Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 20, 1849, Image 3

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floods for the Itich and Goods for the
Boor in Pocket.
Buy cheap, while sluggards sleep,
And you will have goods to wear and keep.
VS everybody seems to l*e engaged this year in blowing his own trumpet as to what he or
they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, we have had half a mind to try our hands
a t the business, but several
comprising all the latest styles of rich and costly goods, having just arrived, we concluded to
liold on to the usual mode of advertising. We therefore beg leare to announce to our custom
er? in Mifflin, Union, Centre, Huntingdon and Juniata counties, that besides receiving
we have just returned (for the fourth or fifth time this year) from the city with about as com
plete and elegant an assortment of
Jim 33' 3)313 3 3 a® 1)3)3
as was ever seen in this or any other country town, embracing every description and style ot
ail that is
fieto, 11 cat, aiiUr .lFasUfouatUr,
at prices varying from a few cents to dollars per yard. In other kinds of goods we can show
io quality and price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that canuot be
found elsewhere—especially in
anil, we will venture to add, in FALL and WIS TElt GOODS GESF. RALLY. Of
Bonnets, Carpeting, Ready-made Clothing. Boots. Shoes. Hosiery.
Gloves, Ribbons,
and numberless other small matters, the inquiry need but be made to satisfy any one that they
Lave all been selected with care, purchased at a low price, and as a necessary consequence are
offered lor sale cheap. Our
Groceries, Fish, Salt, <§•<?.,
are also very low, and offer strong inducements to persons in town and country to call and
.Since opening our establishment here we think we have fully demonstrated that, as a genera!
thing, we sell as low as the very lowest, IF NOT A LITTLE LOWER. We do not profess to sell
one. nor two, nor three articles at a very low price, but we do profess to eel! EVERYTHING j
iu either the Dry Goods or Grocery line so cheap that we are confident that our Iriends ev- 1
erywhere will be the gainers by giving us a call and making their purchases.
For past favors we are duly thankful, aud shall be pleased to wait on all old customers and
sny number of new ones who may be attracted to our establishment by the reputation it has ac
quired as being the cheapest store in Lewislowa.
Lewistown, October 20, 1649.
Cheap Store Store,
Between Swartz's and McDowell's Taverns,
Is F XV IS T O W A .
c "F c l 2
Tremendous Excitement! !
And all about Thomas's selling gtoJs so CHEAP. 1 have a large assortment of
Hoofs and Shoes,
and LADIES' and MISSES' GAITERS, made by the best of workmen ; a variety of j
TDvjj (Coons, Grocmns, anO 7iiquoto,
f f the best kind ; among which are some very choice BRANDIES, and a superior
article of STOUTON PATTERS ; also, POWDER, SHOT, and LEAD ; 101) bor
relfi best :Vf onongahela WHISKEY. J* I HUM AS,
October 13, 1849. —tftmlO. Between Svcartz's and McDowell's Taverns.
Bank of Discount and Deposite.
Cash Capital Paid in *7O 000.
[ ONGENECKER, GRUBB <fe CO. have es
|j tablished at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, an
of Discount and Deposite, for the trans
'.ion of the regular business of banking.
Ih-afts and Notes payable in the commercial
'.Hits will be discounted at all times, and depos
ite- of current money will be paid, on demand,
in par fund*. Every facility will be afforded to
h'isiness men in their negotiations with the
ha item and Western cities.
Hie aggregate Capital of the establishment
**ceed* half a million of dollars.
W. RUSSELL, Cashier. '
Solicitor and Confidential Agent.
hewistovvn, August 25, L 84- — If-
\ LARGE asnortmont of choice end ihrifty J
grafted Apple TREES of a large size are ]
, A „ OFFERED lor sale AT the I
l>ry Valley
\ I K * i: n V , J
Derry township, Mifflin ,
¥ C county, at 10 rent* PER
tree. By the hundred i
-•* V at 9 cent* per tree. j
Person# wishing to
; IRC ">SE ARE invited to cull and judge for J
Uc 'her 13,1849—0b*
fIIHE subscriber, late of the firm of Clark
JL &i Zerbe, having purchased the estab
lishment of Jacob Smith, respectlully an
nounces to the citizens of this and adjoining
counties that he is now prepared to manufac
ture to order all kinds n! t'tirringen, Ifuggits,
Wagons, tfc.. at the shortest notice, and in a
style not to be surpassed by any other estab
lishment in the country.
ING AND TRIMMING executed with neat
ness ami despatch, on very low terms for cash,
Thankful for past favors, he respectfully so
licits a share of the public patronage, and as
, sures all who may entrust work in his hands, j
That they will always tind him prompt in ful
filling hia contracts.
j Main street, opposite the (iazette Office.
Lewistown, Oct. C, 1840—3t.
' OTICE is hereby given, that the A ade-
T s my School will commence on the second
MONDAY of September. Terms of Tuition
.as heretofore. The strictest attention will be j
' "iven to a 'i pupils to advance them in their
studies. The Academy possesses also the ad- j
'vantage of a Philosophical and Astronomical
'apparatus to facilitate the instruction of pupils.
JLcWigtown, Sept. 1, I*49—tf.
Philadelphia Advertisements.
flltltS new and valuable medicine, now used by the
A medical profession with such asloiiUhiug efficacy in
the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro
nic Rheumatism, Gout, General De
bility, Complaints of the Kid
neys, <SfC., AfC.,
is prepared from the liver of the Cod Fish for medit al
expressly fur our sales.
(Extract from the London Medical Journal )
41 <\ J. 11. Williams, M. I) , F. R. S., Professor of Medi
cine in University College, London, Consulting Physi
cian to t he Hospital for consumption, &c., says : 1 have
prescribed the Oil in above four hundred cases of tuberi u
lous disease of tiie Lungs, in different stages, whi h have
been under my care the last two years and a half. In
the la rife number of cases, 20li out of "231, Its use was fol
lowed by marked and unequivocal improvement, varying
in degree in different cases, from a temporary retarda
tion of (he progress of the disease and a mitigation of dis
tressing sj mploins, up to u more or less complete restor
ation to apparent health.
"The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases
was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough
was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity
and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became
slower, and of better volume, and the appttitc, itesh and
strength were gradually improved.
"In conclusion, 1 repeat that the pure fresh oil from
the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in Hie treatment
of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal,
dietetic or regimenal, that lias yet been employed."
As we have made arrangements to procure the Cod liver
Oil, fresh from head quarters, it can now he had chemically
pure by the single bottle, or in buses of one dozen each.
lis wonderful eliicacy lias induced numerous spurious
imitations. As its success depends entirely on its purity,
too much rare cannot he used HI procuring it genuine.
Kvcru bottle having unit our written signature may be
depended upon us genuine.
Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with no
tices of it from Medical Journals, will he sent to lluiss
who address ns free of postage.
H hule.iule lJrnggt j ts and Chemist.*.
100 Nor ill Third Mreel, Philadelphia.
October 13, IMV— 6III.
ir/BV & co, ~
<Ollllll is*iou He reliant*,
Ami all descriptions of Coiiiilry Produce,
Between Race and Cherry,
Respectfully solicit n share of the busmen?
from this vicinity, and refer to
Messrs. LONGENKUKRH, GRVBU A Co., Bankers.
W. RUSSELL, E-q , ('ashler, Lewistowii.
E. E. IXJCKK. Esq , Mifflin conntv.
R. J. Ross. Esq., Cashier, ).. ,
Messrs. FUNK & MILLER. \ ™burg.
SAMUEL JOHNSON, LVQ., Marietta, Lancaster
county, Pa.
GEO. M. TROLTMAN, Cashier, of)
Western Bunk, ! r>i t i o
Messrs. JAS. J. DUNCAN & Co, j' ' 4iia ' le ' a
and Merchants generally, J
October (i, I*49—bin."
SITU J IBES i 10.7
Commission IVTcrchants,
For the Male of Produce in
Jiroad, a bore Arch. I Vest side,
Iron received and delivered to any part of the
Guv, or shipped ae may be directed.
SIIEM ZOOK, Esq., Mifflin county.
WILLIAM HI -.SELL, Esq., Cashier of T lie De
posit and Discount Bank, Lowistown.
J. W. WEIR. Cashier of the Harrisburg Rank.
TOWNSEND HAINES, Esq., Secretary of the
Common wealth of Penn'a.
G. M. T Kot'TMAN, Fq , Cashier of the West
ern Bunk, Philadelphia.
MORRIS PATTERSON & Co., Merchants, l j-
JACUB LEX & SON, do. - 6T 5]
JOHN M. KENNEDY & Co., do. S5 ®
September 22. I*49—2m. *
Loi'il, Taylor X Co.,
JYo. if OS Chesnut street, Philadelphia,
I I AVE now on hand, jut rtrceivw) direct fnnii HIP muii
* * nfarturui j, a full assortment of
SIL A'S, CAS //. M Eli ES,
SFfAJVr.S, %c , Srr
The colors anil design* b mg of their own selecting,
aitti run rely th'*ir*.
the different make* of Domestic f*oo<l(i constantly on
hand, wholesale and retail
E-, T & CO never deviate fmm first price.
(OrWe are aatly receiving goods from the New Vork
Auctions. 20, IS49—2m.
Wholesale Boot, Shoe and Bonnet Warehouse,
Xo. 1 3< Xort/i Third street, opposite the
Eagle Hotel, Philadelphia,
I -> now receiving about 3000 C 4SESFKKBII FAI.I.
' Ci'iollS, direct from the manufacturers, such a* Mr n't
ami Bays' THICK KIP and CALF BOOTS and BRO
CAN 8, Youth'* and Children'* BOOTH and BROtiANH,
with a great variety of Women'* I.Ada BOOTH ami
HOOKS, both City and (eastern manufacture. This stork
is got up expressly for Country Trade, and will be sold
s> MERCHANTS are invited to call and examine.
Philadelphia, August IS, IHI9 —3m,
TIIIH*. Btoufi, Victoria*, ami
Tiir Trimming*.
VIfOI'I.D most respectfully call the attention of all per
sons in want of any article in the Fancy Fur busi
ness, thai he has now ready a splen.ii.l assortment of the
above mentioned articles, made of every description of
I-iirs, and m the great variety of shapes that are now
fashionable, which he offers to sell at very reasonable
profits, at his FUH $ VuHl'., No 52 North Second street,
(two doors below Arch st ) Philadelphia.
Merchants purchasing to sell again, would find it con-
Miler.ihly to their advantage to call and examine his stock
and judge for themselves before pur. basing elsewhere.
IVThe full market price always given fur S/f/.V'Sof
every description
♦* The store is always closed on Saturdays.
JVV 52 JV", Id *t , (two door* below Arch) I'hi!add
September 15, ISI9-3m.
- I '* SHAD Constantly on
SALMON hand Ai for sale by
PORK Market Street
LARD At CHEESE Sept. 8, 1849-3 m.
Stock and Farming Utensils at
TPHh subscriber, having sold his farm above
Y Lewistown, will offer the stock and farm
-1 ing utensils on the same at public sale, on
Thursday, Nov. 15, 1849,
consisting of 3 valuable Horses, (one of them a
1 fine brood mare,) a spring Colt, 23 head of
Sheep, a few Young Cattle, 1 four horse Wa
gon, nearlv new, 1 two horse do., 1 Threshing
Machine, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, Ilar-
I ness, die., and about 15 good Hay.
Sale to commence at 10 oTlock, A. M., when
the terms of sale will be made known.
Lewistown, Oct. 13, 1849—td.
Valuable Real Estate at
On WEDNESDAY, the 14 th of
November, 1849,
WILL be suid at Public Sale, on the pre
mises, in KishacoquilDs Valley, Mifflin
' county, a valuable farm, containing
2 6 0 Acres,
more or less, of first-rate limestone land. The
improvements are a frame DVVEL
BARN, &<\ There'is a j| J! JfiLggi
Young ORCHARD ofdS&Esi
JE9BbESchoice fruit on the farm, mid sever
al limestone spiings near the house. There
is twenty acres of good Timber, arid the bal
ance cleared and in a high state of cultivation,
i There is also i
with three run of Burrs and one pair of Chop
ping Stones in the mill,
Saw Mill and Planter Mill,
1 with a good FRAME HOUSE for the mil'er.
1 There is likewise a good appearance of lion
Ore of the best quality, known as the "Green
wood Ore." The property lies near (Jreen
wood, on the west branch of the Kishacoquil
la creek, a never failing stream of water. It
lies within 10 miles of the Great Central Rail
road, which has just opened to Philadelphia
for travel and transportation.
Also, at the same time and place , a tract of
B ACRES, known as the Reed Ore Bank, on
which h erected a Frame House and Stable,
i The property will be shown by Mr. MCCLEL
j I.AN. living near it.
OArSale to cnmmenco at 12 o'clock, M., on
said day, when terms will be made known by
Oct. 13,1949—td.
rgMIAT well known MERCHANT
MILL, situated in the Kishacoquil-
Ls Vailey, 8 miles from Lewistown, Mifflin
county, Pa. The Mill is fifty feet square, four
stories high, with three pair French Burrs,
one pair country (Jo., two Water Wheels 17
feet high—the walls running from 34 to "2'2
inches m thickness. There is attached to the
11 ()USKS. BaCoop-
Six /icre* of" Lnntl,
icilh '2~t Acres of Wooillutid,
within J mi'e of tlie mill. Possession can be
given on the first day of April next.
For fur'her particulars, apply to GEORGE
BI.YMYER, Lewistown, Pa., t>r to Sriij, &.
riMMPsoN, No. 47 North Water St., Philada.
August 18, 1849—tnov.l.
r || IMF undersigned offers at (irivate sale
lu< House arid Lot on Valley street,
in Lewist jwn, opposite the residence of John
C. Sigler, Esq. The lot extends '2OO feet
back, and fronts about BO feet on Valley street,
arid has erected upon it a two 9tory frame
Dwelling House,
fi&l f; j 4. The liouse i two stories high,
SafJ 1110 ilB by '27 teet. The location is a
£^2ffi^sbss3?' easa, ' t one, and water conve
TERMS OF SALE aie, one-half of the purchase
money on confirmation of the sale, and the bal
ance HI two equal annual payments, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage on the premises.
For farther particulars inquire of the subscri
ber, living on the premises.
Lewistown. July '2l, 1019—if.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni
Exponas, Levari Facias, and Fiera Fa
cias, issued out o.' the Court of Common Pleas
of Mifflin county, and to ine directed, will be
exposed to sale bv public out-cry, at the Court
House in the borough of Lewistown, at 2 o'-
clock, P. M., on
Yovvin It e r SI <l, 18 19,
the following described property, to wit:—
A lot of ground fronting sixty feet on Mar
ket street in the borough of Lewistown, Mif
flin county. Pa., bounded on the east by a lot
of George W. Patton, on the south by Market
street, on the west by a lot of J. (V J. Mi! liken,
on the north by s sixteen feet alley, with a
large two story brick dwelling house, a large
two story brick shop, a large frame stable, and
other improvements thereon erected. Seized,
taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perly of Sepharious S. Cuminings.
Also, A lot of ground situate on Maine
street extended, in the borough of Lewistown,
Mifflin county, Pa., being thirty teet in front
on said street, adjoining a lot of J. C. V\ ilson,
with a walled cellar thereon erected, said lot
being No. eighteen. Seized, taken in execu
tion, and to be sold as the property of Arthur
B. Long.
Also, A b t of ground in Wayne township,
containing five acres, be the sstr.e more or less,
with a two story house and stable thereon
erected, bounded on the south by James Smith,
on the north and west hy Jefferson Decker, on
the east by John Thompson. Seized, taken
in execution, and to be sold as the property of
George E. Little.
Also, A lot of ground situate in the borough
of McVeytown, Mifflin county, with a frame
dwelling house, a frame stable, and other im
provements thereon, bounded by lots of John
Ross on the east and north, George Swoyeron
the west and frontingon Lombard street
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Isaac Haines.
Lewistown, Oct. 13, 1818. \ td.
N. B.—Purchasers at the above Sheriff's sale
are hereby notified that the amount ol the sale
will be required to be paid immediately on the
propt rty being knocked down, or it will be forth
with resold to the highest bidder.
D. McK. C.,Sh'ff,
Groceries and Liquors,
Three Doors South of the Old Bridge,
Front Street,
JM. S., for the accommodation of mer
• chants and others in Dauphin, Cumber
land, Franklin, and neighboring counties, has
opened an extensive Wholesale Establishment,
for the sale of Groceries and Liquors, as above.
With the co-operation ot a large importing
house in Baltimore, he will offer goods here at
the same prices at which they can be purchas
ed in the city, lie respectfully solicits the
favor of a call from those wishing to purchase,
to satisfy thein of his entire ability to sell as
lie promises. The attention of landlords is
invited to ■. lot of choice Liquors, 111 store and
for sale at importers' prices.
(reorders from a distance promptly filled,
and goods despatched at city prices.
September 8, 1849—tf.
A LARGE assortment of choice and splon
-Tv. did young Fruit Trees, consisting in
part of Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Cherry,
Nectarine, Apricot, dec., &.c., arc now offered
for sale at the
Lewistcwn IMursery,
where purchasers may rely on being supplied
with trees of the best and most ap
proved varieties of fruit, on moderate
terms. These trees are not inferior
— lo trees grown in any other nursery
in the State; and all persons wishing to pur
chase are invited to cali and judge for them
selves. For further particulars see Cata
logues, which will he furnished gratis to all
post paid applicants, and ail orders, directed to
the subscribers, at Lewistown, Mifiiin county,
Pa., will be promptiv attended to.
T. W & J. MOORE.
Lewistown, Sept. 22, 1849—2 m.
| IST OF LETTERS remain tag in the
Post Office in Lewistown, October 1,
Persons enquiring for letters on the
following list v. ill please say that they are
Albright Emanuel Lawver Jacob
Ardison J. O. Lain CorneliousW.
Bair David Loughry Win. G.
Bowman John M. Long Miss Martha
Barnacil Wm. Loflin John A.
Bilgnrd David M. Mathews Mrs. Jane
Badcrty K. .S. Mauch Aron
Berlue H. Miller Michael 2
Benner James Morrison Mrs. Mary
Benner Miss Mary Muller Miss E.
Beaker William P. Malion Arthur
Breaiy Mrs. Jane Mover Washington
Boals Mrs. S. Moren Michael
Barnes Henry Murphy James
Black John Montgomery Wm
Baker Catharine MerumThosW
Boyd Archibald Moyer David
Bonner Stephen Miller Hiram
Bowerline John Mulcahny John
Bahm Paulos Mishler Benjamin 5
Beck Carl A. Mitchell J N
Currey Sand. 2 Moyer Ruble
Coolane Michael McCoy John
Campbell David McCoy William
Collins Clias. McCoy Miss Martha I
Crotty BeaS McNatt John
Campbell Amos McNel'y P M Esq
Coggshell J. W. McLaughlin Edward
Cantlow John McCauslin Chas
Conrad .Miss Sarah A.McGuirk Joseph
Cealy Daniel O'Brien Judv
Carr Jas. Orr Miss Mary 2
Cooper Chas. Pierce A
Cam Jacob Pfiueger Peter
Darr Elias Panel E A
Dunn Susanna Ptr Henerick
Dixon Theadore Parchy Miss Rebecca
Donavan John Pluraenstem Henerick
Dolton John Quick Amelia J
Dubbs Henry Rorke Daniei
Duffer Peter Rush Peter
Drooling Daniel Rarick Peter
EJminston Hiram C. Riddle Win
Ecksteine Win. 2 Rager James W
Einstine Rilley Pat
Fisher John 2 Ream Isaac
Foster John Roush Elizabeth
Fisher Jas. Rager Jamts
Folk Elias Ream John
Foster Wm. Rogers James
Fleming Wm. ShichenJohn
Puller Leauder A. Shiids Chas
Fury Wm. Slobig Jacob K
Fer Miss Catharine S,Swinehart Wm
Graham Miss Sarah A.Searer Henry
Gallaugher Peter 2 Simpson Elias
Gross Isaac Stees Mrs Maria
Gross Richard Seagwick P C Esq
Haley Dennis Schlapping Jacob II
Muse Christian Spencer John J
Humes Miss Julia A. Sxvaile Daniel
Hutchinson Francis Seliiffner Jacob
Harris Wm. Styer David
Henesy Wm. Sayler Daniel
Hanunaker Miss MarySnyder Henry
Heisy Mrs Sarah Smith Jane
Horton Mrs. Martha A.Stcrrett John I)
Hunnan Miss AngelineSlewart Miss Martha
Hanly Michael Spiglemoyer Wm
Hainilon Henry Sitirk Jos
Hetlierhy Joseph Scott James T
Hays John L. Scott E D
Herhaugh Rev H 2 Scott John T
Howell John C. Scott T & Brothers
Hibbs Miss Sarali Schuler F
Hanna John Thomas Gideon D
Harrison S. G. Tamsott Miss H
Button Lewis Turner John R
Hooper Chas M, Turner Wm
Harden Henrietta Taylor Jas R
Hanley & Quingagan2\\ ebb Thomas
Jartin (Justine S. Wilson Bryson
Irwin James WallaceThos
Icliamoyer Joseph Walker Jos H
Kartenager Anthony Wallaston Geo W
Kincaid Miss C. L. WhittakerWm 11 2
Kraemer Peter Wilson Mark
Kellogue S, M. Williams David
Kesler Hiraim Wester Langford
Keistrey Miss GuttineH adesley G S
Kelly Miss Margaret D'llson Miss Margaret I
Kusher Henry I Food E B
Knause Reuben Yetter Jos
Kreps Henry Yerick Emanuel
Lewistown, Oct. 6, 1849.
i to make Flour Parrels at the Lewistown
Alills, to whom good wages will be given.
Lewistown, sept. 2G, 1849—6t.
"MIGHTY Tons Luneburncrs' Coat, and -SO
LJ Tons Sunbury Coal, broken and screened
tor Stoves, for sale by
0et.13-3t. WATTSON & JACOB,
Lewirftovvn, Oct 10, 1^49.
Paidhy DeAlerj. lit tall.
Flour - - $4 25 $.7 (Ml
Wheat, white - 97 1 10
red 92 1 05
Rye - . 50 GO
Oats - - 31 37
Corn, - - 50 GO
Cloverseed old, 3 75
Do new, 4 00
Flaxseed - - 1 00 1 25
Timothy seed - - 2 00 2 50
Butter, good - - 15 15
Eggs - - 10 10
Lard 0 H
Tallow . $ io
Potatoes . . 50 G 2j
Beef, - . 4 (K)
Bacon, per lb. 77
Wool, per lb. - -28
Feathers - . 45 45
The Lew is town Mills arc paying 92 to
97 cents lor good wheat, 50 cents tor Rye,
•30 cents for Corn, and 31 cents for Oats.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 18, 1849.
The Flour market continues exceedingly
dull, and the only sales reported for export are
4x500 barrels common brands at $5,00 per bar
rel. Supplies are beginning to come in rather
more freely, but they are quite moderate. For
city consumption prices range from $5,12£ a
, 5,62£. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are inactive
and no sales have been reported. There is a
I fair demand for Wheat, and prices are steady
at SI,OO a 1,08 tor fair and prime red, $1,14 a
1,15 for white. Corn continues in good request
at 06 for yellow. Uats, Southern are worth
29 a 30c, and Pennsylvania at 35c per bushel.
The cotton market continues very quiet, and
no seiee worthy of notice have been made.
In Groceries there is not much doing. Some
i further sales of Rio Cot Fee at 9alo per lb,
which is an advance.
The offerings of Beef Cattle fur the week
were about 1200 head, and of these about 900
wore sold. The prices of Beeves range from
$5 50 to $7 per I (JO lb?. Hogs—There were
800 in the market and all sold from $0 to $5.45
per 100 lbs. Cows—About 2<MJ in the market
Sales as follows : $25 to S3B tor fre-h, sl3 to
$25 for springers, $7 to sls for dry. Sheep
; and l^mbs—The former lrom $2 to $4, the
i latter from $1 to $3.
BALTIMORE, Oct. IS, 1849.
COFFEE.—A sale ot prime green Rio to-day
at lU£ cents. FLOUR. —Howard street Flourat
$5. Grain—sales of good to prime reds at 100
alOl cents. Famiiy flour white wheats are
worth 110 alls cents. Sales of white Corn at
i 63a64 cents, and of yellow at 65 a 66 cents.
We hare for some weeks past noticed a large
number of very new looking bills in circulation
here, purporting to be issued at Delaware City,
by the Delaware City Bank. The Camden (A*,
i J.) Democrat thus notices these bills :
i •' Not a little excitement has been created in
I Delaware City for some days past, by the in
creasing demand upon the Bank recently estab
j lished there for the redemption of its notes It
( appears that this bank is owned by a few specu
lators, who have for some years past mad® va
rious efforts to establish a similar institution in
• the city of Philadelphia. They last year at
j tempted the same thing in Delaware, and suc
! ceeded in obtaining a bill for the establishment
: of the present concern, locating it in Delaware
I City, but which is a mere ruse, as its real busi
; ness is conducted in Philadelphia, at No. 38
North Wharves, where there is a room fitted
• up expressly for the purpose, and which con
sists in the shaving of notes at rates only known
to those interested. One condition of which is,
however, that the notes of the bank, many of
them sl, $2 and <£3, shall be taken in payment
and circulated as wide as possible in the sur
rounding country."
If this statement is correct, the better plan
would be for our boatmen and others to refuse
• them at once—an ounce of prevention being
j worth a pound of cure. BicknelPs Reporter
j quotes them at par.
■ "
srs? ma ■ -K SIC
<Nj \tij J >_ w j
To the Heirs and legal representatives of John
CiraybiU, late of Drumore township, Lan
caster county, deceased.
4 T an Orphans' Court, held at l,ancasier in
i XI. and for the county ot f.ancaster on the
19th day of September, 1349, on motion of
' Wm. Whiteside, Esq., the Court grant a Rule
on the heirs and legal representatives of John
Graybill, late of Drumore twp., Lancaster co.,
dee'd, to bo and appear a' an vfrphans' Court
to be held at (.ancaster on the 3d Monday of
November next , at 10 o'clock, A. M., to accept
or refuse to accept the Real Estate of the said
j deceased at the appraisement made thereof, or
j show cause why the same should not be sold
according to law. By the Court,
Clerk O. C., per James Dysart.
October 13, 1849—tc.
TF3IIE following accounts have been exam-
JL ined and passed by me, and remain fiied
of record in this office, for inspection of heirs,
I legatees, creditors, and nil others in any way
interested, and will be presented to the next
! Orphan's Court of the county of Mifflin, to be
held at the Court House in Lewistown, on
Thursday, the Bth day of November, 1549, lor
j allowance and confirmation :
j. The partial administration account of
i Peter Baker, administrator of Jacob Ickes, late
' of Oliver township, deceased.
2- The supplemented and finai administra
| tion account of Eli Wakefield, administrator of
George Wakefield, late ot Granville township,
3. The administration account of Hugh
I Conlcy, administrator of Samuel D. Aitkens,
] late of Armagh township, deceased.
4 The guardianship account of John Flem
ing, guardian of Elias and Philip Weiler, mi-
I nor children of Philip VVeiler, late ot Menno
township, deceased.
5. The administration account of Joseph
Strode, Jr, on the estate of Amor Strode, late
j oft Iran vilie township, deceased.
6. The administration account of James
Giilarn, administrator ot Robert Sankey, late ot
I Union township, deceased.
7. The administration account of Ephraim
Banks, Executor of William Mathews, late of
1 Decatur township, deceased.
JAMES i„ MeIi;VAINE, Register.
Lew istown, October 6, 1849. |
i (£r"The Register deems it proper to slate,
i for the information ot al! concerned, that ac
; counts must be fi'ed in his office and published
Unity days previous to the first day of ensuing
Couils—otherwise they will be retained until
j the succeeding term,