f*- -*i i' ■—M— m tii iwwi mii \[ ct , IlMtnoir Rio vs.—VVc learn from the (•■mbertand Mountaineer, that on the 17th ult. a 'T 'T Connaught men committed several outran -s j:hl riotous acts on the line of the Bal timore ar.J Ohio railroad, at or near the mam moth tunnel, in Allegheny county, by tearing down and burning shanties, molesting several America:.s. compelling them to leave off their work, taking possession of their guns, &c. They also attacked another party, (Corkunians and pardown*.' l and drove them from their work, threatening their lives, and in many cases ac f .mpanjtig their threats with severe blows.— The Mvuntuiiircr add? •■On proccs being issued to apprehend the rioters, tin Sheriff summoned a posse of about two hundrt J men, who promptly marched to the scene et action, through a tremendous snow •term, and made prisoners of several of the rinsleadct- i'hey are now safe in custody, and undergoing hi examination at Kingwood. The contractors and superintendents use #.\ery means in their power to keep things quiet, promptly discharging every participator. They have also hired twenty-five men, at $1.25 per day. armed with muskets and bayonets, to travel :Li !mi and quell any disturbances.'' Another Defaulter. —The Washington cor respondent of the Philadelphia North American ijvs—The Secretary of the Navy has dismissed Purser Kennon, of Virginia, from the.service, for being a defaulter. His deficit is stated at :en thousand dollars, which has been placed in •he hands of the Solicitor of the Treasury, in rder that action may be instituted against the principal and sureties. As yet no appointment his been made to fill the vacancy. _\Ve earn from the Gettysburg Star that the mill of George Trestle, three miles from Get tysburg, was entirely destroyed by fire on Fri day last, with 3000 bushels of wheat, mostly j the property of neighboring farmers, insu rance on the mill $2,500, whole loss about SIO,OOO. Mrs. Levin, the lady of the lion. Lewis C. Levin, has been found guilty of an assault and oaiterv upon a young gentieman of Maryland, adu s:ntenced to pay a fine of )S3O. The as sault cons.sted iu striking him several blows with a riding whip, for having as she alleges insulted her while travelling on the public Highway in her carnage. Dhtressixg Death. —Sylvester Roberts, pa per maker, of North Amherst, accidentally fell .urn a cauldron of boiling liquid which had been -.-spared for bleachipg purposes, on the 12th, aad '.he flesh was almost literally scalded from tiioedv. He died the next day. His age was 0. and he leaves a wife. An only child came to sis death in a similar way not long since.— Wcrcestcr (Mass.) Spy. On Sunday evening last, about half-past ten c clock, two houses occupied by miners, at the j Mi a of Mr. J. G. Lawton, near New Castle, Schuylkill co., Pa., took fire and were entirely roaumed. The most painful part of the oc nrrence is, that in one of the houses, occupied Thomas Carry, his niece, a girl about I I vara of age was burned to death ! On Saturday last, the office of the State Ik:.k at Camden, No. 12 Church ailey, Phila :pma, was entered by false keys, and robbed $0,243, principally of the notes of the Carn- Bsnk, during the temporary absence of the i;e r l :n making his usual morning exchanges v.n our city banks The Directors ot Girard College have unan owsiy elected VV. H. Alien, L. L. 1)., a Pro 'esorin Dickinson College, Carlisle, to the va ns! Presidentship of Girard College. Fall Fashions Received. H\ G. ZOGMNGRR'S SAT MMMTfIRI. k-lcet street, Le wist oxen, adjoining Ken nedy Porter s Store. \|R.. Z. informs the citizens of Mifflin o.L and the adjoining counties, that he has Ejust received the tall shions, and iw now prepared jgjsjfa to furnish all in want new HATS or CAPS with an arti cle, neat, durable and well finished, prising every elyie manufactured for this H'iet. care and attention he lias ever given to > manufacture of the style of ilais preferred '' iu numerous Ornish customers, will be •'' cued, and he feels warranted in giving '* surance tliat they will not be disap- I COUNTRY 3VEJCRCH ANTS Sod it decidedly to their advantage to give 'a call, for his arrangements are now such, cmble bim to furnish any quantity that : * desired on the shortest notice. "I'eftjl for the encouragement he has thus 'Waived, he will continue to deserve it, by 'iced assiduity to the wants of his friends, ~tict attention to his business. > *atowo, Sept. 29,1849. lIAT & c%p fM"] EHPORHI^ l:.?.7r:siiL, Al ku (jtJ Stand in Market street, just received the lieobe At Costar I *nd ,<it,-Bt Philadelphia and Now Vork [ f ..T'lon of Hai* and Caps, and is row N'' '. to fumi-li both old and new customers r" article, which he will warrant good, I i shorter. He bsi now on hand a geaerai aurtmrwl uf "ATS AND CAPS, L KJIt MES ASU HOYS, I r " will dipoe of, VV HO LBS ALE or I ' n as fair terms as can be obtained I A*9rnmli friends will also find him pre- I ' 'l;e;r tastes. His unrivalled I W-BRIMS wit) receive the same care I ' '.'i which he has always bestowed I ' Ooo't forget the old stand, whe.e I *'V*? en! * "P OO not being disappointed. I feels grateful for the generous pj- I 'haa thus far received, and assures I ' - spare no pains to give the gen- I , ' Q that he has hitherto succeed- I " "..r.g ai| vvho have dealt with him. I '*"■ Sept. 15. 1849—tf. W >■ TOW MEND'S HAM A PA f GREEN'S W C T T 0' ' Ut E 'riTv h r!" 1 o,v,n eynf "THE DEJ.V ' hold, .t n, v ANK ' b, ' in * wltrhy •to uilV?t' l '• ,", U a '7"'" hy Ha ' d " ,!,y t>,! '"duccfi i *ut!< , •ihrrihT. owncrn of uJiies'-tnd'th Willi ihtt exiont of her * t P'-rf-ft M.mdi,.- „nfh. r IKS u, ,|„ J„ , will V;' 1 s . l "' be P'll'lic, limt I fie Notes in rirculai i.ci BuiklnVi ,n ""' ,l ° r * ilvcr "" P'^Ptaiion, d'iring ci'tv Th " l ,hftc " u '"" •<"' Bank in D.-Uwu.,; Y " ' H " F'TRNFION OF TIN- D, THAT ,VO,|„ HFFS G-MR ai't. e to the puliiic Ui eniirf snlvHtH-v ol t!:.* U iriS, at. i , that it.- Cinit il Stotlt Is unimpaired. CEO MAV.VLII A VDLTEW C. BARCLAY J NO. M. KENNEDY J A J DERBYSHIRE AV.M M KENNEDY J ):;EI'H OLEAVKR. NILUP HL'VBOL 0 JO IN c. CLARK ; „ OF.O G. CLEAVER. ' vse On*, Oct. T,-,, p-W-'i.., „ O V2I. i ASSIGXE E V S SALE. T>\ virtue of a deed of assignment, executed by JOHN K. l-mur* in trust f.,r bis cr.iiitlor, will be offi reJ •or sale on tin; premises on Btouday, DcccmbPi' JSJ, ISjy. at 1 u ilc.k in the afternoon of said day, the following ' described plantation and tract of land, bounded by land of George Strun!,- on Hit west, Caldwell's heirs on the north, and Griiiiininger and others; < ontaininy lTt; Acres, >kny,jL more or less, (land to be surveyed ) There fftjVj-iaj nrP thereon a lirgs STONE HANK B ,R\, ilii' IffixS * HOUSE and variousout hottse- Also, a good Apple Orchard and oth.-r iir i provemente. The land is nearly all cleared : and a reasonable jiroportion meadow , or can be nmde in to meadow Person* desirous of purchasing will please call and see the premises before the day of sale. If not sold on that day the farm will be rented for one year, j ALSO, will be sold at public salt oa the premise* on Wednesday, January 2nd, 1850, |at I o'clock, P M.,that well known GROCERY, I)UT.t. I LING HOUSE, and appurtenances, sUuate at the Cock ; . on the Pennsylvania Cmml in the borough of The Dwellins House, Store-room, Warehouse, and Sta bling, have all been recently fitted up in complete order. J The stand w perhaps the best place far transacting Innt ness on the entire line of the Pennsylvania Canal. Hue attendance w ill be given on the days of sale, w hen tire conditions will be made known, Ac. JOHN C. SIGLER, Nov. 21, 1-19-id. Assignee of John R Philips. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, appointed an auditor to di-trihnte A the balance in the hands of JOHNSTON ritcmia, Ad ministrator of ADAM BIGLKR, deceased, to and among the persons legally entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose at his office in the borough of 1.-v. i..wn, on Thursday, the Ttth day of December, lull), w hen and where all [tersons having claims upon said fund are noti fied to present them, or be thereafter debarred :'ram com ing iu far a sltare of said fund J. W. SH vw, Nov. 24, 1849 —lt. Auditor Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, appointed and.tor to apportion the A balance remaining in the hands of He XRV I.e ITTOH, Esq., Administrator of the estate of JOHN FOSTER, deceased, late of Oliver township, Mifflin county, will meet at the Court House in*the borough of Lewistown. on .Monday, the 2trA December, I*l9, to apportion the same to *ud among the persons legally entitled tore- i ceive it. J. DICKSON, Auditor. Lewistown, Nov. 24, 1849—4t. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, appointed auditor by the Orphans' I A Court of Miffitn county to report on the exceptions filed to the Administration Account sf Gao. W. Oi.n r. Administrator of JOHN OLIVER, deceased, appoint* Thursday, the'i'th of December neit for bearing said ex ceptions, at the Court House in when and where parties interested may attend if they think proper J AS. DICKSON, Auditor. Nov. 24, 1819—4t. [Democrat copy. Auditor's Noiicr- THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan'* j Court of Miffitn county to report on the exceptions filed 23d March, Io2':, to the Administration Account of Fbi.VCIS BOGUS, Administrator of ROBERT GAMBLE, deceased, appoints f'HIV.i V, the I4t* of December neit, f>r bearing said exceptions at Ins office in Lewtstown, w here parlies interested may attend if they think proper GLO. W. ELDER, Nov. 24, IM9 —It. Auditor. Auditor'* Notice. FWIHE undersigned, appointed auditor to dn- JL tubule the proceeds of the sale of the : real estate of Dr. LEWIS HOOVER. now tn the hands of the Sheriff of .Mifflin connty. will meet al the Court House in the borough of lewistown, on THVRSDA Y, December 20, 1849, for the purpose of making MI id dis tribution, when and where all parties inter ested arc notified to attend J. DICKSON. Auditor. Nov. 17, 1849—4t. [Dent. copy. VVERY large and hand-unite stock of Rea dy-made CLOTHING. Boy/ do , just landed and now opening at oc2o N (JSB AI M, BROTHERS. Superior Sugar-house Molasses. ALSO. TV] EVV Orleans and 'he real genuine Gold, n J.A Syrup for sale &i the former low prices, > which is at leuct 20 per cent, under the regu lar country prices. A large supply on hand ul C. L JONES' uov3. New Cheap Cash Stote. MUFFS. BOAS. Victorines. &c. WE will open in a few days a large and handsome lot of Furs, such as Muffs, Boas, Victorines, Bellerinps, of Genett, Lynx, Squirrel and I'itch, which will be the cheapeit and handsomest ever offered. An examination cf the same ts respectfully re quested. NUSBAUM, BROTHERS, lewistown, Oct. 20, 1849. U*m b r ell as. SILK, Cotton, and Gingham, a large assort ment for wtie very low, by the piece or dozen —fXI cents, f>o cte., 70 cts . 80 cts , 90 cte . fcl 00, 81.125, *1.25.81 50,81.75,82.00, f2 25, Silk ut 82 50, *3 00, *I.(K) and t|4 50. C. L. JONES' New Cheap Cash Store. BLACK ALPACAS. OF these good* a large assoruoent on hand, for sale by the piece or vard very low— -124 cents. 18f eta , 23 cts .31 cts., 37i eta.. 44 cts., 50 eta. 56 eta., 624 cts., 75 cts , 87$ eta., *I.OO, *1.25 and 81.50; also a handsome assortment of Bombazines. C. 1.. JONES' n<>v3. New Cheap Cash Store TO" THE LADIES. Ct L- JONES respectfully informs the la /• diea that he made a large pureha;e t>( Cashmerea when last in tlie city, at greutly re duced pricee, and i- now able to sell a genuine article of Cashmere at the extremely low- price of 25 cla. per yard equal to ar.y to he had at 50 eta at other place.-. Call soon, as they are selling like hot cake.—Alao, a splendid assort ment of sack Flannels and many other new goods just received and' arriving at the cele brated new cheap cash store. Nov 17 L. JONES. Proposals for Building a Dam. PROPOSALS will bo received until The Is/ 0/ January next lor building a Sloije or t.'rifo Dam, 19ft fo't long and 12 toot high, across, the KifchacoquiUns at Mann's Axe Factory in the •Narrows. Plan and specifications can he teen j :lt the Factory on or after the 15th of Novem ber. ihe dam .s to he bunt between the I t August and middle of September, 1850. 1 ropH .-a k will also be received at the same time for a qumtity cf masonry and carpenter's wr - Wi I. LI A M MAN N. Jr. Novembers, 1849 nt Dissolution cf Partnership. f|AIII. partnership heretofore existing be- J. ' wee it the undersigned in the Butchering ' Business, under the firm of BUTLER & SILLS, lias been dissolved bv mutual consent. All person ; knowing themselves indebted are requested to call and si-iile immediately. Wftl. BUTLER, Ft. J. SIIJ,S. Lewi.stowu, Nov. 17.1849. P. S. The-business will be carried mi as usual by WILLIAM BU TLER. Nov. 17, 1849—ftt. Fxtfitlor'n notice. \ ¥T U ERE.-VS Letters Testamentary ujon ♦ v the estate of AtaN'ES STERRITT, late cf Armagh township, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, ail persons indebted I to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and thoso having claims or de mands against the deceased will make known tiie seme without delav. UiIAULES COLFELT, Executor. Armagh township, Nov. ft, 1849—6t. NO T I C E 18 hereby given to James Harris, Martha Har ris, Laud Howard, David Howard, Thomas Howard, Harriet intermarried with Dr. Thomas \ anvalzah, Ann intermarried with William Wilson, Jane intermarried with Joseph Green, heirs and legal representatives Of WILLIAM L. HARRIS, l..te of I niou county, deceased, that in pursuance of a writ of partition and valuation, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Mercer county, that an inquest will he held on Dona tion Lot No, 726, of 2l)0 acres, in the 4th Dis trict of Donation lands in Mercer couuty, on the 12fA tluy of December next, where you may attend if von see proper. JAM ES Me Iv E \X. Sheriff. Sheriff'S OFFICE, ) Mercer, fa.. Xov. 12. |BE). , [novJ7-3t. PALMER'S Business Men's Almanac, f.r tale 8t this Office. Mackerel, Shad and Salt. JONES' is the place to buy them cheap. n0v.17. C. L. JONES. ¥¥ORN'E'S Rheumatic Xervc and liune * Liniment, for sale at GREEN'S Medi cal Depot, No. 11, Lewis-town. Herkimer eouuiy iitcese. A LARGE lot ot very superior quality just received at C- L. JONES' novft. New Cheap Cash Stoie. J UST received and now opening, plain and embroidered Sack Flannel, for ladies and children—felling very cheap at 0ct.20. NUSBAUM, BROTHERS. FRESH TEAS, GJOD AND CHEAP. \7"OL*NG Hyson, Imperial, Souchong, and Oolong. C. L JONES, 0c27. Xeic Cheap Cash Store. Candies and Confectionary. VLWAYS on hand a good stock ut whole sale or retail, may 28. 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN. ' I VfEW pieces Turk Satin Di <'bene, 28 . inches wide, selling at only $1.25 per yard. Call and see 0ct.20. NUSBAUM. BROTHERS. BATS AND CAPS. I_TOR. .Von and Roys, a large assortment at fduced prices. C. L. JONES, re-27 AViu ("heap Cash Store. Sro/i! Iron VN extensive assortment of all sizes, for hi' • h.w for cash, by June 2ft "49. F. J. HOFFMAN NEW mills gCfilK AND MOLASSES, S~ EI.I.ING at Jones' at 6 A cents, per pound and quart —also, belter qoaiily proportion ablv low. C, L. JON Efc>. Lewistown, Oct. 27, 1849. | A~Y /|| ||l YARDS of bleached and I v"V"" "" " brown Muslin, 4-4 wide and eatra heavy, jus! ooening at I lie realty cheap store of NUsBAIJM, BROTHERS. October 20, 1849. ma JJiiifiA £lll3. ffUSI received a few pieces more — -•ell at the former low price* nt C. I , JONGS' novft. New Cheap Cash Store. J7> BENCH Merinoes and Thibet Cloth in alt imaginable colors, from the lowest grade to the first queiity, received and now opening at act2o. NUSBAUM, BROTHERS. | IRtLS Tlrdit int N, Ac. OILS, PAIN I'S, Ac. BLANK BOOKS CORDAGK. COT TON I.APS, Ac. BTEKL SPRINGS PURE WHITE LEAD, at per Keg For sale bv F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, June 2ft, 1840. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! AT JONES' NEW CHEAP CASH STORE! 8 l Silk Plaid Wool Shawls, #2 50 8-4 Caastinere do 4 00 8-4 super, plaid wool do 500 1(1-4 do do long do ft 75 16-4 do Bay State do do 12 00 16-1 do black Thibet long do 10 00 lti 4 do B.iv State long do 6 50 Plain and Embroidered high colored Thibet Merino Shawls. The übove list with many others are just opening this week at the celebrated Now ('heap Cash Store. novft. C. L. JON lv"v R ■— !■> I, ■■■ ■-. \ ORPHANS' COURT SALE. •T3 virtue of an nrrfpr of sale to me directed, firnn the Orphans' Court of Mifflin conn ; fy. ■will ex pore r : sale, at the Court House to ; the Borough 0 f Lew is)own, on IHontlay, Drrciiibci* 17, 1849. at two o'clock in the afternoon, the fol ; lowing described Real Estate, late of CF.JFOC SCHWARTZ, deceased, to wit: Messuages and Tciiemcnt*, -te* MM&L or Half Lots of Ground, jliiif ■ situate on the north side of Third street, iri Lewirttnvn, ndj lining each other, the eastern lot being bounded by property ol llev. J. Ro l senberg, and the western by property of Win. B. Huffman, each being BO feet, more or less, j in front on said street, arid extending back same I width to an alley—the lot on tlie east having thereon a one and a hall story Frame Dwelling House and other improvements, and the lot on the west having thereon a one slory Brick Dwelling House with other improvements, 'F I;UMH —One haif of the purchase money to i he paid on confirmation of tire sale, and the other half to b* paid in one year thereafter, i with interest, tu be secured bv bond and inort j gZ<-\ D. ,McK. CONTNER, Trustee, j November IT. 1819—td ORPHANS' COURT SALE. \TTILL be sold at public sale, on JIO.YD.IY, \ \ the 24// i day of December next, on tlie pre ! niises, all that well known valuable real estate ; situate on Water Street, and adjoining the Penn j syivania Canal, in the borough of Lewistown, belunt: ng to the estate of Major DAVID CI M i MINGS, deceased : No. I. A large two story FRAME WARE II<)t SK, most eligibly situated on the Pennsyl vania Canal, and welt calculated for lite . runs action ol business on the Canal and PetJtisvlva nia Railroad, i **°- ~ large two story frame i' ' A ELLING HOI .-'E, adjoining yttt'l ij f} ft above, well calculated for a ~, f jt-,ofcid\vcHiiig house and store, \ th a i cellar and wharf opening on ttie ; Canal. No. 3. A vacant lot of ground, adjoining the above, suitable either for the erection of build ing or a® a place of storage. No. -1. A convenient two story frame house, j adjoining the above, with suitable conveniences, being a desirable location for a small family. No. f. That well known stand for a Canal i Grocery, with Dwelling House and Stable, the above, with a valuable Wharf extending along the whole front. This ia one of trie most eligible locations in the 1 borough of Lewistowu for transacting business. The road way between N r os. 2 and 3to be j kept open for the use of the owners of alj the above described property forever. Possession of the above properly to be given on the Ist day of April, 1850, except the Ware house, the possession of which can be given im- I predlately. TERMS.— One half ol" the purchase money to be paid on the Ist day of April, 1850, and ; the balance in one year with interest, to be se ! cured bv bond and mortgage on the premises. THOS. R. McKKE. HANNAH M. McKEE, .'hhnrs. &cr., of t tar id Cuinmings, deceased. Lewist'iwn, Nov. 17. 1849—td. Bank of Discount and Deposite. LONGEMEIIEB, GRIM & CO. Cash Capital B*aii in t*70.000, T ONGENECKER. GJU'BB & CO. have es -1 j tablishcd at Lcwistown, Pennsylvania, an Office of Discount and Deposite, for the trans action of the regular business of banking. Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial cities w ill be discounted at all times, and depos ites of current money will be paid, on demand, in par funds. Every facility will he afforded to business tnen in their negotiations with the Eastern and Western cities. Notes offered for discount must lie over one day. The aggregate Capital of the establishment exceeds half a million of dollars. Dnio LOMGEN'ECKER, JOHN' MILLER, M. D. A. RATES GRCBB, CHRISTIAN - BACH MAS', JOHN - CHRIST, 11. FRKELAND, BENJAMIN* F.SIIELMAN W. RUSSELL. Cashier. XV. 11. IRWIN, Solicitor ar.d Confidential Agent. Lew is town, August 25, 1849—tf. IVfcw Hardware Storo I! HJ L have always a large assortment oful kinds of Hardware low for cash. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lcwistown, June 23, 1840. Dirrct frum I Cut Janitro. A L \ IKJIE LO i' >f prime ( 'OFKKE, - 2 - iioiij/ht before tlie late advance nc thst article, se'linc cheap at JO YL'.y .X-w Cheap Cash Stare October 27,1848, PUBLIC NOTICE. \* T HEUEAS the gieat ru-h at C. L. Jonrs' T w celebrated new cheap carh store for de sirable and che3p goods has tendered it at tnanv times impossible to wait upon all the customers, many have had to wait, and sorr.e being' in a hurry have been obliged to leave the store; this is to inform all such that there is now an additional force added, so that all ran be accommodated without delay. Come on for cheap goods at C. L. JONES' Celebrated New Cheap Cnrh Store. November 17, 1 It). SI)DM If i/il 1)113411 AT JOVES' JiEIV CHEAP CASH STORE.' r|xllE attention of Country Dealer®, Ped- S. lurs, and others buying goods in large quantities, is requested to the immense stock and varied assortment of goods at tins estab lishment, selling at Philadelphia wholesale prices. Terms cash and prices low. C. L. JUNES, novß iNVic Cheap Cash Store. Queensware & Glassware. QUI TE an extensive assortment just open ing at the New Cheap Cash Store. (Lit French China Tea Setts, do do do Plates. White Iron Stone Teu and Dinner Sets. do Granite do do do Light Blue do do do Floring Bine do do do Toilet Sets, fluieces; Plated of all kinds anl sizes bv the single or dozen ; also a large as sortment ot Cups and Saucers, by the single Set; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses Pitchers; colored and white glass Candlesticks; Preserve Dishes, in endless variety; French china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various patterns; Custors ; Tumblers; Glass Jars, va rious sizes; stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur key Dishes, white, blue and mulberry, also steak Dishes to match; Bowls,Pitcher.®; sauce Dishes; ultd a large lot ot' common Cups and Saucers, all offered for sale at unprecedented low prices for cash, ut C. L. JONES' not M New Cheap Ca>'. St ry Pennsylvania Kailrond. liiihiuiii n:\i\- ,„ IVV r!IU UC( , k M wc*-i> L<*wDiowD and FhiimiH,.h ln.Mmv.vlf ) n H , 1 iU K L*WI*TOWX "" H-F.lK\-KSI).-iy i Rl ,d h.riLH ' •' *nd PHlt.tEt.rui* on MOJ\'l>.lYS yr.V."■ i Tljrfnsijjirs, at I lie follow in* rattu of freight, whi.'j, include commissioni) for storage, viz : Rales of Freishts per 100 l'oimls. 1 1 !,. .1 .i _ , FROM PHI! vuni.PHl \ j ; i'2J :f i 10 I s " -11 -j- - !|Q f'ove and Diincaunon, ; 21 i 25 | 30 I 30 Newport ic Millernown.l 22 25 32 I 271 Perrysvillc and Mifflin, 1 21 23 35 jl2 L| 25 30 j .37} 115 Way freight per mile i. 2; mills for First and Second Class, and 3 mills for Third and Fourth Class. List of Articles in ench Class. FIRS! CI,ASS A-hep—wood or leai lied; Boric*; Horns and Glue piece*; Brick.*, (not fire); broken Cast logs; Cl.iv, Ririh, Sand or Gravel; Coal (mineral); Tire v. Onii; German f'l.ty; Ileadingnnd Hoop IV.les; Iron Ore; l ime; Manure; Marble in blocks (un wrnuglil); fig and . Scrap Iron; Plaster or Gypsum; Posts and Rails; Riffs; Hail road. Ties or fills; Salt; Sllinplts and l.atli; Slate or 1 lie for rcolisff; slave*; Staves, heading, Act . for cedar v.aie; lar, fitch and Rosin; Timber, (round or hewn.) S.ICONI) CLASS.-Agricultural Implement*; Applet, and other dornestir fruits, (areen or dried); Bark (ground or uneround); n,d rk, (salted); Blooms and An ebonies ; Boards and other saua d luuiber; Bran, Shin .StuH .it.,l other Feed; Burr Blocks; Cf.sting*, (iroi );Oo{- t hircoal; Coke; Cotton; Earthenware; Htnpiv Casks; Fire Brick; Fish in Barrels (sail); Flour; Grain of all kinds; Grind Stones; Hemp; Hides; Ice; Iron, [sheet, bar, rolled, slit or hammered 1 ,; Lard; Lead, [in pigs, bar Of sin. el J; Mill Stones; Nails and Spikes; Potatoes, Tur- I nips, and similar roots; /Ml and /'earl Ashes—Barytes; Sawed Marble; Soap Slune; Stoneware; Stone for lime or biii'ding ; Straw Paper n r binding boards; Tallow; Tobacco in leaf; Whiskey, Cider, and other dome, it ii fiora in Casks; Wrapping Papei. THIRD CLAsS.—Agricultural productions not |, rti c ilarly specified; Bite and baggie - Rope; Beef, [fresh]; Beer, /' trier and Ale; IFcswax; L i** In nbeeta or mt-.D ufactured; Hotter and Eggs; Ca.e Sleet; Cc.larwa'e; ! Cb CM ; Ctiina or (tueenswarc; Clover, Timothy and ■ he r trit s Set .Ir; t upper in lr:rs, * heels or manufictur fd, I i ; . [f. -hj; F1 ik Seed; Glassware.; Groceries, [e.\. cept coX.e]; Hardware and Culkr; ; Hides, [dry or S .an ißb!; Leather; Live Stork; Mahogany and 'atheroma tin i.ial wood*; MarLle, iiianufaciureil; Ochre; Oil ofall kind* [including Castor and Lard]; Oysters; Paints and Dye stuffs; Pork, [treshj; Red Lead.[ground in oil or <!i v]: Rope* and Cordage; Shoi; steam Engines and machinery , of all kind.-; Tiuai.d Tinware; White Lead; Window Glass; Wool; Zinc in sheets or blocks; Zinc manufac tured FOI RIH CLASS Boots, Shoes and Hats; Books, ; and Stationery; Butfalo and Moose Skins; Carriages, or vehicles of pleasure; Deer Skins; Drugs and Medicines; Dry Goods; Feathers; Foreign Fruits; Funiiture;Furs and Peltry; Garden Heeds, in boxes; Paper, [writing and I printing] ; Tobacco, nianufot lured ; Trunk., ; Luc-numer ated Articles. i To Ilrovcrs end others having Live Stock to send to. ! market It is desirable they should go in Wednesday's train, o, the Saturday's train remains at HarrDburg un til Monday. PASSENGER TRAINS tun daily, leaving Philadc!- ■ phia at * and Lewuton n at 10 o'clock, A M SAMUEL MILLIKF.X, Jr. -fgrnt, l.tvisioan. CRAIG 4; BELLAS, Nov 3, l-4!l. Agents, Philadelphia. lIIOH CRAIG. THOMAS BELLAS. ami; k ll, us, PLOTR. ?A3:03,5, AND CENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OK Bacon, Lard, Butter, Wool, Gin seng, Cloverseed, &c-, It road and Cherry StrfFls, PHILADELPHIA. Advances made, if required, on Receipt of Consignments. Crs~Tlie Cars will be unload ed at our Warehouse. Produce consigned to us lor sale will not be subject to porterage or storage. C. &. B. are Agents lor the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. Oct. 20, 1149—if. SITER, J DIES 410.. FLOUR & GRAIN FACTORS. AND Commission Merchants, for Ihe Kale ol" Produee in Camera I, Hroad, above Arch, IVYsf side, PHILADELPHIA. Iron received and delivered to any part of the City, or shipped as may be directed. Rf.klr to — If hem y.<xK, Esq., Mifflin counly. JOSEPH M 11. LIKEN, Lewistuwn. WILLIAM RUSSELL, Esq., Cashier of the De- , posit and Discount Bank, Lewistown. J. W. WEIR. Cashier of the Harrisburg Bank. Tow.NsrxD HAINES. F?q., Secretary of t.he Commonwealth of Peon's. G. M. TROUT MAN, Esq , Cashier of the West ern Bank, Philadelphia. MORRIS PATTERSON & Co. Merchants, 1 jr ~ JACOB LFX vt JSON, do. k -s" :T j JOHN M. KENNEDY & Co.. do. ® September 22, 1849—8 m.* BOB! & CO., Commission Ilcrchant, FOR THE SALE OF FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, Am! all descriptions of Country Produce, lIKOAD STREET, EAST SIDE. Between Race and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA. Respectfully solicit a share of the business from this vicinity, and refer to Messrs. LONG EN ec k F.R , (<RCDU & Co., Bankers. W. RUSSELL, Esq , Cashier, Lmvistuwn. E. E. liOckk,I iOckk, Esq , Mifflin county. R. J. Ross. Esq , Cashier, f., . Messrs. FUNK A- Miilfu. \ Harr,sbuf^' SAMUEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. GEO. M. Troutman, Cashier, of A Western Bank, n . Messrs. JAS. J. DUNCAN & Co., | heatu-. a. and Merchants generally, J October (j, 1849—Out.* Leather, Jloroccif, and Shoe Findings. V large assortment always on hand, and for . sul* by F. J. HOFFM AN. Lewislown, June 23, 1849. Sri sit liiuciin. A LARGE lot bought at a bargain in Philadelphia, and ael'ino by the piece or yard nt a small advance at C 1 JONES' <■> .Vtr Cheap Cash ".♦.in r. mLT.IaJ* rf .- • ■-y-jp•"-.-, -THT . 2JP£af•. ."MF i" mm: MRifii, !Soa!bJirs, Venice fo, P;. j ft AIIDENERS and orci.ardialg wiiotiiisi.fi vS ;o plr>nt only die very best kinds of hardy fr.iis, ar" respectful iv informed ihat they can obitirn trees here of nil Uc most estimable va rieties. including all those which have received t!.r> especial sanction f lae An.erioan Congret.j of Fruit Growers. (,V. Y., Oct. I'*•18.) I tie TREKS offered tins season arc of beau rancc. extra size, (exrept ig a few new rait sons) and front wlevaled !ocaiiy in which tbe •ursory i.. established, have all the essential advantages of hardiness and eariy maturity, tor which trrcp grown st the north have been deservedly preferred. The advantages possessed here are being improved lo the utmost, with the view ot malt*. i"g this .Nursery, in merit, second to none in the Slate. Iv fry tree i? indelibly msriied nnd warranted correct. They will fce deliv ered in Lewistown or of intermediate places at the low catalogue prices, and warranted sound on delivery. If to be shipped, they will bo well packed fur the purpose at a moderate charge. It is advised that orders be sent direct to the Nursery, in preference t > purchasing illy as sorted trees, from otten irresponsible dealers, at high prices. Such orders, if received in time, have the first attention. Season for fall planting, October '2O. A choice collection of the most admired or namental plant -, vines, evergreens, &c. has been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to a!! post paid applicants. WM. G. WARING. Boalsburg, July 7. 1649—tf. j uem. copy MnVIST9Wi\ ELLS. rp!IC subscriber has ' n the Lewistown J. Mills,and wishes tobuy a large quantity of All lilml* of Grasu, for which he will pay the CaISH, IN PAR FI NDS, as high as the market will nflbrd, accor ding to its quality. Any person having good Wheat will do well to call and show a sample o! it, as he thinks he can aflord to give more j than any other person in the place, the mill being situated on the creek, where flour can be -leaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ; besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar rels are not injured by hauling end handling. If wheat brings a better price than it woil af ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship ping it as any other, as the mill is the most convenient storehouse in the place, and saves a great deal cd time and labor in hoisting by water power. OR, HE WILL RECEIVE ON STOR AOE, and forward to Philadelphij or Baltimore, and give the following receipt : " Received, Lewistown ft ills, nf A. B , I\ heat, to be kept in store till thejirst of Au gust unless disposed of sooner." When the receipt is given the quality of the wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent any trouble when the owner comes to sell. Any person storing, having four hundred bush els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice to keep it, till after the first of August, it will be carried out to their credit at the market price on that day. It shipped, or sold to arv person that does not get it ground in the mill, TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged. If they give notice, and keep it over after the first- of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF cent per month, afterwards. The grain will be ciear from high water. The subscriber will keep Piaster, Fish. §alt and Groceries of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to Farmers, by the quantity. Op-FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds of Grr. in and Feed, will be constantly kept on band, and sold low for cash. A. W. W. STERRETT. N. C. JOHN STERRETT is authorized to transact any business in the above premises as my Agent. Lewistown, April 14, 1549—1y. w. 11. IRWItf, A TTOR XE Y AT L A IF, HAS resumed the practice ofhis profession in this and the adjoining counties. Office at lite Banking House of Longeneek er, Gru'ub & Co. Jan. 20, 1848—tf. CtHO. W. ELDER. A TT OR X E Y A T L A TF, Lewistown, Mifflia County, Pa. OFFICE two doors wed of the True Demo crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any business in the Courts of Centre country. August 25. i343—tf. Wq e7o Attorney at L, aw, WILL attend promptly to business entrust ed to his care in this and adjoining counties. Office one door west of the Post Office. June 16,'49-ly. MAGISTRATE'S OmCE CHRISTIAN HOOTER, Justice of the Peace, CAN be found at his office, in the room re cently occupied by Esquire Kulp, where he will attend to all business entrusted to his care with the greatest care and despatch. Lewistown, July 1, 1648 -tf. Samuel Hopper, CARPENTER, Is ready at all times to build the best Hou9e, and can do that very thing. Residence No. 5 Hale street, Lewistow n March 81, 1849—if ill. MO.VTIiO.VIERY, Hoot V Shoe* riuiiufacturei- MAItUEI STREET LEWISTOWN. CiON LINUES to manufacture, to order. ' every description of BOOTS AND SHOES, in the most reasonable tc-rms.—- Having competent workmen in his employ and using good stock, his customers, as well as all Others, may rely upon getting a good article, woll m ole and neatly finished. January 22,1548 —tf. Halting' Cloths OF the beat quality Square MESH, AN CHOR STAMP, real Holland manufacture, imported direct from the manufactory, and for sile at Lewistown at New York prices. Terms cash—clpliis warranted. Erquireo!' FAMCJEL HOPPER, •\uyust -4, 1t44 A/ Ixr.trht
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers