Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 08, 1849, Image 3

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    Horrible Murder iu Boston,
The principal cause of excitement now exist-
; M! r in (he cities is the sudden disappearance of
j)r. (Jno. Putsv \x, a wealthy citizen of Boston.
Su-t''.'i"i' having been excited against Professor
'A titsTF.u. of Howard I'niversity, a search was
made and parts of a body supposed to be that
of lb . Pat tinao, were found in Prof. Webster's
room ii'td' i the- closet floor. The remains of
bones, mineral teeth, gold filling, &c., were
found in the grate of his room.
It is allege.! tltat the Professor had been in his
room f r - lavs a fit t the disappearance of
Parkmao, 't it 1 > : J doors—had fires in unu
-.! —a r d many other circumstances are
produced to ti\ guilt upon him. Appearances
are certainly against the prisoner, doubtless
lit kittened by popular excitement, and hence it
is difficult to arrive at a just conclusion, ile
may be guilty, and at the same time may be the
victim of a vile conspiracy.
Corrsspordeuce of tfie Lewistown Gazette.
\ iiK, Pa., November IK), 1819.
Mr. Editor —Being at leisure, I concluded
tait 1 couid in no wise bettor while away an
/ hour than in penning a short correspondence
for your journal, and a!tlinu_h I hate no "tre
mendous explosion," "horrible tragedy," or
-highly important intelligenco" to communi
cate, yet I flutter myself my " production" wiT
contain sufficient of interest to exculpate it
from the charge of being an intruder.
On Tuesday rno-ning last I bade the " good
iy denizens" tit Lewistown farewell, and took
my departure in the elegantly finished cars of
the Central llailroad. At 1 o'clock I reached
Harrisburg, and being obliged to remain there
until next day, 1 passed the time in perigrina
ttngr fhe principal tho-ouglifures, visiting print
ing offices, passing through the various public
buildings, and viewing numerous other objects
of interest to be found in that capital town.
Ilarrisburg is a well laid-out and finely built
town, containing a large number of elegantly
finished buildings; yet the place seems to be
improving but slowly. In tact to my optics
Harrisburg is as Harrisburg WAS.
On Wednesday morning I took the stage and
Started for this place; and although the weathf r
was cold our trip was rendered quiie agreeable
by having for a fellow passenger a " live Yan
kee," who kept up such a continuous strain of
lively conversation as successfully dispelled ail
thoughts of the weather. He was somewhat
of an eccentric character—a boiling abolition
ist —and, as he avowed, a universal liberty
man. And hlB notions of liberty were rather
c uiprehensive, as he advocated a universal re
farm in the whole social, poiliticai and religious
condition of the world!
York is one of the largest and most beaut i
fu inland towns in the State, cvntaininga
population ot about eight thousand, and for bu
siness enterprise and rapidity of growth, has
no equal in this part of the State. New streets
are Continually being laid out and rapidly built
up, old houses are torn down and handsome
ii.ree and four story brick buildings erected,
and the whole place presents a stirring busi
ness i ike aspect that reminds one more of our
than an inland town. Among the
uundsome edifices are the Court House,
tie churches, and several hotels. The Odd
Y-: owe Hall, now in course of erection, bid*
:i.r to become the principal structure in the
pace. It is a large four storv brick building,
" niing on South George street, and occupy
g perhaps as much space as the capitoi at
Harrisburg. Preparations too are making to
supply the town with gas—but a few weeks
:emg required to complete the fixtures.
I tie reservoir being found inadequate to
supply the town with water, the enterprising
Water Company have determined upon con
structing wrrxs simi'ar to Fairmount Water-
Works on the Schuylkill, to throw water from
'.'-jdurus creek, in order to sjpply the increas
ing uernand. Thus, you see, York is rapidly
becoming a City ; arid for my part I would not
be surprised if in twenty years hence, it would
"row both and Reading into the
snide. 1 shall leave here to-day or tr-:norrow,
&nd if anything worthy of notice comes under
.. y observation, you may hear from me again.
Yours, respectfully, H. F.
For the Gazette.
Miscellaneous Enigma.
1 arn composed of twelve letters,
j Mj 1, 9, 4, 5, is a kind of fish.
2, 10, 5, is a kind of drink.
3, 2, 4. 5, is an article used entirely by far
[ mers.
4, 5, 6, 3, is a man's name.
5, I], 8, is a kind of tree.
ti, 2, 9, I], 12, is what we often sit on.
"• 4, 9, 11, 10, is shown by many men.
5, is a pronoun.
9. 7, 10, 5, is very convenient in a church.
10, 2,8, 1, 7, is of great use in a house.
.11. 2, 4, 5, may be found in Pennsylvania.
12 1, 5, 2, 6, is a weapon used in warfare.
My whole is the name of a valuable property
• ted in Brown township. Mifflin couritv.
-town, Dec. 6, 1849.
; The answer to " W. K. S.V Enigma,
>'. Ed ui last week's Gazette, is GEVERSL
Lewmu.wn, Dec. 7, 1849.
Ptiid by Dr.oltrs. fietait
■ ;>ur - - $1 25 *5 09
I eat. white - 97 1 19
red - If) 1 95
59 69
i?i3 . . 2H 35
50 60
I "raced old, 9
I bo new, 400
■ ii-ed - 1 90 1 25
' -.thy need - - 2 00 2 50
er, good - - Id Id
I t low _ M 19
"*< per lb. - 4 4£
I' ".per lb. - - 2m
I T"ts . . 4. 45
I. Lewistown .Mills ore jwytng 1)9 to
% ''its lor good wheat, 50 cote for Kye,
"■it's tor Corn, and 31 cents for Gats.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 0. 1849.
' I t-oi u MARXIST continues dull and m-
Ssome hoiceraaak lj*4,Ml per
r ''lniiaril -li'pping brands, but no sales
I ! *" ti reo irtcd. For city use the oalcs
at previous rat's.
' ri. ck is |j. iJ at $3 per barrel, but no
been reported.
Mi;At The | aii i tale of Penneylvania
I. v *i-<—There i a moderate demand for
- and pn, are steady at $ 1,04a 1,93 per
r r '-d, and white at if 1,11.
I , L ,\ |B ir ' limited demand, sales of old yel
■fas9 and new at 4SaSO centa.
" ar e in steady demand, southern at 29
I'-iim vlvmitu at 35 cents per bushel.
KMMit. Montgomery p. Harrison, a giwdaott
oi the late Present, was killed by tlte Indians
"far the Colorado river, in Texas, on the 7th
of October last, while riding- a short distance
"em the camp, for the purpose of ascertaining
the proper road,
IIIE J ACKSON- DEMOCRAT, is the title of a new
locofoco paper about to be established at Bed
ford, Pa., bv Messrs. B. F. Carpenter and
James B. Samson, who promise to conduct it
dectn'lii, which doubtless means that Bowman
ol the Gazette docs not so conduct his.
Revenue from the Publir Works.
Amount of tolls received from the public
works at the State Treasury, from December 1,
1848, to November 30, 184®! $1,638,860 13
Am't received preceding year, 1,550,555 03
In Mcnno township, on the 15th nit., by Rev.
David Slerret, JOSEPH J. WILLS and Miss MAR
GARET E., daughter of Maj. William Wilson.
On Tuesday morning, by Rev. 8. P. I.illey,
JACOB BLLI MAN and Miss JANE, daughter of
Jacob Muthersbaugh, all of Lewistown.
On Tuesday, 27th ult., by the same, DANIEL
BCMC.ARNER and .Miss MART IIENRT, all of De
catur township.
' On Thursday, 20th ult., by the same, SIMON
\ EAGER and Miss ELIZABETH SACER, all of Der
ry township.
On the same day, by the same, HENRY J. DUN
MIKE and Miss SARAH NIECE, all of Oliver tp.
R On Tuesday, 20th ult., by Rev. Jarues Bmith,
WILLIAM F. BARR, of Millerstown, Juniata co.,
and Miss JANE H. CCNNINCHAM, of Dcrry town
ship, Mifflin county.
On Thursday morning, 20th ult., at bis resi
dence in the city of Lancaster, CHRISTIAN BACH
MAN, Esq., late Cashier of the Lancaster Bank,
in the 54th year of his age.
In McVeytown, on Thursday, 22d ult., JOHN
DAMAN, son of William and ilanttah Maria
Macklin, aged 4 months.
On Tuesday, the 4th inst.. GAUPUTII P. En-
MISTON, aged about 40 years.
The highest CASH price will be pam tor
Flour. Wheal, ( lover Herd
Pork, liiirtl, Butter, AVC.,
Jelivered at the Railroad Depot, or if parties
preler, advances will be made on consignment
md returns made in par funds as soon as sales
are effected.
Lewistown, Dec. 8, 1849—3m0.
11E SP( )CK HOLDERS of the Lewistown
1. and Tusctirora Bridge Company are re
quested to meet at the TOLL HOUSE at the
Bridge, in the borough of Lewistown. on the
FIRST MONDAY of January next, (I-.7(1)
to choose by ballot one President six Mana
gers, and one Treasurer, to conduct the busi
ness of said Company for one year thereafter
December 8, 1849—td.
Assessment Transcripts.
SEVERAL of the Transcripts of different
Townships were borrowed from the I 'am.
mtssiouer's office by the township officers, from
which to make township Dup'icates, which
have not been returned. Persons who have
them are requested to make immediate return
of them to the office. Bv oritpr of the Board
11. J. WALTERS, Clerk.
Lewistown, Dec 1849—St.
_ SX<0)2F8<BIBo
N'OTICE is hereby given to all persons having
tate of GEORGE W. OLIVER, dee d, that the
subscribers will attend at the late residence of
said deceased, iri Oliver township, on TUES
DAY, the 18th day of DECEMBER, and the three
ensuing days, for the purpose of settling up the
accounts of said deceased, of which all persons
interested wiii take notice.
•Administrators of said deceased.
December 8 IS4*J—2t
TIN HE following drstribed property situated
A on Hale street, Lewistown:
One Ice House, Rent $l5O per annum,
do Dty Dock &- Yard, do 150 do
do Carpenter Shop, do 50 do
Fout vacant Lots, do 20 do
A LSO the following property on Charles St. :
One dwelling, 4 rooms, rent $45 per annum,
do do do do do 40 do
do do do do do 40 do
do do do do do 40 do
do do 5 do do 40 do
do do do do do 41 do
Four vacant lots, do 20 do
One vacant lot on Main street, 5 do
ALSO the following property in /Jerry tp.:
One dwelling, 2 rooms, rent S2O per annum,
do do 5 do do 30 do
do do 5 do do 40 do
do do 3 do do 30 do
do Sawiniil on Jajk's Creek
with timber leave, rent S9OO do
do do do do 700 do
do Smith Shop, do 20 do
GO acres of Farm Land, do 100 do
One dwelling. 5 rooms, do 40 do
do do 0 do do 50 do
Stone leave in the Narrow®, 50 do
do on Jack's Creek 30 do
Wood leave on 1400 acres, 50 eta. per cord.
(£7- Persons wishing to RENT any of the
above property must contract for the same on
or before the TWENTY-FIFTH inst. I will
SELL any of the above property CHEAP, as
some of my creditors are poor.
December 8, 1849.
A uriitor's l%(icc-
TUB undcrftinix'd Auditor, appointed hy the Orphan's
Court of Mifflin county to report on I tie eieeptkin*
filed 23.1 March, InitT, to the Adinii.nurut.ori Account <>f
J-'RAM LA LLUI.F.H, Administrator of KOIIf.RT (IAMHI.E,
deceased, appoint*. SJtTVHDA Y, the Uh of January vnt,
for l.i-arii'if an id exception* at liia offlca in Lewiclown,
where pari ICH lutereMed may attend if they Ihink proper.
Dec. 8, IS43—ft. Audit, r
BEST quality three-ply Carpets warranted
—selling at $1,124 per yard, such as is
sold at other stores fbr $1.37£ and $1.50. Al
so, a splendid assortment ot other Carpeting,
Rugs, &lc. , at I • 1.. JO,\KB.
November 17 1819.
' L." II Mi. III! M
PALMER'S Business Men's Almanac, for
pm le at tins Office.
RILI.A, fi>r sale at GREEN'S
Mackerel, Shad and Salt.
JONES' is the place to buy them cheap.
n0v.17. C. L. JONES.
FFORN'E'S Rheumatic Serve and Banc
*-*- Liniment , for sale at GREEN'S Medi
cal Depot, No. 11, Lewis-town.
Herkimer coiiufy Cheese.
A LARGE lot of very superior quality
• L ™- just received at C. 1.. JONES'
nov'3. New Cheap Cash Stoie.
JUS I' received and now opening, plain and
embroidered Sack Flannel, tor ladies and
children—selling very cheap at
"Fi/OUNG llyson, Imperial, Souchong, and
X Oolong. C. L JONES,
0c27. Sew Cheap Cash Store.
k VER Y large and handsome stock ol Ren
/X dy-made CLOTHIEfG. Rays' do.,
just landed and now opening at
Clant.lics and (Joafcctionary.
A I.W'AYS on hand a good stock at whole
i"A sale or retail,
may 26, 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN.
\FEW pieces Turk Satin I)u Chetie, 28
. inches wide, selling at only $1.23 per
I'ard. ('all and see
Men and Boys, a large assortment at
reduced prices. C. L. JONES,
OC'27 Sew Cheap Cash Store.
iron ! iron !
A N extensive assortment of ail sizes, lor
* sale low lor cash, by
lune 23 '49. F. J. HOFFMAN.
IMi at Jones' at 6} cents. p ; -r pound
•T5 and quart—aiso, better quality proportion
tbly low. C. L. JONES.
Lewistown, Oct. 27, 1849.
"i C| i ARDS of bleached and
I I"*UUU brown Muslin, 4-4 wide and
:xtra heavy, just ooening at the really cheap
•tore of ' NUsBAUM, BROTHERS.
October 20, 1-i49.
m>i ißMii Mml
WLSI received a few pieces more—sell
at the former low prices at
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
Merinoeg and Thibet CloLh in
all imaginable colors, from the lowest
jrade to the first quality, ust received and
low opening at
I"J ER SON'S in want of Bankets are invited
to a largo otock just received at
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
P. S. Remember these Blankets are fresh
jood.sju.it opened, no old stock.
Superior Sugar-house Molasses.
EVV Orleans and the real genuine Golden
i 1 Syrup for sale at the former low prices,
.vhich is at least 29 per cent, under the regu
ar countrv prices. A large supp'v on hard at
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
MUFFS. BOAS. Victorines. &c.
II r E will open in a few days a mrge ami
v handsome lot of Furs, such as Muffs,
Unas, Victorines, Bellerinos, of Genett, Lynx,
oon y, S(juirrel and Fitch, which will be the
cheapest and handsomest ever offered. An
examination tf the same 13 respectfully re
Lewistown, Oct. 20. 1849.
f 9 hi h re a
Sll.lv. Cotton, and Gingham, fi large nssort
ment for sale very low, by the piece or
Jozen —30 cents, 60 cts., 79 cts , 80 cts . 90
•ts.. $1 00, $1,124, $1.23. $1.50,51.73, $2 (10,
$2 25, Silk at $2.30, $3 00, SI.OO hik! $4 39.
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
gfclSli**. iTlciliciiics, Vc.
■ p OILS, PAIN PS, &c.
PURE WHITE LEAD, at 82 per Keg
For sale bv
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
HAT & <AI# —)
At his Old Stand in .Mat Let street,
HAS just received the Bcebe lit- Costar
and latest Philadelphia and New York
Fall Fashion of lints and Caps, and is row
prepared to furnish both old and new customers
with an article, which he will warrant good,
and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a
large and general assortment of
which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or
RETAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained
here or elsewhere.
His Ornish friends will also find him pre
pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled
It ROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care
and attention which lie has always bestowed
upon them. Don't torget the old stand, whe.e
you may depend upon not being disappointed.
N J R. fee la grateful fur the generous pa
tronage he fins thus far received, and assures
all that he will spare no pains to give the gen- j
eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed
ed in affording ull who have dealt with him. j
Lewistown, Sept 13, 18|9-—tf.
YV ' ,ave jusl lur>ly increased our already
I .f* ,et ' 8 ' ve *T™.-k of WINTER UOUDS, and
as the 1 niladelphia houses are reducing tlieir
stocks previous to the close of the year, we
have been enabled to make purchases very low,
and are now prepared to olfer our friends
aoo ) ej Ina i i 8 .
Our stock of English and French BROAD
CLOTHS, plain and fancy CASSIMKIIES
SA 1 IIN LI S, J LANS, &c., is very large and
desirable,and will be sold as low as at any other
establishment, in town. V'e offer Cashmeres,
French Merinoes, Lustres, Mous. de
Laines, Prints,long and square
SIIAWLS, of eveiy description;
French Collars, (iloves, Hosiery, &c., at great
ly reduced prices.
We sell, for instance, handsome black cotton
Stockings at ti_| cents per pair.
Mouselinc de Lames at 12£ c!. per yard.
Handsome Cashmeres at 25 cts per yard, &c
We now sell boy's boot- at SI.OO per pair,
such as some great concerns;.reselling at $1.25.
Men s heavy boots at $1 .V), and Ladies' and
Ctiildrens" shoes in proportion. In fact every
thing m our lint? is now full and extensive, and
although nut so good at pufiing as some of our
neighbors, we will say to those friends that
patronize us that they shall not lose thereby.
\V e think that wc buy our goods as well as any
other concern and wil' sell them as low (quali
ty considered ) and although we do not boast of
selling as many us liaif the town, we think wc
sell more than the sreat concern that does
Lewistown. Dec. 1. 1849.
I \ (Hirstiatirr* of an ortf -r of ihtt Orphans* Court of
Miiilin coo fit \ - tli'. 4 untl rsigned, Guard) in of Dorcas
Ano. G.orce Thompson, and Sarah Catharine, minor
lii'dren of < atharine M\ev, deceawd, will ofter at
pub!i sale, on the premises, on
HO t O tV, Decembt'i' il,
ISI9, at one t>'cl<>rk in the afternoon of sai.l day. the f.il
lowing real estate, to wit:
A certain iuo'Miage ftud i;act of lain] in two surveys,
situate in thy township of Oliver and county aforesaid,
urtded by lands - f H sij Walters, John Siine, John and
William lit-**, and others, containing 103 ACKES,
more or !<•*, except tweot\-six acres and allowance, at
he east end of th tract
Al£(J, one other small pier#* or parcel of land, Micule
n the township and county aforesaid, containing 13
AC 21,.S and .>3 ('II and allowance, nd
oinin-lands - f John r?tine, jr., William and John Pow
!f, ami others.
TBBU* -One half ;he pun base money to be paid on
ronfirmati. n of ihe sale, and the balance M two equal
tnnual paynit ills, to he secured by* bond and iiiortgrvon
lie premises.
ELISIIA BRA 1 TON, Guardian.
December I, Ist'J.
I)\ virtue of aw rit of I'endHtuui Kxponut, to nierlirect
<-<!, will lie exposed to public sale or outcry, on Ihe
lremisen, in Oliver township, Mifflin county,on
SATI'RD.4I'. Drcrinbcr 22, h i!).
it one o*. I.M k in the afternoon of saiu iliy, the following
les< ribeil property, to wil:
The ore right in a certain tract of land gitinte in Oli
••r low risino, V ifflin countv. Hiijoimng land* 5( Augustus
'•line. Ceo. II Allen. John Hainan, ami others, contaiu
ng 129 acre* more or less, being the right and privilege
0 die for and raise ore on said tract, aud of selling and
■auling the same away, and of free ingress and egress to
he said Iran of land, to raise and haul said ore as afore
nid Taken in execution as the property of ll.rarn Cow
try, John M. Wilson, Robert Allen and Joseph Milukcn,
erre tenants.
Lewistown, Dec. 1, 1849 \ td.
B. Purchasers at the above Sheriffs sale
ire hereby notified that the amount ol the sale
a ill be required to be paid immediately on the I
property be ing knocked down, or it will be forth
with resold to the highest bidder.
IT C T I "b 3 .
l)t MOIIS iiipeai hug in. solvency of " THE DELA-
B \V\UE CITY HANK" being circulated, whereby
holder* of the .Notes issued by said Hank may he induced
!o suffer loss, the subscriber*, owners of nine-tenths of
he stock, and fully acquainted with the extent of her
issues and Ihe ;H-rfert soundness of her assets, do hereby
rind ourselves to ihe public, that ihe Note* in circulation
will be paid in gold or silver on presentation, during
II inking hours, at the counter of the Hank in Delaware
it v. Jin* intention of this is, that we do hereby guar
mtee to ihe public the entire solveucy ol lhe Bank, and
hit its liiit il >ln, kis utmnpaired
tiKO MAX WE1.1..
J\l> M KEN'.NED\
Di I.awark fit v, O. t IS, lh|y -2,n nov2l.
MAME to 110 premises of the undersigned in Derry
township, sometime hi May last,a IIIUNDLE HILL,
iboul two year* old, with no other particular marks.
1 he owner is requested to call, prove property, pay
charges and take him away
w. F. SHAW.
Derry township, December 1, 16l'J-3t.
OF these goods ;t larifo assortment on baud, ,
for sale by the piece or van! very low —
124 rents, cts., 25 cts., 31 cts., 374 t-ts., •
14 cts., 5(1 cts. 50 cts., (IxR eta, 75 cts,
cts., $1.90, tjil.2s and 81.50; also a handsome
issorlment of Bombazines.
nov.'l. New Ch*ap Cash Store.
fti 11 I'anliioiis Received.
w. a.
Market street, Lewistown, adjoining Ken - i
nedy \ l'urter's Store.
\ I R- Z. informs the citizens ol Mifflin
:* 9 and the adjoining counties, that he has
Kjtist received the tail la■
si)ions, and is now | repnred
to furnish all in want
new HaTS or CAPS with an arti
cle, ncftt, durable and well finished,
:oinprising every style manufactured for this
The care and attention he has ever given to
the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred
liy Ins numerous Ornish customers, will be :
continued; arid lie feels warranted in giving
the assurance that they will not be disap
will find it decidedly to their advantage to give
liirn a call, for his arrangements arc now such, j
ts to etitbie him to furnish any quantity that
may be desired on the shortest notice.
Grateful for the encouragement he has thus I
far received, he will continue to deserve it, by
continued assiduity to the wants of his friends,
itnd strict attention to his business.
Lewistown, Sept. 29. I S I9.
Boalsburg, Centre Co. Pa.
f lAKDENERS anJ orchardists who desire
Vd to plant only the very beet kinds of hardy
fruits, are respectfully informed that they can
1 obtain trees here of all the most estimable va-
I rieties, including all those which have received
' the especial sanction of the American Congress
iof Fruit Growers. (.\. Y., Oct. IK4K)
The TREES offered this season arc of beam
; appearance, extra size, (except
<gS||!gsiiig a few new rare sons) and from
elevated locality in which the
Nursery is established, have all the
essential advantages of hardiness and early
maturity, for which trees grown at the north
have been deservedly preferred.
The advantages possessed here are beimr
| improved to the utmost, with uie view ot mak
ing this Nursery, in merit, second to none in
j t.ic State. Every tree is indelibly marked
I and warranted correct. They will be deliv
• red in Lewistown or at intermediate places
at the low catalogue prices, and warranted
i sound on delivery. If to be shipped, they will
be well packed for the purpose at a moderate
I charge.
It is advised that orders be sent direct to the
: Nursery, in preference to purchasing illy ns
sorted trees, from often irresponsible deii'ers,
at high prices. Such orders, if received in
\ time, have the first attention.
Si ason for fall planting, October 20.
A choice collection of the most admired or
! namental plants, vines, evergreens, &c. has
; been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to
j all post paid applicants.
Boulsburg, July 7, 1849—tf. f Dem. copy
~IN IIE subscriber has taken the Lewistcwn
.L Mills,and wishes to buy a large quantity of
ASS Eiitifi* f (iri-ahi,
for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAK
fi*ND9, as high as the market wit! afford, accor
ding to it-4 quality. Any person having good
V\ heat will do well to call and show a sample
: of it, as he thinks he can afford to give more
than any other person in the place, the mill
being situated on Hie creek, where flour can
■ be loaded out of the mill into boats, and ail ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
| besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling.
I: wheat brings a better price than it will af
i lord to grind, lie has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
j convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great deal ot time ar.d iabor in hoisting by
i water power. OR, HE WILL RECEIVE ON STOR
wr, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
; and give the following receipt:
" Received, Le wist men \iills, of A./?.,
Wheat, to he kept in store till the first of Au
gust unless disposed of sooner."
When the receipt is given the quality of the
wheat w ill be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any troublp when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till aller the first of August, it will
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. if shipped, or sold to anv
person that does not get it ground in the mill, !
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged. '
It they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will
beciearfro.n high water.
I he subscriber will keep
I'Lisfcr, Fili, Salt mill Groceries
of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to
Farmers, by the quantity.
CO-FLOUR. MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
hand, and sold low for cash.
N. 1). JOHN STERRETT is authorized to
transact any business in the above premises as
iny Agent.
Lewistovvn, April 14, 1849—1y.
w. 11. IRWIX,
£ P \S resumed the practice of his profession
l l in this and the adjoining counties.
Office at the Banking House of Longeneck
er, Grubb & Co. Jan. 20, 1848—tf.
.4 TT o R y/; RA T LA IF,
f.nvistovn, Mifflin County, Pa.
(\FFIOE two doors west of the True Demo
/ crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 2.", 1849—tf.
Wo Uo
Attorney at Law,
nj 1 LI. attend promptly to business entrust
ed to Ins care in this and adjoining
counties. Office one door west of the Post
Office. June 16,'49-ly.
Justice ot'ilic Peace,
("IAN be found at his office, in the room re-
J cently occupied by Esquire Kulp, where
he will attend to all business entrusted to his j
care with the greatest care and despatch.
Lewistown, July 1, 1818—tf.
Samuel Hopper,
Is ready at all limes to build the best Houses,
and can do that very thing.
Residence No. 5 llale street, Lewistown.
March 31, 1849—tf
Hoot A Shoe ll;iiiiif*acl,ii-fi*
CIONTINUES to manufacture, to order,
' every description of BOOTS AND
SHOES, in the most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in his employ and
using good stock, his customers, as well as all
others, may rely upon getting a good article,
well made and neatly finished.
January 22,1848—tf.
Bolting Cloths
OF the best qnaiity SQUARE MESH, AN
CHOR STAMP, real Holland manufacture,
imported direct from the manufactory, and for
sale at Lewistown at New York prices.
Terms cash—cloths warranted. Enquire of
August 4, l a l9 *lil!trrit;ht,
1"> Y v trior- ol an order at fait* to me directed,
3 from the Orphin.-' Court of M ft. ti C"i.ti
ty, I will expose to sa'r, at the Court House in
the Borough of Lewistown, on
Jfioiiflaj, Ikcctiiiin' 87,
1 1549, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the f
lowing described Real J. FATE, (ate of GE<>KUE
1 SCHWARTZ, deceased, to wit :
* vvo Messuages and
or H id Ijots of Ground, . tiL
-I'uate on the north side of Third street. 111
. Lewifctown, adjoining each other, the eastern
lot being bounded !y property of Rev. J Ro
• i: ' ( ' l ' le Wlster " by property of Win.
J< <**?ch h: ng 39 feet, more or IPSF,
in .rout on said >trcet. and extending back same
width to an a.iey—the Jot on i ite ensi having
thereon a onear.d a halt story Frame Dwelling
j House and other improvements, and the lot on
the west having thereon a one story Brick
Dwelling House with other improvements,
j I KRMS —One had ut tlit purchase money to
be pa:d on continuation of the sale, and the
other half to be paid in out year thereafter,
with interest, tu be secured by bond and mort
D. McK. CONTNER, Trustee.
November 17 1819—td
TTJILL be sold at public sale, on .VO.\Y).il',
\ V the 24f/< day of December next , on the pre
; niises, all that well known valuable real estate
situate on Water Street, and ad ji i ting the Penn
sylvania Canal, in the borough of Lewistown,
belonging to the estate of Major DAVID CUM
j MINGS, deceased :
No. 1. A large two story FRAME WARE
HOUSE, most eligibly situated on the Pennsyl
. vania Canal, and well calculated for the trans
• action of business on the Canal and Pennsylva
nia Railroad.
NO. 9. A large two story frame
i'J si£# *' ie a b° v e, well calculated for a
' f welling house and store, with a
j ' cellar and wharf opening on the
! Canal.
No. 3. A vacant lot of ground, adjoining the
above, suitable either for the erection of build
: ing c i as a place of storage.
No. 4. A convenient two story frame house,
adjoining the above, with suitable conveniences,
being a desirable location for a small family.
No. 5. That well known stand for a Canal
ytasV.Grocery, with Dwelling House and Stable,
the above, with a valuable
Wharf extending along the whole front.
This is one of the mo-t eligible locations in the
borough of Lewistown for transacting business.
The road way between Nos. 2 and 3 to be
kept open for the use of the owners of all the
above described property forever.
Possession of the above property to be given
on the Ist day of April, 1850, except the Ware
house, the possession of which can be given ira-
I mediately.
TERMS.—One half of the purchase money
to be paid on the Ist day of April, 1850, and
| the balance in one year with interest, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage on the premises.
xldtnrs. &fc., of David Cuminings, deceased.
Lewistown, Nov. 17, 1849—td.
Bank of Discount and Deposite.
C:t*li Capital Paid in §70.000.
j tabiished at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an
Oiiice of Discount and Deposite, for the trans
action of the regular business of banking.
Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial
cities w ill be discounted at all times, and depos
ites of current money will be paid, on demand,
in par funds. Every facility will be afforded to
I business men in their negotiations with the
Eastern and Western cities.
Notes offered for discount must lie over one
i day.
The aggregate Capital of the establishment
exceeds half a million of dollars.
W. RUSSELL, Cashier.
W. 11. IRWIN,
Solicitor and Confidential Agent.
Lewistown, August 25, 1849 —tf.
New Hardware Store '!
TUS7E have always a large ass^iu.n-nt ofal
* kinds of Hardware low for cask.
Lewistown, June 23, 1549.
Direct from Rio Janiero.
j a large LOT .r prime COFFEE,
■ / ™- bought before the late advance or.
I that article, selling cheap at
JO VEV .Yeu> Cheap Cash Store
October 27. 1848.
HEREAS the gieat rush at C. L.Jones'
▼ * celebrated new cheap cash store for de
sirable and cheap goods has tendered it at
many times impossible to wait upon ai! the
customers, many have had to wait, and some
being in a hurry have been obliged to leave
the store; this is to inform ail such that there
is now an additional force added, so that all
can be accommodated without delay. Come
j on for cheap goods at C. L. JONES'
Celebrated New Cheap Cash Store.
November 17, 1849.
mum if 'tmmAU
rjAHE attention of Country Dealers, Ped-
JL lars, and others buying goods in large
quantities, is requested to the immense stock
and varied assortment of goods at this estab
lishment, selling at Philadelphia wholesale
prices. Terms cash and prices low.
nov3. .Y nc Cheap (Jash Store.
Queensware & Glassware.
fV UiTE an extensive assortment just open
ing at the New Cheap Cash Store.
Gilt French China Tt a Setts,
do do do Plates.
White Iron Stone Tea and Dinner Sets.
do Granite do do do
Light Blue do do do
Fioring Blue do do do
Toilet Sels, ti pieces; Plates of all kinds an 1
sizes by the single or dozen ; also a large as
sortment ol Cups and Saucers, by the single
Set; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses
Pitcher.-; colored and white glass Candlesticks;
Preserve Dishes, in endless variety; French
china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various
patterns; Castors ; Tumblers ; Glass Jars, va
rious sizes; stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur
key Dishes, white, blye and mulberry, also
steak Dishes to match; Bowls, Pitchers; sauce
Dishes; and a latge lot of common Cups and
Saucers, all uttered for sale at unprecedented
low prices for cash, at
novß New Cheap Cash Store.