Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 06, 1849, Image 5

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Ip-One of her Pranks!
1 German family, mnipoiert nf an old man, lii wife
A unit a brood nf *ix heallliy, and roiy-clieeked rUil
iren, dife>'t frmn the " Fatherland," who arrived In Bal
uimire fev <! •>* dace, on Iheir way to U "far Wert,"
rohtied the day after their arrival by aume iimuiti
ieJ scoundrel, <>f a small leather trunk, containing
j', 267 m Gold, which they had brought safely 3000 utiles
, vi'r a treacherous sea to part company with just as they
(■ ul nearly reached their ileal ins! ton The distress Con
srQiiei't upon the realization of their loss can scarcely he
Imagined Bui mark the strange sequel. The father, In
; tssini along Lighi street, wa9 prompted by his lucky
},-nuis 10 pause for a moment at the window of Messrs.
Pvfer Is Co , No 1 l.i.'ht street, in which a large amount
~f Gold displayed to the gnze of the curious, when he
j .elded to a irresistible yearning to try his luck in some
u( ,| lß , r Magnificent Lotteries, in the hope to make up his
las*. Ho purchased a Package of Tickets in the Mary
land Consolidated Lottery, Class No. J25, and our read
ers may judge his surprise and excessive joy, uponlenrn
l,:j! nftcr ihe drawing that he hud drawn the Brilliant
prize ol #20,000, which handsome amount this far-fan.ed
cnJ truly fortunate lottery firm promptly paid him with
out charging any extra discount, when he went lira way
rr i or org. Baltimore paper.
Sir,res shuur icfiirh ipay the Kin,l hioKt ' Pyf.-r 36 Co
*>ll the prizes. Fortune for all at this lucky House ! A
l,u more of the glorious results. #3,000, Whole ticket,
i-oit IO Columbus, Ohio #9,907, whole ticket, sent to
o.orgti. #3,000, whole ticket, sent to North Carolina
#16,000, half ticket, sent to North Carolina. #IO,OOO,
hull'ticket, sent to Virginia #94,000, quarter ticket, sent
to 4oulti Carolina. #O,OOO, quarter ticket, sent to Vir
ginia 50,914, quarter ticket, sent to Pennsylvania
4;,000, quarter ticket, sent to Tennessee. #I,OOO, quar
ter ticket, sent to Indiana.
Every prize advertised fcy Pyfer dc Co are noticed by
the Managers in their Official Reports. Pyfer &. Co. pay
their prizes at sight! Nothing so easy now as to realize
a fortune. *>AII who read this paper should try their
luck. A small outlay may secure an independent fortune.
All Order j ttrully coajidentiai at Pyfer .J- Co.' t
Date. Capital No. of Price of Price of
OcloberPrizes. Ballots. Tickets Packag's
9 #29,500 78 Nos. 14 drawn £ #l7 30
10 30,000 75 Nos. 11 drawn 10 50 25
11 24,000 78 Nos. 13 draw n 5 18 50
J-J 15,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 4 13 00
13 35,000 79 Nos. 16 drawn 10 30 00
15 3of 15,009 75 Nos. II drawn 8 27 50
10 21,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 50
37,377 78 Nog. 14 drawn 10 32 50
20.000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 5 15 00
14 13,000 78 Nos. J3 drawn 5 18 50
20 30,QU0 75 Nos. 19 drawn 10 39 50
It 25,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 8 97 50
23 20,000 75 Nos. I t drawn 5 16 95
21 30,1X10 06 Nos. 10 drawn 10 30 00
25 20,000 78 Nos. 14 drawn 5 17 50
26 15.000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 4 13 00
27 6(1,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 20 65 00
23 25,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 1 97 50
30 24.000 78 Nos. 13 drawn ,5 19 56
31 33,000 75 Nos. 13 drawn 10 39 50
t>The price of Packages of Quarter Tickets only, is
advertised above.
OPlease mail orders a few days before tile Lotteiies
Letters always strongly enveloped and carefully sealed
!>Xoee but the Managers' printed Drawings sent from
PVFER i (Xt'l.
Every order to Pyfer it Co. is answered by return mad
Bank Drafts or Certificates of Deposit payable in Cold
at sight, and promptly remitted to any part ot the coun
try lor prizes sold at this Agency.
One package of Tickets may draw Four Capitals'!
r>.Money in any sums however large, can Le ronndent
k moiled co the address of Pyfer % C'a.
Pedant residents throughout the Luited relates, whs
.lesrre an Increase of tr orUme, haveooly to wad an order
fur a single Ucket or package at the prices set forth in the
above Schedule, as success must surely crown the result
of all orders to the Old established, Far-famed and Truly
Lucky House of
No. I Light tt., Baltimore, Md.,
October 6,164* —4 si.
Gre.it Attraction!
Improved Hathaway.
THIS great improvement, just got up, we
are satisfied stands etneyualled, for generaL
use, and simplicity of arrangement, by any
Cooking Stove yet ofiercd to tliejaablic. To
be satisfied of this, ire think it needs but to
lie been. It is a regular Hathaway, ol the
size now generally in use in this country, with
the following improvements, viz:
Ist. It is so arranged that a stout Sheet
Irtfti Oven can be put
tn at the top, back of
re ' P-
Btn 2 under it, J at iff-
large to do or
lw'!ii!illllll!i:l''i.i'iiiiiiir;l JfeMdinary roasting or cook-
,d as
AyijiP quick astheire iaclev
voiding the necessity
he 8 1'"? ,J P Te S~
|J * ular oven for ordinary
purposes, which oven when heated, requires as
much fire to do a small roast as would do a
Urge amount ofcooking. Further, the small
oven being liyyse, can be put in or taken out at
pleasure with very little tiouble. When much
cooking is required, it can be kept out, and
the stove is then the same as a regular Hatba
2J. The Griddles are improved, BO that the
top is smoother, the wire handles being dis
pensed, with and a loose handle used to lift
tliem off.
3d. The damper is much more convenient,
by being placed in the eide instead of the back.
4th. The bottom flue if the Laubach, so ar
ranged that the draft is the same as the Hatha
N. ft. We warrant this stove in every par
Y\ e have also on hand a large assortment of
other valuable Cooking Stoves, consisting ol
the Star, two sizes, at S2O to $22 ; Complete
Cook, at sl3; and Laubach, two sizPts. Also,
'be Prime, Keystone, and Etna Air-light,
tor wood or coal, at from IC to 35 dollars.
**Bortmment, of beattiful patterns.
COAL STOY'KH. —For parlors, offices, and
"bambera. A large assortment of handsome
I'yles, from $3.50 up.
NINE-PLATK STOVE.—From 20 to 28
•riches. A heavy 28 inch at $8.50.
To all who want stoves we would say come
mid examine our stock.
hev/istown, Sept. 29, 1819.
R A/H.L be T/iven for the apprehension of
KUVB, Counterfeiters, who broke the Mifflin
county PI! oo I he night of the 25th September.
•SAMUEL LADEN IN an old offender, well known
'I.ONG q,e PEUNNYLVANIA CARAT- — is about 5 feet
'' HICBF M HEIGHT, thick set, dark hair, and
*B</H from 140 to 150 lbs •—habby clothing.
' V mne K>>ys IH about 5 feet 10 inches in
'"cglit, ULIRN M appearance, and is 9aid to re
"I!E in 1 loliidaysburg. The above toward
*>IL be given for their apprehension, or sls
' 'BE apprehension of either ot them.
J>. M'KAIN CONTNER, Sheriff.
'-fWisitov.-ri, Sept. 29, 1849 3t.
A ,r1 make Flour Itarrels at the Lewistown
"■ to whom good wages will lie given.
Gewiitown, sept. 26, ifc49—6t. i
Groceries and Mquors,
Three Doors South of the Old Bridge,
Front Street,
II All HMBUR(;, * A .
T M. S., for the accommodation of mer
v • chants and others in Dauphin, Cumber
land, Franklin, and neighboring courtics, has
opened an extensive Wholesale Establishment,
for the sale of Groceries and Liquors, as above.
W'ilh the co-operation of a large importing
! house in Baltimore, he will offer goods hers at
the same prices at which they can be purohas
|ed in the city. He respectfully solicits the
favor of a call from those wishing to purchase,
j to satisfy them of his entire ability to sell as
he promises. The attention of landlords is
invited to 9 lot of choice Liquors, in store and
for sale at importers' prices.
I from a distance promptly filled,
and goods despatched at city prices.
I September 8,1349 —tf.
Commission Merchants,
For the Sale of I'rodiii-c in
Broad, above Arch, West side,
fron received and delivered to any part of the
City, or shipped a6 may be directed.
SHEM ZOOK, Esq., Mifflin county.
WILLIAM RUSSELL, Esq., Cashier of the De
posit and Discount Bank, Lewistown.
J. YV. WEIR, Cashier of the Harrisburg Bank.
TOWRSEND HAINES, Esq., Secretary of the
Commonwealth of Penn'a.
G. M. TROUTMAN, Esq., Cashier of the West
ern Bank, Philadelphia.
MORRIS PATTERSON & Co., Merchants, 1 jg-wg
JACOB LRX 4 SON, do. / "EL =1
JOHN M. KENNEDY 4 Co., do. ; § ?
September 22, 1849—2 m.*
I . .
The Largest and Cheapest
HAS just been opened by us at our OLD
STAND, which we desire our friends
and the public generally toconvince themselves
!of by calling- Our stock of
GZtntltmtn'a 2S ? car
embraces a splendid lot of English and French
Broad CloLhe, Beaver Cloths, Plain and Fancy
Caesimeres, Tweeds, Sattinets, Jeans, 4-c.;
Caps; heavy winter and calf Boots; boys'
Boots, Sboes, 4c. Our Cloths, Cassimeres,
Sattinets. and Carpctting have been primipal-
I ]y bought at auction, and we can sell them a
little lower than any hotly else. Our assort
ment ot
for Fall and Winter, is particularly large and
handsome, consisting in part of
Mefiflttf, llpafas, Mens de Laines, Cash
black and fancy Dress Silks,domestic, Scotch
and French Ginghams; Prints; handsome
long Shawls; French needle-worked
Collars; linen cambric Hand
kerchiefs; artificial Floweis;
4c., 4c., all of which we
are determined to sell
very I/)W, Our
■ is also unusually large, embracing about SIX
TY PIECES of Rag, lasting. Cotton, and
Woolen Veniiian, low priced and good In
grain, three-ply Imperial, &c., all laid in at
auction, and to be had at very low prices. As
we always select ours of the very best, and
will sell them as low as any other house,
i ot7~Please call and examine for vonrwlvcs.
Lewistown, Sept. 29, 1849.
among the things that CAN NOT BE
DONE, is for any one to shutc a ful
ler, better, or handsomer assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods
Than GEORGE BLYMYER has just opened
at r.is Old S'and The stock embraces, in
great variety.
Cloths, Cassi meres, Satinets,
Veatings, Croton Cloths, Cashmeres, and Cash
mcretts; Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings,
Velvet Cords, French Cassimercs, Doe Skin
do., white and fancy Marseilles, &c. A splen
did assortment of
71.15 frtj' Di tum (fiootr.o.
Grode Napa, Satin du Chenes, an elegant as
sortment of striped, figured and plain Silks,
Bareges, Challey, Muslin dc laines, Alpacas,
Lustres, Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls. Jaconets,
Bombazines, striped and plaid Muslins, 4c.
tie has also an extensive variety of the
that has yet been brought to this place; to
, gelher with a never-ending assortment of
j which will be sold at priced to sui> purchasers
' Besides this, he has
Qiiremw.ii'f, Glassware,
and an unparalleled supply of
G It O € E It I 1: 8.
All of which will be sold at a small AD
' VANCE on cost—at the ('heap Old Stand of
Lewistown, Sept. 22,1819.
Candies and Confectionary.
\LWAYH on hand a good stock at whole
. sale or retail,
may 20, F. J. HOFFMAN.
" Small Profits and Quick Sales."
THE public are respectfully informed that C. L. JONES has received a verv large
comprising all articles kept genet ally in the other stores, with the addition of many finer
kind of goods not brought before to the place. A list of goods is herewith furnished
with the prices, and an examination of this extensive stock is invited before purchases i
are made elsewhere. At this store goods will continue to be sold at least twenty per
rent, lower than can be had elsewhere, this certainly offers great inducements to CASH
BUYERS ; the saving of so large a per centage even on a small purchase will amount!
to enough to make it a matter of consideration. There are many who deal in Lewis
town in the old fashioned way, by trading, thus giving the store keeper the advantage
of high prices, to such I would respectfully ask before making trades with the other
stores to call and see my goods and hear the low prices, and I am confident that such
will see the advantage of selling their produce and buy goods for cash. In a market
like this, if a slight effort is made, all kinds of Country Produce can be disposed of for
CASH ; it only requires a little independence and determination on the part ol the seller,
as the home consumption of produce in Lewistown alone is very great, and the neces
saries of life at whatever price, must be had, and they can be disposed of for cash.
Since I commenced business in this place on the cash system 1 have sold a large
amount of goods, and my business is daily increasing. The public appreciate the ad
vantage of buying for Cash and where business is done for cash only, as there is no
risk to run of credit or trade, the goods are sold at a small advance on cost prices; and
the city purchases being made for Cash only and with a lengthened experience in busi
ness on Market street, Philadelphia, enables the subscriber to buy beyond a doubt low
er than other merchants. lam convinced that there are a great many who would like
to deal with me and get cheap goods for cash if they only could command cash for their
produce, to such 1 say sell cheap and sell for cash only. Now for the list of goods on
CLOTHS—bIack, blue, brown, invisible green, and olive, French, German and
American, at all prices from $1 00 to $6 00 per yard, including a good assortment of
Over Coat Cloths. I will positively sell such goods at very greatly reduced prices. On
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings store keepers invariably make large profits as the pur
chasers are not often judges of these articles. 1 will not so impose, but sell theui as I
sell other goods at a very small advance on cost.
Black good at $1 and at all prices upwards to $2 75 psr yard. Also, Fancy Cassi
meres a good assortment at very low prices ; also fine and medium quality, cheap as
possiblv can be sold, and much cheaper than to be had elsewhere.
Black, blue, Navy blue, lavender, dark mixed, light mixed Grey, &c„ &c., 4c., a
large and cheap lot for 30 cts., 37} ets., 50 cts., G2! cts., 75 ets., and 87! cts., for a
most superb article,
Black satin, silk, silk velvet, woolen, cotton, cassimere and cloth at all prices from
50 cts. to $3 00.
Tweed Cloths for Sacks and Over
COATS, a splendid article of Black French Cloth for Gentlemen and Ladies Cloaks at
the low price of $1 87 ; per yard as good as others sell at $2 50 to $3 00.
KENTUCKY JEANS. Gold mixed and Grey, ood and cheap.
At 10 cents, 12| ets., 15 ets., 18| cts., 22 cts., and 25 cts., be assured th3t these tick
ings are the cheapest ever sold in Lewistown.
Canton Flannels,
Bleached and unbleached for 10 cts., and the best article for 121 cents.
Flannels, of all colors and prices,
12.1 etc., 14 cts., 25 cts., 28 cts., 31 ets., 37} cts., 50 cts., 62-1 cts.. and 75 cts.; a
large lot of superior Scarlet FLANNELS at 25 cts.; white gauze Flannels and supe
rior yellow Flannels—also, shrouding Flannels.
Table Diaper,
Bleached and unbleached for 121 cents and upwards. Some splendid cloth Table
Covers for $2 50 each. Stand Covers of desirable colors and styles.
Bleached and unbleached for 64 cents and upwards to the very finest quality made;
particular attention is requested to the stock of fip muslins as they are very extraordina
rily cheap, and as good as sold elsewhere at 8 cents.
CALICOES, 500 Pieces
Of the newest styles, a good assortment of neat figures, a good article selling at 3
ets., 4 cts., 5 cts., 64 eels., and upwards to the finest quality to he had, a good assort
ment of blue and orange. My fip Calicoes are really astonishing for the price, good and
A large and perfect stock of, front 12} cents and upwards; a splendid article ol fine
French Gingham,bright colors and warranted not to fade in washing, lor 184 cents; all
so plain dark styles eli.unelion Ginghams at 28 cts. High colors also at various prices.
Mot is defAlines,
Of every style and quality, imaginable, plain black, brown, snuff, lead, mouse and
other colors, all wool. A splendid article of 2d mourning Mous de Lains all woolen
22 cents, also good de Laines at 184 cts., desirable colors; also De Laines of extra qual
ity in high colors, such as Mazarine blue, dark and light green, blue, purple, maroon,
orange, scarlet, crimson, 4c., 4c., 4c,
Figured and plain of superior quality frc m 12! ets., to 75 etc, My 12! cent Cash*
meres are the cheapest goods ever heard of, also all the dark and desirable high eolors
Cashmere the same as the Mous de Laines.
ME 111 NOES,
Of all Color* and l*ricc§.
A large and beautiful stock of these goods kept on hand, for sale at reduced prices
Black of all prices—3l cts.. 37 J cts., 44 cts., 60 els., (id! cts., 75 cts., 81 J cents
SI.OO and $1.50 for the best Alpaca made, and can be had nowhere else. Modes
Brums, 4c., and also a splendid assortment of fashionable Fancy Alpacas, at extreme
ly- low prices, and 6ome fine quality fig'u silk warp.
Black silk nt all prices and widths. A good article of Black Silk as low as 45 ets.,
as good as is sold elsewhere at 02! cents. Also, plain, colored, and fancy Dress
Bilks, at very reasonable prices. Some splendid Satin, striped, black, ami blue black
Silks. Florences and Gro de Naps for Linings, Also, Silk Oil Cloth Ladies stlk
and merino Under Shirts—new style corded Skirts.
Mull Jaconet and Cambric Muslins,
In great variety ; also, figured Swiss Mulls for Caps, Capes, and dres-es. 1 arlelon
Muslins, white, blue and pink. Figured and plain Bobbineit. Silk and cotton Blond,
Laces, Edgings, and Insertions in endless vane'v. Also, a most superb and exten
sive assortment of the richest and newest styles BONNE 1 RIBBONS, all fur sale at
unusually low prices.
Linen* Cambric, Silk and Cotton Ilani.t:crchieJs,
From 5 cents upwards, to the finest nrticle imported from I aris.
FURNITURE CHECK AND CALICOES. Crash and bird eye Diaper for
Towelling. Linen Table Covers and Napkins. IRISH LINENS of every price
and quality, very good and cheap-
SPOOL COT TON, of J. &. P. Coates manufacture, ihe best article to be had,
greatly superior to any other make.
Culton, Woollen, Merino, and Silk HOSIERY, in gieat varietv, and at extremely
: low prices.
Silk, Kid, Cotton, Merino and Worsted, of all grades and qualities—men's women's
! and children's.
Silk, Cotton, and Woollen. Some magnificent new style long Shawls ; as well as
heavy Woollen and Cotton, and fine Merino Shawls, plain and embroidered. The as
sortment of Shawls is extensive, and will b e sold much under the usual prices.
An assortment, embracing every article wanted. Hooks and Eyes. Pins, Needles,
Knitting Needles, Tidv Cotton, Coronation Cords, Whalebones; Silk, Cotton and
j Linen Braids; Velvet Trimming Ribbons, a new article for dresses; Fancy Buttons
I for dresses : blackand colored Sewing Silks ; Thimbles : Combs of all kinds ; some
splendid buffalo and turtle shell Combs ; Colored I hrcau Edgings for tiimraings ; steel
and gold Beads—also, gold and silver Wire for embroideries. All widths of plain and
fancy Satin rnd Mantua Ribbons; all colors of lining Muslins; Bleached and Brown
Prilling ; Zephyr Worsted of all shades; Belt Slides; and artificial Flowers.
Ladies' Shoes.
A room is fitted up expressly for Ladies', Mioses'and Children's Shoes, and parti
cular attention is paid to this department. Every style and quality of Shoes kept on
hand, and will positively be sold cheaper than possibly can be had elsewheie. The
new fall stock is received, and the assortment will be kepi up. At least twenty per
cent, can be saved by buying 9hoes at Jones' Store. A good slock of India Rubber
Shoes—very cheap.
•Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes.
It is useless to enumerate the kinds and prices on hand ; suffice it to say that the as
sortment is the largest, and decidedly the cheapest, ever opened before in Lewistown.
A good assortment of CLO TH and G LAZED CAPS. Also, Fur' Trimmed, Fur
1 and Seal Skin —cheap.
CRAVATS and SUSPENDERS in great variety. A most superb assortment of
fancy silk Cravats, cotton Cravats, plain black silk do. at different prices, for sale unu
sually low.
|. Looking Glasses.
Very cheap.—Some extra size, larger than can be found in other store®.
ALSO, an extensive assortment of Woollen Nett Hoods and Sacks for children.
Cotton Laps and Black and White Wadding. A nice lot of Comforts, various sizes.
CHEAP BED BLANKETS, and a good assortment.
The best assortment to be found at this store, of all qualities and will be sold at re
duced prices. CARPET BAGS and Ladies' Satchels—some fine velvet and Venitian.
Groceries, Queensware, Hardware,
Cedar-ware, Baskets, <fcc.,
i Kept in a separate room from Dry Goods, and particularjattention paid to keeping
up a general assoitment of the above goods Good New Orleans Sugar, 6$ cts ; white
sugar, 8 cts.; crushed sugar, 9 cts.; pulverized sugar, 10 cts.; and superior loaf sugar,
10 cts. Good Molasses for 6| cents per quart. New Orleans Molasses of good qual
ity at 35 cents per gallon ; and superior at 40 cents. Also, good Sugar House Syrup
and the best Royal Golden Syrup, at 50 cts.; a splendid article of Baking Molasses, at
40 cents per gallon. COFFEE—good Rio at 8 cts ; very superior at 9to 10 cents ;
Laguira Coffee, 9 cts., best quality; and real old government Java, at 12£ cts. Also,
ROASTED COFFEE, of superior quality, at 10 cents. Fresh Charleston Rice, at
5 cpnts. Baker's Chocolate, 20 cents per pound. FRESH TEAS—Superior Black
and Green, of the best qualities imported in the Philadelphia markets, and sold at very
! low prices. Good Black and Green, Oolong and Young Hyson Teas, at 50 and 75
cents per pound ; Extra Imperial and Young Hyson, at Si per pound, as good a9 Bny
i 9old at 5i.25. A general assortment of SPICES. Supeiior SPERM OIL; 2nd
quality do. Also, FISH OIL. Sperm and Tallow CANDLES. Superior Castile
SOAP, 18$ cts. per lb., and good Brown Soap.
TOBACCO. —Superior Cavendish at 31 cents, per lb. Twi9t and flat plugs at 20
cents per lb. HONEY at 75 cts. per gallon. Fish and Salt, at reduced prices.
A very superior assortment of CUTLERY, comprising some of the finest quality
of Knives and Forks.
Beady-Made Clothing.
| A large assortment of Ready Made Clothing will be received in a few days—now
ebitig made to order in Philadelphia of good materials
To I f Violesale Buyers
Great inducements are offered, as a liberal abatement will be made.
c. L. JONES,
New Cheap Cash Store.
Lewistown, September 15, 1849 —6t.
, rnllK subscriber has taken the Lewistown
X Mills,and wishes to buy a large quantity of
All Kinds of Grain,
for which he will pfty the CASH, IN PAR
FUNDS, as high as the market will afford, accor
ding to its quality. Any person having good
Wheat will do well to call und show a sample
! of it, as he thinks he can afford to give more
i than any other person in the place, the mill
being situated on the creek, where flour can
be loaded out of the mill into boats, and all ex-!
pense of hauling, storing, and shipping saved ;
j besides, the flour is in better order, ns the bar
j rels are not injured by hauling and handling.j
If wheat brings a better price than it Will af
ford to grind, he has the same chance of ship
ping it as any other, as the mill is the most
convenient storehouse in the place, and saves
a great deal of time and labor in hoisting by
AOK, and forward to Philadelphia or Baltimore,
and give the following receipt:
41 Received, Lewistown Mills, of A. D.,
Wheat, to be kept in store, till the Jirst of Au
gust, unless disposed of sooner."
j When the receipt is given the quality of tho j
i wheat will be mentioned in it, so as to prevent!
any trouble when the owner comes to sell.
Any person storing, having four hundred bush
els and upwards, and desires it, it will be kept
in a garner by itself. Any person taking u re-,
ceipt. and not selling before, or giving notice j
to keep it, till after the first of August, it will j
be carried out to their credit at the niarkot I
price on that day. It shipped, or sold to any '
. person that docs not get it ground in the mill, 1
TWO cents per bushel storage will he charged. 1
If they give notice, and keep it over after the
first of August, the storage will be ONE HALF
cent per month, afterwards. The grain will |
be ciear from high water.
The subscriber will keep
Plaster, Pish, Salt and Groceries j
of all kinds, which will be sold low for cash to :
Farmers, by the quantity.
(tfrFLOUR, MIDDLINGS, and all kinds
of Grain and Feed, will lie constantly kept on
i hand, and sold low for cash.
N. B. JOHN S PERI.FJTT is authorized to
transact any business in the above premises as
: my Agent.
Lewistown, April 14, I Q 49—ly.
A FEW pieces more of those superior 4-4
l\ EARLSTOy GINGHAMS left, war-:
ranted fast colors, and equal in quality to any i
which have been sold at 20 cents. Needle- '
Work Collars, very handsome, selling for
cents a piece, at the store of
A LARGE assortment of choice and splcn
did young Fruit Trees, consisting in
part of Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Cherry,
Nectarine, Apricot, Si c., Si c., are now offered
for sale at the
Lewistown Nursery,
; where purchasers may rely on being supplied
JBSESL with trees of the best and most ap
ggSp,!? proved varieties of fruit, on moderate
terms. These trees are not inferior
trees grown in any other nursery
| in the State; and all persons wishing to pur
chase are invited to coll and judge for them
selves. For further particulars see Cata
logues, which will be furnished gratis to ail
post paid applicants, and all orders, directed to
the subscribers, at Lewistown, Mifflin county,
Pa., will be promptly attended to.
T. W &l J. MOORE.
Lewistown, Sept. 22, 1849—2 m.
WE have always on haud a fine stock of
the following articles, which we are
prepared to sell Wholesale, at a small advance
on city rates, having been " well boughtpur
chasing almost strictly for CASH .
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Glass, Oil, SiC.
Spices; Coffee. Sugar, Tea, &c.
Tobacco and Segars, Fish and Salt
Nails, and almost every article in Hardware
Saddlery-ware; Candies, Nuts, Ate.
Cotton l.aps and Cordage
All kinds of PATER, and Blank Books
' Cooking Stoves ; Hats and Caps; Matches.
Lewistown, March 81, 1619.
Bolting• Cloths
OF' the best quality SQTARE MSSH, AN
CHOR STAMP, real Holland manufacture,
! imported direct from the manufactory, and for
sale at Lewistown at New York prices.
Terms cash—cloths warranted. Enquire of
August 4, 1849 Millwright.
8 a It! 8 alt!
JUST received, a large stock of Ground
Alum Stlt —44 cents per bushel and $1.75
per sock. (O~To dealers a liberal discount
oil'these prices will be made.
ma 26. 1849. F. i. HOFFMAN.
RILLA, tor sale at Green's Medical De
pot No. 11 Lewistown, Pa. Sept.ls.