Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, November 24, 1849, Image 4

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    IHIHIi'imT M 1.1 EM
, NFW CUBA" CASH STORE continues to be the great resort of ail j
lO\ f-t .V" 1 ' „| e i n want of good and cheap goods of every description. Goods
, L ' R' , 'TWENTY PER CENT, lower than any other store in Lew- .
are soi lat to. • m ade in Philadelphia and New York for cash of the importers and
jstown ; toe P l,rc ' ,!^A a 'A .Auhscribcr to get goods lower than all other merchants, as he buys
manufacturers, ] eas j, ten per cent.; and again, the amount ol his business he
rn quantities sum ■ other Blor <., an d nearly equal to the business of all the others com- ,
ing much larger j wjd hp Joes asgure lhft p „ opje of i iewistown
antTof fhesutroiindiug country that he will continue this system of business, and respectfully
"nviu-e the attention of the public to bis
Tremendous Assortment ol Coods,
i • IM,W rooms. The stock of goods is the largest, and the assort
a: ranged in is . - other establishment between Philadelphia aud Pittsburg,
I lie o.. kiwi? of goods are kept '.hi. .lore not to & '
"omMl'm'other 3 place?, a:it! will positively Be sold at Pliilaaelph a price.
Please remember that it is a custom amongst storekeepers generally, to pot down the prices
I tease rei , Sugars, Muslins, Sic., for the purpose of giving tlie puolic the im
< leading goods very cheap. This is one of the tricks of trade, and is not \
predion that g offered at the same rate of profit. Broad
OoMh will be sold at very small advance as well as fi? Sugar. Enough said, call and see for
C. L. JON F.S. _ i
j y every quality, size, and price imaginable, now opened in the large show
liewistown, October 27, 18A9. AVto Cheap Cash Store.
Ready-made (
4 LARGE stock on band, and selling 20 per cent, lower than the lowest. Before pur-
A chasing elsewhere le sure to call at JOBTBS'
7 e .yy r New Cheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, October 2., I?4J. *
Of New, Superb and Cheap CJoods!
Buy cheap, while sluggards sleep,
And you will have goods to wear and keep.
t 8 everybody seems to he engaged this year in blowing his own trumpet as to what he or
A they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, we nave had ha.fa mint, to try our hands
at the business, but several
comprising all the latest styles of rich and costly goods, having just arrived, wc concluded to
hold on uAiie usual mode of advertising. We therefore beg leave to announce t> our custom
ers in Mifflin, Union, Centre, Huntingdon ar.d Juniata counties, that bennies receiving
--f .wA7*3_
we have just returned (for the fourth or fifth time this year) from the city with about as com
plete and elegant an assortment of
iAU Jl3' Diils ail &DDJ) si
ss was ever seen in this or any other country town, embracing every description and style ol
&)! that is
JlrttJ, ilr.it, nnO jFaoWouaDlr,
at prices varying from a few cents to dollars per yard. In other kinds of goods we can show
in quality anil price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be
found elsewhere—especially in
and, we will venture to add, in FALL and WIN I Ell COOES (J E A L II A L Ll. Ol
Bonnets. Carpeting. Ready-made Clothing, Boots. Shoes. Hosiery.
Gloves. Ribbons,
and number less other small matters, the inquiry need but be made to satisfy any one that they
have all been selected with care, purchased at a low price, and as a necessary consequence are
offered lor sale cheap. Our
Gt •oceries, Fish, Salt, fyc.,
are also very low, and offer strong inducements to persons in town and country to call and
Since opening our establishment here we think we have fully deraonetrated that, as a genera!
thing, we sell A* low as the very lowest . IF NOT A LITTLE LOWER. V\ edo not profess to sell
one, nor two, nor three articles at a very low price, but we do proie-s to sell EVERYTHING
ta either the Dry Goods or <irocery line so cheap that we ere confident that our triends ev
erywhere will bethe gainers by giving us a call and making their purchases.
For past favors we are duly thankful, and shall be pleased to wait on all O'i! customers and
any number of new ones who may be attracted to our establishment by the reputation it ha? ac
quired as being the cheipest store in Uewistown.
October 20, 1549. NUSBAUM, IMtOTIIHKS.
Cheap Slave Store,
Between Swartz's and McDowell's Taverns,
E GUIS T W \ .
Tremendous Fxcihmenl! !
Ail a : about 1 humans .lhr.g o'h *o UIIUAI'. 1 have a large oasorimenl of
Roots and Shoes,
"■ UDMtf MISSES' OUTERS, m.d. by of „,k,„ r „ . , v.ric.y ol
3ro (Svomire, ana Jiiquove,
of itie t c.- k, ■'.! ■ a., ong v.f.iefi are n- iue \fr\ choice ERA NT-IKS •* d >
-w.-ic it S'iUl I XIS KI'ITRKS : also, POWjfKK. s.fOI, ami 1.1. VI? ; i (to v,Uf
ie s f>cst' vfinirigat,-U WHISKEY. J THOMAS,
Ocivtor I .'. tlunl9. Eelu'ttti Swart: t and .1/c I), will 'iitctrtis.
Xho Frankliu Fire Insurance
Company of PhiladelpSiia,
OFFICE, No. 163, Oiiesmut street,near Fifth street
Charle* N Banrker, George W. Richard*,
Thomas Hart, Mordecai D Lewi*,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Bnrie,
Samuel Grant, David 8 Brown,
Jacob R. Sin lib, Morris Patterson
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on
every description of property 111 town and countty, at j
rates as low as are consistent with security.
Tlie Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, •
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
a thirds ample protection to the assured
The assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1648, a*
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
lows, viz:
Mortgages, #81>U,556 65
Real Estate, 108,35b SO
Temporary Loan*, 134,459 00
Stocks, 51,66a 25
Cash, Ac. 45,157 b7
#1,230,097 67
Since their incorporation, a period of "eighteen year*,
they have paid upwards of one million two hundred thou- j
-and dollars losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of
the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and
disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.
CHART.EFF N. BANCKER, /'resident.
For terms apply to K. C. lIALE, Lewis
town. apll—ly.
rnHR fullest and most complete assortment
.1. of Hosiery and Trimmings ever opened
before in ! cwistown will be found at
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
Cloths j Cassimeres. Sattinets.
and Vestings.
IN endless variety, at every price and quali
ty, for sale 20 per cent, below the usual
price, at C. L. JONES'
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
Carpets! Carpets!
At Jones" Carpet Hall
CIAN be seon tiic tr.ost splendid assortment
yof every grade and quality—Hag, Venitian,
Ingrain, and Imperial; RUGS die. 'l'fiese Gar
pete are direct from the celebrated manufac
f A. B. t'uilon &■ Co., in Chester county,
and warranted gocni—no auction trash. Cuil
and see. C. L. JONES'
Oc'27. jVVtc Cheap Cash Store.
freat .%tfrnclioii!
Improved Hathaway.
TIN HIS great improvement, just got up, we
A arc satisfied stands unequalled , lor genera!
use, and simplicity of arrangement, by any
Cooking Stove yet offered to the public. To
he satisfied of this, we think it needs but to
he seen. It is a regular Hathaway, of the
size now generally in me in this country, with
the following improvements, viz:
Ist. It is so arranged that a stout Sheet
pra Iron Oven can be put
Vc in at the top, back of
-J the tire, [the flame pas
fft T 1 G sing under if,J seffi-
" cienlly large to do or
d i nary roasting or cook -
TrfjrT quick as the fire is clev
gz'j ryf criy burning; thus a
jg_ voiding the neces.-ity
V. of heating up the reg-
J uiar oven fur ordinary
purposes, which oven when heated, requires as
inucli fire to do a small roast as would do a
large amount ofcooking. Further, the small
oven being loose, can be put in or taken out at
pleasure with very little tiouble. \V lien much
cooking is require*!, it can he kept out, and
the stuve is then the same as a regular Hatha
2d. The Griddles are improved, so that the
top is smoother, the wire handles being dis
pensed, with and a loose handle used tu lift
them oil".
i 3d. The damper is much more convenient,
by being placed in the side instead of the back.
4th. The bottom flue is the Laubach, so or
ranged that the draft is the same as the Hatha
i °
i\. B We warrant this stove in every par
We have also on l.and a large assortment of
other valuable Cooking Stoves, consisting of
the Slur, two sizes, at.%20 to .$22 ; Complete
i Cook. at $l3; and Daubach, two sizes. Al c o,
the J'rinu, K< tjstone, and Ulna Air- 7 ight,
for wood or coal, at from Ifi to 35 dollar*.
asßortmment, of lieattil'u! patterns.
COAL STOVES.—Fur parlors, offices, and
chain hers. A large assortment of handsome
, styles, from $,3 50 up.
inches. A heavy 2s- inch at SS.SO.
To all who want stoves we would say come
and examine our stock.
Lewistown,Sept. 29, Ib-19.
UfOUIA) respectfully inform their friends
and tiie public, that they stili continue
Ito carry on the MA RUDE BUSINESS in
! all its various branches, at their old stand,
('orair of Till 110 ami VALLEY Sis.,
: where they have constantly on hand MARBLE
I GRAVE STONES, Ate. All kinds of
work executed with neUness, and on the most
reasonable terms. Thankful tor the libeiul
patronage extended to them, thoy still solicit
I r. continuance of the same.
| timers from any parlof the country, through
rii-.ih attended to with act nracv anil desi-atch.
' March 17.1°47—tt
The Grand purgative for the cure of
Headache, Giddiness, Mcaiela, Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Morbus,
Small Pox, Jauudice, Coughs, Quinary,
Paine In the Back, Whooping Cough,
inward weakness. Consumption, ! its,
Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints,
and a variety of other diseases arising from impurities of
the blood, and obstructions in the organs of digestion.
The aversion to taking medicine is effectually removed
being completely enveloped with a coating of pure white
sugar (which is as distinct from the internal ingredients !
a* a nut shell from the kernel) and have no taste of medi
cine but as easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover
tliey NEITHER NAUSEATE on ORIPE, but operate equally
upon all the diseased parts of the system. Thus, li the
liver be affected, one ingredient will operate on that I
particular organ, and, by cleansing it of any excess of j
bile restore it to its natural state. Another will operate I
on the blood, while a third will effectually expel what- ■
ever impurities may have been discharged into the stom
ach, and hence they strike at the root of disease, thus se- i
curing a free and healthy action to the heart, lungs, and
Liver ; and thereby they restore health even when all j
other means have failed.
The entire truth of the above can he ascertained by the
trial of a single box ; and their virtues are so positive and ,
certain in restoring health that the proprietor binds him
self to return the money paid for them in all cases w here
they do not give universal satisfaction.
It. tail price 35 cents per tiox.
*♦ Principal office No. 66 Vesey street, New \ ork.
K>Remember Dr C. V. CUckener is the inventor of
Sugar Coated Pills, and thut nothing of the sort was
ever heard <>f until lie introduced them in June, 1843.
Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Clickerier's
sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take no others, or
thpv will be made victims of fraud
Wholesale Agent for this countv, CIIAS.
RITZ. [Dec. 23, 1848—ly.
iTlnrtin St, IVhilehv'*
A certain Cure for Ague, Fever,
and Dyspepsia,
IN' our summer and fall months many action* of our '
country are prostrated by RILLIOUB FEVER and >
AGIE and FEVER —lt has been our particular study to
find out same remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, anil
think, in this TONIC we have effected this great object
It is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia,
and if our directions are followed, will riot fail to effect
a cure.
In a letter dated, May 2?d, 1849, our Arcnt, Mr Elias
Raub,of Wrightiville, York county, Pa .says:—l have
never known any remedy for Frrer and J/gut. equal to
your invaluable National Tonic. It has given universal
satisfaction, and has cured cases of Ague of years stand
ing, and after the failure of all other medicines made use
of. Mr Henry Beverson,of the same place, says in his
certificate, dated "hid March, 1*49, ' 1 applied to a number
of Physicians, and also used a variety of the most popu
lar Ague Mixtures at different Unit*, hut all without the
de-ir d effect; no permanent cur having been afforded.
I wa* at length Induced, at the recommendation of your
worthy Agent at this place, to try a bottle of your Na
tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction, before I had
used half of it, I felt completely cured, though I contin
ued the use of it till I had taken two bottle* ' In a joint
certificate from Metsr* Miles lloke, William blackson,
and James D Brown, of the same place, they say—'Hav
ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with
c<iit success, we at last purchased some of your A'slinal
To Hie, which has completely cured us We, therefore,
cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all persons af
flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet
dis< nvered.'
Hee the Pamphlets, which you can get from one of our
Agents gratis.
Also, Dr. Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now In use,
in all case* where s purgative is needed.
> Prepared and sold by MARTIN A WIIITF.I.EY,
Wholesale Drug Store, No 4* i* Calvert st , Baltimore.
F.r sale by F. J. HOFFMAN anil VV A 1 I
SON it JACOB, Lewislown ; ami by ALEX
ANDER RUTLEDUE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
county. Juno 30, IH49—ly.
Compound Sj nip oi'Spigt'lia
or Vi'sclalilo \ ci nii lIIJJC,
The in >.st effectual, the safest, plrasan't st
and most convenient Worm Medicine
errr offered 'o the public.
fl'llE SPIGF.I.IA, says a work of highest authority,
1 stands at the head of theltst of Antkehamtus or Hon*
.Medunits. It ■* adapted to a wider range of case*, and
to a great) r variety of constitutions and states of the
eonstitution, than any other. But prepared as it coin
monlv is, in lite form of tea, 11 can seldom he given to
i children in stilhcisnl doses In Harris, Turner St title's
I'onipvitTid iAvrup, u is so concentrated that the dose is
very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera
tion, ami so palatable as to be lai.eii, not only with ease,
but with positive pleasure.
The precise composition of this evrop and the mode of
! preparing it, are the result of a series of experiments
! continued for years. Before off. ring it forale, it was
subjected to the test of experience in the hands of emi-
I nentpi) V stt lans, iu Philadelphia aud clueht re, win. have
recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it
|in their practice In addition to this evidence of its ner
, it*, vvv- offer the following, selected from a number o! un
solicited testimonials.
Ist A distinguished pliysii tan of A irginia, of much
i xperieitce, writt s of it llois :
' I should have written be lore Uii?, but fell disposed
first to try thi-efficacy of your Vermifuge. 1 have used
I more than half the quantity received,and the experiment
has been most successful t.-tolly brtirre that it posses
•ft adtantufcs over any nthrr / rmtfuge J hare ever used.
I'l.l.'pcn lent of (he mi .iluess of the dose, and the plea
• sautiiess of the syrup (great advantages in dosing chil
dren) the advantage of administering it under a variety
i of circumstances, enhances it* value; indeed there is
: scarcely a condition of the system iu which it may not
i he administered. Yours, Ac."
| 2d A respectable pli>*ictan of Lebanon county, in this
j state, writes —
" I have been in the habitof preocriblng your Compound
' Syrup of Spigelia for some time pant, and have found it
| an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.—
Please forward per hearer 2 doz bottles —Yours. Ac "
3d—An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we
j had previously sold thr syrup, writes;
"Sincemy return houte, I find that your Syrup of Spi
| ijeliu has come Into general use 1n this neighborhood We
have sold what we had on hand, and It gave such satis
faction tl.al it u now called for evey day. \ oil will please
put us up 5 or 6 dozen in a small package, and send to the
. are of W Anderson A Co., Richmond, ss soon as possi
ble, arol forward the bill per luail.—Y ours, Ac."
4th A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to
Philadelphia, stated, that some tinu since he had been ap
plied to by a customer for a vial of '* Ver
mifuge for his son Not having the article asked for, he
idvi-ed a trial of Hani*, Turner t Male's Compound
Ryrtipnf Spigella and gave kitu h frl */ lulilr which
i was all that remained in the store. A day or two after
ihis the gentleman returning to the etore, expressed his
| surprise and delight at the effect of the Pyrup, declaring
i it hud expelled 200 worms and entirely relieved his son.
| The merchant added an expression o! his great regret that
; he had not hud on hands a botqetpf the Syrup lit the time
j when Ins own little daughter died, as he confidently be
j Itevcd it would have raved ller lite.
sth \ gentleman of Hudson, N Y' . having sent a hot.
lb- of Harris, Turner A Mile's Compmiiid Syrup of Spi
t lia, To a young friend who had tiieil in vain a great nuui
lu r of worm medicines, writes,thai his friend was imme
diately rtlievcd; the word* of the patient weie "it took
J i-Vtty worm out my holly
' Vil...legale Druggists, No. 201 Market street,
Drugs Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgi. al
and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassw are, Win-
AIW lIUM, Paints, Oil*, Dyes, Perfumeries, At, &c ,and
exclusive marnfactiircrs of Harris, turner A. Hole s
Kugar-0 latod Pill*, lloxham's Liniment for the Piles,the
Bsabridge Hair Tonic, Ebeile s Eye Water, Mrs. Ma il
noil's Unrivalled lu.lellthlc Ink, De wees' Oetebrated Nerve
and lione Lluiurent, or Mago. Pain Extractor, Mr*. Bh irs
j wooil's Extracts ol Lemon and VuiiiUa,for flavoring Pul
-t dings, Ice (,'reauis, Ac., Ac.
For sale by dc'ditira in Drug* ffPnerally in
l Ontre, Mifflin rind Jnnia'.a connr-.es. (no—tf
2l.ih.im, LozengesPlanler.
Dr. Sherman's OIJOSJJONIAN, or 11l-
Healing Balsam,
For the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Dyspeptic Con- j
sumption. Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Difficulty of <
Breathing, Hoarseness,lnfluenza, Croup, toughs,
Colds, Faivx in the Breast and Side, Dyspep
sia, and the various affections of the
Stomach and Liver
The great celebrity which this remedy hfi obtained
among those w ho are acquainted with it. virtues, and are
rejoicing in its effects, has induced the Proprietor to give
it the name of (jLOSAOMf-lfif, OR ILL HF.ALIKti .
HAI.SAM, to distinguish it from all other Remedies now
in use Its combination is the result of more than \ wkstx
year* experience,and be believes it to be the most perleci
remedy known—for it has been used by thousand* of pel
sons, and in all instances with the most decided benefit
For References or Certificates of Remarkable Cases of
long standing and consieiercd beyond Hope, see a small
Book furnished gratis by the Agents to all who desire it
The sufferings which children frequently undergo from
worms oAen tend ton fatal termination, while the c*t ok
is never suspected. Offensive breath, picking at the itos*,
grinding the teeth during sleep, starting up in sleep with
fright and screaming, troublesome cough, and feverish
ness, are among some of the prominent symptoms of the
presence of worms. A timely use of
will immediately remove all thes* unpleasant symptoms,
and restore to perfect health.
Consumption, influenza, roughs, colds, whooping cough
lightness of the lungs or chest may betured by a proper
use of
Headache, palpitation of the heart, low ness of spirit:seB
- despondency, famines*, chotie, spasms, cramps
of the stomach, summer or bowel complaints, are quickly
aud entirely relieved by using
Rheumatism, weak hack, pain and weakness of the
breast,back, limbs, and other pans of the body are speedily
and effectually relieved by
Sherman's Poor Alan's Plaster,
which costs only 12J cents, is within the reach of all. It ;
has his name with directions printed on the back of the j
Plaster, and a fac simile of the Doctor's written name j
under the directions. None others are genuine or to be j
relied on Dr Sherman's Warehouse is No lOfi Nassau i
street, New York
Wholesale Agent for this couuty CHAS. !
KITZ. [<2ec. ? 1846-ly. j
rjvHK Proprietor of this valuable remedy
1 for Worms, introduces to his friends and
the public, his Ctleurated Vermifuge. Read
the following:
Decatvr Township, Mifflin county, J
September 11th, 18-49 }
DR. S. F (iRF.E.V:
Rcsptcttd Friend— Two of our children having been
severely afflicted this summer with Fever and Ague, and
having checked it four different times by the use of the
regular remedies, stiil they complained of pains in the
legs, bowels, head, and in fact in the whole system; vora
cious appetite, fover, great diarrhoea, Sic, and after hav
' ing used all the remedies thought suitable for the above
symptoms, I concluded that they both had Worms, arid
accordingly gave each of them (the one nine years of age
and the other") two tea-spoonfuls apiece of your vaiua-
Me Vermifuge, and in three hours from the time of their
taking the above small dosev, the youngest passed FIVE
; of the largest uorwtj 1 have ever seen. The oldest boy
passed a solid hall of worms (it may appear incredible, but
it is truth) as large as a walnut, and both have been gel
ting well fast since.
You may make the above public if yoa think proper for
the benefit of others, and fur the purpose of introducing
your valuable Vermifuge in Decatur township.
Yours, bee., D. B FISHER.
The nbove valuable Vermifuge is prepared
and sold by Dr. S. F. GREEN, at the Lewis
town Medical Depot, No. 11.
•September 29, I^*l9.
Compound auvup of
T8 the best Medicine yet for Coughs, Colds, Consump
-- lie n, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, &.c. Read the fol
low nig:
November 13th, 18-IS.
Dear Sir— 1 take great pleasure in saying to you that
Mrs Ross has been entirely relieved of her cough by the
use of } our Syrup of Hi id Cherry It had continued for
fully eighteen months. She hail used several prepara
' lions of the Wild Cherry now in popular use, but not
•villi the slightest benefit, until she took your*. She on
j ly took six bottles, and I am pleased to say she is now in
good health. Every one who saw Mrs Ross thought
her in a eieep decline. LEWIS P. ROSS,
' No St;7 S. Charles Street. Baltimore. Captain of Sclioon
er O. K . Can.bridge: Packet.
In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign
Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary
| land, of June 01 h, lSib, says. Price 75 cenls a Bottle.
Prepared and sold by MARTIN k WHITEI.EY, at
their wholesale Drug Store, 48 S Calvert Street, Balti
And for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and
ander Ritledue, Williamsburgr, Huntingdon
(• county. [June 30, 18-19 —ly.
II O I. I, o W'"-W A It F,.
rnllK undersignedcontinupfitomanufacture
i A Stoves, Hollow-xcare, at the
Old Logan Foundry,
formerly carried cn by A. B. Long & Co., and
. oflors to the public the following articles:
The Premium or (look's Favorite is a very
; good stove, and well desetves those high cum*
nviidations so unanimously bestowed upon it.
j Also tho
Uallmway Cooking Slove,
which stands unrivalled in this or any other
country. It has been tested for the last nine
years, and is justly pronounced the best and
j the most durable article of that kind ever used.
Hundreds of certiticates could be procured, if
necessary. The
iof various sizes. Goal Stoves, of every de
scription; Parlor and Chamber do., tor coal or
wood ; Air-tight do., got up in a neat anil beau
tiful style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans,
Pots, Iron Stands, and numerons other articles
iof Hollow-ware. Also, SteJ Shoes, and all
kinds of Castings made to order. He is also
' of one and a quarter inch calibre, and intends
to keep a supply on hand at all times, Tho
subscriber is determined to make the ware
out of the very best material that can be pro
cured: and for the accommodation of distant
purchasers, keeps wagons and horses for the
purpose of delivering stoves at any point within
eighty miles, free of any additional charge.—
All the stoves are warranted to stand the lire
and perform well,aud if not, the money will be
refunded on their return ; it a plate should brouk
or crack, it will he replaced free of charge.
There is connected with the Foundry, n
Tinning Establishment, for manufacturing
'■ in Ware of every ItiiuL
whe re purchasers will please call.
OCT All nrd ers frrm a distance will meet
with prompt attention. Whole-ale dealers
would do well to give me a call, as 1 will
wholesale Ntoves and Hollow-ware on as fair
| terms as they can be had at any other place.
; All kinds of country Produce taken in ex-
l.cwistown, Jan. '27, 1849—tf.
A man by the name of t:L.\PP has engagi-d with a
yitimf man of the uame of S. IV I owniend. and :jwi hit
Dame to put up a S:ir*a|en rills, winch they call Dr. To*, a
scud's Sarnap irilla. denominating i* O EMU LYE, Original,
etc. This Townaend ia no doctor, and never wa, ; but was
formerly a worker on railroad*. finals, and the like. Yet he
mmibm the Utle of Dr., for the pnrp-.a- of p,tn.g ce.t.i f .r
what he i not. This i* to caution the public not u> h
deceived, and purchase none but the O EMC IMF. OH if) I
ffjtl. OI.D Dr. Jacob Town*ed' fh>r*paril!,. h-eeing u ,
It the Old Dr'a. likeness, hi* family coat of arms, and hi*
signature across the Coat of arms.
Prm-.tpal Office, 102 .Yueiau-.lt . -V* to lor* City
Genuine Townsen4 Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years f ace. mi a Las
long been known as the jjTJTHOH and DISCIjEE.HE.It
SAP ARI/.LA.'' Being t r, he was compelled to Irtnit its
nmnufictiire, by which means it has been kept not of msr
ket. aud the sales circumscribed to those only In> m.d
proved its worth, and known its value. It had reached
the ear of many, nevertheless, as those persons whn h. -l
been healed of sore diseases, and saved lrpm dentn, pr<i
claimed its excellence and wonderful
Knowing, many years ago. that he h id. by his skill,
science ami experience, devised an article which would te
u( incaJrulable ad'Antage 10 maoJtitid when the meant
would be furnisheJ to bring it into universal notice when
its inestimable virtues would be known and appreciated
This time har come, the means are supplied ; this
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called fir
throughout the length and breadth of the land, e-pecuuiy
as it is found incapable of decenerntlon or deterioration.
Unlike young 8. P Townsend'*, it improves with age and
never changes, but for the better: because it is prep red on
scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest knowl
edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art,
have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture
of the Old Dr's Barsaparilht. The Sarsaparilla root, it is
well known to medical men. contains man , medicinal pro
perties, and some properties which are inert or useless, and
others, which if retained in preparing it for uve. produce
fermentation aud acid, which is injurious to the system.
Soma of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so roiatile. that
they entirely evaporate aud are lost in the prestation. If
they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only
to those experienced in its manufacture Moreover, these
volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or as an exhala
tion. under beat, are the very essential medical properties
of the root, which give to it all its value.
f tnd yet he would fain have It nn<icrtod that Old Dr. Jacob
l'ownsend's (i'uume Original Sarsaparu.a. is an IMITA
TION of his Inferior prejmration
Heaven forbid that we should deal in an article which
would bear the nio-t distant resemblance to 8. P. Town
tend'g article! and which should bring down upon me Old
I Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and criminations
frtun Agents who have sold, and purchasers who iiaie used
We wish it understood, because it is the ctsolute tru'i,
that S. P. Townscnd's article and Old Dr. Jacob Town
send s Sarsaparilla are keare n-widr apart, and infinitely dij
; similar; that they are Unlike in every particular, having
' not one sinit'e thing in common
As S. P. Townseud is no doctor, and nerer was, is n<>
chemist, no pharmaceutist —knows no more of medicine ur
j disease than any othereomnion, unscientific. tinprofe-i"Dal
■i3ii, w hat gnd r a nice can the public have thai :ney are re
ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing ail the
virtues of ttie article* used in preparing it and which are ia
capable of changes which might lander litem the AGENTS
of Disease instead of health.
But what else should be expected from one who knows
nothing comparatively* of medicine or disease I lireqmrei
* jirrson of some experience to cook and serve up ever s
it- unman decent meal. Dow much more important is it th'-t
the persons who manufacture medicine, designed fur
should know well the medical properties of plants, the
best manner of securing and concentrating their he&img
virtues, also an extensive knowledge of tLc various dbeases
which affect the human system, aud how to adapt remedies
I to these diseases :
It is to srre-t fraud- upon the unfortunate, to pour tala
into wottnded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairnj
bosom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor into iSs
crushed aud br ken. and to banish infirmity that Oi.D hk.
portuuity and means to bring his
Graud L'uiversal Concentrated
within tho reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it,
that they may learn and know, by joyful experience, iu
Transcendent Power to Heal-
Any person can boil or stew tha root till they get a dark
colored liquid, which is mow from the coloring mallet A
■he root than from any thing else: they can then nr:n
this Insipid r vapid riquid, sweeten with sonr molasses.
*nd then call it " 9ARBAPA R!LEA EXTRACT OX SY
RUP." But such is not the nriicle knoun as the
This is sn prepared, that <*U the inert properties of the
darsaimrilia riMil are first removed, every thine capable of
becoming ncid or of fermentation, is extracted and rejected;
1 then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a put*
aud concentrated form ; and thus it is rendered incapalncOr
loving any of its valuable and healing properties. Preparr*!
ill this way, it is made the must powerful agent In the
Cure of innumerable diseasea-
Henee the reason why we he.ir commendations on eierv
side In its favor by men, vvninen, and children. We find it
! doirg wonders in the cure of
PI-A I.YT, anil ill RHE CM. 1 'J'ISM, St ROE I/.A,
TIC AS, PIMPLES, BLOCTHES, aud ail affections
arising from
It possesses n marvellous' liicncy in ail complaints ar.ui|
from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from uncq.iaJ
circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation
of the heart, cold lcet and hands, rold elulls aud hot Hashes
over the body. It has not its equal in Colds and C ongks;
and promotes eaay e\)iertoration and gentle perpirnli>a,
, relaxing stricture of the ill tips, throat, and every other part.
But In nothing is its cvct-lb-nce more manifestly seen and
acknowledged than in all kools and stages of
It works wonders in cases of Ft nor A thus or Whites. Pal
tug of the IV.imb, Obstructed. Suppressed, ut Painful Menses,
Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the like; and
I is as effectual in curing all llic 1 virtus of h'uiuey Ihtcastt.
By removing obstructions, and regulating the general
system, it give- tone and strength to the whole body, sad
thus cures ail tbrms of
j Nervous diseases and debility.
I and thus prevents or relieve* a great variety of other ma t
dies, as Spinal iri*>r<|/ia. . Ycuralgxa. s£. Eli Hi' IMnt
Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Coneu. siont. Ac.
It cle.ui-.es the blood. x votes the liver to healthy •Clio",
tones the stomach, and gives god digestion, relieves the
bowels of torpor and constipation, allays tnliauMtintloc.
j purifies the skut, equalises tiie circulation of the blood.
| producing geollo warmth ei|tal|y alt over Die body, a"" 1
i the uiseusible |eers|>inetioa; relaxes all strictures ami t ; hI
| iiess, removes all obstructions, and invigorates the etnur*
; nervous system. Is not this then
The medicine you pre-eminently need!
Bui ran any tit these thing* be said of 5. P. •
uiJcr >r article ? Thi* young iiwr'a liquid i iut u m
| beruu-e of one GRAND FACT, thut the one is INC'U*
81. F. of DETEKIOIt A'PION. and
w hlie the other D< >EB ; souring, fermenting, and KeteM
the battles containing it into IraguieaU ; the jour, a> i<! -I-"'
: exploding and d imaging other goods ' Must not thi-L' ::
; ble roiu|mund he potaooous to the system'— Heat '
; acid into a system already diseased le.th as if ' What r
Dyspc(ia but iieiil ? lin we not all know that when as-t
soma in our stomachs what mischief* it produces
lem-e, he artburn palpitation of the heart, liver com: * ! •
diarrhcea. dysontery, colic, ami corruptteen of ibe lilo-lt
V\ liat 1* t-cioiula Init a,i i,cla iiumor in the tn*h '
produces ail the humor- whi, :e bring un Etuofonsol tus
! Skm, Brnld Head, Sell Rheum, Erysipelas, Wheie S<
| higs, fever Aeires, aud tell ulcerations internal ami external
It is nothing under heaven, not an arid substance, whs'"
sours, find thus spoils all the Aunts of the lawiy. u:-" r '
less. What cause* Uheumatieiu hut a *eir or acid
w hich Insinuates itself bt*i*vet-n thejevlnts snd d**sbt'-
irritating and infinmueg (he etcUcate tissues upon which "
: nets I No o| nervous diseases, of impurity of trao ''
deranged circulations, aud nearly ail can xilMMuO win ■
atllict human nature.
Now is it not horrible le* iiolu aud es'l, and .fi,'
worse to Use this
sale in Lewisiown by E. Al.l
who is sole asjent for Aliftlin county,
may l^49—ly.
! Paper. Paper.
VLWAYS on hitnd n larjje asso'imed! i
. Cap. letter, Wrapping, Printuig A
dow and Wall Pap>r, wimlesale or retail.
Priuting paper, '22 X 3*2, at per bu
: F. J. iiomiAN.
I Lewistown, June 23,