Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, November 24, 1849, Image 3

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    much the restoration of clerical intoler
ance, that no one can persuade himself it
mav be excluded from the Papal train.
Should the Pope neglect to prepare the
va\ for In? return, it will be a troubled
SPAIN". —It appears that Nnrvacz has
taken ample vengeance on all the parties
who wort instrumental in tripping his
heels, lie has dismissed the King from
i.,s post as keeper of the palace, and im
prisoned a priest and a monk as the'in
struments ot the King's poiic\ .
The new American Minister at the
Court has formally presented himself, and,
with much tact and skill disclaimed, in the
name ot his President, the doings of the
party who proposed to seize upon Cuba.
ENGLAND. —The English press devote
much space to the consideration of the
Canadian annexation address, and its tone
and temper is highly commended. The
London '1 lines says, that by whomsoever
the documents is proposed or concocted,
it reflects great credit on the tact, skill and
adroitness of its authors.
In speakingof the possible assent of Eng
land to annexation ol Canada tojhe United
States, the Times says:—'Yet the con
duct of the people will be directed by mo
tives of prudence and interest alone—if
they think they can do without Canada
then, and then only will they give up
' But in surrendering Canada, they will
t ike care not to surrender one jot of sea
or land, the possession of which nearly
snd effectively concerns the maratime ami
commercial importance of Great Britain.
• They will not cede Nova Scotia—
thev will not cede Cape Breton—they
will not rede those seaboards ami harbors,
which must ever command the mouth of
the Si. Lawrence, and protect the trade of
the Atlantic.'
Lewistowrv Nov. 23, 1949.
Paidby Utaltrt. Retail.
Flour - - $4 25 $5 00
Wheat, white - 1)7 1 10
red - 90 1 05
Kve 50 60
On., 30 37
Corn, - - 50 60
Clorerseed old. 3 75
Do new, 4 00
Flaxseed - - 1 00 1 25
Timotbyseed - 2 00 2 50
Butter, good - - 15 15
Eggs 10 10
Lard 0 8
Tallow - 8 10
Potatoes - - 50 62$
Beef, - - 4 00
3acon, per lb. 77
Wool, per lb. - - 28
Feathers - - 45 45
The Lewistown Mills are paying 90 to
? cents lor good wheat, 50 cents for Rye,
lit cents for Corn, and 31 cents for Oats.
Grain — There BAA been a fair demand for
*heat and prices are steady; sales of 40.000
B;hels fair and prime red at #1,06a 1,07, and
white at $1,11a116. Rye is in demand at 63
cents per bushel. Corn is dull, and has declin
ed to 60 cents- Oats — Sales of 3000 bushels
Southern at 29a30 cents lb busheis. Coal
T.erket exceedingly dull. Cargo sales of
Schuylkill White Ash at $3,56| a 3.625. and
Red Ash at $3,75a3,87£ per ton. Allegheny
'.uminoua coal is dull at 16 cents per bushel,
'"offee market firm ; sales of 1,600 bags Rio at
cents per Jb, on time. Feathers are in
rrnted demand ; small sales of western at
35A 36 eta per lb. Fish — Mackerel are in a
raited demand ; sales from store, No 1, #l3 ;
VO 2 #9, and No 3 MASSACHUSETTS at $6,30
Y-.X bbl. Flour and Mea) — The flour market
i dull, but prices have not varied ; sales of
*6OOO bbis of common brands at $5 per bbl,
i'id some of a better brand at $5.12£. For city
consumption prices range from $5 to $5.625.
Rve flour and Corn Meal are steady at $-3 per
'itil, but the sales are limited.
At market 1200 Beef Cattle, including 450
rlead for New York. 280 Cows and Calves,
XXJ Hog,, and 1600 Sheep and I<ambs. Prices
—Beeves sold within the range of $5a7,25
■re 100 lbs Cows and Calves sold at s7al4
R Dry. sl2as2s for Springers, and slBas3o
• * FRESH Cows. Hogs mostly brought $4.50
*45,25 the 100 lbs.
BALTIMORE, NOV. 22, 1849. J
j Four —.Markets dull — sales of Howard
at #4.875a4,98 ; nothing doing in City
• Wheat — sales of prime at $1,02a115
red at #1,05 per bush. Corn — we note
of 3000 bushels at 51T53C for prirno
Sugar — sales of 300 hhds Porto Rico
* 5-ITO 5.35 ; and fine New Orleans at $5,80.
Money Matters, Trade. &c,
Delaware City Bank.
Attract from a letter to a gentleman of this
* : '.r.ty, dated
PHILADELPHIA, November 13, 1840.
•ray here remark, that while your cominu
" !<• naturally very sensitive about Bank j
'• m view of their past experience, still, be- j
? . de to the use of a paper currency, and
*- r ability of its being of a mixed cnarac
'• 're are I conceive good reasons why that
1 ien,itiveness should induce a decided
tJfl (heir part for Delaware City Bank j
'■i ir Uead of a distrust of the same. I will
reasons, knowing personally that
farts, and you can for yourself judge if
"i" fusions are sound.
' I lit Capital Stock paid in is paid with
'■'> stockholder having asked a loan to
instalments with. The capital stock
is a hona fidr investment of money for
and is not held in any one case as a
for borrowing from the Bank. That ;
storj, this dav whole and unimpaired,
lh 're i tl „ t this "day in i's asets a single j
■ ' enable that u not i.ooestly believed U I
* '•) the ' barter the Directors are made li
■' ; l " the public for the debts of the Bank in ,
, of the Bank becoming indebted be -
- fn< i .| very restricted limit, which li
ten incurred.
'J.ii i i t thus inmle personally lia
fr- > interested in the stock ; are not
! i a;.s from the Bank ; are of g"d |
' ■ r moral character and as business ;
■naturally will give their careful at- j
I, t '' the management of the Hank, because
I. 3 large part of the stock, and besides
El, ' K i ,r ro/ially liable in their private pro
y carelessly let the Bank become j
►' 'hrectorr alone decide on applies- {
' the ofLi ers not !/•!•<£ authorised
to' any , and with fair business qualifies
on t0 l,er ! ' tIVrS fo [ S ivi "S caref 'il atten
wi oJ7h * ■*' UiS hardl - v likel - v that they
i__ .i •" ie ca " ! ' l capital stock, or so conduct 1
1 their orivat f* l ° bocome object to the loss of
uieir pri\ ate property also.
Other reasons might be stated, but 1 conceive
SviH i V r a r e , SUffi - cicnt " 11 is P' ai, i that the in
i liability teature in the Charter, and the
prompt publication of the Card by the stock- ;
: holders has not only established a well ground- 1
ed confidence with the public wherever the
signers ot the Card are known, but it has also !
created a deeply seated secret hostility with
parties connected with some of the weak Banks,
that are now very widely extended, and exist
only by the absence of anv material call on
them for coin. They Jive by the forbearance
jot the Brokers, and obtain the same only by
pa) ing for it. But Broker* are dangerous props
17 a weak Bank, and will abandon her when the
blood is about gone, leaving the public to hold
| the empty carcass. The Delaware City Bank
is in poor odor with a part of the Brokers, be
cause she will not buy favors from them ; but 1
j think it may be fairly assumed by the public
j that whenever a Bank gets into partnership j
with a Broker to speculate on her own paper, ;
j there is reason to be cautious of her notes. The
j Delaware City Bank keeps funds at the Bank of
the Northern Liberties to meet all her notes of
' and upwards. It the law allowed our city-
Banks to take small notes also, they would be
equally protected. At her counter all her cir
culation has ben promptly redeemed with gold
i or silver on presentation ; and with the excep
i tion of the visits ola certain Broker in this city,
who has vainly hoped to embarrass her, there
• has not been at any time any run on her, or any
manifestation of the slightest distrust. The !
Broker above referred to has on every visit
j been paid American half dollars promptly for
j all the notes be has presented ; and the secret
j of his displeasure is the fact that the Bank re
fuses to give him large notes for the small notes
he brings, but insists on his taking coin for such
notes. It is a new feature to asail the standing
j of a Bank because she insists on paying specie,
j and yet her insisting on paying specie is the
I real cause for the insinuations against her,
which have been so zealously disseminated by
certain parties.
Broken and Doubtful Banks.
Walter Joy's Bank, at Buffalo, New York,
has failed. The Pavrtucket Bank, Rhode h
. land, it is said has also closed. The Union
Bank, Dover, as well as other New Jersey
Banks, seem to be in bad odor
The best plan for all to pursue, who have not
immediate use for their money, is to refuse ali
small notes issued by banks of other States.
Counterfeit ,$lO notes on the LANCASTER
BANK are in circulation. They are dated Jan
uarj Ist or 2J (could not distinguish which)
j 1844, letter B, signed Chrit. Tackmar, Cash
ier, James Evans, President. Vignette, a
naked female sitting with a staff in her right
i hand, her face turned left, no spots visible on
the eye, a spread eagle on her left side, (the
right of the vignette,) resting on a shield ; a
ship, all sails set. on her right, badly engraved ;
the hull or bottom of the ship looks like a
floating saw log, square at both ends. Double
medallion heads on the right end of the bills,
also badly executed. The other figures on the
j bill are said to be good. The bills are not de
scribed in any of the last Detectors.
CL. JONES respectfully informs the lu
• dies that he made a large purchase of
Cashmeres when last in the city, at greatly re
duced prices, and is now able to sell a genuine
article of Cashmere at the extremely low price
of 25 els. per yard, equal to nr.y to he had at
50 els. at other places. Call soon, as they are
selling like hot cakes.—Also, a splendid assort
ment of sack Flannels and many other new
goals just received and arriving at the cele
brated new cheap cash store.
Nov. 17. C. L. JONES.
S T R A Y S~
f lAMB to the residence of the subscriber in
Decatur township, on the 20th of October,
LIGHT SHEEP, marked with a hole in the
right ears and a piece cut off the left. The
owner is requested to came and prove property, 1
pay charges, and take thern away, or they will
be disposed of according to law.
November 10, 1840—3t.
A STRAY HORSE, of a dark brown color,
supposed to be about nine years old, was
left at the stable of the subscri
hers, in Reed-ville, Brown town-
V*h ship, on the night of the Bth Octo
ler last. The owner is requested
to come forward, prove property,
d take him away ; otherwise he
will be disposed of according to law.
A. &. J. REED. I
November 10, 1849—3t.
Executor's Notice.
T HERE AS Letter* Testamentary upon
TT the estate of AGNES STERRITT,
late of Armagh township, deceased, have boen
granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims or de
mands against the deceased will make known
the seme without delay.
Armagh township, Nov. 3, 1849—0t.
Administrators' Notice.
IETTERS of administration on the estate
.4 of GEORGE YV. OLIVER, late of Oli
ver townnhip, deceased, having been granted
to the subscribers, residing in Union township,
Mifflin county, all persons having claims a
gainst said decedent are duly notified to pre
sent them, duly authenticated, for settlement, i
without delay ; and all knowing themselves '
indebted are requested to make immediate pay- ■
October 20,1949-6 L*
I 8 hereby given to James Harris, Martha Ilar-
I US, Laird Howard, David Howard, 'I horn AS .
Howard, Harriet intermarried vith Dr. Thomas |
Van/a.zah, Ann intermarried with William j
Wilton, Jane intermarried with Joseph Green, i
heirs and legal representatives of WIL LI AM L ;
HARRIS, late of Union county, deceased, that
in pursuance of a writ of partition and valuation,
issued out of the Orphans' Court of Mercer
county, that an inquest will be held on Dona
tion Lot No. 726, of 200 acres, in the 4th Dis
trict of Donation lands in Mercer county, on
the 12d liny of December next, where you may
attend if yon see proper.
JAMES McKEAN, Sheriff.
SIfCKIVF** OF 111 T, 1
Mercer, Pa., Nov. 12, 1849 j [novl7-Jt.
13 Y virtue of an order of sale to me directed, ;
' roni Orphans' Court of* Mifflm coun
ty, ' will expose to sale, af the Court House in
the Borough of Lewistown, on
Monday, Klccembei' 37,
1949, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the fol-
I lowing described Real Estate, late of GRORUE
SCHWARTZ, deceased, to wit:
M'l'wo Messuages and Tenements, AsA.
or Malt lwjts of Ground, ililull
situate on tlie north side of Third street, in
Lewistown, adjoining each other, the eastern
! lot being bounded by property of Rev. J. Ro
j senberg, and the western by property of YVm.
i B. Hoffman, eacli being 30 feet, more or lees,
in front on said street, and extending back same
width to an alley—the lot. on the east having
: thereon a one and a hall story Frame Dwelling
House and other improvements, and the lot on
the west having thereon a one story Brick
Dwelling House with other improvements,
i 1 kuMs—One half of the purchase money to
I be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
other half to be paid in one year thereafter,
with interest, to be secured bv bond and mnrt
! gage,
D. McK. CONTNER, Trustee.
November 17. 1849—td
! TT/TLL be sold at public sale, on JHOJYIKIY,
i \ V the 24 tit day of December next, on the pre
, niises, all that well known valuable real estate
j situate on Water Street, and ad joining the Penn
sylvania Canal, in the borough of Lewistown,
1 belonging to the estate of Major DAVID CUM
MIN GS, deceased :
No. 1. A large two story FRAME WARE
HOUSE, most eligibly situated on the Pennsyl
vania C'anal, and well calculated for the trans
action of business on the Canal and Pennsylva
j nia Railroad.
No. 2. A largo, two story frame
J J " A DWELLING HOUSE, adjoining
lira I { ! ''ie above, well calculated for a
y--^-cfpfcdwelling house and store, with a
" and wharf opening on the
No. 3. A vacant lot of ground, adjoining the
above, suitable either for the erection of build
ing or as a place of storage.
No. 4. A convenient two story frame house,
adjoining the, above, with suitable conveniences,
; being a desirable location for a small family.
No. 5. That well known stand for a Canal
j zfejk.Grocery, with Dwelling House and Stable,
P*i adjoining the above, with a valuable
Wharf extending along the whole frout.
! This is one of the most eligible locations in the
j borough of Lewistown for transacting business.
The road way between NOR. 2 and 3 to be
kept open for the use of the owners of all the
above described property forever.
Possession of the above property to be given
on the Ist day of April, 1850, except the Ware
i house, the possession of which can be given im
TERMS.— One half of the purchase money
to he paid on the Ist day of April, 1850, and
the balance in one year ith interest, to be se
cured bv bond and mortgage on the premises.
.Idmr*. Ac, , ot David Cummins;*, deceased.
Lewistown, Nov. 17, I*49—td.
SJ ©W 2<DIEo
PURER' notice is hereby given that by or
der of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin coun
ty, will bo exposed to sale by public vendue or
outcry, on
Friday, November 30. Is 19,
at If) o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the
following described Real Estate, with the ap
purtenances. Sic., situate in the township of
1 Union in said county, late the estates of JA
COB BYLER, Sen., deceased, viz:
No. 1. A tract of cleared land, adjoining
lauds of Alex. Gibbony, Isaac Plank, Abraham
Hartzler and others, containing 47 acres and
Jffgjv 144 perches, more or less, with a
JJ j£ Grist. Miil, running two sets of
JaScf 11 ljjs burrs, sntl in good condition for
country and merchantable
work, a csaw Mill, a large two story Irame
House, a bank Barn, a good tenant House, and
other improvements thereon erected ; together
with a never failing Spring of water, an Apple
Orchard and other choice fruir.
No. 2. A tract of Timber Land, adpining
, lands of Alexander Gibbony and John Hertz
let, containing 42 acres and 72 perches, more
or less.
No. 3 A tract of Mountain Land, adjoining
lands of Abraham H.art/.ler and others, con
taining 16acres and 124 perches, more or less.
No 4. A tract of Mountain Land, adjoining
: lands of John Hartzler'e heirs, containing 3
acres and Si) perches, more or les.
These several tracts will be soid together or
separately, or each in parcels to suit purchas
ers, Possessoin to be given on the Ist day of
April, 1950.
Terms of Sale. —One half of the purchase
money to be paid on the confirmation of the
j sale, and the balance thereof in two equal an-
I ntial payments thereafter, with interest from
the day ol confirmation, to be secured by bonds
with security and mortgages on the premises.
The sale will be held on the premises No.
1, on which the improvements are situated, at
the tune above stated, when and where atten
dance will be given bv
Executors of Jacob liyter, Sen.
November 10,1849 —t*. [Dem. copy.
U? J CE> £33 J6X l_£_i UB
Tlie Leuiatuuii Hold.
rpHE owner of this well and favorably
JL known Hotel offers it at Private Sale.
It is situate in Lewistown, Pa., N. YV. corner
of Main and Market streets. The
AFIU 'YCK main building is 65 feet by 45,
Twl i l \&three stories with a basement.
villi n kitchen and range of
rooms extending back. There is attached to
it an Ice House, Smoke House, Carriage
House, and large Stables; in short, no ex
j pense has been spared to fit it for uu extensive
i business.
| YVe hazard nothing in saying that its loca
tion, for a permanent business, is as desirable
; as any stand in the central part of the State.
Lewistown has been and Rill must be a point
of departure for the Northern and North-west
ern travel on Ihe Pennsylvania Canal and
Pennsylvania Railroad. Since the opening of
i the latter this transient travel has greatly in
creased ; this added tothe fact that this house
I always l.aa enjoyed a largo share of permanent
j ennntry cte fom makes it at once a safe and <le
• sirnble investment.
i TERMS will be made to suit purchasers
Apply to GKOROE YV. ELDER, Esq., Lewis
town, Ps.. or to the subscriber.
National Hotel, corner of l Mh and Market
Nov. 3, 1849-41* streets, Philadelphia.
JUST received end DOW opening, plain and
embroidered Sack Flannel, for ladien and
children —selling very cheap at
Bank of Discount and Deposite.
Ca*l Capital Paid in *70,000.
tablished at Lew is town, Pennsylvania, an I
Office of Discount and Deposite, for the trans- j
action of the regular business of banking. ,
! Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial
j cities will be discounted at all times, and depos- '
j *' es current money will be paid, on demand, i
l in par funds. Every facility will be afforded to i
business men in their negotiations with the I
i Eastern and Western cities.
Notes offered for discount must lie over one 1
, day.
The aggregate Capital of the establishment '
• exceeds half a million of dollars.
W. RUSSELL, Cashier.
W. 11. IRWIN,
Solicitor and Confidential Agent.
Lewistown, August 25, IS49 —tf.
Proposals for Building a Dam.
PROPOSALS will bo received until the lsf
of January next for building a
Stone or Crib Dam,
UMI feet long and 12 feet high, across the
Kishacoquillas at Mann's Axe Factory in the
Narrows. Plan and specifications can he seen
at the Factory on or after the loth of Novem
ber. The dam is to be built between the Ist
August and middle of September. 1850.
Proposals will also be received at the same
time for a quantity of masonry and carpenter's
November 3, 1849 —5t
Dissolution of Partnership.
FWAIIE partnership heretofore existing be-
A tween the undersigned in the Butchering
Business, under the firm of BUTLER &.
SILLS, has been dissolved by mutual consent.
All person! knowing themselves indebted are
requested to call and settle immediately.
• Iewistown, Nov. 17,1810.
P. S. The business will be carried on as
Nov. 17, 1849—3 L
Mackerel, Shad and Salt.
) "ONES' is the place to buy them cheap.
n0v.17. C. L. JONES.
JUNE'S Rheumatic Nerve and liorie
* Liniment, for sale at GREEN'S Medi
cal Depot, No. 11, Lewistown.
Herkimer coimly Cheese.
A LARGE lot ol very superior quality
just received at C. L. J ONES'
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
New Hardware Store!!
117 E have always a large assortment ofal
v T kinds of Hardware low for cash.
Lewistown, June '23, 1819.
Dirtcl from iiio hititer u.
bought before the late advance or.
that article, selling cheap at
JO.VKS' New Cheap Cash Store
October 27, I"*4S.
iSalt! Salt!
JUST received, a large stock of Ground
Alum Stlt—l4 cents per bushel and $1.75
per sack. CO" To dealers a liberal discount
off these prices will be made.
ma 26,1849. F.J.HOFFMAN.
tfnst Openings
\\ YARDS of neat figured
|A. *7l? CASHMERES. 4-4 wide,
and sellinir at 12£ cents per vard at
in want of Blankets are invited
to a large stock just received at
nov.'L New ('heap Cash Store.
P. S. Remember these Blankets are fresh
goods just opened, no old stock.
Superior Sugar-house Molasses.
jYrEVV Orleans and lite real genuine Golden
ix Syrup for sale at the former low prices,
which is at ieaft 'JO per cent, tinder the regu
lar country prices. A large supply on hard at
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
MUFFS, BOAS, Victorines, &c.
VI 7 E will open in a few days a large and !
▼ v handsome lot of Furs, such as Muffs,
Buns, Victorines, Bellerines, of Genett, Lynx,
Gooney, Squirrel and Fitch, which will be the ,
cheapest and handsomest ever offered. An
examination cf the same is respectfully re
quested. NUSBAUM, BROTHERS. ' i
Lewistown, Oct. 20, 1849.
I *at b r ell as .
SILK, Cotton, and Gingham, a large assort
ment for sale very low, bv the piece or j
dozen —59 cents, 60 cts., 70 cis., 80 cts., 90
cts., *1 00, *1.12}, *l-25, *1.50, *L7S, *2.00,
*2 25, Silk at *2.50, *3.00, *4.00 and *4.50.
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
OF these goods a large assortment on hand,
for sale'by the piece or yard very low —
124 cents, 18$ els., 25 cts., 31 els., 37J i ts ,
44 cts., 50 cts.. 50 cts., 02J cts., 75 cts, 87£
cts., *l.(H>, *1.25 and *1.50; also a hundsome
assortment of Bombazines.
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
8-4 Silk Plaid Wool Shawls, *2 50
8-4 Cassimere do 4 00
8-4 super, plaid wool do 500
16-4 do do long do 375
10-4 do Bay Slate do do 12 00
10-4 do black Thibet long do 10 00 j
10 4 do Bay State long do 0 50
Plain and Embroidered high colored Thibet
Merino Shawls.
The above list with many others are just ,
opening tins week at the celebrated New ;
Cheap Cash Store. .
nov 3. C. L. JONL -. j
■jVTOTICE is hereby given, that the A:ade- i
unvn'/.u 0 ' 100 ' w, h commence on the second ;
MONDAY of September. Terms of Tuition
,as heretofore. 1 tie strictest attention will be
; gi vfi n to all pupils to advance them in their
studies. The Academy possesses also the ad
vantage of a Philosophical and Astronomical
apparatus to facilitate the instruction of pupils. !
Lewistown, Sept. 1, 1849—tf.
Queensware & Glassware.
QUITE ail extensive assortment just open
ing at the New Cheap Cash Store.
Gilt French China Tea Setts.
; do do do Platee.
, White Iron Stone Tea and Dinner Set*.
do Granite do do do
Light Blue do do do
( Floring Blue do do do
Toilet Sets, 6 uieces; Plates of all kinds an!
sizes by the single or dozen ; also a large as
sortment of Cups and Saucers, by the single
Set; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses
Pitchers; colored and white glass Candlesticks;
Preserve Dishes, in endless variety; French !
china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various
i patterns; Castors; Tumblers; Glass Jars, va
rious sizes; stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur
key Dishes, white, blue and mulberry, also
steak Dishes to match; Bowls, Pitchers; sauce
j Dishes; and a large lot of common Cups and
Saucers, all offered for sale at unprecedented
low prices for cash, at
nov3 New Cheap Cash Store.
Sri in,
Boalsburg, Centre Co. Pa.
CA ARDENERS and orchardists who desire
C to plant only the very best kinds of hardy
fruits, are respectfully informed that they can
| obtain trees here of all the most estimable va
rieties, including all those which have received
the especial sanction of the American Congress
of Fruit Growers. (N. Y., Oct. 1848.)
The TREES offered this season are of beau
tiful appearance, extra size, (except
: ing n few now rare sorts) and from
the elevated locality in which the
Nursery is established, have all the
essential advantages of hardiness and early
j maturity, for which trees grown at the north
! have been deservedly preferred.
The advantages possessed here are being
improved to the utmost, with the view of mak
ing this Nursery, in merit, sc-cond to none in
the State. Every tree is indelibly marked
and warranted correct. They will be deliv
ered in Lewistown or at intermediate places
at the low catalogue prices, and warranted
sound on delivery. If to be shipped, they will
be well packed for the purpose at a moderate
It is rfdvised that orders be sent direct to the
Nursery, in preference to purchasing illy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsible dealers,
at high prices. Sueh orders, if received in
time, have the first attention.
Season for fall planting, October 20.
A choice collection of the most admired or
namental plants, vines, evergreens, &c. has
been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to
all post paid applicants.
Boalsburg, July 7, 1849—tf. [ Dem. copy
rnllE subscriber has taken the Lewistown
JL Mills,and wishes to buy a large quantity of
All Kinds of Krain,
for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAR
FUNDS, as high as the market will afford, accor
ding to its quality. Any person having good
Wheat will do well to call and show a sample
of it, as he thinks he can afford to give more
than any other person in the place, the mill
being situated on the creek, where flour can
lie loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling.
If wheat brings a better price than it will af
ford to grind, lie has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great deal of time and labor in hoisting by
AOE, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
and give the following receipt:
" Received. Lewistown Mills, of A. ft.,
Wheat, to he kept in store till the first of Au
gust unless disposed of sooner."
When the receipt is given thequality of the
wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush- \
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re- ;
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till after the first of August, it will
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on that day. If shipped, or sold to any
person that does not get it ground in the mill,
TWO cents per bushel storage will be charged. 1
i If they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONE HALF
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will
be clear froui high water.
The subscriber will keep
Piaster, Fish, Salt and Groceries
of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to j
Farmers, by Ihe quantity.
03-FLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain arid Feed, will be constantly kept on
hand, and sold low tor cash.
N. B. JOHN STERRETT is authorized to '
transact any business in the above premises as
my Agent.
Lewistown, April 14, 1849—1y.
Wholesale So Retail'
.YD. 238 Mu r ki t s.rrrl, above Seventh, South side,
\ I.THOUGH we ran scarcely estimate the value of;
TIME commercially, yet hy railing at the above ea- ,
tabhsiiment, JAMKM lUub.!t will furnish bis friends, j
among whom lie includes all who duly appreciate its i
Ih-etness, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking
its progress, of whose value they CAN judge.
His extensive stork 011 hand, constantly changing in
conformity to the improvements in taste and style of
SfS? pattern and workmanship, consistsof Ei/rkt-day
jyyVastl Thirty-hour Brass Counting House, Parlor,
ti *.. >ja Hall, Church, ami Alarm CLOCKS, French, Go
thic and other fancy styles, as well us plain,
which from hia extensive connection and correspondence
with the manufacturers he finds he can put at the lowest
cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy.
*>Clocks repaired and varranlcd. Clatk TViw minge i
en hand.
CAI.L and see me among there.
JAMES BARBER, 238 Market st.
Philadelphia, August 18, 18-10—ly.
AVERY large and handsome stock of Rea
dy-made CLOTHING. Boya' do.,
just landed and now opening at
lLmm ' :r jr..'WLLW l ~""%
Pennsylvania Kail road.
T.REIGHT TRAINS now run uvice a vveeK between
I.eww'nwn n<i Philadelphia as follow*, vn : Leav
ing I. KWI.TO ww on HT.riXESJJJirS and S.iTVH
TU URSI/.1 1 S, .11 the following rales of freight, v\ IIK.II
include commissions for storage, viz :
nates of Freights per 100 Pounds.
TO sl^SS
; -j| c i-Cj£o
Cove and Duncannon, i 21 25 30 55
Bailey's, NcwportA MiUerstowri. 22 25 32 2U
Perrysville and Mifflin, ! 21 2s 35 42
Lew mown, I 25 |3O 374 43
Way freight per mile is 2| mills for First and Second
I lass, and 3 mills fur Third and Fourth Class.
List of Articles in each Class.
FIRST CI.ASS. Ashes—wood or leached; Bones;
Horns and CIIIP piece"; Bricks, (not fire); broken Cast
ings; Clay, Eaith, Sand or Gravel; Coal (mineral); Fire
Wood; German Clay; Headlngnnd Hoop Poles; Iron Ore;
Lime; Manure; Marble in blocks (unwrought); Pig snd
Scrap Iron; Plaster or Gypstini; Posts and Rails; Rags;
Railroad Ties or Sills; Salt; Shingles and Lath; Slate or
Tile for roofing; Staves; Stave", heading, Ac. for cedar
ware; Tar, Fitch and Rosin; Timber, (round or hewn.)
SECOND CLASS. —Agricultural Implements; Apples,
and other domestic fruit", (green or dried); Bark (ground
or unground); Beef and Fork, (salted); Blooms and An.
chonies ; Boards and other sawed lumber; Bran, Ship
Stuff and other Feed; Burr Blocks; Castings, (iron); Cof
fee ; Charcoal; Coke; Cotton; Earthenware; Empty
Casks; Fire Brick; Fish in Barrels (saltj; Flour; Grain of
ail kinds; Grindstones; Hemp; Hides; Ice; Iron, [sheet,
bar, rolled, slit or hammered]; Lard; Lead, [in pigs, bar
or sheet]; Mill Stones; Nails and Spikes; Potatoes, Tur
nips, and similar roots; Pot and Pearl Ashes—Barytes;
Sawed Marble; Soap Stone; Stoneware; Stone for lime
or building; Straw Paper or binding boards; Tallow;
Tobacco in leaf; Whiskey, Cider, and other domestic li
quors in Casks; Wrapping-paper.
THIRD CLASS.—Agricultural productions not parti
cularly specified; Bale and bagging Rope; Beef, [fresh];
Beer, Porter and Ale; Beeswax; Brass in sheets or man
ufactured; Butter and Eggs; Cast Steel; Cedarware;
Cheese; China or Queetisware; Clover, Timothy and
other grass Seeds; Copper in bars, sheets or manufactur
ed; Fish, [fresh]; Flax Seed; Glassware; Groceries, [ex
cept coffee]; Hardware and Cutlery; Hides, [dry or Span
ish]; Leather; I.ive Stock; Mahogany and other orna
mental woods; Marble, manufactured; O.h-e; Oil of all
kinds [including Castor and Lard]; Oysters; Paints and
l)ye stuffs; Pork, [fi esh]; Red Lead, [ground in oil or dry];
Ropes and Cordage; Shot; Siearu Engines and machinery
of all kinds; Tin and Tinware; White Lead; Window
Glass; Wool; Zinc in sheets or blocks; Zinc manufac
FOURTH CLASS.—Boots, Shoes and Hats; Books,
and Stationery; Buiialo and .Moose Skins; Carriages, or
vehicles of pleasure; Deer Skins; Drugs and Medicines;
Dry Goods; Feathers; Foreign Fruits; Furnifure;Furs and
Peltry; Garden Seeds, in boxes; Paper, [writing and
printing] ; Tobacco, manufactured ; Trunks; Unenumer
ated Articles.
To Drovers and others having Live Stock to send to
market. It is desirable they should go in Wednesday's
train, as the Saturday's train remains at Ilarrisburg un
til Monday.
PASSENGER TRAIN'S run daily, leaving Philadel
phia at S and Lewistown at 10 o'clock, A M.
Ayent, Leiristoten.
Nov. 3, 1840. Agents, Philadelphia.
Bacon, Lard, Butter, Wool, Gin
seng, Cloverseed, *SLC-,
XSroari anil Cherry Streets,
Advances made, if required, on Receipt of
Consignments. Cars will be unload
ed at our Warehouse. Produce consigned to
us for sale will not be subject to porterage or
storage. C. &. B. are Agents for the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company.
Oct. 20, 1819—if.
Commission Merchants,
For the Sale of Produce in
<*e neral,
Broad, above Arch, West side,
Iron received and delivered to any part of the
City, or shipped as may be directed.
SHKM ZOOK, Esq., Mifflin county.
WILLIAM RISSELL, Esq., Cashier of the De
posit and Discount Bank, Lewistown.
J. W. WF.IR, Cashier of the Harrisburg Bank.
TOWNSEND HAINES, Esq., Secretary ot the
Commonwealth of Penn'a.
G. M. TROITMAN, Esq., Cashier of the West
ern Bank, Philadelphia.
.MORRIS PATTERSON & Co., Merchants, ) " -5
JACOB LEX Sl SON, do. ' 27
JOHN M. KENNEDY & Co., do. ~ ®
September 22, 1849—3 m.*
MM k CO.,
Commission Merchants,
And all descriptions of Country Produce,
Between Race and Cherry,
Respectfully solicit a share of the business
from this vicinity, and refer to
Messrs. LONGENECKER, GRIBB &. Co., Bankers.
W. RUSSELL, Esq., Cashier, Lewistown.
E. E. LOCKE, Esq , Mifflin county.
R J. Ross. Esq Cashier, ) Ham , b
SAMUEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, Lancaster
county, Pa.
GEO. M. TROUTMAN, Cashier, of"]
Western Bank, n ,., . „
Messrs. JAB. J. DUNCAN & Co., Phl!adel a "
and Merchants generally, J
October 6, 1849—(3m.*
Wholesale Commission Agent,
IVo. tVi North Wharves,
Above Race street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 21, 1849. ly
RI LLA f for sale at GREEN'S