Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 15, 1849, Image 2

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    IVII ii ■ 11 vii ii i;t ICaili'oad.
f. £1 SF£? ~.x( JM? ifv ♦S-'i'K
SSi -w ia.a- B-a. is: a. in rat
-| v tEIGHT TRAIN a now run nvi.e a week between
-I 1 I. wistoun an.l Fliilailcljilm a* follow*, viz : l.eav-
{'iiS, ami Piilt.AliKLt'lll.A oil JUt)JVI>.I Y'-S .'.'A'/>
- riiVRSIhIYS, at 111.' following rates of freight, w Ilktl
include commissions for storage, viz :
Rates fcf Freights per lt)0 remits.
IXIOAI pini.AoEi.rHia 12 ? j"| i £s jI i
iivvr acid Hinicaiinoii, jit 25 30 35
U nicy's, Newport &. Milicrstnwn.; 22 25 32 37
rerrysvitle and Mifitiu, ! 21 2S 35 42
l.rwistown, j 25 30 37 [ 45
Way freight per mile is 2} mills for First and Second
iC'lass, and 3 mills for Third and Fourtli Class.
List of Articles in cacti Class.
FIRST CLASS. Ashes—wood or leached; Bones;
Horns and Glue pieces; Bricks, (not tiro); broken Cast
ings; Clay, Earth, stand or Uravel; Coal (mineral), ire
Wood; German Clay; Headingand Huo|> Pole*. r ""' ,e *
J.iine; Manure; Marble in blocks (unwroug:iC.
Scrap Iron; Plaster or Gy|wnm; Hosts ami Rn'bo K g-.
Railroad Ties or Sills; Salt; Singles •>< **
Tile for rooting; Slaves; Slaves, heading, &c tor cedar
ware- Tar, PH' h and Rosin; Timber, (round or hew n.)
S ECO NI) CLASS.— ■Agricultural Implements; Apples,
and oilier domestic fruits, (green or dried): Bark (ground
or iingrouml); Beef and fork, (salted); Blooms and An
chouies; Boards and other sawed lumber; Bran, Ship
Stutfand other Feed; Burr Blocks; Castings, (iron); Cof
fee ; Charcoal; Coke; Cotton ; F.u then ware ; Empty |
Casks; Fire Brick; FUti in Barrels (salt); Flour; Grain of
all kinds; Grind Stones; Hemp; Hides; Ice; lr >n, [sheet,
bar,-rolled, slit or hammered]; Lard; Lead, (in pit's, bar
or sheet]; Mill Stones; Nails and Spikes; Potatoes, Tur
nips, and similar roots; Pot and Pear! Ashes —Harytes;
Sawed Marble; Soap Stone; Stoneware; Stone fur time
or building; Straw Paper or binding board*; Tallow;
Tobacco in leaf; Whiskey, Cider, and other domestic It j
•mors in Casks; Wrapping Paper.
THIRD CLASS.—Agricultural productions not parti- j
cnlarly specified; Bale and bagging Rope; Beef, [tresh]; [
Beer, Porter and Ale; Beeswax; Brass in sheets or man- j
ufacttired; Bitter and Eggs; Cv*l Steel; Gedarware;
Cheese; China or Queen.-.ware; Clover, i imothy and
■other grass Seeds; Copier in bars, sh.-ets or manufactur
ed; Fish, [fresh]; Flax Seed; G'assvvare; Groceries, [ex
cept coffee]; Hardw ire and Cutlery; Mid. s, [dry or Span
ish]; Leather; Live Stock; Mahogany and other orna
mental woods; Marble, manufactured; Ochre; Oil of all
kinds [including Castor and J.ard]; Oysters; Paints and
Dye stuffs; Pork, [fresh]; Red Lead,[ground in oil or dry];
Ropes and Cordage; Shot; Steam Engines and machinery
of a.l kinds; Tin and Tinware; White Lead; Window
tJlifs; Wool; Zinc in sheets or blocks ; Zinc manufac
FOURTH CLASS—Boots, Shoes and Hits; Books,
and Stationery; Buffalo ami Moose Skins; Carriages, or
vehicles of pleasure; Deer Skins; Drugs and Medicines;
Dry Goods; Feathers; Foreign Fruits; Furniture; Furs and
Peltry; Garden Seeds, in boxes; Paper, [writing ami
printing] ; Tobacco, manufai tured ; Trunks ; Unenumer
ated Articles
To Drovers and others having Live Stock to send to
market It is de-irable they should go in Wednesday's
traui, as the Saturday's train remains at Harrisburg un
til Monday.
PASSENGER TRAINS i n daily, leaving Philadel- j
phia at 7 and Lewisiown at ft) o'clock. A M
.fgent, Lttcietax*.
NOT 1919 -ifcnu, Phi'.udeipkui i
Bacon. Lard, Butter, Wool, Gin
seng, Cloverseed, &c.,
Xlroatl and Cherry Streets,
Advances made, if required, on Receipt of
Consignments. C3~The Cars will be unload
ed at our Warehouse. Produce consigned to
U3 for sale will not be subject to porterage or
storage. C. & B. are Agents for the Penn
>y]vhnia Railroad Company.
Oct. 20, 1849—if.
Commission Merchants,
For the Sale of Produce in
Jiroad, above Arch, IVeif side,
Iron received and delivered to any part of the
City, or shipped as may be directed.
SHEM ZOGK, Esq., .Mifflin county.
Jnstru Millikrr, I^ewistown.
WILUAM Ross ELL, Esq., Cashier of the De
posit and Discount Bank, Lew into wn.
J. W. WEIR, Cashier of the Harrisburg Bank.
Towns end HAINES, Esq., Secretary ot the
Commonwealth of Penn'a.
<i. M. TROUTMAN, Esq., Cashier of the West
ern Bank, Philadelphia.
MORRIS PATTERSON & Co., Merchants, e[~
JACOB LEX &. SON, do. / i=L-EL
JOHN M. KENNEDY &. Co., do. ) j ?
September *22. 1849—Mm.*
mm i co,
€ out mission Ihi'cltaiih,
And all descriptions of Country Product,
Between Race and Cherry,
Respectfully solicit a share of the hu.-iness
from this vicinity, and refer to
iMepsr*. 1/iNGENKt kku, Gi mi &. Co, Bankerg.
W. RUSSELL, Esq , Ca>hier, Lew istuvvn.'
E. E. I/it.KE. Eeq , Mifflin county.
K. J. Ross. Esq Cashier, j ~^,4,
Messrs. I'UNK w MILLER. \
SAMUEL JOHNSON, Esq.,* At arietta, Lancaster
county, Pa.
(j to. M. T ROETM \n, Cashier, of "j
Western Bunk, Philadel'a.
Messrs. JAS. J. DUNCAN & Co., (
and Merchants generally, J
October 0, 1849 —Bin.'*'
Jjifillur, Morocco, otof Shoe
A large assortment always on hand, and foi
. sale by
Lcwistowu, June 22, 1819.
Irish Lineii*.
Jt LA KG K lot bought nt a bargain in
Z* Philadelphia, and selling by tin*
piece or yard at a siuull advance at
oc'?7 AVir Cheap Cash Store.
For six months, 75 cents.
j *rS"All NEW subscriptions must be paid in
if ,i. c . paper is continued, and not
? f with in the first month, $1.25 will beeharg
£d if no " pahl in three months. $1.50 ;if nut
I paid in six months, $1.75; and it not paid in
nine months, $2.00.
Noticrs of Adrertisements.
Proposals for building a new Lutheran Church
will be received at the Register's Office by J. I-.
Mcllvaine, Esq., until the Ist January. Tlie
building w ill be about 45 by 75 feet, and prontis- •
es to be an ornament to that part of the tow n.
We learn that nearly a sufficient amount to com- i
plete the edifice has been already subscribed by
responsible persons.
The Executors of Jacob Byler, deceased, offer j
some valuable property for sale.
The Sheriff advertises some sales.
A runawav is also noticed in our columns.
A sum of money was lost (either on the turn
pike to Milllin or to Bellefonte, we did not un
derstand rightly from the advertiser which) and
a reward of S2O offered for its recovery.
Mr. Ort advertises for some estrays.
President's Message.
It will be seen by the proceedings of Congress :
in another column that the House has not yet j
succeeded in electing a Speaker, consequently
there is thus far no message. ,
Death of Col. James .4. Banks*
Our readers will regret to learn that authentic
Intelligence has been received of the decease of
Col. JAMES A. BANKS, son of Ephraitn Banks,
Esq., of this place. He died at San Francisco,
California, of chronic dysentery, on the 15th of
October, aged 26 years, 1 month, and 5 days.—
Unprepared as his parents and relatives were for
such an announcement—the last accounts, re
ceived but a few weeks since, having represent
ed his health as much improved, arid his pros
pects for success in life flattering—his demise
falls with a heavy hand upon those to whom he
was endeared by the ties of kindred and friend
ship. But such are the evanescent scenes thro'
which man moves—one moment buoyant with
high hopes for the future ; the next " life's cher
ished dreams are o'er," and he lies cold and life
less in the grave.
THE WEATHER.—We have had several -prink
! lings of snow within the last eight or ten days, i
■ but being in a " melting mood," (much to the
discomfiture of the beaux and belles, but not of
the hersrs,) there has been but little opportunity
j so far for a good sleigh ride.
The Railroad is now completed to Mc\ ey- !
town, twelve miles above Lewistown, and the
cars will henceforward, we presume, run to that
A passenger and baggage car were considera
bly injured on Wednesday evening, at the depot
opposite this place, by a train of burthen cars
running into them. The train wa an extra one,
and the collision was caused by the darkness of
j the night and the engineer not knowing that the
passenger cars were on the track. We believe
. it would be a good rule for the company
! under no circumstances to suffer any cars to re
main on the main track during the night. This
would at le3st avoid collision from extra trains,
1 expresses, &c.
DEMOCRACY.—Mr brooks, of the New York-
Express, a whig member of the present Con
gress, has given his privilege of appointing a ca
det to West Point, to the faculty of the Free
Academy, with instructions to bestow it on the
fittest and ' most deserving student.' This is
ichig democracy. Locofoco democracy, which
professes to he the particular friend of the poor,
bestows such appointments on the sons of the
rich, arid lets the poor educate themselves.
luvviv, who was wounded in one of his hands
by a ball during the campaign against Mexico,
had it extracted on Thursday of last week by
Dr. 11. T. Child and Prof. Mutter, of Philadel
phia, and Dr. Thomas Vanv&lzah, of this place.
The ball had penetrated between the bones of
the hand, and was so firmly wedged that the
operation was rendered both difficult and pro
tracted. It wa=, however, successful, and we
are gratified to slate that the General's condi
tion is grestly improved, and strong hopes en
tertained liiat he will experience very litt'e or
no inconvenience hereafter from the painlul
infliction he has been subjected to.
A Convention of •• Fowl Premiers" was
recently in session in Boston, and attract
ed much attention. There never was
such a grand "setting" before, and some
thing was expected to be hatched that will
greatly improve the breeds of fowls, and
persuade them into laying eggs ot a larger
size, if not of a superior quality. There
were chickens hatched in May and June
about as large as turkeys, and pullets four
months old that had broods of chickens.
All quarters of the globe contributed to
this display, and there were representatives
from Cochin China, Poland geese, British
pheasants, Muscovy ducks, peacocks, pea
hens, pigeons, ruffs, fan tails and carriers,
thanksgiving gobblers, wild turkeys, and
white swans—every variety of the leather
ed creation which it is possible to domi
eilate in a barn or induce to habilate a
barn yard. It is said the specimens ex
hibited could nut have been less than 3000;
and die number of visiters is supposed to
have been 8,000 or 10,000. Some of the
low 1> were sold at prices varv lag IVoiu $5
lo #lB a pair.
In our last the proceedings of Congress were ;
brought up to Wednesday evening, without
effecting an organization. On Thursday, Fri
day, and Saturday, matters continued in statu
quo r with the exception of a slight increase for
Winthrop, whig, and decrease for Cobb, loco,
who was. gradually dropped. We give the last ;
three ballots on Saturday :
Twenty-sixth Fallot. \
Winthrop, whig, 102 Gentry, whig,
Cobb, democrat, 7 La Sere, dem.,
Holmes, dem., 61 Stanton, dcin.,
Wilmot, free soil, 7 Thomas, dem, I;
Boyd, dem., 22 M'Clernand, dem.,
Richardson, dem., 6 Meade, dem., o
Harris, dem., t Bayly, dem.,
Miller, dem., 6 H" 01 ' 1 - fl ' ec sol ''
Necessary to a choice, ltd
Twenty-seventh Ballot.
Winthrop, whig, 102 Hackctt, dem.,
Cobb, dem., 0 Thomas, dem . ,
Wilmot, free soil, 17 Woodward, dem.,
Boyd, dem., 1" Thompson, dem.,
Potter, dein., '0 Meade, dem., 1
Richardson, dem., 5 Bayly, dem., 2 I
Miller, dem., 5 Booth, tree soil, 1
Gentry, whig, 5 •
"Total, <&>
Necessary to a choice, 113
Twenty-eighth Ballot.
Winthrop, whig, 101 Miller, detn., 3
Cobb, dein , 5 Brown, dern., 1
Potter, dem., 76 Woodward, dem., 1
Wilmot, free soil, 7 M'Clernand, dem., 1
Boyd, dem., 10 Thompson, dem., 1
Richardson, dcin., 4 Meade, detn., 1
Green, dem., 1 Booth, free soil, 1
Gentry, whig, 5 Bayly, dtui., 2
Total, 220
Necessary to a choice, 11 1
On 'Monday the House continued to ballot,
but without any material change. On the 31st,
Mr. Winthrop had 101 votes and Mr. Potter,
loco, 78, the balance being scattered. Mr.
Moore, of Louisiana, then oifered a resolution di
recting the clerk to place the names of Messrs.
Winthrop and Cobb in a box, and the first drawn
out by one of the judges to be Speaker of the
31*t Congress. The resolution after a protract
ed debate, was laid upon the table, as was also
a resolution offered immediately afterwards by
Mr. Schenck, to proceed to an election by ballot, j
On the 32d trial Winthrop had 101. ani Brown. j
of Indiana, whom the locos took up in place of
Potter, 53—the remainder being scattered for
Tom, Dick and Harry.
On Tuesday, after several ineffectual ballots,
Mr. Winthrop rose and addressed the House
as follow s :
I ask, sir, to say a single word, before the mo
tion for an adjournment is put. 1 desire to say
to the Clark and members of the House of Rep
resentatives here assembled, that it is well
known tu many of my friends—l believe to a
great majority of those who have thus far hon
ored me with their support—that I should haie
withdrawn my name long ago from this protract
ed contest if they had allowed me to do so. 1
have repeatedly expressed to them my desire
not to stand in the way of a satisfactory organiza
tion. or of any organization of the House : be
lieving, as 1 do, that the highest interests of the
country, the peace and safety of the Union, de
mand an organization of some sort without de-
But sir. my friends have persisted in using
every means, and insist that it is under their
control and not under my own. I havp, there
fore, allowed this contest to go on as it has done
to this moment. T now beg leave of you to say
publicly what I have so often said privately,
that nothing would give nic greater pain than to
imagine, for an instant, that I have stood in the
way of any organization which might be effect
ed by this House. 1 desire, therefore, to say to
all my friends that while 1 thank them cordially
for their warm and steadfast support, it would
give me great satisfaction if the\ would concen
trate their suffrages on some other candidate,
and ! shall most cordially co-operate with them
In the election of any other individual to the
: office of Speaker.
The House then adjourned.
The Parkman Murder.
In relation to this exciting subject the Boston
i Post has the following statement:
I The whole subject of the disappearance or
j death of Dr. Parktnan being now fairly before
' the Coroner's inquest, sitting with closed doors,
we hare concluded not to give the flying rumors
of additional discoicries which are current in
the street. Home we have ascertained to be un
i founded, and the facts on which others arc based
do not justify the statements which have been
circulated in relation to them. This is particu
larly the case with regard to certain mortgage
notes given up to the officers by Mrs. Webster,
j when they called at the house on Wednesday af
i ternoon. The two faggots carried to the Col
i lege by the express man for Dr. Webster were
1 trimmings of grape-vines, and the fact has no
relevancy except as it may go to sustain the as
sertion that Dr. Webster did not leave his labor
atory open last week as had been his custom.
The spots of blood on the lloor of the apparatus
room and the stairs turn out to be such marks
as most tobacco chewcrs make.
The excitement appeared to have somewhat
i subsided yesterday, but it was manifest, from
j remarks on every hand that two zealous parties
have been formed in relation to the case—the
anti-Webster and the anti-Littleficld parties—
each exaggerating every circumstance as it is
i supposed to make for its own side, or against
j the other.
It is proper to state that there arc five ways
by which the laboratory may be entered. Two
from the entry leading to the dissecting room,
which entry opens upon the street. One from
the apparatus room above, and accessible from
the lecture room. One from the passage way
connected with the Janitor's apartments, which
passage terminates in a door in the rear of the
building, which is accessible from the water
side by a regular landing. The fifth entrance
is by a rear window, without climbing, when
the tide is up.
mammoth in size, containing 104 pages, 33 em
bellishments, and 44 original contributions —en-
-1 tern the lists with a spirit that evinces a deter
mination not to be behind hand in furnishing an
ornament for the parlor. Among its elegant en
gravings are the Rival Songsters, by Sartain ;
the Conversion of St. Paul; colored Flowers;
a splended Title Page in colors ; a Winter Scene,
tinted ; the Mount of the Ascension, itc. There
. .
is much in the literary matter of this magazine
that we like—an under current of serious things
seldom found in others, and hence deserving en
couragement. Its contributors embrace many
of the best writers in the land. Single numbers
of this beautiful work can be obtained for 25
cents, or £1 will procure five copies by address
ing, post-paid, JOHN SARTAIN IT Co., Philadel
phia. Persons desirous of subscribing can do
so advantageously by calling on the editor of the
At the election in Boston on Monday last for
municipal officers, Mr. John P. Bigelow, the
Whig candidate for Mayor, polled 4600. All
the other candidates had 107H votes The
i \\ In- - carried even ward in the cit>
From California.
The steamship Crescent City, Capl. Stoddard,
arrived at New York on Friday morning of
last week, from Chagres, which port she left on
the 28th ult, bringing one month's later intel
ligence from California, 100 passengers, and
one million dollars in gold dust, including that
belonging to the passengers.
Among the passengers by the Crescent I ■ify,
are several from the Sandwich Islands, inctud- i
ing the Hon. G. P. Judd, Ins Hawaiian Majes
ty's Plenipotentiary, accompanied by Master
Lihohiho, the heir presumptive, and his broth
er Kamehameda. Thev will proceed imme
diately to Washington," and thence in a few
days to Europe. It is said that the object ot :
Dr. Judd's visilto the United States has refer
ence to the late outrages of the French at the
Sandwich Islands.
The passengers crossing the Isthmus contin
ued very numerous. Tl.irtceu hundred it is
said left Ciiagres in two days.
The latest paper contains announcements of
the following nominations, put forth 111 the
Southern style by cards:
FOR GOVERNOR. —-Col. William M Stewart;
Wintield Scott Sherwood; Peter If. Birnctt.
FOR CONOREMS —Hodman M. Price, George
W. Wright, Peter Ilalste l.
A meeting of the triends of T. Butler King
was held at San Francisco on the 28th of Oc
tober, with a view to his nomination lor the
Senate of the United States.
The convention tor forming a state constitu
tion had completed its labors and finally ad
journed. The constitution as adopted by them
is to be submitted to a vote of the people on the
13:h of November. Its publication is com
inenced in the i'ucijic ?\>tcs of Nov. 1, two ar
ticles anil part of another being given.
The first article contains the bill of rights,
the l"ith section of which is as follows:
" Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,
unloaa tor the punishment of crimes, shall ever
be toleruted in this State."
The second article treats of the right of suf
frage, which is accorded to every white male
citizen of the United States nnd Mexico, who
shall have elected to become a citizen of the
United States under the treaty ot Queretaro,
who shall have been a resident ot the Stale six
months and of the district thirty days.
F'<m the Alt a California Oct. 25.
SHERLOCK'S DIUUINS, Mariposa, Sept. 27.
This, t|g. Editor is unquestionably the p.ace
for • big chunks,' but let me instruct you con
cerning these diggings. They were discovered
two or three months since by a man named
Sherlock, who, with a company of seventy
Mexicans, worked these deposits on shares.
The w,rk varies with us, as well as else* here.
In t iijht days, three men t< <>k out 57 pounds
ot pnre gold. And Inst week two men took
out in two days 21) pounds from a spot near my
camp. Sherlock has gone into the mountains,
no one knows where, a:.d we have elected a
new A!ca>!e, who, the day of his installation
into office, issued nn order tor all Mexicans to
decamp, which they did forthwith. We all
intend to winter here, as we can easily make
comfortable quarters. This place is tli.-tant 11
miles from Fremont's discovery, and is much
the ncheet ot the two deposits. Many large
pieces have been recently found here, averag
ing from one to eight pounds, pure gold. The
finest pieces uauaiiyare worth about fifty cents,
to you perceive this is the region of * big
THE PLACER. —The I'lace-r Times of Oct. 1
sayef—" VV e havT seen several from the mines
dunrg the past week—some of them with a
bag tuil of 'dust.' while others were not troub
ied with anything heavy. The following let
ter from a friend will give our readers a com
mon state view ot mining and miners in all
sections of the Placer, although written on the
Middie Fork and dated
6 VANISH PAR, Oct. 10, 1840.
There has been and always will he a great
disparity in the pro lucts of lubor in the mines
| ot tins country, and this disparity is often a
cause of much trouble and uneasiness on the
part of niiiier.>, and more particularly new be
ginners. For instance a man, comes here and
| locates himself; he commences operations;
a ter remaining here some two or three weeks
he becomes initiated and makes his £>l2 or an
ounce a day. -llut just at this juncture of
affairs a report comes troin the North or South
Forks, or somewhere else, that people are
taking cut from 3 to (i ounces a day on some
other stream.
This causes at once a di satisfaction cn the
part of the newcomer (old miners are not so
i easily led away,) he makes a comparison and
says to himself, " I ain not going to work for
an ounce a day when other people arc making
three or tour ounces"—and he immediately
; packs up and is otf for the better diggings, lie
arrives at his place of destination, and finds, to
! his astonishment, that he is worse off' than
when lie started—besides losing a week's time.
Judging from what I can learn I think there is
■ little difference as to the richness of the three
Forks, the North, Middleand South. They all
I have proved prolific.
1 think the North (being the nearest to the
city) has been the most worked. F.tice 1 have
been on the Spanish Bar (now about three
i months) there has been an immense amount of
money taken out. Damming parties have done
the best by going into the bed of the stream, yet
many dams have proved failures; some com
panies have taken out over a hundred dollars
a day for several weeks, but these things are
not common. Miners here are thinking about
going into winter quarters; the nights are
quite chilly, and every one is anxious to get
breakfast tor the sake of being in the vicinity
of the fire.
FAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1, 1549.
Since my last, we have had a touch of the
" rainy season '. Od the 9th ult., a fo* which
had hung over the city tor several days, deter
mined itself into quite n shower of ram.
On the 10th, a violent H. K. wind set in and
torrents of rain fell, which damaged a large
amount ot goods, that were stored in the open
air, and not taken care of by the owners, who
supposed the shower of the day previous a na
tural result of the foggy weather. At n small
estimate, $109,000 will not cover lic- uao>ie.
Some sickness was occasioned by the shower to
persons lodging in *ents, at Happy Valley.
Rents in securely sheltered buildings ad
vanced 100 per cent. Carpentets'wages rose
immediately from sl2 to sl7 per day and about
one hundred buildings have been put up since.
The propeller McKim arrived here on the
3d ult. She has been purchased by Simmons,
Hutchinson & Co. and now runs to Sacramento
city twice a week. Thev paid $40,000 for her
1 understand.
The steamer Mint—n small iron steamboat
which was landed and put into running order
in three weeks—has already made several suc
cessful trips to Sacramento city. A stern
wheel steamboat was launched the other day.
We shall soon have plenty of steam convey
ances to the mines.
From Bayard Taylor's letters tu the. .V. Y. Ti Hunt.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 1, 1649.
This is a stirring time for California Since
i the l i t i lean er soiled the population of the
ccuntry has been increased by about 1 ''"'
emigrants, 4000 of whom arrived at this port
by sea. The excitement of politics has been i
ndded to that of gold digging and laud specu- j
lution. San Francisco was something of a
whirlpool before, but now it has widened its j
sweeps, and seems to be drawing everything I
into its vortex.
The morning after I teached here, 1 went
about the town to note the changes and im- |
proveinents. 1 cou'dscarcely believe my eyes. '<
'1 he northern point, where the bay pours its \
waters into the Golden Gate, wascovered with
houses m arly to the summit—many of them
large three story warehouses. The central ;
and highest hill on which the town is boilt was j
shorn of its chapparal, and studded with tents
and houses; while to the eastward the streets .
had passed over the last of the three hills, and |
were beginning to encroach on the Happy Val
ley. The beautiful crescent of the harbor,
stretching from the Rincon to Fort Montgomery,
•a distance of more than a mile, was lined with {
boats, tents and warehouses, and near the lat
ter point several piers jutted into the water. |
Montgomery street, fronting on the bay, had un
dergone a marvellous change. All the open
spaces were built up, the canvass houses re- j
placed by ample three story buildings, an ex- |
change with lofty sky-light fronted the water,
and tor the space of half a mile the throng of
men of all classes,characters and nations, with
carts and animals, equalled Wall street before
three o'clock.
In other parts of the town the change was
equally great. Tents and canvass houses had
given place to large and handsome edifices,
! blank had been filled up, new hotels had been
opened, market houses in operation, and all the
characteristics of a great commercial city fairly ;
established. Portsmouth square was filled
with lumber and house frames, and nearly
every street in the lower part of the city was
blocked up with goods. The change which
ht.l been wrought in all parts of the town du
ring the past six weeks seemed little short of
magic. At first 1 had difficulty in believing
that what 1 looked upon was real, so utterly
1 inadequate seemed the visible means for the
accomplishment of such wonderful ends.
Latest Foreign News.
In a political point of view the news does
not possess much interest
There has been a decline in Cotton with a
very small business and a dull market.
A treaty of Navigation between Frar.cc and j
Belgium has recently been signed and ratified, j
Among the passengers in the Furopa is the ,
English bearer of despatches.
The rumors of a war between Turkey and
Russia are fast dying away. At Constantinople
trie English ships of war were anchored within
the Dardanelles. The French fleet was near
Smyrna. Nothing further has transpired rela
tive to the decision of the Emperor of Russia,
respecting Turkish affairs.
It is positively stated that the dispute be
tween France and Morocco has been settled by
the Emperor conceding al, the points demanded
by the French.
FRANCE. —ln consequence of the convictions
before the high court of Versailles, 20 seats in
tiie French legislative Assembly have become
vacant Oil the lotfc the high court of Ver
sailles pronounced sentence, par conlumace, of
transportation for life on Rollin and 133
< other persons implicated in the June insurrec
tion. It was also ordered that the sentence
! should within three days following be placarded
by trie common executioner on the Pillory at
Paris, but President Bonapirte refused to allow
the latter part of the sentence to be carried in
j to effect.
SPAIN. —Gen. Garabaldi has arrived at Gib
raltar on beard a Sardinian ship of war, Ten
thousand francs were ordered to be given him
by the government, but he positively refused to
accept them,
ROMK. —Every tiling in the Eternal City re
mained quiet on the 21st. The Pope was ex
pected on that day. A new loan of one million
sterling had been concluded.
ITAJ.T. —A large levy of troops is going on
lin Lombardy, causing great discontent. All
w ho are able to fly are doing so.
'TURKEY. —Letters from VV widen of the 4th
uit., state that all the Hungarian and Polish
; Refugees have been transported from that place
| to Shumla. The first portion of them left on I
j the 30th, composed of four hundred Poles under
ex-Gen. Bern, now Murad Pacha; the second
| portion left nextdny, commanded by Gen. Stein,
now Fehras Pacha. These divisions included
those who had apostatized. The Magyars left
;on the 31, headed by Kossuth. 'I he alleged
i author of the assassination of Count Lnmberg,
M. Delladoff, arrived at Constantinople, and is
regarded as a secret emrnissary of the Govern
i nient at St. Petersburg!!, whose mission is to
! sow discord between the English and French
! Ambassadors, and to upset the Cabinet of Res- i
| ch:d Pacha.
STATES. —The United Stales mail steamer
j Hermann, Capl. G. Crabtree, arrived at South
ampton on Sunday, the 19th November, from
Bremen, en route to New York. The Her
mann had about SI) passengers from Bremen to
New York, among whom are some Hungarian
celebrities. One of them is I.adis'as Ujhazy,
ex-Civil Governor ot the Fortress of Comorn,
who proceeds to the United States, intending
to form a Hungarian Colony. lie has letters of
; introduction to Gen. Taylor, President of the
Republic, to Hon. Mr. Bancroft, and other men
of distinction in America. He is accompanied
by his two sons and two daughters, and by sev
eral Hungarian officers, who appeared on the
deck ofthe Hermann,dressed in the picturesque
military costume of Hungary. Ujha
zy is an aged and venerable looking inan, with
a flowing and gray beard and mustaches, ami
wearing a semioriental dress.
Another extraordinary Hungarian on board
this steamer is Mademoiselle Apolonia Jagella,
who bore the rank of Lieutenant in a regiment
of cavalry during the Hungarian war, and was
subsequently Adjutant of the army in the Ibrt
of Comoiti during the time that city held oat
against the Austrians. Mademoiselle Jagella
is represented to have been present in several
engagements during the Hungarian insurrec
tion, and to have fought with much gallantry.
She proved herself a great adept in street
fighting, and boasts of having slain a lair num
ber of Austrian soldiers. In appearance. Made
moiselle Jagella is far from repulsive, her fea
tures bearing a pleasant but detfTiuined expres
—The contract for erecting the new bridge
at ross the bchtiylkill, to connect the new rail
road to avoid the Inclined Plane with the city
of Philadelphia, lias been allotted to Mr. John
COLD.--Don't suffer with the cold, but pro
ceed at once to O. I. JONES' Celebrated AVw
Cheap Cask Store, and buy some warm clothing.
JONES has a very large stock, and %US much
; cheaper than any body el e.
ever)body knows Hint we mean about half-,
acre of pietorial literature for the Christir..
holidays, all en one immense mammoth she. t .
paper. 'I his year's JONATHAN, being an uncom
moil elegant sheet, bid* fair to distance anvffir., r .
mcr issue in point of circulation and iuiportnmv
The New York Tribune says that over N() (~
copies of the JONATHAN were sold by
Wilson & Co. during November; and that pr,.\.
ably the circulation will reach 150,U'K) bclbn-
Christmas. Its appearance has created eons,,]'.
! eruble newspaper gossip, and probably
Tribune's estimate may be correct. Thr p,. r
is sold at 12 cents per copy, or ten for one doll •-
EfOJOHY.—The amountof money deposited
in the Savings Rank of Great Rritain is ow
-£21,000,000 sterling, or more than one huitl„'i
millions of dollars ! This is an enormous amount
of money, and i the savings of manv who have
labored hard, and by pursuing a habit of st|j <t
economy they have succeeded in maintaining
themselves handsomely, and laid up a com nt.
tencv for old age. The question then ann-J
what is true economy ? In the exercise of econ
omy it is essential to have good judgment— a com
rect notion of matters and things. Every ire'
vidual has in the course of a life time to purchase
a large amount of goods, even if for his or her
own support, merely. It will, in the course of
years, amount to a considerable sum. Then the
way to practice economy in this respect is to
buy for CASH, as it is very dangerous to go in
debt, particularly with the storekeepers, ihjv
for CASH, and buy always GOOD GOODS, and at the
lowest prices ; and to enable the public to at
goods of every grade and quality, at the lowest
possible prices that they can tie sold over the
cost of manufacturing, C. L. JONES is conduct
ing a large establishment on the CASH SYSTEJI,
and his business has now grown to such an enor
mous extent that he buys nearly all his goodi
directly of the importers and manufacturers f -
cash, and sells them at the smallest considerable
profits, and in this way he is enabled to sell his
goods at least twenty PEP. CENT, lower than all
other merchants. Let any one make a calcula
tion of the amount of goods they would proba
bly buy in one year, and they will find that 20
percent, or one-fifth of the amount would be a
considerable item. Let this run on for some
years, and they w ill have a sum saved in amount
of no little consequence.
It is now admitted by all other merchants, a.
well as by the public generally, that C. L. JO.VE;
has the largest and best selected stock of goods
ever show n before in Lewistown, and that he
can undoubtedly buy goods cheaper than ai.v
other merchant—his business being so large and
purchasing in such immense quantities.
Country persons visiting Lewistown to pur
chase goods for CASH will soon be convinced of
the foregoing facts, by calling at the Celebrated
Veic Cheap Cash Store of C. L. JONES, and in pro
portion to the population of this country with
Great Britain, the amount cf savings might be
quite equal, and probably greatly exceed the
estimate made.
Lewistown Dec. 14, 1549.
Paul bji Dealers. Retail.
Flour - - §4 25 §5 00
Wheat, wiiite - 97 1 Hi
red 90 1 05
Rye - 50 60
Oats - 28 35
Com, - 50 GO
Oloverseed old, 3 75
Do new, 4 00
Flaxseed - • 1(H) 1 25
Timotbyseed - - 2 00 2 50
| Butter, good - 15 15
Eggs - - 10 in
I,ard - G 8
Tallow - 8 H 1
Potatoes 50 62 J
Beef, - - 4 00
Pork, per lb. - - 4 41
Wool, per lb. - 28
Feathers 45 45
The Lewistown Mills are paying 90 to
97 rents for frond wheat, 50 cents for Rye,
50 cents for Corn, and 31 cents for Oats.
PHII.ADEI.PHIA, Dec. 13, 1*49.
The market for Flour remains steady, with
further sales of 1200 bbls. standard brands at
$4,75; sales for home use are limited at S4 ~5
a5 for common and good, and $5.25a5.50 fnr
extra and fancy Penna. brands. Rye Flour is
quiet, and nominally held at $3 per "bbl. Corn
.Meal is stationary, with a sale of 4a500 bals
Penna. meal at,4:2,75. Grain—none arrivif!.
and the market quiet; prices remain about toe
same; quotations are 105 ar.d 111 c for prime
red and white wheat; 62i c for rye ; 58 a ."9c
for old ; 50 c for new southern yellow Corn,
and 32c for good Delaware oats.
Proposals for Building a Church,
SEALED proposals will be received by J, me*
L. M'Ij.VAI.NE, at the Register's Office, in
Lewistown, to the Ist day of January next
1 >,50, for the building of a LUTHERAN
CHURCH in said borough. The plan ar.d
specifications can be seen by calling at the
Register's Office alder the 15th instant.
By order of the Building Committee.
Leu istown, Dec. 15, 1849—31.
STRAYED away from the subscriber, re
siding in Granville township, about ene
mile trom Lewistown, sometime in July last. *
Mpale red and white HEIFER,
with brindie streaks in the red,
about 2 years old. Also, about
the last of September, or begin
ning of October, a
and SOW. both white and bothtj
very large—no particular marks
recollected. Any inf*rm"ti"n tfgRSSi~
which will lead to the recovery of said esti*"'
will be rewarded by the payment of §1 fori - 1
head on application to the subscriber.
Granville tp., December 15, 1849—3t
Sleigh Bells.
V large assortment ol Sleigh Bells just re
ceived, comprising every style; tbraa est
least 20 per cent, lower than can la' had cl
where, at C. L. J O.N EC
dec l.i. A< w cheap cash store.
Bar Iron,
I>KST quality Bar Iron for sV cheap !••'
) cash, at C 1,. JONES
dec 15 New cheap cash store.
Six Cents Reward.
1) l NAVY AY from the subscriber an indenu \
\ apprentice to tbe Butchering busim*
named VYILI.IAM DAILY . :i-ed about
All persons are hereby warned not to tiu-. y
harbor said apprentice, as the law wili !,e P u
force against alt persons harboring, trusting i
employ ing him. The above reward, ; •
charges, will be paid to anv person ret"' 11
sau! apprentice. \\ M. Bl H ''
• l.e* l ,er L"' 1*49—31