Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 15, 1849, Image 1

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    Vol XX \ V.~ Whole \o I S*t2.
Rales of Advertising.
One ti'i;ire, 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
1 time 50 l year 8.00
2 times 75 £ column, 3 mos. 6.00
3 " 1.00 " 6 " 10.00
1 mo. 1.25 " 1 year 15.00
3 " 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
" " 4.00 " 6 " 15.00
1 year 6.00 " 1 year 25.00
2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Nptices before mar
-3 mos. 3.50 riages, dec. sl2.
Communications recommending persons for
ofice, must be paid in advance at the rate of
■jj cents per square.
Philadelphia Advertisements.
(PIUS new and valuable medicine, now used by the
1 medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in
llie cure of
pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro
nic Rheumatism, Gout, General De
bility, Complaints of the Kid
neys, Afc., <SfC.,
L* prepared from the liver of the Cod Fish for medical
use, expressly for our sales.
(Kxtract from Ike London .Medical Journal.)
J. B Williams, M. D., F. It. S., Professor of Medi
,i:,e in University College, London, Consulting Physi
4it to the Hospital for consumption, tec., says: I have
prescribed the Oil in above four hundred cases of tubercu
lous disease of the Lungs, in different stages, whicb have
been under my care the last two years and a half. In
the large number of cases, 206 out of 234, its use was fol
lowed by marked and unequivocal improvement, varying
in degree m different cases, from a temporary retarda
; . n of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of dis
tressing pymploms, up to a more or less complete restor- (
stion to apparent health.
■ The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases
wis very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough
was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity
and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became
siower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and
itrenglh were gradually improved.
"In conclusion, I repeat that the pure fresh oil from
the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial rn the treatment
of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal,
dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed"
Ai ve hate made arrangements to procure the Cod Liver
I'll, fresh from head quarters, it can noir be had chemically
tare by the single bottle, or in boxes of one dozen each.
In wonderful efficacy has induced numerous spure-'us
■suali ui. As its success depends entirely on its purity,
wo much care cannot be used in procuring it genuine.
Every bottle having on it our icrtffen signature maybe
iemended upon as genuine.
Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with no
ucti of it from Medical Journals, will be sent to those
who address us free of postage.
Wholesale Druggists and Chemists.
100 North Third Street, Philadelphia.
October 13, IS49 —6to
fit Girard Life Insnranee Annuity and Trust
Company of Philadelphia,
Office IVo. 159 Chesnut Street.
Capil.il $300,000.
Charter Perpetual.
j' i.NTINUn to make Insurances on Lives on the most
- 'irorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and
•trsive Deposits on Interest.
The Capital being paid up ami invested, together with
Accumulated premium fund, affords a perfect security to
tit insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half
yearly, or quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the j
'Frances for life. This plan of insurance is ihe most !
improved of, and is more generally in use than any other
Great Britain, (where the subject i* best understood by
e people, and where they have had the longest experi
*'ce,l as appears from the fact that out of 117 Life Disu
nite Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this plan.
The first BONUsi was appropriated in December. 1-44,
'".unting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the
r<t policies; to 6} per cent., 7J per cent. Ate., <kc ,on i
"rt, in proportion to the time of standing, making an
WUinn of <1100; #B7 50; #75, tec., her., to every #IOOO,
"ginally insured, which is an average of more than 50
I -r cent on the premiums paid, and without increasing
be annual payment to the company.
The operation of the Bonn, will tie seen by the follow
c; eiamples from the Life Insurance Register of the
company, thus :
Sum j Bonus or j Amount of Policy and
•' ey Insured. ' Addition, j Bonus payable at the
| party's decease.
I*T 5] #I,OOO [ flob'oo j #I,MO 00
•' be I 2,500 j 250 00 j 2,750 00
205 I 4,000 ' 400 00 | 4, SOfl 00
" 376 i 2,000 j 175 00 i 2.175 00
" 333 J 5,000 j 437 50 j 5,137 50
• f'.wpHi.gTw containing the table of rates,fand ex
l anons of jhe subject; Forms of Applicaticin, and
"'or information can be had at the office, gratis, in
".'•on or bv letter, addressed to the President or Actuary
B. VV. RICHARDS, President.
ho. F. JAMES, Actuary. [ap2B:lv
' in of the Golden Eagle, AO, 130 t\ 113,
South%>econd street, below Dock street,
j\t-F.PS always on hand a large and fashionable assort- ;
manufactured in the best manner, of the best
trials, and at the lowest ea.h prices,
living refitted and enlarged his establishinen', he i.
' red to complete orders to any amount at the shortest
Constantly on hand an assortment of
Mnlioeniiy I'iiriiitiire,
'-very variety, msnufaetured expressly for hi. own j
"■-►. ami purchasers may therefore rely on a good article.
' Open in the evening
** Orders from a distance parked carefully, and sent
" 'f porti rage to any part of the city
11. CHRK.
"tnfcidelphia, August 18, 16)9- ly.
' ,,J - ~>'l\ Chestnut Street, above Second,
[ 'F Mbscitn-r respectfully s dicils public attention to j
■ "ipnuif iiul t3t ful stock of
[""" Books, Pocket knives, and
' 'ver's t a.es. Oilier Fine Cutlery.
: k H Hold Pens am! Pencils,
OftMing t'nm Hegar Cases,
: Lat-s, Chess Men,
t '' t M'u.ju,., Hack Gammon Boards,
' lf *r !iiniiioes, Jtc . Ac.
nnient const.is of the mo.t fashionable *"*!
''' *t-. !■•, of the finest quality and excellent work
-1 etubrteing every desirable, fancy pattern, which
at a,, rime, be preferred to exhibit and furnish j
"i!e or retail on the most pleasing terma.
''•debater, who desire to supply themselves with
of lie- best quality w ill consult their on n inter
.liiug at this estaldiehment.
F. 11. SMI TH,
B-etk Morula* Hirer. 52. Ut.erl*•# ""1
jLSZZ) W>*g <&2!©LE01&I IMIWII^I I ©WS3 , 7) L^O
Philadelphia Advertisements.
Wholesale Commission Agent,
j FISH, .
i\o. .11 iNorlli U liarves,
Above Race street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia. April 21. 1849.—1y
| I* AI'I; R I vAI*K I: R
A\. 21 Rank street, Between Market and
Chesnut, and 2d and '3d streets,
RUN. 1 D R: L p U 1.1.
rpilE subscribers beg leave to call the attention ofenun
try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing
the different varieties of Printing, Hardware, Writing,
| Envelofie, and Wrapping papers, Tissue papers white
and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, Sec.
Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers,
they solicit orders from printers for any given size,
which will be furnished at short notice, and at fair prices.
Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Rags
So. 21. Itank street, Philadelphia.
October 6, 1819— ly.
Tlie Ureal China Store
miIANKM'L to the citizen* of Lewistown and its vi
cinity for their increased custom, we again request
their company to view our large and splendid assortment
of China, Glass and Queensware. Dinner s< ts, tea
sets, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Class, China
or Btone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers for
less than they can he had elsewher. —in fact at less than
wholesale prices. American and English HRITT.I.VI.d
.MF.T.IL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before
offered in the city Fancy China in great variety, very
cheap. o>We would invite any person visiting the city
to call and sec as—they will at least he pleased to walk
around our beautiful store, and to view rile finest CI na
and the cheapest the world produces Aery respectfully.
So. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
September 22, |Bl9 ly.
Wholesale & Ret a i I
So. 238 .Market street, above Seventh, South side,
\LTHOI"GII we can scarcely estimate the value of
TIME commercially, yet by calling at the above es
tablishment, James BARBER will furni.h bis friends,
among whotn he includes all who duly appreciate its
fleetness, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking
ita progress, of whose value they CAN judge.
His extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in
conformity to the improvements in taste and style of
pattern and workmanship, consistsof F.ipht-Joy
ass' Thirty-hour Brass Counting llonse, Parlor
fi*■.Hall, Church, and Alarm CLOCKB, French, fl;
thic and other fancy styles, as well as plain,
which from his extensive connection and correspondence
with the manufacturers he find* he can put at the low est
cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy.
KrClochs repaired and ecarrante I I l.rk Trimmings
on hand.
CALL and see me among them.
JAM ES BAR RE R, 238 Market st.
Philadelphia, August 16, 1849—1y.
Agent for the sale of Southworth Manufac
turing Company's Writing Papers.
Warehouse Ao, ;i Tliuor St.
1(M) rases of the above superior Pap. r now in store,
and fur sale to the traJe at the lowest market prices,con
sisting in part of—
Find thick F'lat Caps, 12, 11, 15 and 6 lbs , blue and
Huperfine Medium and Demi Writings, bin-and white
Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, Mae while,
plain and ruled
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt
Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad
Superfine and line Counting Mouse Cap. and Posts,
blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps arid Letter*, plain and ruled
blue and white.
Extra suiter Congress Caps and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and while, plain and
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes.
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers
Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain,
blue and white, various qualities and prices.
Also, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Papers, Bon
net Board*, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, Wrapping,
Envelope, assorted and blue Mediums, Cap wrappers.
Hardware Papeis, See.
Philadelphia June 30, 1649—Cm
I'liilailcßpliia Aii dical Hoiu-e,
ESTABLISHED 15 vearsago.by l)r. KINKELIN The
oldest, surest and best hand tocure all forms of secret
diseases of the skin, and solitary habits of youth, is DR
KINKELIN, Northwest corner of THIRD and l .N'iON
Stre.-ts, between Spruce and Pine, a square-und-a half
from the Exchange, Philadelphia.
There is a habit which boys teach each other at the
Academy or College—a habit indulged in when by him
self, in solitude, griming tip with the boy to manhood;
few of those who indulge in this pernicious practice art
aware of the cor.spquenres until they find the nervous
ystein shattered, feel strange and unaccountable feel
ings, vague fears in the mind. The individual becomes
feeble, he is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or
toapplyhis mind to study ; h.s step is tardy and weak,
he is dull irresolute.
Persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of
their declining healtn, losing their vigor, becoming weak,
pale and emaciated.
Let no false modesty deter you from making your case
known to one who, from education and respectability,
can alone befriend you. lie who places himself under
Dr. Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his
honor as a gentleman, and in w liuse bosom will he for
ever locked the eci<-l of the patient
Thousands have been restored to health, from the de
vastations of those terrific maladies by Da. KIAKfcLANO,
German Physh ian.
warded, by sending a remittance, ami pot up secure from*
r>PoT-rAiii l.errrn answered fotthwlth
Philadelphia, January 27, 1849—1y
OF tlie above jfooda a very axtenaive a-.-urt
mcnt ji)Hl open nL'. consistin" of
Market Biaketri, nil eizon
Clothes tio <l
Travelling do do
Dinner do do
Knife do do
Churn?. Tubs, Buckets, Sic .&e &c. &•. .
IH>X3. V E w Cheap Cati Sioro. i
SATURDAY, E€L*IRL2£ 1>, S $-19.
Tlie Franklin Fire Insurance
Company ol Philadelphia,
j / JFUCE, No. liia j Chesnut street, near Fifth street.
Charles N Bancker, George \V. Richards,
1 liomas Mart, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Borie,
Samuel Gram, David'S. Brown,
Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson.
C ontinue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on
every description of property in town and country, at
rates as low as are consistent with security.
rhc Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
affords ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the Company, on Janunr; 1-t. 1846, as
published agreeably to an Art of Assembly, were is fol
lows, viz:
Mortgages, #89(1,55R 65
Real Estate, 106,35* go
Temporary Loans, 124,459 00
Stocks, 51,563 25
Cash, Ac. 45 J57 £7
#1,'#20,087 67
:inre their incorporation, a period of eighteen tears,
they have paid upwards of" one million ttco hundred thou
\ ittd dollars losses by lire, thereby affording evidence of
the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and
lisposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.
CRAKI.ES <7. BANC Kan, Secretary.
For terms apply to R. C. HALE, L.ewis
i"wn. Bp l4_ly-
S2? © IS £>
fi ? * * ls Is OW-wA tl K .
flTllE undersigned continuesto insniilhcture
A Stoves, Hollow-ware, dfc., at the
Old Logan Foundry,
formerly carried on by A. B. LougH Co., and
niters to the public the following articles:
The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a \erv
good stove, and well deserves those high com
mendations so unanimously bestowed upon it.
Also the
Ha! Ha way Cooking Ssove,
which stands unrivalled MI this or any other
country. It has heen tested for the ia.-t nine
years, and is justly pronounced the .Mid
the most durable nrticfe ol that kind ever i." d.
Hundreds uf certificates couid be procured, ;f
necessary. The
of various sizes. Coal Stoves, of every de
scription ; Parlor and Chamber do., tor coal or
wood ; Air-tight do., got up in a neat and beau
tiful style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans,
Pots, Iron Stands,and numerous other article*
of Hollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoes, and ail
kinds of Castings made to order, lie is also
of one and a quarter inch calibre, and intends
to keep a supply on band at ail times,* 'lhe
subscriber is determined to make the ware
out of the very best material that can be pro
cured: and for the accommodation of distant
purchasers, keeps wagons and horsrs for the
purpose of delivering stoves at any point within
eighty miles, free ot any additional charge.—
All the stoves are warranted to stand the fire
and perform well,and if not, the money will be
refunded on their return ; it a piate should break
or crack, it will be replaced free of charge.
There is connected with the Foundry, a
Tinning Establishment, for manufacturing
Tin Ware of every Kind,
where purchasers will please call.
orders from a distance will meet
with prompt attention. Wholesale dealers
would do well to give me a call, as I wili
wholesale Soves and Hollow-ware on as fair
terms as they can be had at any other place.
All kinds of country Produce taken in ex
Lewistown, Jan. 27, 1849—tf.
Great Allraclioii!
Improved Hathaway.
fin HIS great improvement, just got up, we
-5. are ud stands unequalled, for general
use, and snnplicity of arrangement, by any
Cooking Stove yet offered to the public. To
be satisfied of this, we think it needs but to
be seen. It is a reguiur Hathaway, ot the
size now generally in u*e in this country, with
the following improvements, viz:
Ist. it is so arranged that a stout Sheet
|])j| Iron Oven can be put j
>BT" , in at the top, back of
i : V3 the fire, [the flame pas
fe.-fVi 4 " B ii,g under if,j snffi
cientiy large to do or
ilili'r 'sK^ll dlna ' y roa * ll,, g or cook-
m -' an d > heated as
•V.'-y quick as the fire is clev
erly burning; thus a
voiding the necessity
V/T' of heating up thereg-
u ] ar oven f tjr or( |j„ ar y
purposes, which oven when heated, requires as
much fire to do a small roast as would do a
large amount ofcooking. Further, the small
oven being loose, can be put m or taken out at
pleasure with very 1 Itletrouble. When much
cooking is required, it can be kept out, and
the stove is then the same as a regular Hatha
2.1. The Griddles are improved, so that the
top is smoother, the wire handles being dis
pensed, with and a loose handle used to lift
them o.T.
3d. The damper is much more convenient,
by being placed in lh° side instead of the hack.
4th. 1 lie bottom floe is tin; fjiubach, so ar
ranged tiirtt the draft is- the same as the flatlia
N. B. We warrant this stove in every par
We have also on hand a large assortment of
other valuable Cooking Stoves, consisting of
the Star, two sizes, at S2O tos22; Complete
Cook, at 1813; and Ijaubach, two sizes. Aiso,
tli" I'rime. Keystone, and Etna Air-light,
liir wood or coal, at from lli to 35 dollars.
assortmrnent, of beuttiful patterns.
CO Al, STOVES. —For parlors, offices, and
chambers. A iarge assortment of handsome
styles, from $3.50 up.
NINE-PLATE STOVE.—From 20 to 28
inches. A heavy 2H inch at $8.50.
To nil who want stoves we would say come
' and examige our stock.
F.ewi'town, Fept. 29. I* 10.
iron ! iron !
VN extensive assortment of all sizes, for
saie low for cash, by
June 23'49. F.J.HOFFMAN.
SELLING at Jones' at cents, per pound
and quart—also, better quality proportion
al v low. c. L. JONES,
j Lewistown, Oct. 27, 1849.
O OOlf A ARDS of bleached and
J brown Muslin, 4-4 wide and
extra heavy, jus: opening at tlie really cheap
store of NUsBAUM, BROTHERS, j
October 20, 1849.
■mi iii.il n sjiiJ},
R L SI tereived a few pieces more —sell
at tlie former low prices at
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
IjAKENCH Mori noes and Thibet Cloth iu
" nil imaginable colors, from the lowest
grade to the first quality, Just received and >
now opening at
PERSONS in want ot Blanket* are invited
to a large stock just received at
iiov.J. New Cheap Cash Siore.
U- s - Remember these Blankets are fresh
goods iust open d, no old stock.
'PHI- fullest and most complete assortment
JL of Hosiery and Trimmings ever opened
before in l ewistown will he found at
nov3. New Cheap Cosh Store.
Cloths J Cassimeres. .Sattinets.
and VestingSj
"JN endless variety, at every price and quali
--L ty, for sale 20 per cent, below the usual
Pt't*. C. 1.. JONES'
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
Superior Sugar-house Molasses.
E\V Orleans and the real genuine Golden
d- * Syrup lor sale at the former low pricee,
which is at iea?t 29 per cent, under the regu
lar country prices'. A iarge supply on hard at
nov 3. New Ciieap Cash Stoie.
MUFFS. BOAS, Victcrines, &c.
\ilE will open in a few days a large and
' ' handsome lot of Furs, such as Muffs,
Boas, V ictorines, Bellerinrs, of Genett, Lynx, i
Ooohey, Squirrel and Fitch, which will be the i
cheapest and handsomest ever offered. An
examination cf tliw same is respectfully re
Lewistown, Oct. 20, 1849
€ 9 m h rc s. ;
SI Llv, Cotton, and Gingham, a large assort
ment for tale very low, by the piece or '
dozen—so cents, 00 cts., 70 cts ,80 cts ,90
sl 00, $1.12A, $1.25,51.50,51.75, $2.00,
$2 25, Siik at #2.50, $3.00, $4.00 and $4.50.
nov 3. New Cheap Cash Store.
Carpets! Carpets!
/it Jones' Carpet Hall
£ lAN be seen the oaier splendid assortment I
every grade and qi;. , ity—Rag, Venitiao, j
I ram, a nil luij T.a ; RLGS&c. The.se Car
pets tire direct from the celebrated manufac
tory ot A. B. Cu.ton Co.. nr Chester county, '
and warranted good—no auction trash. Call
and see. C. L. JONES'
0c27. At w Cheap Cash Store. i
CI L. JONES respectfully informs the la-
J • dies that he made a large purchase of
Cashmeres when last in the city, at greatly re
duced prices, and is now able to sell a genuine
article o? Cashmere at the extremely low price
of 25 cts. per yard, equal to ar.y to he had at
•>0 cts at oilier places. Caii soon, as they are
selling like hot cakes. —Also, a splendid assort
ment of sack Flannels and many other new
goods just received and arriving at the cele
brated new cheancash store.
N0v.17. ' C. L. JONES.
\IT E have always on hand a fine stock of
? v the following articles, which we are
prepared to sell Wholesale, at a small advance
no city rates, having heen "well bought," pur
chasing almost strictly for CASH :
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Glass, Oil, Ac.
Spices; Cofl'ee, Sugar, Tea, &c.
Tobacco and Segars; Fish and Sail
Nails, and almost every article in Hardware
Saddlery-ware; Candies, Nuts, Arc.
Cotton Laps and Cordage
All kinds of PAPER, and Blank Books
Cooking Stoves; Hats and Caps; Matches.
Lewistown, March 31, 1849.
. 8-4 Silk Plaid Wool Shawls, $2 59
8-4 Cnssimere do " 4 00
8-4 super, pin id wool do 500
10-4 do do long do 375
10-4 do Bay State do do 12 (Ml
10-4 do black Thibet lung do 10 00
10 4 do Bay State long do 0 50
Plain and Embroidered high colored Thibet
Merino Shawls.
The above list with many otlers are just,
opening tins week at the celebrated New
Cheap Cash Store
nov3. C. L. JONES.
Oh! come to my heart then, most treasured and
Though the wide world forsake you, vour home
is still here;
1 here is rest lor your labors, and balm for vour
And your sure place of refuge wherever you iro.
Ihe sweet home of childhood is far from our
No star sends her ravs through the thick spread
ing night:
Though clouds darken round, and the storms are
in view,
This heart is ail summer when smiled on by you.
My bird, how the arrow' has shattered thy wing ;
My rose, how thy fair hues have died with the
My fawn, full of lightness how wearied and spent;
But thy wounds cry to heaven, and the cure will
be sent!
Oh " come to my heart, then, most cherished
and deat.
Though the wide world forsake you, vour wel
come is here; %
No loud winds arising shall break your repose—
No cold frosts shall chill you, so warmly it glows.
I'll lull you with songs, ami with dreams soft and
deep, _
And calm o'er your siumbers, mv love, watch
I'll keep ;
Oh! doubt not the fond heart, lis steadfast and
And strong, like the lion's, with thinking of you.
Some Yankee eays to take a nice girl out
slaying is very pretty, aint it ? And then the
insinuating critters do iay tlie bells make such
a din, there's no hearin one's self speak; so
they put their pretty iittle mugs close up to
your face and talk, talk, talk, till one can't :
help lookin at them instead c f the horse, and i
then whap you go, capsized into a snow drift
together, skins, cushions, and all. And then to
see the little critter shake herself when she !
gets up, like a duck landing f;om a pond, a j
chattering away all the time like a canary bird,
and you a haw-hawing with pleasure, is fun
alive, you may depend. In this way, the blue- I
nose gets on tooftkr himself a lover, before he
knows where he is. But when he gets mar
ried, he recovers his eye sight in little less
than half no time. He soon finds he's treed,
liis flint is fixed ihen, you may depend. .She
larns him how vinegar is made. " Put plenty
of sugar into tlie water afbrehand, my dear,"'
bays she. 'if you want it real sharp.'* The !
larf is on the other eide of the mouth. If his
slay gets upsot, it's no longer a fuuny matter, I
tell you; lie calciies ii right and left. Her !
eyes don't look up to his'n any more, nor her
little tongue ring like a little bell any longer;
but a groat big hood covers her head, and a
whappin great muff covers her hands and she
looks like a bag of o!d clothes agoing to the
brook to be washed. When they get out, she
don't want any more for him to walk lock and
lock with her, but they walk like a horse and
cow to water, in each gutter. If there ain't a
transmogrification it's a pity. The o'ifferuiice
between a wife and a sweetheart is near about
as great as there is between new and liani ci
der—a man never tires of putting one to his
lips, but he makes plagupy wry faces at t'other.
It makes me so kinder wnmble-crept when 1
think on it, that I am cleared to ventur on
matrimony at all. I have seen come bitie
noies must properly bit, you may depend. The
marriage yoke is plaguey opt to gall the neck,
as the ash bow does the o.v in rainy weather,
unless it be most particularly well tilted.—
You've seen a yoke of cattle that warn't pro
perly mated; they spend more time in pulling
ngin each other than in pulling the load.
Well that's apt to he the case with them as
chooses their wives in slayin parties, <,uiltin
frolics, and so on instead of the dairies a."d
A personal friend, who is acquainted with
all the circumstances, has furnished us with
the follow ing details respecting a gun, which
may be of interest to many ot our readers :
Several years ago, .\ r. Benjamin F. Miller,
who resides near Washington, Rappahannock
county, had a favorite negro boy, whom lie fre
quently took with him in his hunting excur
sions. On a certain occasion, he took his gun
out to shoot birds near his father's hause; the
boy followed him as usual; and, either forget
ting or not observing the boy, between whom
and his master was some thick bushes, he shot
the bird, and killed the boy at the same time.
In November last, a man by the name of
Johnson, also of that county, had baited some
wild Turkeys, and had concealed himself amid
the limbs of a fallen pine tree, near the place
to await their arrival. Another gentleman,
named Fletcher, who had by some means pos- !
sessed himself ot Johnson's gun, was hunting
for turke>3 in the sunc neighborhood, and
passing near tlie tree under which Johnson was
concealed, and attracted by n noise among the •
branches, catching a glimpse ot Johnson's head,
who had on a black fur cap, he fired, and the
unhappy man fell, exclaiming, " Lord have
mercy on me!"' and immediately expired.
The unlucky gun was purchased of .Mr.
Fletcher by n gentleman named Cunan, who
resides near Flint Hill, in Rappahannock coun
ty, and a few weeks ago it was again the in
strument of death to a human being. Mr.
c'urran was hunting for turkeyf, near the dwel
ling of his brother-in-law, Mr George W.
Hompton, and coming to some thick bushes
among which were grapes, and seeing some
thing which he supposed to be n turkey, with
out taking a closer observation, hr: fired, aud
horrible to tell ! the unfortunate object proved
to be a daughter of Mr. Coinpton, aged nine or
ten years old. IShe lived until the next day
and expired.— Ya. Tenth Legion.
CONDENSED ARGUMENT —A very celebrated
Scotch divine says:— '• The world we inhabit
must have had an origin ; that origin must have
consisted in a cause; that cause must have
been intelligent; that intelligence must have
been ultimate; that ultimate power must have
been supreme; and that which always was.
and is supreme, we know by thena e- nf'God."
Srrit'ti— Y)f. J— Ro. 8.
4 Juin), wiiut is Geography !'
1 Geography is the history of every thing on
earth except the i-uu, moor, ant! stars, und the
steam bullgine.'
• That's right, go to the head."
' VV'ilJy Chase, what is wie currency of the
i United States !'
4 Cash and money.'
' What are its denominations i*
' ('uppers, bogus, and Bungtown cents, pen
nies, tips, four-pence, ha'pennys, Jevya, nine
pences, Spanish quarters, pietareens and shin
' l'tiat will do. Jones, what is the standard
weight ot the United States ?'
• Scale weight, and wait a little longer.'
' Saipuel, how many kingdoms atie there in
the material world ?'
5 Four.'
' Three—on'y three.'
• Four, I think, sir.'
4 Well name them—what are they ?'
' Mineral kingdom, animal kingdom, vegeta
ble kingdom, and kingdom comc.'
4 George Smith, do you recollect the story of
David and Goiiah ?'
' Yes, sir—David was a tavern keeper, and
Goiiah was an intemperate man.'
' Who told ycu that ?'
' .Nobody. 1 read it ; and it raid that David
fixed a sling for Goiiah, ana Goiiah got slewed
with it.'
' Wasn't Goiiah a giant—a strong man?'
4 \es, he was a giant, but he had a weak
4 How so ?•'
' Why, to get so easily slewed.'
i 4 Yes, George; that was undoubtedly owing
to the strength of the sling. Wasn't David a
musician V
4 Yes, sir—he played psalms on the harp, a
favorite instrument with the Jews, and at the
present day is called a Jewsharp. 1 h?.ve one
111 my pocket—here it is, I'iace it in your
mouth, thus—breathe ou ihe tongue gently,
then strike with your finger, this way—and the
psalms, in harmonious corncorb, fructify on the
ear as natural as thunder.'
4 That's sufficient—you can pocket your harp.
Simeon, how many points to the compass?'
4 One ! father broke the other off opening an
4 Jane, what is time !'
4 Something that flies, any how.'
4 flow do you make that out?'
4 Why, tempas fugit.'
4 Latin : it means that time flies, and how
can time, if it flies, be anything else than some
thing that flies V
4 Excellent! What is the meaning of re
quiescat in pace Y
' Rest quiet cats in peace.'
4 Well, Jane; at latin your are perfectly
au fait—which translated means perfectly
j awful; il is a great phrase, from the classics,
and applicable to this c'ass particularly. Now
taae off your jackets, and 1 will give you 're
wards of merit.' Tnose who get more than
they merit, can keep the overplus as a token of
my special affection tor them ; and those who
j get less, can have the mistake rectified by
mentioning <t to me—you will find me quite
obliging. Pope says, 4 as the twig is bent the
tree is inclined;' and that is very true, for I
have used up whole trees in thrashing your
j-.ckets fur you.'— jV. Y. Inveterate.
BY J. W. O.
4 Madam, will you please inform me of the
number of inhabitant.- in this house?'
4 Sir ?'
4 The population in this mansion.'
4 W ell, there-is eight in the room overhead.'
4 How many ? eight? are they al! adults?'
4 No,they arc all Smiths, except two boarders.'
4 Smith* ! black or white smiths, rnaaam ?'
4 I'd have you know 1 don't Jive in a house
with niggers !'
•1 didn'taiiude tocoior—l meant their calling.'
4 0, that's it, is it; well, it you had been
J.eie last night you'd have found out. fur they
were calling the watch as loud as they could
4 Madam, I merely wish to know how many
people you have in this house, and what they
, do for a living.'
4 Yes, yes, now I understand. Well, let me
; see : there's the two Mullines—that's one—'
4 That makes two, madam.'
4 Well, if you know best, count 'em yourself.'
4 It is my business to inquire, madam.'
4 Well, you'd better attend to it, then, and
don't bother me.'
4 Madam. 1 am rut with the census, and—'
4 Well, you act out of senses, I should think,
to come into my house asking such questions.'
4 It is in accordance with an act of Congress,
4 Well, you tell Mr. Congress, or whatever
his name is, that he acts very foolish, sending
you round axing sich shaller," silly questions.'"
The man left.
4 Well, sonny, whose pigs are these -'
• Old sow's, sir.'
4 Whose sow is it :'
4 Our old man's, sir.'
4 Well then, who is yonr old man ?'
4 It you'll mind these pigs, I*ll run home an
9.x the old woman.'
' Never mind, sunny, 1 want a smart buy,
what can you do !'
4 Oh! i can do more than considerable. I
i milk the geese, rides the turkeys to water,
heinstrings the grasshoppers, light fires for flies
to couit by, cuts the buttons off dad's coat when
, lie's at prayers, keeps tal'y for dad and mam
I when they scold at a mara—old woman is al
■ ways ahead.'
4 Got any brothers ?'
4 Lot's of 'em—al! named Bill, except Bob,
his name's Sam—my name's l.arrv, but they
e iii me Lazy Lawrence for shortness.'
4 Weil you're most too smart fur me !'
4 Travel on, old stick in the mud, I sliant
hire you i',-r boss to-day.'
A wa, f his truthfully said, that if some men
could come out of their graves and read the in
scriptions on their tonib-stbnes, they would
think they had gut into (he wrong grave.
An exchange paper quotes t-om Paul's wri
tings, " owe no man anything," and then add*.
41 wo fV-nr some oi oui subset'. bars never reau
Paul's Emmies."