PSRAEM, BROTHERS, Hare just returned from the city with a very choice supply of the Latest Styles of New Goods, comprising' an assortment from which the Ladies < annot fail to make a pleasing selection. Their C£>cs>cEK£l£3 are particularly worthy their attention, being certainly the best stock in town. In all the minutiae of Dry Goods, Carpeting, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c. they have an assortment that will hear the test of quantity, quality and price with any store in city, town, or country. In Cwrocerics, Salt, od Fur flat, - $lO6 Fme Nutria and Fine Silk, - 2.25 •Fine Beaver, - - - - 275 Finest Moleskin, - - - 3 25 Lewi -town, June 28, 1849. Moiling Cloths OF the best quality SQUARE MESH, AN CHOR STAMP, real Holland manufacture, imported direct from the manufactory, and for sale at Lewistown at New York prizes. Terms cash—cloths warranted. Enquire of SAMUEL HOPPER, August 4, 1849 Millwright. XWGHATVIS!— I Good Manchester Ging- Jf hams, at only cents per yard, to lie had at the oiilv cheap store in town, i. e. j uly 2B. 'NUSBALLM, BROTHERS. GEO. W. ELDER. .4 TTORNE Y A T L A W, lewislown, Mifflin County, Pa. OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any business in the Courts of Centre country. August 25, 1849—tf. Wo So SMxms? Attorney at Law, WILL attend promptly to business entrust ed to his care in this and adjoining counties. Office one door west of the Post Office. June 16, '49-ly. w. H. IRWIN, AT TO R-Y E Y AT LA If, HAS resumed the practice of his profession in this and the adjoining counties. Office in Main street, Lewistown, opposite to the Town Hall. Jan. 20, 1848 —tf. MAGISTRATE'S OFFICE CHRISTIAN HOOVER, Justice of tlie Pence, CAN be found at his office, in the room re cently occupied by Esquire Kulp, where he will attend to all business entrusted to his care with the greatest care and despatch. Lewistown, July 1, 1848 —tf. Better Bite than Glllll it. 31 ntC all j>. DR. S. F. GREEN, has again resumed the practice of his profession. He will be happy to wait upon all who desire his pro fessional services. He may be found at GREEN'S Medical Depot , No. 11. Lewistown, aprtl 29, 1848—tf. M. MONTGOMERY, ■tool & Shoe iIIaIIII l";i <1 urer MARKET STREET LEWISTOWN. CONTINUES to manufacture, to order, every description of BOOTS AND [SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.— Having competent workmen in his employ and using good stock, his customers, as well as all others, may rely upon getting a good article, well made and neatly finished. January 22,1848 —tf. Samuel Hopper, CARPENTER, Is ready at alt times to build the best Houses, and can do that very thing. Residence No. 5 Hale street, Lewistown. March 21, 1849—tf EOT 22 3 AMD II O L LO W-WARE. rriHE undersigned continues to manufacture A Stoves, Hollow-ware, dfc., at the Old Logan Foundry, formerly carried on by A. B. Long &. Co., and offers to the public the following articles: The Premium or Cook's Favorite is a very good stove, and well deserves those high com mendations so unanimously bestowed upon it. Also the Hathaway Cooking Stove, which stands unrivalled in this or any other country. It has been tested for the last nine years, and is justly pronounced the best and the most durable article of that kind ever used. Hundreds of certificates could be procured, if necessary. The NIBTE PLATE STOVE, of various sizes. Coal Stoves, of every de scription ; Parlor and Chamber do., for coal or wood ; Air-tight do., got up in a neat and beau tiful style. Wash Kettles, Skillets, Fry Pans, Pots, Iron Stands, and nurneron6 other articles of Hollow-ware. Also, Sled Shoes, and all kinds of Castings made to order, lie is albo rnanutacturing SUPERIOR WATER PIPE, of one and a quarter inch calibre, and intends to keep a supply on hand at all times. The subscriber is determined to make tlie ware out of the very best material that can be pro cured : and for the accommodation of distant purchasers, keeps wagons and horses lor the purpose of delivering stoves at any point within eighty miles, free ot any additional charge.— : All the stoves are warranted to stand the fire and perforin well,and if not, the money will be refunded on their return - it a. plate should break i or crack, it will be replaced free of charge. There is connected with the Foundry, n Tinning Establishment, for manufacturing Tin Ware ot" every Kiiul, j where purchasers will please call. 0C7"AII orders from a distance will meet i vvth prompt attention. Wholesale dealers would do well to give me a call, as I will wholesale B'oves and Hollow-ware on as fair terms as they can be had at any other place. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex change ROBERT McMANIGIL. Lewisown, Jan. 27, 1849—til Indemnity. Tlic Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, OFFICE, No. 163{ Chesntit street, near Fifth street. DIRECTORS. Charles X. nancker, George W. Richards, Thomas Hart, Mordecai I). Lewis, Tobias Wagtier, Adolphe E. Borie, Samuel Grant, David 8. Brown, Jacob U. Smith, Morris Patterson. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, | affords ample protection to the assured. The assets of the Company, on January Ist. 1848, as j published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol ' lows, viz: Mortgages, #890,558 65 Heal Estate, 108,358 90 Temporary Loans, 124,459 00 Ptocks, 51,563 25 Cash, SLC. 45,157 87 #1,220,097 67 j Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million ttco hundred thou sand dollars losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of ! the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and lisposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. Circuits G. BANCKER, Secretary. For terms apply to R. C. IIALE, Lewis town. ttpl4—ly. DR. SHERMAN'S Italsaiu, Lozenge*& l'la*ter. Dr. Sherman s O LOS.I ON IAN, or *lll - Balsam, For the cure of Cone erupt ton. .Isthuui, Dyspeptic Con sumption. Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarecncer, Influenza, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Bains in the Breast and Side, Dyspep sia, and the various affections of the Stomach and l.iver. Tiie great celebrity which this remedy has obtained among those who are acquainted with its virtues, and are rejoicing in its effects, has induced the Proprietor to give it the name of OLO&AOJftAJsT, OH ALL lIKALIXO BAI.SAM, to distinguish it from all other Remedies now i i use. Its combination is the result of more than TWSNTV v BARS experience, and he believes it to be the most perfect remedy known —for it has been used by thousands of per sous, and in all instances wilii the most derided benefit For References or Certificates of Remarkable Cases oi long standing and considered beyond Hope, see a smaL Book furnished gratis by the Agents to all who desire it. The sufferings which children frequently undergo from WORMS often tend to a fatal termination, while the cu ATE is never suspected. Offensive breath, picking at the nose, grinding the teeth during sleep, starting up iu sleep with fright and screaming, troublesome cough, nnd fever rati nes*, are among some of the PHOMISK.IT MPTOSIS of the presence of worms. A timely use of SHERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES, will immediately remove all these unpleasant symptoms, and restore to perfect health. Consumption , influenza,coughs, colds, whooping cough tightness of the lungs or chest may be cured by a proper use of Sherman's COUGH LOZENGES. Kcadaehe , palpitation of the heart, townest of spirit, 54%- *i< kites*, tieftjMUKlcncy, famine**, cliolic, sp-i-ms, cramp* of (he stomach, summer or bowel complain?*, are quickly and entirely relieved by tiaing Sherman's CAMPHOR LOZENGES. liheumatitm, weak back, pain and weakness of the breast,bark, limbs,and other parts of Hie body ate speedily and effectually relieved by Sherman's Poor Alan's Plaster, vi hith co.ts only 121 cents, is witbiri the reach of all. It has his name with directions printed on the back of the Plaster, and a fac simile of the Doctor's written name under the directions. None others are genuine or to !>e relied on Dr Sherman's Warehouse is No. 166 Nassau street, New \ or k. Wholesale Agent for this couuty CHAS. RITZ. [ ' tw ° ei/.es, from .v'JOto ST2. BKyg—.. CO"We invite Far- Frg !!' 11 "ts and all persons Vn a i J Stove, to give us a call j before purchasing elsewhere. F. .L HOFFMAN. Lcwistown, June 23, 1^49. D. IWID & M, MRBLE TIASO\S, WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they still continue to carry on the MARBLE BUSINESS in all its various branches, at their old stand, Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sts., LE WIS TO WN, where they have constantly on hand MARBLE MANTELS, TOMBS, MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, &LC. All kinds of PLAIIU & ORNAMENTAL work executed with neitness, and on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them, they still solicit a continuance of the same. Orders from any part of the country, through mail, attended to with accuracy and despatch. March 17.1847—tf HO FINE'S Rheumatic Nerve, and Rone Liniment, for sale at GREEN'S Medi cal Depot, No. 11, Lewistown. Lewistown, August 18,1849. Martin & Whilelcy'* NATIONAL TONie, A certain Cure for Ague, Fever, and Dyspepsia. IN' our summer and full months many sections of our country are prostrated by BILI.TOUB FEVER and AGUE and FEVER.—It has been our particular study to And out some remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, and think, in this TONIC we have effected this great object. It is alss we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia, and if our directions are followed, will not fail to effect a cure. In a letter dated, May 23.1, 1919, our Agent, Mr. Elias Raub, of Wrightsville, York county, Pa , says:—l have never known any remedy for Fever and Jlfue equal to your invaluable National Tonic. It lias given universal satisfaction, and has cured cases of Ague of years stand ing, and after the failure of all other medicines made use of. Mr. Henry Beverson, of the aame place, saya in his certificate, dated 22d March, 1949, ' I applied to a number of Physicians, and also used a variety of the most popu lar Ague Mixtures at different limes, but all without the desired effect; no permanent cure having been afforded. I was at length induced, at the recommendation of your worthy Agent ut this place, to try a bottle of your Na tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction, before I had used half of it, I felt completely cured, though I contin ued the use of it till i had taken two bottles.' In a joint certificate from Messrs. Miles Hoke, William Blsckson, and James D. Brown, of the same place, they say—'Hav ing tried nearly nil the remedies within our reach with out success, we at last purchased some of your National Tunic, which has completely cured us. We, therefore, cheerfully recommend it to the notice of all persons af flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet discovered.' See the Pamphlets, Which you can get frotn one of our Agents gratis. Also, Dr. Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use, in all cases where a purgative is needed. Prepared and sold by MARTIN Sc. WHJTELEY, Wholesale Drug Store, No. 49 S. Calvert St., Baltimore. For sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and WATT SON & JACOB, Lewistown ; and by ALEX ANDER RUTLEDUE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. June 30, 1649—1y. CLICKENER'S SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE FILLS. The Grand Purgative for the cure of Headache, Giddiness, Measels, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms, Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Morbus, Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsey, Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough, Inward weakness, Consumption, Fits, i Palpitation of the Heart, I.iver Complaint, Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness, Dropsy, Asthma, Itching of the Skin, Fevers of ail kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Complaints, Nervous Com;>laiiits, and a variety of other diseases arising from impurities of the blood, and obstructions in the organs of digestion. The aversion to taking medicine is effectually removed by CLICKENER'S VEGETABLE PURGATIVE PILLS, being completely enveloped with a coating of pure white sugar (wlii. ii is as distinct from the internal ingredients as a nut shell from the kernel) and hare no taste of medi cine but as easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover they NKlTHfcu aAt skATE oa OHiet, hut operate equally upon all the diseased parts of the system. Thus, if the liver be affected, one ingredient will operate on that particular organ, and, by cleansing it of any excess of bile restore it to its natural state. Another will operate on the blood, while a third will effectually expel what ever impurities may have been discharged into the stom ach, and hence they strike at the ruot of disease, thus se curing a free an.) healthy action to the heart, lungs, and Liver ;and thereby tbey restore health even when all other means have failed. The entire truth of the above can be ascertained by the trial of a single box ; and their virtues are so jiositive and certain HI restoring health that the proprietor binds him self to return the money paid for 'hem in all cases tt here they do not give universal satisfaction. Retail price 25 cents per box. ** Principal ortire No. 66 Vesey street, New York. t>Remember Dr C. V. Cltckener is the inventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced them in June, 1043. Pur. (lasers should, therefore, alw ays ask for Clickener's I Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, ami take no others, or | they will be made victims of fraud. Wholesale Agent for this countv, CHAS. ! RITZ. [Dec. 23, 1848— ly. //Allllls. TURNEII 4* HALE'S C ompound Syrup ofSpigelia or Vegetable Vermifuge, The most effectual, the safest, jdeasantrst and most eourenient Worm Medicine ever offered to the public. 'ltllK SPIGELtA, says a work of hiehest authority, j -I- stands at the head uf the list of Anthelmintics or H'ortr I Mtdiemes. It is adapted to a wider range of cases, and I to a greater variety of constitutions and states of the I constitution, than any other. But prepared as it com j is, in the form of lea, it can seldom be given to | . hil.lreu in sufficient .loses In Harris, Turner Ac IL.le's I Compound Syrup, i? is so concentrated that the dose is : very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera ' tion, and so palatable as to be taken, tiolonly with ease, ' but with positive pleasure. The precise composition of this syrup and the mode of preparing it, are titc result of a series of experiments continued for years. Before offering it for sale, it was subjected to the test of experience in the hands of eini . nent physicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who have 1 recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ it in their practice. In addition to tins evidence of its mer its, we offer the following, selected from a number of un solicited testimonials. Ist. A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much experience, writes of it thus: '•I should have written before t!ii, but felt disposed first to try tile efficacy of your Vermifuge. 1 have used more than half the quantity received,and the experiment has been most successful. / really beliere that it posses, ses adva over any othi r Ftrmifagt I have ever used. Independent of the small lies, of the dose, and the plea santness of the syrup (great advantages in dosing chil dren) the advantage of administering it under a variety of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there is scarcely a condition of the system in w Inch it may not be administered. Yours, Ac." 2.1 A respectable physician uf Lebanon county, in this state, writes " I have been in the habit of prescribing your Compound Syrup of Spigelta for some time past, and have found it an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.— Please forward per bearer 2 dnz bottles. —Yours, tic." 3d —An intelligent merchant of Viiguiia to whom we had previously sold the syrup, writes : "Since my return home, I find that your Syrup of Spi geli.a lias come into general use in this neighborhood. We have sold what we had on hand, and it gave such satis faction that it is now called forevey day. You will please put lis up 5 or <> dozen in a smalt package, and send to the . are of \V. Anderson Ac Co , Ki> timolol, as soon as possi ble, and forward the bill |>er mail.—Yours, Ace." -Itii —A r. spectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to Philadelphia, stated, some tune since lie had been ap plied to by a customer for a vial of 's Ver mifuge for bis son. Not having the article asked for, he advised a trial of Harris, Turner & Hale's Compound Byrupof Spigelia and gave liim it pari u/ u bottle \\ Inch wss ail that remained HI the store. A day or two alter this the gentleman returning to the store, expressed his surprise and delight ut the effect of the Syrup, declaring it had e spelled 200 worms and entirely relieved his son. The men haul added an expression of his great regret that he had not had on hands a bottle of the Syrup at the time when his own little daughter died, as he confidently be lieved it would have saved her life. 5th —A gentleman of Hudson, N. Y , having sent a hot. tleof Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound Syrup of Sp, geliu, to a young friuml W ho hail tried HI vain a great num ber of worm medicines, writes, that his friend was imme diately relieved ; the words of the patient were: "It look every worm out my body." MANUFACTURED ONLY BY . HARRIS, TURN FILL & HALE, Wholesale Druggists, No. 201 Market street, Philadelphia, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win dow-glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumeries, Ace , Ac.,and exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner A Ilale s Hugur Coated Pills, Hexham's Liniment for the Piles, the Banbridge Hair Tonic, Eberle Eye Water, Mrs. Madi son's Unrivalled Indellihli-Ink, De wees' Celebrated Nerve and Bone Liniment, or Magic. Pain Extiactor, Mrs. Sliars wood's Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla, for flavoring Pud dings, Ice Creams, Ax., Ac. For salo by dealers in Drugs generally in Centre, Mifflin and Juniata counties. [au5 —tf LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRO nic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach in both Male and Female : Such as Constipation, Inward Tiles, Fulness or Blood to the Head, Aridity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomal h, Sour F.ructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Dilfirult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or sutfocat ing sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vi sion, Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the H 'ad. Deficiency of perspiration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the Side, Hark, Chest, I.inibs, 4c., sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, con stant Imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits, ran he effectually cured by Dr. Hoofland's Celebrated GERMAN BITTERS. Thfir power over the above diseaoi s is not eirelled—if equalled— bj any other preparation m the United States,us the cures attest, in nuiny cases after skilful physicians had failed. OEBANOEMF.NT OF THE LIVER and STOMACH are sources of Insanity, and will also produce disease of the Heart, Skin, Lungs and Kidneys, and lay. the body open to an attack of the Cholera, Bilious, or Yellow Fever, and is generally the first cause of that most baneful disease, Consumption. Opinions of the Philadelphia Press. " The Dispatch," December 31st, says: A* INVALIABLE MEDICINE. —We have frequently heard the celebrated German Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Ilootlaiid, spoken of in terms of commendation, and we know deservedly so. It is a too common practice, in certain quarters, to puff all manner of useless trash, but in the case of the above Bitters, hundreds are living wit nesses of their great moral and physical worth. As a medicine for the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous Debility, and Dyspepsia, it has been found invaluable, effecting cures and thoroughly eradicating diseases when other medicines have failed. We feel convinced, that in the use of the German Hitters, the patient does not be come debilitated, but constantly gains strength and vigor to the frame—a fact worthy of great consideration. The Bitters are pleasant in taste and smell, and can he admin istered under any circumstances to the most delicate stomach. Indeed, they can be used by all |iersons with the most perfect safety. It would be well for those af fected in the nervous system, to commence with one tea spoonful or less, and gradually increase. Wespeak from experience, and are of course a proper judge. The press far and wide have united in recommending the German Bitters, and to the afflicted we most cordially advise their use. " Spirit of ihe Times," June 24, s;ty9 : " Do our good citizens who are invalids, know the ma ny astonishing cures that have been performed by Dr Hoofland's celebrated German Bitters ? If they do not, we recommend them to the ' German Medicine Store,' ali who are afflicted with Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, or Nervous Debility; the doctor has cured many of our citizens after the best physicians had failed. We have used them, and they have proved to be a medi cine that every one should know of, and we cannot re frain giving our testimony iu their favor, and that which gives them greater claim upon our humble effort is, they are entirely vegetable. '• The Daily News," July 4th, says : "We speak knowingly of Dr. Hoof Hand's celebrated German Hitlers, when we say it is a blessing of this age; and in diseases of the biliary, digestive and nervou. sys tems, it lia. not we tbitik an equal. It i. a Vegetable Preparation, and made without .Slcuhol, and to all invalid, we would recommend n as worthy their confidence." READ THE FOLLOWING: It is from one of our first druggists, a gentleman favor ably known throughout the I'nited State. —the proprietor of the ' Medicated Worm Syrup:* PHILADELPHIA, NOV. 22d, IS4B. Dear sir—lt is with tnuch pleasure lliat 1 testify to the extraordinary virtues of your German Bitters, having sold largely of them these last few month, to various persons, afflicted with liver complaints, dyspepsia, and debility of the nervous system. I can say conscientious ly that fhey are the best article of the kind I have ever sold, (and 1 deal in ail ihe popular medicines.) and I con sider it the only medicine for the above diseases before the public. 1 have never sold one bottle that has not given satisfac tion, ami brought forth the commendation of those who used it. 1 deem this inv duty both to you as the proprietor of iliis highly valuable article, and to those afflicted with the above complaints, that they may know of its curative properties, and to enable them to select the good from the various articles with which our market is flooded. With much respect, I remain yours, 4c. J. N. HOBENSACK, Druggist, j corner of Second and Coates streets. j JAUNDICE & LIVER COMPLAINT, Cured after Physicians had failed. Philadelphia, December 27, ISj-tS. Dear sir—lt is with feelings of pleasure I communicate to you the sanative effects (and in a short time) of your invaluable Hoofland*. celebrated German Bitters, upon my system while laboring under the Jaundice. Al>oul two years ago 1 had an attack of tiie Jaundice and was confined to the house six weeks under medical treatment of \ the family Physician, and for some time after, when I i went out I had to very careful of myself; since that lime j 1 have had several attacks of the same disease, and your : littler, have entirely relieved and cured me in two or j three days. My next door neighbor, Mr. JOHN DIKIIL, ; last spring, had a long and serious spell of Jaundice ; he j had it some time before 1 knew it; he was confined to his j bed. As soon as 1 heard of his condition I called to see j him and told him of the effect your Hitters had upon me * in the same disease. He immediately sent for a bottle, , nud in a few days he was cured. 1 have in several instan- . res recommended the Bitters in other cases, always pro- j during the same happy effect. My wife has been consi derably afflicted with Liver Complaint and Neuralgia; by ' the use of the Bitters she is well, now enjoying good health. We believe from ihe many cures we know of these Bitters effecting, that they possess in a remarkable and extraordinary degree great curative properties, and ' that which enhances their value with us is, they are en- . tirely vegetable. We always keep the Bitters on hand, j and would not be willing to do without them. Very respectfully, yours, C. FIERCE, 370 South Front street. I Can stronger testimony be adduced by any preparation j before the public 1 A single bottle will convince any one ■ of their power over disease. They are ENTIRELY VEGE TABLE, and will permanently destroy the most obstinate ' coetircness, and give strength and vigor to the frame, at no time debilitating the patient; being also grateful to I tin' most delicate stomach under any circumstances, and ran be administered with perfect safety to delicate infants j —they are free from .llrohol, Syrups, .drids, Calomel, and , all mineral and injurious ingredients. They can be taken at all limes and under all cirrum stances; no ordinary exposure will prevent them having 1 a salutary effect, and no bad result cau accrue from an over dose. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the principal Depot, 1 German Medicine Store, 27S Race street, Philadelphia. j For sale in Lewistown by \VM MARKS i &. SON, and respectable dealers in every town [ in the state. ap 14 —ly I>R. NAKTIA'S Comjiottutt Ssvup of WILD CHERRY, 1 S the best Medicine yet for Coughs, Colds, Oonsiunp *■ tion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, 4c. Read the fed- . lowing : November I3ih. 18-13. Gear Sir—l take great pleasure in saying to yon th.-u Mrs. Ross has been entirely relieved of her cough by the use of your Syrup of li tld Cherry, li had continued for ' fully eighteen months. She had used several prepara tions of Ihe Wild Cherry now in popular use. but not with the slightest benefit, until she took yours She on ly took six hollies, and I am pleased to gay she is now in good health. Every one who saw Mrs. Ross thought her In a deep decline. LEWIS P. ROSS, No. 987 S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Schoon er O. K., Cambridge Packet. In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign i Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary land, of June Bth, IS|B, s.v Price 73 cents a Bottle. Prepared and sold by MARTIN & WHITEI.EY. at ' their wholesale Drug Store, 4h S Calvert Street, Balli more, And for sale bv F. J. HOFFMAN and WATTSON & JACOB, Lewistown; ALEX ANDER RLTLEDGE, Williamsburg - , county. [June 30, IH49—ly. L A DIES' Slippers, at low oricrs, bv ap29. W. ULLEY. i Tricks of Quacks! LET ALL READ THIS CAREFI'IIY CAUTION EXTRA. V NUMBER of men under the name nf Sktiiin:. • *• Thompson A Co , have employed a man by the of Jaeob Townsend, lo use his name to put a ' parilla, which they call "Old Or. Townsend'e rilla," dec., and wish to sell it to the public as ine and original Dr. Townsend'a Saraaparilla t> " Townsend has been employed in peddling book, J! 1 cheap publications for a number of year* before he ' j this honorable situation. The public are cautioned no l ",'' be deceived and purchase none, if they wish the- genu' . ' but such as are put up in splendid steel plaie w r , , and signed by S. f. TOH'A~SE.YD. Dll. TOH'NSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT Or SARSAPARILL A. Wonder and Blessing of the Age. The .Must Extraordinary Mediant in the World! j This Extract is put up in Quart Mottles; itisrixii,,, cheaper, pleasanter.and warranted superior toany sold It cures without vomiting, purging, sickening, or'dcbili tating the patient. The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla ; over all other medicines is, that while it eradicates th e j disease, it invigorates the body. It isoneof theverv L-t j Syrm/T and Summer Medicines ever known; itnot oi.U j purifies the whole system, and strengthens the perxni, ; but it creates new, pure and rirh blood: a |siwer p<.se 6Se( j by no other medicine. And in this lies the grand secret | of its wonderful success. It has performed within the 1 last five years more than 100,000 cures of severe eases of disease; at least 15,000 were considered incurable lttia, ) saved the lives of more than 5,000 children during the t„ 0 . past seasons. 10,000 eases of General Debility and Kant of .Yertout Energy. —Dr. Townsend's tiarsaptuilla invigorates the whole system permanently. To those who have lost their muscular energy by the eflects of medicine or indis cretion committed in youth, or the excessive indulgence . of the passions arid brought on a general physical pros in tion of the nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensations, premature decay and decline,hasten, ing towards that fatal disease, Consumption, can be en tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sarsapa. rilla is far superior to any INVIGORATING CORDIAL as it renews arid invigorates the system, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular system, in amoti ! extraordinary degree. Consumption Cured, Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint. Colds, Ca tarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Sorenesr m the chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Pro. fuse Expectoration, Pain in the Side, Ac., have been and can be cured. SPITTING BLOOD. -Vcir York , April 25, 1847. Da Towusbkd—l verily believe that your Sarsapi rilla has been the means, through Providence, of savug i my life. 1 have for several years had a bad Cough, it became worse and worse. At last I railed large quanti ties of blood, had night Sweats, and was greatly debilita ted and reduced, and did not expect to live. 1 have oaly used your Sarsaparilla a short time, and there has a wonderful change been wrought in me. lam now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my rough has left me. Vou can well imagine that 1 am thankful : for these results. A'our obedient servant, WM. RUSSELL, 65Catharine-si Rheumatism. 1 James Cummings, Esq , one of the assistants in the Lunatic Asylum, BlackweM's Island, is the gentleman spoken of in the following letter. This is only one of i more than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla has cured. Blacktrell's Island, Sept. 14,1847. Dr. Townsend— Dear Sir : I have suffered terribly for nine years with the Rheumatism; considerable of the time I could not eat, sleep, or walk. 1 had the utmost distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I i have used four bottles of your Sarsaparilla, and they , have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of ; good. I am so much better—indeed, I am entirely re j tiered. Vou are at liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. Yours, respectfully, JAMES Cl'xmixgs. Fits ! Fits ! Fits ! Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsaparilla in j cases of Fits, of course never recommended it, and was surprised to receive the following from an intelligent and : respectable Farmer in Westchester county : Fordham, August 13,1647. Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: I have a little girl seven j years of age, who has been several years afflicted with Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but withoutauc cess; at last, although we could find no recommendation [ in our circulars for cases like hers, we thought, ai she was in very delicate health, we would give her some of your Sarsaparilla, and are very glad we did, for it not only restored her strength, but she has had no return of the Fits, to our great pleasure and surprise. Sbs is fast becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feel grateful A'ours, respectfully, JOHN BUTLER, Jr. Great Blessing to Mothers and Children. It is the safest and most effectual medicine for purify ing the system, and relieving the sufferings attendant up on child-birth ever discovered. It strengthens both the mother and child, prevents pain and disease, increases and enriches the food, those who have used it think it is indispensable. It is highly useful both before and after confinement, as it prevents diseases attendant upon child; birth—in Costiveness, Piles, Cramps, Swelling of the Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, Vomiting, Pain in the Back and Loins, False Pains, Hemorrhage, arid in regula ting the secretions, Ac., it has no equal. BEAUTY AND HEALTH. Cosmetics, Chalk, and a variety of preparations gene rally in use, when applied to the face, very soon spoil it of its beauty. They close the pores of the skin, and check the circulation, which, when nature is not thwarted by disease or powder, or the skin inflamed by the alkalies used in soaps, beautifies its own production in the " hu man face Divine," as well as in the garden of rich and delicately tinted and vanagated flowers. Ladies in the north who lake but little exercise or are confined io close rooms, or have spoiled their complexion by the application of deleterious mixtures, if they wish lo regain elasticity of step, buoyant spirits, sparkling eyes and beautiful complexions, they should use Dr Townsend's Sarsapa rilla. Thousands who have tried it, ate more than satis lied, are delighted. Ladies of every station crowd our office dailv. NOTICE TO THE LADIES. Those that imitate Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, have invariably called their stuff a great remedy for Females, -f-e., -ft., and have copied our bills and circulars which re late to the complaints of women, word for word—other meu who put up medicine, have, since the great success of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla in complaints incident to females, recommended theirs, although previously they did not. A number of these Mixtures, Pills, Ac., are in jurious to females, as they aggravate disease, and under mine the constitution. SCROFULA CURED. This certificate conclusively proves that this Sarsapa rilla Ins perfect control over the most obstinate disca*' of the Blood. Three persons cured in one house nUJ precede n ted. DR. TOWNSESD— Dear Sir : 1 have the pleasure to in form you that three of my children have beencureiloi l!,e Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. Ther were afflicted very severely with bad sores; have taken only four bottles ;it took them away,for which 1 feel m>- self under great obligation. Yours, respeclfulD'i ISAAC W. GRAIN. 106 Woosler street- OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from Physicians in different parts of the Uuion. This is to certify that we, the undersigned, Physician' of the City of Albany, have in numerous cases present- <1 Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. 11. P Puling, M. l. J. Wilson, M D. H B Briggs, M l). P. E. Klmendorf, M. D CAUTION. —Owing to the great success and imuien'* sale of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, a number of '<*" who were formerly our Agents, have commenced making Sarsaparilla Extracts, Elixirs, Ritters, Extracts of Yell"*' Duck, fee. They generally put it up in the same shaped bottles, and some of theni have stole and copied our ad vertisements ; they are only worthless imitations, and should be avoided. Principal Office, 126 FULTON street, Sun Biiildmr- V A'.; Redding A Co., 8 State St., Boston; Droit A Son't 132 North Second St., Philadelphia ; S. S liamv, Ib' Sj gist, Baltimore; and by alt the principal Drugged" ,n " Merchants generally throughout the United Stales. Indies and the Canadas. ££r CHARLES RITZ, Lewistown, Agent for Mifflin county, tor the genuine I '• Townsend's Strsaparilla. By procuring 1 from Inm, purchasers will be certain of the genuine article. mao — ts -'' Iron !Iron VN extensive assortment ot all sizet ' l ' sale low tor cash, by , v June 23'49. F. J. HOFFMAN.