Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, November 03, 1849, Image 4

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    Philadelphia Advertisements.
]sg ackkkeli
J...St SfIAD I Constantly on
s * } v! ON I hand & for sale by
FORK. , Market Street
lIA.YIH A SID 'S I Wharf,
LARD A: CiIKESK j Sept. 8, 1649-3 m.
The Ctitia Siore
T'I KNKFFL to the citizen* of I.er.'tstown and its vi
i citilty fr their inreastil custom, \vc a train request
i ieir i-ompiny to view • ur large and splendid assortment
<■:" i..'ijna. Glass and Q teeirsware. Dinner sets, ten
toilet sets, and single Pisces, cither of Class, Fhinx
• r Stone Ware, sold in qaanlitics l<> stiit purchasers, tor
! •* than they can he had elsewh-jr —in fact at less than
v i.! s ale prices. American and Bnjrtish ft ft ITT j? A'M
.VET-J'. GO >DS, in greater variety titan ever before
OiTered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very
cheap. ff>VVe would inviie any person visiting the city
t . call and <M us— they will at least be pleased to walk
around our beautiful ' .re, and to view the fiast China
a -.d:\e chcapist the world produces Very respectfully,
.Xft. 919 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
September CO, i•"iO — ly-
Tit. 52* Chestnut Street, aho re Second,
nyiC snbscriber respectfully solicits public attention to
A bts superior and tast fa! slock of
Pocket Books, pocket Knives, and
Banker's Case*, Other Fine Cutlery,
Bid Book*, Cold I'ens and Pencils,
JJres.irig Cases, Segar Cases,
Vird Cases, Chegs Men,
Tort Mutinies, Hack Gammon Board'',
Purtej, liomt '.oes, &LC , Aic.
ll', assortment consists of the most fishionahlc and
modurn styles, of ir.c finest quality and excellent work- ,
mai-.ship, embracing every desirable fancy pattern, which
he will at a'.i limes be prepared to exhibit and furnish
holcsaie or retail on the most pl< mine terms.
_>i'iirchas.-]s who desire to supply themselves with
articles of th.' b-ut quality will consult their own inter
ecu by calling at this establishment.
Tticket Book Mi nufacturer, 5C Chestnut Street,
iyugust 2b, 1? hi—tm.
Si/2-1 of th" Gulden Eagle, A o, 139 dfp 143,
South Second street, below Dock street,
KEEPS alw.ns on hand a large and fashionable assort
BLINDS, manufactured In the best manner, f the best
amieria!*, and at the low est cash pi ices.
Having refitted t: ! enlarged his establishment, he is
pr.-p-ared to complete orders to any amount at the sil< rtest •
notice. Constantly on hand an assortment at
.Tlahosani furniture,
cf every variety, manufactured expressly for his own
sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article.
Cr Open in the evening
Orders from a distance packed carefully, and sent
fi eof ;-iit r , -, t a.iv part of tne city.
Philadelphia, Au-ust l v , 1H9—Iy
H illow A U oodeii Ware,
Jnporter of French Baskets, Looking
Ghisses and Fancy Goods,
Between Mir et an,: Arch Sts., un lcr J Sidney Jones'
Carpet Warehouse, two doors bciutv Christ Church,
"I I A:-i on hand un.l is conxUnUy receiv ng a large and
4 k extensive as, rttnent r,f Combs Brushes, Fancy
Goods of every description, (too numerous to mention,)
1 .os.ng G. isr.es r>* g it ami mahogany frames, lia-ko-ts,
Coaches, Chairs, tc., Ac
Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country 8.-o-'-m% Win
dow Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Wash
boards— in fact, Wooden nod V-': iuw Ware of every de- j
•criotion, all of which will be s .J low for CASH or city
MKRCHANT" would save themselves touch time and
trsubie, by calling and examining ruy slock before pur
S. B Looking Glasses are insure ! sgainst brenkage to
all parts of the Unmn, without extra charge
Philadelphia, August 25, ls49 —3m
Agent for the sale of Southworth Manufac
turing Company's Writing Papers.
Warehouse i\o. ii Tiitior St-,
KM) c ins of the above superior Papers now in store,
and for sue t-< the trade at the lowest inaraet prices,con
siting i ; arl of—
lli iixkk FJ-t Cap*, IS, 11, 15 and X lb* ,blue and
e" iperfme Medium and Demi Writings, h'ueand whit*.
Extra - -r ai.d saperhne Folio Posts, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Exlrs u:er I. p en Note Paper*, plain and gilt.
Huperfine and fie Bill Paimrs. longand broad
Bo;ctrfine and Sns Cri intirig ll iUae Cap* and Posts,
bivf ar. 1 white,
Exrr ?t super Congress Csps ar.d Letters, plain and ruled
blue and white.
Extra super Congress Ctp and loiters, gdt.
Buperfine Sermon Caps and Poats.
e'operfine b!.> linen thin Letter*.
Extra super Balh Posts, oPie and white, plan) and
I Ulr-d
L.nbroidered and Envelop-s
Lawyer's" Bri - *t:>er
e' . ,e?rfir and fito Caps and Posts, ruled and plain,
.11- Hid v, ?iii- viric • qualities and prices.
,V-"> Hkyi r-'tros w hit" and .sorted Shoe Papers, Bon
net ll'rt r de, wii.i- a-.d ir - >rled Tissue, Tea, Wrapping
il-iv. ! ,pe, a<- irie.d ar.d blo- ; Mediums, Cap wrappers,
Hardware Pii->er, ice.
Poda tslfihU Jone 30, 1-14— f -.n
Philadelphia Tlidical lioiKC,
pATABLL-iiIFD 15 vearsago.by Dr KINKKLIN. The
-la -'.i-io, t|r-t no bee! h.ioti locure all forms "feern-l
disee.es of the sx in, an-! solitary habits of youth, is DR
IkI.NKk.LIN. Northwest corner of THIRD and I'MON
Htre' ts, b-ttveen Kpr-ice and Pine, a square-and-a haif
fori, tne Ex i iru'e, Pbi-idelphis.
T>ire I* a hat u v. liii h hoys tench each other at the
Academy or College a habit indulged in when by him
eif, in solitude, srtowleg up with the boy tomunbood;
few of tlioe who h du've in tins oernicious practice are
a ware of the ronscq lences until lh'*y find the nervous
• ysie:n >b itt. red. f-el .trange .'ind iin.'ici.oiintahle feci
Logs, vagu" f'-ar-. in the mi ml. Ihe Individual becotties
{(•eble, lie . unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or
to apply hie i, i . I to study j h.s step is tardy and weak,
he Is dull irresolute.
Persona of all ages can now judge what i the eaue of
their declining be -!tu, t-,.0.g iht ii vigor, bec-ming wea l .,
pate and emaciated.
Let no fsl.e tn rdi-sty deter you from iiiasiog your case
known to one f.-otn ■ duration and respectability,
an alone befriend you. lie who places himself under
Dr Kilik-;iii's Ii atioent, may religiously r-onfi.'e in bis
honor us a gentleman, and in whose- bosoiu will be for
ever locked th.- secret of the patient.
'1 b ,-isainl* have been restored to health, from the de
t oflUose terriltc msladit* by Da KHIUIMI,
German I'hysUlan
wardei, by *• n ling a retnktince, and put up am ute fcom
..stsi oi. cohiusiTy.
ri*> 1 E-rttss sewered mrrbw Uh
I WJUSI X JJJSI.WJ HISWSS I ■ -VP. !-l W:'.?Tlrr.Hll < i
f BYIIK eubscribcr has taken the Lewistown
A i\lills-, and v> lsheg to buy a largequanti'y of
.411 ckiis;K of (xi'aiii,
for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAR
FI NDS, as high as the market will afford, accor
ding to its quality. Any pert-on having good
i Wheat will do well to call and show n sample
of it, as he thinks he can a (lord to give more
j than any other person in the place, the mill
bring situated on the creek, where Hour can
be loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex
penee of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
besides, the flour is in better order, a-> the bar
rels are not injured by hauling and handling.
- If wheat brings a better price than it will af
ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as tie mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great deal ot time ar.d labor in hoisting by
j AE. and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
and give the following receipt;
" Received, Lcicistown Mills, of A. B ,
, Wheat, to be kept in store till the first of Au
gust unless disposed o. - i..0 r.
W'l •en the receipt is g:v nth; quality of the
w heat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
j els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a gamer by itself. Any person taking a re
ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice
to keep it, till after the first of August, it will
be carried out to their credit at the market
price on Ilia' day. 11 shipped, or sold to any
person that does not get it ground in the mill,
TWO cents per 1...- . ! storage vvi.l be charged.
If they give not it ,a u 1 iit ov< r after the
first of August, T 3 b -NE ;; VK
cent per month, after..a.v* The gram Wni
clear from high water.
The subscriber will keep
Plaster, Fish, Salt and Groceries
of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to
Farmers, by the quantity.
OCrFLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and a'l kinds
of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on
hand, and sold low for cash.
N. B. JOHN STEKRETT is authorized to
- transact any business in the above premises as
my Agent.
April 14, 1649—1y.
1 Boalwburir, i'ciilre Co. Pa.
{ \ ARDENER-S and orc-'iardists who desire
VX to plant only the very best kinds of hardy
fruits, are respectfully informed '.hat they can '
obtain trees Imre of all the most estimable va
; rieties,including nil those which have received
the especial sanction of the American Congress
of Fruit Growers. (N. V., Oct.. I - *!-.)
1 The TREES offered this season areof beau
tif'ii appearance, extra size, (e.\e-p
a few new rare sons) and from
the elevated locality in which the
-A*— Nursery is established, have ail the
essential advantages of hardiness and early
maturity, for which grown at the north
have been deservedly preferred.
The advantages possessed here are b.-ing
improved to the utmost, with the view of mak
ing this Nursery, in merit, second to nine ;n
the State. Every tree is indelibly marked
and warranted correct. They will be deliv
ered in Le wist own or at intermediate places
at the low catalogue prices, and warranted
sound on delivery. If to be shipped, they w ill
be well packed for the purpose at a moderate
It is advised that orders be sent direct to the
Nursery, in preference to purchasing iliy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsibh: den'ere,
at high pnees. Such orders, if received :t
time, have the first attention.
Season for fail planting, October 20.
A choice collection ot the most admired or
namental plants, vines, evergreens, &c. has
been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to
ail poet paid applicants.
Boalaburg, July 7,1649 —tf. [ Dem. copy
4 ' & C:AI *CT7
m "T *T> T ci T "
—. '•4* ■ —T m> J>/ mm mm -mm mtm j
At his Old Stand in Market street,
HAS just received the Beebe Cottar
and latest Philadelphia and New York
Fall Fashion of Hats and Caps, and is now
prepared to furnish both o'd and new customers
with an article, which he will warrant good,
and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a
large and general assortment of
which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or
RETAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained
here or elsewhere.
His Ornish friends will also find him pre
pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled
BROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care
, and attention which he has always bestowed
| upon thein. Don't forget the old stand, whe.e
you may depend upon not being disappointed.
! N. J. It. fee la grateful for the generous pa
tronage he has thus far received, and assures
ail that he will spare no pains to give the gen
eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed
ed in affording all who have dealt with him.
Lewistown, Rept. 15, Islft—tf.
Fall Fashion* lleceived.
Market street, Leu-istown, adjoining Ken
nedy df Porter's Store.
\Tll. Z. informs the citizens of Mifllin
Xv.l. and the adjoining counties, that fie hae
irtgg a just received Uje fail
I shions, and is now prepared f•' "r,
to furnibh ail in want of air
HATS or GAPS with an arti
cle, neat, durable and weli finished,
comprising every blyle manufactured for this
The care and attention he has ever given to
the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred
by hi*) numerous Ornish customers, will be
continued; and he feels warranted in giving
the assurance that liicy will not be disap
will lind it decidedly to their advantage to give
htm a call, fi,r his arrangements are now such,
H.S to euible him to furnish any quantity that
, 1 may be desired on the shortest notice.
Grateful tor the. encouragement he has thus
j for received, he will continue to deserve it, by
continued assiduity to the wants of bib friends,
j and strict attention to his business.
Lewirlown. Sept. 29. I^IO.
MBUOY has juist returned from the city
. with tlie largest, cheapest, and inest
, select assortment of
(locKs, Watches, & Jewelry
i<er offered for sale in
Lewistowu; embracing in
great variety every de
fffc scription of WATCI ilm -,
y> > Jfigg ,roin (i,)lfl lJate,,t L,vers
AiV I vJfflH down to the ordinary Sil
(uMS-V. il V( . r Q, nr tier; Flocks of
1 ''' f all kinds. Musical Boxes,
Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Ladles, (Sugar
Tongs, Butter Knives, Gold Pens ami 1 onci s
Breast Firis, Finger Rings, Bracelet*, yohi ami
silver Spectacles, silver lhimb.es, Rogers
Cutlerv, &c , &c.
These articles were nil purchased at ex
tremely low prices and will be sold at a CHBAI
iiLiu. IION from the price they huve hitherto
commanded. The ladies and gentlemen are
respectfully invited to call and examine the
Watches and Jewelry repaired
on reasonable terms, at short notice.
SILVER taken in exchange tor all
articles lie has tor sale.
Le-vistowu, May 5, 18-19—tf.
S : 'J OVIM £"
A X I)
U O f.faO W-W A II EC.
y t'' 1 nnderstgned continuesto manufacture
d .vot<, Jin.lew-ware, cj-c., at the
Old IxOgan Foundry,
formerly carried on by A. 11. Long A- Co., and
oilers to the public the following articles:
The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very
good f tove, and well deserves those high com
mendations so unanimously bestowed upon it.
Also the
SlaUinwnv Cooking Ktioic,
which stands unrivalled in this or any other
country. It has been tested for the last nine
years, and is justly pronounced the best and
the most durable article ofthat kind ever used.
Hundreds of certificates could be procured, if
necessary. The
of various sizes. Coal Ftevcs, of everv de
• scription ; Parlor and Chamber do., for coal or
wo si; Air-tight do., got up in a neat and beau
tiful style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans,
' Pots. Iron Stands,and numerous other articles
of Hollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoe*, and ail
kinds of Castings made to order, lie is also
of one and a quarter inch calibre, and intends
to keep h supply on hand at all times. The
subscriber is determined to make the ware
out of the very best material that can be pro
cured: and for the accommodation of distant
purchasers, keeps wag >ns and horses for the
purpose of delivering stoves at any point within
eignly miles, frse of any additional charge.—
All the stoves are warranted to stand the fire
and perform well,and if not, the money will l.>
refunded on their return ; it a plate should br*ak
ur crack, it will be replaced free of charge.
There is connected with the Foundry, a
Tinning Establishment, for manufacturing
Tin Ware of* very Kind,
where purchasers will please ca.l.
CO~Ail orders from a distance will meet
with prompt attention. Wnoiesate d*aiers
would do well to give me a call, as 1 will
wholesale Jboves and lio low-ware on a> lair
terms as they can h had at any r iher place.
All kinds of country Produce taken in ex
Lew stown, Jin. 27, 1-ltl—it.
<-re:it A tfractioii !
Improved Hathaway.
rjllllS great improvement, just got up, we
X. are satisfied stands unequalled, for general
use, and simplicity of arrangement, by any
Cooking Slnve yet offered *o the public. To
sat.-ficd of this, we think it needs but to
be seen. It is .a regular Hathaway, of the
size now generally m n-e in this country, with
t!io following improvements, viz:
I--t. It is an arranged that a stout Sheet
JpJ Iron Oven can be put
f^in at the top, back of
4y~iT~A 'he fire, [tf i tiame pas
ing under it,] suffi
/ T eiently large to do or-
I[jVg&a dinar) roasting or cook
v. £ j
L of heating up the reg-
' —" - J ular oven tor ordinary
purp-.ses, which oven when heated, requires as
much fire to do n small roast as would do a
large amount of cooking. Further, tiie small
oven being loose, can be put m or taken out at
pleasure with very little Rouble. \\ hen much
cooking is required, it can bo kept out, and
the stove is then the same as a regular Hatha
wa y.
2<l. The Griddles arc improved, so that the
top is smiv'fher, the wire handles being dis
; .cu, wilh and a loose handle used to lift
them off.
3d. '[ i.e damper is rnucli more convenient,
, by being placed in the side instead of the back.
Ph. The bottom flue is the Laubnch, so ar
ranged that the draft is the same as the Hatha
X. n. We warrant this .-tove in every par
We have alsoon hand a iurgo assortiner.t of
other valuable Cooking Stoves, coiisislmg ot
the Star, two sizes, at £2O to $22 ; Cemjdt tc
Cook, at sl3; and Laubaclt, two sizes. Also,
the I'tiine, Keystone, and Kin a Air-light,
for wood or cuiil. Nt fruui 10 to Bo dollars,
AIR-TIGHT P * til.OR STOVES.-A large
• as- i.niucnt, of ueui tiful patterns.
COAL STOVES.—For parlors, offices, and
chambers. A large assortment of handsome
styles, from ,s3.">o up.
> WINE-PLATE STOVE—From 20 to 28
inches. A heavy 28 inch at $8.50,
To all who want stoves we would say come
and, examine our stock.
Lcwistown, Sept. 20, 18-19. '
OF the best quality SQUARE MESH, AN
CII<R STAMP, real Holland manufacture,
' imported direct front the manutactorv, and for j
; sale at lcwistown at New York prices. ,
j Terms cash —cloths warranted. Enquired"
i August I, IPflf Millwright. ,
Coiiipnnntl Sjrtsp
or VcrsnitHgc,
The most effectual, the safest, plea sun test
and most convenient Worm Medicine,
ever offered to the. public.
miiK SPIGELtA, say* a work of .-tiillo rity,
L .Itanilsat the head of the.liit of Anthelmintic* or tVurm
j Mo,tinner. It is adapted to & wider range of cam-a, nud
to a greater variety of ronslitntion* and fliloii r-f (he
1 coiwlitotion, t!i in any other. Bat prepared i it i.oni
monly U, In llw felta < 'oa, il eattwM<n Ire un eo to
ctiiidrcn in intfi lent dost*. In fl uris, Turner -s. II ;I '*
tlonipound Syr ip, "'* "o concentrated tliat tlo- ' is
very niuall, so eoiuUined as to ensure a <■; ia
lion, and so palatable as to be taken, not only u : u ea*e,
bat with positive pl-a*ur.-.
Tha precise comjiosiiion of tliis syrup ami the mod < f
pr-parine it, are lire result of a series olCrperiiuents
continued for years Before offering it lor sale, it was
subjected to lb- test of experience in tire hands of Uii
neiitphyiicians, in Philadelphia and e'.j. where, w ho li.ive
rccoiiiinend..*d il in the iiig-hest Termaurl still en-duy it
in their practice, in addition to this -videm 00l ils in,* r
ils, we offer the following, selected from a number <>f un
solii ited testimonials.
1.-t. A distinjnisli-d physiei*tn of Virginia, of much
experience, wrist s of il thus :
' I should hive written before this, but felt disposed
tirsl to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. I have used
more than haif the rpiantity rei rii • d.and ihe experuneiil
lias b-eil most successful, f real! y hrli'rt that it possen
j ■ a lira orrr any other I * '■ it fane Ihi re trer need
lud-peuJeni of the am illness of the ih.se, and the piea
s itati'-s of the syrup (gr, at advantages 111 dosing rhil
dreti) tlm advantage ol administering it under a variety
of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed lh-re i
scarc riy a condition of the sy stem in wbkh it may not
be administered. Yours, -tc."
2<l Ar, ypectabte physician of Lebanon county, in tins
stale, n riles
• f iij.e tte-ii in ihe habitof prescribing your "tiiponnd
rtyrup of Spigell.t for - n<: lime ■ ■ ->t, and have found It
an excellent worm medicine, p irtii ularly for children.—
Ile i ->e forward per bearer 2 diz .bottles A our.-.
3d. —An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom u*e
had previously i >ld the syrup, writes :
"Since nty return !I >m *, I 'md 1 a .t your Svrup of Mjii
g.! .a ha* * owe into general use in this neighborhood, tv e
have sold what we had on hand, and it gave such satis
faction lb it it is now < tiled for evey day. You w ill please
, p*it us up 5 oi ti d, ten in a email pai h ire, end send to ihe
care of W". And rson & Co., Hi. ltnioml, PS soon as possi
ble, and f )rw ard tin hill ;■ r mail Yours, &.c."
•till \ r -pectaliie i.terchai I* f Chio, on a late visit to
Philadelphia, s! it-d, that some time -::nc • he ..ad been ap
plied to by a customer for a vial of 's Ver
mifuge for his son. IVot having the article a-ked for, he
advised a trial of Harris, Turner & lialc's Conip,.mj
i e>yrii!iof Hpigeiia and g 'Vc huu port of a bottle whe h
was all lb.it remained in the store. A'lay or two after
tin* the gentleman reluming to the store, expressed h-s
surprise and delight at the effect of the rSyrup, declaring
it had exp. tied 200 worms and entirely rein ved 1.., s-n.
The inei> hunt add-d an c r preusion of liis great r< ?ret Itn.i
he had not It id on hands a bottle of ihe Hyrup at the tune
v. li-n h.s own little daughter died, a* lie roiibdeutly be
lieved it would have saved her lite.
5th —A gentleman > f Hudson X Y , linving sent n hot
tie of Harri*. Turner dt il He's C-.mpoui J Pyrup of Bp,
C lia, to a young fr. nd v. h bid '. o-d in vam • great nun.-
ber of worm on uu rites,*h il his friend was iinme
dmtel> reiievid; the words of the patient wer> "It took
every worm out my bi dy "
Wholesale Druggists, So 2"l Market street.
l'hiltide ioh in,
Drugs. Medicine*, t leml a s, P lei tM. dii i*i<-*, *-urgi al
and O i-t -triral Instruments, Druggist** Glassware, Win
d<<w-gt is*, Paints. < R*. D .e*, Perfumeries, 4c ,4c ,*<nd
exclusive manuficturer* of Harris, Turner St ll. tie's
Sugar ! cited Pills, Huxbaui's l.inmn nt for the Piles,Uie
tliobridgc Hair Tonic, liberie * Lye Water.Mr* uad •
noti'sUntir tiledlnilellible Ink, Itew ees'Celebrated \er\e
and Bone I.uiitnei t, or M c. Piin Fitractor, Mr* sh irs
v. ...I ;*i finnds -f Lemon mj VsßHls,fbrftit>iis| Pnd
dint'. I e t r-aios. 4c., &<*.
For Ht'e ly dealers in l)ru"s genr raHy in
'"entre, Mitibn and juniala counties, jat:,";—tf
Urn-tin <V UiuU-h-v'*
A certain < urc for Ague, Fever,
and l>\spcpsi t.
IN nur itimmrr and r'..!i month* m**f nctiSM of cur
• roil, tiy atf [iri)<lt>led by Htl.l.ltil.'S IT.VEU and
\il E and !'i.\ I.it —li ban bi en our particular stud;. 10
: rsd o .t urn - n : id, to slop this dreadful scourge, and
think, in th e IONIC wc have effected this great object,
ll is wvv • think th<-very I •, remedy in IKepepsia,
and if mi directions arc fallowed, will not fai to effect
A fill*
In a letter dated, May il l, 1- ;£>, ■ ur I'i-ni, Mr. Flirts
; Haub, in' WrigiUaviile, York county, Pa ,says:—1 have
never known any remedy fir ftver mn'l .lyue equal to
your invaluable National Tonic. It ha* given universal
•attraction, and has cured eases of %nir of > eara i a inl
ine, in ! after th ' nlure of all other rnede tecs made ne
of Mr. I'etiry Beversnii. of the nana- place, says in his
cert Hi . dated 22d March. i-k>. * I applied to n number
of Physic: ins, and niso tised a variety of the most popu
lar Ague Misttir-.-s it dilferent limes, b-it all without the
de ir il effect; no pi rinnrtent cute hat tn been nffor !rd.
I was at lengih itcinced, at the recommendation of your
worthy tgent at this [dace, to try a bottle of your Na
tion:! i onic, "and t.. my great satistacli >n, belum I had
•jeJ half of it. I ft ft completely cured, though 1 contin
ued the use of it till I had taken two bottles.' In a joint
c.-riiticati: from M- ssrs Miles Hoke, \\ itliam Ulackon,
and James l>. Ilrowtt. oftfv eg me pl-icv, they say—'Hav
ing tried ncark ali tilt' remedies within our reach tvuh
oi t a'icc-s*, tve at i-ir-i : iri iiased ecu e of your .Vofroaoi
•o, . , whtih his completely cured us We, therefore,
cheert'ally recommend it to the notice of all persons af-
II clcil vv i'h that t. irilde disi arc a, the best remedy yet
discovered. *
is, t|„ |>, iiphi.-'.' ; w In. h you can get from or.t of our
Agents gratis.
)*o, lir. Martin's Purgative Pi!N. the best now in use,
in all cases tv here a purgative is needed
V- prepared arid soi l bv MARTIN t V HITELEY,
Wholesale Drug Store, No. r !v< rt .t , Baltimore.
For scilo liy i' , . J- HOE I' JIAN n.iii - v A i I -
SON & JACOB, Lewhslown ; and by ALEX
ANDER RLTLEDOK, \Y lUinmsbursr, Huntingdon
county. June 80, l40 —ly.
t; t t t f*
Ma X e*J >J •
The Grand Purgative fur the curt of
Headache. Giitdinenn, Measels, Suit Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms.
!>•ispepsin, Isi urvy, Cholera Morbus,
Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Uulnscy,
Pains in th<: Hick, Whooping Cough,
Inward weakness. Consumption, Fit*,
Palpitation of the II art, l.iver Complaint,
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas. Deafuesx,
l)inpy, A-dbina, Itching of the "km,
Ks vera of all kinds, Colds, tiout, <• ravel,
' Female < omplaiuts, Nervous Complaints,
i and a variety of other diseases urisii g from impurities of
the Idocd. and obstructions ill the organs of digestion.
The IVI rsiou to taking medicine I* elTectually removed
by CUCKP-NKII'S V KOKTABI.i: Pt'BOA 11VI-; PI 1,1,",
hing iimplet-'l. enveloped with a coaling of pure white (
sugar (vvlin h is as distinct from the internal ingredients
as a nut shell from the kernel) and hate na tufteaf mt>h
rise but as easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover ,
they NKITIIM "tAI.st: ATE OR BIUI-K, bit operate equally J
; upon all the diseased parts of the syslt in. I hits, it the
i liver he affected, one ingredient will operate on that j
! particular organ, and, by cleansing it oi any excess oi
bile restore it to its natural state-. Another will operate
on th" blond, vviitie a tlitre! will effectually expel what
ever iiiipuiilies may have been discharged into the stoin
ach, and liuuee they ttrik* at the reef of ilitf-att, thus se- i
curing a free and healthy action to the heirl, lungs, and
liver ; and tlmiehy they restore health even when all
oilier means have failed.
; The entire truth nft!> above can be ascertained by the
trial ofa single box ; and ihur virtues are so po iltiveand |
! certain in restoring health that the proprietor nHiils liim
( self to return the money paid for litem in all cases vv here ,
j they do not give universal sati-factlou.
i Retail price UN cents per ho
• Ptincipal odice No f.ii Vesey street. New York. |
O-ltememher Hi C. V. Clickener is the inventor of i
Sugar Coated Pill*, and that nothing of the suit was j
eve: heard of until he introduced them in June, 1p43. !
| Purchasers should, Ihercfore, ulways ask for Ctickener's '
. Sugar flouted Vegetable Pills, and take no others, or j
I they will be made victims of fraud.
Wholpiale Agom for this countv, CHAS, I
| PJTZ [!VPA>:, ly.
FSalsniii, Planter.
Dr. Sherman's 0//Ofif?oM,4.V, or All-
Healing lialsnm,
For the fire of Consumption, Asthma, Dyspeptic Con
t -notion, Slotting of Mood. BtonrhHtu, Vifunify of
Urc.itking. Hoarseness Influenza, Croup. C'ouyhs,
LU/dr. Hums in the Hreast und Sule, Dyspep
tic., and the curious ejfictions of the
Stomach end Liver.
< Tin- great celebrity which t!>> remedy has obtained
among iho-e who are acquainted with its virtues, and are
r.-joictnp in its efforts, In* induced the Proprietor to give
it th i;:.roe ~f OLOSJiO.Y! ■ JY, tilt JUL LLE-ILLYO, to distinguish it from ail other Remedies now
o: ii.ee Us Combination is the result of more than TWBHTV
v rn perience. ami he believes it to be the most peifect
rimed; known —for it lias been used by thousands of per
sous, and in gl! in-tam-es with the most decided benefit
Tor References or Certificates of Remarkable Cases t 1
long standing and considered beyond Hope, see a ama!.
Book turn, in-d gratis by ill" Agents to all who desire it
The ■< rSeringa which children frequently undergo from
uorts often leinl to a f-ital termination, while the cAI 'an
i- ni t-r suspei ted. Offensive breath, picking at the noge,
gri;,ding the teeth during sleep, starling up in sleep with
li 12ht and screaming, troublesome rough, and feverish
rn-- . -ire among oime of the PROMINENT si MI-TCI.MI. of the
presence of worms. A timely use of
will iiniio-di-itirly remove all tiles* unpleasant symptoms,
and restore to perfect health.
Consumption, Influenza, coughs, colds, whooping cough
tightness of the lungs or cliest may be cured by a proper
flcitd'i A-. palpitation of the heart, lowriess of spirit, sei
sm kiiPHs, despondency, faintm-s, i hoiic, spa sit *, cramps
of the stomach, sninmer or bowel complaints, are quickly
ami entire;' rc. cved by using
l!hi umutism, w ale back, pain End weakness of the
hp art,back, lim .i,and other parts of the body are speedily
and eifei ' ual.y relieved by
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster,
w hull costs only 12.J cents, is the reach of all. I'
Ins !iis name with direi I ions printed on the hack of the
Planter, arid a fur ,-imile of the Doctor's written name
under the direction*. None others are genuine or to be
relied on. Dr .Sherman's Warehouse is No. 106 Nassau
street, New York.
Wholesale A cent for this county ('HAS.
WW/.. [dec. I*S4S—l y.
w! LI) c 111; RR v,
Is the best Medicine yet for Coughs, Colds, Constimp
* ti u, Aft hi: i, Spitting of P.looil, 4cc. Head tiie fol
lowing :
November 13th, 1518.
Dear Sir - I take great pleasure in saying to you that
Mrs Ross has been relieved of her couglj by the
use of \ our Syrup ef ll'ild Cherry It had continued for
f eighteen n .M!IS. She had used several prepara
ti' > s rf the Wild ('heriv now in popular use, but not
w :tii the -lightest benefit, unttl she took yours. Snr on
ly look n hoitl.-s, and 1 am pleas, d to say she is now in
good hcolih. livery one who saw Mrs Ro-t thought
in r in i dl e;> d-o line. LtWU P. ROSS,
N i v S C:)r!es street. Baltimore, Captain of Schoon
er O. K . Cambridge Packet.
In Clergyman's sore Throat it is tinly a " Sovereign
Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary
laud, *-f J itie tab, It.*B, sat s. Price 7 A cents a Bottle.
Prepared and sold by MARTIN ft WHITEI.EY. at
t rv. :. Ie?al Drug Store, 4is H Calvert Street, Balti-
A iH for si!e by F. J. HOFFMAN and
U ATTSON eg JACOB, Lewistown; ALEX
ANDER RITLEDGE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
count y. jJune 30, 17*49—l_v.
R EA! 1K IV-prietor of tins valuab'e remedy
.3 for Worms introduces to lii> friends and
tii-* p c. '. - Celebrated Vermifuge. Read
tin* fliiowin-r:
ill: VTI R TOWNSHIP, Mifflin county, >
September litb, 1849. >
DH. s y (rRyy.Y;
{<• • ptrtrd Friend- Two of our children having been
-ever, u . sit t-d ibis summer with Fever and Ague, and
licving checked it four different tunes by the use of the
-"gul.ir rem- u, still they complained of pains in the
!• g*. bowel*, he.d, anti in f.ict in the w hole system; vora
c us appetite, ft-ver. great cltarrbm, Ar, and after hav
ing used all the remed.es thought suitable lor the above
•ymptoms, 1 concluded that they both had Worms, and I
a <>r .liuciv rnv. each of iliem (tile one nine years of age I
and the other 7) iwo lea-apoonfuts apiece of your valua
ble \ erituftise, and in three hours from the time of their
taking Hi above small doses, ttie youngest passed FIVE
I" the i r -eel troru - I hive ever seen. The oldest boy
i-s. d .a solid lull of bp '*i (it may appeal incredible, but
it is truth) as large as h walnut, and both have been gel
ting well fast since
\ .a may make the above put tic if you think proper for
the ten- fit t i there, an I for the purpose of introducing
votir a tin.i'le Vermifuge in Deiatur township.
Yours. Air., I) B FISIIER,
The shove valuable Vermifuge is prepared
and >'> ! d I'v l)r S F. (iKEEN, at the Lewis
town Medical Depot, No. 11.
September 29, ISI9.
I). MiMB 4 SO.Y
U l-1. i > respect fully inform their friends
▼ and t:ie public, that they .-till continue j
t> caYry on tin; MARBLE BCsj\EaS in
ail its various branches, at tiieir olu stand,
Cor.ur of THIRD ami VALLEY,SVi., ,
where ihev have constant I v on hand V ARRI.E
GRAVE STONES, dec. All kinds of
work executed with netfneas, and on the most
reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal
patronage extended to them, they still solicit
a continuance of the same.
Orders fr >m any part of the country, through
mail, attended to with accuracy and despatch
March 17. I*4?—tf
ISlew Hardware Store!!
"V%7 t! have always a large assortment ofal
kinds of Hardware low for cask.
Lewietown, Jure 24, IS-49.
S alt! Salt!
JUST received, a large stock of Ground
.Vtini S;lt—11 cents per bushel and $1.75 ,
per sack, ft!/""To dealers a liberal discount
off these prices wilt be made.
ma '.MI, lSl'j. F J HOFFMAN }
(All ION r..\ t 5: v
k in ait bt :r.e name of ( /., tpp ~r i
young man f tiie nam* of S. P. Tiikvnserid .
nam* to |ut tip a Snr-oipurt'ti, whirl) i)„., r ,,| J*,,''
lead's SarvapHrilla >tennnuns.t:iig i- OP.Ypjipi "
; etc. Tin. T-iwnvrnd is no doctor, and r.eir . , '
foriaerly a worker on niilroad? can tfs. and -,t.r hit* y "
, M-um<a '.he title of Dr. for the purpose of y, r , w , '*
what he ■ cot. 'I bis is to cannon the palmr Il0! "
deceived, end pnrchnse none but ihe QF.Sh'Ctxy .11 ■ **
| fr.lt. O/.D ih. J cob Townsesd'. 5:,r..-ip- r , ~ hsv
it the Old Dr's lik<-t:e- v his fntu ly c.nt tif an.., v '
igr*iture nrroit the c*nt of krm<. **
Pntitipal Offiff, 103 -V srnii s f.. .Vf q
(ll.l) 1)1!. JACOI! 'ilk
Geauiue Towßseud SarsapariHa-
Dr. Tf>v%n*end i> now al>vut TO yo: tf
Infljt kni\4 ii ni the J1 U'J'flGH HUH fl Ist \>i r ,>
f trie OEXCIXF.: OMGLYAL " 7 Ott X I.Xris-iH
S.iPJlh IJ. LA.*' Br i n|? pinir, he was
(innuf'l'ture, by which hiatus it ha* bfrn kft l ont.,!U,, r
ket. ai d the cirrnnt*rrife<i in tb r>e #>niy wbi .j
pniveti iU Mortti, aud known it* value, ft had
tbe of m inv, nevrrthele**. as lhn persons
oe* n healed of sore diseases, and saved from death. s>r
CiA-M.t ci i(i t-xi'eiience nmi woniierfui
Know in sr. many years "go. lhnt he trtd by h*< d
icienre and experience, drviied an <ifit!e winth won . .
of ineaSrii iable ndvAnmsre lo imuikiud whn ihe i/*.gn
would i*r furnished to bring it into universal notice,
it* inestimable virtues would Le known and apprecitie4.
I'his time bar ■ the means are supplied ; this
• ts luaniifnctureti on the larjje-*! scale, and is faiitj 14
throughout the length and breadth of the IBnd. espec )-...;
as t is found inc:tpftlle of degeriefatkw or deter.one. r.
I'd!ike young r*. (• Townsend'x. it Improves withagg aci
never changes, but for the better - b€ciui*e tti*
scientific principles by a scientific man. Ihe highest h:iow
edge of Chemistry. lhe i>llest discover.es of the art,
have all beeu brought into requisition in tire manufacture
I Of the Old Lhr's SarsnpanlU. The Sarsapah!i.i It h
well known to medical men. contains mm/ De(i:ciQal p r.,
perties. ar.d cme properties which are inert r useless. and
others, whscn if retained in preparing : fr u*e produce
ftrruent itmn and arid, which is njti ri • vi* to Ihe system.
• Suine of the properties of Sarnapanlia are so roUtilr that
thef entirely evaporate ami are lost in the preparation J
they are ii preserved by a scientific process, known only
to those experienced in its roanufnclure Moreover, thest
txUatue principles. which fly ot! in vapor, or a ar. exliaii
tion, under neat, are the very essential meaical properties
of the root, which give to 1; all its vaiue.
SOlhiMr. tr f. ..vihp j ].>.. ACID "COM
ind yet he vvnuiu ftin h v- • under*:* u, th*. < >tir. Jacob
1 own send *> Omiitne * . .. >arsaparii a )• 19 IMITA-
I P .N of his infer.r frep.ar;ttun '!
Heaven forbid trru wo should dcnl in sn article which
woQid besr the mmt d:t *nt tn S. ?. T<• *
*rd*s article.' and which mould bring down upon tlw CW
f)r. siKb h mountain Urid of ct>ni;iK:iii n . criniin ti,.c.
from Agents wh' hive sold, and purchasers Ah haveßasrf
S. P. Townsend's KfcItMK.NTING COMPuIM).
We wish it audi rst od ise it > the . tntk
that S. P. Townsend's nrlicie and Old Dr. Jarni* Tnwb
semi's Snrsapßrilla ar-* kearen-wide apart, ana infinit*-, c.i
similar; thai they are unlike in every p*rueuiar, luvjjj
not one single thing in common.
As S. P. 'J'nw nsemi is no doctor, and sever was, it bo
rheiuisu no pharmaceutist—know* no more of medic;ae ~s
disease than any other common, unscientific. onpn le-vootl
■ : tn. what gtuirantee can the putiiic have that :ftr ; are re
ceivtiig a genuine scientific medicine, containing a. ,u%
v irtues ot toe article* uvd in pr< paring it. ar.c - :..ci. at 2
capable of changes which might render tne.n the AGENTS
ol D>ertse instead of health.
But wh tl elve should he exjiected from one wh< know*
nothing com jet rati velv of medicine or disease ! kreurrft
a person of some experience to cook and serve Bp em v
uiniii.n decent me ii. How much more iuqiortatM . .: a
the persons who inanafacttrre medicine, dfsigned f r
shoiiid know neii ibe mtdiesl projierues of plaiivs, ;
best uiantier oi sou comentratuig their he. •{
virtues. i2jmi nn extensive knowthe vafi OfdMad
w nich hficct the huniun system, aud htiw 10 adapirc;ue4ws
'JO these diseases
It i to ?.rre<i irwml- up"n the unfortunate to ptr halis
into w ottmied to kindle h<ie ia the despair ot
bosom, astoK teutfa aad blonia Bad vigor into ti
cru-hed and br-aen. and to : ir sh infirm ty that OLD DC.
J ACOB 1 OWNStIND has SOI'OH i' anu TO* Nl> the op
port unity *mJ iii-snn t< bring tin
Grand Universal Concentrated
within the retch, and t tbt knowledge of all who nreu *
tkituiey may keara aod kfiow, by joyful ci|erienfe
Tiaitseeiideiit Power to Ileal
Any person can boil or ttew the root till they pe: R
f coiireu ibiiiid. which is more from the coloring maiter ii
the root t/ian tnuii \n> thing else : they can then fOTJ#
this insipid >r x nod tiquid. sweeten th mo:.iS*ei.
•nj then nil it SAKSAPARILI.A EXTRACT or ST
RCf." But Mirh ii not the nrttcle known hs the
Tin. 1 . prcititeu. thai nil tne .ucrt jir.i|>erlle- "i
Attrvap:ir : .!<;i r *re flr>t r*osovvel. every thine c*two r ct
beconitng trii or of fermentation, is exiracteti and reyctc'!
then every particle i>i incUic.vl virtue is secured n • i *"*
and Coi.cr 11 trued form ; antl thus it is rendered tiic.apai^&
losing any f iu> valuable mid healing properties.
in this \vv, it s made the iusl jMwerful agent io the
Curt' of innumerable diseases.
Hence liie r**n* m why we near cotnitiendaiions on *■ very
tide in its lav r by men. wmm-n, and childrtn. WeCtaiJ
doing wonders in tne cure of
CiKYSU.VP rh'X. D) >/ >:PV/.L and LfFF.fi COM
FUILYT. ami in hHPt M. i M kOFU-U
PH.FS 1 (>s / rn.Yt all CV T.-i.VFiU * Ftil P
LJ.MI'J.KS. LLuCJ aud all aJfeciiOMi
arising from
It |R>w<iMsn 11. rvetln-.is efficacy in a lompi.tints ariiiM
from Imiigtslutn. trout itniitn vf tne Slutnack. !r*Hi Uetju.vi
ci.ti: l.on. determ 111 nlion of 4 ! •! t, ihe h* ul. jwii,ai 4 **
of the he .rt cold tee; and hands, cold cnnls 1 i: ht '■ *'
over O.isr body, it is:is not its equal in CW is and
and prr>jvoie< easy r\|hctorttion and gentle perptrii'*®
rslaxuig stneture ol tiif ungs. throat, and ever) other
But 111 uoii.,ng ia its e.\ci t.ence more uuuileaiiy rtei aid
ttlf vx i-dgel than !i .10 lands aud >t* ce> f
l! works wonder >in cases of h\ nur .ilbus or ffkites. F—'
tng v- the If .• O ft . Su; p-c stud, or PJt
Irregularity ol Ihe luenstru.ti periils. ami tin ■'**' '■ Cw
14 '* elicctunl 111 curing nil ihe fvmii* of h tanr l)is'± <c%t
By rcxuoviug 4 bstrucuoiis, and regulating the geueftj
lytem it tone nud siretiglh to the x\ h - c iftaiy.M*
thus cures a ! fiir;;< of
Nfi voHH and debility.
and thus prevents or relieve* a gre.-.t variety of other :lt l
dies, as spina* ireitmtinn. .Wuw St fitis !■***
ste<H>H(Uf. Epileptic hits. CoctU*icit. 4tC.
It clean e* the uio.nl. excites tb' icier to tiea'.tby at* l ,s
bines the stoiuach, ami gives good digestn n. renevciW*
biwrls of torpi>r 11 nd c, aiiaxs nfi miP' l^*'
purifies the >k n. eq*i ilix*s tne ctrculsttofi •' ine I
producing giAilie warmth eijitally all .xer the bc*h•
the iviseuMbie |>erspiraliou ; re.axes .Vi suictu.c* an. '•**
rviuoves <ii ntisirui:i<>as ai.d tuvigoraie> die
nervous system. Is not tins then
The lui'dicinp you prr-emincßtly 1
Ii .1 can any t
lu: t *r <ri 1 y ' lu|tiid i> n-C •' '
ot " f RAXI f '.('l'. ti.at the uwi is
ULr. ul l)Klt.Ki' >R A Til >N. nn.f
NEVER .spoilt.
whilt 1 lh*' tith.r X>' IOS ; ftrm. ,>W. nr.J
lAr iti'f .-"ncim.r. u Into ir.tfiueiii." ; the air. > ~ A
fctpi.Hl.:'!; an.; .1 .ai iji.Kg atlier kikhU Mii.c nn : "" ,
b>e coi|imw4 be inninnims in ibe .<tein • J;
ti.-.U mi ~ *'?' tn : .r e aUy Jts.-us.. rj W' ■• r "
Oy>|>e|Mla IhM M >i 1 II we not all Kmn* tliit wlwe
soUr in our Stoumchit w rial miachwlV it |iroi!;i. . : **""
lenre. heurtkuru. {' ol lhe heart. eer c
iliitrrhifa. ily>euiery. cone, ami t >rruflioa I t-''
IV hat ie >i'.oluia cut || ar.u liiuttor in ihe laalt '
|>roiluees ail ihe hiuuor- m hi. n hr nc on Krii|>t" m *,
>k.n. .'raid Ileal -It Kbeuiu. Ir\i \\h-- r * ' i
lus*. I>\ er Sorer, ami all ulcerations mieriial anil >' l " '
It ia mulling under lieatert, hut an srtd >ul>tacc. H (
sours, ami itiu ' r mli ail u.e l!uui >a the body. \
leaa. What causes Kheuuialisiu but a sour or "> ■
which insinuates it-eil Iwtuuen the .loir.:* andel" - * ' |
irrit. ting ami uiM'Oii.ag the delicate ii>-ue* it|>'>a * f
acts? So ot nervous ureases, of tut|ruril)' c" 'b r " ! .j
derangerl cuctilalioiis, and nearly arl Uie arlurei't* B
sltlicl human nature. ,
rNow is it not horrible to mate and sell, and '*•
<ears, to use tin* t ,, r
0/7~For sale in Lewiatown by F- At • "
who is sole a£fMit for Mitflin county
may '2ii, l s 49—ly.
Paper. Paper-
A LAV AYS on hand a large
xjL Cap, l.etter. Wrapping, Printing
dow and Wall Papr, wholesale or ret' •
Printing pa per, 22 X 3'2, at v
Lewistown. June V 3 ISI9.