Vol \XXV.—Whole i\o. 18**56. Rates of Advertising. One square, IS lines, 2 squares, 6 raos. $5.00 1 time 50 " 1 year 8.00 " 2 times 75 £ column, 3 mos. GOO 3 44 1.00 44 G 14 10.00 1 mo. 1.25 " ] year 15.00 " 3 44 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 6 4 4 4. 00 4 4 6 44 1 5.00 44 1 year 6.00 44 1 year 25.00 2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before mar -44 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. $lO. Communications recommending persons for office, must be paid in advance at the rate of 25 cents per square. Philadelphia Advertisements. BLZBI & CO, Commission Merchant*, FOR THE SALE OF FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, And all descriptions of Country Produce, BROAD STJCEET, EAST SII>E, Between Race and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA. Respectfully solicit s share of the business from this vicinity, and refer to Messrs. LONGBNECKER, GRLBB & Co., Bankers. W. RUSSELL. Esq., (.'ashier, Lewistown. E. E. LOCKE. Esq , Mifflin county. RJ. Ross. Esq., Cashier, ),, , Messrs. Fl A Jl.uss. i ""raburg. SAMVEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. GEO. M. TROVTMAN, Cashier, of A Western Bank, I phiWelv Messrs. J AS. J. JJLNCAN & Co., J and Merchants generally, J October 6, 1849—6 m.* SITU JAMES & (()„ FLOUR & GRAIN FACTORS. AND Commission Merchants, For (lie Sale of Produce in Ciieiieral, Broad, above Arch, West side, PHILADELPHIA, iron received and delivered to any part of the City, or shipped as may be directed. REFER TO — SHEM ZOOK, Esq., Mifflin county. JOSEPH MILLIKEN, Lewistown. WILLIAM RUSSELL. Esq , Cashier of the De posit and Discount Bank, Lewistown. J. W. WEIR, Cashier of the Harrisburg Bank. TOWNSEND HAINES. Esq., Secretary of the Commonwealth of Penn'a. G. M. TROVTMAN, Esq , Cashier of the West ern Bank, Philadelphia. MORRIS PATTERSON & Co.. Merchants, JACOB LEX & SON, do. / -§T ~ JOHN M KENNEDY &. Co., do. 73? •September 22. 1849 —2m.* PI'RE FRE.MI COD LIVER OIL 'PHIS new and valuable medicine, now used by the J- medical profession with audi astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro nic Rheumatism, Gout, General De bility, Complaints of the Kid' neys, dpc., dpc., si prepared from the liver of the Cod F:sh for medical use, expressly for our sales. (Exlrccf from the London. .Medical Journal ) "C.J B Williams, M. D., P. R. eS., Professor of Medi cine in L'uiver.iiy College, London, Consulting Physi cisu to the Hospital for consumption, Ac., says : I have proscribed the (ill in above four hundred cases id tubert u loas disease of the Lungs, In different stages, which have txen under my care the last two years and a half In the large number of cases, 206 out of 221, its use w as fol twed by marked and unequivocal improvement, vary ii g n degree in different cases, from a temporary retard 1- tn.n of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of dis f--uig symptoms, up to a more or less complete restor •tion to apparent health. " The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most, of these cases v - very remarkable Even in a few days the cough *as riiit gated, the expectoration diminished 111 quantity tad opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became • w.-r, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradually improved. 'in conclusion, I repeat that the pure fresh oil from '-be Liver of the Cod is ntore benefit ial in the treatment Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, ■ telle or regimenal, that lias yet been employed. Vr ve have made arrangements to procure the Cod liver 'al, fresh from head quarters, it can voir be had chemically }"t bq the single bottle, or in bozer of one doien each its wonderful efficacy has induced numerous spurious <nnations As its success depends entirely on its purity, ■ finch care cannot be used in procuring it genuine. leery bottle having unit our written signature may be Upended upon as genuine Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with no "-s of it from Medical Journals, will be sent lo those >; address 11* free of postage. JOHN C. BAKER & CO , Wholesale Druggist* and Chemists. 100 North Thud Street, Philadelphia. Oev.be, 13, 18457—-Cm. liEoWlilis, Wholesale Commission Agent, FOR ALL KINDS OF F I S H, \or 111 Wliarm, Ahavo Iture street, Philadelphia. : ldelphut, April 21, 1849 —ly I 4 A V 1; R ! I'APE Ml -M I'ank street, Between Market and Cliesnut, and 2 d and 3 d streets, PHILADELPHIA. "[ "''.jcrihers beg leave to call the attention ofenun' 1 ,v ! '"yers to their assortment of papers, embracing varieties of printing, Hardware, Writing, and Wrapping papers, Tissue papers white V *"'"td colors, alo Uonoet and Box Uoards, Ac ••••Jerigg..(| in the manufacture of printing papers, (t 11 hrders from printers for any given size, V A 1)1 8: furni*h< dat short notice, and si fair prices. *'i prices tiifmr In ca.h or Untie paid for Hags. BECKETT 6t KNIGHT. A0 21 Rank sheet, Philadelphia. i y . ITOMEyiK®E> ALSCT IPvS?2SI;n®ISI32> LI FL IKSCRANCE. Tlie Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 15J) Clicsnut Street. i\*l>i(ai SSOO,OOO. Charter Perpetual. CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on the most ! favorable terms; receive and cxe uie Trusts, and i receive Deposits 011 interest. The Capital being paid up and inveawd, together with ' accumulated premium fund, affords a per;'-., t security to 1 The insured. The premium may !• paij in yearly, hall' ! yearly, or quarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the i insurances for life. This plan of insurance is the most j approved of, and is more generally in use than any oih r , in Great Britain, (where the subject is best urderstoodby ■ the people, and where they hive hud the luiigot ex|teri ! ence,) as appears from the fact that out of 1 17 I. if • Inau i ranee Companies there, of all kinds, v 7 are on Ibis plan The first BONUS was appropriated in December, l-l l, : amounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the ! oldest policies; to S>| percent., per cent. Ac., cc., on : others, in proportion to the time of standing, making an addition of $100; $57.50; #75, Ac., Ac., to every .#IOW, < originally insured, which is an average of more than 5u | percent, on the premiums paid, and wit licit increasing j the annual payment to the company. The operation of the Bonus will be Been by the follow ing examples from Uic Life Insurance Register of Die i Company, thus : Rum I Bonus or | Amount of Policy and j Policy. Insure.d. j Addition, j Bonus payable at the ' I party's decease. ' No. 5d #I,OOO SIOO 00 il.idO 00 ! " 66 2,.700 850 110 2,750 CO " 205 4,000 400 0!) 4, *00 ' 0 " 278 2.000 175 00 2 !75 00 | " 333 5,000 437 50 5,137 30 *> P*>IPHI.*TS containing the table of rates, 4 and ex j planations of the subject; Forms i f Apple, alt u, ar ! ; further information can be had ut the office, grata*, in • person or by letter, addressed to the President or kituury B.' W . KIC H A KDS. President. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. [ t{i2B:ly NEW YORK DRY GOOD STORE. IsorI, Taylor A ( 0,, JVo 208 Chesnvt street, Philadelphia, T I AVE now on hand, just received direct from the maii i H uf icturers, a fail assortment of SILKS, CASHMF-IIKS, ! MERLXOES, DE L.HXES, SHAIVLS, Sec , Sec The colors and designs being of their own selecting, I and entirely theirs j LIXEXS, HOSIERY. HABERDASHERY, and all ' the different makes of Domestic Goods constantly on I hand, wholesale and retail. ; 1.., TSo Co. never deviate from f.rst price. t>\Ve are daily receiving goods from she N'--w York j Auctions. 15'P-' 29. 1 --19— 2 m €. J. Wholesale Boot, Shoe and Bonnet Warehouse, No. 136 North Third street, opposite the Eagle Hotel, Philadelphta, Td now receiving about 300<) CAv E * F!'l'.- ; H I-'VI I. I GOODS, direct from the mannfactiirere, mo h i* .t.'r*, I and Boas' THICK KIP and CALF BOOTIS :.od BRO | CANS, Youth's and Children's BOOTS and BUOG \N-' ; with a great variety of Women's LACK 800 I's at.d j SHOES, both City and Ea*tern manufacture. 'I ins* .> k 1 is got up expressly for Country Trade, and will be sold j cheap. 7- MEUCIIA NTS arc invit (I to call and examine, j Philadelphia, August la, ISl9—3m, Rons. Victoria# and Fur Trimming'*. M. i>. c o 12 1: X, FANCY FUHRIIZr, IT'OI'LD most respectfully rill the aitentioi fall pr *' sons in want of arty article in the Fanct lur l>i;*> ness, that he has now ready a splendid assortment of 1! above mentioned articles, made if every d— < ri •i- 1 -f Furs, ami in the great variety of shape* ik t r. 1, .v fashionable, which lie offers to sell at vir. r,-i- nat. profits, at his FUR STORK, No 52 North Second street, (two doors below Arch si ) Philadel ibia Merchants purchasing to sell again, would find it con ' siderably to their advantage to call and examine hi* stoc k and judge for themselves before purchasing clsewin re | g>The fill market price always given for SfCIXS of ! ever;, description. i .* The store is always closed on Saturdays M D COHEN, Xo. 52 X. 'id St., (tiro door 4 beloa Arch) PkUadii. September 15, 1619 — 3m. Wholesale & Retail ( MM Ki STORE, .No. 238 Market sweet, above Seventh, South tide, PHILADELPHIA. VI.Tnoi'GH we can scarcely estimate the value of TIME commercially, yet by calling at the above es j tahlishnient, JAMES ILARBRN will furnish bi* friend*. among whom he includes all wh> duly appreciate it* i fleelness, with a beautiful and perfect index for marking ! its progress, of whose value they CAM judge.. Ilis extensive stock 011 hand, constantly changing in ! conformity to the improvements in taste and style of pattern and w rkmanstilp, consists of Eight-day TFpSnnd Thirty-hour Brass Counting House, Parlor, Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, French, Go thic and other fancy styles, as well us plain, which from iff* extensive connection and correspondence 1 with the manufacturers he finds he can put at the lowest i cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of | which he will warrant the accuracy. VsClocks repairtd. and warranted. CloeJc Trimmings ' on hand. CALL and see me amongtliem. JAMES BARBER, 23S Market st. Philadelphia, August 18, 1819— ly. i | / A |l4 W | YARDS of bleached and I brown Musi in, 4-4 wide and extra heavy, just oDeniner at llie really cheap store of NUbBAUAI, BROTHERS. October 20, 1849. Candies and Confectionary, ALWAYS on hand a good atock at whole sale or retail, may 26, 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN. FRESH TEAS, GOOD AND CHEAP. YOUNG Hyeon, Imperial, Souchong, and Oolong. C. L JONES, i tx'27. New Cheap Cash Store. Iron ! Iron ! AN extensive assortment of all dizos, for saie low for cafch, by June 23 '49. F. J. HOFFMAN. 4 FEW pieced Turk Satin Du Chene, 28 i\. inches wide, selling at only J51.25 per vard. Oal! and oct2o. NUSBAUM, BROTII3R3. SATURDAY, A'OYHJIBER 1840. Harris'burg Advertisements. J. IV7. STIIVEITSOM, JR-, WHOLESALE DEALER 1.2 Groceries ami Liquor*, Three Doors South of the Old J'ridge, Front Street, II Alt 11 1 .8 KUK C.', ** A . JM. 8., lor IHe accommodation of mcr • chants and others in Dauphin, Cumber land, Franklin, and neighboring courties, htm opened an extensive Wholesale Establishment, for theeale of Groceries and Liquors, as above. With the co-operation of n large importing' house in Ba 11 more, he will oifer goods her 3 at the same prices at which they can be purchas ed in the city. He respectfully solicits the favor of a call from those wishing to purchase, to satisfy tiicin of his entire abiii'y to sell as he promises. Jhe attention of iand'ords is invited to a lot of choice Liquors, in store and for sale at importers' prices. 02yOrders from a distance promptly filled, and goods despatched at city prices. September 8, l49—tf. EiK KOK Sc Rdtßirr (Sucecssi-r* to W. O. Hickok, and Hickok A. ('.uiliiic ) 800 I\-oIi\DKHS, STATIOA KK S, AND E>!ait!-. Ek(tL 11 \itKiNiit ttt;, i* xw®,"=*fo~'i THE SI BSCUIUF.R* respectfully ui / ' ffjf /form their ft 1 i,di) and the pu' lir, that ih< > nSJjp are now rin iog on the above businessat I lie OLD STAND, formerly occupied hy Hickok At ("uitine, and W. () link, k Th y flatter themselves that by tar- ful attentiun to business they will merit and still receive a continuance of patronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firms Particular attention will be paid to the ruling and bind ing of every description of T?' " £ VF IIP ** .Ol Mm, J* * mm -<S s. us Vn, For /Links, Cnvnty Officers, Merchants, and Private Individuals; such as Discount Ledgers, Q tarter Sessions Dockets, General do. Judgement, ifo. Deed Hooks, Appearance do Check B .ok, Execution do. Teller's Aut.menu, Election do. Ticklers. Orphans' Court do. ffcralchers, Naturalization do. Weeklv Statement*, Sheriff's do. Iwlter Books, Jusiioos 4 do. Cash Books, Ad M -turn Index do. Copy Books, D sconrt Not- Rooks, Pass Hook*, Day Hooks, Ledgers, In voice B.roks, Journals, Will Hooks, Time Books, Mortgage Books. H aid B.ok*, Minute B oiks. Coma.isston Books, Miscellaneous H >oks, And every vanetj of Full and Half Bound II ioks. They hive made arrangements to supply Proihom-ta ries w ith the new and approved JUDGEMENT DOCKET- Old Rooks, I l ,* 1- In.als, Law B. oks, Music, New[- pt-r. Ace, bound to any p.vtcui and any style required In addition to the above, we have .nd will keep at all times a general assortment of Stationery. Letter Paper. Carpenters* F-ncils, Cap do. Knives, Drawing do. Quill*. Transfer do. Lead Pencils, Copying do. Wafers, Blotting do. Healing Wax, Hieel Pens, Bed Tape, Slates and Sluie Peru ils. Black Ink, Ink Btmds. Red Ink, Letter Stamps, Carmine Ink, M no Wafers, Blue Ink, India Kui i> r. Copy lug Ink, Blank Cards, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Folders. Erasers, Are.. Kr A general assortn r t of PRINTING INK. very cheap I*;lc' Ruled lo Pallcm. C*- All n rk \V Ail II V N TED, and done veij CIir.AP. Please give us a call. UK KOK Ac BARRE IT I? irrisburg, Ortfiber 20, ISI9 ft. Baltimore £ dvertkements. University of Maryland Fit! LTV OF riivaic. SESSION OF 1849-' SO. fPHE LF/'TI KES will commence on MON f DAY, 2'Jth October, arul continue until the 15th of March, ensuing, ('fieiniatry atni f'bnrmacy—WlLLlAM E. A. AIKEN, M. I)., L. L. D. * Surgery—NATHAN It. SMITH. Therapeutics, Materia Medica and Hygiene— SAMUEL CHEW. M. I). Anatomy and Physiology —JOSEPH ROHY, M. D Theory and Practice of Medicine—WlL LIAM POWER, M. D. Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Chil dren—RlCHAßD H. THOMAS, M. 1). Lecturer on Pathology and Demonstrator o( Anatomy—GEOßGE W. MILTEXBEKGKR. Instruction in Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery every day at the ltaltimore Infirmary, opposite the Medical College. The rooms for practical anatomy will be opened October l*t, under the charge of the demonstrator, fees for the entire course sll). Comfortable board may be obtained in the vicinity of the Medical College, for $2,50 to A3, 50 per week. WILLIAM E. A. AIKEN, Dean of the Faculty. Sept. 15, 1849.— 3 in. Candy sl*2 .>0 per hundred !ls. CANDY MANLTACTORY AND FRUIT BTOKB-:, „Y<>. 20 Right street, Baltimore, Md. ME It i -It AN I'H and ihe public, wishing article* in (h Corif-T.tlnnary line, are renpecrfully invited to give me ft c ill The subscriber t'.ke pleasure in being able to offer a greater variety inliisline than ran be had at any other eatabllslunent in the city, and at prices which cannot fail to please Ilia stork comprises every article In the line, such as CAXDY of three hundred different patterns and flavors; with a general assortment of For eign an ! Domestic Fruit, .Vuts, rrrserrts, Pickles, tec. Much pie oriire will be taken to show my sl< k ami price* to dealers ; also, persons at a disnnee wishing inlorma ti .n, hy addressing the undersigned, will he forwarded a list of art tries with the price* annexed. All goods slop led five of charge. Htrict attention paid lo packing. Ac. by JOSEPH U. MANN. September 22, llMS)- - 9m. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR AND MOLASSES, SELLING at Jones' at 6$ cents, per pound and quart—aFn, better rjunlity propcrtion fcbly 10-*;. C. I*. JONES. lt&wiato jvv, Oct. 27, 1819. GEO. W. ELDER, A T I O R N E Y A T L A IT , Lewistown, Mitllin County, Pa. OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any business in the Courts of Centre country. August 25, 1849—tf. dfo <L f Attorney at Law, YW7" ILL attend promptly to business entrust * F ed to Ilis care in tins and adjoining counties, OlTice one door west of the J'ost Office. June 16, '49-ly. w. is* rsnviv, ATTORNEY AT LA IP, HAS resumed the practice of his profession in this and the adjoining counties. Office at tlie Banking House of Lcnjeneck cr, Grubb &. Co. Jan. 20, 184S —tf. MAGISTRATE S OFFICE CURB* TIA i\ IB OO V L it, .lii*tii*E OI'IIK 4 S'cace, CTA.N be found at his office, in 'he room re y contly occupied by Esquire Kuip, v\here he will attend to all business entrusted to ins care with the greatest care and despatch. Lewistown, July 1, 184H —;f. Samuel Hopper, CAIi P EIV Tfj K, Is ready at all times to bui'd the best Houses, and can do that very thing. Residence No. 5 flnle street, Lewistown. March 31, IS49—tf 31. MONTGOMERY, SSool & Miou iflaiiufaclurcr MARKET STRF.ET LEWISTOWN. f CONTINUES to manufacture, to order. Av every description of BOOTS AND SHOES, in tie most reasonable terms.— Having competent workmen in hisemploy and using good stock, his customers, as well as all other-, may rely upon getting a good article, well made and neatly brushed. January 22. tf. T3 CttJKTKY MEtCIIRTS. J E have always on hand a fine stock of S the following articles, which we are prepared to sell W holesalc, at a small advance on eilv rates, having been 44 we1l boughtpur chasing almost strictly for CASH : Drugs, Patent Medicines, Giass, Oil, &.C. Si:ce; t'< flee, Tea. Ac. Tobacco and Sugars; Fisli and Salt Nails, and almost every article in Hardware Saddlery-ware; Candies, Nuts, Acc. Cotton Laps and Cordage All kinds of PAPER, and Blank Books Cooking Stoves; Hats and Caps; Matches. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, March 31, lil9. Indemnity. Tli Franklin S'irc liiMir:*nee Company ot Philadelphia, OFI'ICF, No. ICS; Cffcsnut street, near Fifth street. IHRECIORS. Cinr'e* N. n-rnrt.-r, Gt orge \V Rirhartl*, Tff<cin* Itarf, Mordci.il I>. Lewis, T •> i\V lgoar, Adolphi- F. Borte, Srunii' l Gram, David S. Btowo, Jacoii R Sinitli, Moirt* I'aileraoti. ("oinir.iie lo mrike insurance, perpetual or limited, on every ii •*• ripliou of pr ipertj in town and country, al rates as low a* are consistent with en uiity. Tlie Goinnany have reserved A iaiize < 'oiitinuent Fund, which with ..N ir Capital and I'reuiiuins, safely invested, affords ample protection lo tlie assured T tie assets of lire Company, on January Ist. ISI-S .as PUBLISHED agreeably to an .V t ol Assembly , V\ ere A* fol lows, viz: Mortgages, #.-90 558 65 Real Estate, 106,358 90 Temporary Loans, 121,459 00 Stocks, 51,503 25 Caali, &C. -15,157 67 #1,22'1,097 67 Siti'-e their incorporation, a period ofvighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million two hundred thou sand dollars losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of tlie advantage* of insurance, as well as the ability and Imposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. CHARLES V BANCKKIT, President. CIIARLKS G. lUNCKcn, Secretary. For terms apply to R. C. HALE, Lewis town. apl4—ly. | IJST received end now opening, plain and |J embroidered Sack Flannel, lor iadics and children —selling very cheap at 0ct.20. NUSBAU&I, BROTHERS. IN RE NCH Meriooe® and Thibet Cloth in all imaginable colors, from tlie lowest grade* to the first quality, just received and now opening at 0ct.20. NUSBAU.M, BROTHERS. HATS AND I NOR Men and Boys, a large assortment at reduced prices. C. L. JONES, 0c27. New Cheap Cash Store. I*tdie' Shoes# A L KU(iK slock of the latest style, •CA coarse and fine shoes for Lndie' wear, row arranged in lite Indies' Slioe Room, at " C. L. JONES' 0c27. New Cheap Cash Store. Leather, Morocco, and Shoe Findings. V large assortment always on hand, and for . sale by F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, June 23, 1849. J fci;i (ii*, ifleiliciurs, Ac, ■" OILS, FAIN IS, aVC. BLANK BOOKS CORDAGE, COTTON LAPS, &c. STEEL SPRINGS PUKE WHITE LEAD, at 92 per Keg For sale bv F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, June 23, 1849. e?io iti &vtvn cte. Alemcry of t.'ic Past. When backward through departed j'ears Uu memory's wing we stray, How oft we find a source of tears, Along that wasted way ! The heart will vainly seek the light That rested there before, And sadly turn to mourn the blight Of ail it loved of yore. We watch for footsteps that once came To breathe the twilight vow— We listen lor the silvery tone Of voices silent now— We gaze on old familiar things. And marvel that they bear No gladness to our spirit's wings, Like that which once was there. John Banyan's Gold Mine. In those (lavs of rushing after gold as a seasonable warning, we copy for a perusal tlie following passage from Bunyan's I'il grim's Progress : At the fnrlhest side of the plain called Ease, was a little hill called Lucre, and in that hill a silver mine which some of them that had formerly gone that way, because of its raritv, had turned aside to see ; hut going too near the brim of the pit, the gr< und being deceitful under them, broke, and thev were slain. Mome also had been maimed there and could not to their dying tlav he their own men again. Then 1 saw in my dream, that a little off the road, over against tlie silver mine stood Demas, to er.ll passengers to come and see; wlio said to Christian and his fellows— ' 11>> ! turn aside hitherto, and I will show \ ou a thing.' ' What tiling so deserving as to turn us from the way V asked Christian. 4 Here is a silver mine and some dig ging in it for treasure. If you will come, u ith a little pains you may richly provide for vourselves.' 4 Then,' said Hopeful, 'Let us go and sec.' 4 Not I,' said Christian, * 1 have before heard of this place, and how many here have been slain—and besides, that treasure is a snare to those that seek it. lor it hin dreth them in their pilgrimage.' Then Christian called to Demas saying —• Is not the place dangerous ?' 4 Not very dangerous except to those that arc careless." But withal he blushed as lie spoke. 4 Then,' said Christian to Hopeful, let us not stir a step, but still keep on our \s ay.' 4 1 will warrant you, when By ends comes up, if he has the same invitation as we, he will turn in hither to see.' ' No doubt thereof,' said Christain, 4 for his principles lead him that way and a hundred to one he dies.' The Bloom of Age. A good woman never grows old. Years mav pass over her head, but if benevolence and virtue dwell in her heart, she is as cheerful as when the spring of life lirst opened to her view. When we look upon a good woman we never think of her age ; she looks as charming as when the rose of vouth lirt bloomed on her cheek. That rose has not faded yet—it will never fade. In her family she is the life and delight. In her neighborhood she is the friend and benefactor, in the church the devout worshipper and the exemplary Christian— who does not respect and love the woman who has passed her days in acts of kind- ; ness and inercv —who has been the friend of man and Clod—whose whole life has been a scene of kindness and love, a de votion to truth and religion f We repeat —such a woman cannot grow old. She will always be fresh and buoyant in spir its, and active in humble deeds of mercy and benevolence. If the young lady de sires to retain the bloom and beauty of vouth let her not yield to the sway of fashion and folly ; let her love truth and virtue ; and to the elose ot life she will re tain those feelings which now make life appear a garden of sweets —ever fresh and ever new. TEMPTATION. —How beautiful, in the ■ Lord's Prayer, is the invocation of 4 Lead us not into temptation.' How much it expresses, and what a volume of thought it opens. • Lead us not into temptation.' t The will may be strong but the heart is weak, and in an evil hour the tempted falls before the tempter. Temptation is a little rill which forms at first drop by drop— but follow its course, and it swells until it becomes a mountain torrent, which sweeps all before it. 4 Lead us not into tempta- ! tion'—tlee from it as from a pestilence. A void it—for honor, happiness, all, all will be drawn into its vortex, and become a wreck upon the shores of time. 4 Lead j us not into temptation.' Were we to judge of minkind by the reports of their opponents, there would be no patriots in poliiics, no heroes in war, no learned lawyers, or ministers, and no hon est tradesmen. It is a maxim with the Jews, 44 that he who did not bring up his son to some hon est calling, brought hint up a thief." The Mahometans call a tavern-haunter 1 a worshipper of fire. !\ew ferries—Vol. •?—l\<*. *2* tscelUutous, The Model Hog-Reeve. BY THE YOUNG Yx. Years ago—and for aught we know, it still exists—there was a statue in vogue in New Hampshire, regulating the annual election of hog-reeves throughout the towns in that State. The oilice was a lucrative one in some places, though it was general ly made opprobrious, and the most obnox ious individuals in the community were usually selected to fill this post. Some good jokes occurred in various ways, in connexion with the office however. Farmer Thorovv resided in a small town above Nashua, and pridec himself upon the neatness of his cattle, the cleanliness of his fields, symmetry of his fences, and the thriftiness of his orchards, but farmer T. was a nervous man, penurious and close fisted. Waking early one morning, he discov ered on a sudden, from his chamber win dow, that four large hogs had broken into a nice voting orchard of his, just below the house, and in his usual excitable manner he hurried on his clothes, and made the best of his way down to ' Squire Look sharp,* (the hog-reeve was called' Squire,') whom he very quickly aroused with his vociferous complaint. 4 Now Squire,' he said 'hurry up.— There's lour o' my neighbors hogs got in to iqy iitite apple orchard, and if you'll hum , it'll be a good job for you ; they are fat ones an' 110 mistake.' 4 lie right straight along,' said the Squire, who remembered the details of the law re lating to this sort of seizure—one half to the hog reeve, and the other half to the poor of the town —and within half an hour he had peaceable possession of four such animals as the neighborhood couldn't other-wise boast of. The seized hogs were quickly slaugh tered bv the town official, and were hung up to drv in the Squire's store house. Farmer T. Tightened his broken fence, anil then repaired to his yard to see that all was snug at the pig pen ; he had no idea that his hogs should trouble his neighbors —nut he. w hen lo ! he found that a board had been forced from the side of the en closure. and the sty was empty. In the meantime. Squire Looksharp had the hogs dressed, and he sent for his good wife, who appeared at the store-house door. 4 Betty,' said the Squire, 4 statoot per vides that in ease of seizure, one half the pigs shall go the official, and the other to the poor. Now, Betty, who's puorer than you are ?' 4 Sure enough !' said the squire's wife, obediently, 4 sure enough ! if any body's poorer than I am, I'd like to hear about it.' • Well —so I eal'late, Betty. And there fore one half of these pigs goes to the poor, (that's i/tur) and the other half goes to the officer, and that's me !' and the four hogs very soon found their way into squire Looksharp's pork barrel. An hour afterwards farmer Thorow ar rived at the squire's, sprang over the stile, into the house, through the back kitchen, out again into the yard, where he encoun tered the squire very leisurely at work. 4 1 say squire ?' 4 Heliow !' • What'n thunder you doin* ?' 4 Baout what ?' 4 Where's the pigs V 4 Distribooted 'cordin* to law.' • What ?' • Half to the hog-reeve, half to the poor. 1 • They're mine !' shouted the.farmer T., half crazy at his loss. 4 They're mine, squire—broke out o* my pen—' • You made the complaint —' 4 1 know but—' 4 And it's to late—the property's duly divided—can't go behind the statoot.' The farmer squirmed, and threatened to be revenged oy,somebody, the first oppor tunity ; but seeing his mistake, at length returned home and from that day forward has had no occasion for a similar lesson, lie never afterwards complained of his neighbor's hogs. LIKE WHAT. A, is like the meridian—it is in the mid dle of day. B, is like a hot fire—it makes oil boil.' C, is like an old maid's wish —it puts age into a 'cage.' H, is like a fallen angel—add it to evil, and it makes'devil.' E. is like the end of time—it begins ♦eternity.' G, is like wisdom—it is the beginning of greatness and 4 goodnes.' 11, is like the dying words of Adams —it is the end of earth. J, is like the end of Spring—it is the beginning of j une. K, is like the end of a pig's tail—it is the last end of pork. L, is like the giving away a sweet heart—it makes over a lover. Is there a heart that never sighed ? Is there a tongue that never lied ? Is there an eye that never blink d . Is there a man tha* never drink'd t If so, head and tongue and eye Must tell a most confounded lie,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers