I, a f J"■*" THIIiMPIIAOT SUCCESS!! UNABATED ATT It ACTIO)*! ir i* NEW CHEAP CASH STORE continues to bo the great resort of all ■ ff|\ people in want nt' good and cheap goods of every description. Goods M V,t,- store at ieast TVVEXTY PER CENT, lower than any other store in Lew -fow,' fhe ourchases being made in Philadelphia and New York for cash of the importers and manufacturers, enables the subscriber to get goods lower than all other merchants, as lie buys t nnaritities sufficient to ntakc at least ten per cent.; and ogam, the amount of his business be inemuch larger than any other store, and nearly < qual to 'he business <•? a! the others com bined enables him to sell at a very small profit, and be does assure ue peopl" f v; tjwn ofid Of the surrounding country that he will continue -this eyaten of bustrv , AIM respectfully nvitcs the attention of the public to his Tremendous Assortment of Goods, arrangeJ in his commodious show rooms. Tlic stock of goods is the largest, and the assort inent the most extensive by far, of any other establishment between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and comprises every article wanted. Many kinds of goods are kept an this store not to be found in other places, and will positively be-sold ■ 1 i.t.adeiph a prices. Please remember that it is a custom amongst storekeepers generally, to put down the prices of leading articles, such as Sugars, Muslins, &.c., lor the purpose of giving the public the im pression that they are selling goods very cheap. This is one of the tricks of trade, and is not practiced at this establishment All articles will be off- red at the same rate of profit. Broad Glottis will be sold at very small advance as well as tip is • ,r. Enough said, call and see for yourselves, and be convinced of the above facts. " Lewistown, Oct. 27, 1849. C. L. JONES. BOOTS .AVW SHOES, OF everv quality, siz<\ and price imaginable, now opened in the large show room at ' 1 ' C. L. JONES' Lewistown, October 27, 16*0. Xew Cheap ( asli Store. Ready-made Clothing:. \ LARGE stock on hand, and selling 20 per cent, lower than the lowest. Before pur chasing elsewhere Le sure to call at JOSIES' I.ewistown. October 27, 1549. A' w Cheap Cash Store. mm EXHIBITION O F Of ]*evv, Superb and Cheap (Hoods! JIIUMTTHJYCE—IHEE Buy cheap, while sluggards sleep, And you will have goods to wear and keep. AS everybody seems to be engaged this year in blowing his own trumpet as to what he or they can do in the Dry Gonads and Grocery line, we have had half a mind to try our hands at the business, but several CAR AND BOAT LOADS, comprising all the latest styles of rich and costly goods, having just arrived, wc concluded to hold on to the usual mode of advertising. We therefore beg leave to announce to our custom ers in Mifflin, Union, Centre, Huntingdon ar.d Juniata counties, that besides receiving X)-Jr we have just returned (for tlie fourth or fifth time this year) from the city with about a- Com plete and elegant an assortment of id J) J J) JUS 3 £ ft DO 3 ns was ever seen in this or any other country town, embracing every description and style ot ill that i 9 ilrb), Heat, anb JFassfuouatilr, at prices varying from a tew cents to dollars per yard. In other kinds of goods we can show in quality and price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be found elsewhere—especially in CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATLNETTS, and, we will venture to add, in FALL ana W I.\ TER GOODS GEXLRA EL 1. Of Bonnets, Carpeting. Ready-made Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Hosiery. Gloves, Ribbons,' and numberless other small matters, the inquiry need hut be made to satisfy any one that they have all been selected with care, purchased at a low price, and as a necessary consequence are offered lor sale cheap. Our Groceries, Fish, *V r.. are also very low, and offer strong inducements to persons in town and country to callutul purchase. Since opening our establishment here we think we have fully demonstrated that, as a genera! thing, u>e sell as low as the very lowest, IF SOT A MTTLE IAJWF.R. We do riot profess to sell one, nor two, nor three articles at a very low price, but we do profess to sell K\ KRYTHING in either the Dry Goods or Grocery line so cheap that we are confident that our friends ev erywhere will be the gainers by giving us a call and making their purchases. For past favors we are duly thankful, and shall be pleased to wait on all old customers nml any number of new ones who may be attracted to our establishment by toe reputation * great celebrity which this remedy bae-nbtmned among those who are acquainted with it* virtue*, and are rejoicing in its effei Is, hi* induced the Proprietor to give it the name of OL per eack. (fev~To dealers a liberal discount off these prices will be made. ma 20,1849. F.J.HOFFMAN. sins! Openings | YARDS of neat figured CASHMERES , 4-4 wide, and sellinr at 12.1 cents per yard nt 0cf.29. NUSBAU.M, BROTHERS. I). IfDlilD I IF, IIIIIKLK MASONS, WOUId) respectfully inform their irictulg and the public, that they still continue to carry on the MARHLE 11VS1SESS in all its various branches, at their ohi stand, Corner of THIRD and F.l LLEY St w, f.FAVISTOWX, where tliey have constantly on hand MARBLE MAN'I ELS, T O M BS, MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, &c. All kinds of PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL work executed with ne it ness, and on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them, tliey still solicit tt continuance of the same. Orders from any part of the country, through mail, attended ti wuh fn'curiicy and depaleh. March 17, It 17 II jflartiift & Whilelcj'* i NATIONAL TONIC, A certain Cure for Ague, Fevei, and Dyspepsia, IN our summer and fall mouths many sections nf our country are prostrated by 811.L10U3 FEVER and AGUE anil FEVER.—It has "been our particular study to find out some remedy to slop this dreadful scourge, and think, in this TONIC we have effected this great object. 1 It is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia, and If our directions are fellow mi, will nut fed to effect a cure. In a letter dated, May 23d, 1849, our Agent, Mr Elias Kaub, of Wriglitsville, York county, Pa., says:—l have : never known any remedy for Fterr and Ague equal to your invaluable National funic. Tt lias given universal satisfaction, and lias cured cases of Ague of years stand ing, and after the failure of rill ml.er medicines made use of. Mr. Henry Heversou, of the same place, says in his certificate, dated 22,1 March, 1819, ' I applied to a nurnbei i of Physicians, and also used a variety of tlie most popu lar Ague Mixtures at different times, but all without ihe , desired effect; no permanent cure having been affordi d. 1 was at length induced, at the recommendation of your worthy Agent at this place, to try a bottle of your Na tional Tonic, and to iny great satisfaction, before I hid used half of it. I felt completely cured, though I contin ued the use of it till ! had taken two bottles.' In a joint certificate from Messrs. Miles Hoke, William Blacksoti, and a trues D. Broxvn, of ihe same place, they say—'Hav ; ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with out success, we at last purchased sotne of your National Tonic , whii h has completely cured us. We, therefore, cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all persons af flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet discovered.' Bee the Pamphlets, which you can get from one of our Agents gratis Also, Dr. Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use, in all cases where a purgative is needed g> Prepared and sold bv MARTIN Ac. WIIITFLEY, Wholesale Drug Storey No. 1S s. Calvert st , Baltimore. FOR sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and V\ ATT SON &. JACOB, Lewistown ; and by ALEX ANDER RUTLEDCB, VViliiamsburir, Huntingdon county. June 39, 1849—1y. CLICKEN EJVS SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE PILLS. The Grand Purgative for the cure of Headache, Giddiness, Measets, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms, Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Morbus, Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsey, Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough, Inward weakness. Consumption, Fits, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Kitting in the Throat, Erysipelas. Deafnecs, Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of the Skin, Fsvers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints, and a variety of other disease* arising from impurities of tile blood, and obstructions in the organs of digestion. The aversion to taking medicine is elf.-ct.talli removed by CLICKENER'S VEGETABLEPiIUGAI IVEPILLK, being completely enveloped with a coating of pure white sugar (which is as distinct from the internal ingredients as a nut *h>-ll from the kernel) and hate no tas'r of medi cine bot us ea-tly swallowed as bit* of candy. Moreover tliey SEIRTIFCK * N SEATE O OBIPE, but operate equally upon all the diseased parts of thu system. Thus, if tuc liver be afleetrd, one ingredient will operate on that particular organ, and, by cleansing it of any excess of bile restore it to it* natural state. Another w ill operate on the blood, while a third will effectually expel what ever impurities n.ay have been disi harged into the stom ach, and hence they strike at the root of disease, thus se curing a free and healthy action to the heart, lung*, and l.iver; and theiebv they restore health even when all other means have failed The enure truth of the above can he ascertained by the trial of a single box ; anil their virtu - s are so positive and certain In restoring health that the proprietor hinds him self to return the money paid for them in altcases xv here they do not give universal satisfaction. Retail price 23 cents per box. l'rincipal office No. fdi Vesey street, New York s>Remeniber lr C. V. thickener i* the inventor of Sugar floated I'll!*, and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced them in June, R*43. Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Clickener's .Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take uo others, or tliey will be made victims of fraud. Wholesale Agent for this countv, CHAS. RITZ. * [l)ec. 23, 1848—ly. HARRIS, TURNER HALE s < oiiipoiiml Syrup oi'Kpigelia or Vegetable Vermifuge, The most effectual, the safest, pleasant est and most convenient Worm Medicine ever offered '.o the public. mi IF. SPIGKLIA, says a work of highest authority, -L stands at the head of the hat of Anthelmintics or Worm Medicines. It i* adapted to a wider range of rases, and to a greater variety of ronstimtions and states of the constitution, than any other. But prepared as it com moiilv i*, in the form, of tea, it can seldom be given to children in sufficient dose* in Harris, Turner t Hale's Compound Syrup, it ;s so concentrated that the dose is very smali, so combined as to ensure n purgative opera tion.. and o pai.'.table s to be taken, not only with ease, but with positive pleasure The precise composition of this jrup and the mode of preparing it, are the result of a series of experiments continued for years Before offering it for sale, it was subjected to the tP't of experience in the hand* of emi nentphysicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who have recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it in their practice in addition to tin* evidence of its mer its, we offer the following, selected ftoin a number of un solicited testimonial*. Ist A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much experience, writes of it thu* : '"I should have written before this, but felt disposed first to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. I have used more th in half the quantity received,and the experiment has been most successful. I really belitre that it posset see ailed stages orer any other Frrmif ape I hare rrer used Independent of the Slimline*# of the dose, and the plea ■laiitne*, of the syrup (great advantages in dosing eh' - dren) the advantage of administering it under a variety of circumstances, enhances it* value; indeed tin re i> scarcely a condition iff the system in winch it may not be administered. Yours, Arc." 2.1 A respectable physician of 1-ebanou county, in thi* state, writes " I have been in the habit of prescribing >c equal to their recommendations, and therefore would not sell, when their want of efficacy was known that we considered it unprofitable to keep such, and were then-tore prejudiced against Brant's, supposing it to be no better limn many others we have on sale. After we had received Brant's, 1, (A. IlolLslander) was persuaded from reading the pamphlet to take a bottle or the Pulmonary Bal sam home. My wife bod been afflicted with a severe cough tor about ten months, arid our friends were alarmed and feartul that she would find nothing to relieve or cure her. But notwithstanding our prejudices to patent medicines, we are o'.b-r-t to say, and cheerfully confess, that Brant's Balsam and PuuipviNO Extract, enn be depended on ia preference to ntiv or all of the many kinds that have been left With us for sle My wife wa* immediately relieved in her rough, nnd before she hi# finished using the first bottle, began to gain strength and health, and only throe bottles effected a pc.-lect cure. The PußirriNO Extract 1 have personally used for a general debility of the system, nnd I have no hesitaney in saying that it ia the best medl ctne to restore and invigorate the system, that I have ever found. In every instance where we have sold these rucdl •adsfactbm. P ,he ' r , and given the best FOR SALE BY • 11. IhI; I) fij. IH Jv N, l.cviifhkri 1 G. II". PHF.UM.LV, , VclVvlo.cn, M. STEELY A,- CO., Ht 11 critic, JOH.Y.ILiiItIC.UT, Rcethrillt, And by Agents in all parts of the State. ... letters and orders must be addressed to ALi.kei; A Co., liiti Broadway, New York. November 17, Js-49—eoly. I ailirV Shot**. A L\W(iL slock ol' the latest style, coarse htnl line shoes for I .ad ton' wear, now -o ranjjt d in the Ladies' Kline Room, at C. L JONES' ocY?. \tr Cagli Store, C m IIO.V r.M f: \ A limn by Jhr n-irno of < /,.If'l• Km, ,i , j young nmn of the name of /*. P. Town-terni. mil |. t , | dnnif m put up a ffarsap&rtlla, which ibev r-ili h t ,'i 1 send'* SttrH|Ktrilla, denominating i' Q F..YC I.YE, o r ; rte. This Tnvvnsend Is no doctor, sad iwtm h< : |, nt . ! formerly it worker on ruifrnxds. nnali, and the like. v,.j i , AS -times the Utie of Dr.. for the purpose of saining credit f., r j what he in not. This Is to caution the publ.r not !.■ <*. deceived, and purchase none but the Of.'AThV;. OHUit- MAI. OLD Dr. Jacob Townend's Snr'sparitl*. having -• tt the Old Dr's. likeness, his family coal of arios, and i,,i i siiiuaiurr across the Coat of arms. Principal Ojirr, 10-2 .Y.s.tau ft., .V-i c IVri C,ty OLD J)!i. JACOH TOW .NSKMI, TIIK ORIGINAL I.MSCoVKttr.R OFT nr. (.rmiine Townsend Sar.saparilla. O'd Dr. Tow usend in now about 7b years of •_■<-. mm |,a; long been known as the AUTHOR and htst "t'l'.Kf-It of the OE.YUEYE OK IOWA/. " TO It ,\"i /..Y/i j(|,. SA/'AKI/./.A.'' Being poor, he was compelled t,. bn.it i manufacture, by which means it has linen ke.pt on I o; i„ , ket, and the shies circumscribed to those only who proved its worth, and known its value. It had readied the ears of many, nevertheless, as those per-nr s e l, ~y been healed of sore diseases, ami saved from death, pro claimed ill ct.ciVnte and unndrrfil HEALING POWER. Knowing, many years ago. that he had bv hi' Ic>i?, science and experience, devised an article wh. b would be of incolcnlabia advantage to mankind w hen the means would be furnished to bring it into universal notice, when Its inestimable virtues would lie known and appreciated. I'liis time har "onie, the means are supplied ; this OHA.YI) A.Y/I V.YF.qUA 1./.F.H PR EPA RATION is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially as it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike young 3. P Taa nsend's, it improves with age. and caver changes, tint for the better : liecause it is prepared n scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest knowl edge of Cbeiuttxy. and the latest discoveries of the art. have ail been brought into requisition in the in nufactore of the Old Dr's Snnutparilin. The Sarsapwrilbt root. ,t n well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro ponies, and some properties which are inert or useless and others, which if retained in preparole it for u*e. produce fermentation and acid, which is injurious to the system Some of the properties of laniparilla are so volatile, ton: they entirely evaporate and are lost to the prejiar.ition. it they are not preserved by a scientific process, known onlj to those experienced in its manufactuie. Moreover lhe*< volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or as an exutbv tion. under heat, are the very essential medical properties a f the root, which give to it all its value. SOURING, EF: AIKNTiSO. At ID " TOM POUND" OK S. P. T6VV.\SENL. tnd yet he wouU I on to- ve it mulcr-tooii that Old |i\ J>er>b fownsend's Genome Original Vit/sc- i i- an Hil l a riO.N of his inferior preperatioa ". Heaven forliid that c should deal in an artirV v ;. ; rj non'-d he*r the net di-t.nt reen:l>larre to e. P. j,.*n lead's article! bud which should bring down ujon ;iir 'lid Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and crimii:in*i frntn Agents who hue sold, and purchasers ho have tua 8. P. Townsend's F4iRMKNTIXG COMPOUND We wish it andcr.t-iod. because it is the aoeu'ule iri, lhat 9. P. Townsend's article anil Old Di. Jacob T v.; send's Sarsapiriila are ketrex-set'de apart, and infinite y du similar; that (hey arc Unlike in every particular, bavia( not one single thing in common. As H. P. 'J'ownsend is Do doctor, and never was, i r. chemist, no pb e.iaceutist—knows no more of medicine ui disease than any other rontnton, unscientific. anprofe-sii-Mi nan, w hat guarantee can the public have that they are r ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing a'i ;U virtues of the articles used in pre|nnug it. and which srr : capable of changes which might render them vlie AGENTS of Itisease instead of health. Uu: what el*e should be expected from one who fcii..w nothing comparatively at" medicine or disease : It minim a lierson of some experience to cook ar.d serve up n-u i t--tuition decent im-ii. How much more important • !; t:i: the persons who manufacture medicine, designee !br WEAK STOMACHS AND ENFKEBI.ED SYSTEMS, should know vveii the medical properties of plants. :b best manner of securing end concentrating their he- ,og v irtues. also an exler sive knowledge of the van ins ii.e.,oi which affocl the haniait system,|uid how to adaptreinsciei to these diseases! It is to frauds upon the unfortunate, to pmrhabs into wonnded huiu.aioty. b kindle hope in the bcs;a.r:n£ bosom, to restore health and blorun. and vigor ii.io the crushed and broken, and u banish infirmity that 01.11 Ilk, JAC'olt TuiVNSKMJ has SfH'liHT and FOI ND the oy portuuity and means to bring his Grand I iiiversa! Coucenfrated llemedy within the reach, ami t the knowledge of all who nr-f .* thai they mny learn and kn-iw, bv jnyt'ul exper.enr • ur Transcendent Power to Ileal- Any person csn boil or stew the root till they get s dark colored liquid, which is more from rhe coloring matter t> the root than from any thing else ; they can ibeti nail this Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with sour Btotuwc fl •nd ihen Call it SAK3ATARII.L A EXTRACT or ST-■ RI'P." Hot sm his not the article known a* it.c 3 GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S 1 SARSAPARiLLA. 1 Tuis is o prrpnrcd that ait the inert properties ui* piH Sarsaparilir UVi ■ TJC.YS. MMFEES, S/.OCTIIES. .mid ail uflUbsfH arising from S IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. I It possesses a in irveilous • iliiMcy in all t onipb int ar • tiH from Indigestion. Inini Audits of the Stomach fritti OHt 1 ! circulation, determination ol ti eei to the head. i ; :a. rf the heart.eold <**et ami h uwD, cold chi'ls and h-~t over the body. It has not its equal in Golds and Cvijf H ami promotes easy eX(M-cCoratit>n and gentle |>er| nt reining strieture the lungs, thnnt. and every otlur Hut in nothing is its exc-tlence more manifestly sc" ls ® Ackiiovv o-rigt <1 than in all kirn's ami stages I 9 FEMALE COMPLAINTS. S It works wonders in cases of nor A -*i or M'i mg of the. ft 'ami. Obstructed, Suppressed, or Put*/* M' Irregularity ol the inenslraai ps-rtiMis. and lh liH is As rllertital in rnrmg all the forms of h~ iiry I'us'B By rentoving obstructions, and reguiaiinj the system it gives tone ami .strength to the who.c tawr tltas cure* ell tl.rui* ol" B Nervous diseases and debility- B and thus prevent, or relieves a s-e-ti variety ol'other dies, as Spinal irritation, .Yraraigia. Si /itit' 'T H Stemming. Epileptic Eits. t'onvnlsinns. ice. it cleanses the blond, excites thr liver to healthy loi.e, the stomach, end gives good digestion. bowels of torimr nnd constipation, allnvs inrt iiuin .•unties the sk.n. equalises the cirv ul.vtton ol the i ptoditcing g.-ule warmth eqaaliy all over the ts-i ■■ the insensible |a rspiration ; relaxes all stitrtttrrs unit ne*<, rrtuovt't ,*\|| obstructions, and invigorate* Ur f uervoui sysit in. Is nol this then The iiiedicioe jou pre-ciuinenily nc® Hut can any of these tilings be said of S. Tow<®[ ! ivtfrr or art rte I This voime loan'* ihjuiii i* cot is COMPARED WITH THE OI,I DR'S. ■ because ot one t.'tt.WH K that the ouc is HI.K of DISTKRKHtATION, and fi NEVER SPOILS. S w bile the other IOKS ; < mr,ng. fermrr.tin '. acd > the bo'Ucs containing it into fragments ; the sour on exptod.pg and d imaging other goods ' Mu*t; ii. 1 ' bie couipMti.d lai poisonous to the system ' " acid into a system alrcndn d-s, ucd w;k acid Uif ' Dyspepsia but acid 1 Ihi „ot all know lhat vvlaf;* tours iti our Stomachs w hat movhitl* tl (ifoiluirs ' ieoce. heartburn. |MipUalton ••( tin be in, iivori -" ' B diarrhu t. ily *eivtery. colic, and co rruption of [ti '* What i, Snunil, but un acid humor in the lab ' ' (vrudures all the hum j- which bring via Kru t-' l '' bJ 3kin. .*caid Head. Salt Itheum. Krvsija-ias. \\ lags, fever Smgi. anil all ulceration* internal sod It IS nothing under heaven. Inn an acid sltlnl "• " sours, and thus s|mi|* all the flttiiU of the bndv. a leas. \\ t,at cau*e* Rhruiiiati io but a sour or MB which insinuates It-cif ln-tw eon the joint* and f l '' '".99 irntoting and lutlamiitg the heUcate ii**ue up-" wll act*? No of nervous di*e.ivev of luipurity ot lb* deranged ctKulnUons. and neirly ail the ititi' nls stilict human nature. jB Now is It not horrible to ui-ikt and scl'„ asJ <* morn to use this o^7"For snlc 111 I,evvisto'vn by K- Al-' W w ho in sole ayent for M iil>ll> county- B may 26, IS4O ly. S i , . ..• B Paper. Paper-I 4 LWAVS on hand a larjjP anso'li'" ® , i\. Cap. Letter, Wrapping, Printing V tlttw and Wall wholesale er reta 1* Frmltng paper, 22 X 32. at $-> per b 1 ' 1 * F. .r. , I,' uiitown, .June 23, 1749. i