Hyraiu Cow
dry, John M. Wilson, Robert Allen and Joseph Miilikcii,
terre tenants.
I). McKEAN CONTNEE, Sheriff:
Lewistown, Dec. 1, 1819 { id.
N. B.—Purchasers at tbe above Sheriff 's sale
are hereby notified that the amount ol the sale
will be required to ie p:id immediately on the
property being knocked down, or it will he fort li
with resold to the highest bidder.
•vv ft r I R R* TI
it V M W mmJ •
]> I'MOHS impeaching the Solvency of " THE DEI.A
D WARE < ITV HANK " being circulated, whei.liv
holder of the Notes issued by said Hank may he iit.lt. . d
to sulfur loss, the subscribers, owners of uim i. aili-oi
thy Hto-k, an<l fully acquainted with the extent of her
issues and ihe perfect soundness of her assets, do hereby
land ourselves to the public, that the Notes in circulation
will he paid in gold or silver on presentation, during
Hanking hours, at the counter of the Hank in D.Jawat:
i ity The intention of this is, that xvedo hereby guar
antee it. the public the entire solvency of the Bauk, and
thai it: Capital Stock is unimpaired.
GEO. MAX WE1.1,.
rillLll' lIEYBOLD.
Dri.AWARK Crrv, IS, |SI9 -2m nnvSl.
RI L LA, lor sale at GREEN'S
|■ < JUNE'S Rheumatic Nerve' one! Hone
■ * Liniment, for suit? l GREEN'S Medi
cal Depot, No. 11. I,ow^)wn.
12c ri.iittc r con illy tlmsc.
A EAKCE lot of very superior qualify
just received at C. L. JUNES'
nov.'L New Cheap Cash Store.
JUST received and now opening, plain and
embroidered Sack Flannel, lor ladies and
children—telling very cheap nl
have just Ia r 1 y increased our already
extensive stock of winter uooih, and
as the Philadelphia houses arc reducing their
stocks previous to the close of the year, we
liat c been enabled to make purchases very lovv,
and are now prepared to offer our friends
aOO I> II \ fi? A IAS.
Our stock of English and French BROAD
CLOTHS, plain and fancy CASSI.MERES,
SATINETS, JEANS, &c., is very large and
de: Table, and will he sold as low as at any other
establishment in town. V'e offer Cashmeres,
French Merinoes, Lustres, Mous. de
Laincs, Prints, long and square
SHAWLS, of evety description;
French Collars, Cloves, Hosiery, &.C., at great
ly reduced prices.
We sell, for in.-taric-', handsome black cotton
Stockings at cents per pair-
Mouseline de Lntrios at cts. per yard.
Handsome Cashmeres at 25 cts. per yard, &.c.
We now sell boy's boots at §I.OO per pair,
such as some great concerns a reselling at §1.2.").
Men's heavy boots at §1.50, and Ladies' and
' hildrons' shoes in proportion. In fact every
thing in our line is now full and extensive, and
although not so good at puffing as some of our
neigh intra, we will say to those friends that
patronize us that they shall not lose thereby.
We think tiiat we buy our goods as well as any
other concern and will soil them as low (quali
ty considered.) and although we do not boast of
selling as many as half the town, we think we
sell more than the great concern that does.
Lcwistown, Dec. 1, 1849.
At his (Jhl Stand in-Market street,
rf AS just received the Beebe A: Costar
fi B and latest Philadelphia and New York
hall fashion of llats and Caps, and is now
prepared to furnish both old and new customers
with an article, which he will warrant good,
and nothing shorter. !!<> has now on hand a
large and general assortment of
fit ATS AM) C I A PS,
which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or
RKTAI!., on as fair terms as can be obtained
here or elsewhere.
J lis 'finish friends will also find him pre
pared to suit 1 heir tastes. His unrivalled
BROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care
and attention which he has always bestowed
upon them. Don't forgot the old stand, whe/e
you may depend upon not being disappointed.
N. J. R. feels grateful for the generous pa
tronage he has tiius far received, and assures
all that be will spare no pains to give the gen
eral satisfaction that he lias lntherio succeed
ed in affording all who have dealt with him.
Lcwistown, Sept. 13, 1849—tf.
Fall FufcliioiiK Received.
w\ c*. zouj\(;i:iiv
Market street, Lewistown, adjoining Ken
nedy Porter's Store.
\Tll. Z. informs the citizens of Mifllin
IT I and the adjoining counties, that he has
7 sliions, and is now [
to furnish all in want
HATS or CAPS with an arti
cle, neat, durable and well finished,
comprising every style manufactured for this
The care and attention be has ever given to
the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred
by bis numerous Ornish customers, will be
continued; and he feels warranted in giving
the assurance thai they will uot be ilisap
poii ted.
will find it decidedly to their advantage to give
film a call, for his arrangements are now such,
as to enable him to furnish any quantity that
may be desired on the shortest notice.
Grateful for the encouragement he has thus
far received, lie will continue to deserve it by |
continued assiduity to the wants of his friends,
and strict attention to bis business.
Lewistown. Sept. 29. 1819.
8 EST quality three-ply Cnrpets warranted
IJ —selling at §1.121 per yard, such as is j
sold nt other stores lor $1.37 J ntid $1.50. Al- |
so, a splendid assortment of other Carpeting,
Bugs, &.c„ at C. L. JONES."
November IT, 1849.
OF these goods a large assortment on hand,
for sale by the piece or yard very low —
12J cents. 1— : J cts , 23 cts., 21 cts., 27 .J cts.,
11 cts.. 30 < ts. 3(5 eta.. fi2j cts., 7.3 cts ,
cts., §I.OO, §1.23 and >1.30; also a handsome
assortment of Bombazines.
nov2. Now Cheap Cash Store.
R §!SI JlcJicincs, Ac.
fi F oils, iv\ iflrs, &c.
PURR WHITE LEAD, at 82 per Keg
For sale bv
Lcwistown, June 22, IS 19.
U/OUNG Hyson, Imperial, Souchong, and;
I Oolong. C. 1, JONES,
0e27. New ( 'heap Cash Store.
VYERA large and handsome stock of llea
dy-made CI.OTIIIM"G- Boys' do.,
just landed and now opening at.
Candies and Conftclionarij.
\LWAYS on fund a good stock at whole- ;
- sale or retail.
may 20, I*l9. F. J. HOFFMAN.
\FEW pieces Turk Satin Du Chene, 28
inches wide, selling at only §1.23 per
yard. Call and see
Men and Boys, a large assortment at
reduced prices. ('. L JONES,
0c27. New Cheap Cash Store.
| T>\ virtue of an order of sale to mo directed. !
I MJ from the Orphan*' Court of Mifflm roitti
jf' ~ e *P|c to sale, at the Court House m i
tuc Borough ot Lewistown, on
Monday, December J7,
1849, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the fol- 1
lowing described Ileal Estate, late of GEORI.F.
SCHWARTZ, deceased, to wit:
jfcskTwo Messuages and Tenements,/a?
or Half i.ots of Ground, I:';'.,
situate on the north side of Third street, in
Lewi. -town, adjoining each other; the eastern
lot being bounded by property of llev. J Ro
senberg. and the western by property of Wm.
B. Hoffman, each being 30 feet, more or less,
in front on said street, anil extending back same
width to an alley—the lot on the east having
thereon a one and a halfstorv Frame Dwelling
House and other improvements, and the lot on
the west having thereon a one story Brick
Dwelling House with other improvements.
I RUMS —One half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
other half to be paid in one year thereafter,
with interest, to be secured by bond and mort
D. McK. CONTNER, Trustee.
November 17. 1849—td
\\ riDL be sold at public sale, on .VQATLiF,
\ V the 'I Itit day of December next, on the pre
mises, all that well known valuable real estate 1
situate on Water Street, and adjoining the Penn
sylvania Canal, in the borough of Lewistown, j
belonging to the estate of Major DAVID CUM
MIN GS, deceased :
No. 1. A large two story FRAME WARE
HOUSE, most eligibly situated on the Pennsyl- \
vania Canal, and well calculated for the trans- '
aeti .n of business on the Canal and Pennsylva-
I nia Railroad.
No. 2. A large two story frame
j • ■p. DW KLLING HOUSE, adjoining
frbvjr j p | ipjfr the above, well calculated for a
house and store, with a
cellar and wharf opening on the
No. 3. A vacant lot of ground, adjoining the
above, suitable either for the erection of build
ing or as a place of storage.
No. 4. A convenient two story frame house,
adjoining the above, with suitable conveniences,
being a desirable location for a small family.
No. 5. That well known stand for a Canal
Grocery, with Dwelling House and Stable,
adjoining the above, with a valuable
Wbari extending along the whole front.
This is one of the most eligible locations in the
borough of Lewistown for transacting business.
The road way between Nos. 2 and 3 to be
kept open for the use of the owners of all the
above described property forever.
Possession of the above property to be given
on the Ist day of April, 1850, except the YVare
house,the possession of which can be given im
TERMS.—One half of the purchase money
to be paid on the Ist day of April, 1850, anil
the balance in one year with interest, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage on the premises. I
.Mmrs. Sfc., of David Cutnmings, deceased.
Lewistown, Nov. 17, 1819—td.
Bank of Discount and Beposite.
Cash Capital Paid in $70,000.
j tablished at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an
Office of Discount and Dcposite, for the trans
action of the regular business of banking.
Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial •
cities will be discounted at all times, and depos
itcs of current money will be paid, on demand,
in par funds. Every facility will be afforded to
bu-iness men in their negotiations with the
Eastern and Western cities.
Notes offered for discount must lie over one
The aggregate Capital of the establishment
exceeds half a million of dollars.
W. RUSSELL, Cashier.
W. 11. IRWIN,
Solicitor and Confidential Agent.
Lewistown, August2s, 1649—tf.
')AI.MKR'S Business Men's Almanac, for
I saie at this Oltice.
I BENCH and English Merinoes and Mouse
line de Lames, a large assortment ol ev- ,
ery shade and quality, at JONES'
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
fslcw Hardware Store I!
\ WT E have always a large assortment of al
t v kinds of Hardware low for cash.
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
%\7 HKREAS the great rush at C. L. Jones'
v v celebrated new cheap cash for de
sirable and cheap goods has tendered it at j
many times impossible to wait upon all the
customers, many have bad to wait, and some
.being in a hurry have been obliged to leave
the store; this is to infirm all such that there
is now an additional force added, so that all
can be accommodated without delay. Come !
on for cheap goods at C. L. JONES'
Celebrated New Cheap Cash Store.
November 17, 1849.
riMAE attention of Country Dealers, Ped-
JL iars, and others buying goods in large
quantities, is requested to the immense stock
and varied assortment nt goods at this estab
lishment. selling al Philadelphia wholesale
prices. Terms cash and prices low.
nov3. i\'< w ('heap (fash Store.
Queensware & Glassware.
df l ' ari extensive assortment just open-
Nt ,r 2 at l ' ie New Cheap Cash Store.
Gilt French China Tea Setts,
do do do Plates.
\\ hi'.e Iron Stone Tea and Dinner Sets.
do Granite do do do
Light Blue do do do
Floring Blue do do do
Poilet Sets, 0 nieces ; Plates of all kinds nr. !
sizes by the single or dozen ; also a large as
sortment of Cups and Saucers, by the single
Net; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses
Pitchers; colored and white glass Candlesticks;
Preserve Dishes, in endless variety; French
china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various
patterns ; Castors; Tumblers; Glass Jars, va
rious sizes; stone .Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur
key Di-l.es, white, liiue and mulberry, also
steak Dishes to match; Bowls, Pitchers; aauce
Irishes; and a large lot of common Cups and
Saucers, all offered for sale at unprecedented
low prices for cash, at
('. Is. JO NFS'
110 V3 New Cheap (Hl>h Si TO.
; CE.YTRI! Mill!,
Crilr<* Co. !*;.
Gt AKDFiNERK and orJ JJl rdis's who de-MC
' to plant only the b.-st kiJt< l~ of hardy
j fruits, are resrrectlully informed vhat they c m
! obtnin trees here ot all the >no t t < -timable v.- -
i rieties. ir.r:lu.ijirr <'U those winch have received
! the especial sanction of the American '' >ngrc.- r
lof Fruit Growers. (N. V., Oct. l w l>>)
1 lie TREES otiered tins season areol bean
tappearance, extra size, (except
| '£ a few new rare sorts) and from
the elevated locality in which "the
j . Nursery is established, have aii the
essential advantages of hardiness ami enrlv
j maturity, for which trees grown it the north
have been deservedly pr< f. rred.
Ihe advantages jHTssosspd hero are boinv
improved to the utmost, with the view ot malT
i"g this Nursery, in merit,second to none in
i the State. Every tree is ind< hbiy marked
i and warranted correct. ']'! ey will be deliv
; vred in Lewi-town or at intermediate places
: at the low catalogue prices. and warranted
| sound on delivery, if to be shipped, they will
be well packed for the purpose at a moderate
j charge.
It vised that, orders be sent direct to the
j Nursery, in preference to purchasing illy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsible dealers,
at high prices. Such orders, if received in
time, have the first attention.
Reason for fall planting, October 20.
A choice collection of the most admired or
j narnentai plants, vines, evergreens, &c. has
been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sunt to
1 all post paid applicants.
Boaisburg, July 7, 1849—tf. [Dem. copy
rffAHE subscriber Los taken the Lewistown
JL Mil is, and wishes to buy a large quantity of
Ail iiiißh cf (irahs,
for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAR
rt-NDs, as high as the market will afford, accor
ding to its quality. Any person having good
W heat will do well to call and show a sample
| of it, a3 he thinks iie can afford to give more
than any other person in the place, the mill
being situated on the creek, where flour can
he loaded out of the mill into boats, and oil ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling.
If wheat brings a better price than it will nf
l ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in Iho place, and saves
a great deal cf time ar.d labor in hoisting by
water power. On, HE WILL RECEIVE ON STOR
AGE, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
| and give the following receipt:
"Received, Lewistown Mills, of A. 11.,
11 heat, to be kept in store till the first of Au
gust, unless disposed ot' sooner."
When the receipt is given thequa'ity of the
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred hush-
I els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till after the first of August, il wi'l
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. If shipped, or sold to anv
• person that docs not get it ground in the mill,
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged.
If they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will
be clear from high water.
The subscriber will keep
Plaster, Fish, Sttlf and Groceries
' of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to
Farmers, by the quantity.
(C5-FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
1 of Grain and Feed, will ho constantly kept on
! hand, and sold low for cash.
N. B. JOHN STERRETT is authorized to
transact any business in the above premises as
my Agent.
Lewistown, April 14, 1849—1y.
w. 11. IRWIN)
A TT OR XE Y A T L A lf\
TTAS resumed the practice of his profession
JLJL in this and the adjoining counties.
Office at the Banking House of Longeneck
er, Grubb &. Co. Jan. 20, IS4B—tf.
Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pa.
OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo
crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 25, 1949—tf.
' Attorney at Law,
"WWTILL attend promptly to businessentrust
▼ T cd to his care in this and adjoining
counties. Office one door west of the Post
Office. June 16,'49-ly.
.9(itice nho Peace,
CAN be found at his office, in the room re
cently occupied by Esquire Kulp, where
he will attend to all business entrusted to his
care with the greatest care and despatch.
Lewistown, July 1, 1948—tf.
Samuel Hopper,
Is ready at all times to biiiid the best Houses,
and can do that very tiling.
Residence No. 5 ilnle si root, Lewistown.
March ill, 1-19—tf
AI. SoNTCO.IiKin ,
Hoot A: Sho? TCanufactiirci*
CiONTINLES to manufacture, to order,
s every description of BOOTS AND
SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in.hisemploy and
using ~ >od stock, his customers, as well as ail
others, may rely upon getting a good article,
well made and neatly finished.
January 22,1*48 tf.
Molting- Cloths
tvF the i• t qualify St}rinn Mtrstl, AN
f turn* Nr.wp, r< il Holland manufieturo,
imported direct from the manufactory, end tor
■i-i'f .it l.owi-emvn at New V< rk prices.
Terns ca.-J—cloths warranted Enquire ot
V<„ust 1, 1 'lO ViKirt /g hi.