FORTUNE ULTS STRANGE CAPERS! jy One of her Pranks!^ i German family, compound of an nid man, his wife A and a brood of six healthy, nod roay-tlieeked rliil jren, dirert from the " Fatherland," who arrived in Bal timore H fern* d y vince, on their way to the '-far wevt," ,*s ruhiied the day after their arrival by aunie. unmiti ' l(f j gcoiimlrel, fa small leather trunk, containing j, -267 in Gold, which they had brought f-nfely 3600 utiles llV ,r a treacherous sen to part company with just as they h ,j Dearly rearht-jl their desiiuatfan. Tha distress con upon tlie r.-aliaition of their loss can scarcely he Imagined. But mark the stranse sequel The father, in p,i#sin4 alon;f Lijrlii street, was prompted by his lucky prnius to pause for. a moment at lhe window of Messrs I'vfcr L Go., >" 1 Lijthl street. In vvhu ha large amount „f Gold if displayed to lhe gaze of lhe curious, when he j,elded to an irresistible yearning to try his luck in some „T 11180 Mignirtcent Lotteries, in the hope to make up his loss He purchased a Package of Tickets in the Mary land Consolidated Lottery, Class No. J35, and our read ers may judge hr surmise aud excessive joy. upon learn h,g nfier the drawing that he haddrav\n the Brilliant prize of *2O,WW, which handsome amount this far-fan,ed tnJ truly fortunate lottery firm promptly paid him with out charging anv extra discount, when he went his way rr j in-iiig.— Baltunurt paper. Strifes fhuw tchich tcay the Kind hlotct i Pyf.-r 4Co sk!l the prizes. Fortune for all alibis lucky House! A Iriv more of the glorious results. #3,000, Whole ticket, ~i;t to Columbus, Ohio #8,967, whole ticket, sent to i„ nrgn. #3,000, whole ticket, sent to North Carolina g!.-,i;uib Carolina. #O,OOO, quarter ticket, sent tn Vir ginia $0,214, quarter ticket, sent to Pennsylvania #;,000, quarter ticket, sent to Tennessee #4,000, quar ter ticket, sent to Indiana. Every prize advertised by PyTer Sz Co are noticed by the Managers in their Official Reports. Pyfer Sc. Co. pay their prizes at sight: Nothing so easy now as to realize it fortune. to-All who read this paper should try their luck. A small outlay may secure an independent fortune. BRILUJUCT SCHEMES FOR OCTOBER, 1849. .11l Orders strictly confidential at Pyfer Co.'s Date Capital No. of Price of Price of October Prizes. Ballots. Tickets Packag's 9 #22,500 7# Nos. 14 drawn #5 #l7 50 iu 50,000 75 Nos. II drawn lti 50 25 11 24,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 )8 50 12 15,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 4 13 00 U 35,000 78 Nos. 18 drawn 10 30 00 15 3of 15,000 75 No#. 11 drawn 8 27 50 10 31,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 50 i; 37,377 78 Nos. 14 drawn 10 32 50 IS 20.000 75 NOB. 15 drawn 5 15 00 19 13,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 50 20 30,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 10 32 50 22 35,000 78 No#. 13 drawn 8 37 50 , 23 20,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 5 10 25 21 30,(W0 06 Nos- 10 drawn 10 30 00 i 25 20,000 78 Nos. 14 drawn 5 17 50 j 2G 15,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 4 13 00 27 60,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 2 tt 65 00 29 35,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn V 27 50 30 34.000 78 Nos. (3 drawn ,5 19 50 31 33,000 75 Nos. 13 drawn 10 33 50 c>The price of Packages of Quarter Tickets only, is j advertised above. Ol'lease mail orders a few days before the Lo.\'ooe but the Managers' printed Drawings sent front 1 PVFER k. CO.'S. Every order to Pyfet It Co. is answered by return mail Bank Drafts or Certificates of Deposit payable in Cold 3t sight, and promptly remitted to any part at the coun try for prize# sold at this Agency. O-Une package of Tickets may draw Pour Capitals* 1 r>Money in any sums however large, can te confident ly matted to the address of Pyfer f Ca. ll,da id. residents throughout Use United (States, who Icttre an increase offorUne, have only to wail an order 1 Dr a single Ucket or package at the prices set forth in the above Schedule, as success must surely crown the result of ail orders to the Old established, Far-famed and Truly Lucky House of PYFER At CO., No. 1 Light sl., Baltimore, Md., October 6,184# —I m. Great Attraction! STOVES I STOVES!! Improved Hathaway# THIS great improvement, just got up, we are satisfied stands Hneyuulled, for general use, and simplicity of arrangement, by any Cooking Stove yet offered to ti(e.pblie. To be satisfied of this, we think it needs but to lie seen. It is a regular Hathaway, of the size now generally in use in this country, with the following improvements, viz: Ist. It is so arranged that a stout Sheet Iron Oven can be put 1 in at the topq back ol 'ijll 9ie fire, [the flame pas under it,J euff!- ntly large to do or ■EjSdinary roasting or cook iltsa heated as quick as the (ire tsclev voiding the necessity ' ieat ' n o u P Te s~ ular oven for ordinary purposes, which oven when heated, requires as much fire to do a small roast as would do a latge amount of cooking. Further, the small j oven being loose, caa be put in or taken out at pleasure with very little trouble. When much cooking is required, it can be kept out, and the stove is then the same as a regular Hatha way. 'id. The Griddlea are improved, so that the , 'op is smoother, the wire handles being dis- j oensed, with and a loose handle used to lift j !bem off. 3d. The damper is much more convenient, | by being placed in the side instead of the back. 4th. The bottom flue is the so ar ranged that the draft is the same as the Hatha- | way. N. B. We warrant this stove in every par ticular. We have also on hand a large assortment of ''her valuable Cooking Stoves, consisting ot 'ta Slur, two sizes, at S2O to $22 ; Complete r -ook. at sl3; and Callback, two sizps. AIHO, 'he Prime, Keystone, and Etna Air-1 tght, for wood or coal, at from 16 to 35 dollars. AIR-TIGHT PARLOR STOVES.—A large iHiortmment, of heattifut patterns. COAL STOVES.—For parlors, offices, and Cambers. A large assortment of handsome s'yles, from $3 50 up. NINE-PLATE KTOVE.—From 20 to 28 Hehes. A heavy 28 inch at SS,SO. To all who want stoves we would pay come mot examine our slock. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, Sept. 29, 1819. S3O REWARD r t/ICL be given for the apprehension of SAMUEL EARLES and THOMAS KCVS, Counterfeiters, who broke the Mifflin j jijl on the night of the 25th September, Carles is an old offender, well known jt.urtg u, e Pennsylvania Canal- —is about 5 feet ( '• ibciii s m height, thick set, dark hair, and frr, m 140 to 150 lbs —shabby clothing. 1 'w.hs Keya JH a (tout 5 feet 10 inches in '* o'-it, slim m appearance, and is -aid to re *'*-* "i HollidayHburg. The above toward he given for their apprelienaton, or sls r 'he apprehension of either ot them. D. M'KAIN CONTNER, Sheriff, '•ewistown, Sept. 29,1849 —lit. COOPERS WANTED, PIIOM TEN to FIFTEEN COOPERS wanted 1 Flour Barrels at the Lewistown to whom good waget will he given. A W. YV. STKHRKTT. Uw town, sept. 2(j, 1849—61. I J. m STEVENSON", JR., WHOLESALE DEALER IX Groceries and Liquors, Three Doors South of the Old Bridge, Front Street, HAIIItI aB U R , ** A. M.SSt. t for the accommodation of mer tS • chants and others in Dauphin. Cumber land, Franklin, and neighboring cotictics, has opened an extensive Wholesale Establishment, for the sale of Groceries and Liquors, as alxrve. With the co-operation of a large importing i house in Baltimore, he will offer goods hers at Ihe same prices at which they can be purchas ed in the city. He respectfully solicits the favor of a call from those wishing to purchase, j to satisfy them of his entire ability to sell as he promises. The attention of land'ords is invited to * lot of choice Liquors, in store and for sale at importers' prices. I (r!7"*Orders from a distance promptly filled, and goods despatched at city prices. September 8,1349 —tf. M^STcD, FLOUR & GRAIN FACTORS, AND Commission Merchants, For I lie Sale of Produce in General, Broad, above Arch, West side, PHILADELPHIA, j Iron received and delivered to any part of the City, or shipped as may be directed. REFZR TO — SHE* ZOOM, Esq., Mifflin county. I JOSEPH MII.LIKK.N, Lewistown. WILLIAM RUSSELL, Esq., Cashier of the De posit and Discount Bank, Lewistown. J. W. WEIR, Cashier of the Harrisburg Bank. TOWNSEND HAINES, Esq., Secretary of the Commonwealth of Penn'a. G. M. TROUT* AN, Esq., Cashier of the West ern Bank, Philadelphia. MORRIB PATTERSON &. Co.. Merchants, ) JACOB LEX &. SON, do. -5" ET JOHN M . KENNEDY & Co., do. SGF ? September 22. 1849—2 m.* The Largest and Cheapest STOCK OF GOODS IN LEWISTOWN HAS just been opened by us at our OLD STAND, which we desire our friends and the public generally toconvince themselves of by calling. Our stock of &eutltmm'o 2£?rar embraces a splendid lot of English and French Broad Cloths, Beaver Cloths, Plain and Fancy C&seimeree, Tweeds, Sattinets, Jeans, &c.; Cape; heavy winter and calf Boots; boys' Boots, Shoes, &.c. Our Cloths, Ca&simeres, Sattinete and Carpetting have been principal ly bought at auction, and we can sell them a little lower than any body else. Our assort ment at for Fall and Winter, is particularly large aud handsome, consisting in part of leriotts, llpafas, Mens ik Lilian, Cash meres, black and fancy Dress Silks,domestic, Scotch and French Ginghams; Prints; handsome long Shawls; French needle-worked Collars; linen cambric Hand kerchiefs; artificial Floweis; Ac , Ac., all of which we are determined to sell very LOW. Our StOCK Of IXL LP Si I is also unusually large, embracing about SIX TY' PIECES of Rag, lasting, CoUon, and Woolen Venition, low priced and good In grain, three-ply Imperial, Ac., all laid in at auction, and to be had at very low prices. As regards GROCERIES, we always select ours of the very best, u.nd will sell them as low as any other house. call ami examine for yourselves. WATT SON A JACOB. Lewistown, Sept. 29, 1849. THE FALL AND WINTER CAMPAIGN! " SOME THINGS CAN RE DONE AS WELL .'IS OTHERSr but among the things that CAN NOT BE DONE, is for any one to shotc a ful- j ler, better, or handsomer assortment of \ Fall and Winter Goods Than GEORGE BLYMVER h*sjust opened j at Lis Old S'arid The stock embraces, in great variety, Oioths, Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Venlings, Croton Cloths, Cashmeres, and Cah meretts; Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings, Velvet Cords, French Cassimercs, Doe Skin do., white and fancy Marseilles, Ac. A splen did assortment of SLaDfCfl' (Kootrff. Grode Naps, Satin du Chenee, an elegant as- . sortment of striped, figured and plain Silks, ! Bareges, Challey, Muslin do Laines, Alpacas, Lustres. Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls. Jaconets, Bombazines, striped and plaid Muslins, Ac. i tie has also an extensive variety of the CHEAPEST CARPETING i that has yet been brought to this place; to gether with a never-ending assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING,' | which will be sold at prices to subpurchasers Besides, tin?, he ha 9 aiAUBBKEriIIBIBa Queei*warc, Glassware, and an unparalleled supoly of G It o C K It I i: s. All of whicb will bo sold at a small AD VANCE on coat—at the Cheap Old Stand of GEORGE BLYMVER Lewistown, Sept 22, 1049. Candies and Confectionary. ALWAYS on hand a good stock at whole . Bale or retail, may 20, 1849. F. J, HOFFMAN, j " Small Profits and Quick Sales." JONES' NEW STORE. LEWISTOWN. THE public are respectfully informed that C. L. JONES has received a very large STOCK OF FALL AM) WINTER GOODS, ! comprising all articles kept geneially in the other stores, with the addition of many finer kind of goods not brought before to the place. A list of goods is herewith furnished with tire prices, and an examination of this extensive stock is invited before purchases are made elsewhere. At this store goods will continue to be sold at least tivenly per cent, lower than can be had elsewhere, this certainly offers great inducements to CASH BUYERS : the saving of so large a per centage even on a small purchase will amount to enough to make it a matter of consideration. There are many who deal in Lewis town in the old fashioned way, by trading, thus giving the store keeper the advantage of high prices, to such I would respectfully ask before making trades with the other stores to call and see my goods and hear the low prices, and I am confident that such : will see the advantage of selling their produce and buy goods for cash. In a market j like this, if a slight effort is made, all kinds ol Country Produce can be disposed of for CASH ; it only requires a little independence and determination on the part ol the seller, as the home consumption of produce in Lewistown alone is very great, and the neces | sariesof life at whatever price, must be had, and they ran be disposed of for cash. Since I commenced business in this place on the cash system I have sold a large i amount of goods, and my business is daily increasing. The public appreciate the ad vantage of buying for Cash and where business is done for cash only, as there is no risk to run of credit or trade, the goods are sold at a small adva-tce on cost prices; and the city purchases being made for Cash only and with a lengthened experience in busi ness on Market street, Philadelphia, enables the subscriber to buy beyond a doubt low er than other merchants. lam convinced that there are a great many who would like to deal with me and get cheap goods for cash if they only could command cash for their | produce, to such I say sell cheap and sell for cash only. Now for the list of goods on j hand. —DRY GOODS -1 CLOTHS—black, blue, brown, invisible green, and olive, French, German and American, at all prices from $1 DO to $6 00 per yard, iicluding a good assortment of Over Coat Cloths. I will positively sell such goods at very greatly reduced prices. On | Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting# store keepers invariably inake large profits as the pur chasers are not often judges of these articles. 1 will not so impose, but sell them as I sell other goods at a very small advance on cost. C^SSIJYIERES, Black good at $1 and at all prices upwards to $2 75 p