"x. RUDISILL. Market street, Lewistown, opposite Judge Ritz's Store, H.\B ju-t received tin assortment nf the very best and most Fushioniible Caps, compri.--ifig the tint st Sle:ivri*, Ol!ca\ Seal, &€., j-y which he invites the '■ l - VSlfi tent ion of those in want of a biiporior article. L . a .,s were selected with care and may be re pe'j ap nn a - ♦•quailing, it' not excelling, any linn? of the kind ever offered for sale hereto tore in this place. Call arid see them. November 9, 1849—3t. BLANKETS! PERSONS in vvant ot Blankets are invited to u large stock just received al C. L. JONES' nov3. New Cheap Cash Smre. P. S. Remember these Blankets are fresh goods just opened, no old stock. Superior Sugar-house Molasses. ALSO. VKW Orleans and the real genuine Golden .¥ Syrup for sale at the former low prices, which is at ieast 20 per cent, under the regu lar country prices. A large supply on hand at C. L. JONES' nov3. New Cheap Cash Stoie. BLACK ALPACAS OF these goods a large assortment on hand, for sale by the piece or yard very low— l'ij cents. 18$ cts., 25 cts., 31 cts., 37$ cts, 44 cts., 50 cts. 56 cts., 62$ cts., 75 cts. 87$ cts., SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50; also a handsome assortment of Bombazines. C. L. JONES' nov3. New Cheap Cash Store. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! AT JONES' NEW CHEAP CASH STORE! 8-4 Silk Piaid Wool Shawls, $2 50 8-4 Uassimere do 4 00 8-4 super, plaid wool do 500 16-4 do do long do 375 16-4 do Bay State do do 12 00 16-4 do black Thibet long do 10 00 16 4 do Bay State long do 6 50 Plain and Embroidered high colored Thibet Merino Shawls. The above list with many others are just opening this week at the celebrated New- Cheap Cash Store. oov3. C. L. JONES. Queens ware & Glassware. QUITE an extensive assortment juet open ing at the New Cheap Cash Store. Gilt French China Tea Setts, do do do Plates. While Iron Stone Tea and Dinner Sets. do Granite do do do Light Blue do do do Floring Blue do do do Toilet Sets, 6 oieces; Plates of all kinds anl :zes by the single or dozen ; a]9o a large as sortment of Cups and Saucers, by the single Set; Gravy Bowie; Soup Tureens; Molasses Pitchers; colored and white glass Cendleeticks; Preserve Dishes, in endless variety; French china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various patterns; Castors; Tumblers; Glass Jars, va rious sizes; stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur key Dishes, white, blue and mulberry, also steak Dishes to match; Bowls, Pitchers; sauce Dishes; and a large lot of common Cups and Saucers, all offered for sale al unprecedented low priceb for caah, at C. L. JONES' nov3 New Cheap Cash Store. Pennsylvania Railroad. fiflUllK Ult EIGHT TRAINS now run twice a week between -*■ Lewistown and .Philadelphia ag follows, viz : Leav ing Lewmtowk on WFD.YESU.I YS and S.ITCR IJ.IYS, and fit! la OF. Lexis on JiO.YD.IYS JMTD THURSDAYS, at ike following rate* of freight, wbich include commission* for storage, viz : Rales of Freights per 100 Pounds. FROM PHILADELPHIA j - Til ■jss If S TO l£i|gp;3 5 I j j r Cove and Duneannon, I 21 125 30 35 Bailey's, Newport & MiUerstownd 22 |25 32 37 1 Perrysville and Mifflin, j 34 j2B 35 42 Lewistown, 1 25 j 30 > 371 45 Way freight per mile is 24 nulls for First and Becond Class, and 3 mills for Third and Fourth Class. List of Articles in each Class. HRBT CI.ABB. Ashes— wood or leached; Bones; Horns and Glue pieces; Bricks, (not fire); broken Cast in*s; CUy, Earth, Sand or Gravel; Coal (mineral); Fire Wood; German Clay; Heading and lloop Poles; Iron Ore; I i.a- i Manure; Marble in blocks (unwrouglrt); Pig and * rap Iron; Plaster or Gypsum; Post* and Kails; Rags; Railroad Ties or Sills; Salt; Shingles and Lath; Slate or for roofing; Staves; Staves,heading, ALC for cedar tes; 4*wed Marble; Soap Sione; Stoneware; Stone for lime r building; Straw Paper or binding hoards; Tallow; Tobacco in leaf; Whiskey, Cider, and olher domeelic li T-or* in Casks; Wrapping Paper. THIRD CLASS.—Agricultural productions not parti ' irly B|>€" ified; Bale and bagging Rope; Beef, [fresh]; t -r, Porter and Ale; Beeswax; Brass in sheets or man red; Butler and Eggs; Cast Steel; Cedarware; • ti'r.e; China or Queensware; Clover, Timothy and '.'Vr grass Seeds; Copper in bare, sheets or manufactur ed; K.sf,. [fresh]; Flax Heed; Glassware; Groceries, [ex r.ept coffee); Hardware anil Cutlery; Hides, [dry or Span 1-eathi r; I.ive Stock; Mahogany and other orna "i-ntal woods; Marble, manufactured; Ochre; Oil of all Hud' [including Castor and Lard]; Oy*ler*; Paints and fivstuttv; Fork, [frenhj; Red Lead.[ground in oil or dry]; *ud Cord ige; Shot; Steam Engine* and machinery tli kiiiiJ*. Tin and Tinware; White Lead; Window Wool, Zji.c in sheet* or blocks ; Znic manufac tuied, FOI.RTJI CLAM—Boots, Shoe* and Hats; Books, d Statuntety; Butato end vlooae Skin*; Carriages, or '"'l of (de mure; Dnet Skin*; Drugs and Medicine*; '-'roti; Feather*; Fogeign Fruit*; FurnilurejFur* and j IJarden Seeds, jr. bi-ges; Paper, [writing ami '" r] ; Tidiaxaco, ma.iofacci*red ; 'irunks ; Lnenunjer- M <"l Articles. T" Drovers end ~fhex* having I.ive Block to iend to ,r "srict It is de< irable ifiey shuiiid go in Wednesday s us tb. eiturday'* train remain* a' Harrisburfi un- Mnmiay I'AmM.V.ER TRAINS run daily, leaving Phlttticl /,"1 at i -.ny /, ; iown at yj o'clock, AM OAML2L MiLLULN, Jr , Agent, txuin, CItAiU St liIiLLAB. - '../*_ '' ') Agents, Phi- tJelph'i COOPERS WANTEDr L ROM Tt,N to FIFTEEN COOFERB wanted J '- fJ make Flour Barrels at the Lewistown ' * to w hom good wageg will be given. A W W, STERKETT, Herkimer comity Cheese. Jk LARGE lot Of very superior quality just received at C. L. JONES' ntnJj. New Cheap Cash Siore. CI RENXH and English Merinoesand Mouse ¥. line de Lai ties, a large assortment, ot ev j ery shade and quality, at JONES' riov3. New Cheap Cash Store. | WBI IMII SMS* TJUSI received a few pieces noire—.-ell i at the former low prices at C. L. JONES' nov3. New Cheap Cash Slnre. HOSIERY AND "TRIMMINGS, ''■AHE fullest and most complete assortment I A of Hosiery and Trimmings ever opened before in I ewistown will be found at C. L. JONES' nnv3. New Cheap Cash Slore. Cloths, Cassimeresj Sattinets. And Vestings, IN endless variety, at every price and quali ty, for sale 20 per cent, below the usual ! price, at <_'. L. JONES' nov3. New Cheap Cash Store. BASKETS and CEDAR-WARE. OF the above goods a very axtensive assort ment just opening, consisting of Market Baskets, all sizes Clothes do do Travelling do do Dinner do do Knife do do Churns, Tubs, Buckets, Sic., &c., &r , &c C. L. JONES, nov3. New Cheap Cash Store. Direct from l(io Janitro. A LARGE LOP of prime COFFEE, bought before the fate advance or. j that article, se'linu cheap at JONES' New Cheap Cash Store October 27, 1848. MUFFS, BOAS, Victorines, &c. WE will open in a few days a large and handsome lot of Furs, such as Mutfs, Boas, Victorines, Belleriues, ofGenett, Lvnx, Cooney, Squirrel and Fitch, which will be the cheapest and handsomest ever offered. An examination cf the same is respectfully re quested NUSBAUM, BROTHERS. Lewistown, Oct. 20, 1849. 1 Hl'OH CRAIQ. THOMAS BELLAS. (BAH. & BELLAS, PLOUP. FACCORS, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF Bacon, Lard, Butter, Wool, Gin seng, Cloverseed, &c-, Broad and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Advances made, if required, on Receipt of 1 Consignments. (MJ~The Cars will be unload ed at our Warehouse. Produce consigned to us for sale will not be subject to porterage or storage. C. & B. are Agents for the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. Oct. 20, 1849—if. fro hi* Excellency the President of the United State*, her Majesty Queen Victoria, and to Louis Napoleon ; Bonaparte, President of France: Whereas, for a pe riod of twenty year* we hate diligently studied how we i might best ameliorate the pecuniary conditiotiof the Hu ' man Family, and deserve the applaudilsof mankind, we are now happy, almost beyond the power of expression, to imparl the joyou* intelligence that the hour hat come when we can proclaim to the Nation* of the Earth the completion of our extended labors in the announcement j that we hsvu found out at last the process by which riches may be easily acquired, and a most extraordinary fact Is, j that we give to the world gram the offspring of those wearisome researches, which consumed nearly a quarter of a century in gestation, asking for ourselves for reveal i ing this "Open Beeame" nothing but the delightful ae ' siiratice that mankind will be at last convinced of the practicability of garnering a GOLDEN IIAHVKSI thro' the medium of PYFF.R Sf CO, the truly fortunate and far-fained Lottery Brokers, JYv 1 Light etreet, Haiti; ore, Maryland. Let not a few frowns of Fortune cast you down She were not fortune if she did not frown. Those who in patietxe bear her scorns aw bile Are those on whom at last she most will stnile. Most glorious success! Pyfer & Co. sold and paid last month a mountain of prize-! Every drawing tells a cheering tale'. Four extra Clerks required to attend to our corres|>oiidents: >Only see this stupendous luck ! #50,000, whole ticket, sent to a Railroad Contractor in I the State of New York Mc ordered a Package of Tick els, and behold the result! For an outlay of fi 12 at Py fer Ac Co.'* far-fained office, he realized the mammoth ! fortune of #12,500:!! The most successful method to draw a prize is to purchase a Package ! The experience . of every day strengthens this declaration. Not done yet! #2O 000, whole ticket, sent to Charleston, 8. C Two handsome prize* of #B,OOO sent to N. Carolina. #15,000, whole ticket sent to Virginia. #O,OOO, half ticket, sent to Pennsylvania. #24.000, quarter ticket, sent lo Pennsyl vania. S 10,000, quarter ticket, sent to Houtll Carolina. " No such word as fail," at Pyfer Ac Co.'*. Correspondents who visit Riltimore are invited to call at our Office, w here we offer ocular demonstration of our almost magic luck. 6>Forward your Orders without delay ! BRILLIAATT SCHt..MRS FOR JfOVEMBER, 1649. Jill Ordrrt strictly confidential at Pyfer Af Co.'3 Date. Capital No. of Price of Price of Nov. Prize*. Ballot*. Tickets. Packag's 7 #30,000 75 No*. 13 drawn #lO #32 50 8 24,000 78 No*. 13 drawn 5 18 50 9 10.000 06 No*. 13 drawn 4 II 00 10 50,000 78 No*. 16 drawn 15 45 00 12 25,000 75 No*. 12 draw ■■ 8 27 50 13 24,000 75 No*. 12 drawn 5 IS 50 14 38.000 78 No*. 13 drawn 10 52 50 15 20,000 75 No*. 12 drawn 5 18 50 16 20,000 78 No*. 14 drawn 5 18 50 17 32,000 75 No*. 13 drawn 10 32 50 19 25,000 78 No*. 13 drawn 5 27 50 20 20,000 60 No*. 10 drawn 5 17 00 |2l 30,000 75 No. II drawn II) 32 50 22 24,000 78 No*. 13 drawn 8 18 50 23 15,000 75 No*. 14 drawn 4 13 00 21 65,000 78 Nut, 12 drawn 20 70 1)0 ;25 30,00') 75 Not. 15 drawn „10 25 00 27 25,000 75 .Nus. 13 drawn 5 18 50 ,28 30,000 78 No*. 13 drawn 10 32 50 29 20,000 72 No*. 11 drawn 5 18 Mi !30 20,000 75 Nun. 14 drawn 5 1- 50 cVThe price nf Packages of Quarter Ticket* only, I* i advertised above. g>Please mail order* a few days before the Lotteries draw. Letters always strongly enveloped and careftilly sealed. OVNone but the Managers* printed Drawings sent from PYFF.R Ac CO.'H. livery order to Pyfer Ac c.i ij answered tu return mail Hank Drafte or Certificate* of Deposit payable in Gold at sight, and promptly remitted to any part i f tint cauu ' try fur prizes sold at this Agency. l>o >e pa xagc of Tick-m may draw Four Capital* ! {•> 1 lit y ill a.iy stun* however large,"** hecunndent iy mailed to Die address nf P Jer Ij- Co DisU.il residents throngmiut the United States, who leatrn a Increase of Fortune, have only to mail an order tor a single ticket or package at Urn prices set forth in the above Schedule, as success must surely crownili* result f all orders to the Old Established, Far-famed and Truly | Lucky House of PYF ER & CO., No. 1 1 eight st., Baltimore, Md., November 3,1819- lm. LEWISTOWN ACADEMY, O I KJE is hereby given, that the Ajarle -1 l my School will commence ori the second MONDAY of September. Terms of Tuition as heretofore. The strictest attention will be given to all pupils to advance thern in their studies. The Academy possesses also the ad vantage of a Philosophical and Astronomical j apparatus to facilitate the instruction of pupils. Lewistowo, Sept. 1, 1849—if. Bank of Discount and Deposite. LONGENEIIER, GRIBH, & CO. Cash Capital Paid in $70,000. LONGENECKER, GRTBB & CO. havees- ! tablished at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an ice of Discount and Deposite, for the trans- | action of the regular business of banking. I Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial j 1 cities will be discounted at all times, and depos- j ites of current money will be paid, on demand, I in par funds. Every facility will he afforded to ' business men in their negotiations with the i Eastern and Western cities. The aggregate Capital of the establishment exceeds half a million of dollars. DaVII) Lonoexecker, Jonv Miller, M. D. i A. Bates Grubb, Christian Bachma.m, John Christ, 11. Freeland, Benjamin Ivshf.lm an W. RUSSELL, Cashier. W. H. IRWIN, Solicitor and Confidential Agent. Lewistown, August 25, 1849—tf. #*m hr ell as. SILK, Cot tan, and Gingham, a large assort ment for sale very low, bv the piece or j dozen—.*>o cents, (30 cfs., 70 cis . K) cts . 90 j ' eta., si 00. -SI 12$, jfi?l 50,51.75, S2(O, $2 25, Silk at $2.50, $3.00, SI.OO and 1*4.50. , C. L. JUNKS' nov3. New Cheap Cash Store. •fust Ope 1 YARDS of neat figured CASHMERES, 4-4 wide, and selling at 124 cents per yard at 0ct.20. NUSBAUM, "BROTHERS. Carpets! Carpets! At Jones' Carpet Hall Ct AN be seen the most splendid assortment j /of every grade and quality—Rag. Venilian, i Ingram, and Imperial; RUGS&c. These Car- j pets are direct from the celebrated inanufac- ' lory of A. B. ('niton & Co., in Chester county, and warranted good—no auction trash. Call and see. C. L. JONES' 0c27. A etc Cheap Cash Store. _ ®s?lE of good Tf - - (near 2tJO pounds) and in good order. No particular marks are recollected, except j ! that she had been scalded on the j neck a few months ago, which makes the hair set the wrong way. A suitable reward will be | given to any person returning, or giving infor- I mation that will lead to her recovery. THOS. It. &J. McKEE. ( j Lewistown, Oct. 27, 1849—3t. I CAUTION," V OTICE is hereby given to the public gen -1 x erally that we purchased the following at Sheriff 'a sale a9 the property of PHILIP , FREEDMAN: One Pfdlw's Wagon, which property we have loaned to the said Freed mil n during nnr will and pleasure—of which all persons lotere-ited will take notice. N USB AU M, 3 ROTH E RS. ; October 20, 1849—3 l DISSOLUTION. i rPHh Co-partner-hip heretofore existing un- T der the name and style of JAMES MILI.I --! KEN, Jr., df. CO. is this day dissolved by mu- I lual consent. JAMES MILLIKEN, Jr., ROBERT MILLIKEN. Lewistown, October 10, 1849. H.W IXG disposed of our stock of goods, we are desirous of closing up our business ; | therefore all persons having accounts with us are notified that they must be settled on or be lorc the Ist N"urembcr nt j t, at which time 1 pur pose leaving this place. Accounts then unset tled will he left in the hands of proper officers for collection. JAS. MILLIKEN, Jr. October 13, 1849—4t. 4 VERY large and handsome stock of Rea /V dy-made CLOTHING. Boys' do., i just landed and now opening at oc2() NUSBAUM, BROTHERS. j _ .... . Irish Linens. A LARGE lot bought at a bargain in - i -*- Philadelphia, and sidling by the ; piece or yard at a small advance at C. L. JONES' 0c27 New Cheap Cush IS tore. HCTIG2. fCAHE following accounts have been exam-I J. ined and passed by me, and remain filed ; of record in ibis office, for inspection of heirs, j legatees, creditors, and all others in uny way | I interested, and will be presented to the next Orphan's Court of the county of Mifiiin, to be ; held at the Court House in Lewistown, on i 'Thursday, the Bth day of November, 1849, for allowance and confirmation : 1. 'The partial administration account of ! Peter Baker, administrator of Jacob Ickes, late j j of Oliver township, deceased. 2- The supplemented and final administra- ' I tion account ot Eli Wakefield, administrator of : George Wakefield, iateot Granville township, j I deceased. 3 'The administration account of Hugh Conlev, administrator of Samuel D. Aitkens, i !at<- of Armagh Township, deceased. •ij. The guardianship account of John F'e.n mg, guardian ofKlias and Philip VVeiler, mi nor children of Philip VVeiler, late of Menno • township, deceased 5 '1 he administration account of Joseph Strode, Jr , on the estate of Amor Strode, late ofGranville township, deceased. 6- The administration account of Jnmes Gnkm administrator ot Robert Sankcy, lntcot Union township, deceased. 7 The administration account of Ephraiin Banks, Executor of William Mathews, late of j Decatur township, deceased. IAMES L. McILVAINE, Register. RKOISTKU's OFFICE, I | Lewistown, October .s^ JHHWMHb l;.^iSs - JWWj j | a!d*§l-s TiJl's - f NjlpPv 1 !||| |1 W I si 15£5 •£ ;• Tremendous H! And a!! about Thomas*'• selling grods so CHEAP. I have a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, and LADIES' and MISSES 1 GAITERS, made by the best of workmen ; a variety of 53t*i> <£oott&, (SroccrCra, anlJ IMquore, iof the beat kind ; among which are some \Cry choice EJvANDIES. anti a superior article of STOUTON BITTERS; also, POM D EH. SHOT, and LEAD ; 100 bar rels beet MonongaheU WHISKEY. J THOMAS, October 13, 1940 tftmlO. Bdiffcx Swartis and McDowell'* Taaem*.