Small Profits and Quick Sales." JONES' NEV STORE, LEWISTOWJf. THE j utilic are rcspectfullv informed ill at C. L. JONES has received a very large STOCK OP PALI, AM) IUYTIR OOUIIS, comnnsino- all articles kept gcncially in the other stores, with the addition of many finer kind of ods not brought before to the place. A list of goods is herewith furnished ; with the prices, and an'examination of this extensive stock is invited before purchases are made elsewhere. At this store goods will continue to be sold at least twenty per rent. lower than can be had elsewhere, this certainly offers great inducements to CASH HI" YEKS • the saving of *o large a per ecntage even on a small purchase will amount to enough to make it a .natter of consideration. There are many who deal in Lewis town in the old fashioned way, by trading, thus giving the store keeper the advantage of high prices, to such 1 would respectfully ask before making trades will, the other stores to call and see mv goods and hear the low prices, and 1 am confident that such will see the advantage of selling tlicir produce and buy goods for cash. In a market like this if a sli'dit effort is made, all kinds oi Country Produce can be disposed of for f 'ASIIit onlv"requires a little independence and determination on the part o( the seller, a's the home consumption of produce in Lewistown alone i 3 very great, and the neces saries of life at whatever price, must be had, and they can be disposed of for cash. ' Since I commenced business in this place on the cash system I have sold a large amount of goods, and my business is daily increasing. The public appreciate the ad vantage of buying for Cash and where business is done for cash only, as there is no risk to run of credit or trade, the goods are sold at a small advance vin cost prices; and the city purchases being made for Cash only and with a lengthened experience in busi ness on .Market street, Philadelphia, enables the Subscriber to buy beyond a doubt lo>\- er than oilier merchants. lam convinced that there are a great many who would like to deal with me and <_ret c heap goods for cash if they only could command cash for their produce, to such I say sell cheap and sell for cash only. Now for the list of goods on hand. —DRY GOODS- ! CLOTHS—blaek, blue, brown, invisible green, and olive, French, German and American, at all prices from *1 00 to £0 00 per yard, including a good assortment of Over Coat Cloths, 1 wdl positively sell such goods at very greatly reduced prices. On Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting- store keepers invariably make large profits as the pur c hasers are not often judges of these articles. I will not so impose, but sell them as I sell other goods at a very small advance on cost. C.ISSUIERES, Black good at *1 and at all prices upwards to $2 75 per yard. Also, Fancy Cas-ri meres a good assortment at very low prices ; also fine and medium quality, cheap as possibly can be sold, and much cheaper than to be had elsewhere. S*IT TIJVET y Black, blue, Navy blue, lavender, dark mixed, light mixed Grey, Ac., Ac,, Ac., a large and cheap lot lor 31' cts., 3< 1 cts., 50 cts., cts., <5 cts , and 8i... cus., lui a most superb article, J '('Stings, Black satin, silk, silk velvet, woolen, cotton, cassimere and cloth at all prices from 50 cts. to $3 00. Tweed Cloths for Sacks and Over COATS, a splendid article of Black French Cloth for Gentlemen and Ladies Cloaks at the low price of $1 87* per yard as good a 3 others sell at *2 50 to $3 00. KENTUCKY JEANS, Gold mixed and Grev. od and cheap. TICKINGS, At 10 rents, 121 cts., 15 cts., 18| cts., 22 c ts., and 25 cts., he assured that these tick ings are the cheapest ever sold in I.ewisiown. Canton Flannels, Bleached and unbleached for 10 cts., and the best article for 12., cents. Flannels, of all colors and prices, l2i rt., 18j cts., 25 cts.,2B cts., 31 cts., 371. cts., 50 cts., 62 i cts., and ,5 cts., a large'lot of superior Scarlet FLANNELS at 25 cts.; white gauze Flannels and supe rior yellow Flannels —also, shrouding Flannels. Table D Bleached and unbleached for 12i cents and upwards. Some splendid cloth 1 able Covers for $2 50 each. Stand Covers of desirable colors and styles. MUSLINS, Bleached and unbleached for 64 cents and upwards to the very finest quality made; particular attention is requested to the stock of tip muslins as they are very extraordina rily cheap, and as good as sold elsewhere at 8 cents. CALICOES, 500 Pieces Of the newest styles, a good assortment of neat figures, a good article selling at 3 cts., 4 cts., 5 cts., 04 cets., and upwards to the finest quality to be had, a good assort ment of' blue and orange. My fip Calicoes are really astonishing lor the price, good and wide. GINGHAMS, A large and perfect stock of, from 12: cents and upwards; a splendid article of fine Frc Hi Gingham, bright colors and warranted not to fade in washing, for l* t cents; all so plum dark styles chamelion Ginghams at 28 cts. High colors also at various prices • lionsde Of every style and quality, imaginable, plain black, brown, snuff, lead, mouse and 0'! r colors, all wool. A splendid article of 2d mourning Mous de Lams all wool at 22 era's also ood de Laines at cts., desirable colors; also De Lames of extra qual ity m high colors, such as Mazarine blue, dark and light green, blue, purple, maroon, orange, scarlet, crimson, Ac., Ac., Ac, CASHMERES, Figured and plain of superior quality from 121 cts., to 75 cts, My 121 cent Cash, mere; are the cbeapc. '- goods ever heard ul, uLo all the dark and desirable high colors C same re the . ainc as the \lous de Laines. MEUUNO ES, Of all ircat Attraction! STOVES! STOVES!! Improved Hathaway, f|lHlS great improvement, jnsi got up, we JL are satisfied stands unequalled , tor general use, and simplicity of arrangement, by any Cooking Stove yet offered to the public. To be satisfied of this, we think it needs but to be seen. It is a regular Hathaway, of tlie size now generally in u*e in this country, with the following improvements, viz: Ist. It i; so arranged that a stout Sheet JP| Iron Oven can be put in at the top, back^of dmary roasting or cook ing, and is heated us uiar oven lor ordinary purposes, which oven when heated, requires as much fire to do a small roast as would do a large amount ofcooking. Further, the small oven being loose, can be put in or taken out at pleasure with very little tiouble. \Y lien much cooking is required, it can be kept out, and the stove is then the same as a regular Hatha way. 2J. The < ■ riddles are improved, so that the top is smoother, the wire handles being dis pensed, with and a loose handle used to lilt them off. 3d. The dumper is much more convenient, by being placed in the side instead of the back. "4th. The bottom flue id the Luubach, so ar ranged that the draft is the same as the HulLa way. N. B. We warrant this stove in every par ticular. We have nlsoon hand a large assortment of other valuable Cooking Stmts, consisting of the Slur, two sizes, at S2O to $22 ; Compute Cook, at sl3; and I.aubach, two sizes. Also, the Prime, Keystone, and hdnu Air-fig lit, for wood or con!, at from 16 to 3-> dollars. AIR-TIGI IT FA ii I Oil STO V ES.- A large a.ssorttnmerit, ofbeaLtifn! patterns. COAL STOVES.—For pnriors, offices, and chambers. A large assortment of handsome styles, from $3 50 up. NINE-F LATE STOVE— From 20 to 29 inches. A heavy 29 inch at $9.50. To all who want stoves wo would say come and examine our stock. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, Sept. 20, 18-10. I AWES' Slippers, ut low mices, by .J ap2o. W. LILLEV. lilllSTlHl.\ MILLS.! r|l HE subscriber has taken the Lewistown 1 Mills,and wishes to buy a large quantity of All ItiixU oi* for which he will pay the CASH, IN PAR FUNDS, as high as the market will afford, accor- , ding to its quality. Any person having good Wheat will do well to call and show a sample of it, as he thinks lie can afibrd to give more than any other person in the place, the mill being situated on the creek, where flour can be loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ; besides, the flour is in better order, as the bar rels are not injured by hauling ami handling, fi wheat brings a better price than it will af ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship ping it as any other, as the mill is the most convenient storehouse in the place, and saves a great deal of time and labor in hoisting by water power. OK, HE WILL RECEIVE ON STOR MIE, and forward to Fhiladelphia or Baltimore, and give the following receipt: " ReccivPtl, f,ewistown Mills, of A. It., U limit, to he krjit in store till the first o/ Au gust unless disposed of sooner." 1 I When the receipt is given the quality o! the wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent any trouble when the owner comes to sell, i Any person storing, having four hundred bush els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept in a garner by itself. Any person taking a re ceipt, and not selling before, or giving notice to keep it, till after the first of August, it will : be carried out to their credit nt the market i price on that day. ft shipped, or sold to any perron that does not get it ground in the mill, TWO cents per bushel storage will he charged. ; 11 they give notice,and keep it over after the first of August, the storage will be ONE-HALF cent per month, afterwards, Phe grain will i be clear from high water. The subscriber will keep IMasler, Fisli.Sall Groceries | of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to 1 Farmers, by the quantity. CO-FLOI'R, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds of Grain and Feed, will be constantly kept on hand, and sold low tor cash. A. W. W. S PER RETT. N. B. JOHN S PER RE IT is authorized to transact any business in the above premises as my Agent. Lewistown, April 14, 1849—1y. t FEW pieces more of those superior 4-4 \ I'AKLSTOy HI.MiIIAMS left, wor ! rauted fast ooiors, and ecus! m quality to any V hich have Icon oh! at 20 cents. , He. Work Cdtarr, very handsome, selling for 12! ci ids a piece, at the store of july2B. NUSBAUM, BROTHERS. Indemnity. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, OFFICE, No. If>3J Chesnut street, near Fifth street. DIRECTORS Charles N. Bancker, George VV. Richards, Thomas Mart, Mordeciu 1). Lewis, Tobias Wagner, A(Jol|>he E. Borie, Snmuet Grant, David 8. Brown, Jarot) R. Smith, Morris Patterson. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on "Vi ry description of property In town and country, at rates as low as arc consistent with security. The t'ompnny have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which w it li their Capital and Premiums, safety invested, affords ample protection to the assured The assets of the Company, on January Ist. IMS, as published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol lows, viz: Mortgages, #890,568 05 Real Estate, 108,308 90 Temporary Loans, 124,459 00 Stocks, 01,503 25 Cash, &.C. 45,157 87 $1,220/197 07 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen rears, the; have paid upwards of one milium two hundred thou sand dollaru losses by lire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and lisposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. CHARLES \ RANCHER, President. CHAIM.EH O. RANCH UR, Secretary. For terms apply to 11. C. HALE, Lewis town. apl4—ly. .11 art ill . Brown, of the same place, they say—'Hav ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with out success, we at last purchased some of your National Tonic, which has completely cured us We, therefore, cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all persons af flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet discovered.* Se> the Pamphlets, which you can get from one of our Agents gratis. Also, Mr Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use, in all cases where a purgative is needed. - Prepared and sold by M ARTIN 4c WHITELEY, Wholesale Drug Store, No. 48 S Calvert st , Baltimore. For sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and U ATT SON & JACOB, Lewistown ; and by ALEX ANDER RCTLEDGE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. June 30, 1549 —ly. DIC. JIAKTI.VS (Tompottutr ISgrup of 1111,11 CIIEII It T, i s the best Medicine yet for Coughs, Colds, Consump -1 tion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, 4cc. Read the fol lowing : November 13th, 1848. fjtar -Sir—l take great pleasure in saying to you that Mrs Ross lias been entirely relieved of her cough by the use of your Syrup of Hi Id Cherry. It had continued for fully eighteen months. She had used several prepara tions of the Wild Cherry now in popular use, but not with the slightest benefit, until she took yours. She on ly took six bottles, and 1 am pleased to say she is now in good health- Every one who saw Mrs. Ross thought her in a deep decline. LEWIS P. ROSS, No 287 S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Schoon er O. K., Cambridge Packet. In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary land, of June full, Is la, says. Price 75 cents a Bottle. Prepared arid sold hv MARTIN 4c WHITEUEY, at T tie ll wholesale Drug Store, 48 fi. Calvert Street, Balti more, And for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and WATTSON & JACOB, Lewistown; ALEX ANDER Ret LEDGE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. [June 30. 1549—1y. I). SIMItIID I SON, nAIIBLG lIASOXS, \.\/ OULD respectfully tr.lortn their triends I I and tlie public, that they still continue to earry on the MARBLE BI'SIXESS in all its various branches, at their olti stand, Corner of Til IHP on,l VALLEY Sts., LEWISTOWN, where thev have constantly on iiand MARBLE MAN I ELS, TO.Ml} 5, MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, AV.C. All kinds of PLAIN & ORMAMEIJTAL work executed with neitness, and on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them, they still solicit a continuance of the same. Orders from any part of the country, through mail, attended to with accurucy and despatch March 17, 1547—tf Salt !Salt! J UST received, a large stock of Ground Alum Salt—ll cents |RT hushel ami $1.75 per sack. CO"To dealers a liberal discount otl*these prices will be made. ma :>(i, 1549. F. J. HOFFMAN. Iron !Iron! J, N extensive assortment of all sizes, tor 4 sale low tor cash, by ftme '33 *49. F. J. HOFFMAN. <1 INQHABdSI—Good Manchestei G'ing -1 bains, at only C>\ cents per yard, tu be mid at the oti!v cheap store in town, t. e. july'd-M. "iNUSBAUM, BROTHERS. CAtIIOA BXTKA A man hy thy imnm i.f CI iff hn young man f the name of S P. ( _ * name to pnt up a Smapnfilfo, which thcv cul! fir p ' ■end's Swriaparilla. denominating i' (f < " etc. This Townsend ij no doctor, and never was i, u^ formerly a worker on raifronds, canals, and the frty y , ' assumes the htle of l>f.. for the perpo-e of gtiirong ro-j'' what he i not. This is to camion the paht.e niH t ' deceived, and purchase none bat the aK.Yt'l.yy (,k' ()i ttJtl. O/.D Dr. Jacob Townsend's H.-tr'aparilla hav r t it the Did fir's, likeness hi. family coat of arms ■„ | J mgnalure acrons tbp co:t of firms. Prturijial Offire t )<1? .VW/fl M st. t ,Vfit York JACMi To\C\Si THE OKIGtX A I. pISMJOVgRKK HE THE keauiue Townscad Sar>aiarill,i. Old lir. Tow nsend now about TO years of age , ;il t a , long been knotvn as the ,1 UTHhR end h/SCiji p; pu of the (IKXI IXF. ORIGIXAI. " TOH XSI.XI) s ;h . S.iP.IR //./.-■?." Heine poor, he \v* o,:iij>. I eil . ;j manufacture, hy which means It has I men kept ont • ket. and the sales circumscribed to those only t ■, j proved its worth, and known its value. It had rearfcn) lite ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons vs li<> been healed of' sore diseases, and saved Iroiu death, pro claimed its exccllenre and wonderful HEALING POWER. Knowing, mann years nffo. that fie iuid by I. - iVi;, science and experience. devised an article wuich won;.; a of inealculnhie advantage to mankind when tin* mean would lie furnished to bring it into universal notice. Hie, its inestimable virtues would tie known ami npprecniyit This time hat r,.uje. the means are supplied ; this or.ixn Afro uxy.qt'.ii.i.i.i> PRF.par.itiox IS manufactured on the largest scale, and is called Os throughout the length and breaiith of the land. e-per.iiili as it is found incapable ol degeneration or deteriorat un. I.'nlike voting S. I' Towusend'a, it improves with age. soj caver changes, lint for the heiter: because it is prepared C, gcirnt.Jic principles by a scientific man. 'i he highest k„Hi edce of Ch. un-try. and the latent discoveries of ih* ir . have all heeu brought Into requisition in ihe in&nnfseiure of the Old Dr's Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it * well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro parties, ai.d some properties which are inert >r uveitis, atid others, which if retained in preparing it be u=. produce fermentation and acid, which is injurious la the system, tsooie of the proi*rties of tsarsaparula are so zeiatiir. that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the preparation. If they are not preserved by a scientific proem, known only to those ei|>erieuced in its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles , which fly oif itl vapor, or as sn ejiuiv tron. under heat, are the very medical pruytr'.ia f the root, which give to it ail its value. SUCKING. FEtUMEX ILM., .MID " COM POUND" OF S. P. TOWN4SEND, tnd yet he wnuiu fain h ivc It vr.derMood 'hat Dai lir. J.f.ib l'ownsentl's frrnmnr Original •Sarsapanlla. is an IMITA I'D >.\ of his inferior preparation '! Heaven forh.d that we should deal in an article WR eh mould bear the most distant resemblance to a. P. !'..*• •end's article.' and which hoold bring down upon she 0:d Dr. such a mountain load of complaints ind cninui.ii.iisi from Agents Who ilnve sold, ami purchasers uhn hate Uttd a. P. Towusend's EERMKNTI XtI ODMPDI'MJ. \Vc wish it understood, because it is the ahsohitt <<■•*, that ri. P. Townsend's article and Did fir. Jacnk Tinea seod' Sarsaparilla are heareii-tciHe apart, and infant' i an ; that they are unlike in every part.ctliar. bi.n| not one single thing in common. As S. P. Townsend is no doctor, and neecr was, It no chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of meu-cinc tx disease than any other common, unsciemiiic, Qnprofeo.icii ■um. w hat guarantee can the public have that they art re ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing ail un virtues of the articles used in prejiaring it. and u hich art n capable of changes inch might render them the AGENT'S uf Disease instead of health. Hut what else should tie expected from one whn knc# nothing comparatively of medicine or disease I It require! a IersoM of some experience to c.iofc and serve un even t ■oiniiHin decent Hon much more important is it '.hat the ;>ersons who maniifaclore medicim:, designed I> r WEAK STOMACHS AND EKFKEBJ.KD SYSTEMS, should know well the medical profierties of pIaRU. IM best manner of securing and cnucenlra'.iug the.r healisg virtues, also an extensive know iedge of the various which ath ct tiie huumn system, and how to adaptremediet to these disease*' D is to arre-t Iruid- ujion the unfortunate, to pnur balm into wonuded humanity, to kindle ho|ie iu the des(ianitj honnm. to restore health and bloom, and vigor into tbe crushed and broken, and to banish infirmity that 01.1) OR. JACOU T'uU .NSK.NU has SOI'GHT' and EDI M' the ay portunity and mean* to bring his Grand (Juiverbal Coiiceutrated Heuu'ily within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it, that they may learn mid know , hy joyful experience iu Traiisceiidt'iii I'owcr to deal- Any person can boll or Mew the root till they get a dart colored liquid, w hie If is more from the Coloring mutter 'J the not than from any thing else; they c.,n tiien itrsit this Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten w itti sour molmsf. nd then call it "SAKSA I' AKI 1.1. A EXTRAt.T or ST RI'P." But such is uol the article known a< tne GENUINE OLD DK. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SAIISAPARILLA. This is sc. prepared, thai all the inert proper'.ins 'd '-b* SarsniKirilln r..l are lirat removed, every thing cabbie nf Iterowing acid or of km entstion. is extracted and rejected, then every particle at" medical iirlue is secured in a put* and couceiirmte i p.rm ; ntof thus it is rendered incapable* losing any of us va u .lite ami healing propertros. Prcjvuol in this way. it is made the most powerful agent in the Cure of innumerable tliseases. llence the reason why we hear commendations on nvarr tide in it* favor by men, women, and children. We find d doing wonders in the cure of COXSIMI'TIOX. />!>/'MP/-•. and UVF.R COM- P/..11X l\ and in KHKI.U.ITIS.V. SCROtT/J. pii.ii coirin xy.s.s. ,n of T.ixkocs hrvp TIC.VS. PIMPt.HS, RI.UCTHKS, and a.i allechoM h-TiMUU Iruill IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a ni irve.U.ii> ♦ IQ ali iin|laint. fmm Ind'ffstion. frnH.fcrfifjro/ Hit Stmach. frtun nneQ'i&l circiiiniuin. dUTiitmniilly >ttu and •cWnou iti min nil kind* ami aluse* 1 FEMALE COMPL.VINTS. It \\trk* wonders in cn*M 4 f iwr .Hlbus or it ?■-••* ing oj~ tkr H o(^sLructt•/. Suppr> * or • M'hs&• /r' r?u?nrtt* ol the im ]H*rtod9. nrd the *e ; Ana t a* etft'cuinl to curing nil the lonu* tit* Ihst&st*' ity removing oKstrucUons, and retsutai nc the ceneia s l stem, ii sive* tue and strepjth to the whole body, thus cure* all form* of -\prvoiis tltscascs ami debility. and tints prevents or rt. v•> a jrrr.ii variety of tht-r livi'® dies, .t* Stumu trrif.f <■>. .N* u-i'jc i. .Sf. I tt* % SwniiNtMJT, Kftt ' /tflC b\ls, t bowels of turpor aud von*i juaion, allays mil .uiruies the skin, equalises the cm illation *'l tie |tville warmth c;;uuiy all over the IH*!V the r.jseustb.c |ht> pir uon , a.i slue lures and • nes-, removes all Ahstrt:rti*n*. and ttu eu l :3 nervous svatem. is not this then The medicine jou pre-eminently in*" • Hut uii any : :he*e la: saul of J*. I*. l tw I ii.'. for art . • 1 'f'his \ ■ u'"j man's liquid i* i..t ;• ?OMPARV.n WIT!! THE 01-I) DR'S. tf'PiiiM' Ot one <;i< Wl> r\ 'f. tliat the one is LNC.IfA ULI. Of lKl KU.UM: \TH IN. and NK\wKK St'OiDS, while the other I>'l - s j'ertn <**•*• and 1 lit / uo.nn a into fragment* . the -our. a cut r.vp. dme t ttl d iiimjjtng ! Must no; m.-h"'- be com j. •11 ad .'•• | • i *t)uons to ue system?— lf "**i ectU mtei ,i Jty.dttu; >lmxdy il'StntSca trt'u it <<.' ' WhHt IK * jH*psi't but at* d ? |k> v\ e not all knw thnl when 3 -our- m our moiii ehs. w h it tui.-ckti< f.< it produces J r ! * •oner, he irtbum palpitation of the h' irt. liver r "o 1 * d .orhoM. dysentery, ciic, arid i oruptmu ol it.*" ' \\ hat - S o'uia hut tin tc'd htiutor in It e tb'dv ? produces all the humor* which bring on KrtiptH'U* ol 1 ' S.*.:u •it lit ad. Salt Kiici.nj. 11 r > sip< ;Hs, YVll t: ' I' ul'Vver Sue*, and all ulct rations iuu r;i d and ' x,f , t It s nothn g under heaven, hut an arid >nh*iona four-, nud thus spoils all the ilu.d* of the lnlj " ; les*. What va;*e> Uhenmatism hut sotir or which uisiiKi itei it-en Uioecn the joinis and ei- A , urrit x Mil ri hutomi nvii.fc. - pel Now is it not horrd'e lo make tnd sell, and tV" wortt to U*e lhl (j^T-For sale in I.pwisfown by K who o!e ODpnt for Milllin county may I* ID—ly. l'aper. VI .WAYS on baud a large assort . Cap, l.etter. Wrapping. Printing Uow ami Wall Pp*r, wholesnfft or ret ; 1- , I'riutuijj paper, ~ J X li~', at >1 peroowl£ wl 0 1 ' F. J. HOFFMAN. LowLtuuii, June ~3, ir-IV.