n *mae&r**HP&rmsaKzmacz-vau.< ± _., .. In ■ ■ _ -"• —■^ "wt'iai:,*■■!--. —-- ■ iw-.m.J'i'Ji'i ■-!.. r~r xm „ €iwmUw® ©noetic. Vol WW—Whole f\o 18.11. Rates of Advertising One square, 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00 1 time 50 " 1 year 8.(10 2 times 75 £ column, 3 IUOS. G.OO 3 " 1.00 " G " 10.00 1 mo. 1.25 " ] year 15.00 3 " 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 6 " 4.00 " 6 " 15.00 " 1 year 6.00 " 1 year 25.00 2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before mar " 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c.. sl2. Communications recommending persons for office, must be paid in advance at the rate of 25 cents per square. Philadelphia Advertisements. GEOECB'MILI'S, Wholesale Commission Agent, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISH, >o. 34 \orlli Wharves, Above Race street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 21, 1349.—1y 1* A V E IS ! PA P E is: No. 21 Bank street, Between Market and Chesnut, and 2d and 3 d streets, p HIL A DV.I.P u 1.1. TMfE subscriber* beg leave to call the attention of eoun" L try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing the different varieties of Fruiting, Hardware, Writing, Envelope, and Wrapping papers. Tissue papers, white arid assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, dec Being engaged in the manufacture of printing pagters, they solicit orders from printers for any given sire, which will he furnished at short notice, and at fair prices. Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Rags. DUCKETT & KNIGHT, No. 21 Bank sheet, Philadelphia. October fi, 1849—1y F. HICKS .1 OAFS, WHOLESALE DEALER &. MAM FAf.TI RER OF Willow A Wooden Ware, Importer of French Baskets, Looking Glasses and Fancy Goods, NO. 18 NORTH SF.COND STREET, Between Market aud Arch Sts , under J. Sidney Jones' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA, TTaS on hand and is constantly receiving a large and extensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, Fancy '. jods i;f every description, (too numerous to mention,) Evoking Glasses of gilt and mahogany frames, lluskets, Cc,aches, Chairs, 4cc., Sec BROOMS Shaker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms, Win dow Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Wash boards—in fact, Wooden and Willow Ware of every de scription, all of which will be sold low for CASH or city acceptance. MERCHANTS would save themselves much time and trouble, by calling and examining my stock before pur chasing. X 11. Looking Glasses are insured against breakage to all parts of the Union, without eitra charge. Philadelphia, August 516, 1849—3tn. N. S. EAWREAXF, Agent for the sale of Southworlh Manufac turing Company's Writing Papers. Warehouse IVo. 3 Minor St., PHILADELPHIA. 1(H) eases of the above superior Papers now in store, tnd for sale to the trade at the lowest market prices,con ti.ting in part of— Fine thick Flat Caps, It, It, 16 and JG lbs., blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. F.xtra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Huperfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad Buperfine and line Countirig-liouse Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and I.etters, plain and ruled blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes. Lawyer's" Brief Papers • iperfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, and white, various qualities and prices Also, luOO reams white and assorted Shoe Papers, Bon ne' Boards, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, Wrapping, '- '" lope, assorted and blue Mediums, Cap wrappers, Hardware Papers, dec. Philadelphia June 30, 1849-Gin LIFE INSURANCE. Tiie (iirard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 159 Chesnut Street. Capital $300,000. Charter Perpetual. (' ATIM'E to make Insurances on Lives on the most fivorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and • i>| Ve Deposits on Interest, la- Capital being paid up and invested, together with mutated premium fund, affords a perfect *n arity to u.s ired. The premium may be paid in yearly, half iriv, or quarterly payment*. 1 ' lupany add a BOM Sat stated periods to the " irino - for life. This plan of insurance is the most ".v.-.; of and i more generally in use than any other Britain, (where tile subject is best understoodby ie, ami wle re they have bad the longest e.xpen ippe-m from the fact that out of 117 Life tnsii '--mpam. >■ there, of all kinds, eft are on this plan ' 'r.tlJOM •* was appropriatcd.iti December, 1-14, '■in,;, to |o p ( .f rent, on (tie sum insured under the •po'.icivs; lot, 3 per cut., 71 per rent Ac, Ate., on " i • proportion to the lime of standing, nuking an <f (rioti ( $-7 fAi; #75, Sc., Slc., to every #IOOO, ,ri d, whir li is an average of more limn 60 ' u the premiums paid, and without increasing '" '•'l payment to the company. ' r.iiy.ii ,j( j„ e will be seen liy the follow -1 Ir on the Life Insurance Kcgister a i;,tby* ~ -win Itonus or 1 \ mount of Policy and 1 Insured Addition Bonus payable at the I party's decease. X: 000 I #t#o o, #isw a 27 o 'J.',() 00 j 'J,7.71 00 4,'.0b i 00 i 4,4dil 00 *;! j 2,gi ; 176 00 i i 1,17.'> (X) 4,11)' j 437 Hi j 6,437 60 in l is containing the table of rale*,'and ux •. f Ihe subject; Forms of Application, and '•u .rnmynn can he had ut the office, gratis, in -'••y letter addressed to the Pre* blent or Actuary j H UfCIIAKDN, President. So> !'• J VMiis, Attuary. [a|i23:ly ipmnmpigig) iLsji?) IP o STST <Bsi<a)3£®i3 u^ Tlie Cre:t Clijnu Store OF PHILADELPHIA. rpil ANKJTI. 11l till* ciii/cus of I.my ist own and its vi cimly fur llieir iiicreusctl rustom, we again rcqne&t their company to view our large uml splendid assortment of China, Glass anil (Jiieeiisware. Dinner sets, lea sets, toilet sets, am] single pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to soil purchasers, for less than they can he had elsewhere—in fart at less than wholesale prices. American and English BRITTJUiri.d .11 F.T.I I. GOoim, in greater variety than ever before offered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very cheap. OWe would invite any person visiting the city to call and see ns —tliey will nl least lie pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the lines! China and the cheapest the world produces Very respectfully, TVNDAI.E &. MITCMI.I.I., No. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. September 22, 16-19 ly. MANUFACTORY OF POCKET BOOKS, lit. I\o. 52 J Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. riIHE subscriber reg|ieclfiilly solicits publis attention to •*- his superior and tasteful stock of Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, and Banker's Cases, Other Fine Cutlery, Bill Bonks, Cold Pens and Pencils, Dressing Cases, Segar Cases, Card Cases, Chess Men, Port Mouaics, Back Mammon Boards, Purses, Dominoes, tc , See. His assortment consists of the most fashionable and modern stiles, of the finest <|ualit) and excellent work manship, embracing every d-ii llde fani y |*iterii, wliic b tie w ill at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or retail on the most pleasing terms. K-Purchasers who desire to supply themselves wiih articles ot the beat quality will consult their own inter ests by calling at this establishment. F. M. SMITH, Pocket Book Manufacturer, S2J Chestnut Street. August 35, IM9—bin. 1* LI \II nA AI FACTO it V. 11. CLAIIK, YEMTIAX BLIND MANUFACTURER, Sign of the Golden Eagle, Xo, 139 <f- 113, South Second street, below Dock street, PHILADELPHIA, KEEPS always on hand a large ami fashionable assort ment of WIDE and NARROW sI.AT W INDOW BLINDS, manufactured in the best manner, of the best material", and at the lowest rash prices. Having refitted ami enlarged his establishment, he is prepared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest notice. Constantly on hand an assortmeiit of JI a ii v Furii it u re, of every variety, manufactured expressly for Ins own sales, ami purchasers may therefore rely on a good article. r> Open in the evening Orders front a distance parked carefully, and sent free of porterage, to any part of the city. H. CLARK. Philadelphia, August la, In 10 ly. Wholesale & K e tail CLOCK STOKE, Ac. 233 .Market street, ahvre Seventh, South tide, PHILADELPHIA. A LTHOITOH we can scarcely estimate the value of TIME commercially, yet hy calling at the above es tablishment, JAMES Uahdks will furnish bis friends, among whom lie includes all who duly appreciate its fieetness, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking its progress, of w hose value they r* judge. His extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in conformity to the improvements in taste and style of PDrn and workmanship, consists of Faphr day Thirty hour Brass Counting Mouse, Parlor, g, A Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, French, Go thic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from Ins extensive connection and correspondence w ilh the manufacturers he finds he can put at the lowest cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of which he will warrant tlie accuracy. Sjr CI oris repaired and warranted. Cluck Trimming* on hand CALL and see me among them. JAMKS BARBER, 238 Market st. Philadelphia, August 16, 16-19 -ly. AFFLICTED READ!! IMiil.iflclpliin Medical VIOIIM*, "FSTABLISIIED 15 year" ago, by Dr KINK ELI N. The oldest, surest and best band to cure all forms of secret diseases of the skin, and solitary habits of youth, is DR KINKELI.N, Northwest corner of Till Kl> and I'.NKiN Sire'f", between Spruce ami Pine,a sqoare-aiid-ah.tif from the Exchange, Philadelphia. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE There is a habit whicli boys teach each other at the j Academy or College—a halni Indulged in w hen by him self, in solitude, growing up with the boy to manhood; few of those who indulge in Ibis pernicious practice are aware of the consequence* until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable feel ings, vague fears in tlie mind. The individual heroines feeble, he is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply hi* mind to study; lis step is tardy and weak, he Is dull irresolute. Persons of all ages can now judge what is the rnuse of their declining healtn, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated VOIJNC MEN"'! T.et no false modesty deter you fiom making your case known to one who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend you. 11,. who place* himself under Dr. Kiukeliu's treatment, may religiously confide in hie honor a* a gentleman, aiul in whose bosom will be foi ever locked the secret of the patient. Thousands have been restored to health, from the de- ' vastations of those terrific maladies by Da. Kl> KI.I.AN o, I German Physician. PACKAGES OF MEDICINES, ADVICES, fcc f„. warded, by sending a remlttam •-, and put up see lire from DAWAOK OB CI RLFLSITV. gVPosT-FAJD LETTER* answered forthwith Philadelphia, January 37, Ihlb ly. mm MERHANTS. | WE have always on hand a fine slock of tin: following articles, which we arc prepared to scdl Wholesale, at a small advance on city rates, having been "writ bought'" pnr chasino U I must strictly for CASH : Druics, Patent Medicines, (iiass, Oil, &c. Spices; Coffee, Sugar, Tea, &c. Tobacco and Segars; Fish and Salt Nails, and almost every article in Hardware Kiiddlory-wure; Candies, Nuts, Ate. Cotton Lips arid Cordage All kinds of PAPER, and Blank Books Cooking Stoves; Hats and Caps; Matches. F. J. 1101 FMAN. Lewistown, March 31, 131-19. Coutiles and Confectionary. VI, WAYS on hand a good stock ut whole . sale or retail, may 2H, 1649. F. J. HOFFMAN. i I ILLS' Embrocation for Horses for sale . J. Sal GREEN'S Medical Depot, No. 11. Lewistown, August If, 1649. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 184*. Baltimore Advertisements. University of Maryland I'M 5 LTV or PHYSIC. SESSION OF 1d49-'SO. fJMIE LFUTURES Mill curanienw, on MON t DAY, 29th October, and continue until the ' 15th of March, ensuing. Chemistry and Pharmacy—WlLLlAM E. A. I AIKEN, M. 1)., L. f., I). Surgery—NATHAN K. SMITH. Therapeutics, Materia Medica and Hvgienc— | SAMUEL CHEW, M. I). Anatomy and Phvsioloery—JOSEPH ROBY, i M. D. Theory and Practice of Medicine—WlL LIAM POWER, M. 1). Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Chil dren—RlCllAKD H. THOMAS, M I), ■j Lecturer on Pathology and Demonstrator of Anatomy—GEOßGE \V. MLLTKNRKKGKR. Instruction in Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery every day at the Baltimore Infirmary, opposite the Medical College. The rooms for practical anatomy will lie opened October Ist, under the charge of the demonstrator. Fees for the entire course >'u. Comfortable board may be obtained in the vicinity of the Medical I College, for $2,50 to $9,50 per week. WILLIAM E. A. AIKEN, Dean of the Faculty. Sept. 15, 1619.—3 m. Candy $l 4 2..">0 per hundred lbs. CANDY IVL AN UFACTORY AND ntr IT STORE, Ao. 2(1 Light stnet, Baltimore, Mtl. ~\l Eltril.WTsi anil the public, wishing article* in the i - Confectionary line, are rm-pectfully invited (ogive me a call. The bulis. rih. r t tkt s pleasure in being aide to offer a greater variety in his line than can be had at ' any other esffihli.hnient in (lie city, and at prices which rane.ol fail to please 11 is. stock comprises every article in the line, such as W.V"/)V of three hundred different patterns and flavors; with a general assortment of For eign and Domestic Fruit, JVuts, Preserve*, Pirk.'m, See Much pleasure w ill l.e taken to show my stork and prices to dealers ; also, persons at a distance wishing informa tion, liv addressing the undersigned , Will he forwarded a list of articles with the price* annexed. All goods ship p-d free of charge. Strict attention paid to p,i king, Jtc by JOStl'U It. MANN. September 22, ISS-Jra. tnnu cuts stiibgk tapers: i OCrOnc of* lifi* rraiiks! \ German family, composed of an old man, his wife 4 ' and a brood of sir healthy, and ropy-cheeked chil dren, direct from the "Fatherland," who arrived in Bal timore a few days since, on their way to the ' far west," was robbed the day after their arrival In some unmiti gated scoundrel, of a small leather trunk, containing #4,267 in Gold, w iiu h I hey had brought safely 30n0 mil. s over a trea> herons sea to part company with jtisl as they . had nearly reached their destination The distress con tequeut upon tin- realization of their loss can tea reel v he imagined. But mark the strange sequel 1 lie father, in passing along l.iglit street, was prompted by his lucky genius to pause fur a moment at the w iiub.w of Messrs Pyfer A. Co., 1 l ight street, in which a larg,- amount of Ciohl is displayed to the gaze of the curious, when he yielded to an irresistible yearning to try Ills luck in some of their Magnificent l-otteries, in the hope to make up his logs. He purchased a Package of Tickets in the .Mary land Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 12.";, and our read er* may judge his surprise ami excessive joy, upon learn ing after the draw ing that he had drawn tiie Brilliant prize of #211,000, which handsome amount this far-famed end truly fortunate lottery firm promptly paid him with out charging any extra discount, when he went his way rejoicing.— Baltimore paper. Straws show which way the mml blows ' Pyfer h Co. sell the prizes. Fortune for all at this lucky House! \ few more of the glorious resulis #3,000, whole ticket, sent to Columbus, Ohio. #"\t*i7, w hole ticket, sent to Georgia. #:t,noo. whole ticket, sent to North Carolina. #IB,OOO, half ticket, sent to North Carolina #IO,OOO. half ticket, sent to Virgiuia #21,000, quarter ticket, sent to South Carolina. #J,(MM), quarter ticket, sent to 5 tr ginta. §9,214, quarter ticket, sent to Pennsylvania #s,floo, quarter ticket, sent to Tennessee. #I,OOO, quar ter ticket, sent to Indiana. F.very prize advertised by Pyfer it Co arc noticed by the Managers in their Official Reports. Pyfer A Co. pay their prizes at sight! Nothing so easy now as to realize a fortune. O All who read this paper should try their luck. A small outlay may set ure an independent fortune BHfI.r.MJVT SCHF.MF.S FOB OCTOBFB. la, 9. *lll Orders strirtiy confidential at Pyfer ,<- Co 's Date. Capital No. of Price of Price of October Prizes. Ballots Tickets. Packag's 9 #22,500 TO Nos. II drawn #.' #l7 50 1(1 50,000 75 Nos. II drawn 10 56 25 II 24,000 "8 Not, 13 drawn 5 Its 50 12 15,000 75 Nos. li drawn 4 13 (Ml 13 33.000 78 Nos. 16 draw n 10 30 (Ml 15 3of 15,(MM) 75 N. < II drawn m 27 50 16 21,(MX) 78 %<•*. 13 drawn 5 18 .'0 17 37,377 78 Nos. It drawn 10 32 .'MI Is 20,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 5 15 oil 19 Is,lino 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 50 2(1 30,(MM) 75 Nos. 12 drawn 10 32 50 22 25.000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 8 27 50 23 20,000 75 No*. 14 drawn 5 10 25 2 30,000 66 No*, lo drawn 10 30 (Ml 25 20,00(1 78 No*. 14 drawn 5 17 50 20 15,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 1 1300 27 60,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 20 65 (Ml 29 25,000 75 Not. 12 drawn 8 27 50 30 24.000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 is 50 31 33,U.id 75 Nos 13 drawn 10 32 50 5-The price of Packages of (Quarter Ticket* only, is advertised above. c vPlease mail orders a few days before the Lotteries draw. letiters always strongly enveloped and carefully soiled None but the Managers' printed Draw iugs sent from PVFBR Sl CO.'S Kvery ortb r to Pyfer A Co is answered by return mail Bank Drafts or Certificates" of Deposit payable in Gold at sight, and promptly remitted to any part of the csiiii try for prize* sold at this Agency. JMine package of Ticket* may draw Four Capitals! *>Money in any sums however large, can he confident ly mailed to the address of Vyfer Co. Distant residents throughout the United States, who desire an Increase of Fortune, have only to mail an order for a single ticket or package at the prices set forth in (lie above Schedule, a* sin ce** must.surely crow n the result of all order* lo the Old Fstublished, Far-famed and Truly Lucky House of PYFER & CO., iVo. I Light ni.f Baltimore, Mil., October 6, 1819—1 m. ■ Yltl 4**, Mefliciiiffl, <i<\ ■ w OILS, PAIN PS, <Nc. BLANK. BOOKS CORDAGE, COTTON LAPS, &c. STEEL SPRINGS PURE WHITE LEAD, t 82 per Keg For sale bv F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewiftown, June 23, 1819. V I . ARGE |.,t of oikkl liEAD 11/ ADE <.'fjOTIII .VLr Molliri'r fill very cheap. jo!y2B. NUSBAUM, BROTH SIRS. ITALIAN Soap for removing Freckles and any eruptions of the skin, for sale by Dec, 23, lhis. E. ALLEN. emit \ira. Konlxlnirg-, Centre Co. I*a. ("1 ARDENERS and orchardists who desire JT to plant only t lie very best kinds of hardy fruits, are respectfully informed that tiiey can obtain trees here of all the most estimable va rieties, including nil those which have received the especial sanction of the American Congress of Fruit Growers. (N. V., Oct. l*4-t ) The TREES offered tin s season arc of beau tiful appearance, extra size, (except a few new rare sons) and from the elevated locality m which the Nursery is established, have all the essential advantages of hardiness and early maturity, for which trees grown at the north have been deservedly preferred. The advantages possessed here are bein< r improved to the utmost, with the view of mak ing this Nursery, in merit, second to none in the State. Every tree is indelibly marked and warranted correct. They will be deliv ered in Lewistown or at intermediate places at tiie low catalogue prices, and warranted sound on delivery, it to be si tipped, they will bo well packed for the purpose at a moderate charge. It is advised that orders he sent direct to the Nursery, 111 preference to purchasing illy as sorted trees, from often irresponsible dealers, at high prices. Such orders, if received in lime, have the first attention. Season for fall planting. October 20. A choice collection of the most admired or namental plants, vines, evergreens, &c. has been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to all post paid applicants. \VM. G. WARING. I< a!sburg, July T, I S 4'J—lf. [ Dem. copy Fall I'ittliioii* Received. W.C;. ZOI.I.IMJFR'S HIT J1 IMF.ICTIIPtI, Market street, Leiristown, adjoining Ken nedy \ Porter's Store. \ I it. Z. informs the citizens of Mifflin IT l and the adjoining counties, that he lias / shions, and is now j repnrcd furi i-h all in want ot£? m new HATS or CAPS with an arti cle, neat, durable and weli finished, comprising every style manufactured tor this market. The care and attention he has ever given to the manufacture of the style of flats preferred by his numerous Ornish customers, will he continued; and he feels warranted in giving the assurance that they will not be disap poitted. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it decidedly to their advantage to give hint a cail, fbr his arrangements are now such, as to enable lum to furnish Htiy quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful for the encouragement he has thus tar received, he will continue to deserve it, by continued assiduity to the wants of his friends, and strict attention to his business, l.ewistown, Sept. 29, 1849. HAT & CAPtfp) IT. J. ?. "JSISUIj .4/ his ()ld Stand in Market street, HAS just received the Beebe Costar and latest Philadelphia and New York bail fashion of Hats and Caps, and is now prepared to furnish both old and new customers with an article, which lie will warrant good, and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a large and general assortment of HATS AM) CAPS, ton v/: ,v A which he will dispose off WHOLESALE or KE PAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained here or elsewhere. His Ornish friends will also find him pre pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled BIi(JAI)-HItIMS w ill receive the same care and attention which he has always bestowed upon thein. Don't torgct the old stand, where you tuny depend upon not being disappointed. N. J. It. feels grateful for the generous pa tronage he has thus far received, and assures ail that he will spare no pains to give the gen eral satisfaction that lie has hitherto succeed ed in affording all who have dealt with him. Lewistown, Sept. 15, 1849—tf. .% <1 ill illi*tmtor's Notice. lETTERS ot administration on the estate _i of ENOCH AURAXD, late of Decatur township, deceased, have boon granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims a gninst -;nd decedent are duly notified to pre sent them, duly authenticated, for settlement, without delay; and all knowing themselves . indebted are requested to make immediate pay- ! menf. ELI AS AURAND, Adm'r. October 0,1849—0t. Administrator's Aotice. IKTTERS of administration on the estate u of GEORGE SETTLE, late of Oliver township, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in stud township, he here by notifies all persons indebted to said estate j to call and settle the same without delay, and those having claims against the estate are re quested to present them, dulv authenticated. JOHN SETTLE, Adm'r. October B, 1849. (it. AdmiiiitftratoiV Notice. IKTTERS of administration on the estate oj A WILLIAM MARKS, late of the bor-, ough of Lewistown, deceased, have been grant ed to the subscribers, residing in said Borough. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate, to cull and settle the sumo, with out delay, and those having claims against said ! estate are requested to present them. ALFRED MARKS, J. W. SHAW, Administrators. , Levvistown, Sept 15, 1849.—(it. I tJortri?* EARLY WOO'D AND WON. El MRS. ALDY. O ! sigh not for the fair young hritle, Gone in tier opening bloom, far from tier kindred, lov'd and tried, To glad another home ; Already are the gay brief days Of girlish triumph done, And tranquil happiness repays The early woo'd and won. Fear shall invade her peace no more, Nor sorrow wound the breast; Her passing rivalries are o'er. Her passing doubts at rest ; Tiie glittering haunts of worldly state, Love whispers her to shun, Since scenes of purer bliss await The early woo'd and won. Here is a young and guileless heart, Confiding, fond, and warm ; Unsullied by the world's vain mart, Unscathed by passion's storm ; in 1; hope deferred" she had not pined Till hope's sweet course was run ; No chains of sad remembrance bind The early woo'J and won. Her smiles and songs have ceas'd to grace The hall of festive mirth, But woman's safest dwelling place, Is by a true one's hearth; Her hours of duty, joy, and love, Ji; brightness have begun ; I'care lie her portion from above, The earl) woo'd and won. JH i 811 11 *nt ou 0 ♦ Farming in Montgomery fonnlr. The Norristown, Montgomery county, Pa., Register furnishes the following list of farms— tiieir size, products, &'c., which wc annex for the benefit and interest of our agricultural friends in this region. Montgomery count' - , it must be remembered, ranks high as an ag ricultural district, and the land, generaliy. is in the best state of cultivation. Mr. George lliltner, whohveson hisfarm, in the northeastern part of the township, con taining 22 acres of cleared land, gave an ac count of us pioducts, as follows: Wheat, 16 bush, on 1 acre, amount $17,60. Rye, 50 bush, on 3 acres, amount .S3O. Corn, 60 bush, on 3 acres, amount $36. Apples, 20 basil., amount $2. Hay, 8 tons, on eight acres, amount SIW). Oats, 40 bush, on 3 acres, a mount sl2. Poultry. 50, amount sl2. Eggs, 50 doz., amount $6,25. Butter, 500 lbs., amount SIOO. Calves, 4, amount S2O. Pota toes, 40 btnh., amount S2B. Pork, 600 ibs., amount s' : 6. The whole amount from the products of Mr. H.'s farm was $305,95. Mr Henry Ly singer, who lives on the Ger mantown and Pc-rkionicn turnpike, on his little farm containing 11 acres of cleared land, gave an account ot the products as follows : Wheat, 20 bush, on 1 acre, amount $22. Rye, 12 bush, on b acre, amount sa,4o.$ a ,40. Corn, 75 bush, on l£ acres, amount $45. Apples, 100 bush., amount $25. Hav, 6 tons, on 3 acres, amount $72. Poultry, 30, amount $lO. — Esgs, 25 doz., amount $5. Butter, 350 lhs., amount S7O. Calves, 2, amount $lO. Pota tors, 8 bush., amount $6. Pork, 700 lbs., amount $42. The whole amount from the pro duels of .Mr. I .'s little farm, was $313.40. , Mr. Francis Davis, who lives on his farm, in the eastern part of the township, not far from the line between it and Whitpan, containing 47 acres of cleared land, gave the following account of its products : Wheat, 100 hush on 4.j acres, amount $lO5. Rye, 11 bush, on 1J acre, amount $9, a O. Corn |2OO bush, on 7 acres, amount $l2O. ilay, 20 tons, on 11 acres, amount $240. Oats, 200 bush, on 6 acres, amount S6O. Poultry, 60, amount $lB. Eggs, 150 doz. amount $24. Butter 900 lbs., amount SIBO. Calves. 6. amount $24. Pota toes, 5 bush., amount $4. Pork, 1000 lbs., amount S6O. The whole amount Irom the products nl Mr. D.'s farm was $984,8 U. Mr. George Freas, who lives on his farm, near the last mentioned, containing 44 acres ol cleared land, gave an account of its pro ducts as follows: Wheat, 120 bush, on 5 acres, amount $l3B. Rye, 15 bush, on £ acre, amount sl2. Corn, 200 bush, on 6 acres, amount $l2O. Apples, 60 bush., amount sl2. I lay, 22 tons, on 14 acres, amount $264. Oats, 240 bush, on 6 acres, ninount $72. Poultry, ItKt, amount S4O. Eggs, 100 doz. amount sl4. Butter, 1200 Ibs .amounts24o. Calves, 7. amount $35. Potatoes, 20 bush., amount sl6. Pork, 1500 lbs, amount siHl. The whole amount from the products ol Mr. F.'s farm was $1053. Mr. Andrew Reed gave an account of the products of the farm on which ho lives, near Plymouth creek, containing 117 acres of cleared land as follows, viz: Wheat, 400 bush, on 11 acres, amounting to, at prices sold, $420. Rye, 15 bu>h. on 1 acre, amount sl2. Corn, 400 bush, on 15 acres, amount $260. Apples, 500 bush., amount SOS. Ilay 50 tons, on 30 acres, amount SOSO. Oats, 500 bush, on 15 acres, amount $175. Poultry, 100, amount S3O. Eggs, 150 doz. amount $22.50. Butter, 4000 lbs., amount sll6O. Calves sold, 22, amount $154. Potatoes, GO bush., amount S4O. Pork, 3500 lbs., amount $2lO. The whole amount ol prod nets from he farm on which Mr. R. lives, was $3198,50. Mr. llecd has 23 very line cows, some of which are worth from S4O to SSO. Mr. Henry Orthp, who lives on a farm about a mile below Norristown, on the Hiiige road turnpike, containing 48 acres ot cleared land, and 4 acres of woodland, and keeps a public house, gave the following account of its products, viz: Wheat, 100 bush., on 7 acres of land, amounting to, at prices sold, sllO. Rye, 50 bush., on 5 acres, amount a55. Corn, 120 bush., on 7 acres amount $72. Apples, 50 hush, amount $lO. Hay, 15 tons on 11 acres, amount $225. Oats, 224 bush., ou 9 acres, amount $75. Poultry, 70. amount $29. Eggs, 100 doz.. amount sl4 Butter, 150 lbs., amount $37,50. Timothy seed, 1 bush., amount 3 dollars. Calves, sold, 2, amount 10 doliars. Potatoes, 30 bush., amount 25 dollars. Pork, 1100 !bs , amount 66 dollars. The whole amount of the products, New Kerie*—Vol. Jt—No. 52. from the farm tn which Mr. O. lives, was 710,50 dollar.". Mr. Thomas Livezy, who lives on his farm, on the Germnntown and l'erkiomen turnpike. Containing 105 acres of cleared land, ar.d II acres of woodland, gave tho follow in 17 account of the products from hia farm, viz: Wheat. 500, hush, on 10 acres, amount 550 dollars. Rye, on 1 acre, amount 20 dollar". Corn, 800 bush., on 15 acres, amount 4SO dollars. Apples 20 liush., amount 8 dollars. Turnips, 200 bush., amount 40 dollars. Hay, 70 tons, on 44 acres, amount 1050 dollars. Oats, 300 bush., on ( acres, amount 100 dollars. Poultry, JOO, amount 25 dollars. Eggs, 0 doz., amount 9 dollars Butter, 400 lbs., amount 80 dollar*. Cattle sold as products of bis farm, amount 300 dollars. Clover seed, 7 lush., amount 35 dol lars. Timothy seed, 3 bush., amount 0 dol lars. Calves sold, 5, nrnount 25 dollars. Po tatoes, 70 lnish., amount 42 dollars. Pork, 2500 lbs., amount 150 dollars The whole amount of the products from Mr. L.'s farm was 2923 dollars. DON'T DOSF. TOUR CHILDREN. —Our doctor says it is astonishing how tough children become as the family grows. It is a wonder that most partr-ls don't kill their first child, with anxiety and medicine. " My dear," exclaimed the "isn't that baby about to sneeze ?" " 'Pon my life, 1 don't know :—why?" " Didn't it offer to sneezer" " I really cannot say. Why ?" " Down with that window—get mo (he 'syrup of Ipecac.'—and then run for the doctor. Run —run !" " But there's nothing the matter with the child," persists the father. " There is, 1 tell you. Here hold it's nose, until 1 give it this medicine. Oh, dear, we're going to lose it. Go for the doctor, somebody !" and tho silly and inexperienced mother worries herself into a ferment, doses her baby until she makes it sick, teases the doctor, and annoys every body. Don't dose your children. MUTUAL CONSOLATION. —An old clergyman, who had an old tailor as his beadle or officer for many years, returning from a walk where Thomas was in the constant habit of attending him, thus addressed his fellow traveller, the minister's man : " Thomas, I cannot tell how it is, that our church should he getting thinner and thinner —for lam sure I preach as well as ever I did, and should have more experience than when I first came among you." " Indeed," replied Thomas, "old ministers now-a-days, are just like old tailors ; for I am sure 1 can sew as well as ever I did, ar.d the cloth is the same, but it's the cut, sir—it's tho new cut." PROSCRIPTION— a neu> Move. —lt is rumored that Gen. Taylor, to atop the lamentations of Mr. Ritchie, has directed a strict search to he made for some Whig who held office by the appointment of Mr. Polk, and that if any such shall he found they shall be "turned out" forth with. Up to the last advices the search was entirely unsuccessful. A citizen of this place (J. L. Childress, Esq..) has been heard of as a case in point; but has held office only foT half a day, and then only through the mistake of Mr. Secretary Walker, he is not considered as coining "under the rule."— Tuscaloosa Mon itor. BRINGING COALS TO NEW CASTLE.—The H<rr~ risbvrg Ttlepaph states that propositions have been made by English colliers, to furnish the Harrisburg Gas Company with Eiglish coal, at a lower price than that at which the same arti cle can be procured from Pittsburg. This is literally bringing coals to New Castle The importation of coal to Pennsylvania is emphati cally another evidence of the "good time a com ing," which the Locofocos promised the people under the Tariff of '46. SOUTH CAROLINA BEATEN. —An individual named Price, living in Ohio, hat filed a bill of exceptions in the Commercial Court in Cincin nati, to the running of the Cincinnati and Dayton Railroad through his land, on the ground that his possessions are a small inde pendent nation, in Ohio, he having in conse quence cf his disapproval of the annexation o Texas, publicly at thai time, declared his inde pendence. FASHIONABLE AMUSEMENTS. —Bishops Hod ding, Waugh, Morris, Hamlin, and Janes of the Methodist Episcopal Church, have addressed to Ihe Conferences under their jurisdiction, a cir cular enjoining the strict observance of the Church discipline relative to participation in the prohibited amusements of dancing, etc. Church members are not allowed to permit dancing in Iheir houses, even though they do not partici pate themselves. THE ENORMOUS POLAR BEAR recently killed :>n the coast of Labrador by the crew of a British fishing vessel, was Id feet long, and weighed 2200 pounds. The combat with him asted an hour and a half; eight men armed with musket? were the assailants, and 10 bul lets were lodged in the animal's body. MARYLAND ELECTION. —The election in Ma ryland, has resulted in the choiee of three Whig and three locofoco members of Congress, ind a Whig majority in ho'h branches of the Legislature. There Is a Whigmajority of 11 in the House and 9 in the Senate. DEAD—DRI NK. —We learn from Mackinac (hat the twenty-one Indians reported to have been found on the beach near that place dead :>f cholera, got up the next day and went about their business. Wheu discovered they were July dead —drunk. EDGAR A. Pot, a well known writer, died in Baltimore on Sunday last, after a brief illness sf only four or five days. The Baltimore Sun states that he was a native of Maryland, hut was reared by a foster father in Richmond Va. He was in his 38th year. LAZINESS grows on people ; it begins in cob webs and ends in iron chains. The more busi ness a man has to do, the more he is able to accomplish, for be learns to economise his time. Svov .—There was a fall of snow on the mountains, above Frostburg in Maryland, one day last week.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers