Ctmztown o^ctfc♦ Vol XXXV. —Whole No. 1852. Rates of Advertising One square. 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos si.oo 1 time 50 " l year 8.00 2 times 75 £ column, 3 mos. 6.00 3 4i 1-00 " 6 " 10.00 1 mo. 1.25 " 1 year 15.00 " 3 " 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 " 6 " 4.00 " 6 " 15.00 1 year 6.00 " ] year 25.00 2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before niar " 3 Communications recommending persons for office, must be paid in advance at the rate of 25 cents per square. Philadelphia Advertisements. NEW YORK DRY GOOD STORE. Lord, Taylor Co., No. 208 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, 1 T A VR now on hand, just received direct from the man -1 ufacturers, a full assortment of SILKS, CJSSIIMERES, MEHI.YOES, D£ LAIJYES, SHAWLS, 4- e , fc. The colors and designs being of their owa selecting, and entirely theirs. Lf.VE.V9, HOSIER r, HABERDASHERY, and all the different makes of Domestic Goods constantly on hand, wholesale and retail. L , T & Co. never deviate from f.rst price. 0-We are daily receiving goods from the New York Auctions 29, 1849—2 m. FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE Sc SONS. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILKS, RIBBONS AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 45 South Second street, PhiladeVa, i RE now opening Tor the Fall Trade, a very handsome A assortment of Milltnery Goods, chiefly of their own importations—to which they wijl constantly be making additions. They have now in store. Figured Safins —new designs Figured and corded Bonnet Goods Corded and plain Velvets, of all colors Bonnet Latins Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, in great variety French and American Flowers French Fancy Feathers laces—Quillings—Tabs Bonnet Crowns, Buckrams, Sec., Sec. T Mher with every article used in the Millinery trade; A:; .f which are offered at the lowest market prices. September 22, 1849 lm. The <*reat China Store OF PHILADELPHIA. fTHANKFI'L to the citizens of Lew-istown and its vi- ; 1- cinity for their increased custom, we again request | heir company is view our large and splendid assortment of China, Glass and Queens ware. Dinner sets, tea KL', toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China I r .-'tone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, fbr .-is than they can be had elsewhere—in fact at less than wholesale prices. American arid English BRITTA.YIA METAL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before < Sued in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very cheap. t>We would invite any person visiting the city to call and tee us-rHhey will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China sad the cheapest the world produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE St MITCHELL, No. 219 Chestnut, street, Philadelphia. September 22,1849 ly. Muff*, Boa*, Victorias, and Fur Trimmings. 31. D. C O II K N, FANCY FURRIEB, 1T r Ori,D moat respectfully call the attention of ail per sons in want of any article in the Fancy Fur busi ness, that he has now ready a splendid assortment of the j ■ove mentioned articles, made of every description of r irs, and in the great variety of shapes that are now 'ishiouable, which he offers to sell at very reasonable '"fits, at his FUR STORE, No SB North Second street, ■••wo doors below Arch st) Philadelphia Merchants purchasing to sell again, would find it con 'Merably to their advantage to call and examine bis stock km! judge for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. .-The full market price always given for SKf.YS of every description. *** The store is alw ays closed on Saturdays. M. D COKEN, -Ye '1 .V 14 rt , {two inert Mete Arch) Philada September IS, 1849- 3m. E. HICKS JONES, WHOLESALE DEALER t MANUFACTURER OF j Willow Sc Wooden Ware, Importer of French Baskets, Looking Glasses and Fancy Goods, NO. 18 NORTH SECOND STREET, B-tween Market aud Arch St*., under f. Sidney Jones' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below Christ Church, rmuDtuau, J I AS on hand and is constantly receiving a large and extensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, Fancy •'utel, of every description, (too numerous to mention,) 'coking Glasses of gilt and mahogany frames, Baskets, 'Caches, Chairs, dec.. See BROOMS. ''baker's Eastern Wisp and Country Brooms, Win : Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, YVash ords—in fact, Wooden and Willow Ware of every de 'toption, all of which will be sold low for CASH or city j Mteptance. MERCHANTS would save themselves much tisM and !r " and ruled "r* super l.tnen Note Paper*, plain and gilt. •■'Tfii.e and line Bill Papers, long and broad '''""'fine and fins Counting House Caps and Posts, and vnnte, 1-noi super Congress Cap* and letter*, plain aod ruled , L'iA a bite. ' 1 n *iipe; Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. ' Key,pun Caps and Posts. ' W'flfie blue tiweo tbill Letters ' I'Hra taper Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and 4 I b'id,"ddered Note Papers and Envelopes. i " w >*r Bnei Paper*. , "uulu.: rind hi. a Caps tttd Vital/, ruled and plain, " vvh.t*-, various qualities and price*. 1 t J, ' ll; ' 'in* white and *orted id tine Papers, , *t-!*. whits and assftitod Tissue, Tea, Wrapping, , i p " ■ i xi.d h!us Mediums, Cap wrappc'l*. I j '"up. r Sr - hu J ~,e 30, 1*49- 6in ffSßgHgfflg) As?g> ggaaasataiß) anr @a®jE®is wmssmma-, ™mw ®®asm s Wholesale Sc Retail CLOCK STORE, •Yo. 238 .Market street, above Seventh, South tide, PHILADELPHIA. A LTHODOH we can scarcely estimate the value of **■ TIME commercially, yet by calling at the above es tablishment, JAMES HAUDER will furnish bis friends, among whom be includes all tvlto duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking its progress, of whose value they CAM judge. His extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in conformity to the improvements in taste and style of pattern and workmanship, consists of Eight-day and Thirty-hour Hrnss Counting House, Parlor, Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, French, Oo litic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive connection and correspondence with the manufacturers he tluils he cau put at the lowest cash figure, in any quantity, from one to n thousand, of whiuh he will warrant the accuracy. OClocks repaired and tear ran ted. Cluck Trimmings on hand. CALL and see me amohg them. JAMES BARBER, 238 Market st. Philadelphia, August 18, 1910—ly. THE FA IMI EK'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. SPITED BY UOUVERNECK EMERSON. TNT one volume, royal octavo, 1165 page*, beautifully bound, containing 17 fine plates, beside* numerous Wood Cut*. Sold at about one fourth the cost of the English work, without any plates. " The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury of prac tical information, wherein the experience of all net** and countries is carefully roaTLO vr to the present day, and admirably arranged for convenient reference."—Dr. Dar lington " We are fully convinced that such an amount of valu able knowledge for farmers can he found in no other work in so cheap and convenient a form. In fact, no Farmer who pretends to be well informed in his profes sion, should be without this work."—.Yeic Gennttec Far. mer. An excellent work, fit to be distributed m premiums by- Agricultural Societies.—J. S. Skinner. Orders for the above work received at this Office—price j4. Also, by E. YV. CARR, Tliird street, opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia ; and N. HICRMAN, Baltimore, Maryland 0C7"A11 Orders must be accompanied by the CASH, [July 14, '49-3 m. MA FT FACTO RY OF POCK ET BOOKS, kc. No. 52i Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber re*pertftilly solicit* public attention to his superior and tasteful slock of Pocket B jofcs, Pocket Knives, and Banker'* Cases, Other Fine Cutlery, Bill Books, Gold Pens and Paucils, Dressing Cases, Segar Cases, Card Gate*. Chess Men, Port Monaies, Back Gammon Boards, Purses, Dominoes, Stc., &c. His assortment consist* of the most fashionable aud modern styles, of the finest quality aud excellent work manthip, embracing every desirable fancy pattern, which he will at all time* be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or retail on the most pleasing term*. who desire to supply themselves with articles of the best quality will consult their own inter ests by calling at this establishment F. H. SMITH, Pocket Book Manufacturer, 551 Chestnut Street. August 25, 1549—6 m. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No, 159 Chesnut Street. Capit.il $300,000. Charter Perpetual. j /"'O.VTINT'E to make Insurances on Live* on the ■): G favorable taruii; receive and execute Trusts, and I receive Deposits on Interest. The Capital being paid up and invested, together with accumulated premium fund, afford* a perfect security to ■ the insured. The premium may be paid In yearly, half yearly, or quarterly paymenta. The Company add a BONDS at stated periods to the insurance* for life. Tin* plan of insurance is ihe most approved of, and is more generally in use than any other in Great Britain, (where the subject is best understood by the people, and where they have had the longest expert ence,) as appears from the fact that out of 117 Life Insu ranr.e Companies there, of all kinds, 67 are on this plan. The first HON I 6 was appropriated in December, 1644, amounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the oldest policies; to Si per cent., 71 per cent. See., See., on others, in proportion to the time of standing, making an addition of #IOO ; #57.50; #75, tee., Sec., to every # 1(100, originally insured, which is an average of more than 50 , per cent on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. The operation of the Bonus will be seen by the follow ing examples from (he Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus : Sum 1 Bonus or [ Amount of Policy and Policy. Insured. J Addition. | Bonus pnyabte at the , } party's decease. No. is #l,uuu #lo# 00 #l.lOO 00 " *1 2,500 350 00 2,750 00 " 205 4,000 400 00 4,400 00 •' 276 2,000 175 00 2,175 00 " 333 5,u00 437 50 6,137 60 K> P*MPIII.BT containing Die table of rales,fand ex planations of ihe subject; Forms of Application, ami [ further information can be had at the office, gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to the President or Actuary. B. VV. RICHARDS, President. JNO. F. JAMEU, Actuary. [u|i2S:ly AFFLICTKt) REACH Philadelphia Medical iloiite, I'sTABUHIIEt) 15 year* ago, by Dr. KINK ELI N. The oldest, surest and best hand to cure all forms ofsecret diseases of ihe skin, ami solitary habit* of youth, i* DR RiNKEI.IN, Northwest corner of THIRD and UNION Streets, between Spruce and Pine, a square and i half from the Exchange, Philadelphia. TAKE J'AIiTK IfLAB NOTICE. There is a habit which boy* tearh each oiher at the Academy or College—a habit indulged in when by him self, in solitude, growing up with the boy to manhood; fe'.v of those who indulge in this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences until they find tile nervous • ystem shattered, f el strange and unaccountable feel ings, v*g*se fears in the mind The individual become* feeble, he is unable to I ,l warded, by sending a remittance, and put tip secure from i,a stub on oi niosiT v iVPosT-HAii' J BTTt-u* answered forthwith. Philadelphia, January 5", I°l9 ly. SATURDAY, OCYODGR 6, 1849. lilDßlil BBbLIS, Wholesale Commission Agent, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISH, TVo. 51 North Wharves, Above Race street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 21, 1849.—1y BLl*!* INI AVF FACTOR I". 11. CLARK, VESITIAS BLIND IHAHUFACTBItER, 1 Sign of the Golden Eagle, No, 139 if 143, South Second street, below Dock street, PHILADELPHIA, KEEPS always on hand a large and fashionable assort ment of WIDE and NARROW SLAT WINDOW BLINDS, manufactured in the best manner, of the best I materials, and at the lowest cash prices. Having refitted aod enlarged his establishment, he is j prepared to complete orders to any uinnunt at lhe shortest j notice. Constantly on hand an assortment of Mahogany Furniture, ! of every variety, manufactured expressly for his own ; sale*, and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article. *> Open in the evening. Order* from a distance packed carefully, and eent J free of porterage, to any part of the city. H. CLARK. j Philadelphia, August 18, 1649 —ly. 12. C. Jluruin A J. G. ITiiclieiicr, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, : Office No. 75 Dock Street, Philadelphia, opposite the Exchange, V VTILL attend punctually to all busi ness entrusted to their care. K. j C. AL, late an officer in the army in Mexico, and fnmiliar with the business of the Depart- I ments at Washington, will give his attention to the prosecution of claims against the Gov ernment, in obtaining I-and Warrants, extra and back Pay, and Pensions for Widows or j Orphans under the Acts of Congress ; claims for services during the war of 1812 and Revo | lutionary claims. (fcs~Letters addressed to us at 75 Dock st. ! will be promptly answertd. Philadelphia, July 14, 1849—3 m. €. J. KNEEIM FIY, Wholesale Boot, Shoe and Bouuet Warehouse, No. 130 North Third street, opposite the Eagle Hotel, Philadelphia, Ts now receiving about SHOO C ASKS FRESH FALL J- GOODS, direct from the manufacturer*, •urban Men's and Boys' THICK KIP and C.At.F BOOTS and BRO CANS, Youth'> and Children's BOOTS and BROOANS, with a great variety of Jrirwca'* I.ACE BOOTS and ! SHOES, both City and Raftern manufacture. Thisitork ! i* got up expressly for Country Trade, and will be sold 1 cheap Vr MERCHANTS are invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August'lt, 1649—3 m, IffALItERLLi SHAL) Constantly on SALMON hand 7 SIIRGEO \ 1> S! \ T IST, "I I AS RETURNED to Lewistown, and taken LJ, rooms at Turner's Hotel, where he may be lound for a short time. Persons desirous of | his professional services, will please call. Lewistown, Augu*t 11, 1849. JI. MONTGOMERY, Boot & Slioc manufacturer MARKET STREET LEWISTOWN. CONTINUES to manufacture, to order, every description of BOOTS AND SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.— Having competent workmen in hiseraploy and using good stock, his customers, as well as all others, may rely upon getting & good article, well made and neatly finished. January 22,1848 -tf. Samuel Hopper, ; CARPENTER, Is ready at all times to build the best Houses, and can do that very thing. Residence No. 5 Hale street, Lewistown. March 31, 18-49—tf LEWISTOWN ACADEMY. "|Vj"OTICE is hereby given, that the Acade -L1 my School will commence on the second j MONDAY of September. Terms of Tuition I as heretofore. The strictest attention will be : given to all pupils to advance them in their 1 studies. The Academy possesses also the ad- j vantage of a Philosophical and Astronomical apparatus to facilitate the instruction of pupils. Lewistown, Sept. 1, 1849 —tf. C A U T ION. I HEREBY give notice that I purchased, at | Constable's sale, on Saturday, September j 15th, 18*48, a BAY HORSE, the property of i Andrew Cubbison, and therefore caution the I public not to interfere with the same, as I i have loaned him to the said ANDREW CUB- j BISON during my pleasure. JOHN CARNEY. ! Lewistown, Sept. 22, 1849—3t. 7 CENTS REWARD. RAN A WAY from the subscriber, residing in Armagh township, on Thursdays the 20th instant, an indented apprentice to the farming business, named GEORGE W. BARE. The above reward, but no thanks, will be giv en ror his return; and all persons are hereby notified not to harbor or trust him on my ac- i count. Wll,l*l AM T. CLOSE. ' September 22, 1849 —3t. j Administrators' Notice. LE TTERS of administration on the estate cy WILLIAM MARKS, lute of the bor ough of Lewistown, deceased, have been grant ed to the subscribers, residing in said Borough. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate, to call and settle the same, with out delay, and those having claims against said estate are requested to present them. ALFRED MARKS, J. VV. SHAW, Administrators. I.ewistown, Sept 15, 1819.—0t. JJoetrg. A PARODY. Take a little wife, The prettier the better; Pat her cheek, and when She wants to kiss you—let her. Keep her in the house, There she'll cook your mutton ; Darn your jacket too, If she's worth a button. Never mind the lots Of her aunts and cousins. Ask them to "drop in;" Dine them all by dozen*. One of these old days, You'll feel one inch taller, When you see her hug A chopping little aqualler. JDolftCcal Whig Meeting in Philadelphia. SPEECH OF GOV. JOHNSTON. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held iri Independence Square, Philadelphia, on Monday evening of last week. Among those who ad dressed the vast assemblage was his Excellen cy Governor Johnston, whose appearance on ; the stand, we are informed, was hailed with i most tremendous cheering, and ever and anon, during his patriotic and heart-stirring speech, a spontaneous outburst of enthusiastic cheers | evinced the admiration which his frank and open-hearted expressions could not fail to eli cit. We find a brief sketch of the Governor's remarks in the North American, which we ' give below. GOVERNOR JOHNSTON was then introduced by the President, and the whole assemblage seemed tossed with excitement, and we have rarely witnessed so cordial a welcome, so generous and unreserved an outpouring of feeling. Returning thanks briefly for the favor aDd kindness done him, he said he did not know how it was—but he could assert it as a fact—that he had gained the confidence of a large body of the people of the city and county of Philadelphia, and through j that confidence, a large majority at the polls. He did not know why it was, for he was per sonally unknown, and when he came among i them a year ago, it was with no special claim ! upon their regard. True, he had endeavored to serve the people faithfully as a representative from, his District in the Legislature, but he nev er was a representative of partizan views, but ) always the earnest and faithful supporter of such ! measures as were calculated to bring the great est good to the greatest number. When the question was presented to him, he advocated the | bill for fostering universal education in the be lief that it was wise and salutary—and because he felt in his own heart the waiit of the advan tages of early education. He wished to bring the Common school house to every man's door. | He felt, also, that he was right in giving a hearty and zealous support to institutions for j the alleviation of misery and the correction of j error, and he sustained by his vote the institu tions of benevolence and learning in this city, because he believed that iu citizens were do ing credit to themselves and justice to the un fortunate. He advocated a system of internal improvements, because he was assured it would aid in developing the rich internal resources of the State, to the advantage and prosperity of the people at large, and pour their fruits into this great city, where of right they should come. In all his legislative career he had done no act he was not bound to do by a sense of justice to the people of the State. He came here about a year ago, and found the people disposed to cherish him. Ferhaps that arose from the fact that he presented him self in an unusal manner—that he entered upon I a novel mode of conducting the eontest. it was insinuated that it was wrong—that it was in delicate to present himself before the people and personally solicit office—but he feit that J our government was based on different princi . pies, and that he who would seek preferment at ' the hands of the people, should come before them and state his opinions. If they approved them, he had a right to ask their votes, but if not, his j duty was submission to their will. (Great ap plause.) During the previous year he had traversed the extent of the State, and in the course ofhis : tour he made no promises. He referred all who ; listened to him to the history of the past, and told them that if they placed the mantle of | Governor on his shoulders he would to the best of his ability, strive to bring back the institutions of the State to the broad and simple basis upon which they were originally placed. He assured : them that under no other circumstances would i he presume to exercise his solitary vote against , their voice and will, and his endeavor should be 1 to relieve the burden of taxation by paying the public debt, and reducing the onerous and un wise expenditures of the government. He was i in favor of the Ten Hour Law, because he wish ed the operative to enjoy the opportunities of leisure, and to be able to fit himself for the in telligent discharge of his duties as a citizen, i These were his declarations a year ago, and he would ask if they had not all been faithfully carried out. He had not come there to give support to par tisan action. His object was to give aid and countenance to the uniformed volunteer system, j The old law was wrong. It was a mockery in itself, and a burden upon the treasury of "the ! State. He felt sure that the new law would bo a beneficial one, aud that it was his duty to attend every military meeting, while, by so do ing, he did not interfere with more important official duties. It was tiiat which brought him into this section of the State. But there were certain things which might be talked about without being charged with an 1 attempt to influence partizan politics. Of these was the duty which men owe to themselves and to their country. According to his mode of reasoning, and his convictions, every man was bound to cast his ballot whenever he was of- , fered the opportunity, He who does not, docs u wrong to the country. It is an omission which suffers opponents to proslrata what in his opinion is right. In a government based on the popular will, any one who refuses to discharge the duties such a government imposes on him, is guilty of a gross wrong, which can scarcely be calculated. Our country cannot be subverted by brute force, but the omission u> vote, offers an opportunity which some day or other will be taken advantage of by demagogues, to ruin the beautiful fabric we have raised. We have rca- j son to be proud of our institutions, he said, and ■ with great force and, beauty of thought, he urged that our institutions should be kept pure, because it wus to them the lovers of liberty in all lands turned for encouragement to their i New Series—Vol. 3—No. 00. hopes. He alluded to Rome, stricken down by the fiatricidal hand of France, and Hungary fal len in her struggle for religion, liberty and fatherland, but he added, that if the spirit of lib erty was hushed there now, it was only stilled tor a time, and if our light continued to burn as a bright star toward which they could look, j it would reinstate freedom on her throne. Passing to the subject of protection, he ar • gued it strongly, and being requested by , one in the crowd to give his opinion of Mr. Ful ler, the Whig candidate for Canal Cotnuiission ; er, he said he knew him well—that several years 1 of intercourse had satisfied him of his^ capacity, ' honesty, and purity of character; and that in ; his hands the interests of the State would not only bo safe, but be promoted. He had the ca pacity to do good, and he knew he would, simply i because he was fair and honest. • To the Freemen of Pennsyl vania. ! In view of the approaching contest between the friends and the opponent? of the present State Administration, and the policy recom | mended and pursued respectively by them in reference to tho affairs of the Commonwealth, | the Whig State Central Committee invite at tention to the following statement of FACTS FOR TilE PEOPLE. It is a fact, that the Locofoco party for a j number of years, have had the entire control of the administration of the State government, of the finances of the State, and of the public | improvements. It ie a fact, that during this period the inter est on the State debt was paid in depreciated pa[>er : the credit of the State was prostrated : the stocks of the Commonwealth were greatly below par value; the revenues were insufficient to pay tiie interest of the debt aud maintain the public works. It is a fact, that large amounts of money were i frequently borrowed to pay the semi-annual in terest, and that a floating debt, along the line of our public works, of six hundred thousand dollars had accumulated for years, andiem&in ed unpaid. It is a fact, that laborers, material men, and men who had sustained damage along the im provements—men who could not be denied their honest claims without sorely feeling the lose—whose famishing lamihes were crying to them for bread, bad remained unpaid for years, and their petitions lor telief had been "disre garded. It is B fact, that the people, while they paid into the Treasury the tuxes deemed necessary to the support of public credit, were fearfully discouraged at the prospect before them—heavy burthens, crippled and insufficient resources, and domestic debts unpaid—and they despa.-ed of seeing, in their day and generation, any change for the better. It is a fact, that the party then in power made no attempts to reduce the burthens of the people, by the only available mode, the payment of the public debt, and the citizens could see in the future no relief from taxation. It is a fact, that those laborers and material men upon the public works, who were fortu nate enough to receive from the Locofoco su perintendents the reward of their toil, were paid in worthless notes—torn, defaced and de preciated in value; —notes which were kept in circulation against the terms of their origi nal issue, which required their redemption years ago. It is w. fact, that so soon as the Whig Admin istration came into power, the Locofoco party, from one end of the State to the other, com menced an unprincipled outcry against it, be ; cause it did not pay the debts along the line of | internal improvements, and because the poor laborers remainei unrewarded—debt 9 which that party had contracted and concealed—la borers who had suffered the pangs of want for debts due them for months, if not years, under Locofoco Administration. These are facts which the records of the State and the experience of the people will fully sustain. Look on the reverse of the pic ture—for there is a second chapter of facts to follow : It is a fact, that the Whig Governor, William F. Johnston, was inaugurated in the month of January last, having received the largest vole ever polled in the State of Pennsylvania, and that since then, he has had the administration of the Executive branch of the government un der his control. It is a fact, that before, as well a? since, his inauguration, the public press of the Ix>cofoco party have assailed him, his recommendations, and his public acta, with a ferocity which con temned public sentiment, disregarded the ex pression of the public will, and which, defying truth and shame, denounced his administration as ruinous to the interests of the people. It is a fact, nevertheless, that under his ad ministration ot public affaire, within the short period of nine months, the interest on the pub lic debt has been paid in a sound, convertible currency, without borrowing, and without the cost of a cent in exchanges, thereby saving to the people thousands ot dollars. It is a fact, that, within this period, the float ing debt ofsix hundred thousand dollars, creat ed by the Locofoco party, and by them suffered to accumulate for years, has been principally paid, and lesources are 111 the Treasury to meet every dollar of the debt which has been brought to the notice of the Whig administra tion. it is a fact, that the workmen, materia! men and men who have sustained damage along the lines ot the Canals and Railroads in the Stale, have either been paid, or the payments have been delayed by superintendents on the said work. It is a fact, that of those torn, defaced and depreciated notes, with which Locofocoa paid the laborers on the public works, $327,937, 00, —being nearly two-thirds of the whole—have been withdrawn from circulation, and their places supplied with a sound awl safe currency. It is a fact, that one hundred and thirteen thousand five hundred debars oi the funded debt have been paid, awl one hundred thousand more will be paid before the first day ofFebiu ary next; and that B sinking fund has been es tab! ished, which, under proper management antl the continuance of the judicfous system pur sued by the existing administration, will se cure the payment of ten millions of dollars of