FIVE. AC., above and below, are coarse and un- I workraaolike- The Nin No. is clumsy. The Kjwer point of the V, on each side of Justice, is blunt, while on the genuine it is sharp. The •oace between the right hand V die, and the fe na'.e reaper is much wider than on the left hand. This is perhaps one of the best tests, as in the genuine the spaces are about equal. A iilt'.e attention to these marks will enable any one to detect the counterfeit " THE SrsnrtUANNA COCNTT BASK. -—We learn f rn Montrose that the failure of the Susque ; .n:ia County Bank has caused the greatest ex- i element in that community. The committee cf directors appointed to investigate the affairs of the institution, report that the bank has at least $2110,000 afl aat, of which probably $150,000 has recently been put in circulation at the west, j through a certain agent in Cincinnati, who was ii Montrose hut a week before the institution ixpioded. The cashier, T. P. St. John, has been arrested and committed to prison. He assured the directors that there were but $49,000 in circulation, and that every dollar could be redeemed. So infuriated were the citizens that they attempted to do violence to his person, and after his incarceration they took the signs from the hank, and placed them with an effigy over the jail door. Dissolution of Partnership. fIIHE partnership heretofore existing be -2- tween the undersigned in the Butchering Fastness, under the firm of BUTLER & FILLS, has been dissolved by mutual consent. A. persons knowing themselves indebted are : quested to call and settle immediately VVM. BUTLER, B. J. SI ELS. Le.vtstown, Nov. 17. 1849. P. S. The business will ho carried on as usua bv WILLIAM BUTLER. Nov. 17,1849 —3t. Mackerel. Shad and Salt. J "ONES' is the place to buy them cheap, nov 17. C. Ij. JONES. THREE PLY CARPETS! I"IEST qualify three-ply Carper*.- wcrrsnted -13 —j-uling at per yard. such as is 9■d at other stores for st.3?£ and §1.50. Al so. a ?r ! endid assortment of other Carpeting. Rjj?. <fcr ,t (\ JONES. ° -.ember 17, 1940. PUBLIC NOTICE. fV'fiEREAS the gieat rush at C. L. Jones' v celebrated new cheap cash store for de nine and cheap g-xxia hz* rendered it at :..vv tunes nioossible to watt upon all the Writers, many iiave had to wait, and some : in a hurry hare been obliged to leave ; es'ore; this is to inform all such,that there - now an additional lorce added, so that all an be accommodated without delay. Come cn for cheap poods at C. 1,. JONES' Celebrated New Cheap Cash Store. November 17, 1549. TO THE LADIES. t' L. JONES respectfully informs the U ' • dies that he made a iarare purchase of i?hmerea when last in the city, at greatly m e<i prices, and is now able to sell a genuine t-ne> of Cashmere at the extremely low price 2.) cts. per yard equal to ar.y to he had at 50 eta at other places. Call soon, as they are e ing like hot cake-".—Also, a splendid assort tn°nt of sack Flannels and many other new i j'ist received and arriving at the cele new cheap cash store. Nov. 17. C. L. JONE3. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. \ T 'ILL be sold at public sale, on MOJVD.i I", \\ the 24tA day of December next, on the pre -• se, all that well known valuable real estate Miiate on Water Street, and adjoining the Penn u'vania Canal, in the borough of Lewistown, o-.nging to the estate of Major DAVID CUM 'INGS, deceased: No. 1. A large two story FRAME WARE HOUSE, most eligibly situated on the PennsvJ nnia Canal, and well calculated for the trans ition of business on the Canal and Pennsylva nia Railroad. E-—'-R No. 2. A large two story frame £gj > >"• j DWELLING HOI'SE, adjoining I< I a l ' ,e al>ovc > well calculated for a :welling :welling house and store, with a cellar and wharf opening on the Canal. No. 3. A vacant lot of ground, adjoining the re. ' jit able either for the erection of build ir ;' or a a place of storage. No 4. A convenient two story frame house, <- oiniog the above, with suitable conveniences, c - a desirable location for a small family. 5 5. That welt known stand for a Canal ifcrf,Grocery, with Dwelling House and Stable, the above, with a valuable • irf extending along the whole front • 5 one of the most eligible location* in the - gb of Lewistown for transacting business t road way between Nos. 2 and 3to be " *• open for the use of the owners of all the - r : described property forever . session of the above property to be given " Ist day of April, 1850, except the Ware t.'r.e possession of which can be given im "'"itely. TERMS.—One half of the purchase money *■- paid on the Ist day of April, 1850, and ' '<4lance in one year with inttrest, to be sc '->d bond and mortgage on the premises. THOrS. K. McKEE, HANNAH M. McKEE, Jidmn. 4'C., of David Cummings, dtcea'.ed. ► xistown, Nov. 17, 1949—td. NOT ICE~: I "• -"'by given to James Harris, Martha Har -1 ' • Lsird H iward, David Howard, Thoma* Harriet intermarried with Dr. Thomas "• /.ah, Ann intermarried with William Jun'- intermarried with Joseph Green, " "id legal representatives of WILLIAM L. '■ "'-it-.- iate <A Union county, decease,!, that - unce of a writ of partition and valuation, • -d out of the Orphans' Court of Mercer that an inquest will be held on Dona- Lot No. 72fj, of 000 acres, in the 4th Dis • of Donation lands in Mercer county, on ■ 2th -iny tf December nezt, where you may " d if you see proper. JAMES MtKEAN, Sheriff. Or rice, ) " Pa . Nov 12, 1849. $ (nov!7-3. Auu;lO2*M P ' , <!, np;K,:n-<i iciitor to dia ■ • .n iti An ot the Hale of the f>r. 1 riWin IhioVKK, ri'-v in ' ■<; ii,r- ;sl, nfl' at Mifflin county, will v r r, r t i ioitiie in the borough of on 'I'UL'Jt^JyY, Dtcrmher 1 Lj, f r tp.. urrx-ne of making said di** \slieii bud where all parties inter ' ' u tili.Hl to a'lend. J. DICKSON. Auditor. • u 1819 4f, Hem. copy. ANT) XsHf \mSa? '* ' - PURIFY! PURIFY! Life and Health art 1 in the Hioori. Not one of nil th > numerous medl -Inns that : uvo boon prepared, begins to be oik* great medical v rtue, power and unfailing certainty to clean-: and purity, piodm e moo, healthy blood, and atr. njiiu-n and inv':.:<nit.:"l!ic v. huh- -vs tem, as BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. TV.;® Purifier is the sooet vcuderful sod arto.ilshiog rmn ed? in the world. No other tu. di-'in Las effected uch nl* most miraculous rurc of Scrofula, Fever Sores, Salt Uheum, 9V PTIIt.!', and other eneptrrr nnd skin disuses, vjr.. ; Kry tipeUts. Sores. Ultra. C'urtuci Sorr Mmu-t n;d l~h-,„u Xursinv Sore Mouth, Srald U.. I. J',7,... pimpl- . ~ , t ke Fore, liheiimntieri. LIVF.It CO MP LAI XT. n many < diao'isos. THOI'.-' AMDS of #u< h d oHes ' ,v.- I-o n cured by PURIFtCR, and ennd by tl-.e u> of FOUR Less Quantity, at Less Cost b y four-fold, than over wuch diipatffli were bcfor* or *tnr<p curod. by or any ctht r remedy. WJi.'.f, ihea, the qurFtion lor tho#*e interested to decithv as to economy nd health? FIRST— fViU it cur :nu comptaiU? Sl'Al- OND— Jb it cheaper ? TH!Rl)~?fitt ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of BR ANT - S PURIFIER • Tcctlv. Tv < are FOt'it TIMPA a* much diaen." .. one doVir'e >r >r" >of S'ireapartllo > If it will, then itH FOUR TIMES CHEAPER than Kirtmpa. rilia. And to prove thii w'o offer on- care of cure, out oi the many canes of MOST HORRID SCROFULA. To realize the great power of this medicine aa a purifier, road. 1B our Pnuiphl.-t*, the perfect cure effected on ">fr. J. H Hatkbt. of Rome, Oneida, county, N. I*. fI. was confined to lit® hed One i'rar —was hot expect. I to live tmento/oi r hours longsr —! is neck wiw cao-n n irly off, from ~r to ear—a holo waa eaten through the. 111.1 >I ; tj.r —; .f enrn-cr y eaten out—the use of one arm destroyed—no If'- .-r, as !ur, ,• ra a men's hand, had neariy eaten through—and there wore on hitn, in all, Twenty Large, Deep, Discharging Ulcers. which w,-ro AL L CU RED, and he restore t to Ae/t/M a'-i strength to labor aanin, !>>• tlie aae of ONLY TVVKLViJ HO 1 f'LKB. Thia wonderlol cure la ct rt.;i> i Ui by Fourteen Respectable Witnesses. And it i the greatest cure, the most undoubV I v substantiat ed. of one of the most horrid an t most hop ci r sea -t Scrofula, that has ever been cured rncc tlie world vn rrc eted—completely establishing the great pswr and r-rta n Jtcacg of toe medicine. BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM TLs Ps!am ->o,:esscs alt the -'ri- • <! g Virtues OT THE ' ' nrr UTMED |SI. F> •• ■ r 't. p oasc=sea acvera! other m.-dicanr.. p. a . 1 pe- v •imrly adapted in nirf COUUHr and CCVTI iil" 1- .- !t heals nnd rurrr Hit era ;n the I.units, ai:d • eucc ; ly, 'IB readily ai; 1 ae easily as th Vn-ij Ustrs-t TO .s and cures fTtcrnuUy. THOCJ.iyOT of Cllrc- o." t)|C mr.fl hope'- IVc. C.ptlo'i fll'v prove • • rarefy,l , fficoi V: . ,1.1 u> r of the iil'N THROAT, nnd If It K AST. * A dvim; WOMAN SAVF.D: CONSUMPTION CURED! We the f cert.u* 6lc as a fart cf cure, vvhi l i : j prove the jMJ'.vrr : > Tie, even wLk, the perpua seenr- 'o ue in rh. rer * slaves *jf exiStcn e. when's ItsJiam Mawi . lAtalmtaWMni: — t-a cf M ; a. \nratr>en t'o . .Y. Y —ts. Zlß* Ova V H..N .-nig duly ..rn. ,y- . J nat in the winter of !54.. depon ufa - -e ... - iby hr php.-u icn nnd others be ifyiug v. ,b _ . nqifiou of the ]j>gs j and 4rpdee#t .jr.! ■ e The eve went to Mr. y<'m U'a-l't •torr. e> the 0 < ' ill' ' nnn h'-e to imrrhav cloth fo: shroud, arid other t -re ••.e* to erenarc in* wile lor burial niter she n i, i ,tn'rt ijrthc- apya. tiiat while In was ;n aaid Wnfs store, he wm je bv the Prop utor of -MIA! S IN! IKB P - ' M'.YAHY BALHAM.** who waa then prt-eu' f take a i-ot'l :• t , -4 hle ti-i- - !.r rctnnrk lug, th*'. if tu Jy ir Koeton be i .w put recovery, ye*, it •he be much r,- *-ted and d" <■> the -a d medicine woaid aootite a/td r. iie'-'e her, nn i m-aVe the pidow of death more CA-., Deponent toe's the saj.i ntedi. it,e i: me w:th him. to'.chwsr .. t'.ic • ,th h • hud j-iif-risa-. ,1 pre. paratory to t' " ...t">cip'ed uith of his w.fe Depnient ■ auaod a pe.r-. >n cf un;d tne i iae to lie a.lm i-r. red to hia wife, and to Ids a-fonLshment it soon relieved her She contihucd tiie use o! said medicine until she recov ered from her dueaac. and has been ah'e sine- tit being new more t:. .e *hr. e years) To cio the work, a: i attend to nil her hou cd >i,i affa.r.. : end deponent verily h< iievca liiat, tlirbtqch tie: Ke*-:ng ul Provd.-nee, the restoration to health of his wife was the result of the curative and healing effi eacy of Urmt's Indian Pulmonary Haleam ZiBA DYKEMAN. Paht" I P>ad and atvom to. before me this day of April, 184.e. THlt.f. 3. I'OUNG, Justice ot the Peace Town V Ha!ls ton. So atopa e. unty. .Y Y.—as. Tins is to certify, that I am and have t.ceti for many y-ar< sell and uitttuaiciy acquainted witii the ni'iive-nemtd Z.Ka Dykeman. wiio is one of our most w -thy and reajartri '<■ , us, a-.d whoae atab-ments ore te.*. >d '• fu rn lit ard belie! THOS. f! YOUNO. J uspee of the i'cace. April 2f> Turn of Hitlltem. Y' of It ail, fan Spa—'* Tdiia Is to ecrtiiy, lust the circumstances nut facta s* itrd above by Ziua tlyk tuau are to tny Suiowtodpe etric' y true, rind that be has fret; jently siiu e stutid to tri" that Erar.t's Indian I. dssrr. saved the Fife of Mra Dyketr-an Aprils. Iff JOHN WAIT BRANTS PULMONARY'.M cur— COSSUMP TIO.Y. Covfhr. ( ei'Hs, 'ipat'nt of H! ■■ 4 Itleeiimt at the Lunar. Pain ts the Hienit and Side, .\lght-Sic eats, -hfe'rous Complaints, Palfntahi n of tns Heart, Pemo e Wranncsets and Complaints, Cholera tnjulfpsenitry, AND .VSMSST Com plaints. PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF. IOCT J '.V. FRENCH of H tUdalr. Hillsdale Co . Ui-h wrote to us Dec I*. Iffif' : ' I hav- been in the repota' prac tice of tnedic ae :n tins p'ace lor .Wne Y>a s , hut was obliged to •, lit th" practice of my profe"' ia in conse quence of ill health I was so severely affiieted wi'h a chronic drier-, of the lump.' no fci convince mo f ? I had th" Consumption port doubt■ I couyhi d almost in •■"ntitly night and day, and had revere pains and soreness in tny rhct, side, and nren-t. I tried th® rem** lies roc- crwruled uy th<- must rkilfai of my pcoie*iun. all to no effect, excepting the nausea ant d.-h ty r ius,.,| j,y theto 1 *vaa prtjud-r'd again-t Patent \t,,l.rin > and ha— no fl'h now n tl-rm, generally. Rut I was induced as r.n er orimenT, inore than through faith, to try bottle of liasar's IXDISV I'l t- MOSISV BSLOS an 1 1 do le-re ai-itnowlrdg • tor the !• •• ' lit of the Hifl .t. j or bora it may s, nr. tiiut tin < lectof its use on me. Was I, :e Win -1 p, nmyt and svlutu-y iif any iiird icines I < ver witnessed the *f in si! my practic- Mv couon wa IMMF n ITHI.V r.riiavKn and in about eight or ten days. I WM fn*e Irmri reaiph soreness ot the cre st, and pain, and few consider sa(|iniiaiuiirs mitsll a well mail. - * Doct freiteh t n-.w rcm-clsble (ru.'gut aud uu rcbaut at Hillsde - ANOTIILK IMPORTANT VICTORY: Messrs Hobs' inder &. Co.. respectable merchant* of Oiis-rlin. Lorain lb>.. OLui wm€• December 111, !-•!- :" Af ter allowing the Brant's M'-dicim a which you WOT LO US. to remain at Cleveland b >ut three months, we sent for G-- in We have been an often deceived by auch mi di'-ttiea not p-ovini? to I ■< equal to their recommend','ion* and therefore would not el: when their want of efficacy was known, that we considers"! I unprofitable to keep siirh. and were therefore prejudu ed ag-tiuat Brant's t ipnosin • tto be no better than mauy olkors we have on rate. Alter we had received Kraut - *, f, (A. Hottatander/ waa persuaded from reading tiie pamphlet to take a bottle of f •• Putmon-im/ Hal sani home. My wile had nt.'bcted • i'h a *• vere s-eiigh for nlHiut ten month*, an i our friends were alarmed an I toartui that ah would find nothing io reiiuve or cure her. But tiotwitiuitariding our prejudices to patent medicines, we an: obUse l to my aud cheerfully confer*, that IJaiXT's and Piraisv %.s HyrsarT, can be dep. !,;d In preference to any or all of the many kin Itfl t bar* bee-, lift with us for Lie My wife was immediately relieved in her rough, and os-fore she had fioirlieJ using the first bottle, b' gao U fa.u strength and lu-alfh, and only thrt n bottles etfccts d a pur!' t cure Too Ptßirviff'S ExrBACT I Itrt peraonsPy uaed for a genera! dsbilify u! the sysfi m, and I hav no ! lane-/ . l svy'.og that .t is tlie best u ti rine to re "*■: and invigorate the system, that 1 h'' v n ever found In every instance where we have sold these tn'-di cite * they have proved their riEcaey, and given liia best •ati-fa':ti"U.'' I'DR SALE P.Y JI.PRED MJRKS, I.swi<to\cn, (I If nnr.IIM.IX, Mr.Vrytrw*, M. STF.HI.Y >V CO., BetlcvilU, JOHX jii nnicrrr, Kredsviiu, And by Agenl.s in ail parts of the State. All letters aiul orders must be addressed to WaliaceA- Un., IDG Broadway, New York. November 17, 1 tJ-l'J—eoly. New Hardware Store!! % * r ft have always n idr<_MJ a*-wrti<vMit of a ! i l kinds of Hardware low for ruth. F. J. HOFKMXN. Fewistown, June VJIJ, IWI'J1 W l'J ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IT> V virtue of an order of sale to me directed, ! JL9 from the Orphans' Court of Mifflin coun ty, I will expose to sale, at the Court House in llie Borough of Lewistown, on HI on 3ay, lleceuiber 37, 1*"49, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the fol lowing described Real Estate, late of GEORGE \ SCHWARTZ, deceased, to wit: * wo Messuages anf ] Tenements,/^ fel or Half IjOts of Ground, iIi"L sitim'e on the north side of Third street, in Lewistown, adjoining each other, the eastern lot being bounded by property of Kev. J. Ro senherg, and the western by property of Wm. B. Hoffman, each being 30 feet, more or less, in front on saiil street, and extending back same width to au alley—the lot on the east having ' thereon a one and a half story Frame Dwelling House an 1 other improvements, and the lot on the west having thereon p. one story Brick Dwelling House with other improvements. 1 ELMS —Que half of tht purchase money to be paid on corilirmation of the sale, and the otiier halt to bo paid in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured by bond and mort gage, D. McK. CONTNER, Trustee. November 17- 1449—id ORPHANS' COURT SALE. secsesa, PUBLIC notice is hereby given that by or der of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin coun ty, will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry,on Friday, 80. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following described Real Estate, with the ap purtenances. &c., situate in the township of Union in said county, late the estates of JA COB BVI,Kit, fSen., deceased, viz: No. 1. A tract of cleared land, adjoining lands of A'ex. Gibbonv, Isaac Plank, Abraham liartzler and others, containing 47 acres and 111 perches, inore or less, with a J j A*""'*- Mill, running two sets of .---rfjv, I t and in good condition fir A on g country and inerchantabie work, it .mw Mill, a large two story frame House, a bank Barn, a good tenant House, and nl!-->r improvements thereon erected ; together with a never failing Spring of water, an Apple Orchard a:.] o tl r choice fruit. i. 2. A tract of Timber Land, ndi lining lands > f Alexander Gibbony and John Htrtz ler, containing 4'J acres and 7'd perches, more or less. No. 3. A tract of Mountain Land, adjoining lands of Abraham Ilsrtzier and others, con taining 16acres and 124 perches, more or less. No 4 A tract of Mountain Land, adjoining lands of John Hartzler's heirs, containing 3 acres ard 89 perches, more or ! These several tracts will be sold together or separately, or each in parcels to suit purchas ers, Pusses-oin to be given on the Ist dav of April, 1850. Terms of Sale. —One half of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the ha a nee thereof in two equal an nual payments thereafter, with interest from the day of confirmation, to he secured by bonds with security and mortgages on the premises. The sale wilt be held on the premises No. 1, on which the improvements are situated, at the time above stated, when and where atten dance will be given bv JOHN PEACHEV, JACOB BYLER, Executors of Jacob IhjU r, Sf n. November 10,1819 —ta. [Dem. copy. I'ei**oiial Properly ;it IHIhJC WW 1)1 i!. AY "ILL be sold at public vendue at the resi \\ dence of GEORGE W. OLIVER, late of Oliver township, deceased, on Wedy, No* - . 21, I*l9. the following property, to wit: Seven head of HORSES, a large stock of milch TOWS and Stock CATTLE, a large number of SHEET and HOGS, one Horse-power and Threshing Ala chine, four Wagons, two Carriages, a two-horse Sleigh, several sets of sleigh, carriage and w a gon Harness, about 400 bushels of Potatoes. Corn by the bushel, a large quantity of good Hay bv (be ton, and a great variety of Earming Utensils too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at Id o'clock on said day, and to continue from day to day until ail is sold, when reasonable credit and due attendance wili be given and terms of* .le rn> ie known by JOSEPH HAFFLET, JOSEPH CAMPBELL, Jr., JidrrCrs of tht estate of 11. IP. Oliver, dcv'tl November 3, loll)—td. 1 lie Lcivi*ttnvii Biotcl. Tj * 11E o'a n rof thin well and favorably S known Hotel offers it at Private Sale. It H situate in Lewistown. Pa , N. W . corner JPkyJf of Main an:! Market streets. The j ' £g mam building is 65 feet by 15. 1 rsg£g | i |ML three storied w;th a basement. I: v H m t kitchen and range of; rooms extending bick. There in attached to it. nn Ire House, Smoke House, Carriage House, and large Stables; in short, no ex - pence had been spared to tit it lor an extensive business. Wo hazard nothing in saying that its loca tion, far a permanent business, is as desirable as any stand in the centra! part of the State. Lewistown has been and -ttil must be a point of departure for the Northern and North-west ern travel on the Pennsylvania Canal and Pennsylvania Raiir ad. Since the opening of the latter this transient travel has {greatly in creased ; tins added tothe fact that this house always has enjoyed a large share of permanent country custom makes it at once a safe aud de sirable investment. TERMS will be made to suit purchasers Apply to George W, ELDER, K-q , Lew is town, Pa., or to the subscriber. JAMES Q.UINLAN, National Hotel, cor..or <J Do'i und Market Nov. 3, 1 ID—lt* streets, I'Uiladelphiu Proposals for Building a Dam. PROPOSALS will be received until the Ist ' of January next for building a Stone or Crib Dam, IDO feet long - an.! 12 foet high, across the Ktshacoquillaa at Mauri's Axo Factory in the Narrows. Pian aud specifications can be seen j at the Factory on or niter the 15th of Novem ber. The dam is to lie built between the lit ; August, and middle of September, 1800. Propotu.s will also he received at the sntno time fur a qu intity of masonry and carpenter'.' WO rU. ' WILLIAM MANN. Jr. November 3. 1849—5t Direct from Itio Jitnirro. 4 L\R(3R LOT of prime ( OFFKF, /m. bought before the late advance or, • that nrtiele, selling eheap at JOXES' ,\Vif Cheep Hash Store October 37, 1848. PenuHjlvania Railroad. ~L HEIGHT 7 RAINS now run twice a week between . lewistown and Philadelphia as follows, viz: Leav nig I.FWISTOWV on WEDNESDAYS and HATCH DnFS, and Philadelphia on MONDAYS AND IHI /ISI)A YH, at the following rates of freight, which include commissions for storage, viz : Rales of Freights per 100 Pouuds. FROM PHILADELPHIA j ~ : f vs r l-g j Cove nnd Duncatinon, j til 25 130 35 Bailey's, Newport & Milleretown. 22 23 32 37 j ' Perrysville and Mifflin, 21 2S 35 42" I-ewistown, I 25 30 37; 45 i Way freight per mile is 2; mills for First and Second I Class, and 3 mills for Third and Fourth Class. List of Articles in rach Ciass. FIRST CLASS. Ashes—wood or leached; Bones; llorns and Glue pieces; Bricks, (not Are); broken Cast ings; Clay, F. ".rtli, Sand or Gravel; Coal (mineral); Fire Wood; German Clay: Headitigand Hoop Poles; Hon Ore; Lime; Manure; .Marble in blocks (ur.wrought); Pig and Scrap Iron; Plaster or Gypsum; Posts and Raits; Rags; ' Railroad Ties or Sills; Salt; Shingles and Lath; Slate or Tile for roofing; Staves; Slaves, heading, ft< for cedar ware; Tar, Pitch and Rosin; Timber, (round or hewn.) SECOND CLASS. — Agricultural Implements; Apples, and other domestic fruits, Careen or dried); Bark (ground ' or ungrnniid); Beef and Pork, (salted); Blooms and An. ebonies; Boards and other sawed lumber; Bran, Ship Hlutf and other Feed; Burr Blocks; Castings, (iron); Cof fee ; Charcoal; Coke; Cotton; Ftrthenware; Empty Casks; Fire Brick; Fish in Barrels (salt); Flour; Grain of all kinds; Grind Stones; Hemp; Hides; ice; Iron, [shept, bar, rolled, slit or hammered]; Lard; Lead, [in pigs, bar or sheet]; Mill Stones; Nails ant! Spikes; Potatoes, Tur nips. and similar roots; Poland Pearl Ashes Barytes; Hawed Marble; Soap Stone; Stoneware; stone for lime ■ or building; Straw Paper or binding hoards; Tallow; Tobacco in leaf; Whiskey, Cider, and other domestic li , quors in Casks; Wrapping Paper. THIRD CLASS.— Agricultural productions not parti cularly specified; Bale and bagging Rope; Beef, [fresh]; Beer, Porter and Ale; Beeswax; Brass in sheets or man ufactured; Butter and F.ggs; Cast Steel; Cedarware; Cheese; China or Que*nsware; Clover, Timothy and other gra a Seeds; Copper in bars, sheets or manufactur ed; Fish, [1 • -h]; Flux S.-ed;Glassware; Groceries, [ex cept cr.ff.-e]; Hardware and Cutlery; Hides, [dry or Span ish]; Leather; Live Stock; Mahogany and other orna mental woods; Marble, manufactured; Ochre; Oif of all kinds [including <'isior ami Lard]; Oysters; Faint* and Dye stuffs; Pork, [fresh]; Red Lead.[ground in oil or dry]; Hopes and Cordage; Shot; steam Engines and mnchiiierv of all kinds; Tin and Tinware; White Lead; Window Glass; Wool; Zinc in sheets or blocks ; Ztin maiiufjc lurr d. Ktil Rni CLASS Root*. Shoes rtt-I Hats; Berk* and Htati .nery; Buffalo and Moose Bkinn; Carriages, or vehicles of pleasure; Deer skint; Drugs and Medicines; In G ... Is; F. attu re; Foreign I r iRs; Forniittre;Fur nod Peltry; Garden Seeds, in boxes; Paper, [writing and printing]; Tobacco, minufj.tu ed; Trunks; I w-uumer atnl Article*. To Drovers end ottier. having T.ive Stock to tend to market. It i de-trabie th y should go in Wednesday's train, as the SaMrd-ty's train remains at Harritburg itn ti' Monday PASSENGER TRAINS run daily, leaving Philadel phia at e. and Lewistown at 10 o'clock. A. 51. SAMUEL MiI.LIKEN, Jr . Agent, l.tirtjloira CRAtC A. BELLAS, -N..V .7, i £ I'd Agents, P/. lioji- p . HI <ll RAIO. THOMAS BELLAS CRAIG & BELLAS, T*. "T T? t f* *ad'v Jm w /esd W ASJ AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF Bacon, Bard, Butter, Wool, iiin scng, Cloversced, &c., Kll'd.ul a ltd i lieery SlrefU, I'HI I.ADRLPHIA. Advances matie, if required, on Receipt of Consiofi!i:r.||fis. fry* The ('ars will be unload ed at our Warehouse. Produce consigned to tis fur sale will not be subject to porterage or storage. (.'. H. ore Agents tbr tfie Penn sylvania J{ailroad Company. ' Oct. 20, 1849 —if. x. J. RUDISILL; Maria t street, I.ewistoicn, opposite Judge Ilitz's Store, II AS just received nil asortment of tlie . I very and most Fashionable Caps. comprising the finest llcavcr, Oiler, Seal, tVe., inn" m n> '-' which he invites the tentfon of tln-se in want superior article. 'l'h cape w< re selected with care and tnay be re lied upon as equalling, if not excelling, any thing of the kind ever offl.'red for sale hereto fore in this place. Call and see them. November 3, W49—3t. FRUIT TREES. VI.ARGK assortment of choice arid splcn tlid young Fruit Trees, consisting in part of Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Cherry. Nectarine, Apricot, &c., &c., are now offered for sale r.t the Lewistown Nursery, where purchasers may rely on being supplied Qfr&r* with trees of tlie best and mn>t np proved varieties of fruit,oll moderate t< ruts. These trees are not inferior — trees grown m any other nursery in the State; and all persons wishing to pur chase are invited to call and judge for them selves. For further particulars see Cata logues, which will be furnished gratis to nil 1 post paid applicants, and all orders, directed to the subscribers, at Lewistown, Mifflin county, 1 Pa , will be promptly attended to. T. W &. J. MOORE. Lewistown, Sept. 22, IM9—2m. Salt! Salt! JUS T received, a large stock of Ground Alum Silt—4 1 cents per bushel and $1.75 per sack. To dealers a liberal discount oil'these prices wiil be made. ma 2tl. 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN. Ope 1 YARDS of neat figured *™ *" "" " CA SJIMERES, 4-4 wide, and soiling at 12i cents per vanl at cci.2o. NUSBaUM, BROTHERS. iflDftM M MMhUAhI AT JONES' NEW CHEAP CASH STORE! I rfIHK attention of Country Dealers, Ped iL lars, and others buying goials 111 large j quantities, is requested to the immense stock and varied assortment r>t goods at this estab lishment, selling at Philadelphia wholesale prices. Terms cash and prices low. ' C. L. JONES, novß. Sew Cheap Cash Store. DR S. p TOWNSKND'S SARSAPA RILLA, for sale at Green's Medical Do. pot No 11 Lewistown, Pa Sept. 13. " ■ ' JSL. W -L -^g. 1 - . ■ - Philadelphia Advertisements. SITER. J UIK k I'd., FLOUR & GRAIN FACTORS, AND Commission Merchants, For the Sale of Produce in General, Broad, above Arch, West side, PHILADELPHIA. Iron received and delivered to any part of the City, or shipped as may be directed. Refer to— Piiem Zogk, Esq., .Miffiin coun'y. Joseph Miixiken, Lewistown. W ii.liam Russell, Esq., Cashier of the De posit arid Discount Bank, Lewistown. J. VV. Weir. Cashier of the Harrisburg Bank. Townsfnii FI vines, Esq., Secretary of the Commonwealth of Penn'n. (J. M. Troltmas, Esq , Cashier of the \Ve?t ern Bank, Philadelphia. Morris Patterson &, Co. Merchants,} %• Jacob Lex &. Son, do. ■ -5" H! John M. Kennedy &■ Co.. do. 75*?" September 22. 1849—3 m.* 11l /111 I CO., FOR THE SALE OF FLOUR. GRAIN, SEEDS, And all ilencrlption, of fonnlry rroducr, Broad STREET, east SII>F, Between Race and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA, Respectfuliy solicit a share of the business from this vicinity, and refer to Messrs. Longknf.cker, Grlbd &. Co., Bankers. W . Russei.l, E*q., Cahier, Lewietown. L. E. L'fKE. Esq , Mifflin county. R. J. Ross, Esq , Cashier, ) tl . Messrs. Fink ki Miller, \ Harrisburg. Samuel Johnson, Esq., .Marietta, Lancastci county, Pa. Geo. M. 'l'rou r.MAN. Cashier, of") Western Bank, ' _ Messrs .1 vs. J. Duncan Co., j Philarfej a. and Merchants generally, J October C, 1849— Gtn.* PURE FRESH COD LIVER OIL- TtHIS new and valuable medicine, now used by the 1 medical prclcgfion vwih such astonishing efficacy in Ihe cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro nic Rheumatism, Gout, General De bility, Complaints of the Kid neys, 4" c ' i prepared from the liver of the Cod Fish for medical use, expressly for our sales. [Extr,ic!from the London Medical Journal.) "C J R U illlains, M t) , F H. S., Professor of Medi cine in University College. London. Consulting Physi cian to the Hospital for consumption, ice., says : I have prpsenhed the Oil in above four hundred cases of tubercu lous disease of the Lungs, in different stages, which have been under my tare the last two years and a lta'f. In the tarce number of cases, out 0f234, its use was fol lowed by marked and unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases, from a temporary retard t tion of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of dis tressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restor ation to apparent health '• Tie effect of the • ">J Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated. I lie expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradually improved. "In conclusion. I repeat that the pure fresh oil from the Liver of the Cud is more beneficial in the treatment i of Pulmonary Consumption than any ag>-nt, medicinal, dietetic or regimenal, that has vet been employed." As i re Acer nunis arrangements to procure the Cad Lirrr , Oil, fresh from head quarters, it can noir be had chemically pure by the single bottle, or in boxes of one dozen each. Its wonderful efficacy has induced numerous spurious imitations. As its sucress depends entirely on its purity, too much rare cannot be used in procuring it genuine. I'rcry battle harmg on U our icritten eignat-irt snav be depended upon as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with no tices of it from Medieat Journals, will be sent to those who address 'is free of oostage. JOHN C. BAKER A: CO , Wholesale Druggists and Chemists. 100 North Third Street, Philadelphia. I October 13, 1> it!— 6m. MACKEREL SHAD Constantly on SALMON liami & tor S3le by HERRINGS ! J. PALMER & 10., PORK j Market Street HAMS & SIDES I Wharf, SHOULDERS j philadkm'iua. LARD & CHEESE J Sept. 8, 1849-3 m. GEORGE BELLIS, Wholesale Commission Agent, FOR ALL KINDS OF F I S 11, .No. .VI North Wharves, Above Race street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 21,1849. — ly V \ S* B; IS ! V A I* E R: .Y o. 2 1 Bank street, Between Market and Chesntit, and 2d and 3d streets, run. i n E L P aI A. r pitr subscribers bee leave to call the attention nfenun * try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing the different varieties of Printing, Hardware, Writing, Knvolope, and Wrapping papers. Tissue papers white and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, &.c Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, tlu-y solicit orders from printers for any given sire, which w ill he furnished at short notice, and at fair prices. Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Bags. DUCKETT & KNIGHT, ATo. 21 Bank street, Philadelphia. October 6, 1649— 1y. WANI FACTORY OF rOCKF.T BOOKS, &c. .Yd. 52J Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber respectfully solicits public attention to his superior ami tasteful stock of Pocket B inks, Pocket Knives, and Banker's Cases, Other Fine Cutlery, Bill Books, Gold Pens and Pencils, Dressing t 'uses, Segar Cases, Card Cases, Chess Men, Port Motiuies, Back Gammon Boards, Pu. -a® Dominoes, Stc., &c. His dWi.rtment consists of the most f.shiunabie and modern (t\les, of Ihe finest quality and excellent work innnship, nmbracing every desirable fancy pattern, which he will at all limes be prepared to exhibit and furnish w holesale or retail on the mopl pleasing terms. who desire to supply themselves with articles of the best quality will consult their ow n inter ests by calling at this establishment F. U- SMITH. Pocl t Book Msnufi. turcr, 524 f hestnut Street Auu -t IP 19- Co: LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insuranec Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 159 Chesnut Street. Capital $300,000. Charter Perpetual. CONTINUE to make Insurances on Live* on the most favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, ard receive Deposits on Interest. The Capital being paid up and invested, together with | accumulated premium fund, affords a perfect security to the insured The premium may be j siu in yearly, half i yearly, or rjuarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the insurances for life. This plan of insurance is the most approved of, and i more generally it V* e than aT, S" olher i in Great Britain, (where the subject is best understood by the people, and where they have had the longest experi ence.) us appears from the fact that out of 117 Life Insu rance Companies there, of all kinds, 67are on this plan The first BONUS was appropriated in December, 1814, amounting to 10 per rent, on the sum insured utid-r the oldest policies ; to Si per cent., 7J per rent. &.C., Sec... on others, in proportion to the time of standing, making an addition of 9100; 987.50; $75, &c., &c., to every #IOOO, originally insured, which is an average of more than f.O tier cent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. The operation of the Bonus will he seen hr the follow ing examples from the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus : Sum j Bonus or Amount of Policy and Policy I Insured, j Addition. Bonus payable at the V party's decease. No. 5H : SI,OOO I SIOO 00 j _ 91.100 00 "Ss j 2,500 250 00 j 2,750 00 ! " 205 • 4,000 ' 400 00 4,-tOO 00 ' 276 • 2.000 J 175 00 2,175 00 " 3:'3 j 5,000 j 437 50 j 5,437 50 PAMPMI HTS containing the table of rates, r and ex platialions of ihe subject; Forms of Application, and further information c m be had at the office, gratis, in person or hvletter, addressed to the President or Actuary. B. VV. RICHARDS, President. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. [ap2B:ly NEW YORK DRY GOOD STORE. Lord. 'Savior A: Co., -Ao 208 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, TTA V E now on band, just recei" ed direct from the r. an -* A ufartmers, a full assortment of | SILKS, CASHMERES, MERI.YOES, EE LA I.YES, SHAWLS, Sfr., S-c. The colors and designs being of their own selecting, and entirely theirs. IJXE.XS, HOSIERY. HABERDASHERT, and a:i fhe Ciffcrent makes of Domestic Goods constantly on hand, wholesale and retail. I , T Sr Co vever ieriatt front f.rrt price. OWe are daily receiving goods from the New York Auctions. 29, 1819— Sm JJ itfi's- 2fonw, Victorias, and Fur >i. D. c on E x, r-vuev rtruaiEß, TT-OUII) most respectfully call the attention of all per song in want of any article in the Fancy Fur busi ness, that he has now ready a splendid assortment of the above mentioned articles, made of every dessription of Fur-, and in the great variety of shapes that are now fashionable, which he offers to sell at very reasonable profits, at his FUR STORE. No. 52 North Second street, (two dnnr below Arch at.) Philadelphia. Merchants purchasing to sell again, would find it con siderably to their advantage to call and examine his stock and judge for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. OThe full market price always given for SKIMS of every description *** The store is always closed on Saturdays. M. D COHEN, •XV 52 .V. 2 J ft., (two dears below Arch) Philada September 15, 1849 3m. Wholesale A Retail CLOCK STORE, -Vc. 238 Market street, above Seventh, South tide, PHILADELPHIA. A LTHOUGH we can scarcely estimate the value of - 1 *- TIME commercially, yet by calling at the above es tablishment, JAMES BABCER will furnish bis friends, among whom he includes all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beautiful and perfect Indt x for marking its progress, of whose value they judge. llis extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in conformity to the improvements in tastt and style of pattern and workmanship, cnnsisisof Eight-day wyN and Thirty-hour Brass Counting Mouse, Parlor, gjf,. .ffillaH, Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, French, Go thic atid other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive connection and correspondence with the manufacturers he finds he can put at the low est cash figure, in any quantity, from one to u thousand, of which he will warrant the accuracy. Claris repaired end warranted. Clod Trimmings es hand CALL and see toe among thera. JAMES BARBER, 2GS Market st. Philadelphia, August IS, JSl9—ly. S TRAYS. CtAME to the residence of the subscriber in Decatur township, on the 20th of October, EIGHT SHEEP, marked with a hole in the right cars and a piece cut off the left. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay charges, and take them away, or they will be disposed of according to law. A. M. INGRAM. November 10, 1849 —3t. STRAY. 1 STR.W HORSE, cf a dark brown color, A supposed to be about nine years old, was left at the stable of the subscri < hers, in llcedsville, Brown town ship, on the night of the Bth Octo ker ' ast - The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, ! and take him away ; otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. A. & J. REED. November 10, 1849—3t. * Executor's Notice. \*7"HEREAS Letters Testamentary upon j T w the estate of AGNES STERRITT. !ate rf Armagh township, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the deceased wili make known the same witiiout delay. CHARLES COLFELT, Executor. Armagh township. Nov. 3, I~l9—Gt. Administrators' Aoticc. LETTERS of administration on the estate of GEORGE VV. OLIVER, late of Oii i ver township, deceased, having been granted to the subscribers, residing in Union township, Mitilm county, all persons having claims a gainst saitl decedent are tluiy notified to pre sent them, duly authenticated, tor settlement, without delay ; and all knowing ihemselves indebted are requesled to make immediate pay ment. JOSEPH HAFFI.EY. JOSEPH CAMPBELL, Jr. October 20,1840 fit* BLANKETS! PERSONS in want ul Blankets arc vuvitcd to a large stock just received at " r. L JONES' nov3. New Cheap C ash Store- P. S. Remember these Blankets are fresh goods ost opened co tie Mock
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers