Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 27, 1849, Image 3

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    F'IOKY & CO.'S
Old Edablßlicd Lottery Agency,
154 Pratt Street, Baltimore, Md.
i l ,l (JRY & ~R * !o ' a y hß f°rfi the public the folfinv
\j i-i M ieiiificent Siale Lotteries f<>r November, IS-19,
, I coiirit the orders ns parly as possible. Distant rest
/.■its. throughout ihe United St'tea, who desire an In
''rease of fortune, have only to mail an order to the
II ,uc of Eaiory ,tc Co. to insure success. Money can be
, vifidently mailed to their address, as it is sure to come
iUV ami a" letters are replied to by return of mail, and
li tter* ate always strongly sealed and enveloped, so that
jl„. contents can defy the strictest scrutiny.
Emory &. Co. send the Managers' Official Drawing im
n cdiat ty the result is made known, and nlwai a send
Bank Drafts or Certificates of Deposit, payable in specie
and at sight, for prizes sold by them.
are Ihe surest mode of investment, as ev
rrv package can draw four of the Highest Capitals.
Please mail Orders a few days before the Lotteries
draw Everything strictly-confidential. Address,
Baltimore, Maryland.
We offer some of the choicest schemes for Ihe month
Any one wishing Emory i Co.'g Monthly Itulletin will
please send us their address, when it will be promptly
j„[warded them. The Uuiletiu contains every scheme
I„r the month.
Pataptco Lottery, Class 129, for Thursday, November
Mb, 1849 —4,000 dollars capital—l prize of #1,000; 1 of
1,611 j lof 2,000; 100 of 50. Tickets —packages of
wholes §l5, halves $7.50, quarters $3.75.
Toicnuf Bel Air, Extra 50, for Monday, November 12,
I-id—7,500 dollars capital—l prize of §7,500; lof 2,171;
lof 500; I of 3,500 ;1 of 1,000; 200 of 50. Tickets #2.50
packages of wholes $3O, halves $l5, quarters $7 50.
Consolidated Lottery, Class 149. for Thursday, Novem
ber 15th, 1819—highest prize 20.000 dollars—4 prizes of
$.-,.000 ; 4of 2,500 ; 20 of GOO, 400, 200, fcc. Tickets ss—
of quarters $18.50.
Patapseo Institute, class 133 —a great little scheme: —
1 small capital prize of $3501,20 ; 20 nice little prizes of
300; 199 small prizes of $2O To be drawn Saturday,
November !7th Tickets $1 —packages of wholes $lO,
halves $B, quarters $l. Send your orders to Emory Ac
Co. if you want a prize.
Pataptco Institute, class 131, for Tuesday, November
•:uth. 1849—t prize of $3899 50; 3of 1000; 3of ',00; 3of 200;
It of 10.1; 152 of 50. Tickets $1 —packages of w holes $lO,
halves ss, quarters $4.
Consolidated Lottery, class 152, for Thursday. Novem
ber 22d, 1849 —highest prize 24.000 dollars—l prizes of
yj 500; 20 "f 1,000; 20 of 250; 32,396 prizes amounting to
4 atP.lsS 80. Tickets ss—packages of wholes $72, halves
$36, quarters $l9.
Who wants an independent fortune 1 Grand Consol
idated Lottery, class 51, fur Saturday, .November 2lth,
one million two hundred xnd two thousand dollars
in this scheme— capita! prizes ('5,000 dollars, 25, (K)0 dots ,
15,000 dels., 10,000 dels , S,lOO dots —l5 prizes of $4,500;
toOof 2,500; and 100 of 500. Tickets s2o halves $lO,
quarters $5, eighths $24.
Emory A Co. sell packages as follows : 20 whole tick
ets for $3OO, 26 halves for $l5O, 26 quarters for $75, 26
eighths for $3B. KrThe Old Firm for a good prize
Patapseo Institute, class 137, for Tuesday, November
27th. 1849 —1 prize of $5,000 ;4 of 1,000 ;5 of 500; 2of 450;
2of 250; 200 of 25. Tickets $. halves 50 cents, quarters j
25 cents Packages of wholes sl6,halves s9,quarters $l.
EMORV &. CO. is the oldest established office in the
Foiled States, and has sold more prizes than any other
establishment. Having a separate establishment for
uHintry business, we are better enabled to attend to or
ders tban any other House. For a good prize and strict
punctuality address
154 Pratt St., Baltimore, Md.
x>A!l Orders confidential. [Oct 27, 1849.
Carpets! Carpets!
At Jones' Carpet Hall
CIAN be seen the most splendid assortment
/of every grade ano quality—Rag, Venetian,
Ingrain, and imperial Rugs, &c. These Car
pets are direct from the celebrated manufac
tory of A. B. Culton &. Co., in Chester county,
and warranted good—no auction trash. Call
and see. C. L. JONES'
0c27. New Cheap Cash Store.
FOR Men and Boys, a large assortment at
reduced prices. C. L. JONES,
0c27. Nctc Cheap Cash Store.
Just Opening,
1 11111 l YARDS of neat figured
*""" CASHMERES , 4-4 wide,
and selling at 124 cents per yard at
A VERY large and handsomo stock of Rea-
A dy-made CLOTHING, Roys' do.,
just landed and now opening at
JUST received and now opening, plain and
embroidered Sack Flannel, for ladies and
children—selling very cheap at
VFEW pieces Turk Satin Du Chene, 28
inches wide, selling at only 91.25 per
vaTd. Call and see
WE will open in a few days a large and
handsome lot of Furs, such as Muffs,
Boas, Victories, Bellerines, of Genett, Lynx,
honey, Squirrel and Fitch, which will be the
cheapest and handsomest ever offered. An
examination cf tho same is respectfully re
Lnratova, Oct. 20, I*-4'J
VOTICE is hereby given, that the Ajade
j. 1 my School will commence on the second
-MONDAY of September. Terms of Tuition
is heretofore. The strictest attention will be
?'ven to all pupils to advance them in their
'•indies. The Academy possesses also the ad
vantage of a Philosophical and Astronomical
apparatus to facilitate the instruction of pupils.
Lewistown, Sept 1, 1849—tf.
V LARGE assortment ot choice arid splen
did voung Fruit Trees, consisting in
part of Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Cherry,
Nectarine, Apricot, &.C., &c., are now offered
for sale at the
Lewistown IVursery,
where purchasers may rely on being supplied
•Jgjj* with trees of the best and most ap
proved varieties of fruit, on moderate
terms. These trees are not inferior
t. trees grown in any other nursery
"i ihe Stale; and all jiersons wishing to pur
pose are invited to call and judge tor thern
*eives. For further particulars see Cata
togues, which wiil be furnished gratis to all
P -i paid applicants, arid all orders, directed to
'he subscribers, at Lewistown, Mifflin county,
will be promptly attended to.
T. YV &i J. MOORE.
Wigtown, Sept 22, 1849 —2in.
\ LARGE assortment ot choice and thrifty
grafted Apple Trees of a large size are
offered tor sale at the
Dry Valley
> t- ; it >h i: it v,
J'erry townsfiip, Mifflin
3 'iFfr coun'y, at IU cents per
tree. ' By t!;e hur.dreu
fjtSjjf: at 9 cents per tree.
, w Persona withing t
' ' lie are mvited to call and judge for
f-'cipbtr 13,18-19—Ot.*
Groceries and Liquors,
Three Doors South of the Old Bridge,
Front Street,
JM. S., for the accommodation of mer
• chants and others in Dauphin, Cumber
land, Franklin, and neighboring counties, has
opened an extensive Wholesale Establishment,
for the sale of Groceries and Liquors, as above.
YV itii the co-operation of a large importing
house in Baltimore, he will offer goods here at
the same prices at which they can be purchas
ed in the city. He respectfully solicits the
favor of a call from those wishing to purchase,
to satisfy them of his entire abili'y to sell as
he promises. The attention of landlords is
invited to v. lot of choice Liquors, in store and
for sale at importers' prices.
Cfj~Orders from a distance promptly filled,
and goods despatched at city prices.
.September 8, 1849—tf.
Bank of Discount and Deposite.
LO.NGKNECkER, (ißl'fill, & CO.
CilKli Capital Paid in §70,000.
tablished at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an
Office of Discount and Deposite, for the trans
action of the regular business of banking.
Drafts and Notes payable in the commercial
cities will be discounted at all times, and depos
its of current money will be paid, on demand,
in par funds. Every facility will be afforded to
business men in their negotiations with the
Eastern and Western cities.
The aggregate Capital of the establishment
exceeds half a million of dollars.
W. RUSSELL, Cashier.
Solicitor and Confidential Agent.
Lewistown, August 25, 1849—tf.
to make Flour Barrels at the Lew istow n '
Mills, to whom good wages will be given.
Lew istown, sept. 26, 184D—6t.
IMGHTY Tons Limeburners' Coal, and 40
j Tons Sunbury Coal, broken and screened
tor Stoves, for sale by
Oct. 13-3t. WATTSON & JACOB.
© -i? n © m o _
To the Heirs and legal representatives of John
GraybiU, late of Drumore township, Lan- j
caster county, deceased.
VT an Orphans' Court, held at in
and for the county of I-ancaster on the \
19th day of September, 1849, on motion o I
Wm. Whiteside, Esq., the Court grant a Rule !
on the heirs and legal representatives of John
Graybiil, late of Drumoie twp., Lancaster co.,
dee'd, to be and appear a' an Orphans' Court ;
to be held at I .ancaster on the 3 d Monday of 1
November next, at 10 o'clock. A. M., to accept
or refuse to accept the Real Estate of the said
deceased at the appraisement made thereof, or
show cause why the same should not be sold
according to law. By the Court,
Clerk O. C., per James Dysart.
October 13, 1849—tc.
Administrator*' Xolice.
LETTERS of administration on the estate
of GEORGE W. OLIVER, lafe of Oli
ver township, deceased, having been granted
to the subscribers, residing in Union township,
Mifflin county, all persons having claims a
gainst said decedent are duly notified to pre
sent them, duly authenticated, for settlement,
without delay ; and all knowing themselves
indebted are requested to make immediate pay
October 20, 1849—6t.*
Administrator's Aoticr.
lETTERS of administration on the estate
-A of ENOCH AURAND, late of Decatur
township, deceased, have been granted totiie '
undersigned. All persons having claims a- !
gainet said decedent are duly notified to pre
sent them, duly authenticated, for settlement, j
without delay; and all knowing themselves
indebted are requested to make immediate pay
ment. K Iff AS AURAND, Adrn'r.
October G, 1849—Gu
Administrator's Xolire.
lETTERS of administration on the estate
a of GEORGE SETTLE, late of Oliver
township,deceased, having been granted to the
subscriber, residing in said township, he here
by notifies all persons indebted to said estate
to call and settle the same without delay, and
those having claims against the estate are re
quested to present them, dulv authenticated.
October G, 1849. —fit.
following accounts have been exam-
A ined and passed by me, and remain filed
of record in ihie office, (or inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors, and all others in any way
interested, and will be presented to the next
Orphan's Court of the county of Mifflin, to be
held at the Court House in Lew istown, on
Thursday, the Bth day of November, 1849, tor
allowance and confirmation :
1. The partial administration account of
Peter Baker, administrator of jacob Ickes, lute
: of Oliver township, deceased.
2- The supplemented ard final administra
tion account of Eli Wakefield, administrator of
. George Wakefield, late ot Granville township,
! deceased.
3. The administration account of Hugh
Conley, administrator of Samuel D. Ait kens,
! late of Armagh township, deceased.
4 The guardianship account of John Flem
ing, guardian of Ellas and Philip VVeiler, mi
nor children of Philip Weiler, late of Merino
township, decease*!
5 'I he administration account of Joseph
Strode, Jr, on the estate of Amor Strode, late
ofGranville township, deceased.
6 The administration account of James
Giliam, administrator of Robert Sankey, late ot
j Union township, deceased.
7- The administration Recount * f Ephrsiiru
Banks, Executor of William Mathews,' f e of
Decatur township, deceased.
Rruna Tß'H OFIICE, I
Lewiatown, October <>. 1-49. \
(gj-The Register deems it proper to state,
for the information of all concerned, that ac
counts must be filed in his office and published
thirty days previous to the first d<y "f ensuing
Couits—otherwise they will be retained until
i the succeeding term.
Triumphant Success !
' T jVT 113 NEW CHEAP CASH STORE continues to be the great resort of all
I v V/IX JLIO people in want of good and cheap goods of every description. Goods
] are sold at this store at least TWENTY PER CENT, lower than any other store in ljew-
I istown; the purchases being made in Philadelphia and New York for cash of the importers and
j manufacturers, enables the subscriber to get goods lower than all other merchants, as he buvs
in quantities sufficient to make at least ten per cent.; and again, the amount of his business be
j ing much larger than any other store, and nearly equal to the business of all the others com
j hined, enables him to sell at a very small profit, and he does assure the people of
, and of the surrounding country that he will continue this system of business, and respectfully
j invitea the attention of the public to his
Tremendous Assortment of Goods,
arranged in his commodious show rooms. The stock of goods is the largest, and the assort
ment the most extensive by far, of any other establishment between Philadelphia and Pittsburg,
and comprises every article wanted. Many kinds of goods are kept in this store not to be
found in other places, and will positively be sold ut Philadelph'a prices.
Please remember that it is a custom amongst storekeepers generally, to put down the prices
of leading articles, such as Sugars, Muslins, tfcc M for the purpose of giving the public the im
pression that they are selling goods very cheap. This is one of the tricks of trude, and is not
practiced at this establishment All articles will be offered at the same rate of profit. Broad
Cloths will he sold at very small advance as well as tip Sugar. Enough said, call and see for
yourselves, arid be convinced of the above facts.
Lewistown, Oct. 27, 1849. C. L. JONES.
OF every quality, size, and price imaginable, now opened in the large show room nt
Lewistown, October 27, 18*9. New Cheap Cash Store.
Itcady-madc i 'lathing.
VI.ARGE stock on hand, and selling 20 per cent, lower than the lowest. Before pur
chasing elsewhere be sure to call at JO2JES'
Lewistown, October 27, 1849. New Cheap Cash Store.
Gooils fin* the Rich and Goods for the
Poor in Pocket.
Buy cheap, while sluggards sleep,
And you will have goods to wear and keep.
VS everybody seems to be engaged this year in blowing his own trumpet as to what he or
they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, we have bad half a mind to try our hands
at the business, but several
comprising all the latest styles of rich and costly goods, having just arrived, we concluded to
hold on to the usual mode of advertising. We therefore beg leave to announce to our custom
ers in Mifflin, Union, Centre, Huntingdon ar.d Juniata counties, that besides receiving
' - <> <y; 3d- -38- -r' y
we have just returned (for the fourth or fifth time this year) from the city with about as com
plete and elegant an assortment of
as was ever seen in this or any other country town, embracing every description and style o'
all that is
flcfcD, iicat, ant* .jfasTuouaUlr,
at. prices varying from a few cents to dollars per yard. In other kinds of goods we can show,
in quality and price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be
found elsewhere—especially in
and, we will venture to add, in FAEE and WIS'PER (s'OOUS (I L.N EIIA l.E} . Of
Bonnets. Carpeting. Ready-made Clothing; Boots. Shoes. Hosiery,
Gloves. Ribbons.
and numberless oilier small matters, the inquiry need but be made to satisfy any one that they
have all been selected with care, purchased at a low price, and as a necessary consequence are
offered for sale cheap. Our
Groceries, Eish, s\ 9 c.,
are also verv low, and offer strong inducements to persons in town and country to call and
Since opening our establishment here we think we have fully demonstrated that, as a general
thirif, we sell as low as the very lowest, IF \or A MTTT.F LOWFR. YY ? e do not profess to sell
one. nor two, nor three articles at a very low price, but we do protess to sell EVERYTHING
in either the Dry Goods or Grocery line, so cheap that we are confident that our triends ev
erywhere will be the gainers by giving us a call and making their purchases.
For past favors we are duly thankful, and shall be pleased to wait on ail old customers and
anv number of new ones who may be attracted to our establishment by the reputation it has ac
quired as being the cheapest store m Lewistown.
Lewistown, October 20, 1849. NUSBAUM, BBOTHEKS.
" J. Ti! Oil AS' ~
Che up Stove Store,
Between Swartz'S and MCDOYVCII'S Taverns,
I, II \v E S T O XV X .
R ryj = r 3
Tremendous Excitement! !
Viol a:l about Thomas's selling gi ods so CHEAP. I have a assoio!
Boots and Shoes,
urui Eai.ii ES' ait! MIB3ES' GAITERS, made h\ the best of workmen ; a variety of
Dra 45?ooirtf, (Saormrs, HCnuor#,
ril the best kind ; among which are Boine very choice BRANDILb, and a superior
iiriir.le of STOUTON BITTERS ; also, POWDER, SHOT, and LEAD ; 100 bur
rels beat Monongahela WHISKEY. J- THOMAS,
October 13, I H I9.— t ft ml 9. Be! ween SwartCs and McDowell'* Taverns.
I'ctiiksylvaiiia Kailroad.
; L HEIGHTS are now received at our Warehouse, nn
*- BROAD STREET, for Transportation to either of
the station* on the Pennsylvania Railroad named he
low, at the rates annexed, without charge for receiving
. or forwarding, Sic.
Kafes of Freights per 100 Pouutls.
FROM PHILADELPHIA | ?1 1 I|=l !f "
; Cove and Dtiticatinoii, I 21 25 30 35
I Bailey's, Newport Sc Millerstown,l 2? 27 32 37|
! Perrysville and Mifflin, ] 21 25 35 42
| I.eWigtown, |25 30 37> 15
Also, at the same rates from the above named sta
i lions to Philadelphia.
List of Articles in each Class.
j FIRST Cl.ASS.—Ashes, Bones, Bricks, Earth, Coal,
; Wood, Rough Marble, Manure, Piaster, Posts and Rails,
Potatoes, Pig Iron, Rags, Salt, Shingles, Laths, Staves,
Slate, Hoop Poles, Heading Tiles, Unsawed Timber,
j Tar, Rosiri, Lime, Arc.
SECOND CLASS. —Agricultural Implements, Domes
I lc Fruits, Sawed Lumber, Salted .Meat, Bark, Blooms,
I Burr Blocks, Feed, Charcoal, Coke, Castings, Cotton,
Coffee, Empty Casks, Earthen Ware, Flour, Salted Fish,
Fire Bricks, Grindstone*, Grain, llc-mp, Green Hides, Ice,
Lard, Lead, Millstones, Nails, Roiled Iron, Iron Ore, Pot
I and /'earl Ashes, Buryles, Sumac, Soap Stone, Sawed
M . , Straw /'tper, Tallow, Tobacco, Stone Ware,
'St,,. , Wrapping Paper, Domestic Liquors,
: Beer, A
THIRD CLASS--Agricultural productions notspeci.
tied, Fresh Beef, iim: r, Eggs, Beeswax, Brass, Cheese,
. Cast Steel, Copper, Cedar Ware, China or Queensware,
Flaxseed, Fresh Fish, Groceries, (except Coffee) Grass,
• Seeds, Glassware, Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Hides, Live
Slock, Leather, Manufactured Marble, Ornamental
Woods, Oysters, Oilq, Pork, i aints, Dye Stuffs, Ocbre,
Ropes, Shot, Tin, Wool, Machinery, Glass, Zinc, Ate.
FOURTH CLASS.—Boots, Hats, Books. Stationery,
Skins and Furs, Carriages, Dry Goods, Drugs and Medi
| cincs, Furniture, Feathers, Foreign Liquors, Foreign
Fruits, Garden Seeds. Hats, Caps, and Bonnets, Writing
and Printing Paper, Trunks, Manufactured Tobacco, &c.
Gunpowder or Friction Matches not taken on any
Agents Pennsylvania Railroad Company
Philadelphia, Oct. 20, 1849—tf.
(inn; i will is,
Bacon, Lard, Butter, Wool, Gin
seng, Cloverseed, &c-,
i If road and Clierry Streets,
j Advances made, if required, on Receipt of
Consignments. Gt7"The Cars will be unload
ed at our \Varehou9e. Produce consigned to
us for sale will not be subject to porterage or
storage. C. &l B. are Agents tor the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company.
Oct. 20, IS49—lf.
i (Successors to \V. O Ilickok, and Hickok Sc Cantinc,)
Hlauk llook Hamifaeitircrs,
■ew Jl/Wfti THE SUBSCRIBERS respectfully in
£ Tin their friends and Ihe public, that I hey
!,rc " ovv carry ing on the above business at
the <LD STAND, formerly occupied by
I Hickok Sc Catiline, and W. O Hickok They Salter
; themselves that by careful attention to business they
will merit and still receive a continuance of patronage so
liberally enjoyed by the old firms.
Particular attention will be paid to the ruling and bind
ing of every description of
For Bunks, County Officers, Merchants, and
Private Individuals ; such as
Discount Ledgers, Quarter Sessions Dockets,
General do. Judgement, do.
Deed Books, Appearance do
I 'heck Books, Execution do.
Teller's Statements, Election do.
Ticklers, Orphans' Court do.
Scraicbers, Naturalization do.
Weekly Statements, Sheriff's do.
Letter Books, Justices' do.
Cash Buok-", Ad Sectnm Index do.
Copy Books, Discount Note Books,
Pass Hooks, Day Books,
| Ledgers, Invoice Books,
Journals, Will R.ioks,
Time Books, Mortgage Rooks.
Bond Books, Minute Books,
Commission Books, Miscellaneous Books,
And every variety of Full and Half Bound Books.
They have made arrangements to supply Prothonota
ries with the new and approved
Old Books, Periodicals, Law Books, Music, Newspa
pers, Ac. bound to any pattern and any style required.
In addition to the above, we have and will keep at ail
times a general assortment of
Letter Paper, Carpenters* /YIICIIB,
Cap do. Knives,
Drawing do. Quills,
Transfer do. Lead Pencils,
Copying do. Wafers,
Blotting do. Scaling Wax,
Steel Pens, RetfTape,
Slates and Slate Pencils, Btark Ink,
Ink Stands, Red Ink,
Letter Stamps, Carmine Ink,
Motto Wafers, Blue Ink,
; India Rubber, Copying Ink,
Blank Cards, Arnold's Writing Fluid,
Folders, Erasers, Ate., Sic.
A general assortment at PRINTING INK, very cheap.
Ruled to Pattern.
c> All work WARRANTED, and done very CHEAP
Please give us a call
H.trrisburg, October 20, lb IV— Ot.
OTICE 19 hereby given to the public gen
-1 M erally that we purchased the following
it riff's sale as lite property of i'HILII'
One Pedlar's Wagon,
, which property we have loaned to the said
Freed man during our will and pleasure—of
which all persons interested will take notice.
October 20, IS4o—?t.
rPIIL Co-partnership heretofore existing im
£ der the name- and style of JAMES MILI.I
KKN. Jr., A CO. is this day dissolved by mu
! r•-i consent.
Lew is town, October 10, 1849.
HAVIXG disposed of our stock of goods, we
•are desirous of closing up our business \
! therefore all persons having accounts with us
, are notified that they must be settled on or be
, fore the Ist Aorrut ber next, at which time I pur*
• pose leaving this place. Accounts then unset.
t j tied will he left in the hands of proper officers
for collection. JAS. MILLTIvEX, Jr.
October 13, 1819-4t.
Stock and Farming Utensils at
riMIE subscriber, bavin? sold his farm above
t Lewistown, will offer the stock and funn
ing utensils oil the same at public sale, on
Thursday, !\ov. ltf, IK4!>,
| consisting of 3 valuable Horses, (one of them a
fine brood inare,) a pring Colt, 23 head of
Sheep, a few Young Cattle, 1 four horse Wu
gon, nearly new, 1 two horse do., 1 Threshing
Machine, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, Har
ness, Windmill, Cart, &c , and about la Tors
of good Hay.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A M., when
the terms of sale will be made known.
Lc wistown, Oct. 13, 1849—1 d.
VataaMe Real Rotate :t
On WEDNESDAY, ,'he 14/A of
November. 1649,
WILL be sold at Public Sale, on the pre
mises, in KishacoquilDs Valley, Mifflin
county, a valuable farm, containing
160 Acres,
more or less, of first-rate limestone land. The
improvements are a frame DWEL
jbmeV LING HOUSE, frame
trSTvf® BARN, &C. There ie a
W\\m Voung ORCHARD oiaaafiss
choice fruit on the farm, and sever
al limestone springs near the house. There
is twenty acres of good Timber, and the bal
ance cleared and in a high state of cultivation.
There is also a
with thiee run of Burrs and one pair of Chop
ping Stones in the mill.
Saw mill mid Plaster mill,
with a good FRAME HOUSE for the mil'er.
There is likewise a good appearance of Iron
Ore of the best quality, known as the " Green
wood Ore." The property lies near Green
wood, on the west branch of the Kishacoquil
; las creek, a never failing stream of water. It
1 ies within 10 miles of the Great Central Rail
road, which has just opened to Philadelphia
for travel and transportation,
i Also, at the some time nod place, a tract of
3 ACRES, known as the Reed Ore Bank, on
which is erected a Frame House and Stable.
The properly will be shown by Mr. MCCLEL-
I.AN, living near it.
to commence at 12 o'clock, AJ., cn
said day, when terms will be made known by
Oct. 13, IS49—id.
rjIHAT well known MERCHANT
MILL, situated in the Ivishacoquil
las Valley, 8 miles from Lewistown, Mifflin
county, Pa. The Mill is fifty feet square, four
stories high, with three pair French Burrs,
one pair country do., two Water Wheels 17
feet high—the walls running from 34 to 2*2
inches in thickness. There is attached to the
MILL, Two Dwelling
HOUSES. Barn, Coop-jjjjjjpp
Six Acres of Land,
with 25 Ac res of Woodland,
within I mile of the mill. Possession can be
given on the first day of April next.
For further particulars, apply to GEORGE
BI.VMVER, Lewistown, Pa., or to SCULL &-
T HUMPSGN, No. 47 North Water St., Philada.
August i"\ 1549—tn0v.1.
FjEIHE undersigned offers at private sale
his House and Lot on Valley street,
in Lewist)wn, opposite the residence of John
C. Sigler, Esq. The lot extends 200 feet
back, and fronts about 30 feet on Valley street,
• and has erected upon it a two story frame
Dwelling House,
Th ,e * ,ouse two stories high,
I ljifs 18 by 27 feet. The location is a
pleasent one, and water conve
TKKMS OF SALE ATE* one-half of the purchase
money on confirmation of the sale, and the btl
j ance in two equal annual payments, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage on the premises.
For further particulars inquire of the subscri
ber, living on the premises.
Lewistown, July 21. 1849—tf.
B\ virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni
Exponas, Levari Facias, and Fieri Fa
cias, issued out oi the Court cf Common Pleas
, of Mifflin county, and to me directed, will be
exposed to sale bv public out cry, at the Court
House in the borough of Lewistown, at 2 o'-
clock, P. M., in
Aoveid be r 3d, I LI9,
the following described pro|>erty, to wit:—
A lot of ground fronting sixty leet on Mar
ket street in tiie borough ol Lewistown, Mif
flin county. Pa., bounded on the east by a lot
, of George W. Patton, on the south by Market
street, on the west by a lot of J. & J. Milliken,
on the north by a sixteen feet alley, with a
large two story brick dwelling house, a large
two story brick shop, a large trame stable, and
other improvements thereon erected. Seized,
taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perty of Sepharious S. Cummings.
Also, A lot of ground situate on Maine
street extended, in the borough of Lewistown,
MitHin county, Pa., being thirty feet in front
on said street, adjoining a lot of J. C. Wilson,
with a walled cellar thereon erected, said lot
being No. eighteen. Seized, taken in execu
tion, and to be sold as the property ol Arthur
B. l.ong.
Also, A i t of ground in Wayne township,
containing live acres.be tha same more or less,
with a two story house and stable thereon
erected, bounded on the south by James Smith,
on the north and west by Jefferson Decker, on
the east by John Thompson. Seired, taken
in execution, and to be sold as the property of
George K. Little.
Also, A lot of ground situate m the borough
of McVeytown, Mifflin county, with a frame
dwelling house, a frame stable, and other im
provements thereon, bounded by lots of John
Ross on the east and north, George Swoyeron
the west, and frontittgon Iximbard street" .
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Isaac Hemes.
Lewistown, Oct. 13, \ td.
| N. B.—Purchasers at the above Sheriff's salo
; are hereby notified that the amount ol the sale
will be required to be paid immediately On the
property being knocked down, or it will ba forth
with resold to the highest bidder.