Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 06, 1849, Image 6

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    n:\rni: mm,
BoaUburff, Centre Co. Pa.
GARDENERS and orchardists who desire
to plant only the very best kinds of hardy
fruaa, are respectfully informed that tbey can
obtain trees here of all the most estimable va
irties. including *•'/ those which have received
toe especial sanction of the American Congress
of Fruit Growers. (.V Y., Oct. 1845.)
The TREES offered tins season are of beati
tiful appearance, extra size, (except-
a few new rare sorts) and from
elevated locality in which the
-Ik NTursorv is established, have all the
essential advantages .of hardiness and early
maturity, for which trees grown at the north
have been deservedly preferred.
The advantages possessed here are being
improved to the utmost, with the view ot mak
ing this Nursery, in merit, second to none in
the Stale. Every tree is indelibly marked
and warranted correct. They will be deliv
ered in Lewislown or at intermediate places
at the low catalogue prices, and warranted
sound on delivery. If to be shipped, they will
be well packed for the purpose at a moderate
It is advised that orders be sent direct to the
Nursery, in /'reference to purchasing illy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsible dealers,
at hmh prices. Such orders, if received in
tirn*i have the first attention.
Season tor tali plnnting, October 20.
A choice collection of the most admired or
namental plants, vines, evergreens, &.c. has j
been added*to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to i
all post paid applicants.
Doalsburg, July 7,1919—tf. [Dem. copy j
PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans'
Court of Mifflin county, the subscriber,
administrator, &c. ot SAMUEL MATTER,
late of Armagh township, in the said county, I
deceased, will sell at public sale, on the pre- 1
miscs, on
the lOth dav of October
next, (1949,) ail that messuage and tract of
unimproved mountain or wood land in the said
township of Armagh, bounded by land of John !
Aikens, Huh Seniple, and others, and con- I
acres, more or less.
TERMS OF SALE.—One half of the pur- i
chase money to be paid on the confirmation of •
the saie by the Court, and the remainder in j
one year thereafter, with interest from the
time of the 6aid confirmation, and to be secur- .
ed by bonds and mortgages on the premises. i
Tiie said tract ot land will be sold in lots or
parcels of fifty or one huudred acres, to suit ,
purchasers lor woodland.
Administrator, <J"C.
J. L. MCIX.VAI.VE, Clerk O. C.
August 25, lbift-r-td.
VWIHE undersigned offers at private sale
his House and Lol on Valley street,
in Lewistjwn, opposite the residence of John
C. Sigler, Esq. The lot extends 200 feet !
back, and fronts about HO feet on Valley street,
and has erected upon it a two story frame
Dwelling House,
The house is two stories high,
fr^-^^S&aieasant one, and water conve
, TERMS CF SALE ate, one-half of the purchase
money on confirmation of the sale, and the be!- _
ancc in two equal annual payments, to be so- '
cured by bond and mortgage on the premises.
Fur farther particulars inquire of the subscri
ber, living on the premises.
Lewistown, July 21, 1649—tf.
riIHAT well known MERCHANT
-*■ MILL, situated in the Kiehacoquil-
Us Valley, 6 miles from Lewistown, Mifflin
county, Pa. The Mill is fifty feet square, four
tories high, with three pair French Burrs,
one pair country do., two Water Wheels 17
feet high—the walls running from 54 to 22
inches in thickness. There is attached to the
MILL, Two Dwelling
jy|jJj||HOUSESv Barn, Coop-Jyj£j|||
Six Acres of Land,
wilh 23 Acres of Woodland,
within £ mile of the mill. Possession can be
given on the first day cf April next.
For fnr*her particulars, apply to GEORGE
BLYMYER, Lewistown, Pa., or to SCULL &
THOMPSON. NO 47 North Water St., Philada.
August 19, lr>49—tnov.l.
Valuable Heal Estate and
/flill Property
F 0 11 S A L E.
subscriber offers at I*RIV\IE HA. LB that
■ valuable farm of LIMES T 0 N E
f> <1 .V I), bituate in iCishacoquillsa Valiey,
Mifflin county containing
X 6 O Acres,
more or leas. The improvements are a
wi':i thiee run of Burrs and one pair of Chop
pin" Stones, ail in full operation and in good
rep-cr, situated in a fertile region wrth a good
run of custom. Also, a
:■ rid FK AME ffOl.'SEfiSrihc mil'er.
< In 1 lie farm there is a good FRAME 4
lalfce BARN, and ntzdißESj
Twenty acres of the above i* good timber
land, the balance cleared and in a high state of
cultivation. There is likewise a good appear
ance of Iron Ore of the bet-' quulity, known as
the "Greenwood < re." This property lies
near Greenwood, on the west branch of Kisha
coquilias creek, A never failing stream of lime
stone v/after.
1 bid estate will be sold together or separate
to suit purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises, or purchasing, can ascertain
terms,&/c, by calling on Mr. WILLIAM Mr-
CLELLAN, living m the neighboriiood.
March 17, 1949—tf.
C1 11STGHAIVTS t~ Good Mnnchestet Ging
-1 hams, at only (VJ cents per yard, to be
had at the only cheap store in town, . e.
Look Out for the
Tremendous Excitement!
: and all about Thomas's selling
Goods so Cheap.
I have a large assortment of
and Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, made by the
best of workmen ; a variety of
Mf ry Goods,
<£roceriro atiJX iUauova,
i of the best kind; among which are some very
choice Brandies, and a superior article of
Stouton Bitters; Also, COOKNG
STOVES; Povyder, Shot, and
Lead; 100 barrels best Mo
nongahela Whiskey ;
i 1 have made arrangements to have all the
luxuries of the Eastern and Southern Markets
by railway; such as Sweet Potatoes, Toma
toes, Peaches, Melons, Pickles, cjc., all of
which will be sold at a slight advance for cash.
between Swartx's and McDowells taverns.
Lewistown, Sept. 8, lft49—tuilO.
u oixq W-WARE.
I r|VHE undersigned continues to manufacture
JL Stoves, Hollow-ware, cj-c., at the
Old Logan Foundry,
j formerly carried on by A. B. Long &. Co., and
I oilers to the public the following articles;
j The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very
good stove, and well deseives those high com
mendations so unanimously bestowed upon it.
Also the
flutliaway C ooKhiu Move,
, which stands unrivalled in this or any other
| country. It has been tested for the last nine
years, and is justly pronounced the best and
' the most durable article of that kind ever used.
Hundreds of certificates Could be procured, if
necessary. The
jof various sizes. Coal Stoves, of every de
• scription; Parlor and Chamber do., fur coal or
1 wood; Aic-Ught do., got up in a neat and beau
■ tifirl style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans,
i Pots, iron Stands, and numerous other articles
iof Hollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoes, and all
kinds ot Castings made to order. lie is also
: manufacturing
j ol one and a quarter inch calibre, and intends
to keep a supply on hand at all times, The
subscriber is determined to make the ware
out of the very beet material that can be pro
' cured : and for the accommodation ot distant
purchasers, keeps wagons and horses for the
purpose of delivering stoves at any point within
eighty miles, free ol any additional charge.—
j All the stoves are warranted to stand the fire
and perform well, and if not, the money will be
' refunded on their return ; if a plate should break
' or crack, it will be replaced free of charge.
There IH connected with the Foundry, n
Tinning Establishment, for manufacturing
j Tin Ware of every Kind,
j where purchasers will please call.
| OC7*AU orders from a distance will meet
with prompt attention. Wholesale dealers
would do well to give me a call, as I will
wholesale Stoves and Hollow-ware on as fair
teriß9 as they can be had at any other place.
AU kinds of country Produce taken in ex
Lewistown, Jan. 27, 1849—tf.
At his Old Stand in Market street,
HAS just received the Beebe ML Costar
ami latest Philadelphia and New York
Fall Fashion of Hats, and Cops, and is now
prepared to furnish both old and new customers
with an article, which he wifl warrant good,
and nothing short' r. LJe has now on hand a
large and general assortment of
which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or
RETAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained
here or elsewhere.
His Ornish friends will also find htm pre
pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled
BROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care
and attention which he has always bestowed
upon them. Don't forget the old stand, where
you may depend upon not being disappointed.
N. J. R. feels grateful for the generous pa
tronage he lias thus far received, and assures
all that be will spare no pains to give the gen
eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed
ed in affording all who have dealt with him.
I/ewistown, Sept. 15, 1849—tf.
A/T BUOY has just returned from the city
| lv-I • with the largest, cheapest, and most
select assortment of
Clocks, Watches, & Jewelry
fegUA ever offered for sale in
Lewistown; embracing in
great variety every de
/f[p* 'JpKjfcf acriptionof WATCHES,
il l®' \ wjuSEL from Gold Patent levers
down to the ordinary fciil
""'Ug&£S& ver Quariter; Clocks of
all kinds, Musical Boxes,
I Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Indies, Sugar
! Tongs, Rutter Knives, Gold Pens and Pencils,
| Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, gold and
silver Spectacles, silver Thimbles, Rogers'
I Cutlery, &c , &.c.
These articles were all purchased at ex
tremely low prices and will be sold atn GREAT
REDUCTION from the price they have hitherto
commanded. The ladies and gentlemen are
, respectfully invited to call and examine the
i stock.
| Watches nnd Jewelry repaired
on reasonable terms, at short notice.
SILVER taken in exchange for all
j articles he hus for sale.
J,ewihtown, May 5, 1849—tf.*
j A FIP is 8 small piece of money, yet it will
* P H y f" r a yard ot excellent Calico or
Muslin , if taken to the store of
Ju'y 29, IS 19.
THK Proprietor of this valuable remedy
fur W<inH9. introdncee to his friends and
the public, his Celebrated Vermifuge. Ilead
the following:
UECATin Towsmiy., jymin couuiy, 1
September lUh, 1819. t
Respected Friend- Two of our children having been
severely afflicted this summer with. Fever aud Ague, and
having checked it four different times by the use of the
regular remedies, still they complained of pains in the
legs, bowels, head, and in fact in the triple system; vora
cious appetite, fever, great diarrhoso, Ac, and after hav
ing used all the remedies thought suitable for the nliove
symptoms, 1 concluded that Uiay both had Worms, and
accordingly gave each of them (the one nine years of age
and the other 7) two tea-spoopfuU apiece of your valua-
He" Vermifuge, and in three hours from the time of their
taking tile above small doses, the youngest passed FIVE
of the largest worm/ 1 have ever seen- The oldest hoy
passed a nthd baft of worm/ (it may appear Incredible, but
it is truth) as large as a walnut, and both have been get
ting w ell last since.
You may make the above public if you think proper for
the benefit of others, and for the purpose of introducing
your valuable Vermifuge in Decatur township.
Yours, Ac., D. 11. FISHER.
The cbove valuuble Vermifuge is prepared
and sold by Or. S. F. (rKKLN, at the Lewis
town Medical Depot, No. 11.
September 29, 1649.
The Franklin Fire Insurance
Company of Philadelphia,
fTPUOK, No. lt)3i Chesum street, r:mr Fifth street.
Charles X Raockor, George W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, jMordocai 1) Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolpiie E. Borie,
Samuel Grant, Divide, Brown,
Jacob U. Smith, Morris Patterson.
Continue'to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on
every description of properly in town and country, at
rates as low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserve*! a large Contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
affords ample protection to the a sail red
The assets of the Company, on January Ist. ISIB, as
published agreeably to au Act of Assembly, were as fol
lows, VIZ :
Mortgages, S3OO.MS 03
Real Estate, Jb8,338 90
Temporary Loans, 121,459 00
Stocks, 51,593 25
Cash, &e. 45,157 87
$1,220,1197 A;
Since their incorjmration, a period of eighteen years,
they have paid upwards of one million tern hundred thou
sand dollar/ losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of
the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and
Imposition to meet with [uroinptneo all liabilities
CHARLES N. BANCKEK, /'resident.
For terms apply to R. C. HALE, Lewie
town. apl4—ly.
Italain, liOzengesii Plaster.
I)r. Sherman's OL()S.IOyiAX, or .///-
Healing Balsam,
Fur fir cure f Cum.utapCion, I/t/jtpcptic Con
sanptiun, SPITTING of FLOOD, Hronchtlis, Jhfficulty of
Cold*, Pain* w thi kirtn4t and Sudt, L*y*p*p
tin, and the ran OH* affedions of tks
Stomach and Liver.
The great celebrity which tins remedy has obtained
among those who are acquainted with its virtues, and are
rejoicing in its effects, has induced the Proprietor to give
it the name ol fjI.OSAOJTJAJY, fit At.l UCAUKU
HA/.:SAM, to distinguish it front all other Remedies now
in use. Its combination is the n-sutl of mofethan Y WKJVTY
t K A us experience, and he believes it to be the most perfect
remedy known—for it has been used by thousands of per
suns, and 111 all instances w nit the moat decided benefit
For References or Certificates of Remarkable Cases cl
long standing ami considered beyond Hope, see a small
Rook furnished gratis t\ the Agenlstoall who desire U.
Tile sufferings which children frequently undergo from
WORHS often tend ton fata! termination, white the CAI SE
1- never suspected. Offensive breath, picking at the nose,
grinding the teeth during sleep, starting up in sleep with
fright ami screaming, troublesome cough, and feverish.
1 >'sr, are among some of thertmtvKiiT sv wptowo of tlie
presence of worms. A timely use of
w ill Immediately remove all these unpleasant symptoms,
and restore to perfect health.
Consumption, intlucn/.a,coughs, colds, whooping cough
tightness of the lungs or chest may he cured by a proper
imp of
Headack', palpitation of the heart, low ties* of spirit, sea
sickness, despondency, faintnev*, rholic, spasms, crani(is
of the stomach, summer or bowel complaints,arc quickly
and entirely relieved by using
Rhcunioti.m, weak track, pain and weakness of the
breast, hack, limbs,.and otber parts of the hotly are speedily
and effectually relieved by
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster,
which costs only 14i cents,is wiihlu the reach ot all. It
has his name with directfons printed on the finrlcdf the
Piaster, and a far simile of the Doctor's written name
under the directions. None others are genuine or to be
relied 011. Dr Sherman's Warehouse is No. 106 Nassau
street, New \orfc.
Wholesale Agent for litis county ('HAS.
RITZ. [dec. L* lb4ti—ly.
i), mmmi
WOULD respectfully inform their lriends
and the public, that they still continue
to carry on the MARIiLC li VSINESS in
all its various branches, at their old stand,
Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sis.,
where they huve constantly on hand MARBLE
OR AV E STONES, Ace. AJI kinds of
work executed with neatness, nnd on Ihe most
reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal
patrenago extended to them, they still solicit
a continuance of the same.
Orders front any part of Lheqpuotry, through
mail, attended t> with accuracy and despatch.
March 17,1847 —tf
Medicine*. Ac.
' PURE WHITE LEAD, at $2 per Keg
For sale bv
I Lewistowu, June 23, 18 jy.
Martin & Wblteley'*
A certain Cure for Ague, Fever,
and Dyspepsia,
IN our summer and fall months many sections of our
country are prostrated :by 811.1.101 iS FEVER and
AGUE and FEVER —lt has been our particular study to
find out some remedy toMojlWs dreadful scourg.-, and
think, in this TONIC we have effected this great object
It is also we think the very hi st remedy in Dyspepsia,
and if our ditectiujui are foUuwcd, will not fail to effect
n cure.
In a letter dated, May 23d, 1819, our Agent, Mr Elias
Ranb, of Wrlghtsvßle, York county, Pa , says:—l have
never known niiy remedy for Fccer and Jlgut equal to
your invaluable National Tonic. It has given universal
satisfaction, and has cured cases of Ague of years stand
ing, and after the failure of all other medicines made use
of. Mr. Henry Bujrerson, of the same place, says in his
certificate, dated 22d March, 1319, ' I applied to a number
of Physicians, and also used a variety of the most popu
lar Ague Mixtures at different times, hot all without the
desired effect; no permanent cure having been afford yd.
I was at length induced, at the recommendation of your
worthy Agent at this place, to try a bottle of your Na
tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction, before I had
used half of it, I felt completely cured, though I contin
ued the use of it till 1 had taken two bottles.' In a Joint
certificate from Messrs. Miles Hoke, William Blaekson,
and James D. Brown, of Ibe same place, they say—'Hav
ing tried nearly all the remedies whbtu our reach with
out .access, we at last purchased some of'your Jfatiokal
Tonic, which has completely cured us. We, therefore,
cheerfully' recommend it to the notice of all persons af
flicted with that terrible disease us the best remedy yet
f?ee the Pamphlets, which you can get from one of our
Age ills gratis.
Also, Dr. Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use,
in all casts where a purgative is needed.
tf'r Prepared and sold by MARTIN A WHITBLEV,
Wholesale Drug Store, No. lb S. Calvert at., Baltimore.
Fur sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and WATT
SON &L JACOB, Lowislown ; and by ALEX
ANDER RLTLEDOE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
county. June 39, 1649—1y.
The Grand Purgative for the cure of
Headache, Giddiness, Measels, Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Morbus,
Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsey,
Pains in the Bick, Whooping Cough,
Inward weakness. Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of ihe Heart, l iver Complaint,
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of the Bkin,
F.ver* of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaints. Nervous Complaints,
and a variety of other diseases arising from impurities of
the blood, and obstructions in the organs of digestion.
Tlie aversion to Diking medicine is effectually removed
' being complctety enveloped with a coaling of pure white
: sugar (which is as distinct from lite internal ingredients
1 a* a nnt shell from tire kernel) and hire no tarte of modi
j ant but as easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover
they NKITIIEH NN SKATE OR ORIPE, but operate equally
j upon all the diseased parts of the system. Thus, if the
j liver be affected, one ingredient will operate on that
I particular organ, and, by cleansing it of any excess of
, bile restore it to its natural state. Another will operate
1 on the htood, while a third witt effectually expel what
ever impurities may have been discharged into the stom
ach, and hence they otrik* at tht root of disease, thus se
curing a free ami healthy action to the heart, lungs, and
l lvef ; am) thereby they restore health even when all
| other means have failed.
i The entire truth of the above can be ascertained hy the
j trial of a single box ; and their \ irlues are so positive and
certain in restoring health that the proprietor binds him
• self to return the money paid for th<tu in allcases v. here
] they do not give universal satisfaction.
Retail price 35 gents pur box.
Prim ipai office No. Mj Yesev s'rert, New York.
3> Re member Dr. C. V. Clickener is the inventor of
Sugar Coated I'Uis, and that nothing of the sort was
I ever heard of until he iulroduced them in June, ISI3.
Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Ctickener's
| toigar Cloat-d Vegetable Pills, and lake no others, or
j they will be made victims of fraud.
Wholesale A' r eut for this countv, CHAS.
RITZ. [Dec.23. I*4* -ly.
I Compound Sj i'iip ofSpiffdia
or Vegetable Vermit'ii^e,
! The most effectual, the safest, pleasantest
and most convenient Worm Medicine
ever offered to the public.
'DUE SPKJF.I.IA, says a work of highest authority,
stand* at thr head of tkchstof Anthehmutits or H'orm
Medirinrs. It is adapted to a wider range of cases, ami
10 a greater variety of constitutions and elates of the
constitution, than any other. Hut prepared as it com
monly is, in the form of tea, it can seldom be given to
children in sufficient doses. In llairis, Turner & Male's
I Compound Syrup, it is so concentrated that the dose is
i very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera
tion, and so palatable as to be taken, not only with ease,
I but with positive pleasure.
The precise composition of this > rup ami the mode of
preparing it, are Hie result of series of experiments
conthitied for rear* Before offering It for sale, it was
subjected to the test of experience in the hands of eini
; nent physicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, whohave
recommended it in the Inchest terms, and still employ it
j in ilit-ir pratlice. In addition to this evidence of its mer
its, we off>*r the following, selected from a number of un
; solicited testimonials.
j It. A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much
experience, writes fit it thus:
' I should have written before thin, but felt disposed
' first U> try the ellicaoy of your Vermifuge. 1 Itavr used
: more Ihun half the quantity received,ami the experiment
: has been most successful. / really believe that it posers
< fee advantages orer any at her ytrmifupe [hare ever vstel.
Independent of the aiuallness of the dose, and the plea
i saritnes* of the syrup (treat advantages in dosing chil
dren) the advantage Iftf administering it under a variety
of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there is
! scarcely a condition of the system in which it may not
j be administered. Your#, Ac."
2d. A respectable physician of Lebanon county, in this
j state, writes
" I have been in the habitof prescribing your Compound
j Syrup of Mpigelia for tome time past, and have found it
an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.—
1 Please forward per be irer '2 doz. bottles —Yours, Ate."
3d.—Alt intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we
' had previously sold the syrup, writes :
I "since my return home, 1 find that your Syrup of Spi
j gcliu has come into general use in this neighborhood, We
have sold what we had on hand, and it gave such satis-
I faction that it is now called for evey day. Yen will please
put us up A or 0 dozen in a small package,and send to the
I care of W. Anderson At Co., Hi< limotid, as soon as possi
; ble, and forward the bill per mail.—Yours, Ate."
I 4th.—A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to
Philadelphia, slat, il, that some lime since he had been ap
' plied to by a eu-tomrr lor a vial of —— 's Ver
mifuge for his son. Not having the article asked for, he
| advised a trial of Harris, Turner At Hale's Compound
Syrup'of S(ngelt.i and gave him . jutrt of a buttle which
was ail tl,at remained in the store. A ipty or two after
tins the gentleman returning to the shore, repressed his
' surprise and delight at the oA-i t of ihg syrup, declaring
; it had expelled UiW worms and entirely itlieved his son.
, The merchant added an expression of bis great regret that
lie had not had oil hands a bottle of tie: Syrup at the time
when Ins own little daughter died, as Sic confidently lie
j lievod it would have saved her life.
I 5th — A gentleman of Hudson, N. Y-, having sent a hot.
| lie of 11.mis, Turner A. ilaie's Compound tup of Jspl
gcliu, to a young friend w bo had tried in vain a great num
ber of worm medicines, writes, that his friend was imme
diately relieved j the words of the patient wti a: "fttooh
' every worm out luv body."
: YYJtolvsalv Druggist*, 2Vo. 2UI Marktl street,
[ Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical
, and Olistetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, \ in
' (low-glass, Paints,' Oils, Dyes, Perfumerioa, Ac., &r.,nnd
I exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner Ac lialu s
Sugar Coated Pills, Huxhiun's Liniment for the Piles, the
| Itanbridge Hair Tonic, Klmrle s Eye Water, Mrs. Madi-
I son's Unrivalled imlellible Ink. Dewees'Celebrated Nerve
; and Bone Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mrs Shars
! wood's Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla, for flavoring Pud
i duics, Ice Creams, Arc., Ac.
For salt; by dealers in Drugs generally in
j Centre, MifHin and Juniata counties. [au5 —tf
Comnouuti Sfitup of
I e the best .Medicinu yet for Coughs, Colds, (Jonsump
-* tion, rSpitlirig of Blood, &x. Read the fol
November 13th, 18-18.
Vsar Sir —l take great pleasure in tnying to ymrthat
Mr*. Rosa ba-, tieen entirety relieved of her cough by tlie
j use of > our Syrup uf li'ild Cherry. It had continued for
i folly eighteen mom lis. She had used several prepara
lions of the Wild Cherry now in (topular use, but not
with the slightest benefit, until she took yours. She on
ly took six bottles, and I am pleased to say she is now iu
, good health. Every one who siw Mrs. Boss thought
! her in a deep decline. J.EWIS P. ROSS,
1 No. 2G? S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Schoon
er O. K., Cambridge Packet.
, In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign
! Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Wa.hingtnn county, Mary
land, of June lith, 1818, says. Price "3 cents a Bottle.
Prepared and sold hy MAUTIX & WHITE!,CV, at
their wholesale Drug Store, 48 S. Calvert Street, Bilti
• more.
And for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and
ANDER RUTLEDUK, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
county. [June 30, 1849—1y.
LlVEtt CJMII'L\I\ i\
nic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the
Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from
a Disordered letter or Stomach in both
Male drid Female :
; Such as Conetipation, Toward Piles. Fulness or Blood
; to the Head, Acidity of tire Stomuch, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach,
Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the
Stoiuach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult
Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or suffocat
ing sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vi
sioti. Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain
I in the Head, Deficiency of perspiration, Yellowness of
the skin and eyes, pain in the Side, Back, Chest, i.irnhs,
her ., sudden Flushes of Heat, Bunting in the Flesh, con
stant imaginings of evil And great depression of spirits,
• rail be effectually cured by
Dr. Hoofiand's Celebrated
Their power oxer ike ahove diseases u not cnecllti—tf
equalled—by any other preparation in the United States, as
the cures attest, in many eases after skilful physicians had
of Insanity, and will also produce disease of the Heart,
Skin, I.ungs and Kidaeys, and lays the body open loan
' attack of the Cholera, Bilious, or Yellow Fever, and is
; generally the first cause of that most baneful disease,
| Consumption.
Opinions of the Philadelphia Press.
" The Dispatch," December 31st, say*:
Ait lev* LL'ABLE Municiea.—We ' have frequently
heard the celebrated German Bitters, manufactured by
Dr. Hoofland, spoken of in terms ofjcauuuvndation, and
; we know deservedly so. Ilia a too common practice, in
: certain quarters, to pufif all maneer of useless trash, but
in the case of the above Bitters, hundreds are living wit
nesses of their great moral and physical worth. As a
medicine for the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous
Debility, and Dyspepsia, it has been found invaluable,
{ effecting cures and thoroughly eradicating disease* when
' other medicines have failed. We fed convinced, that in
the use of the Gorman Bitters, the patient does not he
• come debilitated, but constantly gains strength and vigor
to the frame —a fact worthy of great consideration. The
i Hitters arc pleasant in taste and smell, andean be admin
; Utered under any circumstances to the most delicate
stomach. Indeed,.they can housed by ail persons with
the most perfect safety. It would be welt for those af
fected in the ucrvou* system, to commence with one lea
spoonful or less, and gradually increase. We speak from
j experience, and are of eiuirse a proper judge. The press
: far and wide have wtited in recommending the German
Bitters, and to the atflicted we most cordially advise their
41 Spirit of the Times," June 24, says :
" Do our good citizens who are invalids, know the ma
ny astonishing cures that have been'performed by Dr
HqofLtiid'* cchibfated German Bitters I If they dooot.
we recommend them to the 'German Medicine Store,'
ali who are afflicted with Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, ox Nervous Debility; the doctor has cured
many of our citizen* afler the best physicians had failed.
We have used them, and they have proved to be a rnedi
; cine that every one should know of, and we cannot re
-1 frain giving our testimony in their favor, and that which
gives them greater claim upou our humble effort is, they
are cnttrrly i egetablc.
'• Tlie Daily News," July 4ih, says :
" We speak knowingly of Dr. Hooftami's celebrated
German Bitters, when we say it is a blessing of this age;
j and in diseases of the biliary, digestive and nervous sy
loins, it has not we think an equal. It is a I'egetahle
Krrparatio a, and made without Alcohol, and to all invalids
jwe would recommend it,as worthy their confidence."
It is from uue of our first druggists, a gentleman favor
able known throughout the United States—the proprietor j
of the ' Medicated Worm Syrup:'
l'liiLADSLpniA, Nov. 22J, 1848. I
Dear sir—lt is tvilh much pleasure that i testify to the
: extraordinary virtues of your German Bitters, having
| sold largely of them these last few months to various
| persons, afflicted with liver complaints, dyspepsia, and
I debility of the nervous system. I can say conscientious
ly that they are the best article of the kind 1 have ever
sold, (.and 1 deal in all tlie popular medicines,) and I con
sider it tlie only medicine for the above diseases before
! the public.
I have never sold one bottle that has not given satisfac- I
Don, and brought forth the comuiendatiou of those who
• used If. ' |
I deem this my duty belli t-.you aa ihe proprietor of
tin* highly valuable nrf tei audyoUMMe afflicted with the
above cbu.pUhits, tint! they iiiayikftow of its curative
properties, and to ihini to seieef !he good from the i
various ariielee with which our market iu flooded
Willi uuii h respect, 1 remain yours, itc.
J. N. HDBENSACK, Druggist,
corner of Second and Coatee streets.
Cured after Physicians had failed.
Philadelphia, December 2T, 1848
■ Dear sir- 1 It is Willi feelings of pleasure I communicate
to yoi! the banal ive effects-faint ina-shtirt time).of your ,
invaluable Hootl.tnil'a celebrated German Bitters, upon
• my system while laboring under the Jaundice. About
' two years ago i had an attack of the Jaundice and tx as
! confined to the house sir weeks under medical treatment of
i the Family Khysicnm , aud for souie time after, when I
went out I had to very careful ofqnyself; since that time j
(■ I have had several attacks of the same disease, and your
j Bitters have entirely relieved and cured me in ticu or
i three days. My next door neighbor, Mr. JOHN UIEHL,
| last spring, had a long and serious spell of Jaundice; he
had it some Itnie before 1 knew it; he was confined to h is
I bed. As soon as I heard of hi* condition I called to see
I him and told him of the utfect your Hitters had upon me
;iu the same disease np immediately seßt for a bottle,
and utii fete days he was cured. 1 have in several inslan-
I ces recommended the Bitters in other cases, always prn
! during the sapie happy effect. My wife has been ronsi
' dernbly afflicted with Liver Complaint and Neuralgia; hy
the use of the Hitler* she is well, now enjoyvug good
health. We believe from ihe Uiqny we know of
; these Hiiuiry t-tfci tihg, that they possess in a remarkable
and extraordinafy degree great curative properties, ami
j that which enhances their value with us is, they are en
tirely vegetable. ,Wu always huep the Biilers on hand,
and would not he willing to do without them.
Very reypectfully, yours,
C. FIERCE, 3.0 fioi.fi front ftfffl-
Cah stronger testimony be aijdocedtiy any pre |nr rat ion
' before the public I A single Uoitle will convince any one
! of their power over disease. They ire EvTittttt.Y \ ECE
j Txni.B, and will peruiancntly destroy the inert ohstiuafr
J eostivenees, and give strength and vigor to the frame, at
! no time debitftattng the patient; being also grateful to \
1 tin- most deticWhi stomach under any circumstance*, and
i can !>e adininislered witjiperfect safety to delicate infants
' —they are free from Atevicl, Syrups, Acids, Calomel, and
I all mineral qnd iiijuri ais ingredients.
! Titty can be taken at all times and under all cireuui
stancos; no ordinary exposnie will prevent them having
a salutary effect, and no had result can qcctue from an
over dose.
j For sale, wholesale and retail, at Hp: Rringjjjtj! Depot,
' German Med feint Store, 278 Race street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Lewistown by VVM. MARKS
&. SON, and respectable dealers in every town
j in the state. ap 14 —ly
| T A DIRS' Slippers, at low oricfu*, bv
! JLi ap'29. VV. LI I.LEY.
- -T
.4 umn bv the MM of CUlf>/> HAT E.G.,,* V [h
young man of the name of ri. f. Townreau. a„j Ulß ,', *
mm M P al UP SAraapardU, which they CHII U. t,V '
•end's Snrt(i!inlla, denominating i*. (i K.XL'I.Yp i> r ,„ "
etc. This Tnwnsend is no doctor, and never was Inn
formerly a worker on nsifrnady remix, and the like y, "
assume* the title of Dr. fir the purpose of gun my rr?i] '
what he is not. This is to caution the public not 1 >"
deceived, and purchase none hut the OEXfllXf Out/-
XAL Ol.lt lr. Jacob Townsend't ShmaparilU. bv;, t "
It the Old Dr'e. likeness, his family coat u f iri „,
signature across the cost of arms.
Principal Oficr, MH .Vnitu sl., Xrw fori cw
Lunuiue Towuseud Sarsaparilla.
Oiil Or. 'l'ow nsencl is BOW about 70 year* ol Hire, anil I,as
lon* been KAONN as the AUTHOR nud JtlSCof't ut H
of the WK.VF7.VE URIGIXAI. ' ' TOnXbl Xn's iU
SA PARII.I.A. '' Being poor, he was comjielled to limit jt,
manufacture, by w hich menus it has laten KE)>t UTIT of mar
ket, AND the sales circumscribed BI those only AIM J I: „|
(•roved its worth, and known its value. It had rt>R„H E ,j
the ears of many, nevertheless, as those (lersnns WHO HAD
been healed of sore disease*, and saved !rom death, |I,-
claiiued its excellence and wonderful
Knowing, many years ago, that he had. by his skill
science nnd ex|ierience, dwised an article which WOUF |
of incalculable advantaze to mankiud when the MEANS
would lie furnished to bring it into universal notice, whej
its inesiirnalilc virtues would be known and appreciated.
This time bar COME, the mean* are supplied ; this
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called fa
throughout the length and breadth of the land, ESPECIALLY
US it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young S. P. Townsend's, it improves with age and
never changes, but for the better : because it is prepared .
scientific principles by s scientific man. The highest knowl
edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art,
have all been brought into requisition In the manufacture
of the Old Dr's Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, q „
well known to medical men. contains m&nv medicinal pro
per ties, and some properties which are inert or useless and
others, which if retained in preparing it for use, produce
fermentation and acid, which is injurious to the system,
gome of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile, Ural
they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepantion d
they are not preserved by a scientific procees, ut..aoniy
to those ex|ierieneed in its manufacture. Moreover, mete
volatile principles, which fly oft in vapor, or as an eiiaia
tton under heat, are the very essential muhcal properties
ef the root, which give to it all its value.
ind yet he woulu friin have it understood that Old Or. Jaeah
i'ownsend's (rfssitf Omgmu tiarsaparUia. 1* an IXIU'A
HON of his inferior preparation '!
ffearen forhiii that we should ileal in an article which
WON Id bear the most distant resemblance to rl. P. T<m
lend'S article', aud which should bring down upon m* 014
Or. such a mountain load of complaint* and criuiinatiaai
from AG-ntx W HO have said, and (HIRTBASERS vvbo have UMJ
We wish it understood, because it is the ah.-Jute truth,
that_J. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jarnli Town
send's f*arsapartlla are A ear e a- wide apart, and infinitely in
•l outer; that they ate unlike in every perucntai, bnsisg
not one single thing in Cußnnm.
As S. P. Tewnseud is Do doctor, nmt never war. MM
chemist, no phaxruacralHt—knows no more of lueibriiir A
disease than any other common, unscientific. UR.PMFSMK.EXI
W hat gaa ranter can the pni.de have thai they are re
ceiving a genuine -CIENTIIX IM-darin*. ronlaintug all u.
v irturs of ttie articles used in preparing it. and irhleh are IN
capable of changes winch might render ihetu Uie AGENTS
of Disease instead of health.
But what ELSE SHOULD BE expected from one who knows
nothing C iniparativciy id naetiiciat' or disease 1 1: reqoirei
a [iet son of sifme expertenej to ravok and serve up eveß a
eonstiKiQ decent mool. Mow MUCH nioreiie[iortani is it that
tlie person* is HU NFENNFTCURRE medicine, ifesigjied far
should know well the medical pruperi.es ul jdanu. Ih<
test m.iaer of securing .-tad rnwceatnUrwg their healing
virtues, also aa extensive know ledge of the various diseases
hich a fieri the human system, ami how to udajit remfifiri
Ki these diseases:
FT is to arre-it frauds Ujmn the nufortuntata. to pour halm
into won tided humanity to kindle hope in the DNINIFNJ
boeoin, to restore health and bloom, aud vigor ins IE
crushed nud BRI ken. ami to innish inftrmity that OI.U UR.
portufuty and lucHnit Ut brinf bis
Uii'aud I iiiveroHl Coucentrated
within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it,
that they may lenrn and know, hy joyful experience, Us
Transcendent Power to Ileal.
Any person can hoi! or stew the root till they get a dart
colored liquid, which it more front (he coloring matter 1*
the root thnn from any thing else ; they can then strais
this Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten witn sour ttmiassrr.
and then rail it - SARFAPAKU.I. A EXTRACT or SV
KUP." But such is not the article known ns the
This is so prepared, that all the inert )>ro(>enles of the
Sarsaparilla oait are first removed, every thing capable 0/
becoming acid "r of feriucntntioe, is extrnrted and rejected;
then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a piu
sod Concentrated torus; and thus it is rendered luc ipabict*
losing any of Us valuable and healing properties. rre(*iftil
la thie way, it is made the most powerful agent Tn the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
llence the reason why w e hear commendations on every
side In its favor by nicii. women, and children. We find it
doing wonders in the cure of
TICXS, PIMPJ.KS, BJ.OCI'NES, ami all aftcciiuns
arising from
It possesvesa marvelliaiscftiracy in all coin plaints arising
from huligration, Irmii Acidity qf ike Stinnack. from unequal
circulation, determination of t iCM*! to the bead, palpitation
of the heart, cold LEEL ami liamD, cold chills and hot tbuhes
over T'iie body IT uas 1101 IU equal M Colds and (VESR;
and promote* easy expi'ctomtioii and gentle perpirnnoß.
relaring stricture oi the lung*, llir i. and every other |RU
But in nothing is its excellence more manitesily recti AND
acknowledged than in all kind* and stages of
It work* wonders in eiu^wiif finer.itbus or H'kitcs fa!-
of tJtr It'ffiM#, Ot*trmrer*r, smpf*rcsjir+. or Pawf*
Irregularity ol lh mensuuti |ritHis, mid tht ike: and
in ar. cti**ciuttl in ciirmu ail Uie t\>nn> o!" Kt*i*ty l'iseMf^
Ry rewftfHijr obstruct ions, .TIH! regiilattitc
ytem. it arive* tne and sticngih to iie whole body, M*
tin's cures all form* ot
Nenoiu diseases mid debility.
am! thus or relieve*a variety ol other
dies, as Spinal irritation, Xtnratgia, St. Kitu' l>snrt
Sirocuing, EpU'pti. Ells. Convulsions. Arc.
It cleanses the blond, excites the live* to healthy TCLK*.
tones the stomach, and gives G.HID digestion, teiieve* TL*
bowels of torpor and cou*:i(ation.
.wirities Ihe skin, equalise* the circulation #1 IHE BLO".
producing G.OTLE vxariuth eqwvHy all ovei the body.
the insensible perspiration ; relaxes all strictures and LIF"'
nes*. remove- all obstructions, ITML iu\ igoratc* the e at
nervous system. Is not ibis TIUTU ,
Tlic medicine you |ire-eninently nef !
But cam any of these thing* lie said itf S. B. Tow U*E R S *
iuli-r or article ! J'hi* xouna man's liquid I< not <0
her:lU*e ol one UK AND F At.' l", that the one is IXCTM
UIIL, ot DEI 'EII IO K A I'll >N. and
while the Other DtIKS . souring. fermmSiHg, and A." r '!
the bottles containing it into fragments ; the *our, acie lieu"
exploding nml damaging other goods 1 Must uot this
pie compound be poisom.uk to toe sy*teui7— tfkat'fd
cad into a sitst •m alriady aisrnsrd n ilb a, id ' What csibM
fly*)M-(sia but at.d I Dq vvp uot all know thai w hew
sour* 111 our ttoiHai hs. wjta; iiii i'hiet* jt lyxi.lqcev ' i' ,!U
lence, heartburn |uil|iilati|in of the heart, HVcr com|ilrk
fliarrhira, dysentery. colic, and corruption of tlie b'tf"
\\ bat is Eif.rufula bin an ngui humor in the body ' '''V*'
produces nil the humor* which bring on Eruptions e! 1 s
suvin, *Acid Head. Bait liheupi, ErysqwiMs, VVhlte l T
lug*. Fever Bore*, and ;t ulcerations internal and extf"'*-
It is nothing under heayen, hqt an acid substance. * # ®
•our*, and thus spoils all the tlqids ot the body. uior<"*
less. What cause* KUcuui.vtisiu but a sour or'acid •
which insinuates it*elf lattween the jxiints'khd elsewW
irritating and inflaming the delicate tissues up.m I ,i£ J l '
kcts 1 Bo of ue.rvoti* diseased, of impurity of the J
oetanged circulations, and nearly All the ailments wo' ll '
kW.ct human nttlure.
now is it not horrible to make end sell, d
ismn to use this
o*!7~l'Y>r sale in Lewislown by E. A
who is sole apent for Mi if! to county,
may '26, 184H—iy.
Paper. Paper.
A LWAYS on band a large assorlme' 1 :
xV Cap. Letter, Wrapping,
dow and Wall Paps'r, wboiesale wr retad.
Printing paper, 22 X 32, at $-\r er . v'"
I.e\vistown, June 23,